Papillary patterns on the fingers.

Design and interior 15.10.2019
Design and interior

Look at the pads of your fingers. The patterns on them can tell you a lot about your abilities and shortcomings, warn against possible troubles and direct your forces in the right direction. Of course, provided that you can understand all the intricacies of patterns, their combination, the number of lines - the so-called scallops that create patterns on all ten fingers ...

Purely general points, of course, can be determined by yourself, having gathered information from the same Internet. For example, there are three main characteristic patterns in total - arcs, loops, curls. Therefore, you can even make some calculations yourself, using the information at the end of the material. But dermatoglyphics (derma - skin, glyphe - engrave), and we are talking it is about her - this is still a section of science, and not palmistry - fortune telling by hand. Dermatoglyphics will not predict your future with the help of dermatoglyphics, but will only outline the areas (be it sports or creativity) in which you can be most successful. And without 100% execution - they say, everything is written on my fingers that I will become a great swimmer or wrestler, which means everything will work out that way. Most likely it won't work. Talent and inherent opportunities are nothing without their constant development, the same persistent and constant training.

The drawings on the fingertips depict a kind of DNA model or, if you like, our punched card. The human nervous system and patterns on the fingers are formed simultaneously from the same germinal material in the womb, at 14-16 weeks of fetal development. And fingerprints do not change from birth until death (unlike, by the way, from the lines on the palms). After reading several articles on this topic, the Riga oncologist, surgeon Boris ONISCHUK began to study dermatoglyphics. He managed to get Moscow specialists to take him to their courses, and now he has added a certificate in dermatoglyphics to his diplomas. When Boris offered to show me what I had learned, I readily agreed. But for the purity of the experiment, he did not tell anything about himself ... (photo -
Medical dynasty

We met at the office. Boris took out a laptop and a small electronic device, a box with a piece of glass, on which, in fact, it was necessary to lay each finger in turn. Approximately as in some airports in different countries that require fingerprinting, and now in Latvia when issuing passports.

Scanned patterns immediately appeared on the computer display screen. And what is so unusual that Boris (more on this later), who has been working in oncology for 7 years, can tell me about them? I wonder why the oncologist decided to take up dermatoglyphics as well?

My parents and relatives are doctors, so I knew from school that I would go into medicine, - Boris tells about his choice. - And with specialization was defined in the course of study. Previously, he worked in an ambulance for four years. I also have a second certificate in dermatology. And my direction in oncology is very closely connected with various skin problems: skin formations - both malignant and benign. I became interested in dermatoglyphics after reading an article about it. I wanted to learn more about myself and my abilities. I found out that these developments were and are being carried out at the famous Bauman Moscow State Technical University (former Moscow State Technical University, where specialists are trained, in particular, in space development - K.M.).

After a certain time, I managed to agree with a Moscow professor, Igor Nikolaevich Spiridonov, that he would help me master the method of dermatoglyphics. Spiridonov created a program that calculates the parameters of patterns in digital format. There are no analogues in the world.

Yes, patterns can be visually determined by fingers, but, for example, the number of ridges (the lines that form them) cannot be determined by eye. I studied with Spiridonov both the technical side of the matter and the interpretation of the data received.

For the last 20 years, professors Spiridonov and Tamara Fyodorovna Abramova have been studying the physical abilities of a person. They have a lot of statistics. They took entire institutes and examined students. And also took for comparison patients with cerebral palsy. The developmental delay could also be read from the characteristic patterns on the fingers of these patients.

Cast of personality

- Fingers reflect not only our mental development, but also our physical condition?

Yes. In this area, work is underway not only in Russia, but also abroad. They, in particular, investigate congenital hereditary pathologies, the most famous of which is Down syndrome.

That is, the study of fingerprints is like the study of a cast of personality? For example, is it possible in the future to entrust a specific person with the control of a ship (including a space ship), go on reconnaissance with him, or is this person better suited for other tasks?

Quite right. One is able to lead a team, while the other may have a craving for individual work ...

Thus, you can tell a person where he can show himself best? So that for many years they do not go in search of their own "I"?

Yes. And to determine this, it is necessary to match the patterns on all fingers. Because each finger has a certain individual characteristic. Even twins have different fingerprints.

Olga and Tatyana Arntgolts. Who is who offhand and can not be determined. But according to the prints - easily ... (

I have already had to take fingerprints from two-year-old and three-year-old children, as well as their parents. Interestingly, in one girl, for example, the type of patterns was identical to her father's. The second child in the patterns on the fingers had something from his father, something from his mother.

In the first case, the father is in search, but on the right track. I just suggested to him that he believe in the loyalty to the chosen goal, not be afraid to create his own company, but with a small number of employees. He has the ability to lead, good performance and endurance. And the daughter's qualities of a leader are even more pronounced. If we compare daughter, father and mother, then the latter has the highest coordination of all - this is the ability to perform a variety of work, switch from one task to another. She, too, is quite capable of running her own business in the future when she grows up.

- Have you tested yourself? Are you sure you have chosen the right specialty?

Yes, according to my fingerprints, it was clear, for example, that banking, logistics or law are not mine.

In your case, with a greater degree of probability, we can still talk about heredity, which is clear even without imprints. With doctors, most often children become doctors after all, and not bus drivers ...

Yes, that's why whole dynasties are born - military men, doctors, steelworkers, actors ...

Inheritance and bad habits

- And how do heredity, bad habits and diseases affect the future abilities of a person?

I studied Chikatilo's fingerprints, which I found on the Internet, and saw 4 patterned asymmetries on his fingers of the same name. This is a lot! Asymmetry is when, for example, there is a loop on the index finger of the left hand, and a curl on the same finger of the right hand. One or two asymmetries, but not four! This proves that we have an unpredictable person, emotionally and psychologically unbalanced.

Although there is a type of patterns that shows that a person, even if he grows up in a social environment able to get out of it. Let's say the parents are alcoholics, and the child grows up as a normal person. And there are those who, on the contrary, being in quite comfortable conditions, can get into an asocial environment.

The qualities of a person can manifest themselves in different ways in civilian life and in war. Let's say if emotional person will sit in the office and do monotonous work, it is unlikely that something good will come of it both for him and for those around him?

There is a certain conflict parameter: for example, a radial loop on the index finger. Of my acquaintances, two had these radial loops. They can actually be quite tough in certain situations. And such people can be safely sent, for example, to hot spots - they will be able to navigate in such a situation faster than others. Find a use for them in the office own forces much more difficult.

Is it possible to determine a person's resistance to difficulties, the boundary where he can break down by fingerprints?

Every person has strengths and weak sides. For example, versatile abilities, but weak stamina. Therefore, this type of people should not solve many small insignificant tasks, but should focus on one big one. Then he will be able to fully reveal himself, and not be wasted on trifles.

Such cases are known when a person, doing different things all his life, suddenly, by the age of 60, began to draw and achieved success in this. Although this “suddenly”, undoubtedly, smoldered in him all his life ...

Yes, there was simply no push, no hint from outside, no encouragement: come on, you can do it! More often it happens the other way around: there is a person nearby who slows down development, is skeptical about all the successes of his partner.

... To prevent this from happening, there is dermatoglyphics. It is gradually beginning to be used in some large Russian companies, where it is necessary to effectively select and distribute personnel. However, this is often even more important for very small companies, where the dependence on the ability of each person is even greater. Dermatoglyphics can also help in personal life, suggest which life partner is most suitable for a girl or a guy.

However, it's good if there are hints that relate to different areas life. Of course, you can’t prepare cheat sheets for all cases, but it’s always useful to understand what is closer and more accessible to you. How much time, effort and money can be saved by doing this! Do not try, for example, to achieve something in the sprint, but immediately find out that this is not entirely yours, and try yourself, for example, in marathon distances ...

And now what Dr. Onischuk saw through my fingers. These are "excellent intellectual abilities (associative and analytical thinking) and excellent coordination", as stated in his conclusion. The latter characterizes "the ability to perceive, implement and perform complex, diverse movements and actions." The doctor also noted that it is easy for me to switch from one task-topic to another. But I can feel discomfort during monotonous mental and physical work, get tired quickly. “From sports, acyclic ones are suitable, in which excellent coordination and good endurance are manifested. Game types - in football, for example, a defender, midfielder (as a child, by the way, I was happy to stand at the gate - K.M.), wrestling (in his youth he gave 10 years to boxing - K.M.), from winter - more snowboarding than skiing (I mastered them a few years ago - K.M.). You should also like dancing (as a student I danced until you drop - K.M.)...

But reactivity to me (the doctor is right here, too), perhaps, is sometimes not enough. For example, in disputes, when all the best arguments come, as they say, after. On the other hand, it is non-conflicting, the study emphasizes: “extremism and a tendency to antisocial behavior are minimal.” Yes, I could learn to draw well, but Aivazovsky is unlikely to come out of me. Well, I learn...

What are we? We consider ourselves...

Dermatoglyphics appeared in medicine in the 1920s. Its ancestor in Russia is the anthropologist Mikhail VOLOTSKY. And Russian scientists from the Research and Development Center for Biometric Technology at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman managed to create biometric fingerprint scanners and a computer program that automatically generates a dermatoglyphic map of a person. According to it, his personal characteristics are determined.

For example, according to Tamara Abramova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, sprinters, speed skaters, and track and field athletes (who require maximum implementation in a short time) patterns on the fingers are simple, and the number of scallops within the pattern is minimal. But for wrestlers, boxers, gymnasts, freestylers (athletes who need complex coordination of movements), a complex pattern is combined with a maximum ridge score. The complication of the function in team sports leads to the complication of patterns.


People whose fingers are dominated by loop patterns are the "golden mean". They have a wide range of interests, they easily converge with others, tolerate any oddities, while quite adequately assessing what is happening. With all their pluses and minuses, they are ideal leaders, capable of satisfying everyone, albeit to a minimum. Moreover, they do not put pressure on others (like people with arcs) and do not torment anyone with constantly changing plans (like owners of curls).


People with a predominance of curls are characterized by diverse and very complex behavior. Despite their colossal endurance, they do not like to endure unpleasant circumstances for themselves. Constantly dissatisfied with themselves, prone to introspection and painful doubts. People-"curls" are distinguished by excellent coordination.

It is not difficult to conduct a shallow analysis of oneself. For a certain pattern on each finger, the following number of points is awarded: arc - 0, loop - 1, curl - 2.

The maximum indicator (based on 10 fingers) is 20. Low (up to 10) characterizes outstanding speed-strength qualities - cycle track, Athletics, skates. In football and basketball, these are forwards.

Medium (from 10 to 13) - endurance indicator - cycling, stayer distances.

High (above 13) - ability for complex-coordinated activities - barbell, boxing, figure skating. In football and basketball, these are defenders and goalkeepers ...

A special science that studies the patterns on the fingers is called dermatoglyphics. It helps to understand how the pattern on our fingers is related to character and behavior.

I will reveal to you some secrets from the field of this science so that you can learn something new about yourself.

Loops are a common pattern for most Europeans. This drawing speaks of a calm, balanced character. Such people are responsive and try to help others, easily make friends. They are very punctual and responsible, but they rarely show initiative.

Such people obtain sensations and information mainly from communication with other people. They are emotionally predictable and open. They are distinguished by good or excellent health, although they can get sick very often in childhood. By temperament, a person with loops is a sanguine person. He does not tolerate boring and monotonous work, which is not interesting to him. If the pattern is with loops on all fingers, then this indicates a highly developed fantasy and some isolation from reality. They say about such people that they are not of this world.

People with this pattern on their fingers are energetic and self-confident. Confidence is observed in everything: in posture, gait, manners, gestures. Sometimes it is impossible to convince them and force them to admit they are wrong, they defend any decision made to the end. Concrete thinking prevails. It is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the surrounding space and listen to the opinions of other people. Feelings are drawn mainly from practical actions. However, they often prefer to involve other people to solve the tasks.

By temperament, a person with arcs is a choleric. Loves and appreciates music, art. And he, as a rule, expressive, artistic facial expressions.

AT Hard time he must be busy with something, do something, that is, distract himself with any practical actions. He does not tolerate tenderness in relationships, but he is very devoted and will never leave his own.

People who have curls on their fingers are quick-tempered, but easy-going. They are gifted creatively, grasp everything on the fly, quickly learn and analyze any events. Often they start several things at once, but do not finish them and lose interest in them. Excitable, unstable psyche. Emotionally unpredictable, hide their feelings and experiences. There is a desire for solitude and introspection. They are often dissatisfied with themselves and doubt everything. Feelings are drawn from within, and information - mainly in written sources.

Papillary patterns on the fingers is a separate extensive topic that covers a large section of knowledge: genetic characteristics, professional and sports orientation, health status, temperament, type nervous system and others. A special scientific discipline of dermatoglyphics is engaged in the study of individual patterns on the skin. Within the framework of this science, experts distinguish three main types of pattern: this loop, arc and curl. Other patterns are just variations of them.

When analyzing papillary patterns on the fingers, all prints should be considered in the aggregate, without highlighting any particular pattern, while ignoring the rest. Yes, in some cases, when the pattern is "informally" different from general type, we must pay special attention to it, since it indicates the specific qualities of a given person. For example, we find that there are loops on all fingers of the hand, and an arc on one, and so on. Such a different pattern adds its own “note” or accent to a person’s psychotype, in a certain way dilutes the main “set” of qualities. If there are some loops and some curls on the palm, then we can make a general conclusion that the person is sociable, sociable, flexible in character with creative and analytical data inherent in his nature. Of course, the position of the patterns is also important. So, a curl on the index finger does not mean the same thing as on the ring finger. However, the big picture is important.

Below we will attempt a brief description of the meanings of papillary patterns, based on the work of Russian chirologist Evgeny Ostrogorsky “Palmistry. Lines of Fate. Ostrogorsky distinguishes six main subtypes of patterns on the fingers: loops, arcs, curls, complex curls, a hipped arc, and a peacock curl. However, we repeat again that the position of the pattern on a particular finger also has its own semantic meaning.

So, loops found in sociable, sociable and sociable people. Such individuals are flexible by nature, easily adapt to a new environment, feel confident in a company and work well in a team. Find quickly mutual language with those around you. Well adapted to life.

arcs are characteristic of very purposeful and hardworking people whose interests are directed towards the material side. Such people are stubborn, they go straight to the goal (throughout). Unambiguous and conservative. They are not inclined to conduct any intrigues. Open, direct and practical. There is a love for manual labor.

curls characteristic of people with a complex organization of the psyche, individualists, independent, in-depth. Such people work best on their own. As a rule, they are intellectually gifted, have a high level of thinking. Nevertheless, the degree of their intelligence must be judged by paying attention to other features of the palm.

Double loops (intricate curls) testify to the ability to see any problem from different angles. Their owners are multifaceted personalities. These are diplomatic, but not self-confident people. It is difficult for them to bring things to an end, it is difficult to make decisions.

Hip arc occurs in easily excitable people prone to strong feelings. This is a sign of enthusiasm, artistry, anxiety, impulsiveness. Such people are usually very active, emotional and creative. They have an explosive type of character, they are full of inspiration and original ideas.

"Peacock eye" found in people with a developed sense of beauty and creativity. The area of ​​manifestation of talent depends on which finger this type of curl is on.

Some additional characteristics we can find the main patterns in the book Palmistry by the Australian palmist Andrew Fitzgerbert. So, according to the palmist, people who are dominated by arc fingerprints, usually suspicious, do not believe anything until they themselves are convinced in practice. They know how and love to work with their hands, they easily create and repair things. Therefore, they make wonderful artisans. You can rely on them, because being tireless workers, such people know how to bring what they started to the end. They are always practical, they try to benefit from everything. Their character is restrained, such people do not like to show their feelings to others. Positive qualities include mental toughness, realism, and practicality. Negative qualities include reluctance to accept change, lack of responsiveness.

People who are dominated looped patterns on the fingertips, easy to adapt to different circumstances. They are easy to communicate with, they are friendly, open and always make the best of the situations they find themselves in. They make a good impression on others. So, if people with arc and especially whorl fingerprints often have a rather difficult character, then the owners of looped fingerprints can get along with everyone. The positive qualities of such people include flexibility and sociability. The negative features are the lack of individualism, a strong "agreement".

People with dominant whorled(circular) patterns on the pads of the fingers - pronounced individualists, they can hardly be called "one of the many." They always have clearly formulated ideas for any reason, are able to keep their experiences to themselves, and are often gifted with some kind of talent. Such people are usually very demanding of others, not being as demanding of themselves; they always need "special conditions". The positive qualities of people with circular fingerprints include attentiveness and general abilities. Negative qualities: isolation, excessive self-absorption, individualism (too many "I").

In general, we can say that the owners of the loop pattern are social people who work well in a team. The owners of curls can also express themselves in society, but tend to be more analytical and work alone. People with a lot of arches often do manual labor. As often happens in nature, in any of the designated psychotypes you can find your pros and cons. Thus, one may be upset to find that he has only a "simple" pattern of loops or arcs on his fingers, desiring to have a more rare curlic pattern. But curls, as a rule, testify not only to intellectual or artistic abilities, but also to a certain sharpening of perception, to significant individualism. It is much more difficult for such people to get along with others, they are much more likely to “devour themselves from the inside”, not being satisfied with their results and those around them in general. If we exaggerate, then we can say this: having equal starting conditions and equal time for training, an artist with curls on his fingers will achieve more in skill and creativity (if he diligently studies and moderates his egocentric temper) than an artist with loops on his fingers. And on the other hand, although people with a looped pattern on their fingers will take much longer to reach the same goal as people with curls, they will enjoy communication, from their team, they will be much less prone to stress and “self-eating” . Being sociable and sociable people, it is much easier for them to achieve “simple human happiness”, to come to a harmonious partnership. Please note that this example is only a simplified illustration. Of great importance for the analysis of the character, temperament and abilities of a person are also the shape of the palm, the length of the fingers, the nature of the lines, etc.

As E. Fitzherbert notes, loops are the most common type of prints characteristic of the average person. Next in frequency of occurrence are arcs and whorls. These three basic types of patterns add up to 80 percent of all occurrences. Much more rare in terms of occurrence are the patterns of the tented arch, the complex curl and the “peacock eye” curl. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the loop pattern is the most common occurrence, it is considered in palmistry to be the “golden mean” between the complex and simple organization of the psyche. Thus, the simplest mental organization and predictability (and it cannot be said that this is bad, by no means) are observed in people with an arc pattern, and the most complex organization of the psyche and nervous system is in people with whorl patterns.

Sources and literature:

Ostrogorsky E. Palmistry. Lines of Destiny. - M., 2015.
Fitzherbert E. Palmistry. - M., 1997.

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A special science that studies the patterns on the fingers is called dermatoglyphics. It helps to understand how the pattern on our fingers is related to character and behavior.

Loops are a common pattern for most Europeans. This drawing speaks of a calm, balanced character. Such people are responsive and try to help others, easily make friends. They are very punctual and responsible, but they rarely show initiative.
Such people obtain sensations and information mainly from communication with other people. They are emotionally predictable and open. They are distinguished by good or excellent health, although they can get sick very often in childhood. By temperament, a person with loops is a sanguine person. He does not tolerate boring and monotonous work, which is not interesting to him. If the pattern is with loops on all fingers, then this indicates a highly developed fantasy and some isolation from reality. They say about such people - not from this world.

People with this pattern on their fingers are energetic and self-confident. Confidence is observed in everything: in posture, gait, manners, gestures. Sometimes it is impossible to convince them and force them to admit they are wrong, they defend any decision made to the end. Concrete thinking prevails. It is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the surrounding space and listen to the opinions of other people. Feelings are drawn mainly from practical actions. However, they often prefer to involve other people to solve the tasks.
By temperament, a person with arcs is a choleric. Loves and appreciates music, art. And he, as a rule, expressive, artistic facial expressions.
In a difficult moment, he should be busy with something, do something, that is, distract himself with any practical actions. He does not tolerate tenderness in relationships, but he is very devoted and will never leave his own.

People who have curls on their fingers are quick-tempered, but easy-going. They are gifted creatively, grasp everything on the fly, quickly learn and analyze any events. Often they start several things at once, but do not finish them and lose interest in them. Excitable, unstable psyche. Emotionally unpredictable, hide their feelings and experiences. There is a desire for solitude and introspection. They are often dissatisfied with themselves and doubt everything. Feelings are drawn from within, and information - mainly in written sources.
By temperament, a person with curls is a phlegmatic person. Speech is not very expressive, quiet, slightly slowed down. If there are curls on the index fingers of the right and left hands, then such a person is a born thinker. And has a predisposition to programming, law and scientific work.
Generally speaking, people with curls have varied, complex behaviors and often don't know what they're capable of.

Current page: 5 (total book has 16 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 11 pages]

papillary patterns

Fingerprints are formed before birth, in the fourth month of embryonic development. From the moment of their formation, they never change again and remain for life, and after any minor skin injury, their original structure is restored again. The fingerprints of each person are unique, and there is an opinion that there are no two people in the world with the same fingerprints, thus proving that everyone is unique and unrepeatable in their own way. The index finger, that is, the finger of the personality, carries the greatest information load associated with a high density of nerve endings. The systematization of papillary patterns gives an idea of ​​the features of a person's response style, which is associated with hormonal background and nervous system, as well as the activity of the cerebral cortex. So the structure of the patterns on the fingertips depends on the organization of the flow of nerve impulses coming to the cortex, and the response of the brain to external stimuli. The whole process of the reaction of the brain is nevertheless strictly ordered, as well as the features of the combination of lines in papillary pattern.

As is known, various zones of the brain take on the processing of various functions of the body and the response to its changes in the external environment. Approximately the same applies to the fingers, each of which is associated with the potential of perception and response, emotions and human talents. If on the same fingers of the left and right hand the pattern of papillary lines is the same, then this feature indicates the beneficial effect of hereditary information, while the fingers only symbolize this hereditary transmission. Like fingers, the subconscious and consciousness are coordinated, and their response to external manifestations will have the same features. That is why the style of responding to surrounding reality does not change throughout life, since the muscle structure of the fingers and the papillary pattern itself do not change.

The science that studies papillary patterns is called dermatoglyphics, which means “derma” - skin, and “glyphics” - gouge, engrave, and in general it translates as “skin carving”. Dermatoglyphics, in contrast to palmistry, is recognized as official science and deals mainly with the study of the papillary lines themselves on the fingertips, without interpreting and taking into account other signs of the hand. Therefore, in order not to confuse young science and the oldest knowledge of palmistry, from dermatoglyphics we will only take modern name papillary patterns, but we will study them psychological characteristics only from the position of palmistry.

In total, three main types of papillary patterns are distinguished in dermatoglyphics - these are arcs, loops and curls, and all other types are derived from them. The owners of arc patterns are people with a simple organization of nervous activity, they are stable and go straight to the intended goal. In the process of life, they do not torment themselves with unnecessary thoughts and doubts. The loop pattern prevailing on the fingers speaks of a calm, benevolent, flexible and responsive personality. These are average people with a wide range of interests who easily converge with others. Carriers of the whorl pattern on the fingers are distinguished by the complexity of their organization and unpredictable behavior. They are individualists, focused on inner world, independent and motivated.

According to research conducted by experts in dermatoglyphics, centenarians are mainly representatives of the "loops". This is the mystery of nature - why representatives of curl patterns have the greatest energy for life. But besides this, as it turned out, an important factor in resilience is the plasticity of the psyche, the ability to adapt without unnecessary stress and internal tension, which is characteristic of the representatives of the "loops". Despite the fact that the owner of the loop pattern may not be able to cope with some life situation, but in the end, due to the flexibility of character, he finds himself in a more advantageous position, and the ever-dissatisfied critics with "curls" are prone to self-destruction, quickly burning what they what mother nature gave them. According to other studies conducted by specialists, the owner of the "curls", to the best of his analytical abilities, will try to predict the development of the situation and strive to resolve it; a person with a loop pattern will act adequately to the situation, mostly intuitively, and a representative of the arc pattern, as a rule, acts stereotypically, in accordance with the norms of social behavior. Men, predicting the situation, get entangled in it themselves, often finding no way out, while women act depending on the circumstances, which ultimately makes them more resilient and stronger. Often, for the fair sex, the right decision comes as an insight, due to the fact that the female mind does not want to go into the complex essence of things and phenomena, opening the way for intuition to work. But there may be women in whom curls predominate, therefore, in their logical conclusions and analysis of the surrounding phenomena, they can be sharper and more insightful than most men. Telling these facts from the research of dermatoglyphics specialists who are not directly related to palmistry, I wanted to interest you in the fact that this science, although young, is nevertheless very interesting for studying a person’s personality, so if you wish, you can easily find research materials on Internet resources and familiarize yourself with them.

And now, after the introductory part, we will begin to study the psychological characteristics of the individual, depending on the types of papillary patterns on the fingers. In the process of studying, you will learn how the qualities of character change depending on the presence of arcs, loops or curls on the fingers. After reviewing this very simple material, you will be able to read the character of a person yourself, combining the knowledge gained with the shape of the hand and fingers.

Arc (arch)

The arc (Figures 1.48) is one of the most common variants of the papillary pattern on the fingers, somewhat reminiscent of a wave or an arch. Each of the arcs is located across the fingertip from edge to edge. In the center of the arc, a bend is noted, although expressed in different ways, but always directed upwards. By general view arc, we can conclude that the energy passes along the papillary lines and makes a slight bend in the middle. Thus, this energy practically does not linger in this area, which characterizes such a pattern with a minimum concentration of energy, which is consumed very quickly.

The arc represents quite ordinary, docile, good-natured people who prefer business to conversation. One can hardly expect brilliant mental abilities from them, since they prefer physical work and outdoor work. People with such fingerprints are mostly practical, hardworking and hardy. As a rule, in family relationships these are faithful partners who are not prone to polygamous relationships, but strive for fidelity and stability in marriage. The positive qualities of such people include poise, practicality and a delightful ability to be useful. Among negative traits- emotional isolation, suspicion, dislike for change and unpreparedness for unforeseen situations and the perception of new ideas. In the intimate sphere, the owners of arcs on the fingers are always stereotyped and unemotional, therefore, in relations with a more temperamental partner, they have practically no chance to keep them due to the fact that the partner will most likely get bored of their uniformity and predictability very quickly. Inflexibility in sexual behavior is even more pronounced if the palm is empty and inflexible. Also, according to studies, people with arcs on their fingers never form alliances with each other, since none of the partners is inclined to make concessions. Most often, the owners of the arcs are united in an alliance with the owners of the curls and in a married couple, as a rule, they are in the lead.

A low arc speaks of earthiness and materialism, and a high arc indicates that a person is prone to idealism, moreover, the higher it rises on the finger, the more this quality manifests itself.

And now, after describing the general features of the character of the arc papillary pattern, let's consider the psychological characteristics of each individual finger.

Arch on the ball of the thumb speaks of a natural instinct, as well as the ability to quickly achieve what was planned, which allows such people not to waste time in vain. If an arc is present on a conical finger, then it grounds a person, removes excessive impressionability and idealism, as well as excessive emotionality, setting up to accept life as it is.

Arch on the index finger is a sign of reliability, decency and gullibility. Such a person focuses on principles that he is not going to revise. The arc on the conical finger of Jupiter allows its owner to achieve his goal, testifies to determination and perseverance. If the arcs on both index fingers are complemented by arcs on the remaining fingers, then such a person is overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings that are difficult for him to express in words. Career and social position will be aimed at maximizing opportunities in terms of enjoying life.

Arch on the middle finger indicates a balanced and realistic attitude to life, concentration on material values, adherence to duty, independence, the power of suggestion, as well as the ability to use any circumstances favorable to oneself. fast current energy along the papillary arc of the middle finger levels out all the depth and wisdom of the planet Saturn, endowing a person with a tendency to physical work and the denial of mental and philosophical activity.

Arch on the ring finger corresponds to loyalty and integrity. A person, fulfilling his obligations, is very reluctant to change his lifestyle and does not want to give up his habits. The rapid flow of energy on this finger does not allow you to properly concentrate on something new, tying you to an already established lifestyle.

Arc on the little finger symbolizes dynamism, practicality and uncommunicativeness, but all these qualities are focused mainly on the material spheres of life, and abstract ideas are not welcomed or understood by such people. The energy in the arc passes very quickly, without lingering, which indicates the inability to communicate and focus on oneself.

Hip arc

The hipped arc is a derivative of a simple arc (Figure 1.49). If the lines in the center of the papillary arc rise sharply upward, depicting a kind of tent, then such an arc is called a hipped one. In the center of the arc, an axis is distinguished, which gives it a certain symmetry and traps energy in this area, therefore, in the direction of this pattern, one can draw a conclusion about the direction of the flow of all energy.

This pattern of the arc, which has an axis of symmetry, corresponds to the explosive type of character, which is genetically determined. People with this pattern are often full of ideas, original, interested in everything new and live a spiritual life. Often in their fate there are unexpected turns in which they are able to quickly navigate and get out of all the troubles without negative consequences. Usually these people are characterized by a lightning-fast reaction, sometimes too hasty and explosive, which in critical situations can lead to misfortunes. Most often, this type of arc can be found in the hands of eccentric individuals who are endowed with a wild imagination, or, conversely, people who are prone to despondency due to the failure of their plans.

Such a person is constantly looking for something new in life or starting it anew. If he lives without following his karmic destiny, then an unexpected turn of events can radically change his life and put everything in its place. If a person feels that life makes too high demands on him, then he easily loses his temper. Internal balance is quickly lost, which is facilitated by the excitable type of the nervous system. With such a papillary pattern, such instability does not always go away by itself and is fraught with human big problems in life.

Tent arch on the thumb is extremely rare. Such an arc reinforces an already difficult character, making a person even more stubborn and intractable.

Tent arch on the index finger indicates that a person is full of inspiration and ideas, thanks to which he is capable of much in life. By nature, he was given an innate enthusiasm, which manifests itself in relation to any business, and a high life potential. The energy of Jupiter lingers in the finger thanks to the axis of the tent, thereby giving that enthusiasm that makes a person unique.

Tent arch on the middle finger speaks of an innate desire for change, self-will and revolutionary designs. If such arcs are on the middle fingers of both hands, then this indicates that the person is active and devotes himself to work. He is interested in everything new, because by nature he is very inquisitive.

Tent arch on the ring finger gives an innate sense of rhythm. Most often, such a person is endowed with the ability to dance and music. Usually such people have an instinctive sense of what and how to wear and how to look better in order to stand out from others. Also, the tent arc indicates the ability in relation to one of the art forms. The flow of energy here is somewhat different compared to a simple loop, as a result of which it turns out that creative ideas although they do occur, practical application do not find.

Tent arc on the little finger speaks of the ability to convince and the ability to express one's thoughts. There is an increase in characteristics, since the long passage of energy in the arc allows the potential of Mercury to be more fully revealed.

The temperament, which denotes the tent arch, corresponds to the choleric type. By nature, he is an extrovert, nervous and excitable.

The loop

The loop is the most common pattern in Russia. Papillary lines rise from the delta upwards, reach the edge of the finger and return back. There are two types of loops - oriented outward and inward. If the loop is directed outward, towards the thumb, then it is called radial (Figure 1.50-3), and if inward, towards the little finger, then ulnar, or ulnar (Figures 1.50; 1.50-1; 1.50-2). In order to accurately distinguish a loop from an arc, it is necessary to remember that the loop is distinguished by the presence of one triradius, which is not present in the arc. A triradius is a figure of papillary lines, in which lines from three directions converge at one point, forming something like a triangle (highlighted in black in photo 1.50). The energy in such a papillary pattern flows smoothly from below, rises up and then gradually falls, creating a harmonious distribution of energy in the finger.

People with such a pattern on their fingers are distinguished by ease of communication and a flexible, moderate character. They are very sociable, talkative and can easily get along with people, feeling confident in any company. They are very sensitive to changes taking place around, especially those with a flexible palm. This trait contributes to building successful relationships with others. Such people intuitively feel the change in the psychological climate in the team and in relation to others towards their person, which allows them to quickly change the topic of conversation and behavior. They can amazingly quickly adjust to the mood of their partner, anticipating his every word and action. If in marriage both partners have loops on their fingers, then they are able to adapt to each other to such an extent that general solutions will be given to them easily and freely.

The positive qualities of such people include flexibility of character and a sober view of things, and the main drawback is that they lack individuality, which is why they are referred to as the "golden mean".

The direction of the loop symbolizes the direction of spiritual energy, for which the corresponding finger is responsible. The radial loop indicates that all energy is mainly aimed at improving the personality, and the ulnar loop indicates that the main need of a person is realization in his environment. Radial loops are most often found on the index fingers and less often on the thumbs and middle fingers.

Radial loop on thumb indicates people who are able to realize their intentions always and everywhere.

Radial loop on the index finger talks about people who are able to adapt to circumstances in order to achieve their goals. Also, radial loops report a dynamic and impulsive human temperament. The only negative trait in such people that I have identified in my practice is that such people need to constantly look up to someone. From this they receive an incentive that multiplies their efforts many times over. Well, if they find a really worthy role model for themselves, then this will certainly serve as a real impetus to great deeds, but if the example turns out to be negative, then they can just as well slide down the social and karmic ladder. In order to understand how a radial loop works, imagine that this funnel is capable of drawing in anything from the outside. If the environment is good, then such a person will “pull into himself”, adopt and equal to everything good, but if the examples nearby turn out to be negative, then such a loop will draw everything that is impartial into himself. In any case, this is given genetically and you will have to deal with this quality of character by carefully planning your actions and constantly analyzing your actions in order to have time to think about the consequences in time.

Radial loop on middle finger indicates a person with an analytical mindset who strives for professional and social growth, independent in work and very reluctant to accept the opinions of others.

The elbow loop is oriented towards the little finger. It symbolizes openness and demonstrates the ability to adapt to the environment.

Elbow loop on thumb speaks of innate flexibility and the ability to adapt to circumstances. If such a loop is on a solid thumb, then it partly compensates for the straightness and "clumsiness" of the owner.

Elbow loop on index finger belongs to a person who knows how to adapt to circumstances and who is not driven by ambition. He is versatile, flexible and prone to improvisation. With a strong index finger and a pronounced hill of Jupiter, the elbow loop reveals the temperament of a sanguine person in all its diversity.

Elbow loop on middle finger testifies to a practical mindset and collectivism. Such people are not inclined to hold hard opinions about other people for a long time due to the fact that the energy does not linger in the loop for a long time and, having passed it, goes outside.

Elbow loop on the ring finger shows an innate interest in artistic creativity and an easy-going, accommodating nature. If at the same time the loop is stretched upward and approaches the beginning of the first phalanx, then such a person can reach heights in art, but more in theory than in practical implementation.

Elbow loop on little finger speaks of contact, flexibility and the ability to find a common language with any person. Its holders easily perceive new ideas, are perceptive, moderately impulsive and have the ability to do and say the right things at the right time, although in general they manifest themselves only in words than in other ways.

Also, papillary loops are distinguished by the type of location on the finger and are divided into low, medium and high.

A low-lying loop (Figure 1.50-1) reveals a person's ability to put their talents into practice. If the loop is located high, its owner has the ability for abstract thinking and his own ideals. If the loop is in the central position, as shown in Figure 1.50-2, then a person can realize his abilities equally in theory and practice.

double loop

The double loop (figure 1.51) is a derivative of a simple loop and consists of two mutually twisting loops that pass one into the other. The central coil has its own "twin", slightly shifted to the periphery. As a rule, two triradii (shown in white) are located below these double loops. The flow of energy in this pattern is very interesting: on the one hand, the energy flows through the outer loop, and on the other hand, it similarly flows through the inner one, creating a kind of magnet between the two poles, where voltage arises.

Among the whole gamut of qualities represented by a double loop, one can single out the ability to establish relationships and harmonious existence in a social environment. This type of loop speaks of accommodating, great flexibility and natural adaptability. People who have a drawing of this type on their fingers have many-sided interests and are able to combine the incongruous. They subtly feel the nuances in communication, prefer to bypass sharp corners and take a wait-and-see attitude in communication. conflict situations. At the same time, such people have difficulty making decisions, because before taking any step, they first need to consider it in all its details.

Double loop on the thumb indicates people who do not tolerate any hesitation in making decisions and prefer the formula "better than nothing", but one cannot but recognize their talent and versatility. They can consider an issue or problem from all sides and make the only right decision.

Double loop on the index finger speaks of the nervousness and changeability of a person's beliefs in relation to life values and goals. The energy on this finger can be both negative and positive: on the one hand, a person can understand different points of view, on the other hand, internal conflicts of a person are inevitable in the implementation of their ambitious plans.

Double loop on middle finger reports on the ability to adapt to the social environment and in the professional sphere. At the same time, she points to the uncertainty in her own vocation. AT this case the tension factor is so strong that the pattern on the middle finger is considered negative, since the middle finger creates harmony and is able to balance between consciousness and subconsciousness, and the flow of energy in the pattern creates an imbalance that turns into an internal conflict with oneself.

Double loop on the ring finger speaks of the inability to adapt and the instability of relations with a partner. In addition, she testifies to multilateral talents in the field of arts. Here again a tension factor is created, so a person often changes in one direction or the other.

Double loop on pinky indicates a closed character, provided that the lower loop is turned radially, that is, inward. If the lower loop is open outward (elbow), then the character of such a person acquires too much influence of Mercury, as a result of which he may show interest in languages ​​​​and trade, and some ornateness will be characteristic of his speech. Multilateral hobbies will interfere with the qualitative development of the individual and will affect decision-making. Such a person, with his inherent indecision, will be very sociable.

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