False foam brick red poisonous than dangerous. false mushrooms

Tourism and rest 16.06.2019
Tourism and rest

The hat is 4-10 cm in diameter, at first hemispherical, covered below with a whitish partial veil with whitish flakes, red-brown, orange-yellow, with a lighter, yellowish edge, then convex, convex-prostrate, with a wrapped or lowered edge, with light flaky remnants of bedspread along the edge, matte, pale yellow-orange, with a light yellowish or olive-yellowish edge and a brick-red middle, with a darker center, sometimes with red-brown spots, brick-red mushrooms are characterized by such signs

The hat is first spherical, then bell-shaped hemispherical.

The skin is brick red, smooth and dry, lighter on the edges, acquiring a yellowish tinge and almost always fringed with the remains of a private spathe. Juvenile specimens always have a private filiform spathe.

Plates. Plates: frequent, adherent or notched, at first light, yellowish-brownish, dirty yellow, then gray-yellow-olive, later olive-brown with a violet tint.
Spore powder dark purple

Leg 5-10 cm long and 1-1.5 cm in diameter, smooth or narrowed towards the base, often curved, dense, fibrous, sometimes with fibrous remains of the bedspread, first solid, then hollow, pale yellowish above, rusty-brown below
Pulp: thick, dense, yellowish, yellow-brown in the stalk, odorless, with a bitter taste

Habitat from mid-July to November, until frost (massively in August and September) in deciduous, broad-leaved and mixed forests on decaying hardwood (birch, more often oak), on stumps, near them, in a group, in a bunch, in a colony, often, annually


Brick-red mushrooms are a conditionally edible mushroom (although considered inedible or not reasonably poisonous by some mycologists) with an astringent taste. It is collected in Chuvashia, Karelia, according to the literature in some foreign countries (Canada, Germany, Yugoslavia, etc.). Used fresh (in the second courses), salted and pickled.

Boil the mushroom for about 20-25 minutes, then rinse well in running water. You can boil two or three times for five minutes, rinse and squeeze the mushrooms after each boil, then boil them until the allotted time. After that, false foam can be fried, salted or pickled. It is better to collect half-open young hats with top legs


The color of the cap is completely unchanged and almost does not vary in tone. The plates are yellowish at first, then they acquire an olive, and in the end - a chocolate color. The veil is first white, then blackish-brown.


False honey agaric is very common and growing large groups on rotting stumps or deadwood in deciduous and coniferous forests both on the plains and in the mountains.


Almost the whole year, except for the period of winter frosts.


The same as those of the False honey agaric sulfur yellow.

Brick-red mushrooms - Video.

How and where to collect mushrooms

Among mushroom pickers, honey mushrooms are very popular, which are pickled, fried, salads and various sauces are made from them. But there is a danger of confusing edible representatives mushroom kingdom with false marks.

Inedible twins honey agaric prefer to settle like their counterparts big families on deadwood, stumps and rotten trees

Inedible twins of honey mushrooms prefer to settle, like their counterparts, in large families on deadwood, stumps and rotten trees. All of them are very similar in appearance.

The legs of the mushrooms are very thin and hollow inside. The surface of the hats is painted in bright colors, which depend on the place of growth, the composition of the soil and the season. The skin is smooth to the touch.

Features of false mushrooms (video)

Botanical description of the main types of false mushrooms

The group of false mushrooms includes several types of mushrooms. Since they grow in identical conditions to edible representatives, it is very easy to confuse them. Some species are conditionally edible, others are inedible, and still others are poisonous. In view of the danger of getting serious poisoning, an inexperienced mushroom picker is advised not to pick suspicious mushrooms.

Poppy honey agaric

The second name of the fungus is gray-lamellar honey agaric. Grows on fallen trees and pine stumps. In rare cases, it occurs on a decaying rhizome. Begins to bear fruit last month summer and continues until mid-autumn.

The hemispherical cap reaches a size of 7 cm. In the process of growth of the fruiting body, it changes its appearance to a convex-prostrate one, along the edge of which particles of the bedspread remain. If the fruit grows in a humid environment, the hat acquires a light brown color. In a dry place, its surface is light yellow tones. The middle of the cap is much brighter than the edges. The smell of whitish pulp resembles dampness.

The plates located on the inner surface of the cap adhere to the stem. In young individuals, their color is pale yellow. Over time, the color changes, becoming similar to poppy seeds.. The long leg (up to 10 cm) can be either straight or curved. The membranous ring quickly disappears. At the base it has a red-red color, and yellow near the cap.

Since poppy mushroom belongs to the conditionally edible category, after processing it can be used for culinary purposes. It is not recommended to collect old mushrooms, which lose their taste with age.

Poppy honey agaric

Brick red honey agaric

poisonous mushroom that young age has a rounded convex hat, which turns into a semi-spread as it grows older. The surface is light reddish-brown tones, or red-brown and brick red. In the central part, the color is much more saturated. There are white hanging fragments along the edges, which are the remains of a bedspread. Bitter flesh of yellowish tones. Plates change color over time. In young specimens they are dirty yellow, and in mature ones they are olive-brown. The shape of the leg is flat or narrowed at the bottom. The color is yellowish, slightly brown in the lower part. The structure is dense.

Prefers to settle on hardwood in large families. The peak of fruiting occurs at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.

Brick red honey agaric

Sulfur yellow honey agaric

The diameter of the cap of the poisonous mushroom is from 2 to 7 cm. In a young mushroom, its shape is similar to a bell. Becomes prostrate with age. The color can be yellow-brown or sulfur-yellow, which is reflected in its name. The central part of the cap is somewhat darker than along the edge.

The inside of the fruit is whitish or sulfur-yellow. The smell emanating from the pulp is unpleasant. The leg with a diameter of 0.5 cm grows up to 10 cm in length. From above sulfur-yellow with a fibrous structure. Mushrooms grow in groups of about 50 fruits, fused at the base with legs.

The difference between false mushrooms and autumn ones (video)

How to distinguish false mushrooms from edible mushrooms

Despite the fact that the features of edible mushrooms are in many ways similar to their false counterparts, having understood salient features and the differences of each species, you can learn to distinguish them. The main differences:

  1. Hat appearance. In real mushrooms, its surface layer is covered with peculiar scales of a darker color than the cap itself. Mature mushrooms become smooth, losing their scales. But this is not scary, since such mushrooms are no longer of interest.
  2. Ring or skirt. Edible young individuals under the cap have a white film, which, as the fungus grows, turns into a ring on the leg. False instances do not have it.
  3. Hat skin color. False representatives are much brighter than edible mushrooms. Real mushrooms are usually tender Brown color. Not edible species with the addition of red and yellow-gray tones.
  4. Smell. Edible mushrooms have a mushroom flavor. Dangerous twins, on the contrary, exude an unpleasant earthy or moldy smell.
  5. Records. True mushrooms are characterized by the presence of light plates (yellowish or beige). In inedible species, they are brighter and darker (olive, greenish, yellow).

The fruits also taste different from real mushrooms. False species are unpleasant and bitter, but it is forbidden to try them. Having carefully studied the signs that help to distinguish an edible mushroom from a dangerous one, you can protect yourself from the serious consequences of poisoning with toxic substances.

Toxic elements of false mushrooms negatively affect cardiovascular system and brain

Signs of poisoning with false mushrooms

In case of erroneous use of false mushrooms, intoxication of the body occurs, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • The first signs of poisoning appear within the first hour after eating, but there are times when it takes up to 12 hours.
  • Toxic compounds that enter the body are very quickly absorbed into the blood. Then, with its current, they penetrate into all organs, having a negative effect.
  • There are complaints of discomfort in the stomach, there is a slight dizziness, heartburn, stomach rumbling, nausea.
  • After 4-6 hours, the symptoms begin to progress. Lethargy, apathy, trembling in the limbs and general weakness join. As the nausea intensifies, vomiting occurs. Gastric cramps move to the entire abdomen. The stool becomes frequent and watery, accompanied by sharp abdominal pains. Cold sweat is released. Cold sweat appears on the palms and feet. The level of sugar in the blood drops.

The most poisonous mushrooms (video)

Toxic elements negatively affect the cardiovascular system and the brain. As a result, the heart rate slows down and decreases arterial pressure to a critical level. Lack of oxygen leads to blue skin (cyanosis). The patient suffers from headache and dizziness.

Intense vomiting and diarrhea dehydrate the body, so fluid balance needs to be replenished, otherwise vital processes will be disturbed. In the absence of the necessary assistance, the patient begins delirium and hallucinations appear. There is an alternation of excitation and inhibition.

Recovery of health after poisoning depends on the speed of the measures taken. Timely contacting a specialist and carrying out the necessary procedures reduces the recovery time and minimizes the consequences.

Those who go in search of mushrooms should remember that only those mushrooms in which there is no doubt that these are edible species should be collected in a basket. Otherwise, the find must be discarded.

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(Hypholoma sublateritium)

Honey agaric false brick-red in our country is classified as poisonous mushrooms. But in North America and Italy it is eaten.


mushroom grows in deciduous forests, near trees, on stumps and logs. Found in large groups. The growth period lasts from August to October.


The shape of the cap of the false brick red cap changes as it matures - at first it is convex, bell-shaped, then rounded. Meaty enough. The color of the cap is brick-red, yellow or light red-brownish towards the edge, sometimes with white delicate flakes. In size grows up to 4-10 cm in diameter.

The pulp is dense, white in young mushrooms, yellowish in mature mushrooms. It has an unpleasant odor and bitter taste. The plates are adherent, clean, in young mushrooms they are yellowish in color, with time the color changes to smoky with a purple-brown tint, in completely mature mushrooms it is black-olive. Violet-brown spore powder.

The leg of the false honey agaric brick-red is even in shape, tapering towards the bottom. Yellowish in color, brownish-brown below. Very mature mushrooms have a hollow inside. It grows up to 3-8 cm in length and up to 5-15 mm in width.

Toxic toxins and signs of poisoning:

Highly common cause poisoning is eating false mushrooms. The toxins they contain are less poisonous than those of the pale grebe or fly agaric, and cause disorders. gastrointestinal tract. Signs of poisoning appear very quickly. These include: nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach and intestines, diarrhea. If the dose of mushrooms eaten was large, severe headaches and convulsions may occur.

Often confused:

False brick-red honey agaric is very often confused with edible relatives - autumn and winter honey agarics. When picking mushrooms, you need to carefully look at the color of the cap, plates and spore powder. Remember: the false honey agaric has a brick-red cap color and no scales, the edible cap color is dull, light brown and has small brownish scales, the color is honey yellow or cream. The plates of false mushrooms are yellow, in mature ones they are greenish or olive-black, in edible mushrooms they are yellowish-white or cream. The smell of false mushrooms is unpleasant, for edible mushrooms - a pleasant mushroom aroma.

According to some ancient medical books in ancient times East Slavs used false honey agaric brick-red as an emetic and laxative.

Candoll's false honeycomb is edible, its cap is 3-6 cm in diameter, thin-fleshy, finely scaly, first hemispherical, strongly convex, then open, flesh-yellow or wood-yellow, then whitish. Scales in the form of scraps of white threads. In wet weather, the hat is very sticky, slimy. The plates are narrow, adherent, white, then pinkish and finally brownish-purple flesh-colored. Leg white, tubular, silky fibrous, 5-8 cm long, 3-5 mm thick. Spore powder is brown.

Look at this false honeycomb in the photo, which will help you to successfully identify it during the "silent hunt":

Candoll's false honeycomb grows in deciduous and mixed forest

Candoll's false honeycomb in the photo

Grows in deciduous and mixed forests on stumps deciduous trees.

It bears fruit from July to October in groups and singly.

It looks like an inedible wormwood psatirella (Psatirella artemisiae), which is distinguished by small hats up to 1.5 cm and the smell of wormwood.

After boiling for 5 minutes, it becomes less brittle and ready for use in cooking.

In Russia, the brick-red false honey agaric is considered poisonous, its beautiful, rather fleshy fruiting bodies grow in large clusters. Caps 4-8 cm, at first hemispherical, then convex smooth, brick red with a lighter creamy yellow edge. The plates are pale yellow, covered with a veil. Leg whitish, reddish below. In mature mushrooms, the caps are flat, rusty-red, on the edge there are remnants of a bedspread, the adherent plates are gray-greenish-yellow, then purple-brown or gray-brown. The pulp is dense, yellowish, bitter.

Grows in forests, bushes, stumps and fallen trunks. A Fruits from August to November. The main wave of fruiting is a few weeks later than that of autumn mushrooms.

Look at the brick-red false foam in the photos that show appearance culture on different terms development:

The red-brick false honey agaric grows in forests, in bushes.

Red-brick false honeycomb grows on stumps and on fallen trunks

Red-brick false honey agaric can be confused with the poisonous sulfur yellow false honey agaric (Hipholoma fasciculare), which has smaller yellow or yellow-green fruiting bodies and an unpleasant odor.

In Russia it is considered poisonous. Nevertheless, in Japan and the United States, it is harvested, soaked, boiled, and then salted, like ordinary autumn mushrooms.

Poison mushroom!

The photo and description of the sulfur-yellow false foam is amazing: beautiful fruiting bodies, grow in large clusters. Caps 2-6 cm, at first hemispherical, then convex smooth, sulfur-yellow or greenish-yellow with a rolled edge. The plates are sulfur-yellow, covered with a veil. The leg is sulfur-yellow, brownish below. In mature mushrooms, the caps are flat, sulfur-yellow-greenish, the plates are adherent, sulfur-yellow, then dark olive or olive-black. The pulp is dense, yellowish, disgustingly bitter. The smell is unpleasant.

Sulfur-yellow false foam grows in forests, in bushes, on stumps and on fallen trunks.

Look at the sulfur-yellow false honeycomb in the photo, remember this dangerous forest mushroom and in no case collect it:

Sulphur-yellow false foam grows in forests, in bushes

False honey fungus sulfur-yellow POISONOUS

Fruiting from August to November.

Sulfur-yellow false honey agaric can be confused with edible mushrooms - summer honey agaric and poisonous brick red false honey agaric. from which it differs by a sulfur-yellow or yellow-greenish color.

Not all mushroom lovers can recognize inedible or poisonous varieties among forest gifts. And false mushrooms are also not always amenable to classification, their different types belong to several families. And only experienced mushroom pickers confidently collect edible specimens, although cases of poisoning by them are also known. It's all the fault of the species variability of representatives of this very common and numerous family.

They have brightly colored brick-brown or red-brown caps. Mushrooms with bright yellow caps are especially dangerous. They are smooth, evenly colored, sticky to the touch. The same bright colors present with reverse side hats false mushrooms. Their plates are green, yellow or dark olive. Sometimes they are covered with a thin cobweb-like film.

These representatives of the forest flora have a heavy smell of dampness, sometimes they smell like earth. This is due to the fact that they lack useful organic oils.

Features of false mushrooms (video)

Photo gallery

Places of growth of false mushrooms

All justify their name by the fact that they grow mainly on or around stumps. They surround trunks, are found on rotten trees or in moss, sometimes they do not disdain even outwardly healthy trees. And they are always large mushroom families, “drawing” large circles. Often, on the spot, you can pick up a full box of mushrooms.

What do false mushrooms look like

There are about two dozen species of mushrooms that are not suitable for food, there are much more of them than edible ones. Most often there are such varieties.

Outwardly, this is a very beautiful and bright mushroom. In young specimens, it is domed, and with time it opens and becomes up to 8 cm in diameter. It is bright brown along the edges, and bright brick in the center. Its surface is smooth, there are no scales on it. Mushroom flesh is light yellow. The spore plates are firmly attached to the stem. At first they are yellow, then turn brown, and in adult specimens they are dark brown. Mushroom legs are thin and long, at the base they are denser, their color is dark closer to the ground, and light yellow at the top.

The fungus is distributed from late summer until frost on the remains of deciduous trees. It is classified as inedible species.

This is extremely dangerous. It occurs both on decaying hardwoods and on the remains of coniferous trees. Its hat is slightly smaller than that of its brick-red counterpart, but undergoes the same transformations of its shape - from bell-shaped to prostrate. The edges are usually lighter - gray-yellow or yellow, and the center - a red-brown hue. Mushroom flesh is yellow with a repulsive odor. Numerous thin plates fit snugly to the stem. In young specimens they are yellow. Then they become green, and in old specimens - almost black with an olive or chocolate tint.

The stem of the mushroom is empty and thin, growing in length up to ten centimeters. Sometimes you can meet a family numbering up to fifty fused mushrooms. Fruiting is observed from the end of spring until the first frost. These mushrooms have such strong toxins that even one specimen caught among a whole pot of edible counterparts is enough to get serious poisoning at the risk of life. Moreover, the poison passes to all forest gifts prepared in one container, making them also dangerous.

The second name of the fungus is gray-lamellar honey agaric. A seven-centimeter hat in the form of a hemisphere, then opens, often keeping the remains of the bedspread in the form of a thin film along the edges. The color of the cap, depending on the humidity, changes color from pale yellow to bright brown. The edges of the cap are lighter than the middle. Its flesh is light, with a smell of dampness. Thin plates, tightly attached to the stem, are first light yellow, and later have a color like that of poppy seeds. The thin and long curving leg is bright brown at the base, and yellow at the top.

The fungus appears abundantly at the end of summer, preferring pine forests. Young specimens are classified as edible, but old specimens are tasteless.

How to distinguish false mushrooms from autumn ones (video)

Signs of poisoning with false mushrooms

Signs of poisoning with false mushrooms appear soon after food enters the stomach. But depending on the type and portion of dangerous twins, a reaction to them can occur even after a few hours. Toxins, getting into the blood, spread throughout the body. Most of them get to the digestive organs. Symptoms of poisoning are similar to those of acute gastroenteritis, with the following observed:

  • nausea accompanied by severe vomiting.
  • pallor of the skin.
  • reusable liquid stool.
  • weakness, dizziness, increased sweating.
  • acute paroxysmal pain in the abdomen.

In case of poisoning with brick-red mushrooms, it also suffers nervous system. This results in a headache high blood pressure, difficulty speaking and nosebleeds. AT severe cases intoxication occurs, threatening coma and even cardiac arrest.

Sulfur-yellow honey agaric is also dangerous because its toxins do not decompose during heat treatment. Toxic substances are preserved and even accumulated during the conservation of the insidious forest gift.

First aid for acute mushroom poisoning comes down to cleaning the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to provoke vomiting with the help of a large volume of boiled water drunk. After that, you need to drink activated charcoal, washing it down with plenty of liquid. In this case it is useful mineral water without gas, broths. You need to drink them in small portions every quarter of an hour.

Before the arrival of the ambulance, you need to lay the patient down, warming the limbs with a blanket and heating pads. In case of loss of consciousness, it is necessary to fix the tongue so that the victim does not suffocate.

How to distinguish a false mushroom from an edible mushroom

The main difference between the dangerous doubles of honey mushrooms is the absence of a small ring of the remnants of the film in the form of a "skirt" surrounding the leg from above. But sometimes it is not present on benign types of mushrooms, they can simply lose it.

In addition, they can be distinguished from real mushrooms by the following features:

  1. Edible counterparts smell pleasant, while false ones give off earth or dampness.
  2. "Wear" more modest clothes of a light brown or beige hue. And false brothers differ from edible mushrooms in the brick-red or yellow tones of the hat.
  3. In young real mushrooms, hats are scaly, while in false ones, they are smooth. But it is not possible to distinguish mature specimens by this feature, because. their scalyness disappears over time.
  4. The spore plates on the reverse side of the cap also differ in color. In quality mushrooms, they are cream or off-white, while in their dangerous counterparts, they are dark: bluish, olive-black or dark gray.
  5. During heat treatment, false mushrooms turn black or turn blue.

The most poisonous mushrooms in Russia (video)

If you are not an experienced mushroom picker and you are not sure about the quality of the harvested forest crop, you should not take risks. There can be no absolute guarantee of the identification of poisonous mushrooms when they are visually compared. With a significant species diversity, sometimes even professionals are mistaken in their identification. And the consequences of such a delusion are serious - up to cardiac arrest. Therefore, you need to collect only those mushrooms that you are familiar with.

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