Daggers: the most beautiful and expensive killers. The most beautiful knives in the world, which are about to become bestsellers Lunch Schedule

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As the character of the actor Okhlobystin said in one Russian movie: “Only a knife can make a man really free!”
A solid knife is the dream of any real man, and a lady is not averse to sometimes showing off a strict blade. Whether hunting or fishing, camping or just relaxing, a short piece of lovingly crafted steel will work wonders, and knowledgeable people will always be able to assess your taste and level of awareness in the world of blades at a glance. Thanks to the efforts of designers and gunsmiths, craftsmen usually get very good specimens. And here, at the stage of serial production of the model, marketers come into play, who can sometimes mess things up, turning a completely working blade into a consumer outcast. Here are some examples.

With a name - hell! Caresses the ear!

Designed by Bastinelli for tactical operations, judging by the profile, it is quite suitable for a wide variety of purposes and tasks. The ergonomic handle is designed to comfortably hold the blade in your hand and allows you to confidently fight with an armed enemy at close range. Apparently, wanting to emphasize the assault qualities of the produced weapon masterpiece, the company called the novelty Assault Apocalypse. And then, for ease of pronunciation, the name was slightly shortened and its two words merged into one. It turned out Assaucalypse (assault - assault, apocalypse - the end of the world). The new name sounds in English as “calypse ass”, which does not caress the ear at all. The owner of such a weapon is unlikely to really want to be the object of ridicule, no matter how formidable the knife actually seems to be.


As another character said, but this time already computer game of the Elder Scrolls universe: “And they have crooked swords. Curves!”. Judging by the remark, the NPC was impressed this time not by the name, but by the geometry of the blades. That's what can really disappoint in the next knife. Although, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it! No matter how elegant the set of survival knives is, thanks to its bizarre shape, the functionality of this melee weapon is significantly expanded - it is a sapper shovel and an ax, a saw and a serrator.

There are no people who really want to go with such an ornament on an ordinary hike, but if you decide to try your luck in the vicinity of the Amazon by collecting the famous giant rhinoceros beetles, such a penknife will not be superfluous at all. A brother of such hand-held weapons, the Krot shovel knife with two folding halves of a wooden handle, can boast of a no less catchy look. In the blade of the tool there is a slot for a universal wrench and a sight hole for deftly shooting sunbeams in the direction of a search and rescue helicopter. Folding handles have edges of wire cutters and sponges of improvised pliers, although such a bulky knife obviously does not pull the title of a multi-tool - it’s better to leave it at home hanging on the carpet as a themed decoration!

CHIP and DALE rush to...

Well, how could you put under the knife, sorry for the pun, two chic developments with an attractive design and functionality at once? It turns out that there is talent! The two brothers Slender Utility Knife and Fixed Utility Knife boast both ergonomics and steel quality. But just take a look at the English name of the blades and try to add abbreviations from them. Does it really remind you of a bad translation from American action films of the 90s? Nevertheless, marketers were not embarrassed by anything and the abbreviated names SUK and FUK appeared in the price lists. To the ears of an English-speaking user, it sounds rather obscene. Though of course it's a matter of taste.

Cholera take you!

Few people now know that the meaning of the word “kralya” in relation to a woman in the 19th century was considered a prominent compliment and came from the Polish “princess”. And in our times, its meaning has taken on a somewhat pejorative meaning. But the semantics of the word is the lot of educated people. But that's what prompted the knife to be named after the pathogen of the acutely contagious gastrointestinal disease? Meet the Cholera Predator knife! Okay, if they called the Plague - a disease that mows people right and left, but cholera ?? A knife that gives everyone a notable shit? Original!

However, if you are not embarrassed by the obscurantism in the heads of the authors of the project, then the blade looks exquisitely unitary modestly. Successfully harmonizes with a military uniform of a protective color and in a femoral casing. A handle that is resistant to mechanical stress with a notch for a finger - everything is as it should be.

Because gladiolus!

Imagine that there is a very gifted concept specialist in the development and design team, who suffers, unfortunately, from Tourette's syndrome. This is a genetic disease, one of the symptoms of which is the involuntary shouting out to patients of an incoherent set of words, often offensive. True, there was no need to take such remarks of someone from the team of creators seriously and assign such an awkward name to a perfectly suitable blade! How do you like it - Busse Nuclear Meltdown Special Forces Natural Outlaw, which can be interpreted as “Just a nuclear rupture from a cool convict special forces” - such a revelation on a rapper's party of connoisseurs of finca and bloodwort, perhaps, would have made a splash, but in the ranking of professional army blades such a name clearly does not stir up interest in the blade. Although the blade as a hunting knife looks quite appropriate and very decent.

With weapons - to the kitchen!

What are we all about designs that are unlucky? Moreover, in Everyday life we tritely use this deterrent for recalcitrant enemies in the kitchen, diligently slicing vegetables into salads and grilled meats with them. So let's please the housewives with the sophistication of forms and practical design!
Just take a look at this Deglon Meeting Knife Set, which received an award for an original design solution at the Paris Cutlery Exhibition - the set folds on a wooden stand with anti-slip legs like a nesting doll, so each knife is unusually light and organic.

How convenient it is to operate each section is a matter of taste, but the set looks quite original. The only reason why these blades also do not become bestsellers is the price of 50 thousand rubles for a set that cuts without a knife!

What man does not like to admire good weapon! Collectors are ready to give fabulous money for knives and daggers, even if they never use them. The price of such men's toys can reach tens of millions of "green", but why? HistoryTime has figured out why melee weapons are so attractive.

In addition to external beauty, the old weapon boasts a very extensive functionality. A knife, for example, is generally a great guy: since ancient times, it has helped in everyday life, and could “tickle” the ribs of an objectionable neighbor, and most importantly, it allowed some animal to be sacrificed to the god. Now these creations of ancient thought are considered relics and are worth millions of dollars.

Scheduled lunch

One of these knives is a blade from the Qiannlun Dynasty. A beautiful, predatory shape of the cutting part, a comfortable handle made of a rare antelope horn. special attention deserve a scabbard of rhinoceros horn, decorated with an image of a dragon soaring above the waves.
However, he was valued mainly not for his attractive appearance. The most beautiful thing about this knife is the cache in which… the imperial cutlery was kept. A good sideboard with part of the kitchen service and a piece of world history in addition cost the last owner "only" $ 10 million.

East is a delicate matter

And really, it's subtle. Who would have thought that a proud customer and owner of the "Pearl of the East" would be a Japanese? The criteria for beauty adopted in the Land of the Rising Sun are usually very different from the slightly frilly and lurid predilections of the inhabitants of the Middle East and Central Asia. But the blade “Pearl of the East”, although not bad in combat terms, is studded with jewels from the tip of the scabbard to the top of the hilt. The inconsistency came out. However, the main thing is that the customer was satisfied and gladly paid the full cost of his new "toy". Its price was, if we translate the amount into global realities, more than two million dollars.

At the same time, a fairly simple and elegant dagger of the ruler of Mongolia, Shah Yakhan, was sold for a smaller amount. But do not write it off: the knife has surpassed all sales expectations, suddenly increasing its price at auction, and five times. Ultimately, this magnificent murder weapon ended up in the collection of a Belgian collector of antiquities, where it remains to this day.

One can argue for a long time whether it is worth spending such astronomical amounts on things that, most likely, will never be used for their intended purpose. Well, you won't cut Doctor's for a morning sandwich with a knife for 10 million! Perhaps, only one thing cannot be disputed: these "killers" are incredibly beautiful.

Devoted to the Brotherhood of the Black Dagger, Fury donated the Primal of the Chosen, he must father sons and daughters who will ensure the preservation of the traditions of the race and the emergence of warriors to fight those who so seek to destroy all vampires.

As his first bride, Chosen Cormia wants not only his body, but also his heart - and she sees a frightened man behind all the nobility and responsibility. But as the war with the Lessening Society escalates and tragedy looms over the Brotherhood mansion, Fury must choose between duty and love.

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Bamboo groves, Japan. The scenery of the bamboo grove in the photo seems to have "taken part" in the films "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" or "House of Flying Daggers", although this place is in Kyoto, not China, and is not at all connected with the film industry. This is just one of hundreds of magnificent forests that cover Southeast Asia. Bamboo plays a significant role in many Asian cultures - in China it is amazing plant symbolizes longevity, in India - friendship. In Japan, many Shinto shrines are surrounded by bamboo groves, which are believed to protect them from evil spirits.

Wow this Warenskis (Chief Gauche) was at the Solvang Show in this new Huey deal. Dagger has been the subject, over time, of many imaging sessions and a few magazine/publishing presentations, but this is a better, more complete view of this. In 1993 AKI given part. Owner says it's always impossible to capture true brilliance precious stones(around 700 diamonds and 40+ rubies) but the most recent images really captured the rubies well.

In the dead of night in Caldwell, New York, a deadly war for survival rages between vampires and their killers. And there is a secret group of brothers like no other... six vampire warriors, defenders of their race.

And none of them enjoys killing their enemies more than Wrath, the leader of the Brotherhood of the Black Dagger...

The only pureblood vampire left on the planet, Wrath, has a reason to get even with the killers who deprived him of his parents centuries ago. But when one of his most loyal warriors dies, leaving an orphan half-blood daughter unaware of her heritage or destiny, Wrath must bring beautiful woman into the world of the undead...

Tortured by her body's unheard-of restlessness, Beth Randall becomes defenseless against a dangerously sexy man who comes to her at night with darkness in his eyes. His tales of brotherhood and blood scare her. But his touch ignites a smoldering hunger that threatens to consume them both...

an evil fairy or a fatal dagger is such a not very intelligible cartoon that I accidentally watched yesterday during an advertisement on the first channel, when I flipped through the channels in search of something amusing. The cartoon is funny, yes.

A hosiery is not only a master of heading stockings. It is also a very small stylet dagger that fits into a holster pocket on a stocking garter. Have you ever wondered where the ladies in all sorts of novels suddenly pull out a dagger and ... Well, that's it.

The main consumers of rhinoceros horns are Chinese medicine and the jewelry industry. different countries. Rhinoceros horns are used to make the handles of daggers in the East. AT last years Vietnam joined China.

Weapons are constantly evolving, thanks to new technologies, improved models appear. Knives are no exception, they have stood the test of time. History knows many different forms of knives, and many of them are not as simple as they seem at first glance.

“Kukri”, the symbol of the people of Nepal, became famous thanks to the Gurkha regiments. The Nepalese Wars, with the help of a knife, which was expertly wielded in close combat, supported the British in the process of establishing control over India during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The fighting prowess of the Gurkha soldiers has given them a reputation for being fearsome and fearless warriors, and thanks to their support of the British troops in English army formed the official Nepalese regiments. The Gurkhas and their knives became so famous that the British used posters of warriors sharpening their famous knives as propaganda to strike fear into the Argentine army during the Falklands conflict. Today, the soldiers of the Gurkha regiments continue to carry the “kukri” knife even after their retirement.

Kukri knives were usually 40-46 cm long and looked more like a machete, as they performed a chopping function. From an ordinary Himalayan farm tool, the knife turned into a weapon. An interesting feature it is commonly believed that the groove near the handle, which directed the blood of the victim in the opposite direction, as a result, the hand remained dry. The larger the knife used in sacrifices, the more good luck and good will be in the village. If the head of an animal was cut off in one movement, then this is a great success.

9. Dagger for blocking blows (Manghosh)

During the 16th and 17th centuries, when firearms cold became impractical. Light swords, rapiers, replaced the heavy swords of knights. Shields also became unnecessary and were replaced with daggers to block blows (men-gosh). The talented fighter masterfully used the mangosh and the shield interfered with him. In addition, the dagger not only protected, but was also a weapon in itself. Over time, the daggers themselves and the skill of using them improved and became more complicated.

There were many different types of mangosh, but they were all designed to provide security, block enemy blows and deliver unexpected blows. The handle was supposed to protect the hand of the war. For example, the "sword breaker" dagger had serrations along the blade that could hook the opponent's rapier and snatch it from his hands. Another type was the "trident", with a special mechanism, after pressing which, the blade tripled.

The jambiya is a wide, double-edged knife worn as a symbol of belonging to a certain social class of the Yemeni population. Some men said they would rather die than let anyone see them without a dagger. Teenage boys receive their first dagger if they have been circumcised. Now the jambia is more used as exhibits, but back in the 60s it was formidable weapon. The Yemeni warriors held their daggers pointed downwards and aimed at the base of the enemy's neck in order to rip open his chest in one motion.

Some knives are often decorated with gold. Islam, the leading religion in Yemen, forbids men from wearing gold jewelry, but since the jambiya is a weapon, it is considered an exception. The handles of the dagger are made not only from precious metals, but also from rhinoceros horns, which provokes poaching. Every year, 1,500 rhinos are killed in Yemen. Knife handles are made from the horn, and the remains go abroad to Asian countries as materials for alternative medicine.

Although sai is associated with Japanese martial arts, it appeared during the Ming Dynasty and was brought to Okinawa from China. This stabbing weapon is similar to a stiletto without cutting edges. The blade of the saya is either rounded or hexagonal with a sharp end. They used it as a European main-gosh weapon blocking blows. Sai used to block blows Japanese sword"katana". In addition, an experienced saiyutsu master could easily divert the attention of the enemy with his help and even strike them. When Okinawa came under the influence of the Japanese government, metal tools and weapons needed special permission. The skill of sai was forbidden and went into the shadows. Even today, Saiutsu classes do not like the noise around them, and the use of weapons in sparring is prohibited.

The trench knife was especially common during the First and Second World Wars. In close combat, the Germans used the Nakampfmesser combat knife, and the British used their domestic knives. The US military produced several types of trench knives. Mark 1 had a flat surface with a double-sided blade with a brass or bronze handle with brass knuckles and spikes, which can also injure the enemy. Knives were used by soldiers who did not have a bayonet in their arsenal, but not only in battle, but also in everyday life.

"Kris", a Javanese dagger, looks like both a weapon and a ritual blade. It was believed that he had magical properties. Several ancient specimens were made from meteorites that fell on the territory of the Prambanan temple for 200 years. It is not surprising that it was considered a sacred object. The twisting blade of the knife resembles a snake from mythology, and the patterns with which the knife is decorated were perceived as a talisman. The alloy of the knife resembled Damascus steel in composition, and the patterns applied by the blacksmith protected the knife and its owner from all sorts of troubles.

4. Misericord ("Blade of Mercy")

In the 14th century, the misericord blade became popular among French knights - a long thin dagger that easily passed between the plates of armor. It was practically useless in combat, not even equipped with special protection on the handle. It was used to finish off the enemy. The name of the dagger comes from the Latin words "act of mercy". When a knight was knocked off his horse, and he was seriously wounded, in order to alleviate suffering, he was finished off with such a dagger. Many used the dagger to intimidate a wounded knight in order to persuade him to surrender or demand a ransom.

The carpal knife was used by the Turkana people in Africa. locals believed that domestic animals, such as cows, are a gift from God. Herds of animals often became the cause of tribal conflicts. In addition, each tribe tried to expand its territory. In such conditions, valiant warriors carried spears, shields, different kind knives, among which was a carpal knife. In addition, it was forbidden to kill a tribesman with a spear, so internal disputes were resolved cruelly with the help of carpal knives.
It was made of steel or iron, which was heated and shaped by blows of stones. Such knives were most often worn by Turkana men on right hand, although in other tribes both men and women wore them. In addition to being a weapon, the knife was also used for other purposes, such as cutting trees.

The sickle-shaped kuyan from the island of Java was considered a divine gift, a symbol of the harmony of the world, and was popular among kings as god's vicegerents on Earth. The kuyang was primarily used as a farming tool, but King Kudo Lalin claimed to have seen the knife in a vision of the unification of Java. After the vision, he gathered all the blacksmiths and spoke about the shape of the mystical knife. The result was a weapon in the shape of the island of Java, with three holes that symbolized the deities of the Hindu religion. After Islam began to dominate the island, weapons underwent a number of changes. Its shape was changed and became similar to the letter “shin”, and instead of three there were already five holes, as a symbol of the five postulates of Islam.

Qila is a ritual dagger that appeared in ancient india, and then became popular in Tibet, where it was called "phurba". Each element of the knife symbolizes something, and the whole of it symbolizes the incarnation of the Buddhist god Hayagriva, whose three faces are depicted on the handle. At that time, they believed that the god Hayagriva helps to cope with evil spirits The handle may have different forms, with the image of a deity should be mandatory. The triangular blade symbolizes ignorance, greed and aggression. "Kila" was considered a sacred object of shamans, and some of the specimens were made of wood. It was a ritual weapon against evil forces. The shaman poked the rice with a dagger in front of the patient, reciting the sutras, expelling illness and evil spirits. It is not surprising that at auctions it costs fabulous money.

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