What are the main functions of the interstate aviation committee poppy. Interstate Aviation Committee

Tourism and rest 14.06.2019
Tourism and rest

Interstate Aviation Committee - supranational executive agency responsible for the safety of flights in the field of civil aviation in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Established on the basis of the Decree of the Council of Heads of Government of the Member States of the Economic Community dated December 6, 1991 and the Intergovernmental Agreement on Civil Aviation and on the Use airspace, signed on December 30, 1991. The Committee is the assignee of a number of commissions of the USSR Ministry of Civil Aviation.


All republics are currently members of the Agreement former USSR, with the exception of the Baltic States and Georgia, there are 11 states in total: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Georgia withdrew from the Agreement at the same time as ending its membership in the CIS in 2009.

Initially, the committee was authorized to develop and coordinate policy in the field of international air communications, air transportation security, aviation tariffs and charges, interstate air traffic schedules, certification of aircraft, airlines, airfields. He was also instructed to investigate all aviation accidents with aircraft of the CIS member states and on their territory and to maintain a general aviation register.

Under the Agreement on Civil Aviation and the Use of Airspace, the IAC is the body that ensures the work of the Council on Aviation and the Use of Airspace from authorized representatives Contracting States established under this Agreement and operating on the principles of consensus.

In 1992-1997 The IAC was equated by a number of resolutions with the federal executive body in terms of certification and investigation of aircraft accidents in Russia.

In the late 1990s - early 2000s. certification functions of airlines, individual aircraft, training centers moved from the IAC to state aviation oversight bodies participating countries Agreements (in Russia this body is currently the Federal Air Transport Agency, Rosaviatsiya).


The main function of the IAC is to issue aircraft type certificates, airport certificates, develop recommendations and instructions, and investigate air accidents. Over the 25 years of the committee's work, more than 200 air crashes have been investigated. Based on the results of the investigations, more than 260 recommendations were made to improve flight safety.

In 2001, the IAC signed a memorandum of understanding with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the committee uses the standards of this organization.

The IAC is financed by contributions from the member countries of the Agreement, in 2013, according to SPARK-Interfax, they amounted to 224 million rubles. The Committee's expenses in the same year amounted to 211 million rubles, of which 133 million - for wages, 27 million - maintenance of premises and property.

The headquarters of the MAK is located in Moscow.


Since the establishment of the IAC, Tatyana Anodina has been its chairman. She was appointed to this post on December 6, 1991 by a decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the member states of the Economic Community. Neither in the resolution on the establishment of the MAK of December 6, 1991, nor in the intergovernmental Agreement of December 30, 1991, the procedure for appointing and resigning the head was prescribed.

Established on the basis of the intergovernmental "Agreement on Civil Aviation and the Use of Airspace" signed in December 1991. In accordance with Article 8 of this agreement, the IAC is the executive body that ensures the implementation of the decisions of the Council on Aviation and the Use of Airspace, created by the agreement as an international governmental organization. Sessions of the Council are held at least once a quarter, and the drafts of their program and agenda are presented by the Chairman of the IAC and approved by the Council. The Chairman of the IAC is appointed by a resolution of the Council of Heads of State - members of the Economic Community (since 1991 this position has been occupied by T. G. Anodina).

For a long time, the IAC as the successor to the Soviet Commissions for the use of airspace, air traffic control and state supervision in charge of aircraft flight safety (in terms of functions agreed by the CIS states) dealt with a wide range of issues of certification in civil aviation and investigation of aviation accidents in the interests of sponsor states. There are different opinions regarding the legal status of the IAC, a number of lawyers believe that the IAC is not a subject international law and cannot independently exercise any powers of authority, especially state functions of the Russian Federation or another CIS state. At the same time, the IAC, as the executive body of an international governmental organization, and its employees, who are international personnel, cannot be held liable for the improper performance of their functions to the state authorities of the Russian Federation or another CIS state.

Although the certification powers of the IAC on the territory of Russia expired in December 2015, the IAC AR continues to issue type certificates for interested CIS states. However, since 2015, the main task of the IAC is to conduct investigations of aviation accidents with civil aviation aircraft (in

Anodina Tatyana Grigorievna

Chairman of the Interstate Aviation Committee

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (since 1981), Laureate of State Prizes, Honored Scientist, holder of the highest orders of Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, etc. According to Russian legislation, he has the rank of Federal Minister.

She passed all scientific positions from junior researcher to Director of the head research institute in the field of air navigation, which she headed for 20 years. For more than 10 years she headed the Main Scientific and Technical Department of the Ministry. For many years he has held various scientific and administrative positions of the highest rank. Carried out teaching activities. Currently, he collaborates with the Department of International Law of MGIMO.

Initiator of creation and since 1991, by decision of the Heads of State, Chairman of the Interstate Aviation Committee.

Head of the creation of a system of independent investigation of aviation accidents and international system certification of aviation equipment and airfields, fully harmonized with European and American.
MAC - the first regional organization in the field of independent investigation and certification, the legal principles and experience of which formed the basis for the creation of similar organizations in the European Union (in 2002), Latin America and other regions of the world. In 2010, this principle is enshrined in the standards of Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention of ICAO.

IAC has been a member for 10 years international organization ITSA Independent Investigation Bodies (total includes 17 organizations).

With the direct participation of T. Anodina created and certified, including within the framework of international projects, new aircraft: Il-86, Il-96, Il-114, An-124, An-70, An-140/148, Ka-32, Tu‑204, RRJ and others.

Under her scientific leadership, the first automated systems air traffic control, navigation and landing of aircraft, which are operated in more than 100 airfields and control centers.
The initiator of the entry of the USSR into ICAO (190 states of the world) and the transition to international standards in the field of air navigation and technical means equipment for airfields and air routes. She was a member of the ICAO specialized committee on the strategy of future air navigation systems based on the use of a global satellite system navigation, which included representatives of 5 states - the USA, France, Australia, Japan, the USSR.

As part of this strategy adopted by ICAO for international civil aviation, an agreement was reached on the recognition of the GLONASS system as part of the global satellite system (along with GPS). The results of this work were recognized as a world scientific achievement. In 1997, T. Anodina was awarded the Higher International Prize in the field of aviation - the E. Warner Award, as a world-famous scientist, major researcher and organizer of the creation and implementation of national, regional and global satellite technologies for civil use. Since 1959, 31 people have been awarded this Prize.

Over the 20 years of its activity, the IAC has investigated 536 aviation accidents in 76 countries of the world. 134 types of aircraft manufactured in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, USA, Canada, Europe, Brazil, etc. were certified. 80 international airfields, 516 types of airfield equipment of Russian and foreign production were certified.

Often in news feeds, on news sites, the abbreviation MAK flashes in connection with aviation topics, as well as investigations of major air crashes. Let's try to understand the activities and purpose of this department, what it does, what powers it has.

The official website of the International Aviation Committee positions its work as a service to achieve the safety and systematic development of civil aviation, as well as to increase effective use aviation space of all states that have become participants in this program.

History of creation. Development process

Created at the end of 1991 between 12 independent states former USSR, on the basis of a special agreement, the interstate aviation committee began to monitor and control compliance with the following standards:

  • unified aviation rules;
  • a unified certification system for the use, as well as the production of airliners;
  • airworthiness standards;
  • assessment of the category of aerodromes, their equipment;
  • independent investigation of air crashes and accidents;
  • organization together with the coordination of airspace development and management.

In the summer of 1992, the IAC Aviation Committee was included in the list of intergovernmental organizations, which confirms its activities as consistent with all international and national laws of the participating countries.

A sign on the MAK building

Main participating countries

To date, included interstate committee consists of eleven states. Here is their list:

  1. Armenia;
  2. Kyrgyzstan;
  3. Kazakhstan;
  4. Azerbaijan;
  5. Belarus;
  6. Russia;
  7. Moldova;
  8. Uzbekistan;
  9. Turkmenistan;
  10. Tajikistan;
  11. Ukraine.

The main activities of the Committee

Of course, with such a vast territory covered by the participating countries, the activities of the committee are very diverse. Let's dwell on its main directions.

Carrying out certification of production of aviation equipment

To ensure safety and airworthiness, a regulatory framework was created for stage-by-stage certification, adapted to many world standards.

It is according to it that not only aircraft and aircraft engines of the participating countries, but also their elements are certified. After passing this procedure, a single certificate is issued, valid and recognized in the territory of these countries, but also in the following states:

  • Canada;
  • Iran;
  • India;
  • China;
  • the European Union;
  • Brazil;
  • Egypt;
  • Mexico;
  • Indonesia and others.

Assessment and certification of aerodromes and their equipment

The established base of rules, approved by all countries that are members of the interstate committee, allows it to issue certificates for all types of airfields accepted throughout the territory of this structure.

Conducting independent investigations

The IAC conducts an investigation of air crashes when they occur with all airliners of the participating countries, not only on their territory, but also outside it. The main principle is the independence of the research, as recommended in international practice.

Coordinating the development of civil aviation

The formation and implementation of interstate policy, the creation of economic interest, affordable competitiveness is the most significant part of the work of the IAC. This includes the following areas of cooperation:

  • training of high-level specialists;
  • development of tariff policy;
  • simplification of customs procedures;
  • interaction in emergency situations;
  • aviation medicine;
  • countering aviation terrorism and more.

Headquarters building in Moscow

Restriction of activities and deprivation of many powers

For more than 23 years, he has been conducting an international aviation accident investigation committee, certifying airliners, airfields and airlines. But after certain circumstances, at the end of 2015, by order of the Government of Russia, almost all certification activities were transferred to the Ministry of Transport and the Federal Air Transport Agency, and the IAC was deprived of its powers. Despite this, the Committee continues its work.

Reasons for distrust

One of the areas of work of the IAC was the investigation of aviation accidents. It was the distrust of the results of these investigations that caused the limitation and redistribution of the committee's powers between other structures. Russian aviation. Let's consider some of them.

1997, route Irkutsk-Fanrang

After takeoff, the plane fell on a residential area, and the reason was the failure of three out of four engines at once. The IAC cited airliner overload as the main cause, along with pilot error. He also carried out the certification of this vessel a little earlier. Experts agree that the main reason for the fall is a malfunction of the engines.

Tu-154M on the Crimean Peninsula

In the fall of 2001, during joint military exercises on the Crimean peninsula, a Ukrainian missile shot down a plane of Siberia Airlines. Despite the conclusions of the IAC, the Kyiv court rejected the carrier's claim for damages, appealing to their unreliability. Eventually financial questions have not been resolved to date.

IAC showed how recorders decipher

Route Yerevan - Sochi 2006

More than 120 people died in the crash of an Armavia airliner over the Black Sea. The Interstate Committee points out the inadequate actions of the pilots as the main reason. Experts also point to the absence in the report of the committee of information about the quality of the meteorological equipment of the airfield, which could be the main cause of this disaster.

Flight from Poland 2010

A government plane from Warsaw crashed in Smolensk with 96 passengers on board. Despite the participation of foreign experts in the investigation, the IAC in its final report points out the incorrect actions of the pilots and their insufficient training as the main cause of the disaster. The Polish group, together with other experts, point out the technical shortcomings of the Severny airfield in Smolensk.

The main claims to MAC

In his book, test pilot V. Gerasimov highlights a number of main complaints about the work of the interstate committee in the investigation of air crashes, which became the main reasons for limiting this activity:

  • delaying the investigation, up to several years;
  • the certification of ships and the investigation of the causes of the crash by the same organization leads to unreliability and inefficiency of the conclusions;

People who regularly follow the news, especially those related to the topic of air transportation, for example, air crashes, periodically meet with the abbreviation indicated by the letters MAK. Many do not know that this abbreviation stands for "International Aviation Committee", also called interstate.

A special department was created to monitor the order in any industry related to the activities of air transport. The organization cooperates with ICAO, which oversees civil aviation, and carries out an important mission.

At the end of 1991, a special Agreement was concluded between the twelve countries of the planet, designed to ensure maximum safety and efficiency for civil aircraft.

This document spells out many nuances affecting the development of passenger traffic, and since compliance with the adopted rules requires control, it was decided to create a departmental body - Interstate organization for aviation affairs. The official website of the International Aviation Committee tells about the activities of the institution:

  • development of rules by which flights are carried out;
  • the procedure for the creation and operation of air equipment;
  • a system for issuing certificates and permits for the use of aviation equipment;
  • airworthiness standards for aircraft;
  • assessment of the state of aerodromes, awarding them certain categories;
  • participation as an independent expert in finding out the causes of crashes and emergencies relating to civil aviation;
  • organization of the general procedure for the use of airspace, coordination and management of the development of passenger air transportation.

In just six months, the Committee was included in the list of bodies with international status, that is, influencing certain industries in many world states. For this, a lot of work has been done, because all the norms proposed for adoption were necessarily checked for compliance with the legislation of the countries that acceded to the Agreement. However, in the end, a consensus was reached. The current list of participants looks like this:

  • The Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Republic of Armenia;
  • Belarus;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Republic of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Republic of Moldova;
  • Russian Federation;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Ukraine (there are references to the withdrawal of the state from the Committee, however, there is no official confirmation at present);
  • The Republic of Tajikistan;
  • The Republic of Uzbekistan.

The head office of the organization is located in the capital of Russia, representative offices are located in the states that have joined the IAC.

Naturally, a very long article could be written about the work of the International Aviation Committee, since the number of countries and the vast territory occupied by them determines an extremely wide field of activity. The actions of the IAC members are carried out with the full legislative support of the leadership of the countries that are members of the Committee.

The powers vested in the organization are confirmed by official decrees, resolutions and other documents adopted in the territory of a particular country. Basically, representatives of the society are engaged in the following items:

1. Issuance of certificates and permits for the manufacture of aircraft and their technical elements. In order to ensure the safety of passengers during flights and the long life of aircraft, regulations have been prepared in accordance with which certification is carried out in a stepwise manner. The basis was the global and European standards, that is, this procedure is carried out adapted to world standards. Enterprises that have passed the test receive a certificate, the validity of which extends, in addition to the participating countries, to the following states:

  • USA;
  • Indonesia;
  • Canada;
  • Egypt;
  • India;
  • Brazil;
  • members of the European Union;
  • China;
  • Republic of South Africa;
  • Iran;
  • Mexico and some other countries.

2. Assessment of runways, their arrangement and functioning, assignment of categories and certification. According to the accepted norms, after the permission of the commission organized by the Committee, the airfields of the partner countries have the right to receive and send aircraft, and also, if necessary, carry out Maintenance airliners.

3. Analysis of situations requiring verification by independent experts. Plane crashes and emergencies periodically happen to the aircraft of many states of the planet, including emergency situations that occur with the aircraft of the countries that are members of the Interstate Aircraft Company. The International Aviation Committee investigates the causes of the problems that have arisen on the territory of any country, if the liner belongs to a jurisdictional area.

4. IAC specialists are also engaged in increasing the demand for passenger air transportation, increasing the competitiveness of controlled airlines. In particular, the following actions are being taken in this direction:

  • improving the qualifications of service personnel;
  • tracking pricing and marketing policy;
  • facilitation of operations related to customs inspections;
  • development and improvement of medical care at airports and on board aircraft;
  • effective anti-terrorist activity;
  • providing the opportunity to perform procedures related to flights through Internet resources.

The official website of the International Aviation Committee says that the association successfully cooperates with world-famous organizations engaged in such activities, and has several signed agreements developed by IAC specialists.

After more than two decades of hard work and successful activity, the authority of the organization was practically eliminated by order of the leadership Russian Federation. In 2015, the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Federal Air Transport Agency began to deal with the certification and investigation of air traffic accidents. However, the Committee has not been abolished and some activity still remains.

The problem did not arise out of nowhere. The reason for distrust of the results of the work of the IAC was the results of some accidents that occurred with the liners of the countries participating in the Agreement. After several similar investigations, the rights and obligations of the alliance were limited, and most of them were transferred to the Federal Air Transport Agency and the Ministry of Transport. It all started in 1997, when a plane flying from Irkutsk to Phan Rang crashed in a residential part of one of the cities.

The catastrophe resulted in the cessation of most of the engines, three ceased to function, and there were four in total. The Committee's specialists said that the pilot made a mistake, which, coupled with the overcrowding of the liner, led to the crash of the aircraft. However, given that the issuance of an operating permit was also carried out by employees of the International Aviation Committee, it was decided to involve additional independent experts in the work. After the inspection, they revealed violations in the operation of the failed engines.

Four years later, the tragedy occurred in the Crimea, where Russian and Ukrainian military exercises were being held. air force. A rocket fired by Ukrainians shot down an S7 Airlines airliner. The staff of the Aviation Committee unequivocally decided the issue not in favor of the Ukrainian military, but the Kyiv judicial authority considered the arguments provided insufficient for a positive decision on material compensation. On the this moment the situation has not yet been resolved, since neither side pleads guilty to what happened.

In 2006, an airliner belonging to the Armenian air carrier Armavia crashed into the sea along with all the passengers. There were no survivors of the crash. According to IAC experts, some steps were taken by the pilots, which served as an impetus for the plane crash, while the necessary actions were not taken, apparently in a state of panic. An independent investigation conducted at the same time revealed that the Committee's conclusion does not contain data on the presence at the airport of the arrival of equipment that facilitates landing in difficult weather conditions, and its correct operation.

In 2010, a high-profile air accident occurred over Smolensk. A plane with almost a hundred passengers crashed, flying from Warsaw and carrying members of the government of several countries on board. Naturally, the analysis of the emergency was carried out both by members of the IAC and by foreign organizations, whose experts came to the conclusion that the runway at the airport of arrival was in a deplorable state, which caused the crash. However, the Committee's experts considered that the pilots who flew the plane had a low level of training and made a number of mistakes during landing.

As a result, there were so many accumulated precedents that the International Aviation Committee was forced to suspend its activities. In addition to the suspicion of juggling the results of accidents that occurred in the air, higher management showed dissatisfaction with too long paperwork.

Some cases have been pending for years. In addition, MAK participants, protected by diplomatic status, avoided punishment even for obviously obvious mistakes made during various procedures.

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