Karl von Frisch Prize. Karl Frisch: studying behavior in bees

Pregnancy and children 16.07.2019
Pregnancy and children

So, today is Saturday, May 27, 2017, and we traditionally offer you answers to the quiz in the “Question and Answer” format. We encounter questions ranging from the simplest to the most complex. The quiz is very interesting and quite popular, we are simply helping you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen the correct answer out of the four proposed. And we have another question in the quiz - For what discovery did the Austrian scientist Karl von Frisch receive the Nobel Prize in 1973?

  • A. element technetium
  • B. infrared rays
  • C. cure for leprosy
  • D. bee tongue

The correct answer is D - THE LANGUAGE OF BEES

Twerking is the closest approximation of human dances to real bee dances. Bees dance to indicate to other bees in the hive the direction in which they should fly for food, such as nectar. They move their abdomen (the back of their body) to indicate the distance to fly. The Austrian ethologist, Nobel Prize winner in physiology and medicine, Karl von Frisch, deciphered the language of bees, and we now know how it works.

To study the dancing of bees, the following experiment was carried out. Not far from the bee hive there were two reservoirs with a sweet liquid. Bees that found the first reservoir were marked with one color, and bees that found the second reservoir were marked with a different color. Returning to the hive, the bees began to dance a dance similar to twerking. The orientation of the dance depended on the direction to the source of sweets: the angle by which the dance of a bee of one color had to be shifted so that it coincided with the dance of a bee of a different color coincided exactly with the angle between the first source of sweetness, the hive and the second source of sweetness.

In Vienna, in the family of a university professor, surgeon and urologist, Anton Ritter von Frisch and his wife Maria, née Exner. Among his ancestors were Jews who converted to Catholicism.

Graduated from the Schottengymnasium - high school at the Benedictine monastery in Vienna.

In 1905, he entered the medical school of the University of Vienna, where he began research related to the distribution of pigment in the visual cells of beetles, butterflies and shrimp, but after the first semester he left medicine and took up ethology - the science of animal behavior, which he studied at the Zoological Institute of the University of Munich .

In 1910 he received his PhD from the University of Vienna and became an assistant to Richard von Hertwig at the Institute of Zoology at the University of Munich.

In 1912 he was appointed teacher of zoology and comparative anatomy at the University of Munich. At the same time, Frisch began conducting experiments to confirm his hypothesis about the presence of color vision in bees. Fish managed to “train” bees to associate food with a certain color. Having become accustomed to associating food with a square of a certain color, the bees sat on this square even in the absence of food on it and when the position of this square changed relative to squares of a different color. Later, Frisch discovered that bees could distinguish up to a dozen different odors: they unerringly chose a cardboard box that attracted them with the floral aroma emanating from a saucer of sugar syrup. When the syrup ran out, these insects stopped flying into this box. When the scout bee discovered a new source of food, a large swarm of bees went to that place.

During the First World War, Frisch was not drafted into the army due to poor eyesight, but worked in a military hospital near Vienna.

In January 1919 he returned to the Zoological Institute of Munich and was appointed associate professor.

In the spring of 1919, the scientist conducted a new experiment: having marked several worker bees with paint, Frisch traced the behavior of a bee that tried food from a saucer with sugar syrup and returned to the hive, discovering a kind of “bee language” - a “bee dance”, with the help of which the bees exchanged information about discovered food. Frisch writes:

I could hardly believe my eyes when she performed a circle dance on the honeycomb, which greatly excited the paint-marked bees near her, who immediately flew to the feeding site... This was, I think, the most important observation in my life, in any case, having the most far-reaching consequences.

In 1921 he was appointed associate professor of zoology and dean of the Faculty of Zoology at the University of Rostock.

In 1923 he was appointed professor at Breslav University.

In 1925 he was appointed director of the Institute of Zoology at the University of Munich.

In 1933, the insane demagogue Hitler came to power in Germany; he demanded from civil servants proof of their “Aryan” origin. During verification, Frisch was found to have Jewish ancestors, and he was classified as 1/8 Mischlinge. However, his dismissal was postponed until the end of the war due to economic important works Frisch on the fight against nosematosis - infections in domestic bees.

After the almost complete destruction of the Zoological Institute during the Allied bombing of Munich, Frisch went to Brunwinkl to continue his research.

In 1946 he was appointed professor at the University of Graz.

In −1958 - again director of the Institute of Zoology at the University of Munich.

Continuing painstaking observations, Frisch found out that bees transmit information to each other about approximate direction flight to a new food source, the distance to it, and the amount of food in it using a series of “dances”. If food is close, the bee performs a “circular dance”; If the distance to the food source exceeds 85 meters, the bee uses a “wiggle” dance in the form of a figure eight. Frisch found that the angle of the bees’ “dance” relative to the vertical axis of the honeycomb corresponds to the angle formed by the food source relative to the Sun. Frisch discovered that even in partly cloudy conditions, bees are able to find food by orienting themselves relative to the plane of polarization of light from the clear sky between the clouds. Thus, Frisch studied the mechanisms of communication in honey bees- discovered the so-called circular dance language in bees. In addition, Frisch discovered the sensitivity of bees to ultraviolet and polarized light. Frisch studied the chemical level of communication between bees, for example, Frisch discovered pheromones produced by the queen bee and serving as a regulator of hierarchical relationships in the bee family. He discovered “sensory windows” through which animals perceive the world: in particular, bees use color and polarized light for this.

In 1958 he became an emeritus professor, but continued his scientific activities.

In 1973 - laureate Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine - “for discoveries related to the creation and establishment of models of individual and group behavior of animals.”

Was married, had three daughters and a son - Otto von Frisch - who was director of the museum natural history in Braunschweig.

Died on June 12, 1982 in Munich.


  • Der Farben- und Formensinn der Bienen. In: Zoologische Jahrbücher (Physiologie) 35, 1–188, (1914–15)
  • Über den Geruchssinn der Bienen und seine blütenbiologische Bedeutung. In: Zoologische Jahrbücher (Physiologie) 37, 1–238 (1919)
  • Über die ‚Sprache‘ der Bienen. Eine tierpsychologische Untersuchung. In: Zoologische Jahrbücher (Physiologie) 40, 1–186 (1923)
  • Aus dem Leben der Bienen. Springer Verlag Berlin (1927)
  • Untersuchung über den Sitz des Gehörsinnes bei der Elritze. In: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie 17, 686–801 (1932), it R. Stetter
  • Über den Geschmacksinn der Bienen. In: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie 21, 1–156 (1934)
  • Du und das Leben– Eine moderne Biologie für Jedermann. (1936)
  • Über einen Schreckstoff der Fischhaut und seine biologische Bedeutung. In: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie 29, 46–145 (1941)
  • Die Tanze der Bienen. In: Österreichische Zoologische Zeitschrift 1, 1–48 (1946)
  • Die Polarisation des Himmelslichtes als orientierender Faktor bei den Tänzen der Bienen. In: Experientia (Basel) 5, 142–148 (1949)
  • Die Sonne als Kompaß im Leben der Bienen. In: Experientia (Basel) 6, 210–221 (1950)
  • Das kleine Insektenbuch. Insel Verlag (1961)
  • Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen. Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York (1965)
  • Aus dem Leben der Bienen. Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg/New York (1927; 9. Auflage 1977), ISBN 3-540-08212-3
  • Erinnerungen eines Biologen. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Göttingen/Heidelberg 1957 (Autobiographie)
  • Die Tanzsprache der Bienen. Originaltonaufnahmen 1953–1962, hrsg. v. Klaus Sander. 2-CD-Set. supposé, Köln 2005. ISBN 978-3-932513-56-5
  • Tiere als Baumeister. Frankfurt a.M., Ullstein, 1974. 309 Seiten. 105 Zeichnungen & 114 Photographien. ISBN 3-550-07028-4
  • The Dancing Bees: An Account of the Life and Senses of the Honey Bee, Harvest Books New York (1953), a translation of Aus dem Leben der Bienen, 5th revised edition, Springer Verlag
  • About Biology, Oliver & Boyd (1962), a translation of Du Und Das Leben
  • Animal Architecture(originally published as Tiere Als Baumeister.) New York, Helen and Kurt Wolff. (ISBN 0-15-107251-5) (1974 1st edition)
  • The Dance Language and Orientation of Bees, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press (1967), a translation of Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen
  • Frisch K. From the life of bees / Khalifman I. A. (ed.). - Moscow: Mir, 1980. - 216 p. - 50,000 copies.
  • Karl Frisch. Ten little uninvited guests. M.: Children's literature, 1970.

It rarely happens when players in Dibrov’s TV show approach such expensive questions as 3 or 1.5 million rubles, so every time it becomes very interesting to find out which one or which ones tricky questions can be so highly valued, and therefore we state that the question of Nobel laureate Frichet was suggested by the editors of the program in the 1.5 million ruble category. I will say right away that Andrei and Victor won this question, and it was Burkovsky who managed to “catch” luck or intuition “by the tail” and play beautifully in this round. The couple reached this amount, having spent all the clues at earlier levels, because only, thanks to their instincts, they were lucky enough to guess the correct discovery related to the language (movement in space) of bees.

A little later, when choosing an answer for 3 million rubles, Andrey outplayed himself by betting on an obvious, but not correct option. But intuition is a delicate matter, sometimes it will tell you, sometimes it won’t, right?

In the second picture, you can see how the question sounded in the original, i.e. the year Frisch was awarded this prize is 1973, the options themselves, and, tinted in orange, the answer itself.

Hello dear readers of the site Sprint-Response. Today, Saturday May 27, 2017, another intellectual TV game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” took place. There were two parts to it, the first pair of players answered quite quickly and confidently, and the second pair reached the last question. In this article on the Sprint-Answer website you can find out all the answers in today's game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" for May 27, 2017 (05/27/2017), this is short review games.

The game host is in the studio Dmitry Dibrov and players: Alla Surikova And Andrey Dementyev . The players chose a fireproof amount of 200,000 rubles.

Who want to be a millionaire? Answers May 27, 2017 (05/27/2017)

1. What do you call a familiar place that a person doesn’t want to part with?

  • hatched
  • found
  • reliable
  • jumped

2. What is the distance of a photographic lens?

  • illusory
  • fakirny
  • magical
  • focal

3. What, according to the children's teaser, is on the nose of the crybaby shoe polisher?

  • warm pie
  • hot pancake
  • cold hot dog
  • cooled baba

4. What spots on the map of the Earth were reduced due to geographical discoveries?

  • white
  • blue
  • green
  • Rorschach

5. What kind of flower was branded on Milady's shoulder?

  • lily
  • violet
  • forget-me-not

6.The father of whom is aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky called?

  • seaplane
  • helicopter
  • parachute
  • airship

7. What kind of word is "salami"?

  • male
  • female
  • average
  • general

When answering the seventh question, the players took help from the audience.

8. Which painting is not by Pavel Fedotov?

  • "The Picky Bride"
  • "Unequal marriage"
  • "Major's Matchmaking"
  • "Fresh Cavalier"

When answering the eighth question, players took the "50:50" clue.

9. What did the actor Kanevsky, who played a smuggler in The Diamond Arm, insert into the text of his role?

  • your last name
  • your dog's name
  • your cat's name
  • bride's last name

When answering the ninth question, players took the "Call a Friend" clue.

10. Where does the canopy come from, according to the translation from Italian?

  • from Bohemia
  • from Bavaria
  • from Bangladesh
  • from Baghdad
  • William Shakespeare
  • Lope de Vega
  • Friedrich Schiller
  • Carlo Galdoni

Unfortunately, the players answered this question incorrectly and left with nothing.

The participants of the second pair of players are in the studio: Victor Verzhbitsky And Andrey Burkovsky . The second part of the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” begins. for May 27, 2017. The players chose a fireproof amount of 200,000 rubles.

1. What treat do children like?

  • corn sticks
  • buckwheat sprigs
  • rye columns
  • millet knots

2. How can you get to a performance at the theater?

  • indemnities
  • counterintelligence
  • countermarks
  • smuggling

3. What is the name of the song from Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s repertoire?

  • "The King is Dead"
  • "Vivat, king!"
  • "King of Hearts"
  • "The Naked King"

4. What status do people often have on social networks?

  • in inequality
  • in proportion
  • in the equation
  • in a relationship

5. What do you need to play lapta?

  • bat
  • hockey stick
  • hammer

6. What does not apply to mushrooms?

  • morels
  • truffles
  • artichokes
  • milkmen

7.Whose name did the school bear in the book "Republic of SHKID"?

  • Dargomyzhsky
  • Dostoevsky
  • Derzhavina
  • Dzerzhinsky

When answering the seventh question, players took the clue “Help from the Hall.”

8. What was the profession of Tom Hanks' character in the movie "Miracle on the Hudson"?

  • pilot
  • dispatcher
  • rescuer
  • investigator

9. Which opera concludes Richard Wagner's tetralogy "The Ring of the Nibelung"?

  • "Rhine Gold"
  • "Death of gods"
  • "Valkyrie"
  • "Siegfried"

When answering the ninth question, players took the "50:50" clue.

10. Which Moscow team took part in all the USSR Major League football championships?

  • "Dynamo"
  • "Spartacus"
  • "Locomotive"

When answering the tenth question, players took the “Right to make mistakes” clue.

An Austrian zoologist who worked extensively in Germany, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 1973 (together with Konrad Lorenz And Nicholas Tinbergen) with the wording: “for discoveries related to the creation and establishment of models of individual and group behavior of animals.”

Karl von Frisch experimentally found out: how bees recognize colors, smells and tastes, how they navigate by the Sun even in cloudy days, and also deciphered the language of the “dance of bees”, with the help of which they tell their fellow tribesmen in the hive about the proximity of food.

“All of von Frisch’s research, and he lived a long and extremely fruitful life, was concentrated on the question of how animals receive information about the world around them. While still a schoolboy, he published his data on the light sensitivity of sea anemones.
His scientific work was organized in such a way that in the winter he worked in the laboratory, studying the behavior of fish, and in the summer he studied the behavior of bees.
It turned out that all his discoveries contradicted the ideas prevailing in science at that time and caused many objections.
This refers to the discovery of color vision in fish and their ability to perceive underwater sound waves as well as secrete alarm pheromones.
Before von Frisch's research, it was believed that bees were color blind.
He showed that bees don't actually respond to wavelengths of light when they fly out of the hive to escape danger, but they do respond to color when they're looking for food.
During his experiments, von Frisch discovered that it only takes one “scout” to appear on a colored saucer of syrup exposed in the open air, so that soon after her return to the hive many bees will fly to this saucer.”

Reznikova Zh.I. , Intelligence and language of animals and humans. Fundamentals of cognitive ethology, M., “Akademkniga”, 2005, p. 202.

“One of many hundreds of examples where the differentiation method was used in animal training is classical research Carla von Frisch color vision of bees.
If you offer bees a feeder on a blue piece of paper and then offer several blank pieces of paper of different colors, they will circle around the blue one and ignore the rest.
But this does not yet indicate the presence of color vision - perhaps bees, like some “color-blind” people, see the colored world in shades of gray, as in a black and white photograph.
To clarify this issue, bees need to be trained to visit a blue piece of paper placed among squares of paper of various shades of gray, placed in a random order. Naturally, the possible influence of odor is excluded in the experiment: the bees are fed not with honey, but with syrup, and in the decisive experiments (they are called exams) empty feeders are placed on all squares.
If bees confidently choose blue in these cases, it means that they really distinguish this color from gray of the same brightness. Experience with yellow. But if you train bees for the color red, they visit not only the red square, but also the dark gray and black ones. The color red doesn’t exist for them; they perceive it as a very dark grey.”

Reznikova Zh. I., Intelligence and language of animals and humans. Fundamentals of cognitive ethology, M., “Akademkniga”, 2005, p. 47.

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