Crossing the river crossing regulatory requirements. Crossings (literature on tourism)

Health 30.06.2019

A boat with a company of young people overturned on the Southern Bug River - two girls died.

This is reported in the Main Department of the State Service for emergencies Ukraine in the Nikolaev region.

On Monday, January 22, at 01:15, rescuers were informed of the death of two girls. It turned out that a 24-year-old man and two 20-year-old girls sailed on a boat from the village of Novokantakuzovka, Domanevsky district, to the village of Bugskoye, Voznesensky district, in the afternoon. After they stopped getting in touch, the relatives sent out to search.

About an hour and a half later, they found a man who was in a state of shock and with signs of hypothermia. He was taken home and warmed up, now his condition is regarded as satisfactory. According to him, during the crossing (the width of the river in this place is about 60-70 meters), 15-20 meters from the shore, the boat capsized. All three fell into the freezing water. He pulled one of the girls ashore, the second was also already almost on the shore.

In turn, relatives found on the shore one of the girls with no signs of life. The second was found one and a half kilometers from the scene on the road to the village of Bugskoye. According to preliminary information, the first girl drowned, and the second died of hypothermia.

During the movement through the territory controlled by the enemy, rivers, tributaries, streams, canals of irrigation systems, other water barriers will be encountered on the way of the group, which, most likely, will have to be overcome on the move, without preliminary reconnaissance of these obstacles and thorough preparation, without having specially funds intended for this, in any weather, day and night.

During the movement through the territory controlled by the enemy, rivers, tributaries, streams, canals of irrigation systems, other water barriers will be encountered on the way of the group, which, most likely, will have to be overcome on the move, without preliminary reconnaissance of these obstacles and thorough preparation, without having specially funds intended for this, in any weather, day and night. Therefore, in our difficult time, it is useful to know how to overcome water obstacles encountered on the way in a short time and with safety measures, how to equip the simplest crossing facilities using improvised materials, learn how to evaluate obstacles encountered on the way and choose the most appropriate ways to overcome them.

River crossings are among the most dangerous obstacles. Therefore, before forcing water barriers, it is necessary to comprehensively assess the possible difficulties that may arise when crossing unfamiliar rivers, take into account the number of people in the group, their physical fitness, the experience of the elder and other people in making crossings.

Plain rivers are characterized by a wide channel, a slow calm current, a soft or muddy bottom, often of great depth, mountain rivers - fast current, water level changing during the day, low temperature. The bottom of the mountain rivers is hard, rocky, the longitudinal profile is stepped, with rapids and waterfalls, in the upper reaches the current is swift, uneven.

Seasonal floods and bad weather can complicate the crossing. During torrential rains or shortly thereafter, river levels may rise. In mountain rivers, the water level is lowest before dawn and highest in the evening. This is due to the melting of snow and ice in the mountains. But in the middle and lower reaches of large rivers, the daily flood is late.

The seasonal water level in mountain and lowland rivers differs sharply. In the driest and hottest time of the year, when the lowland rivers become shallow, the high water is at its height on the mountain ones. This must be taken into account when developing an action plan and timetable.

Choice of crossing site. To ensure safety, it is important to be able to choose the right place for the crossing. Circumstances do not always allow the group to explore the water line in advance and choose a suitable place for the crossing. A topographical map helps to facilitate this task. It can be used to determine the direction and speed of the river, its width and depth, banks, fords. Unfortunately, such detailed information only found on military maps. On ordinary, commercially available, there are no such details. Given that military topographic maps at a scale of 1:200000 (1 cm 2 km) have been declassified and chipboard, try to have one.

Approximately determine the speed of the river can be in a simple way. To do this, they throw a piece of wood into the river and mark the distance that it will swim in one second.

By determining the direction and speed of the river, its width, you can find the amount of possible drift when crossing by swimming or using improvised means. To do this, the figure 2.5 is multiplied by the speed of the current (m / s), the result is multiplied by the width of the river (m). This will be the amount of drift. Having estimated how many meters people will be carried downstream, you need to choose the most suitable landing area on the opposite bank.

When choosing a crossing site, not only the speed of the current and the width of the channel are taken into account, but also the depth of the river, the availability of places for organizing insurance, monitoring and managing the crossing. In addition, the nature of the bottom and the stones rolling along it are taken into account, which usually make themselves felt with dull blows on the bottom.

When crossing a stormy river downstream, it is advisable to organize a post to intercept people in case they fall into the water and are carried away by the current. The post is set at the point to which the person who has fallen into the water should be carried out. This place is determined by a branch thrown into the water from the place of a possible breakdown. You can also throw a log, chips into the water. If they are carried on snags, whirlpools or sharp stones, the place for the crossing is unsuitable.

It is also necessary to check the place for the safety post. People on it should be safe themselves and be able to provide assistance. The belay post must be located in such a place that the rope does not cross dangerous places or obstacles. It is desirable that there is a tree or rock nearby that could be used to make a rope.

At the end of the rescue rope, a float is tied. With one hand, they take half or a third of the skein, and with the other, free, they throw the rest of the rope to the rescued (previously carefully laid to avoid tangling during the throw). At the same time, the end of 3.5-4 meters long is left untwisted.

The rope must be thrown to the place where the current carries the one who has fallen off at the crossing - downstream in front of the one who has fallen into the water.

The rescuer pulling the casualty should secure the rope to a rock or tree to make it easier to hold the person when he grabs the rope.

A person who has fallen into the water must know the location of the safety post and, in anticipation of a thrown rope, must turn around face downstream. Grasping the rope, the rescued person must be ready for a jerk and strong opposition to the current. The rescue line must be held firmly, but without wrapping the rope around the hand. The victim should approach the shore, sorting through the rope with his hands, until he reaches shallow water. After that, the rope is used to keep on one's feet during the landfall.

For the crossing, it is necessary to look for the safest areas. At the same time, sometimes you have to decide where it is better to cross: where it is safer, but there is a high probability of being captured by the enemy, or where there is no enemy, but the crossing itself will be more dangerous. In all cases, common sense and practicality are needed. It is not a bad idea to make an analysis and decide where there will be less possible losses.

The approaches to the river and the place of exit to the opposite bank should provide the maximum secrecy of the group so that it can prepare for the crossing and put itself in proper readiness after the crossing. It is necessary to look for a place so that the river bank from which the crossing will go is higher than the opposite, this will allow better control of the surrounding area.

If time and situation allow, then for reconnaissance of the other shore, where the group's path lies, it is advisable to cross to one person and only at his signal the others begin to cross.

In all cases, when crossing water barriers, it is necessary to keep weapons and ammunition in combat readiness, and clothes and shoes, if possible, dry.

Crossing wade. The site for the crossing should be sought where there is shallow water, since in these places the soil of the bottom and banks is always denser. The fords, which the locals systematically use, are easy to identify by the entrance of the road or path into the water and its continuation on the opposite bank. Places suitable for fording can be identified by the following features:

Visible shallows with clear water;

Places with sloping banks, where the river expands and forms spills;

Small ripples on the surface of the water with a weak current;

Water swings.

Swampy rivers, the channels of which are overgrown with reeds, sedges, and algae, in most cases are of little use for fording due to the high melting and viscosity of the bottom.

Before fording a river, especially in places that have already been used by troops or local residents, it is imperative to check whether the ford is mined, to determine whether it is under enemy observation.

The depth of the river and the condition of the bottom soil are determined by a pole. The pole enters the muddy soil easily, in the clay or sandy - with difficulty. When determining the depth of the ford, along with the layer of water, one should also take into account the layer of silt to solid ground.

The fordability of the river depends on the depth and speed of the current. So, at a current speed of 1 m / s, it is quite safe and without insurance to cross a river 1 meter deep, at a speed of 2 m / s, a depth of 0.6-0.8 meters is safe. The shallow stony bottom facilitates the crossing.

When choosing a place for a ford, you need to take into account that it is better to cross the river at an angle of 40-45 "downstream, especially at high flow rates. Never try to cross the river in close proximity to the waterfall. The stream must be crossed where there is convenient shallow water or sand bar.

It is best to cross the mountain rivers in the morning, as in the middle of the day and especially in the evening, the melting of glaciers intensifies and the water level rises.

On small rivers, where the depth is not great - up to the knees, and the speed of the current does not impede movement, it is possible to cross without insurance and railings, but before that it is necessary to explore the path. Reconnaissance is carried out by the "wall" or line method.

For the crossing to the scout team, you should appoint the highest and strong people. The strongest of them gets upstream. It will experience the most flow pressure. The other 2-3 participants stand next to him in one line along the direction of the stream, put their hands on each other's shoulders, holding the shoulder straps of the back packs, and move forward with small steps.

No less reliable is the "Tajik" method. Four or six people, embracing the waist or shoulders, form a circle and, trying to coordinate their movements, walk slowly so that everyone can find the most reliable places for legs.

On more difficult places, the insurance of the first person going first is required. He is insured with the main and auxiliary ropes, the ends of which are tied on his back.

In this position, it is more convenient to walk, and it is easier to swim when carried by the current. When pulling it to the shore, a person floats on his back, and the water does not flood his face.

The one carried down by the current is kept on the main rope, while at the same time pulling the auxiliary one to the shore. Therefore, belayers with an auxiliary rope are located on the shore downstream from the main rope.

In the event of a breakdown, the crossing sometimes has to run along the shore, since the tightly stretched main rope can make it difficult to stay above the water. At the same time, the coordination of the actions of the belayers with the main and auxiliary ropes is very important. While the former make it possible for the crossing current to swim, the latter must pull it towards the shore.

On mountain rivers, you should cross in boots so as not to injure your legs. For stability, they use a strong pole, which rests on the bottom from the side of the current. Putting their foot down, they feel the bottom and look for a reliable support. After the first one has crossed, the railings are pulled up and the rest cross over.

Railing guidance. Even in cases where there is masonry across the river, which is used by local residents, or a reliable trunk of a fallen tree itself formed a bridge, it is necessary to build a railing. If the river is not wide, with a more or less calm course and downstream there is clearly no dangerous places(waterfalls, rapids, sharp stones, etc.), railings can be made from a pole, which two people each hold on their own bank. Walking along the masonry is insured with a rope from the shore.

Rope railings are built to wade across the stones, along the log to the other side.

The railing must be taut, as a loose rope can be more dangerous than if it were not there at all. Therefore, both ends of the rope are tied to supports. The best option is trees on both banks.

If the tree is thin, the same end of the rope is tied to another tree, bush or support driven into the ground and littered with stones. A large shrub can also be used for support; the rope should be tied at its very root and secured in the same way as with thin trees. Rocky ledges, large boulders, stakes driven into the ground or poles littered with stones are quite reliable. The reliability of the railing is checked by the one who goes first with insurance from the shore.

The end of the rope, fixed on the shore, from which the crossing begins, must be tied on a support with a knot that can be easily untied after the crossing is completed. If you pull hard on the rope that is tied to the free end of the knot, the knot will easily unravel. It remains to pull the rope out of the water.

Crossing over protruding stones held on the rifts of shallow mountain streams and rivers. If stones are located far away in some places of the river, artificial islands can be made. For self-insurance, there should be a pole in the hands, with which the bottom is probed, the density of the stones, their mobility, and additional support is created.

On the stone crossings dangerous rivers always need insurance.

Hinged ferry, This type of crossing is the most difficult, therefore it is used only when there is no other way out. In the absence of a sufficient number of ropes, hanging crossings are not possible. The choice of a crossing point is determined by the following requirements:

The width of the river should be less than the length of the main (unconnected) ropes by 8 - 10 meters;

- both banks must be raised above

water, taking into account the inevitable sagging of the rope;

The shore from which the crossing is carried out must be higher than the opposite, in addition, there must be trees, a rock or protruding stones on it, for which a rope can be tied.

When the place is chosen, you need to fix the rope on the opposite bank. This is done in different ways: you can throw a double rope with small stones or sticks tied to its middle in the hope that they will overwhelm the trees. If a ford is found, the strongest of the group on a thorough belay or swim on improvised means also goes to the opposite bank with insurance, where he fastens the two main ropes to a tree, a protruding rock or clogged hooks. The rest pull the ropes tight and fasten them.

With the help of an auxiliary rope, fixed in the middle, stacks are transported to the other side, then people. Those who cross with their heads in the direction of the crossing are located so that they can pull themselves up with their hands to the shore when the rope sags.

The middle of the auxiliary rope is attached to the chest harness on the back to help pull up to the opposite bank and return the chest harness and arbor for use. next person, The trailing one fixes the ropes so that after his crossing it is possible to remove them from the opposite bank.

Crossing the masonry the most convenient and safe, especially in the cold season, with great depth and strength of the stream, stones rolling along the bottom. Usually masonry is found in forests and used by local residents. This is a fallen tree trunk or several fastened poles fixed on the banks. Such masonry is unstable, often carried away by water after floods, so they often have to be done again. Sometimes it is possible to find a washed-out section of the coast with a tree strongly leaning towards the other coast. Such a tree can be felled and used as a bridge. Only first you need to cut off the branches and branches that will interfere with the crossing. So that the tree does not fall prematurely, but lies in the right place, it is secured with ropes. In addition, these ropes will serve as a railing for the first person to cross. In many places in the mountains and taiga along the banks of the rivers there are fallen trees. After making sure that the tree trunk is suitable for crossing and lifting it according to the strength of the group, they begin to work. First of all, it is cleared of branches and branches. To prevent the trunk from being slippery, especially during rain, its surface is covered with notches.

To prepare the masonry, an emphasis is first made of stones or a hole is torn off. Then a rope is tied to the thinner end of the trunk in its middle part, and the trunk is placed parallel to the shore. The thick part of the trunk is placed near the stop, and two small groups are held by the ends of the ropes. After that, on command, both groups begin to pull the stretch marks and raise the trunk. For safety reasons, the senior group needs to make sure that there are no people within the radius of the trunk, The trunk is raised at an angle of 40-45 degrees to the ground, It is undesirable to increase the angle, since the log may fall, and at a lower angle it will be difficult to hold and direct it in the right direction .

Then, without lowering the trunk, they slowly lead it towards the other bank and, at the command of the elder, slowly lower it. If you just drop it, it may break. After the log has laid its end on the other side, its stability is checked, if necessary, stones are placed or stakes are hammered. Then both ends of the rope are pulled to the limit, turning it into a railing for the first participant, who comes with insurance and after the crossing prepares already high-quality railings.

The top of the trunk can be rafted to the opposite bank using the force of the current. This method is also possible for a small group.

To do this, the trunk is laid parallel to the shore, securely strengthening the butt in the nest. Then the rope is tied in the middle to the thin end of the trunk. After that, the trunk is gradually pushed into the river, holding the butt until it is picked up by the current. When the end of the trunk begins to approach the opposite bank, they try to lift it a little higher and push it ashore, pulling both extensions.

The barrel must not be flooded with water. If, during the crossing of the first person, the log sagged and touched the water or went into the water, he, having crossed and tied a rope for the railing to the support, should try to move the end of the trunk higher.

In order not to fall into the water, you need to walk along the masonry calmly, on one log there should not be two or more crossing at the same time.

Crossing swim. To overcome the river by swimming, you should choose the narrowest sections of the channel or cross in places where there are islands or shallows where you can relax.

When crossing by swimming in clothes, you need to remember that the swimmer's weight increases due to

water soaking into clothes and shoes. To prevent excessive weight gain, unbutton the sleeves and collar, turn pockets inside out, and remove shoes.

Such a raft is great for transporting things, but for people it is too small. Holding on to the raft with one hand, they push it in front of them and so they cross to the other side. If the current is fast, then it is advisable to tie the raft with a rope to your hand so that it is not carried away. To covertly overcome a water barrier, you can use a tree trunk. They clasp it with one hand and swim, pushing off with their feet and raking with the other hand.

For camouflage, you can use floating boxes or a self-made artificial island. These methods are good for a small group of 2-3 people, as more of these items on the water can cause suspicion and shooting at them.

The material was found and prepared for publication by Grigory Luchansky

Source:Anufrikov M. (compiler).Climber's Companion. Moscow, Physical culture and sports, 1970

Anufrikov M.

Crossing the mountain rivers

Features of mountain rivers

The feeding area of ​​the mountain river is the snowfields and glaciers of its basin. This determines a number of specific features of mountain rivers. They are characterized by daily fluctuations in water consumption. After sunrise, the water begins to rise and reaches a maximum in the afternoon (16-17 hours) in the upper reaches of the river. In the evening, the level of the river begins to decrease and reaches a minimum in the morning hours (5-7 hours), which is therefore the best time to cross. Both the maximum and the minimum water flow in mountain rivers are not the same and depend on the weather. In clear weather, daytime floods are very intense, but after a clear night in the morning, the water subsides, exposing the bottom in places. In cloudy weather, the amplitude of floods and recessions is not so great. Rain and hair dryers can quickly increase the flow rate at odd times. cloudy, cold weather leads to a decrease in the level of mountain rivers. The seasonal flow of water in mountain rivers sharply distinguishes them from the plains. In the driest and hottest time of the year (July-August), floods occur. The lowest level occurs in the coldest time of the year - November - February (in the northern hemisphere).

The upper reaches of the mountain river are characterized by a relatively small flow power. Here it is often possible to wade hikers and even overcome the stream over stones. The middle course is characterized by an increase in the power of the water flow, great difficulty and danger of crossings. The lower reaches of the rivers, originating in the mountains, differ from the rivers flowing entirely along the plain, not in the nature of the bottom, banks, speed of flow, but in the low temperature of the water, the peculiar daily and seasonal fluctuations in their level.

The water of mountain rivers, especially in the upper reaches, reaches 3-6°. The speed of the current is up to 6, and in some places up to 10 m / s. The shores are usually steep, steep, the bottom is rocky, prone to constant changes in the relief under the influence of floods.

Mountain rivers are a serious obstacle in the path of a climber. Knocking currents, icy water that makes legs stiff, large stones rolling along the bottom that can knock down or injure those crossing, the sound of water that interferes with sound adjustment and scatters attention, the flickering of water jets, leading to dizziness and loss of orientation - all this makes crossing is dangerous and requires careful preparation for it.

Choosing a place, time and method of crossing

The place of the crossing is determined by the width and depth of the river, the nature of the bottom and the steepness of the banks, the speed of the current and the regime of the river, which depends on the time of day, season, meteorological conditions: the availability of places for organizing insurance, monitoring the crossing and managing it.

For crossing with the help of technical means (above water), the narrowed part of the river with trees on the bank and rocky ledges is favorable. A place for a ford should be sought where the river divides into branches or spills over a wide floodplain. Suitable for water crossings (with the help of rafting facilities) is considered a section of the river with a smooth flow without breakers and banks convenient for mooring.

Morning - best time days for the crossing, which meets the conditions of the greatest safety. However, it must be remembered that on the average, and even more so in the lower reaches of large mountain rivers (large mountain rivers Central Asia) there is a significant delay in the daily flood.

The method of crossing the river - fording, over water or on water - is selected in accordance with the nature of the river section, technical equipment and preparedness of the group.

Ways to cross mountain rivers

Crossing ford. For a ford, a site is selected where the river flows in several channels or spills widely: below islets and large boulders, in areas with a calm current and a smooth water surface, which indicates the absence of large boulders and bottom irregularities. Deep, above the waist, fords are difficult to overcome.

locals usually they know well several fords that are used in everyday life. However, it is necessary to clarify the route of the ford each time, since under the influence of floods the channel may suddenly change. On horses or camels, fording is easier, as they behave well when crossing the river. Donkeys are less well transported and often require additional insurance to prevent the animal from being carried away by the stream.

If you have to cross on foot, you need to carefully scout the river and outline the exact route for crossing it, taking into account the depth, speed of the current, stones carried by the water, the nature of the bottom, and also prepare places for insurance and observation.

In simple cases, when the demolition of a person by a river threatens only with unpleasant bathing, a ford can be carried out without insurance. The most convenient ways in this case will be a single river crossing based on a two-meter pole, which rests against the bottom against the current; in a line - facing the movement, hugging the shoulders or waist, and the strongest one becomes upstream (Fig. 89, a); two by two - facing each other, putting their hands on the shoulders of a friend and moving with an added step, sideways to the movement (Fig. 89, b); in a circle - holding his shoulders like a round dance of 4-6 people (Fig. 89, in); column - sideways to the movement, facing upstream, putting his hands on the shoulders of the one walking in front. The front one rests on the bottom with a pole.

Crossing a group fording across a river that poses a certain danger is carried out in compliance with all necessary measures precautions. The first on the belay from the shore (if possible - from a high one, in order to avoid a breakdown of the person crossing because of the rope touching the water), the most experienced and strongest climber crosses the river. It is desirable that he had a pole in his hands, which should rest against the bottom against the current (Fig. 90).

Having reached the opposite bank, the first one fixes the rope in a taut position to use it as a railing.

When crossing along the railing, you must follow the following rules: go below the rope (downstream); secure by fastening the chest harness to the railing rope with a carabiner or a cord loop and holding onto the railing with your hands; do not use a grasping knot for belaying on the railing; Cross the railings with only one person at a time. In complicated cases (strong current, deep water, boulders at the bottom, a weakened group, etc.), those crossing are insured additionally from the shore with a rope or cord, which is selected back using a carabiner sliding along the railing (Fig. 91). The last in the group removes the railing rope, attaches to it and, leaning on the pole, crosses to the other side. The railing rope is used as a safety rope.

As a rule, a mountain river is crossed in boots. Socks should not be removed: the boot sits tighter on the leg, and is warmer. After the crossing, it is necessary to pour water out of the shoes, wipe them from the inside with a dry cloth, wring out and knock out socks on a dry stone.

Deciding the issue of crossing a mountain river, the group is obliged to soberly weigh its capabilities and in no case take risks. Many cases are known when, at a depth of knee-deep, the stream knocked down the crossing people. It takes will and courage to emerge victorious from the duel with the river. Great importance have operational actions of comrades on the shore, aimed at providing all possible assistance to those in the water.

Crossings over water. On the approaches, climbers are forced to overcome the upper reaches of rivers, side streams in gorges, jumping over the stream over stones protruding from the water. Before stepping on the first stone, you should carefully review the path, outline each next step (jump), trying not to use unstable, slippery stones. You need to be especially careful when crossing an indirect, broken track in this way, when during a series of jumps you need to sharply change direction from one stone to another. Narrow streams and individual arms are overcome in one jump. Sometimes such a jump has to be done from a running start. Then it is necessary to determine in advance the place of push and landing after the jump.

When crossing, insurance is often required (Fig. 92). During a mass transition, it is possible to belay with the help of a railing rope stretched over the water, to which the climber is fastened with a carabiner located on an individual auxiliary rope that provides freedom of movement (Fig. 93). See page 200 for more on this.

In the first half of the season in the upper reaches of mountain rivers, you can cross the stream along the avalanche blockage. In doubtful cases, insurance and preliminary testing of the strength of the snow bridge is organized, for example, by dumping a stone block on it.

In the middle reaches of mountain rivers, in narrowings with relatively high banks, it is possible to cross the river along a fallen tree or a log. Laying a log across a stream requires calculation and ingenuity. Usually, a log, placed vertically on the edge of the shore, is lowered to the opposite shore with the help of ropes tied to the upper end (Fig. 94). The transition of the first from the group along it and the organization of the railing are also not easy (Fig. 95). Instead of a log, poles, boards and other improvised material can be used, which will require pre-training. Short poles can be hammered together or tied into a longer "whip", thin, bending - into a stronger bundle of several poles. In anticipation of such crossings, it is desirable for a group to have an ax and even large nails. This inventory will be useful when organizing a bivouac.

In the presence of steep banks, rocky boulders on the edge of the coast, trees growing on the coast, it is easy to organize a cable car crossing. Having crossed the first one to the opposite bank using one of the above methods (or even to save the energy and time of the whole group - bypassing the remote crossing, glacier, etc.), they pull the main rope across the river. To avoid large sagging of the rope during the crossing, as well as to simplify the extraction of the rope from the opposite bank at the end of the crossing, a double rope is pulled.

If they use an old crossing or a tree that has naturally fallen through a stream, it is necessary to carefully examine the structure, check its strength, and only then begin the crossing.

To ensure security measures during mass crossings, it is necessary:

1) create a point of observation and control of the crossing, from which the entire crossing would be visible and it would be possible to give the necessary signals;

2) downstream in a convenient place to create a post of at least 2 people, one of whom, reliably insured by the other two, is ready, if necessary, to rush into the river to intercept a participant who has fallen into the water (Fig. 97);

3) Belayers at crossings and at the interception post must belay by releasing (or hauling) the rope simply with their hands (as when belaying over a ledge, tree or hook), but not through the waist or over the shoulder. Here, 2-3 people will securely hold the broken one, will be able to give out slack at any moment and pull the fallen one to the shore in the right place;

4) provide reliable self-insurance for the insurers themselves.

Crossing by water. Under certain conditions: flat bottom topography, sufficient depth, current speed does not exceed 3-4 m/sec, suitable shores for mooring - it is possible to cross a mountain river by water, of course, if there are means of crossing.

Swimming due to the low water temperature, the danger of hitting the rocks and the need for subsequent drying of property under normal conditions should be rejected.

For crossing the water, ordinary boats, inflatable boats, inflatable waterskins, rafts from inflatable waterskins (sala), autocameras, hard-to-flood items (fascines, canvas bags stuffed with straw or branches, etc.) .). On boats, you need to properly position the cargo and people, make sure that the ship does not heel. The cargo is securely fastened to the "watercraft", and people provide themselves with insurance and the opportunity to immediately leave it if necessary (Fig. 98). Special attention is given to the calculation of the route: the speed of the river flow, its width is determined, the time required to drive the selected rafting facility across the river is calculated using the rowing equipment available to the group (oars, shovels, boards, etc.), then the route is determined from a convenient descent to water of the place of departure to a safe place of mooring. In the event of a ship passing by the berthing site, it is necessary to have an alternate point for going ashore downstream.

A big inconvenience of this method of crossing is the need to deliver the vessel upstream for repeated crossings. Most often, this has to be done on dry land, which is difficult in conditions of steep banks of mountain rivers.

In very rare cases, it is possible to organize a ferry - a water crossing using a rope stretched over the river, along which a vessel will slide on blocks (carabiners), dragged from one coast to another with the help of an auxiliary rope. It makes sense to arrange a ferry only in places of long-term use of the crossing.

It should also be noted the possibility of using water crossing facilities for transporting people and goods by rafting downstream on not too stormy, well-studied mountain rivers.

Fight during the crossing of the Rhone
Main conflict: Second Punic War

Crossing of the Carthaginian army across the Rhone. 1878 woodcut
the date late September 218 BC e.
Place Rhone river, now France
Outcome Carthaginian victory


Scipio, after a long voyage, landed at the easternmost mouth of the Rhone River and learned that Hannibal was already at the Rhone and was preparing to cross.

Meanwhile, Hannibal entered the lands of a strong Gallic Volca tribe, which did not want to join Hannibal. Not expecting to defeat the Carthaginians in open battle, they occupied the left bank of the Rhone and set out to prevent Hannibal from crossing the Rhone.

The Gauls, whom Hannibal lured to his side, drove all the boats they could to the crossing point, and built many more boats, trying to get rid of the foreign army as soon as possible. When enough boats have gathered, Hannibal summons his commander Hanno, son of Bomilcar, and orders him to cross the Rhone at night and appear in the rear of the Volks.


At night, Hanno crossed the Rhone up the river in shallow water. A day later, after the rest of the soldiers, Gannon gave a signal to Hannibal with smoke from the fire. Hannibal immediately began the crossing. The Wolves occupied the opposite bank. Meanwhile, Gannon broke into the Volk camp and moved towards the shore. The Wolves were half surrounded. Hanno attacked them and through a short time the wolves took to flight. Hannibal landed on the left bank, but did not pursue the Gauls.


Thus, Hannibal crossed the Rhone, avoiding the Romans and suffering only minor losses. After the crossing of infantrymen and horsemen, elephants were transported on ferries. At this time, the Numidian horsemen go on reconnaissance on the orders of Hannibal and meet with a detachment of Roman scouts. The skirmish was fierce, and the Romans were already exhausted when the Numidians retreated. The Romans lost 160 people, the Carthaginians - a little more than two hundred.

In order to ford the river, you need to clearly know all the safety rules, as reckless behavior can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to cross the river for the first time in the presence of an instructor, since it will not work to get all the important information only from literature without resorting to practice. You will learn all the subtleties and details of the organization of crossings by reading this article.

Before organizing a river crossing, you need to correctly assess the situation in order to choose the appropriate method, as well as draw conclusions about the effectiveness of such an undertaking. As you know, there are no unsolvable problems, but sometimes the right option is to choose a workaround.

What you need to know before crossing the river

Often on time - separately hikes, especially in mountainous areas, on the routes of travelers tourists there are rivers that can become a serious obstacle for an unprepared person. To organize a river crossing, you first need to evaluate it according to four criteria:

  • width;
  • depth;
  • bottom surface;
  • flow.

A strong current, even with a small depth and width of the river, will create additional difficulties when crossing. In the case of a mountain river, the criteria are also greater value, as they can noticeably change (soft sign) depending on the meteorological situation (rain, thunderstorm, snowmelt, etc.).

Attention! It is not safe to cross the river into a ford with a strong current (this is considered a current with a speed of more than 3 m / s). In this case, the crossing should be abandoned.

Let's take measurements

In order to determine the flow velocity, you can use the simplest arithmetic equation: V=S/T. In the equation, V is the speed of the current, S is the distance traveled by the object, and T is the time it took the object to travel that path. It is most convenient to organize such a measurement on the ground together. For this you need:

  • you and your companion become parallel to the river at a measured distance S from each other;
  • throw an object into the water, for example, a small sliver;
  • note the time T in which the object will overcome the section of the measured path S.

Formula for calculating the flow rate

You can find out the depth of the river by several indicators. If the water barrier is not very wide, it will be enough to arm yourself with a branch of the maximum available length, which can be found nearby. After, having probed the bottom in several places, find the maximum result by examining the boundary of the moistened section of the branch. Also, this method will allow you to find out the bottom surface, thanks to the remnants of sand or other substance at the end of the stick. In cases where the width of the river does not allow measuring the depth from the shore, it will be necessary to navigate by visual indicators. For example, small ripple or waves with the formation of the so-called "lambs" on the surface will mean stranded. A calm water surface in the presence of at least a minimal wind (almost calm) indicates a great depth. Typically, this behavior is typical for a riverbed with a depth of 2-3 meters.

Method for measuring the width of a river

If you do not often take your laser tape measure with you on a hike, then you will be faced with the question of how to find out the distance to the other side, that is, the width of the river. To do this, there is not too accurate, but a very simple method, the knowledge of which in the campaign will be completely sufficient. The method is based on a proportional change in the angle of the field of view and distance. To organize such measurements, you need:

  • pick up a blade of grass or a thin straight branch;
  • choose two fixed objects on the opposite bank, located at a distance from each other (trees, stones or terrain features that can act as conditional points);
  • take a branch or a blade of grass and, on outstretched arms (keep an eye on this), position it in such a way that its ends visually touch the conditional points (selected objects);
  • breaking the branch in half as exactly as possible, take it in the same way and start moving back until the objects are again at its ends.
  • measure the distance you walked from the location at the beginning and end of the activity.

This distance will be the width of the river. Based on such data, it is possible to calculate the required amount of materials for organizing the crossing, for example, using logs.

How to find the width of a river

The method can also be used in a different order, using a blade of grass initially folded in half and approaching the river to expand it to full size.

Ways to cross the river

Crossing a river is the most common option for crossing water bodies, but it will also require a little preparation for safety reasons, as well as for other methods. Of course, this option is possible only if the depth does not exceed half a meter for mountain rivers or a little more than this for rivers with a smaller current. For the implementation of the ford crossing, you need to choose a place where the river spills the most widely. For the transition, you need to be equipped with a strong support (stick), about 2.5 meters long (higher than your height with outstretched arm), which can support your weight. The support performs several roles:

  • helps to maintain balance;
  • allows you to feel the bottom one step ahead.

It is rare to find ideal conditions for crossing the river, since it is difficult to walk for a long time along the riverbed is a tedious task. It is advisable to wade in dangerous areas in groups, where the most experienced participant is the first to cross the river as a reconnaissance. The pole used as a support is placed against the current. If the pole rests against the bottom along the current, it can be washed away at any moment, which most likely will lead to a loss of balance. During a group crossing, several methods are used to provide additional security. The simplest option is when the second one holds on to the first participant who has support. The role of the second participant is to hold the first one by the hips with an emphasis, creating additional pressure on the bottom. When crossing the river one at a time, a cable is used to secure the first participant. Having securely fastened the cable to a person, the rope wraps around the tree at an angle, which allows you to get more resistance. As they overcome the river, the participants on the shore gradually add the length of the cable.

Attention! Try to keep the cable taut, this will prevent it from falling into the water. In the river, a poorly stretched cable can catch on stones or other obstacles.

Crossing a river with safety ropes

The participant who reached the opposite bank first will be able to hook the cable to a tree or other support. Having thus made a rope handrail, holding on to it, the rest of the travelers will be able to safely cross to the other side. For even more security, carabiners can be used with the handrail.

Canopy crossing the river

Also, after the group manages to transport one of the participants to the opposite bank, it will be possible to organize a hanging crossing across the river. There are two types of hinged crossings, which can be divided on the basis of the transition:

  • vertical (participants hold on to the upper rope, while standing on the lower one);
  • horizontal (two ropes are also present here, but only one is used as a support, the second can serve to transport goods or, in critical situations, victims).

An example of a mounted crossing for vertical movement

Carabiners are often used when crossing overhead crossings. The organization of a vertical crossing without a carabiner is not possible, since the lower rope is attached to the upper one with the help of it. If everything is obvious with the crossing in a vertical position and for its organization it is enough to securely fasten the ends of the ropes on the doors using any knot, for example, a figure eight, and pull the structure, then in the case of a horizontal one, where there is a transport cable, everything will be a little more complicated. The lower rope does not experience any tension here, but is used to move loads. The upper rope should be as tight as possible, and a carabiner attached to the conductor (knot) on a movable cable clings to it.

Scheme for constructing a hinged crossing

How to get out of the swamp

Traveling through swampy areas is not the best entertainment option. But, if the situation leaves you no choice, you need to know what to do. It should be understood that it is impossible to go through the swamp. With each step, it will suck you deeper and deeper, and any rash actions can only aggravate the situation. There is one effective option how to get out of the swamp. Stepping into the swamp, arm yourself with a stick higher than your height. If you get into the swamps, do not try to walk along the bottom, it is not there. Lay the stick in a horizontal position, shift your weight and lean against it. After that, you need to put maximum effort on the stick, without making unnecessary movements with your legs. Pulling up in this way is very difficult, but this is the only option that will allow you to get out of the swamp. Pulling up, you move your body higher with each effort until you are closer to the surface of the swamp. At this stage, the area of ​​​​contact with the surface will become maximum, and you will be able to stay on the surface. Once on the surface, you need to crawl in a plastunsky way until you get to the shore.

In swampy areas, as nowhere else, it is advisable to be in a group, since your companion, while still on solid ground, will be able to help you get out by holding out a stick or even just a hand.

Whether it's fording a river or a swamp suddenly appearing on your way, you always need to be prepared, as there are only a few simple rules security will save lives. It is also worth remembering that traveling alone or with a group of inexperienced participants is not the best idea.

In conclusion, watch the video about crossing the pulley block river:

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