Cats and their habits Interesting habits of cats, and explanations for them

Helpful Hints 07.07.2020
Helpful Hints

Cats are very peculiar animals, unpredictable, freedom-loving, but at the same time very affectionate and attached to humans. Special habits peculiar only to these fluffy feline representatives.

Cats are very talkative. Meow for any reason. Greeting or demanding something, reassuring you or complaining or begging, rejoicing or longing, angry or even threatening. Cats purr when good mood. They have many ways to show what she wants.

If the cat is unhappy, she wag her tail in different sides. Cats hear well in the ultra and infrasonic ranges. Therefore, it perfectly "eavesdrops" on mouse conversations and determines their location. Some cats can find their home many kilometers (5-10 km).

Cats value comfort as much as we do. Psychological studies have shown that children from families where there are animals are more sociable and popular among their peers, they have higher self-esteem.

I have Pusya cats. She came to us 3 years ago. I remember how happy I was when I saw this little lump! Since then, I have been taking care of her, and Pusya thanks me with a loud purr. She became a perky, playful and cheerful cat.

Relevance The theme is due to the fact that communication with animals allows a person to become more good-natured, gentle, attentive. We need understanding of smaller friends in order not to lose our spiritual warmth. In the world of modern technologies, there is no time left for live communication, understanding, expression of feelings even for your own children. And communication with such a gentle animal allows you to bring all family members closer, maintain kindness and remain Human!

Objective. To study at home the habits and habits of cats and learn how to “read” them, expand knowledge about cats and the cat family, and be responsible for a tamed animal.

For this, the following tasks:

one . Study the relevant literature.

2. Research the behavior of your own pets.

Object of study. Domestic cat Pusya.

Subject of study. Cat behavior.

Hypothesis: If you learn to read the habits of cats, then the cat and I will “speak” the same language, understand each other and our union will be friendly and harmonious.

Research methods:

1. Theoretical.

2. Observation.

The domestic cat is one of the oldest domesticated animals. In almost all countries of the world, a cat turned out to be a constant companion of a person. Africa is considered her homeland. According to rough estimates, there are now about 500 million cats in the world, of which one third are homeless. The average life expectancy of a cat is 10-12 years, of which only Last year she lives with signs of old age. A cat has been living next to a person for thousands of years. But it still remains a mysterious creature in many respects. AT different times in different countries she was treated differently.

AT Ancient Egypt they idolized the cat, rendered it all sorts of honors. In the event of a fire, the cat was first taken out of the fire, and in the event of its death, all family members shaved off their eyebrows and cut their hair as a sign of mourning. And already killing a cat was considered a terrible sin. The death penalty punished those who deliberately killed at least one of the "sacred guards" of the grain barns. Accidental killing of a cat was punishable by a large fine. If the cat died a natural death, they mourned it, showered it with gifts - in the form of dried mice! This was done because the Egyptians believed that in the other world, a person or an animal continues to live.

The king of the Persians Cambyses, preparing to attack the Egyptian city of Piluza, ordered to catch many cats in its vicinity. And taking a cat in their hands instead of shields, the Persians went on the offensive. And the Egyptians surrendered without a fight: after all, fighting the Persians meant killing a certain number of sacred animals. And the Egyptians could not go for it. They loved cats so much that Mohammed himself, when one of the cats fell asleep on his dressing gown, and he had to leave, he cut off the floor on which the cat was sleeping in order to remove her from her dressing gown and not disturb her sleep. And one sultan in Egypt in the 13th century bequeathed to cats in the vicinity of Cairo a huge orchard for living and huge wealth for their maintenance. And for many decades this garden was seething with cats, at certain times. Cats from almost all over the city flocked to it, already knowing that between noon and sunset they would be fed.

And in medieval Europe, cats were persecuted as "witchspawn", mainly because of their mysterious nocturnal lifestyle. They were drowned, burned at the stake, sometimes together with the owners. AT Ancient Russia the economic qualities of a cat were first appreciated by the clergy. It was they who placed her under the protection of church law. At the beginning of the 17th century in Japan, after many years of persecution, the good name of the cat was returned by imperial decree. Here is one of the old stories related to the cat.

The owner of a small tea shop, whose business was going badly, was presented with a figurine of a cat. She came to life and began to work at the cash register of the store. It became a sensation and that's it more people went to the tea room to see such a miracle. Thanks to the help of a small cat, trade began to flourish. Since then, cats have been kept in all teahouses in Japan. All this, of course, is fiction. A cat is an ordinary animal, but with extraordinary qualities

Cats have a strong biofield and are natural healers. So they saturate the air with negative ions, which are beneficial to human health. Purring strengthens the skeletal system and raises immunity. All cats can help relieve stress, stroking reduces heart rate, normalizes blood pressure relieves joint and headaches. They take away negative energy, soothe. It can be any cat that loves you. The black cat has the most energy.

Why do cats sleep on humans? Since unhealthy organs have an elevated temperature, which they feel and lie down in the immediate vicinity of the "center" of such a beloved heat.

Negative qualities - sharpen claws and eat houseplants. Scratching is an innate behavior of cats, and the game is an imitation of hunting and the realization of the hunting instinct. Cats are primarily carnivores by nature. Their main weapon, besides teeth, is claws, and weapons must always be "sharpened". In nature, this occurs in a natural way "climbing trees".

Falling from a height, the cat lands on all its paws, because from the beginning of the fall, it turns the front part of the body down and sees where it needs to land, then, by rotating the body, it turns down and falls on all paws.

Due to the elasticity and mobility of the vertebrae, the cat can bend in half and turn 180 degrees. In humans, the vertebrae are connected by ligaments and tendons, while in cats, by muscles. Cat paw pads, ligaments and cartilage are the best shock absorbers for cats in a fall. Cats have developed a "gyroscope", which is located in the inner ear. This allows the cat to quickly navigate in space. Together, these factors save the cat from injury when falling from a height. When falling, the cat raises its head, turns its body, slightly lowers the croup. Making movements with the shoulders, front and hind legs, the cat turns over with its stomach to the ground. The cat also uses its tail to adjust the speed of the roll. After these manipulations, the cat relaxes the body and spreads the limbs a little and soars like a flying squirrel. Softening the blow, the cat arches its back upon landing and uses the same shock absorbers - paws and an elastic chest.

Falling cats are much more likely to survive than falling people. A person flying down from a higher than the sixth floor has practically no chance of staying alive. The same can be said about dogs - they get more severe injuries than cats, even if they fall from a lower height. But some stunt cats fly two or three times - and at least that! No wonder, apparently, the saying was born that a cat has nine lives. In most cases, although cats have excellent night vision, they still fall more often at night than during the day, and the passion for flying overcomes young cats under the age of three years. Older cats are already much more attentive, calmer and more prudent about their health and life.

Cats are psychics. In Russia since ancient times there was a custom in new house let the cat in first. because he sees the brownie and calmly enters the house. if there are no dark forces. They foresee earthquakes, hurricanes and storms, because they “see”, feel tension in various designs and the possible rapid deformation of one or another object. They ruffle their fur, press their ears and meow loudly for no apparent reason.

Cats are barometers. By their position during the rest, you can find out the temperature environment. If curled up in a tight ball, it will be cool, if lazily stretched out, it will be hot. During sleep, hides his nose - it will be colder than usual.

Cats are public animals. Domestic cats react and respond to human speech and they like human society.

Why do cats pout?

Humans are much bigger than cats. When you scold them, you scare her. And when you look down at a cat to discipline him, he associates your unmoving gaze as his competitor. The eyes of many animals are a sign of strength. If you compare the size of a cat and its eyes, they are simply huge. In hostile situations, the dominant cat will stare at its competitor, if he looks away, then further increase the hostility. So, when your cat looks away after a lecture, he is not ignoring you; actually she gives up.

Can cats dream?

Just like humans, cats alternate between deep and light sleep during their sleep. Dreams occur during the deep sleep phase. During the deep sleep phase, cats can move their paws and claws, twitch their whiskers, and even wiggle their ears. Sometimes they even hum, sniff or snore in their sleep.

Why is the cat's tail trembling?

If the cat's tail is shaking, it may mean that the cats are annoyed by something. If the tail is a pipe in its entire length, this clearly means that the cat is very worried and excited about something.

Why do cats wag their tails?

One reason is that the cat balances it before jumping. Another reason is the task of the tail to hypnotize the prey it looks at. The cat forces the prey to follow its tail, while she herself quietly approaches her.

What does it mean when a cat swings its tail from side to side?

If a cat waves its tail from side to side, it means its contentment. If the cat sits quietly, while the tail of the cat smoothly swings back and forth, this means that the cat is concentrating its attention on something. If a cat's tail swings back and forth, it means that the animal is angry. This indicates irritation and a sure sign that the cat is upset. A tail swinging between tension and hesitation can mean that the cat is thoughtful and indecisive.

Why do cats rub against your legs?

When a cat rubs its head or the side of its chin against you, furniture, or another object, it is actually applying its scent as part of its territorial marking. For this, the glands on the forehead, around the mouth and chin are used. These glands produce chemicals called pheromones, which are left behind when rubbed against objects. Cats can determine when the mark was made and how much attention should be given to it.

Why do cats roll over and expose their bellies?

This is a kind of very rare form of greeting, the main compliment that a cat can give a person. This body language shows how much she cares about you and how good she is with you. Such a display of the abdomen shows how safe she feels with you, because the abdomen is the most vulnerable part of the cat's body. She may ask you to pamper her, inviting you to play with her, or asks you to stroke her belly. If she sleeps on her back, her trust in you is at the highest level.

Do cats have a memory?

Cats have a memory that can be up to 200 times more than dogs. Cats use memory to store only useful information, so a cat's memory is highly selective.

Why do cats hiss and snort when attacked or threatened?

Believe it or not, cats imitate snakes with this. The hissing sound of a cat is almost the same as the sound of a snake hissing, and the snake is one of the most feared creatures in the animal world. Hissing is quite common in all land animals. When a cat hisses, he opens his mouth halfway, pushing back his upper lip and wrinkling his face. At the same time, her breathing quickens so much that if you get close enough, you can feel the air currents. The moisture that is released with this fitful breathing is what causes spitting. This almost always allows you to repel the enemy.

Folk signs associated with a cat:

    The cat washes - to a change in the weather.

    The cat scratches with its paws and scratches on the floor - in winter to a blizzard, in summer to rain and wind.

    He hides his muzzle under him - to the frost.

    Dissolves the tail - to the blizzard.

    If he sleeps on the floor - to warm weather.

Polysemy of the word cat.

We already know a lot polysemantic words, it turns out, the word cat also applies to them.

    A cat is a well-known pet from the cat family.

    The cat is an anchor with 3-5 paws-hooks.

    A cat is a whip with several tails.

    A cat is a sandbank on the sea.

Such ambiguity of the word "cat" suggests that even in the language there is a respectful attitude towards the cat family.

There are monuments to cats in the world(see Appendix 1).

I studied the habits of my cat. I'll tell you about some of them.

1. Blissful release of claws

Cats tend to show claws. However, Pusya uses her claws not only for protection, but also in order to make a light “massage” to her master in moments of special favor. She launches her claws into the bedding or into the knees of the owner, thereby demonstrating her love. I learned that cats carry this habit from early childhood, when, as kittens, they “knead” the belly of the mother cat with a rumbling so that milk would flow better.

2. Sucking

It turns out that many cats prefer to suck things made of cotton or wool, sometimes the cat starts to suck the owner's hair, thinking that it is wool. This habit is explained by the rather early separation of the kitten from the mother cat. I did not observe this with my Pusenka.

3. Butting

If the cat begins to affectionately “butt” you on the head, such a habit proves its greatest disposition towards you. Wanting to tell Pusya about my love in her language, I gently “butt” her in response or just rub my face against her muzzle - Pusya is very pleased!

4. Painful cleanliness

Even if the cat herself pays attention to you and begins to fawn, later she will definitely begin to thoroughly wash and lick the fur. You may be offended by such excessive cleanliness, but there is nothing strange here - cats adore cleanliness and cannot stand other people's smells on their fur, even if it is the owner's smell.

    "Elvis Presley grin"

It happens that a cat lifts its upper lip, which symbolizes joy, which is usually caused by a pleasant smell (plants, food, or another representative or representative of the cat family). Thus, the cat enjoys the smell, making it pass through the upper palate.

    Drinking from the tap

Of course, cats are not excellent swimmers, but many of them love water. They like the bubbling sound and the movement of the water jet, which is why they prefer to drink water from the tap. Pusenka often watches how water runs from the tap.

    Licking the owner

Licking the owner is an undeniable proof of love. If a cat licks you, she accepts you as an equal. For her, you become a cat - a little unusual, big and caring for her.

    Surprise attack

No sooner have you melted away from the cat's purring and licking and give the cat your heart, when suddenly he suddenly jumps out of the darkness and attacks your innocent bare leg. Sometimes the reason for such an attack is an unusual sound for a cat, but more often only the cat himself knows why he did it. However, you need to remember that a small hunter lives next to you, and do not be angry with him for such “surprises”.

Having studied the habits of my cats, I learned that they are very freedom-loving and proud animals, but at the same time they are attached to humans. I believe that man and cat need each other.

Having learned about everything, I began to love my animals even more, to treat them even more attentively. So, the hypothesis was confirmed. The purpose of the work has been achieved.

A cat is a small, graceful creature that lives next to us and at the same time remains independent and mysterious, possessing such unique abilities and feelings that are inaccessible to us. I wonder why cats sleep on a person and what can this lead to? Let's try to figure it out.

Perhaps, no domestic animal for many centuries has evoked such strong and contradictory feelings among entire generations as love and hatred, enthusiastic worship and mystical fear, as this amazing creature - a cat.

The domestication of the cat took place over 9,000 years ago in the Middle East for the rather specific purpose of protecting food from various rodents.

Over the centuries, this beautiful animal has become not just a pet: cats are the heroes of books and cartoons, poems and songs are written about them, and, of course, they become favorites and equal members of the family.

However, until now, cat habits remain a mystery for many. One of these mysteries was the habit of cats to sleep on a person, especially on the head.

British scientists conducted a series of different studies to uncover the reason for such interesting feature. As a result, with the help of close observations and numerous experiments, experts managed to lift the veil of secrecy. What are the reasons for this phenomenon?

Firstly, the body temperature of a cat is higher than human and averages 38.6 ° C. Therefore, it needs much more heat than a person to keep warm. Because of this, they instinctively look for sources of heat, such as a window sill heated by the sun, or a place near a radiator.

The human body also radiates a huge amount of heat, especially the head: most of the heat transfer occurs through it. This is what attracts the pet. It is noteworthy that given fact helped find the answer to another unique riddle.

Many owners have noticed that in case of diseases, pain in muscles and joints in humans, cats lie exactly on the place that hurts, gradually relieving discomfort. The reason for this also lies in elevated temperature secreted by a diseased organ or part of the body, while the result of a miraculous effect is an exceptional feature of cat hair. It lies in the fact that the cover of the animal produces low-frequency currents, similar in their effect to those produced by expensive medical generators. Therefore, sleeping with a pet by your side can be extremely beneficial for your overall health.

Secondly, cats are attracted to the smell of their owner's hair, especially when they have been shampooed. It is also considered absolutely normal when a cat begins to lick hair, which is perceived by it as human "hair". It is akin to the way a kitten is washed by its mother in its own way, which is an act of care and care. Although this should be treated with caution, because if a pet gets into the intestines long hair, they can cause him serious damage. The best way out is to distract him with food or play. Using orange or lemon scented shampoos can also help, as cats generally don't like citrus scents.

The dislike of these graceful creatures is also caused by the smells of garlic and onion, and the smell of vinegar drives them into a frenzy. An unpleasant pungent odor irritates them. Airways, so cats try to avoid places where even a drop of vinegar has been spilled.

Thirdly, this is the feeling of comfort and calmness that a cat experiences when being near the owner.

Fourth, a cat may mistake a human child for its own. Of course, this phenomenon can only apply to situations where the pet pays increased attention to a small child in the house and, climbing into his bed, goes to bed with him almost every night. This phenomenon can be found very rarely, but still this reason cannot be excluded from the list of possible ones that are related to the cat's sleep next to a person.

Thus, sleeping with a furry feline can be very beneficial.

However, leading animal breeders advise not to accustom cats to constantly sleep on a person. The reasons are possible numbness of the limbs, a violation of the rhythm of breathing, which can occur due to the pressure of the cat's weight. Sometimes a person develops insomnia. All this can affect the mood and performance of the owner.

Because of this, living with a pet will bring only irritation instead of joy and tranquility. Therefore, it is recommended to create a separate place for the pet to rest.

Nuances that need to be considered when arranging a place for a cat to rest:

1. An adult sleeps 13-16 hours a day and suffers from lack of sleep extremely painfully. If for some reason the cat does not manage to sleep, then it will become aggressive, start to eat poorly and be extremely nervous. When choosing a place to sleep, three main factors are important to her: warmth, comfort and safety.

2. The best place for sleep there will be a special house or sunbed, which you can choose at the pet store. Although a great option could be to buy a whole complex recreation area with a combined bed and space for games. Such complexes in most cases are a prefabricated structure of vertical beams upholstered with strong ropes, platforms, crossbeams and houses located at different levels.

3. Do not place the pet rest area next to doors or passages. You should also pay attention to the fact that in the chosen place it was moderately warm, there was no draft or dampness.

4. Don't let your cat sleep a lot during the day. You can distract from sleep and occupy it with a game, food, or, for example, the sounds of a TV. Having slept during the day, the pet will not fall asleep at night and will interfere with the sleep of its owner.

5. Wash and clean the tray regularly. Otherwise, the pet can bring particles of the used filler into the bed, as a result of contact with which a person is likely to contract the most dangerous diseases. Following the above recommendations, a person will ensure a harmonious living with a pet and get rid of unnecessary unpleasant moments.

Nature has endowed cats and cats with amazing features inherent in these animals. In the article I will describe the most characteristic habits and what they mean. Let me explain why purrs rub against the owner, love to lie under their feet and explore packages. I’ll tell you what motivates fidgets to tip over objects, climb into duvet covers and boxes. I will indicate the reasons for the spillage of the filler and the splashing of water.

Why does a cat rub against its owner

Actions are associated with physiological processes.

The animal marks a person with the help of a secret secreted by the glands located on the muzzle. As a rule, a cat performs a ritual when the owner returns from the street, when the latter has lost the smell previously left on him.

Only persons who inspire confidence are worthy of such a gift.

What does the cat's tail say

Many believe that this part of the body serves only to maintain balance during movement. However, researchers have found that a cat expresses emotions with the help of a tail:

  • elevated at a 45 degree angle− distrust and alertness;
  • a similar maneuver, accompanied by moving the tail from side to side - a bad mood;
  • upright with rearing hair, trembling and curving - fear;
  • tip movement- interest, the same manipulations on a walk during a hunt - an attacking position;
  • stands upright and vibrates slightly- friendliness, gratitude, please caress.

Love for lying in the aisles

Addiction has to do with setting boundaries.

The owner, located in the doorway, shows who owns the territory.

In addition, the dislocation in the passage is associated with cooling, since this is where the air circulates best.

Finally, a prudent creature draws the attention of household members who have to literally step over an imposing animal.

Why do they like to climb packages and boxes

Checking packages when the owner arrives home may indicate natural curiosity. Exploring the contents, the pet tries to find a treat.

The rustling sounds made by polyethylene products are also attracted. Indifference to boxes is associated with the desire to hide in a closed dark space.

The apartment and the house are great for a cat. I want a more comfortable and secluded nest. Sometimes a box is the best house.

Why take a chair as soon as the owner got up

Many are angered by the maniacal addiction to take a chair as soon as the owner got up. The fact is that the specified place retains the smell. Lying down, the pet speaks of the desire to be with a loved one, asks to pay attention to him.

The second aspect is warmth. Fans of warming up instantly capture their familiar place.

Love to climb into the duvet cover

Another habit associated with finding and being comfortable temperature regime, especially during the arrival of guests.

Firstly, the beast entangled in linen feels like a mink.

He likes to burrow into a duvet cover when the apartment is noisy and the feline persona is too much in demand.

If the trickster hides in a duvet cover under which the owner sleeps, the latter is perceived as a battery or stove.

Tipping objects

Not limited to climbing on tables and shelves, mischievous people drop vases, figurines, perfume bottles, and other little things located on the way.

An unpleasant manifestation is explained by the hunting instinct.

Small objects are considered as prey, which is set in motion by paws. Falling to the floor, and even more so breaking, the objects of interest inflame even more.

Again, the owner is distracted from his usual affairs and expresses his opinion about what happened. And if he tries to catch up with a rascal, the process is perceived as a game.

Spillage of filler

Seemingly mischievous actions are justified, first of all, by the natural instincts to dig and bury. If there is too much filler, the part will certainly end up on the floor.

When a bully litters regularly, it is advisable to buy a tray-house, the device is closed on all sides and will help keep order.

It happens that cats do not like the feeling. By trial it is necessary to choose the most pleasant one to create convenience.

splashing water

If the pet is trying to pour water on itself, it may be too heat. Lover is chilling. Excessive interest in drinking resources also indicates the possible, in the presence of which the cat is constantly thirsty.

The cause of water fun is often stress and fear. In a simple way, the animal is distracted from disturbing thoughts.

If the pet splashes drink on the floor, it is most likely playing. The liquid attracts with glare, squelching, splashes.

Do not forget about the natural instincts of the hunter. As you know, representatives of the cat family extract food from the water (fish, crayfish, oysters).

Why does a cat trample on the bed, things and knees

For many owners, this manifestation is perplexing. In general, trampling is inherent in kittens, which, while sucking on milk, touch the cat's belly with their paws. Thus, the baby expresses true pleasure.

In the future, the animals perceive the owner as a mother and repeat the movements from childhood, trampling on areas where there is a master's aroma, trying to show how good and comfortable they are.

By learning to recognize the meaning of a particular feline habit, many owners begin to look differently at pet pranks. Do not blame the animal without understanding the situation. Perhaps the behavior is justified by natural instincts or physiological processes.

Science claims that much that so touches and touches us in the behavior of cats has a completely unexpected and often not very pleasant explanation for us.

© Sveta Gogol especially for

Science claims that much that so touches and touches us in the behavior of cats has a completely unexpected and often not very pleasant explanation for us.

1. They meow, imitating the cry of human children

Cats know many ways to communicate, but when they want to tell us something, like “I want to eat” or “pet me”, they usually meow.

Unlike the one-dimensional dog barking, cat vocalizations can be adjusted in pitch, tone, volume, and the melodies they output are very diverse. Cats need this set of tools in order to better manipulate us and achieve what they want.

A scientific study has shown that people subconsciously distinguish between pleading meows and ordinary sounds made by felines in the most different situations. Subjects who were given meow recordings to listen to were told that cat requests sounded more demanding and less pleasant than regular meows. When cats beg for something, they make sounds reminiscent of the crying of human children.

Further research has indeed confirmed that when cats demand food or attention, their meowing frequency approaches that of a baby's cry. This is not a coincidence, but pure evil feline genius.

Cats instinctively tune their purrs and meows to a frequency that allows them to get what they want from their owners, and as quickly as possible. And we react to their commands like the most natural trained animals, and we run to fulfill them. Not only because the sound itself acts as an irritant to us, but also because our natural instinct tells us to immediately feed a creature that sounds like our child, even if it is covered with hair and its name is Barsik.

2. They Claim Their Superiority By Putting A Pile In The Wrong Place

One of the advantages of a cat breed, unlike, for example, dogs or horses, is that its representatives are easy to train to leave their waste in specially designated neat boxes, and therefore cat owners are relieved of the need to regularly walk their pets. In addition, cats instinctively bury what they have produced.

Contrary to popular belief, such habits are not at all explained by manic irresistible cleanliness. It's more of an evolutionary holdover from a time when cats weren't domesticated yet, and there are a lot of predators around, much more dangerous than a vacuum cleaner.

By burying their poop, cats hid a trail where they could be found by feline enemies. But there was another reason: in this way they avoided the “challenge to the death fight” from other, stronger cats. Quite reasonable.

That is, burying feces is a sign that the cat is afraid of another, larger animal. And if he defiantly left a pile in the most visible place (on the rug in front of the front door or on your bed) and did not bother to cover it, this, accordingly, should be considered as an act of aggression. This means that he considers himself the main one, you live on his territory and must obey his laws.

AT mysterious world feline policy bunch - a small stinky flag that clearly marks the boundaries of feline territory. AT wild nature such flags are left to be seen and smelled by other cats - a sign that this is the territory of a serious animal that will not joke.

When it comes to living in the same territory of a cat and a person, then the same laws apply. If he left his feces uncovered, it means that he considers himself the main one and you should cover your good. Which you probably do.

3. They rub against you to claim their rights.

Understanding cats is very difficult. It's not the dogs that hop around expressing their delight when you get home or run away with their tail between their legs when you catch them in the act of eating trash out of a trash can. Cats have developed an expression of almost arrogant indifference that they wear all the time, regardless of their mood.

However, any cat lover will testify that cats show their affection for a person when they purr and rub their muzzle or whole body against his legs. It's the same as if your kitty in a fit of tenderness tried to hug you.

The problem is that this behavior of cats has nothing to do with their affection. It's just a way to claim you as their property.

Like many other animals, cats are equipped with glands that secrete pheromones, which were originally designed to communicate with other cats in such a way. important issues, as identification, sexual compatibility and rights to territory. The most important glands are located on the tail, sides and muzzle. When a cat rubs against your legs or slips its muzzle under your hand, he tries to leave his odorous marks on you.

As sad as it is, what you probably thought were cat hugs is actually more like a prison tattoo. For other animals, this is a signal that you already have an owner. Well, at the same time, a letter of a personal nature is enclosed in the message. The message is deciphered something like this: "Property of Masha's cat" and "A lonely, three-year-old Siamese cat will meet an uncastrated cat for a joint pastime."

4. They imitate snakes to scare you.

Anyone who has ever watched a cat showdown is familiar with the most chilling sounds that these cute animals are only capable of making. In addition to the uterine “Mrrooooooouuu”, a menacing hiss is also included in the mandatory program in such cases.

Scientists assure that when the cat presses its ears, bares its fangs and hisses, it depicts another animal that most predators try to avoid - a snake.

Cats, like many other representatives of the world of fauna - from spiders to birds - instinctively use the acting abilities acquired in the process of evolution to protect themselves from enemy attacks. In a dangerous situation, the cat tries to mislead the enemy, and reincarnates into a creature that is more likely to scare him away.

5. They are maniacally trying to get rid of our smell.

Do you think your cat is very neat? Eternally washes and brings beauty ...

Have you noticed how diligently he begins to lick himself after you stroked him? Did you touch him with greasy hands or is he allergic to something?

No, that's not the point. He's just trying to get rid of your scent.

When he licks himself, he pulls his hair and thus stimulates the glands on the body, which begin to secrete enzymes more actively. The cat begins to smell more of itself and gets rid of your terrible smell.

In addition, cat owners know what can happen if they bring a new person into the house. There's a good chance the new tenant's shoes, clothes, and other belongings will be heavily sprinkled with you-know-what. Here the same principle works - the desire to destroy alien odors on its territory.

6. They bring dead animals home to show off their superiority as hunters.

Cats are basically carnivores. Mice, birds and bare ankles are often the prey of one of the few species on the planet that hunt just for fun...

And therefore, many cat owners from time to time have to accept not very pleasant gifts from their pets. A cat can put a bloody bird in your boot and wait for you to begin to greedily eat the treat brought to you.

Most cat lovers will confirm that even if the cat is completely fed up with pollock, he still does not miss the pleasure of catching something that accidentally flies by - just like that.

And after the prey is in its claws, the cat will proudly present it to the one whom it recognizes as the main one - that is, you. Absolutely logical. But this is only half the truth.

In fact, this half-eaten rat that you found on your pillow when you woke up is not so much a gift as a training maneuver. Cats consider it their duty to teach kittens and other family members how to properly hunt and get food.

It's just that your animal has noticed your complete lack of vital skills and inability to catch food on its own and is trying to teach you like its own kitten. Only and everything.

It has long been known that cats are independent animals. And cat behavior can cause conflicting feelings. The nature of the animal may not be as accommodating as you expected.

To find with her mutual language, it is necessary to pay attention more often and learn to understand the actions of a cat.

What does a cat's meow mean?

You can often hear complaints that a cat gets its owners meowing. It turns out that with their sounds they can act on the subconscious of people and thereby achieve what they want. Most often, they meow when they are hungry. But it happens that by doing this they show their poor health and ask for help.

In order for the animal not to interfere with unpleasant sounds, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for it. Feed well, show that you care about your pet. Take the cat in your arms, pet it, talk to it. Maybe he just needs attention. If the meowing continues, you should pay attention to his health. Therefore, a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed.

Why do cats rub against their legs?

Many people believe that rubbing a cat against its owner's legs means a greeting or a request. In fact, this is how she leaves her scent. By this, she tries to show to other animals that this person belongs to her pack. On the head of cats, in the temporal part and at the mouth, a specific substance is released, with which they mark their person. They also do this in order to feel comfortable and recognize their own and others.


Why is the Christmas tree (spruce) always green?

Some cats in this way relieve fatigue from the legs of their owner. In this case, friction on the legs occurs when the person is already lying down.

What does scratching mean?

In general, feline scratching is often regarded as aggressive behavior. But, this does not always indicate the bad temper of the animal. If the kitten is small, then this is quite acceptable. After all, he thus knows the world. Yet these "cute creatures" are predators by nature.

But sometimes even adult cats strive to bite or scratch their owner. In this case, your pet has a very highly developed hunting instinct. He perceives your moving legs and arms as "prey". To satisfy the desire of the “hunter”, purchase special toys for him.

Sometimes curtains and furniture suffer from scratching. Cats do this not out of harm. When scratched on the surface, they remove old nail scales. And they also keep the muscles of the paws in good shape. Spoiled furniture and curtains are not pampering for them, but a necessity. Therefore, it is worth thinking about buying a scratching post.

Tail movements

Cats use their tails to express emotions. If the tail is raised up, about forty-five degrees and begins to move to the sides, then the animal is in bad mood. When frightened, the tail is straight, and the hair on it is reared.

If the tip begins to tremble, then the animal is interested in something. And if he is straight and often trembles, this is a manifestation of friendliness.

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