Ways to determine pregnancy at home. How to determine pregnancy in the early stages at home

Pregnancy and children 08.11.2017
Pregnancy and children

Probably, every woman who has an active sex life, there was a situation when she suspected a possible pregnancy. At the same time, sometimes it is not possible to buy a test and make sure that the pregnancy has actually occurred, or vice versa to dispel your doubts. In this situation, the question arises before a woman: are there any competent ways to determine pregnancy without a test?

From the point of view of gynecology, all signs of pregnancy are divided into doubtful, probable and reliable. And even a positive test result is not a reliable sign of pregnancy.

But in order to determine pregnancy at home, you need to know about a few signs.

Methods based on the physiological processes of the body

Measurement of basal temperature

This method is quite suitable for home use, but has one significant inconvenience: you need to record your basal temperature daily. Measurements should be taken before you get out of bed, measurements are taken in the rectum. In order to be able to correctly interpret the results, it is necessary to have temperature records for each day of the cycle, starting from the first. During ovulation, basal temperature rises due to the action of hormones. If pregnancy occurs, it remains high; if not, it drops to its previous level.

This method has the most a high degree reliability. But an increase in the level of basal temperature in the absence of pregnancy is possible in some other situations:

  • when drinking alcoholic beverages before measurements;
  • if a woman is under the influence of a stressful situation;
  • in case of an increase in hormones after sexual intercourse;
  • in women with disorders of the hormonal system.

Definition of pregnancy by physiological signs

Probable pregnancy for early dates can be identified by a number of signs:

  • the absence of the onset of menstruation (especially if no cycle disturbances were observed before);
  • the appearance of nausea, especially in the morning, vomiting, some strange taste preferences. Intolerance to certain foods and odors;
  • increased sensitivity (up to soreness) of the breast, its increase, darkening of the nipples;
  • periodic pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • change emotional background may appear tearfulness, irritability. Many women are strongly and often sleepy;
  • frequent urination (due to a very fast growing uterus), sometimes a little difficult;
  • increased amount of natural vaginal discharge (in the form of odorless clear mucus).

Determination of pregnancy using urine

Using an alkaline reaction

The next method is used to determine pregnancy without tests - to study the acidity of urine. Urine in pregnant women is usually alkaline. Therefore, if you put a teaspoon of soda in a clean container with morning urine, it should simply settle to the bottom. The occurrence of a hiss reaction indicates acidic urine and is more likely no pregnancy.

But, in addition to pregnancy, urine can have a similar PH level and with a predominance of vegetables in the diet, various diseases kidneys and urinary tract, with prolonged diarrhea or vomiting.

Iodine test

Sometimes, in order to determine pregnancy without a test before a delay, an iodine test is used. Like the baking soda test, it is based on determining the acidity level of the urine.

To carry out the test, it is necessary to moisten a piece of paper in the morning urine. Then a drop of iodine should be applied there. The presence of pregnancy will be indicated by a change in the color of iodine to blue or purple.

There is another option for conducting this test: iodine is dripped into a bowl with morning urine. A drop floating on top speaks of pregnancy. In the absence of pregnancy, it blurs and dissolves.

Boil urine method

For the next test, you need to put morning urine in a metal container on fire. Pregnancy is indicated by the presence of a precipitate of flakes after boiling urine.

Summing up, it is worth noting that there are quite a few methods for determining the presence of pregnancy without a special test. But it must be remembered that all of them do not give a 100% guarantee, although a positive result of several signs can be trusted with a high degree of probability.

In the case when you suspect pregnancy, you should consult a doctor in order to exclude the option of an ectopic pregnancy and assess the development of the fetus.

Girls of reproductive age eventually wonder if they are pregnant. A gynecological examination or ultrasound confirms pregnancy a month after conception. But there are the first signs in the early stages, created by nature, which will help determine pregnancy at home.

Having this information helps the expectant mother prepare for life changes and take a number of steps that are safe for the health of the child.

12 signs of early pregnancy

  1. Delayed menstruation . The most common herald of pregnancy. If a symptom appears, it does not mean that it is caused by pregnancy. It is possible that there was a failure in the body.
  2. implantation bleeding . Slight bleeding that occurs at the time of attachment of the egg to the uterus. Often the symptom appears a week after conception and lasts for several hours.
  3. Breast swelling and increased sensitivity . The messenger appears in the second week. The chest enlarges slightly and becomes sensitive to touch, the nipples darken, and the veins become visible.
  4. Frequent urination . A sign that manifests itself at night after half a month from the moment of conception. Caused by the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder.
  5. Sleepiness and fatigue . They are constant, regardless of the duration of sleep. For many girls, fatigue continues throughout the first trimester. Fight fatigue and drowsiness with coffee not worth it.
  6. Sharpening of the sense of smell . In a position, a woman's sense of smell is enhanced. As a result, the girl is unable to tolerate harsh aromas. Most of all, I dislike tobacco smoke, although other smells do not bring pleasure.
  7. Pain syndromes in the lower back and lower abdomen . The symptom is rare. If pain in these areas appeared, I recommend to be alert. It is possible that pain syndromes will disturb before childbirth, and the risk of miscarriage in this case is high. Be sure to see a doctor.
  8. Attacks of nausea and vomiting . All pregnant women suffer from morning sickness at 6 weeks. For some, the symptom appears earlier. Nausea brings discomfort in the morning and throughout the day.
  9. Sudden mood changes . If another family conflict begins without a good reason, think about it. It is possible that the sign is provoked by a special situation.
  10. constipation. In early pregnancy in female body the level of progesterone rises, which slows down the digestive system. As a result, constipation occurs.
  11. Dizziness . First sign of pregnancy. It may appear for other reasons or be a symptom of a serious illness. Can only figure it out doctor.
  12. Change in appetite . During pregnancy, a brutal appetite awakens. Often drawn to sharp or salty dishes. So the body tries to make up for the lack of vitamins.

We examined the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages. Remember, some of these symptoms are very similar to the messengers of premenstrual syndrome and may be caused by a disease.

Video Myths about pregnancy

How to determine pregnancy without a test at home

As practice shows, women who have suspicions of pregnancy go to the pharmacy and buy a test. You can do without the purchased funds.

Most often, a girl learns about pregnancy after visiting a gynecologist. Pharmacy tests also help in this matter, but there are signs that signal the emergence of a new life.

  1. Absence of menstruation . The main symptom that signals an interesting situation. At the same time, a delay even for a day gives rise to a bunch of questions in the female head. If you listen to the body, you will feel that it is behaving unusually.
  2. Hormonal changes drastically . There is a feeling of nasal congestion, the joints hurt, and the temperature rises. Similar symptoms are disturbing with colds and flu.
  3. The appearance of snoring . Progesterone, which is responsible for the safety of the child, affects the mucous membranes, which become soft and weakened. As a result, the girl in the position snores. If this has not been noticed before, it is worth taking a pregnancy test.
  4. The breast becomes sensitive, enlarges and swells . It is impossible not to notice such changes. When the nipples come into contact with clothing, pain appears.
  5. Changes in the hormonal background . There is a high irritability, malaise, fatigue, sudden mood swings.
  6. iodine test . A drop of iodine is added to the urine and the behavior is observed. If the drop does not blur or sink down, there is a possibility of pregnancy.

The listed methods are effective, but no one has canceled the exceptions. At the first suspicion, immediately consult a gynecologist.

Signs for pregnancy

Outside the window is an age of scientific progress and computer technology, but conspiracies, superstitions and signs remain significant. Some worldly wisdom provides amazing results that cannot be justified by either logic or science.

Often girls face a problem when pregnancy does not occur. Even doctors, having studied the situation, make a helpless gesture. As a result, future mothers resort to the help of old ways to help realize a dream.

According to accomplished mothers, signs - effective method have a child. I will list some of them so that you can apply the knowledge gained in practice and make sure of their effectiveness.

  1. An old sign says that a close friend who is expecting a baby can help get pregnant. More frequent contact with future mother, which during communication will share positive energy.
  2. For the long-awaited pregnancy to come, drink from the cup from which the pregnant woman drank.
  3. Drop in on a visit to the held mom and roll an empty stroller. A similar effect will be provided by trying on things belonging to a pregnant girl.
  4. Some will contribute to the expansion of the family houseplants, including ficus. According to the sign, if a ficus is placed in the room where a young couple lives, he will make sure that children appear in the family.
  5. The appearance in the family of a homeless cat or dogs indicates that a child will appear in the house. According to the sages, animals that have found a home radiate energy that contributes to the achievement of the goal.

I do not claim that this is true, but it will not hurt to try the listed methods in practice. It is no secret that signs appear for a reason, and people have noticed them since ancient times.

Signs of a missed pregnancy

The loss of a child is a huge tragedy, especially during pregnancy. This happens with premature birth, spontaneous miscarriage and missed pregnancy.

According to statistics, out of the total number of pregnancies, 15% die. It is problematic to diagnose a missed pregnancy and it is possible to determine the pathology only during the examination.

A frozen pregnancy is a condition when, at a certain stage, the fetus stops developing and dies. Such misfortune can overtake in any trimester, but a large proportion occurs in the first thirteen weeks.

Pathology manifests itself for various reasons, including: the woman's age, bad habits, endocrine diseases, hormonal disruptions, serious infections, diseases of the uterus.

  • On the initial stage it is unrealistic to determine a frozen pregnancy. A symptom of pathology is the disappearance of signs of pregnancy, including a change in taste, an increase in the volume and sensitivity of the breast.
  • It is not always possible to identify the listed signs. In some girls, pregnancy begins without certain symptoms, and the changes caused by fading do not appear immediately, which is due to the peculiarities of the hormonal system.
  • Some girls intuitively feel the problem. If you have any doubts, do not panic, listen to your body and consult a doctor.
  • A frozen pregnancy is evidenced by a sharp decrease in basal temperature. Remember, the method is effective in the first half of the position.
  • After the middle of the term, the fetus begins to move. If no movements are noticed or the intensity of movement has decreased, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This will help make sure that the baby is not in danger.
  • The most dangerous signs are pain syndromes in the lower abdomen, along with bloody discharge, reminiscent of menstruation. If these signs appear, immediately contact the clinic.

Even if any symptom appears, do not panic or become depressed. Only a doctor can determine if there is a problem.

Pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is a deplorable event, the end of which is the death of the fetus. Girls are not even aware of the existence of a problem and learn about it as part of a routine examination or after the appearance of spotting.

The tragedy has an impact on the psyche, and few people dare to try again. But pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy often goes well if everything plan right.

  1. First of all, it is recommended that a couple undergo a comprehensive examination. Spouses must visit a geneticist, endocrinologist, urologist and gynecologist without fail.
  2. Take good care of your health. Get rid of chronic diseases and take a number of measures to strengthen the immune system.
  3. The duration of pregnancy planning is six months. This time is enough to visit doctors, undergo an examination and prepare the body for the birth of life.
  4. Focus on sports and nutrition. Do not interfere with walks in the fresh air along with good sleep and the absence of stressful situations. Remember, many girls who survived a missed pregnancy became mothers or had a second child.
  5. Sometimes the pathology appears again. Then an in-depth examination is required. Medical practice shows that the body often programs itself for an unsuccessful pregnancy.

The second attempt can be successful, the main thing is to undergo a complete examination and prepare for conception. If this is not done, the likelihood of relapse will increase. Do not neglect the examination of the body and planning pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy without a test and at home? Any doctor will answer this question that there are no such methods. Of course, you can take an analysis for the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, but still this is a clinical analysis, and not a home diagnosis. What you will do at home and what you will get as a result are all probable, and perhaps far-fetched symptoms and signs. But be that as it may, women tend to believe in miracles, various signs and the experience of their friends, so we will tell you how to theoretically determine pregnancy at home.

Learning to measure basal temperature and interpret the data obtained

In general, basal temperature is measured most often not with the hope of knowing exactly your position early and without the help of doctors, but as an additional means of checking fertility, hormonal background. In this case, it is necessary to start measurements from the first day of the menstrual cycle and enter all the data into a simple graph consisting of an X and Y scale.

And how to determine pregnancy by temperature? Testing should begin no earlier than 1-2 days before the expected day of the onset of menstruation. Menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases - before ovulation and after ovulation. And these phases are approximately the same in duration. The duration of the second phase is no more than 16-18 days. The second phase, if ovulation has occurred, is characterized by an increased basal temperature (slightly above 37 degrees). Closer to menstruation, it begins to decrease, if a decrease is not observed within two to three weeks - it is possible and quite.

Basal temperature, contrary to popular belief, is measured not only in the rectum, but also in the mouth, or in the vagina, but not under the arm. You just need to keep a mercury thermometer in your mouth for 5 minutes, when measuring in the vagina or in the rectum, 3 minutes is enough.

Many factors influence the accuracy of measurements. For example, the temperature may be elevated during illness, after drinking alcohol, after sexual intercourse, due to stress or taking certain medications. If all this is excluded, then the result can be considered reliable. If there is a delay, and you are thinking about how to determine pregnancy at home, this will definitely help you. Expectant mothers have BBT positive.

Please note that the measurement should be carried out right in the morning, without getting out of bed, and without making sudden movements before that. Even shaking a mercury thermometer is recommended in advance in the evening.

Online pregnancy tests

If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to use this, try the online version. Of course, you can hardly trust him. No one can diagnose you through the monitor. And online testing consists in answering simple questions like: do you experience nausea in the morning; do you have a delay in menstruation and if so, is this the first time such a delay; whether you had intercourse in this cycle without protection, etc. And depending on the answers, you can get an approximate percentage in favor of "yes" and "no". If testing is free, then it still makes sense to find out how to determine pregnancy without a test in this way, you can have fun, but there is no point in paying money for this (most often, this is sending a short SMS message). This test, which gynecologists trust, is sold in any pharmacy for very little money.

What are the main manifestations of early pregnancy?

All those who are looking for the answer to the question "how to determine pregnancy at home" need to know this. You just need to compare the signs described below with those that you may have.

1. Delayed menstruation. Of course, this happens to many non-pregnant women, but from this moment it makes sense to look for other symptoms on your own. If the monthly went on time. and nothing unusual was observed, but there are other signs interesting position, then, most likely, their origin is not at all connected with pregnancy.

In very rare cases, menstruation can also occur during pregnancy, approximately every 4-5 weeks but it's just a little spotting. If bleeding begins, then this means only one thing - a miscarriage.

Doctors can only diagnose pregnancy on examination after 2-3 weeks of delay. At that time, the uterus increases so much that it is already possible to draw conclusions.

2. Toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting. This is one of the most common. However, it does not occur in every woman.

3. Pain in the mammary glands. This symptom is most informative for women who never encounter mastopathy and think about how to determine pregnancy without a test. Sometimes you can't even touch your chest. By the way, the mammary glands also have a feature during pregnancy to increase by 1-2 sizes. The nipples become hypersensitive and pigmented. Sometimes, even in the early stages, colostrum begins to stand out from them when lightly pressed. However, if not both mammary glands hurt, but only one of them, and in any particular area, then there is reason to suspect the pathology of the mammary glands.

4. Pain in the uterus or (and) ovaries. This pain is very similar to that experienced by many ladies before and during the first days of menstruation. By the way, having noticed this symptom, the girls first of all begin to think that the cause of the pain is the future menstruation, which is about to come. However, bleeding never occurs, and mild periodic pain persists. However, sometimes this symptom indicates such a dangerous pathology as. So, thinking about how to determine pregnancy by temperature, without a test, or by any symptoms at home is useful, but if more or less reliable signs of pregnancy appear, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.?

5. An increase in the amount of secretions from the genitals. This usually occurs during ovulation. The discharge is clear and odorless. If a whitish tint appears or the structure of the discharge becomes curdled, then you can already suspect thrush, which, by the way, is also a fairly common occurrence in expectant mothers. But only in this case, treatment is indispensable. During the period of bearing a baby, you need to protect your body as much as possible from any, even such “light” diseases. An infection is an infection...

6. Strengthening or vice versa decrease in libido. Every woman has a jump in sexual desire, either in one direction or the other. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. So, the male sex needs to take everything easier, they have by no means become less loved, it’s just that their woman is preparing to become a mother.

7. Irritability, drowsiness, tearfulness and similar "purely feminine" emotions. When at night you suddenly begin to want pineapples, and during the day - fish. By the way, any such desire can be not just a whim. For example, you want sour when the body lacks vitamin C. Girls with calcium deficiency want to gnaw on the wall. And sniff gasoline with a lack of iron, with anemia. Drowsiness, on the other hand, indicates that it is time to give your body a rest, after all, now you are responsible for two.

8. More frequent urination. It seems that it’s not hot, and you didn’t drink anymore, but for some reason you are drawn to the toilet “in a small way” more and more often. Cystitis? No, there is no pain during urination, the stomach does not hurt. So, it's time to look for the answer to the question of how to determine pregnancy at home. This phenomenon is associated with some relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder due, again, to hormonal changes. And this is for almost all 9 months, so be prepared!

9. An increase in body temperature along with an increase in basal temperature. Yes, this happens outside of the disease. Subfebrile temperature, of course, is unpleasant, but this must also be experienced. Moreover, it rises, as a rule, only in the first month of pregnancy.

We hope that we have sufficiently fully covered the topic of the article “without a test”. But remember that in any case, you can not do without a doctor. And do not be shy to buy a pregnancy test in a pharmacy - there is nothing shameful and terrible in this, just like in visits to a gynecologist.

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