Dance show instructor Miguel biography. Miguel's unique direction

Recipes 31.07.2019

Sergey Shesteperov was born on July 21, 1982 in the city of Khimki in the Moscow region. The boy was born into an international family: father Miguel Fernando Chamblen Messa is Cuban by origin, and mother Tatyana Sergeevna Shesteperova is Russian. The boy's parents stayed together for only three years, after which his father returned to Cuba: being an officer, he had no right to stay in the USSR.

He was brought up by his mother and grandmother, who young years introduced Miguel, who took his pseudonym on behalf of his father, to the art of dance and show. The young dancer was most impressed by pop singer Michael Jackson, who was known not only for his songs, but also for his impressive dance performances. Already at the age of four, the boy staged his first performance for relatives and neighbors: he built scenery from chairs and curtains and performed an invented dance with his girlfriend for three hours.

At school, Miguel studied rather mediocrely and managed to change two educational institutions. He was annoyed by the stereotyped school teaching and the inability of teachers to answer non-standard questions. In the fifth grade, the mother, who was a fan of performances and productions, sent her son to the ballet school-studio "Fuete". However, the guy was not too keen on studying in the studio and left it three years later. The young man passed the last classes in a comprehensive school as an external student.

Miguel was going to connect his life with dance and therefore decided on the choice of a higher educational institution rather quickly. Since childhood, he saw himself in the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater and, having moved to Moscow, entered the choreographic school under him. Classes were given to the guy easily, but he understood more and more clearly that he did not like classical and folk dance. Based on Michael Jackson's dance performances, Shesteperov created his own unique direction, which met all the needs of young talent.

Since 1999, Miguel has been a ballet soloist in the acclaimed musical Metro. The dancer heard about the casting for the project quite by accident and decided to try his hand. He was chosen among hundreds of other applicants. The musical, the first incarnation of the Broadway genre in Russia, was a resounding success and paid off many times over, bringing fame to its creators and participants. Miguel became famous among admirers dance direction art.

Miguel got on television after leaving the theater in 2004. His first project was "Star Factory-5". Despite the rather mediocre vocal abilities, the guy was able to impress the jury with his artistry and dance, which made him one of the participants. Moreover, the guy was already familiar with the leader of this season, singer Alla Pugacheva: he choreographed and some numbers for her "Christmas Meetings".

Participation in the project brought recognition and popularity to Miguel, as well as a considerable impetus for further development. Nevertheless, after the end of the show and the annual tour, the guy realized that no one was interested in his vocal work and to focus on dancing and choreography.

After participating in the Star Factory 5 vocal show, Miguel focused on his solo career as a dancer and choreographer. He became the director of many fashion shows, festivals, concerts and video clips. The guy often collaborated with famous brands like Mercedes-Benz. A special place in the work of the choreographer is occupied by productions for cinema: Miguel participated in the preparation of the comedy films "Hitler Kaput!", "Merry Men" and "Rzhevsky against Napoleon".

In 2011, the choreographer made his debut as a producer of the Unreal Boys musical group, with whom he worked on the Number One Show project. Under the leadership of Miguel, the team achieved considerable success: fourth place in the national selection for Eurovision and the Alla Pugacheva Gold Star award at the Cream Music Fest in 2012.

In 2012, the choreographer tries himself in a new role as a director and host of the TV show "ShowStowon" on television. Together with Oleg Bondarchuk, Miguel divides the participants of the show into two groups, one of which he personally oversees, staging their numbers. The choreographer also acted as a director of the One to One project on Channel One.

In the summer of 2014, Miguel became a co-producer, choreographer, "mentor" and jury member of the new grandiose show "Dancing" on the Russian TV channel TNT.

In September 2015, a tour of the second season of the DANCES show took place in the cities of the CIS and neighboring countries. Concerts were held in 23 cities of Russia, the Baltic States, Belarus. The tour ended with massive 3D performances in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Minsk. And in June 2016, the big tour “DANCES. Battle of the Seasons. The tour list of participants in the show "DANCES" on TNT includes more than 100 cities in Russia, Belarus, the Baltic countries and Europe.

Miguel admitted that he always wanted to become a member of such a massive dance project in Russia. More than 10 thousand people took part in the qualifying rounds of the show. The dances, imbued with an incredible intensity of feelings, emotionality, sometimes drama and passion, were designed to please the public and contribute to the formation of good taste.

Miguel is a choreographer, ballet soloist, stage director, singer and sound producer, most of all familiar to the Russian audience from the dance project "Dances", where he acted as a jury member and lead choreographer-mentor.

Childhood and family

A charismatic and, of course, a talented artist was born in the Podrezkovo microdistrict of the city of Khimki. Miguel is the stage name of Sergei Migelevich Shesteperov, taken after his father, Miguel Fernando Chamblen Massa, a Cuban who gave him such a colorful appearance. The current successful dancer was raised and raised by his mother, an electrical engineer, and his grandmother, a teacher of Russian and literature.

Miguel's parents had a tragic fate - in the 80s, the father of the future artist was forced to return to Cuba, and his mother could not follow him. Note that, already being an adult, at the age of 33, the dancer nevertheless met with his father: “It was a very touching meeting. He came to me for a month, lived with me and my mother.

Miguel's passion for the art of dance arose in early childhood - since at the age of four he saw scenes from the ballet "Giselle" on TV. The boy was so delighted that he immediately began to implement his own production of the ballet "Swan Lake". As a result, at the age of five, he, along with his beloved girlfriend Masha, showed his mother and neighbors his debut performance of four acts.

He studied first and second grade at one of the schools in Zelenograd, from where he was expelled. It was like this: in the second grade, Miguel's classmates strongly opposed him studying English language because he is "black". The day after the incident, the boy came to school with an Octobrist badge on his ass. Proceedings followed, and a week later he was forced to seek new school. Such was the non-state educational institution - secondary school "Harmony".

From the fifth to the eighth grade, he attended the Fuete children's choreography school. Sergey graduated from the last two classes of the school as an external student. He continued to polish his artistic abilities at the Choreographic School at the Bolshoi Theater, after graduating from which he received an excellent education in the field classical dance. Miguel himself admits that his idol and most beloved performer, Michael Jackson, had a huge influence on his dancing art.

Musical "Metro"

The gifted dancer was noticed during his studies. At the age of 17, he was accepted into the Metro - the first, according to experts, a real Russian musical, where dramaturgy is skillfully combined with choreography, music and vocals. This performance was the launching pad for Miguel as the star of this genre.

This was followed by work as a ballet soloist in Russian version musical stage work "Notre Dame de Paris" (2002-2004), then - in the domestic version of the French musical "Romeo and Juliet", which Miguel considers especially significant in shaping his career.

It may seem paradoxical, but it was not participation that contributed to the development of the dancer as a creative person, which would be logical at first glance, but, on the contrary, leaving the project (he was kicked out for being late for the rehearsal). The artist believes that if this had not happened, he could forever remain within the framework of a star exclusively in musicals.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, Miguel decided to test himself in the musical project "Star Factory", in the season, the artistic director of which was the "prima donna of the Russian stage" herself - Alla Pugacheva. Having shown his magnificent artistry, plasticity, vocal abilities, the art of a reader and other qualities necessary for success in the field of show business, Miguel became the finalist of the TV show.

Young Miguel at the Star Factory

After the furor at the "Factory" he was invited to organize productions of various mass events– fashion presentations and concerts – as well as participation in filming, creating video clips. Miguel collaborated with well-known brands - Mercedes-Benz, Levi's, Guess, choreographed for the absurd comedy "Hitler Kaput!", the tragicomedy "Merry Men", the circus performance "The Secret of the Giant Elephants" in St. Petersburg, the comedy "Rzhevsky against Napoleon".

An important point in Miguel's career and evidence of creative growth was an active collaboration with a clip maker from Ukraine Alan Badoev. Since 2011, they have been creating videos together for musical compositions by Ukrainian singer and songwriter Max Barsky (“Student”), the famous pop singer Valery Meladze (“Stay with me”), singer-songwriter Alexander Rosenbaum and Zara (“Love for an encore” ), Russian-Greek band Diana Diez & Kostas Martakis (Sex Indigo) and others.


A new stage in the development of a successful artist was the work as one co-author, producer, jury member and chief choreographer of the grandiose dance project "Maidan's", which started in 2011 on the Ukrainian channel "Inter" and held in the center of Kyiv on "Maidan Nezalezhnosti" ("Square independence").

Previously, no more than two dozen people took part in Miguel's productions, now there are up to five hundred people in each city that has passed the selection, plus short preparation times (about three days), lengthy rehearsals (up to 8 hours). Miguel admitted that at the end of the project he slept for a week. But efforts and creative activity in such extraordinary conditions it was worth it - their result was a brilliant show, which was subsequently entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dance project in the world.

Miguel dances on Maidan "s (Lviv and Dnipro)

"Legend. Ludmila Gurchenko"

An important step in creative career Miguel began working with the late Lyudmila Gurchenko on documentary about her life, which became the last appearance great actress and singers on screen.

The choreographer recalled how he was worried before their first meeting, and how he subsequently enjoyed working with her. Lyudmila Markovna shocked Miguel with creative dedication. She never allowed herself to complain about fatigue or declare that she could not do something from the shooting option offered by him, as a director.

Miguel on TV

In September 2011, at Inter, in a project with the pretentious name Show No. 1, the music producer of which was Philip Kirkorov, she won musical group"Unreal boys", as bright and driving as their leader - Miguel. Since November, he began to produce it.

In February of the following year, the team took 4th place in the National Selection of Ukraine for the Eurovision Song Contest 2012, and in August became a nominee for the prestigious Alla Pugacheva's Golden Star award as part of the Crimea Music Fest. The director of this music festival, which took place in Yalta, was also Miguel.

In the fall, another brilliant project was launched on the Novy Kanal TV channel in Ukraine - the show of reincarnations "ShowStowon". And again the project was directed by Miguel, together with his Ukrainian colleague Oleg Bondarchuk. During the program, its participants performed in the images of legendary musicians of the past and present - Elvis Presley, Madonna, Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga and others (the subject of musical parodies was chosen by each participant by drawing lots).

In addition, Miguel acted as a choreographer in the Russian version of the similar TV show "One to One", as well as in the show "Universal Artist" on Channel One. Directed by Miguel and the reality TV show "I want to VIA Gru”, which opened show business Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erica Herceg, as well as the Big Change talent competition on NTV.


In 2014, Miguel became one of the co-producers, jury members and leading dance directors of the new project "Dancing" on the TNT channel. His colleague on the show was an actor and choreographer from St. Petersburg Yegor Druzhinin.

It is worth noting that Miguel proved to be an extremely strict and unbiased judge. For example, in 2016, he brought project participant Keiko Lee to tears, criticizing her dance to smithereens, according to other juries, absolutely undeservedly.

Miguel admits that he only experiences real pleasure on stage when dancing or choreographing, but he does not consider himself a singer, and in general he does not like his own voice.

Apashe x Team Miguel – No twerk

Among his idols in the dance world, Miguel names the French prima ballerina Sylvie Guillem, Argentine ballet dancer Jorge Donna, a dancer who works with Madonna, Beyoncé, Rihanna and other stars, as well as Darrell Baloch. He admires the Swedish choreographer Mats Ek and his wife, dancer Ana Laguna, as well as the American film director and choreographer Bob Fossey, whose dance style became the basis of Michael Jackson's choreography (according to him).

The dancer also agreed to participate in the program "Money or Shame", in which he had to pass a drug test in live. Miguel said that he does not drink anything, including alcohol, so he will easily demonstrate the purity of his body to the audience.

The dancer and choreographer, known as Miguel, was born in the village of Podrezkovo near Moscow. Mom, Tatyana Shesteperova, named her son Sergei. He took a pseudonym much later in honor of his Cuban father, full name which is Miguel Fernando Chamblin Mass. By the way, the choreographer is very similar to his father. However, the mother and grandmother raised the child in Russian traditions. Father, after three years spent in the USSR, was forced to return to Cuba. Miguel first saw his father at age 33, flying to Cuba.

All photos 23

Seryozha with early years loved dancing. I saw the ballet "Giselle" on TV - and now, together with my girlfriend, I started my own production. I immediately swung at the "Swan Lake". And he was then only four years old!

Mom supported her son's passion for dancing: from the fifth grade, he began to study at the Fuete children's choreography school, where he studied for three years. And then he entered the choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theater ( general education school Miguel graduated as an external student). Miguel studied there for six years, but did not become a classical dancer: he wanted something else. As the choreographer admitted in an interview, Michael Jackson had a special influence on him: the shows of the king of pop were amazing.

1999 was a turning point for Miguel: the 17-year-old dancer was accepted into the troupe of the musical Metro. This was followed by work in other musicals: Notre Dame de Paris (2002-2004) and Romeo and Juliet (2004). The last one, Miguel, was kicked out when he was late for a rehearsal. But it is precisely this moment that he considers significant in his fate: if it were not for this departure, he would have remained an artist of musicals.

Being free from obligations, Miguel tried his hand at the show "Star Factory - 5". The artistic director of the project was Alla Pugacheva, who highly appreciated Miguel's artistry, talent and hard work. Despite tough competition (Natalya Podolskaya and Victoria Daineko showed themselves brightly this season), Miguel reached the final. However, he did not particularly think about the career of a singer. For him, "Factory" was an occasion to declare himself to a wide range of viewers.

Having skated a year-long tour with the "manufacturers", Miguel started staging various shows, festivals, fashion shows. It was he who was responsible for the choreography in the comedies "Hitler Kaput!", "Rzhevsky against Napoleon" (both films - 2008), and also "Merry Men" (2009).

A significant influence on the development of Miguel's career was made by the Ukrainian film director, clip maker and producer Alan Badoev (he is better known to the Russian audience for the project "Eagle and Tails"). Since 2011, Alan and Miguel have been working together on music videos for pop stars Valery Meladze, Max Barsky, Zara, Alexander Rosenbaum and others. And in the spring of 2011, Miguel becomes one of the authors, producer and chief choreographer of the Maidan's dance show, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most massive and large-scale dance project in the world.

The year 2012 was remembered by Miguel's fans for the change in his role: the choreographer became the director and host of the Ukrainian TV project "ShowmaStgoon", in which the stars reincarnated as other stars - the idols of millions. A similar format is in the One to One show, which was also directed by Miguel. Miguel also directed the project "Universal Artist" on the First, the reality show "I want to VIA Gru!" and the Big Change contest on NTV.

2014 made Miguel one of the main hopes of all young Russian dancers: he became a co-producer, choreographer and mentor of the DANCES! on the TNT channel. Castings are held all over Russia, and Miguel and his second mentor Yegor Druzhinin assembled their own teams from the best dancers in the country. The first season of the show was very successful, and interest in dancing grew in the regions. The second (in which Max Nesterovich from Miguel's team won) confirmed the popularity of the project and gave impetus to the appearance of the "Battle of the Seasons", during which the audience can compare the dancers.

In the fourth season of the show, the place of Yegor Druzhinin's mentor was taken by the choreographer from Ukraine Tatyana Denisova, who already appeared as one of the members of the jury of the project in the third season. The project was again won by Vitaly Ulivanov, a dancer from Miguel's team. Thus, in 4 seasons of the show and one season of the Battle of the Seasons, Miguel's team won four times.

In 2016, in the wake of the success of the DANCES project, the creators decided to open the PRODANCES dance center in Moscow, where Miguel became a creative producer. The best choreographers, teachers and fitness trainers teach in the very center, master classes are held by world-famous dance stars. And across the country, branches of the dance center are opened, to which Miguel comes with his team. Miguel is also the director and choreographer of the tours of the DANCE project.

Miguel's personal life

Miguel does not talk about his personal life. It is known only about his first love - Masha Ryzhkova. The one who helped him stage his first ballet at the age of four. But the choreographer does not hide his sentimentality. Viewers of the show "Dancing" know: sometimes the mentor of the "dream team" simply cannot hold back the tears. As, for example, during the lyrical dance of the choreographer Ekaterina Reshetnikova and the participant of the second season Maxim Nesterovich: the couple hid their relationship, but declassified them on the air of the Dancing show.

After the airing of the show "Dancing", the attention of viewers was attracted by an unusual dark-skinned guy on the jury with an exotic name Miguel. People were interested in who he is and where he came from, what his name is, how old he is. Fans have erroneously assumed that Miguel's parents are of African descent. In fact, the host has a different nationality. His mother is Russian, and his father is Cuban, who gave Miguel an original appearance and pseudonym.


Real name and surname artist - Sergei Migelevich Shesteperov. Birthday - July 21, 1982. Sergey was born in the city of Khimki, Moscow Region, in an international family. The father, whose full name is Miguel Fernando Chamblen Massa, was a Cuban military man. He had to leave his family and return to his homeland when Seryozha was still small. Mother, Tatyana Sergeevna Shesteperova, was going to follow her husband, but she was refused permission to travel abroad.

As a result, Sergei's mother and grandmother were engaged in raising the boy. Only 33 years later, the artist's father flew to Russia and spent a month with his family. The artist himself also flew to visit his dad in Cuba.

Sergei himself considers it lucky that as a child he stayed in Russia with his mother, and did not go to Cuba. After all, it was the biased attitude of others towards his exotic roots that helped the artist achieve what he now has.

The boy showed interest in dancing at an early age. At the age of four, Seryozha saw the ballet Giselle on TV. This impressed the future artist so much that, together with his girlfriend Masha Miguel, he showed his parents and neighbors his own four-act production of Swan Lake.

Sergey went to study at a regular school in Zelenograd. But he was soon expelled from there due to an unpleasant incident. Classmates opposed the fact that the dark-skinned Sergei studied English. After that, the boy appeared at school with an October badge pinned to the “fifth point”. A trial followed, as a result of which Seryozha was expelled from the educational institution.

It was hard for Sergei to study. He did not like the stereotype of education and the inability of teachers to answer non-standard questions. In addition, Miguel had to travel to school many kilometers from home, while the young artist managed to do dancing, which was considered a frivolous activity at school. As a result, he graduated from the last classes as an external student.

Deciding to connect his fate with dancing, Miguel entered the Choreographic School at the Bolshoi Theater. But he soon realized that he did not want to engage in classical and folk dances. Despite this, the school gave the artist an excellent education in this area. Later, he entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture at the choreographic department.

Already at the age of 17, Miguel decided to try his hand as a musical artist. He was selected for the new Metro show. As the artist admitted in one of his interviews, this musical had great importance for his loved ones, made me believe in his talent. Prior to this, Miguel's passion for dancing was supported only by his mother and grandmother, but after the release of the performance, everyone noticed the natural gift of a dark-skinned dancer. Then Sergey got a pseudonym. During rehearsals, the actors decided to jokingly call each other by their first names and patronymics. Gradually, Sergei Migelevich was reduced to a more convenient one - Miguel.

In 2002, he was invited to the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", and in 2004 - to the play "Romeo and Juliet". It was this musical, according to the star, that played an important role in the further formation of his career, the development of which was facilitated not by participation, but by leaving this project. The young artist was expelled from the rehearsal because he was once again late.

creative career

TV projects

Miguel has participated in many television projects. In 2011, a project called “Show No. 1” was released on the Ukrainian TV channel Inter. In the final of the competition, the Unreal Boys team, led by Miguel, won. He later became the band's producer. In 2012, the guys took 4th place at Eurovision with the song "Just a Dream" and later received the Golden Star award at the Crimea Music Fest festival in Yalta.

In 2012, the artist became the host and director of the ShowaStgoon project on the Ukrainian Novy Kanal. Under the leadership of Miguel and Oleg Bondarchuk, the participants of the show turned into the stars of domestic and foreign pop. Later, the choreographer acted as a choreographer in a similar show on the Russian Channel One. It was called "One to One".

The artist is often invited to various TV shows, such as "Comedy Battle", "Improvisation", "Where is the logic" and others. It can be seen in the screensavers on the TNT channel.

Star Factory

After leaving the musical "Romeo and Juliet", Miguel decided to try his hand at the musical project "Star Factory", in the season where Alla Pugacheva herself was the artistic director. Despite the fact that the artist sings worse than he dances, he managed to reach the final of the project.

He was remembered by the viewers of the TV show as unusual appearance, as well as musical composition“Cafe”, which the artist performed together with Prima Donna, the song “A Real Fan of Kylie Minogue”, hits “About Her” and “Just Like This”. Rare videos of Miguel's numbers on the TV show "Star Factory" can be found on YouTube.

Participation in the show gave the artist a huge boost in career development. He was invited to organize fashion events, presentations. He collaborated with major brands such as Mercedes-Benz, Levi's, Guess. However, after the end of the "Star Factory" and the year-long tour, Miguel realized that the singing career was not for him and focused on his dancing career.

Show "Dancing"

Miguel gained the greatest popularity among viewers after the release of the first season of the show "Dancing" on TNT in 2014, in which he acted as a judge along with Yegor Druzhinin and Sergey Svetlakov. Later, other stars also claimed the place of the third judge. Russian show business. And Yegor's place in season 4 was taken by Tatyana Denisova.

The show won the hearts of the audience and took the highest lines in the ratings. The competition program includes 4 stages: "Casting in the cities", "Selection of project participants", "Competitive concerts" and "Final". In the qualifying round, the future composition of the participants is determined, from which two teams of 12 people are later formed. Choreographers from the judging staff become mentors for the teams.

In 2015, the producer of the show, Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov, was awarded the TEFI Prize, and Laysan Utyasheva won in the Best Host of the Year category. Based on the results of the first competitions, the organizers decided to hold the "Battle of the Seasons", in which Miguel's pupil Anton Panufnik won.

In the first season, in a production number with the participation of all the dancers of his team, the choreographer used the track "No Twerk" by the Canadian DJ Apashe (Apache). The video with this dance gained popularity on the Internet, and the track used in the video became popular in Russia. After that, the Canadian DJ offered the creators of the "Dancing" project to shoot a video for his composition and made a new version of "No Twerk" especially for this. The video featured Miguel's team from the TV show. The video was seen not only in Russia, but also in the USA and Japan.

Miguel was able to invite the famous choreographer Jonte, who choreographed Beyoncé, Janet Jackson and Britney Spears, to one of the episodes of the second season of Dancing.

The popularity of the show "Dancing" influenced the youth's passion for choreography.

In 2016, the dance center "PRODANCES" was opened, on the basis of which master classes in modern dance techniques were held. And in the summer, all teachers go to a dance camp located on the Black Sea coast in Sochi.


In 2011, on the Ukrainian TV channel Inter, the colossal dance project Maidan’s was shown, in which Miguel acted as a producer and ideological inspirer. The show took place on Independence Square in the center of Kyiv. Previously, Miguel worked with no more than 20 people, but this time up to 500 participants were casting in each city. The work was very intense: tight deadlines, eight-hour rehearsals. The dancer admits that after the project, it took him a whole week to restore his strength.

Despite this, the show turned out great and got into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dance project in the world.


Miguel often interacts with famous personalities as a choreographer. Even before the "Star Factory" he collaborated with Alla Pugacheva, choreographed for the "Christmas Meetings" of the Diva. But their business relationship quickly came to an end due to a generation gap, as the choreographer admitted.

After Star Factory, Miguel began to interact with popular brands, choreographing for comedy films. He actively collaborated with the Ukrainian clip maker Alan Badoev. Together they worked on videos for songs by Valery Meladze, Max Barsky, Alexander Rosenbaum and Zara. Miguel also worked on such projects as “I want to VIA Gru”, “Big Break” and “Universal Artist”.


In addition to musicals, Miguel has other theatrical projects. In 2016, he began staging the immersive show Returned in Moscow. The performance became so popular that the choreographer decided to release another project. So the show "Faceless" appeared in St. Petersburg. As a result, the project came out even more grandiose. It contains a huge amount of props.

An immersive show is a theater in which a person turns from an observer into an accomplice of what is happening. The viewer is completely immersed in the performance and chooses the direction of action. As a result, you can go to all the performances and see something new every time.

Working on the show was exciting and challenging at the same time. In one of the interviews, Miguel complained that it was hard for him to cooperate with St. Petersburg artists. He even began to bring actors from Moscow to stage.

The choreographer became interested in the immersive genre when he once saw the play “Sleep No More” in New York. He visited the production several times to understand how it works. And he was so carried away by this that he decided to create his own show according to all the laws of the immersive genre.


In addition to the theater, Miguel also works in film productions. In 2002, he appeared on the blue screen in an episodic role in the series "Brigade". He can be seen in episode 8. as Santa Claus.

Since 2009, Miguel has taken part in the filming of the comedies Hitler Kaput!, Veselchaki, Rzhevsky against Napoleon. The Veselchaki film became the first Russian film chosen for the opening of the Panorama program of the Berlin International Film Festival.

In 2011, Miguel was lucky enough to collaborate with actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. Together they worked on a documentary about her life, Legend. Ludmila Gurchenko. Miguel recalls how much the star impressed with her dedication and hard work. The actress never complained and did everything that was planned during the filming.

The circus

There are in the career of an artist and unusual performances. In 2010, Miguel worked as a choreographer for the Mystery of the Giant Elephants show at the Fontanka Circus under the direction of Taisiya Kornilova. This production received a nomination for the State Prize of Russia and St. Petersburg.

In 2012, Miguel worked as a choreographer in the show of the Diamond Circus of Yakutia for performances at the Royal Circus of Brussels in Belgium and the Nikulin Circus in Moscow.


Despite participation in the "Star Factory" musical career Miguel is not so outstanding. The list of his songs is limited to compositions performed within the framework of the project, and Solo career- a competition and an annual tour of the participants of the "Star Factory".

Although the artist does not sing himself, he often appears on the screen in the clips of other stars. Together with their team from the show "Dancing" and DJ Apache, they filmed a video for the song "No Twerk". The artist also starred with Natalia Gordienko, Eva Polna and in clips for musicals in which he worked.

Mostly on the set, Miguel acts as a choreographer and director.

Personal life

Fans of the dancer are interested in whether Miguel has a girlfriend. This short dark-skinned guy (his height is 175cm) has been performing for many years enviable groom. He was offered participation in the TV show "The Bachelor". But the artist admits that he has a lot of work and does not have time for his personal life at all.

This leads to the emergence of all sorts of rumors and speculation. So, during the filming of "Star Factory", due to one ambiguous incident, discussions began among the fans of the artist's orientation. Many seriously decided that the dancer was gay after he allegedly reciprocated another participant in the show, Ruslan Masyukov. However, this hypothesis has not been confirmed or refuted.

Quite often, photos with girls appear on the artist’s Instagram. On one of them, Miguel was in a wedding suit with singer Natalia Gordienko. This photo caused a wave of discussions on the Internet, because the singer has been married for a long time. Later it became known that this is just a frame from her new video, on which the artists worked together.

Miguel himself admits that he is not dating anyone now. He has no luck with girls, and work takes up a significant part of his time. So Miguel has no wife and children.

Now Miguel lives alone in his house with his dog Barius. The dog was given to him by Katya Reshetnikova. She adopted a dog from a shelter. The artist became very attached to the dog and even started an Instagram page for him, where he uploads a photo on behalf of Baria.

Miguel: talent and vocation

The talent of the artist is revealed in completely different directions. Miguel is an actor, director, excellent choreographer and brilliant dancer. However, as the artist says, he sees his vocation only in dance and puts all his strength into the development of this particular side of his talent.

Miguel, famous Russian choreographer, dancer. A participant in the show Star Factory 5. Also, he is the permanent host of the Dancing show, which has been running since 2014. It is famous for its performances, polished and interesting dance scenes. The favorite of many young dancers who look up to his style is very interesting and unusual. This guy also choreographed for the Diva herself, more precisely for her Christmas meetings. She became a good support for him in moving forward. Although the guy himself is quite talented, and has achieved a lot by diligent effort on himself.

Height, weight, age. How old is Miguel

Glory to the guy came for a long time. During this time, everyone learned that Miguel is a top-level choreographer. They began to take an interest in in social networks, search for data of interest about him, for example: height, weight, age. How old is Miguel, known to every fan. The guy is 35 years old. He is 180 centimeters tall and weighs 68 kilograms. The Star Factory also showed that Miguel is in great shape. It's all because he's a dancer. This is what helps him keep in shape, and health in his hands. It hardly changes with age.

Biography and personal life of Miguel

Real name young man, Sergei Shesteperov. He was born in 1982 in Khimki. His family is not ordinary. His father is Cuban and his mother is Russian. Unfortunately, the life story of his parents is very sad. Due to the fact that his father was an officer, they lived together for only three years, after which dad was forced to return to Cuba. He had no right to remain in the USSR. The mother wanted to move abroad with her son, but she was refused. So, for as long as 33 years, the family broke up. The mother raised the boy herself. Only at the age of 33, the guy was able to see his real father, and then only for a month. Like this sad story Miguel's family.

It was my grandmother and mother who instilled a love for dance. Miguel's idol since childhood was and is Michael Jackson. His dance performances just drove the guy crazy. He staged his first performance at the age of 4. The audience, however, were only relatives and neighbors, but still he made a splash. For three whole hours, Miguel and his girlfriend showed a dance performance. Among the chairs and curtains.

At school, he studied indefinitely. Managed to change two institutions. He was infuriated that teachers could not answer non-standard questions. When the boy was in the fifth grade, his mother sent him to a ballet school. Since she was madly in love with performances and productions, she wanted to see her son in this area. The guy himself was not very keen, and after three years he left the studio. He passed the last classes externally.

Since childhood, Miguel knew that he would connect his life with dance. Therefore, I did not think for a long time when I chose educational institution. He always dreamed of a big theatre. And when he moved to Moscow, he entered the school at the theater. And it was then that Miguel's biography and personal life rapidly went up.

Classes for the young man were easy. But he understood that he did not want to devote his life to classical and folk dance.

He created something truly mego cool, just for himself. And only then, he felt truly happy. Then he entered the Institute of Culture, the choreographic department.

Since 99, Miguel has become a ballet soloist in the musical "Metro". He found out about the casting by chance, and went to try his hand. Such an extraordinary dancer was chosen immediately. The performance was a huge success, and brought fame to the creators and the team that participated in it. Many offers followed. He changed performances one after another. But one day he was kicked out, due to another delay. But he was not upset, it became an impetus for him to move on.

He got into TV in 2004. His first project was a factory. The vocal data of the judges were not particularly struck, but the charisma and dancing killed on the spot. He also got to know the project manager. She was Pugacheva, whom he choreographed for some numbers.

Miguel is remembered for his unusual appearance, and some interesting compositions.

After the show, Miguel wanted to do his solo career, and show yourself as a good dancer and choreographer. He began to participate in fashion shows, concerts, videos. He has collaborated with many famous brands. He staged productions for films.

In clips famous singers, staged dance moments. He also participated in the creation of a circus show.

He also participated in the show Dancing. Moreover, he took a place on the jury, along with professional dancers. This brought him great fame.

With regards to his personal life, Miguel is not particularly distributed by a journalist. It is only known that his heart is not yet occupied by anyone. He himself says that he is not particularly lucky in this matter. He is not deprived of female attention, there are a lot of fans, but not all of them. And the girls he likes don't reciprocate. He believes that the moment has not yet come.

He was completely focused on work. And he doesn't think about love yet.

Miguel's family and children

Miguel is a very kind and sincere guy. She loves her job and gives herself completely to it.

So far, Miguel's family and children do not come first. To begin with, he wants to reach the heights that he has set for himself. And then you can think about the family. When you are already an accomplished, wealthy person, then you can take on such responsibility. For him, the family, real, beloved and forever, is his mom and dad. He lives with his mother, but he only sees his father when he is in Cuba. And create your own own family he's not ready yet. In addition to relatives, he also has a dog, whom he also considers his family and loves madly. But recent times the dog is offended by the owner. Miguel began to spend less time with his true friend. He also loves him, but because of work, not always, it turns out just to take a walk with him. The guy promises that soon he will give him due attention and care.

Miguel's wife - does she exist?

Until the young man created his own family, Miguel's wife is still only in his dreams and thoughts. He imagines what she should be, but not one of them fits into this image. He has many female fans who admire him and his talent. Crowds follow him. But that's not it. Those who like him do not reciprocate him. But while he himself is not ready for serious relationship. If he wants, he will achieve any girl, and steal her heart. In the meantime, he is in love only with his profession, and completely surrenders to it.

Miguel orientation. Is he blue?

There are a lot of rumors on the net about Miguel's orientation. Is he blue? Fans of talent are wondering. But there is absolutely no reason to think so. He is an ordinary guy who likes girls. But Miguel does not like to talk about his personal life, so little is known about him. He just hasn't found his soul mate yet, or he's just not looking for it yet, he just wants to take root in the profession, and then start a family. He is still young and has everything ahead of him. And there time will tell who will take a place in his heart.

Miguel how to dance, video and photo

On the Internet you can find a lot of information of this type: Miguel how to dance. Videos and photos literally flooded the network with his bright numbers and productions. Photos of his extraordinary appearance are also everywhere. Miguel is a very talented dancer. He is in love with his work with all his heart. And he devotes himself to the dance, from head to toe. Therefore, his dances are bright, emotional, and unusual. Because of this, many fans are in love with him. He can only wish to grow, and grow above himself, raising his gift higher and higher. And everything else, talent, appearance, he already has.

Instagram and Wikipedia Miguel

Miguel is a well-known person enough for fans to be interested in him. And therefore it is not surprising that Miguel's Instagram and Wikipedia exist. There he shares interesting pictures and videos with people. Some of them are even quite intriguing. This man is a mystery to everyone. A lot of things about him are not known to the public. But in his years, everything is still ahead. He will still surprise us, no matter how interesting and unusual. Let it grow, develop and please fans even more. And we just have to follow his progress, and wish Miguel good luck, love, patience, and most importantly in his profession, inspiration, so that he never leaves him.

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