How to get a premium tank bt 7 artillery. If you are at the top or middle of the list

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BT-7 - Soviet light wheeled-tracked tank of the period 1930-1940. This is the third tank from the family of famous Soviet tanks of the BT series (high-speed tank). It differed from its tank predecessors in a welded hull of a more perfect shape, a new engine.

The vehicle was produced both with weapons similar to those of the BT-5 tank, and with a 76-mm gun.

A diesel engine was installed on the latest models of the tank. These tanks were produced both with a radio station and without a radio station.

In total, 5,328 BT-7 tanks of various modifications were transferred to the troops.

The history of the creation of the BT-7 tank

Around January, to the Kharkov plant, which at that moment was working on design documentation for the BT-5 tank ( design department"Department 520"), an assignment was received to develop a new tank - in new car deficiencies that had been identified in previous models had to be taken into account and eliminated.

In accordance with the design documentation for new tank it was supposed to install a more advanced and reliable M-17 engine, develop a welded hull with improved visibility for the driver, install high-capacity fuel tanks and a 76-mm cannon on the tank. In general, the task involved the development of a "strike wheeled caterpillar tank long range."

A group of designers took part in the development of the new tank: Firsov, Bondarenko, Morozov, Doroshenko, Kurasov, Veselovsky and Tarshinov.

Already at the beginning of 1934, a prototype was created, which was called BT-7. By May 1, 1934, the first machine was ready, and by November 7, 1934, the second sample of the BT-7 was created.

On the first two vehicles, a course machine gun was installed to the right of the driver's seat, and the turret was made in the form of a truncated cone. The turret could be equipped with a 76 mm KT-28 or PS-4 tank gun. It was supposed to provide for testing and a car with a 45-mm gun in the standard turret of the BT-5 tank.

In the autumn of 1934, the machines passed the full test program. The military considered that the course machine gun on the BT-7 was an overkill, since the driver was busy driving the tank and had no physical ability to fire from a machine gun. In addition, the new turret made it difficult to match the machine gun and the new turret shape.

As a result, in 1935, mass production of the BT-7 tank began with the already proven turret from the BT-5 tank. At the same time, neither the military nor the designers abandoned the idea of ​​​​creating a light tank with a 76-mm gun. In addition, the design bureau received an order from the GABTU to develop a BT-7 project, which would allow the turret from the T-26-4 tank to be installed on the vehicle.

Tank BT-7. Model 1935

The serial BT-7 model 1935 had a rigid box-shaped hull with double side walls, a trapezoidal aft section and a rounded tapered elongated front section. The body was recruited from steel armor plates, which were interconnected by welding. Some models were with riveted hulls.

The outer walls of the case were removable. Internal walls - 4 mm steel sheets.

The undercarriage consisted of two guides and eight road wheels. The front pair, when moving on wheels, served to control the tanks, and the rear pair served as the driving wheels.

When driving on caterpillar tracks, the steering wheel was removed and placed in the control compartment.

A 12-cylinder V-shaped carburetor engine M-17T with an HP 400 power was located in the rear of the car. Transmission: 4-speed gearbox, multi-plate dry main clutch and side clutches, for wheel drive - guitars, brakes.

Fuel tanks were installed on the sides between the side sheets - 2 pcs. and one tank in the stern.

A cylindrical turret with a developed aft niche.

Armament: 45-mm tank gun 20-K model 1934 and coaxial machine gun DT. Some vehicles were equipped with stern machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns.

71-TK radio stations with handrail antennas were installed on command vehicles.

The crew of the BT-7 tank is three people: the commander and he is also a gunner, loader and driver.

Tank BT-7. Model 1937

In 1937, serial BT-7 tanks began to be produced with a conical turret, which made it possible (without changing the armament) to increase the tank's ammunition by 44 shells (for tanks without a radio station - 188 shells, for a tank with a radio station - 145 shells).

On all linear BT-7s in the aft niche of the tower, DT aft machine guns were installed.

The BT-7 model of 1937 was equipped with special searchlight-type headlights, which were mounted on the gun mantlet, which meant that it was possible to fire from a gun and a coaxial machine gun at night. Subsequently, tanks produced before 1937 were also equipped with such headlights.

The gearbox became three-stage, the transmission was improved, the springs of the balancing suspensions of the drive wheels of the wheel travel were strengthened.

Since 1938, cars were produced without rubber tires and began to replace the large-link caterpillar with a small-link one.

The frontal armor "grew" to 22 mm, and the combat weight of the vehicle reached 13.9 tons.

Tank BT-7M. Model 1939

Serial production of the BT-7M (sometimes called BT-8) began in December 1939.

Outwardly, the BT-7M practically did not differ from its predecessor BT-7. The main difference is the replacement of the M-17T carburetor engine with the Soviet V-2 diesel engine.

Due to the installation of special braces, the rigidity of the hull was increased, an under-engine hatch was arranged in the bottom of the tank, and the size of the air filter dust collector cap was changed down.

An economical diesel engine made it possible to get rid of the fuel tanks above the caterpillar shelves.

The most important difference is that tanks with diesel engines were much safer in battle, since diesel fuel ignites worse when a tank is hit.

It should be noted that by this time, Japanese serial Ha-Go tanks and Type 86 tanks were already equipped with diesel engines. In 1935, diesel tanks began to be produced in Poland as well - this is the 7TR tank. The French achieved significant success, but diesel-powered cars never went into production.

In Germany, tank diesel engines were not even developed, since it was believed that with the outbreak of hostilities, problems with the production of diesel fuel would certainly arise.

Light tanks BT-7M were mass-produced until September 1940, even in parallel with the new T-34. Subsequently, all production facilities of the plant were transferred to the production of T-34.

Artillery tank BT-7A

Since 1934, the BT-7A artillery tank with a 76-mm KT-28 cannon was produced in small batches (several vehicles were produced with 76-mm L-11 and F-32 cannons). In total, with a 76-mm cannon, 154 tanks were produced.

Combat use of BT-7 tanks

The new Bt-7 tanks were mainly armed tank brigades tank corps and separate tank brigades. BT-7 tanks were originally supposed to be used to develop breakthroughs into the depths of enemy defenses.

The BT-7 received its baptism of fire in the battles near Lake Khasan in August 1938. Then the BT-7 took part in the battles at Khalkhin Gol, where 48 out of 493 tanks were irretrievably lost.

In general, tanks received good feedback, however, the complexity of controlling the machine was noted, which required excellent training of the driver. And - weak bulletproof booking along with a massive lack of radio stations, which made it difficult to manage large groups tanks in battle.

The BT-7 tank has become a symbol armored forces The Red Army, because along with the identified shortcomings, it had simply excellent maneuverability, speed and "jumping ability". Armor, rapid onslaught and firepower.

BT-7s were also used in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. There is an opinion that the tank was obsolete by June 1941, which led to massive losses. However, the use of BT-7 not for its intended purpose led to massive losses. The BT-7 was not intended to break through a prepared defense or an oncoming tank battle.

On June 23, 1941, the crew of Sergeant Naidin on the Bt-7 tank destroyed 15 German tanks and 10 artillery pieces. The tank acted suddenly from ambush. At the same time, he fought with a superior enemy (one against a tank company).

The last time BT-7 tanks took part in battles was in August 1945 as part of the 1st Far Eastern and Trans-Baikal fronts. And the last stage of the BT-7 service was the victory parade in Harbin.

TTX tank BT-7, model 1935

BT-7 model 1937

Combat weight, t - 13.7

Layout scheme - classic

Crew, pers. – 3


Case length, mm - 5 660

Hull width, mm - 2 290

Height, mm - 2 417

Clearance, mm - 400


Type of armor - steel rolled homogeneous

Forehead of the hull (top), mm/deg. – 20/18

Forehead of the hull (middle), mm/deg. – 15/60

Forehead of the hull (bottom), mm/deg. – 15-22/0-60

Hull board, mm / city - 15 + 4 / 0

Hull feed (top), mm/deg. – 10/55

Hull feed (middle), mm/deg. – 13/10

Hull feed (bottom), mm/deg. – 13/58

Bottom, mm - 6

Hull roof, mm - 10

Tower forehead, mm/deg. – 15/0

Gun mask, mm - 20

Turret board, mm/deg. – 15/0

Tower feed, mm/deg. – 15/0

Tower roof, mm/deg. – 10/85-90


The caliber and brand of the gun is 45 mm 20-K arr. 1934

Gun type - rifled

Barrel length - 46 calibers

Gun ammunition - 172 rounds

corners vertical aiming, deg. – from – 8 to + 25

Firing range - with a TOP sight: 6.4 km from a cannon and 1.6 km from a coaxial machine gun.

Machine guns - 3 pcs. 7.62 mm DT


Engine type - M-17T, V-shaped, 12-cylinder, carburetor, liquid cooling.

Engine power - 400 hp

Highway speed, km / h - 52 on tracks and 72 on wheels

Cross-country speed, km / h - 20

Power reserve on the highway, km - 375 on tracks and 460 on wheels

Specific power hp / t - 28.8

Suspension type - Christie suspension

Climbability, deg. – 42

Passable wall, m - 0.75

Crossable ditch, m - 2.5

Crossable ford, m - 1.2

Photo gallery of the BT-7 tank

Although the history of the artillery BT-7A is inextricably linked with the history of "ordinary" BTs, it still deserves a separate story. The desirability of arming BT tanks and most of the Soviet tanks with guns of 76 mm or more was obvious to many leaders of the Red Army by the mid-30s. So Marshal M.N. Tukhachevsky (who, by the way, is a big fan of artillery tanks), advocated equipping BT with 76 mm caliber guns. Work began on the rearmament of tanks. One of the first projects of the BT-7 assumed the presence of a 76.2-mm short-barreled gun in a new turret configuration. Of those available at the time artillery systems of this caliber, suitable for installation on a tank, in serial production only KT-28 and PS-3 existed. The latter looked more promising, but its release was constantly delayed and was eventually canceled altogether. It was possible to try to install the L-7 gun, but the Leningrad plant did not cope with the technical task and it was sent for revision. So, the KT-28 turned out to be the only suitable option, but a standard 45 mm 20K cannon could be installed instead.

With the BT-7A tank, the story dragged on a bit. Initially, it was assumed that artillery tanks entered service in 1935, but due to an accident with a prototype T-26-4 (a shell burst in the barrel), mass production was postponed for almost three years. Only on August 31, 1937, the lead series was released, which was intended, for the most part, for military trials. Since the opinion of the military about the BT-7A was positive, mass production was organized at the Kharkov Locomotive Plant and by the time production was completed on January 10, 1938, 155 vehicles were assembled.

Nevertheless, 122 tanks were accepted for military acceptance, as the rest were waiting for the KT-28 guns, the production of which was discontinued. For the whole of 1938, only 10 guns were received, which brought the number of accepted vehicles to 132. The fate of the rest of the unarmed BT-7A is not clear. Most likely, they were converted into ordinary BT-7s.

After the cessation of work on PS-3 and KT-28, the next step was the creation of a semi-automatic tank gun L-10, developed by a group of engineers led by S. Malakhov. Its design was started back in 1935, but due to various reasons, a little less than three years passed before the start of mass production. As in the case of the KT-28, the Malakhov gun did not distinguish itself high performance and was adopted by the Red Army only as a temporary measure. However, this did not prevent the L-10 from re-equipping most of the T-28 medium tanks. The question of equipping heavy T-35s with this type of gun was even raised, but due to the lack of significant advantages over the KT-28, this idea was quickly abandoned. Seeing that the situation was not improving, the ABTU of the Red Army issued a new task to the LKZ at the beginning of 1938 for the development of a tank gun. Here again they decided to take the path of least resistance, taking as a basis the L-10 with an increased barrel length and a reinforced breech. The L-11 gun obtained in this way retained almost all the shortcomings of its predecessor: low lethality, the use of a "regimental" shot, etc.

In April 1938, the L-11 was recommended for mass production, taking into account that the identified shortcomings would be eliminated. Before that, tests were carried out on the T-28 and BT-7A tanks, for which this weapon was intended. However, as soon as it starts, new round rearmament of the T-28 ended with another trouble. On military maneuvers in 1939, one of the most unpleasant defects of the L-11 was revealed. The fact is that the volume of the recoil brake of this gun was connected through a hole with atmospheric air, and with active manipulations, this hole was blocked, which led to the boiling of the liquid and the rupture of the brake cylinder. With such a defect, all tanks equipped with the L-11 could not be considered combat-ready. Later, a reserve hole was introduced into the design of the gun, but this did not solve the bulk of the problems. As for equipping the BT-7A tanks with a new type of gun, work here was stopped already at the initial stage and prototype and remained in a single copy.

Much more successful could be the option with the F-32 gun. This gun was developed at OKB-92 under the leadership of Grabin, who used in his project the swinging part of the F-22 divisional cannon of the 1936 model with a shortened barrel. When comparing the L-11 and F-32, it turned out that the Grabin gun has a lower cost, with high reliability, rate of fire, and good ballistic performance. In its production, non-deficient materials were used, and the compatibility of many components with the F-22 gun made it possible to quickly establish mass production of the F-32. Tests also carried out on the BT-7A fully confirmed these conclusions. The gun was installed in a standard “artillery” turret, but the F-32 barrel was made of high-alloy steel, and the recoil length was only 30 cm. Despite the short recoil length, the turret was crowded, and the work of the loader became doubly dangerous. It would be desirable to install large turrets on the tank. However, despite all these difficulties, the car in September 1939 successfully passed full cycle tests. The work of the gun was considered completely satisfactory and the F-32 gun was recommended for installation on Soviet tanks (and in particular BT-7). After reviewing the received data, the Grabin gun was put into service in January 1940 and, a few months later, its installation on new types of tanks began. With BT-7A in this case, the situation cleared up pretty quickly. Re-equipment of old tanks with new guns was abandoned in favor of implementation on new KV and T-34 tanks.

In fact, the BT line (like the T-26, T-28) was simply abandoned in the hope of new tanks. Which have not even begun to release by that time. And when they began to produce KV and T-34, they had a complete list of "childhood diseases" - they were unreliable, often broke down, were expensive to manufacture, etc. It took years to eliminate numerous shortcomings and fully master the production, and, moreover, years of difficult wartime, when the fate of the USSR was being decided. The potential for modernization of the BT, T-26 and T-28 mastered in production back in the 30s was not used. And absolutely in vain. So at the beginning of the 30s, the BT had to change the candle suspension (along with Christie's "guitars") to a more advanced one, equip the tank with a more spacious turret with better visibility with a 76 mm gun, and then increase the armor to 55 mm according to the BT-SV option -2 "Turtle". For the T-26 tank, replace the suspension with a more advanced one, strengthen the armor, put an 180 hp engine. and a turret with a 76 mm gun. In addition, on the basis of the T-26, an excellent armored personnel carrier and self-propelled guns could turn out. Two machine-gun turrets had to be removed from the T-28 tank - making it single-turret, shortening the hull, strengthening the armor to 80 mm, installing a torsion bar suspension. And equip the T-28 with a 76 mm F-32 / F-34 or 85 mm F-30 gun. It would also not hurt to install commander's turrets on these tanks, which would significantly improve the visibility from the tanks and the controllability of tank formations. However, none of this was implemented in mass production.

Problems and mistakes in the pre-war USSR count - do not count. And it's not only about the machines - what they didn't grab under the fingers crawls. At the same time, managerial decisions were made imperfect at all. Well, then in the USSR they did not know how to rearm the army without losing combat capability. A good example of this is the history of the adoption of the KV and T-34. The ideas of a smooth, phased modernization have not yet been appreciated; only the war taught this.


Since the release of BT-7A artillery tanks was very delayed in combat units, they got there quite late. For example, by January 29, 1938, the 45th mechanized corps included 13 radio and 11 linear BT-7A, which was equal to their regular strength. Probably, artillery tanks were distributed between two mechanized brigades (133rd and 134th) - each with 12 tanks, respectively, each of the three tank battalions had 4 vehicles in the escort company.

By July 1938, 27 artillery tanks were at the disposal of the Leningrad Military District (LVO) and 3 more were sent to the Volga District. In addition, by September 1939, 17 BT-7A were registered with the Belarusian Military District and 4 were part of the 2nd Army. Subsequently, after the start of the formation of a new mechanized corps, many BT-7A "wandered" around the districts, changing their place of service more than once.

Part of the tanks was also sent to Far East, where on September 1, 1940 there were 28 machines, which were part of the 8th and 31st cavalry divisions (4 units each), as well as in the 48th light tank brigade (16 units). Four more BT-7As were assigned to other units. Later, when the formation of the 58th Tank Division began on the basis of the 48th Tank Division, the BT-7A was also included in it, but in October 1941, when reorganized according to the July states, the number of artillery tanks was reduced to 10. Their further fate is unknown.

In the course of production and operation, a certain number of BT-7A were converted into "radio" ones by installing a 71TK-3 radio station with a handrail antenna on the turret, while the ammunition load was reduced to 40 shots and 2016 rounds of ammunition. In total, the army received 11 "radio" tanks BT-7A. The BT-7A aiming devices consisted of the TOP telescopic sight and the TP-1 panoramic sight. In some cases, on the roof of the tower was mounted anti-aircraft gun with a 7.62 mm DT machine gun.

Combat use

Despite their small number, BT-7A tanks took part in almost all conflicts that Soviet Union led in 1939-1940. It was possible to fully reveal their potential during the Winter War. In the period from November 30, 1939 to March 13, 1940, six artillery tanks from the 1st Ltbr were actively used for fire support of advancing tanks and infantry, as well as for firing at Finnish pillboxes and counter-battery combat. Interestingly, all 6 vehicles received combat damage during the battles (4 were damaged by artillery and 2 were blown up by land mines), but all of them were repaired and returned to the active army again.

As of September 15, 1940, the distribution of BT-7A tanks in other military districts was as follows (a fractional number is the number as of June 1, 1941):

PRIVO - 2 \ 2
ZapOVO - 2 \ 2
KOVO - 17 \ 31 (by May 1, 1941, 2 was part of the 8th TD of the 4th MK and 4 in the 12th TD of the 8th MK)
PribVO - 21 \ 20 (13 "linear" and 8 "radial")
LVO - 12\12
MVO - 3 \ 3
ZabVO - 19/19
ORVO - 5 (as of August 15, 2 of them - as part of the Oryol Armored School)
DVF - 24 \ 28

Thus, the total number of BT-7A after three years of operation remained virtually unchanged and amounted to 117 tanks, however, not all of them were in a technically sound condition.

The exact number of BT-7A tanks that were in the border districts on the eve of the war with Germany is now unlikely to succeed. According to the latest data, there were only two “artillery” BTs in the Western OVO, which belonged to the 8th mechanized corps. Both vehicles were lost in the first days of the war (June 22-25): the first of them was shot down between Belsk and Bialystok, the second BT-7A was lost somewhere in Western Belarus. There is very little information about other tanks of this type that took part in the summer battles of 1941. For example, on June 19, the 12th mechanized corps had 13 "radio" and 2 "linear" BT-7A, which were listed for the 28th tank division. This formation is unique in that, in addition to the standard BT and T-26, it included 42 Vickers M1934 and M1936 tanks, six FIAT 3000, 13 wedges TKS and six very old Renault FT-17s. The latter were "inherited" from the Latvian army and were used as training ones. The corps did not have new types of tanks (T-34 and KV) at all.

In the first battle, on the evening of June 23, a group of 17 tanks under the command of the commander of the 28th TD, Major B.P. Popov, entered into a fierce battle with units of the German 1st Panzer Division, hitting it on the flank. The attack was supported by a second group of 23 tanks, as a result of which the enemy was thrown back 5 km, and the Soviet units were able to regain control over the Kaltinenai-Raseiniai road section. The enemy suffered heavy losses (14 tanks, 20 guns and up to an infantry battalion), but this success was overshadowed by the death of the group commander and the loss of 13 of their own vehicles. The next morning, the main forces of the 28th TD (130 tanks) went on the offensive, trying to drive the Germans out of the Karlenai, Polugue, Uzhventis area. After a fierce 4-hour battle, Soviet tankers managed to destroy several artillery batteries the enemy and take many prisoners, but their own losses were almost catastrophic. Only during the morning battle, the division lost 48 tanks, and by 15:00 this number had grown to 84!

By the end of the day, the division (it had only 40 tanks left, as well as the division headquarters, the reconnaissance battalion, the remnants of the 55th and 56th tank regiments) began to retreat northward and, until July 7, fought defensive battles on the Western Dvina. As a result, out of 236 tanks available at the beginning of the war, the division lost 201, including all BT-7A. At the same time, artillery tanks of the 1st mechanized corps of the LVO entered the battle. During the counterattack on July 7-8, units of the 3rd Panzer Division, trying to delay the enemy’s advance on Pskov, conducted a major tank battle in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Cherekha, Peschanka, Volnevo, Kryakush. The forces were clearly not equal - about 100 tanks participated from the Soviet side (including several KV-1), from the German side - about 200 various types, mainly Pz.II and Pz.III, with strong anti-tank and heavy artillery support. The battle ended only at 10 p.m., and at the end of it, Soviet tanks were fired upon by an unknown substance (mustard gas or gases), as a result of which the tankers were forced to put on gas masks and anti-yperite capes and stay in them until 5 a.m. on July 8. The ratio of losses turned out to be approximately equal, but the battlefield remained with the Germans. Among the almost 70 lost Soviet tanks were eight BT-7A.

tanks , located in the Kiev Special Military District, apparently, were lost in battles on the left-bank Ukraine. At least, by the time the German units left for Kyiv, there was no data on the BT-7A.

To date, not a single BT-7A tank has survived.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Combat weight: 13.5 tons
Crew: 3 people
Length: 5.6 m
Width: 2.2 m
Height: 2.4 m
hull forehead 20 mm
tower forehead 15 mm
side of the hull 10 mm
stern hull 10 mm
roof 10 mm
bottom 6 mm
1x76 mm gun
2x7.62 mm machine guns
76 mm 50 rounds
7.62 mm 3339 rounds
Propulsion: wheel-caterpillar
Layout: with a rear engine compartment
Transmission: mechanical
Gearbox gears: 3 gears forward and 1 reverse
Suspension: spring
Chassis: 4 road wheels of large diameter (on one side), with a front steered pair on wheels, rear drive wheel
Engine: M-17T, carbureted, 400 hp.
Specific power: 29.62 hp/t
Highway range:
on tracks 250 km
on wheels 500 km
Max highway speed:
on tracks 62 km/h
on wheels 86 km/h

Based on resource

Hello everyone, today I will tell you about a beautiful tier 3 battle tank bt-7 art.

The tank could be won by the promotion, after passing several stages of not difficult tasks, you become the owner of the tank.

Tank characteristics

I'll tell you about the tank modules


  • The 76mm high explosive is great for destroying the enemy at its level. But alas, if you got to level 2 above, then you won’t be able to really break through someone. The gun has a small spread but a long aiming, it is because of the long aiming that patience ends or you need to shoot urgently, then at the most crucial moment the projectile does not fly at the target, but somewhere away ...
  • If we consider in terms of damage and penetration, then, as I said, our tank is perfect. About 20 fights I fought with the same bt-7 art. Due to the bad armor of these cars, they often van shot on the sides or fell into the mechanical water hatch. We break through almost all tanks of the second third level. But in order to shoot accurately, you need to stop and aim well, which is extremely difficult in a battle where the floor of your team is noobs or crustaceans.


The tower at first seemed to me from the T-28 or from the T-35, but then I looked closely and realized that it was from none of the listed tanks. The turret itself is lightly armored. But it turns rather slowly in my opinion.


There is nothing to say here.


A good powerful engine accelerates our tank at 45-50 km / h (depending on the terrain).


Quite briskly we turn around on the spot and "fly" into the very "inferno" of the battle. The only claim to the running gear is low HP. Often they knock down a caterpillar with one blow, which, by the way, is insulting.

Combat tactics

We do not have a huge choice of battle tactics. It all depends on who you will be thrown into battle with.

If you are at the top or middle of the list

Here we have access to hard rush tactics. We choose and go to the flank. There we try to destroy all the opponents who meet. Even with an active rush, you should not ignore cover in the view: houses, stones, etc. Also, don't stand still. Aimed, fired and ride performing some kind of inadequate movement of the tank. But the main thing is not to overdo it. It is also worth remembering that our armor is cardboard and one shot takes about 50% of HP. So you have to be careful with that too.

We are at the bottom of the list

Firefly tactics are provided for us, but at the same time, sometimes you can catch the moment and shoot at the sides from some convenient position. It is worth remembering that the firefly is the "eyes" of the team, so do not merge during the first two minutes.




With a berum only a repair kit and sometimes a first aid kit. I think it's stupid to spend on consumables in the sand


For those who want to keep the tank for themselves for fun:

No matter how many disputes there were about the need for this tank. I consider this tank a wonderful gift. Give me something cool as a gift.

That's all.

BT-7A is a more advanced version Soviet tank BT-7, the development of which was carried out in 1934-1937 at the Kharkov plant named after Malyshev. This tank was honored to take part in combat battles on the Karelian Isthmus, Manchuria, as well as in the first stages of the Great patriotic war. In total, 155 units were produced, of which 133 were full-fledged ready for battle and one more, but which was without its permanent gun. At that time in service Soviet army received another modification of the tank in 11 copies - BT-7ART with an improved radio station, but that's another story.

In the game, the BT-7A is a premium tank of the third level, which all players will receive for free for the 5th anniversary of World of Tanks. Many players who were not lucky enough to ride the supertest and try out the BT-7A (A - Artillery) tank ask themselves the question: "What is its difference from the usual BT-7?". In this article, we will try to sort it out. BT-7A - as an artillery support tank, it has quite good dynamics, even better than the BT-7. Having a 500 hp engine, its specific power is 37.04 hp per ton, while its predecessor, the conventional BT-7, has 33.54 hp per ton. However, despite the more powerful engine, the maximum speed that this unit can reach is 52km/s, while the conventional BT-7 is 65.4km/h. The main advantages of this tank include its gun - a high-explosive gun, which is installed in an oversized turret and significantly surpasses the gun of its twin in firepower. This gun with 37mm armor-piercing shell penetration and 110hp one-time damage (which is half the health of tanks at the third level) is capable of dealing 1600hp damage per minute, and for high-explosive fragmentation with 38mm penetration as much as 2400hp per minute (yes, that's right, I I was not mistaken, the penetration of the OF is greater than that of the BB). With its good dynamics and a fairly good gun, the accuracy of shooting leaves much to be desired, because it is only 0.575 per 100 meters, but this is compensated by a good convergence of 2.3 seconds, which, in principle, is not bad at all. Our tank does not stand out for its durability and has an average of 220hp. We will not focus on the armor of the tank, since there is no armor, which means there is nothing to talk about, just for show you can get acquainted with the numbers below :

  • Forehead 20 millimeters
  • Board 19 mm
  • Tower 15 millimeters
  • Caterpillar 10 mm
  • The angles of inclination of the armor are almost the same as those of the twin brother BT-7


  • Commander (radio operator)
  • Gunner (loader)
  • Driver mechanic

Comparison table of technical parameters of BT-7A and BT-7:

BT-7 (top) 37mm ZiS-19
Strength 220hp 230hp
Review 290 m 300 m
Communication range
300 m 615 m
Tank weight 13.5 tone 14.31 tone
Max Speed 52 km/h 65.4 km/h
Engine power 500 hp 480 hp
Specific power 37.04 hp/t 33.54 hp/t
Gun Accuracy 0.575 0.39
Mixing time 2.3 s 1.7 s
rate of fire 14.551 min
28.57 min
One-time damage 110hp 40hp
Damage per minute (BB) 1600hp/min 1143 hp/min
Battle levels 3-5 3-5
Undercarriage turning speed 45 deg/sec
54 deg/sec
Turret traverse speed 37.5 deg/sec
36 deg/sec

I draw your attention to the fact that after the release of the tank on the basis of its performance characteristics may differ from those given in the table.

Good day to all and welcome to the site! Fighters, today we will talk about a very fun and perky low-level car, the Soviet light tank third level, in front of you BT-7 guide.

The truth is that this unit is a real and very good firefly. Experienced player for BT-7 World of Tanks will conquer the sandbox, and even getting into the battles of the fifth level, you will be able to find a use for yourself, making your significant contribution to the victory of the team, so this tank deserves attention.


Let's start with the fact that our little firefly has a standard margin of safety for Tier 3 vehicles, but to our great regret, the most important parameter let us down, we are talking about what BT-7 review very small, this indicator is only 300 meters, so you will have to fight for a productive and comfortable game.

As it happens in 99% of cases, since the tank is in our hands light, then his survivability is bad. It means that the BT-7 characteristics reservations are very meager, in any projection this brainchild of Soviet thought breaks through with any weapon, and even low-level machine guns easily knock out precious strength points from us.

Let's approach the issue of survivability from the other side and talk about the invisibility of the tank, because for a firefly this indicator is no less important. The truth is that BT-7 WoT it has a good camouflage factor, but still the silhouette is a bit high, and the body is really long, so you need to be careful.

Well, the parameter that you can and should fully rely on in battle is mobility, which perfectly compensates for the lack of armor. Soviet light tank BT-7 has great features top speed, dynamics and maneuverability, which makes it very frisky and elusive.


The armament of this unit is at least interesting, but we will not touch on the machine gun, since it has a lot of limitations and it is impossible to fight with it, getting into battles to 4-5 levels. Whether it's a top-end gun with which BT-7 World of Tanks really capable of a lot, so let's concentrate on it.

So, at BT-7 gun with a caliber of 37 millimeters, it has a low alpha strike even by the standards of classmates, so even with the existing excellent rate of fire, we are able to inflict approximately 1150 damage per minute. Is not worst score but would like more.

Regarding penetration parameters using conventional armor-piercing shells BT-7 tank able to confidently deal damage to classmates and many fours. However, it’s really hard to fight against Tier 5 vehicles in BB, so it doesn’t hurt to carry some gold sub-calibers with you.

The accuracy in our case is debatable, since BT-7 WoT received at its disposal a large spread and poor stabilization. But on the other hand, we have a very fast mix, which partly compensates for the first two shortcomings.

But with the angles of vertical aiming, everything is simple and clear. Down your gun light tank BT-7 can lower by 8 degrees, and raise by 25, both indicators are considered good and make it easy to play regardless of the terrain.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each car in our favorite game has its strengths and weak sides, the game is partly based on their understanding, because you can build the most suitable tactics for yourself and your tank. Now we will highlight the main advantages and disadvantages BT-7 World of Tanks separately, developing them into points.
Excellent mobility (maximum speed, dynamics, maneuverability);
Good camouflage performance;
High rate of fire;
Very fast mixing;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
Small viewing range;
Very weak booking;
Low one-time damage;
Mediocre accuracy;
Low penetration rates.

Equipment for BT-7

Even taking into account the fact that the choice additional modules for low-level vehicles it is not rich at all, it is possible and necessary to strengthen your tank, but this must be done by correctly setting priorities. AT this case on the tank BT-7 equipment it's better to put it like this:
1. is a good and versatile choice that will give a small increase in several important characteristics at once.
2. is the only module that will significantly affect vision problems, that is, you will get the opportunity to shine passively perfectly.
3. - as mentioned earlier, our disguise is good, but not the best, so let's improve it, especially since this solution goes well with the previous paragraph, and there are no suitable alternatives.

Crew training

In this aspect, priorities will have to be set even more carefully, since the choice of skills is large, and there are only three crew members, that is, you will have to sacrifice something and make compromises. So, we act on the principle of choosing only the most necessary, so for BT-7 perks download the following:
Commander (radio operator) - , , , .
Gunner (loader) - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .

Equipment for BT-7

All of you are well aware of how important consumables play in battle, because they can save you from death, but if your silver reserves run out, take , , . And for those who really want maximum comfort, survival and are not constrained by means, on BT-7 equipment it’s better to bring from , , , where the latter can be replaced with , if desired, because the tank burns infrequently, and the performance boost will always come in handy.

Tactics of the game on BT-7

By and large, everything should be clear with this device, because we have a real firefly in our hands, with no armor, excellent mobility, good camouflage, but, unfortunately, poor visibility.

Since we have set light tank BT-7 stereo tube and camouflage net, God himself ordered us to provide passive light. To do this, at the very beginning of the battle, press the accelerator pedal (W button) to the floor (keyboard) and rush into the sprawling bush closer to the middle of the map.

Arriving at the desired place BT-7 WoT must stop, activate optional equipment and hold your breath. Further, everything is simple - we do not shoot, we only illuminate the crowds of enemies at which our allies will shoot back. The main thing in this case is to leave the position before you are noticed.

However, for BT-7 tactics passive light is not the only possible variant actions, because thanks to our excellent mobility, we are able to cruise around the map at breakneck speed, it will be difficult for the enemies to hit us, and we, in turn, will shine on them, periodically approaching closer.

In addition, the gun on board BT-7 World of Tanks also available, and if you shine, and there are no opponents nearby, you can shoot. You need to open fire with full information and gaining lead, while trying to aim vulnerabilities and knock down the harp.

Towards the middle or end of the fight, if you have saved enough hit points, you can get a little cheeky and play more cheekily. BT-7 tank is able to get close to tank destroyers, artillery and weakly movable cords, carousel them and shoot at the sides / stern, without even losing hit points.

In other words, on this machine you can implement different tactics, it all depends on the situation in the battle, but act World of Tanks BT-7 should always be careful and prudent, since he has little HP and cardboard armor.

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