How to make apricot jam. Homemade apricot jam

Tourism and rest 01.07.2020
Tourism and rest

They say that even a dream can be made into jam if you add fruits and sugar. Today we will change the famous aphorism. We have magnificent apricots, and we will prepare jam - a dream - an exceptionally tasty jam from pitted apricots.

To the delight of the sweet tooth, we will approach the process creatively, we will prepare apricot jam in different ways. And in winter weather, or autumn slush, we will open the orange summer in a glass jar, drink some tea. And we will be cozy and warm.

And we will also prepare a completely unique apricot jam, for which you will be carried in your arms. Intrigued? Then, to business.

Imagine for a minute. You have opened a jar of apricot jam. in amber and transparent honey whole, elastic apricot slices bask. Take a spoon, try it, close your eyes with pleasure - how delicious! A pleasant, sour-sweet bouquet with an incredible aroma.

This is the delicious treat we are going to make. What do we need to do for this? First of all, choose the right fruit.

  1. Apricots need to be selected not overripe. I would even say green.
  2. The variety is needed so that the bones are easily separated.

Do not be afraid of the word "green" - they will reach in the process, sugar and temperature will do their noble work. But the slices will be solid, will not fall apart into fibers.

Cooking a simple set of ingredients

  • One kilo of apricot
  • One kilogram of granulated sugar.

I specifically indicated such an amount, from which it follows that the proportions are one to one. That's how much fruit you have, so much sugar is needed. I measure apricots already without pits.

Getting Started

The jam is thick and rich. If anyone likes liquid nectar, you can add a little water during the first five minutes. But not more than 300 ml., Otherwise, compote will turn out, not jam.

What happens if you have juicy and ripe fruits in stock? The jam will come out delicious - it's hard to spoil an apricot. But the slices will boil and delaminate, a transparent physician will not work. Maybe from such fruits it is better to make jam?


Recipe for apricot jam with nucleoli "Royal"

Well, this is a real delicacy. The royal name already hints at exquisite taste. Why don't we feel like royalty?

We will need helpers in the form of a kitchen board, a hammer, a wooden spoon or a pencil.

Cooking Ingredients

  • Dense, not overripe apricots - a kilogram with a little (1.1 kg)
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Water 250 ml.
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.

We cook jam

  1. Wash the apricots and pat dry with paper towels.
  2. Remove the seeds so that the fruit remains intact. This should be done with a wooden spoon, or an ordinary pencil. In the place where the tail was, insert a pencil. Holding the apricot with your hands, push the pencil forward in a circular motion. The bone will pop out easily and without problems from the other side.
  3. Now you need to extract the kernels from the bone. This is where a hammer comes in handy. This must be done carefully so as not to crush the priceless nucleolus - the zest of the jam.
  4. Insert the kernel into the apricot. Put the fruits prepared in this way in a dry saucepan.
  5. Let's make syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan, add water and lemon juice.
  6. Cook on low heat. The sugar should dissolve, the syrup should boil well.
  7. Pour hot syrup over apricots.
  8. Put the jam on the fire, bring to a boil.
  9. Remove the foam, remove from heat, set aside for 10-12 hours. At this time, the jam will not only cool - the apricots will be saturated with syrup.
  10. This needs to be done two more times. Put on fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam, set aside. It turns out that we cook the jam three times with an interval of 10-12 hours.
  11. Hot jam should be poured into prepared sterile jars, rolled up with an iron lid.

The masterpiece is ready. You can be proud of him.

Be sure to cook royal jam. You will spend a little more time, but it will pay off with the gratitude of the household and rave reviews from guests. It's like beauty that requires certain sacrifices.

I would like to add that you should not be afraid of the nucleoli. Heat treatment will make them completely harmless. And this yummy won't last long.

Apricot jam without cooking

A wonderful recipe for delicious jam, where the slices are whole and dense - one to one. Or you can create the illusion of a whole fruit by removing the seed. We will not cook it. And we will ensure safety by sterilization.

We need fruits that are ripe, but dense and firm. As for the quantity, it is rather by eye. In this case, it is important to know the proportions of the syrup. But in order to know approximately what to build on, let's prepare the next set of products.

  • Ripe apricot kilogram
  • sugar kilogram
  • Water for syrup half a glass.

Prepare jars and lids before cooking. They must be not only clean, but also doused with hot steam.

Prepare workplace: put a bowl with sugar and a teaspoon, a plate for bones, prepared jars.

Cooking process

  1. Wash the apricots, dry with a towel.
  2. We work with each apricot separately. We take out the bone with our hands, while leaving the fruit intact, that is, we do not divide it into slices.
  3. Instead of the removed bone, we put a teaspoon of sugar in the apricot, put the fruit in a sterile jar. You can fill the jar in an easier way. Divide fruit into slices, put them in jars and sprinkle with sugar, layers, that is.
  4. After filling the jar to the brim, set aside for a while.
  5. Cook the syrup in a saucepan: for a glass of sugar, half a glass of water.
  6. The syrup should be well boiled, respectively, the sugar is completely dissolved.
  7. Pour a jar of fruit with hot syrup, sterilize for 30-35 minutes.

The jam gives the impression of an apricot in own juice. This is very tasty!

Recipe for jam from apricots twisted in a meat grinder with lemons and oranges. Without cooking and sterilization

It's time to lift the veil over the promised intrigue. We will prepare jam without heat treatment, which will retain all the usefulness in the apricot. And the addition of orange and lemon will enrich the taste of the finished product. Not jam, but solid vitamin C and others like it. Preparing quickly, also a kind of five-minute.

Keep this jam in the freezer. Plastic food containers are perfect for this, the same glass jars with capron lid.

In the process, you will need a meat grinder, a deep bowl for mixing ingredients.

Set of ingredients

  • Two kilograms of apricots (delicious, ripe, juicy)
  • Sugar 3 kilos
  • Two medium lemons
  • Three medium oranges.

Cooking a culinary miracle

Despite the fact that the jam is stored at a low temperature, it is perfectly cut into pieces the moment you take it out for consumption. With pancakes, with pancakes, with oatmeal, there is no price for such jam. Judge for yourself, among cold winter, you have fresh apricots on your table. So I recommend!

In conclusion, I would like to say that jam is our national traditions, part of the Russian soul. And, despite the abundance of sweets in stores, we still stock up on homemade jams for the winter, we do not stop loving them. And we do it right.

Summer - great time for the preparation of home preservation. Especially brings joy to winter time jam. It not only delights the taste, but also replenishes our body with useful substances and elements, which in winter period very lacking. Apricot is great for making jams and preserves.

Apricot has many useful properties which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body. Apricot jam contains many useful elements and vitamins, the main of which are calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin A, PP, and B vitamins. Apricot jam is recommended for problems:

  • with the cardiovascular system;
  • with hypertension;
  • anemia
  • beriberi.

During its use, brain activity improves, recuperation occurs, immunity increases, salts are excreted, problems with constipation disappear. The calorie content of apricot jam is 245 kcal per 100 gr. product.

There are many recipes for making jam, and you can use both whole fruits and halves. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Apricot jam - a step-by-step delicious photo recipe for apricot jam for the winter

In every recipe has its secrets. In this you need to pay attention to the variety of apricots. Jam will turn out especially tasty if you choose small round fruits, which are usually called wilds.

Let them be even slightly overripe. All the same, they will not dissolve in the total mass, turning into an ugly mess. Because jam is not prepared in the way that has long been customary: it does not stand on fire for a long time. But round soft apricots will give their juices faster. And they taste better than their more expensive counterparts.

Your mark:

Time for preparing: 17 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • Apricots: 1 kg
  • Sugar: 400 g
  • Gelatin: 2 tbsp. l. incomplete

Cooking instructions

How to cook seedless apricot jam

We will start our acquaintance with apricot jam from the very easy way, which is equally suitable for any variety of apricot.

What is required for this:

  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • apricots -2 kg.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Wash the apricots thoroughly in a large bowl and separate the pits.
  2. Having received the peeled apricot pulp, combine it with granulated sugar. In the case of not very sweet apricots, the amount of sugar can be increased. Leave the prepared mixture for 2-3 hours.
  3. Let's move on to making jam. We put the infused mixture on fire and cook in two stages for 30 minutes. This is necessary because of the density of the apricot skin, which takes longer to boil. When foam appears, it must be removed.
  4. The end result will be jam with small pieces. If there is a desire to boil the jam until smooth, it must be kept on low heat for another 20 minutes.

Apricot jam with pits - recipe step by step

Jam with stones is the easiest to prepare, with a minimum investment of time.

You will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 gr.;
  • water - 2 tbsp.

Preparing jam:

  1. Wash fruits well.
  2. While the apricots are drying a little, boil the syrup. To prepare it, boil water and pour sugar into it, cook until it dissolves.
  3. Put the apricots into the prepared syrup and cook for 20 minutes, stirring regularly and removing the foam.
  4. After turning off the jam, let it brew for 12 hours.
  5. After the time has elapsed, put the jam back on the stove and cook it until it thickens.

Apricot jam slices

This jam is not only tasty, but also beautiful. For it, apricots with a dense structure or slightly unripe are used.

You will need:

  • apricots - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 3 tbsp.

Jam making technology

  1. Apricots need to be washed and dried.
  2. Break them into pieces, removing the bones.
  3. Put the slices in an enamel pan.
  4. In a separate container, you need to boil the syrup using water and sugar, according to the proportions in the recipe. The syrup is boiled until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Ready, hot syrup should be poured over folded apricots. The syrup should cover all the slices, for this the container should be shaken several times. Stirring with a spoon is not recommended.
  6. To insist, the jam must be set aside for 12 hours.
  7. After the first infusion, you need to drain the syrup, bring it back to a boil, pour over the apricots and set aside for 10-12 hours.
  8. For the third time after pouring hot syrup, the container must be put on a small fire.
  9. With constant stirring, the apricots are boiled for an hour. As a result, they will become a beautiful golden color. You need to stir carefully, with rotating movements, trying not to spoil the structure and shape of the apricot slices.

Apricot jam - delicious recipe

One name apricot jam is appetizing. He is especially loved by the kids. For its preparation, it is desirable to use overripe fruits or varieties with a very soft structure.

You will need:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • citric acid - 1/4 tsp.

Preparing jam:

  1. Wash the apricots well and remove the pits from them.
  2. Grind prepared slices in a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Put the apricot mixture in a saucepan, pour sugar into it and let the composition brew for an hour.
  4. Place the saucepan over low heat and bring the mixture to a boil. In order for the sugar not to start to burn, the mass must be constantly stirred.
  5. After boiling, add to the mixture citric acid and cook until a thick jam is obtained. The density of the mixture depends on your desire.

A very simple recipe for five-minute apricot jam

The five-minute jam recipe is best option when there is not enough time for fruit processing. For its preparation it is necessary:

  • sugar - 4 cups;
  • apricots - 1 kg.

Brewing technology:

  1. First, wash the apricots and separate the pits.
  2. Transfer the slices to a saucepan, cover them with sugar and let it brew for 12 hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, bring to a boil over high heat, stirring regularly.
  4. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, skimming off the resulting foam in the process.

Apricot jam with kernels

Apricot jam with kernels is popularly called "royal" or "royal". To prepare it you will need:

  • apricots - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash the apricots well and lay them out to dry.
  2. After preparing the fruit, we proceed to their peeling. Dividing apricots in half, you need to get the bones, which will be useful in the cooking process.
  3. The halves must be folded into a container, covered with sugar and set aside for 2-3 hours to let the fruit juice.
  4. At this time, you can do the bones. Breaking them with a hammer, you need to extract the nucleoli from them.
  5. After 2-3 hours, put the container with slices on a small fire. The duration of cooking jam depends on the desired result. For a liquid consistency, 10 minutes is enough, for a thicker one, about 20 minutes.
  6. After completing the cooking process, the pan must be set aside for 12 hours. After this time, repeat the procedure twice more. And only for the last time, pour the kernels of the seeds into it and boil for 5 minutes.

To get a delicious jam, there are a number of tips that it is advisable to listen to.

  1. It is recommended to cook apricot jam without pits, because during long-term storage, the pits begin to release harmful substances that can harm human health.
  2. Dishes for jam should be chosen low and wide so that it is convenient to mix the mass.
  3. In order for the apricots to remain intact when removing the pits, you must use a stick that will push out the pit.
  4. Before cooking apricots, they need to be allowed to stand with sugar. They will release juice, which will make the jam more juicy.

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This recipe was given to me by a friend. Before, I had no idea that walnuts can also be preserved for the winter along with apricots. This jam goes well with tea and sandwiches. butter.

Walnuts in apricot jam are so delicious that I first choose all the nuts from the jar, and then proceed to eat the jam itself. Therefore, I select the components according to the principle "the more nuts, the better."

Here is a list of the minimum number of ingredients:

- 1 kg apricot (pitted)
- 300g shelled walnuts (or 1 kg unshelled)
- 600g sugar

I made jam for 8 kg of apricot. I give a photo of the ingredients "in miniature".

Cooking time: 4-5 hours (excluding breaks in cooking - 2-3 days)
Difficulty: medium

I remove the pits from the apricot. This time I was lucky - the bone was easily separated.

I sprinkle fruit with sugar.

I mix. I leave for a few hours so that the apricots release juice. This time I left it overnight.

Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. I let it sit for a few hours. Bring it back to a boil and simmer for a bit.

And for the third time I repeat this procedure. The fruits were slightly greenish, with dense pulp, so without much effort the apricot halves remained intact and did not boil.

I'm peeling required amount nuts.

Thus, I destroy all my last year's stocks of nuts, preparing the pantry for a new harvest.

I break very large pieces of kernels in half.

I bring the jam to a boil for the fourth time and pour in the kernels of the nuts.
I mix. This is the last brew.

Jam boils for 20 minutes along with nuts.

I pour hot into pre-sterilized jars and cork. The jam must still be infused so that the walnuts are well saturated with apricot syrup.

So you have to look forward to winter or look for another excuse to enjoy such an amazing dessert.

Apricot jam with kiwi

This is the most unusual recipe for making apricot jam, which has an original and very pleasant taste.

- 450 grams of kiwi,
- 1.3 kilograms of apricot,
- 130 grams of brandy,
- gelatin,
- A few tablespoons of citric acid,
- 1.6 kilograms of sugar,

Kiwi and apricots need to be peeled and pitted. Cut the apricots and kiwi into small pieces of the same size, after which the fruits need to be covered with sugar so that they are completely covered with it, add a little citric acid and put them on the fire to cook. Bring the mixture to a full boil and cook the jam for another ten minutes, stirring the jam all the time. Dissolve some gelatin in water and pour into jam, and bring to a boil once more. When the apricot jam is completely ready, it must be removed from the stove, add brandy, mix everything and arrange in pre-prepared jars.

The easiest to prepare apricot jam recipe which is given below, does not require special skills and knowledge.
To prepare it you will need:
- 1 kg of ripe and juicy apricots;
- 1.4 kg of granulated sugar;
- 3 grams of citric acid;
- 0.5 l. water.

Fragrant apricots are thoroughly washed and punctured in several places with a wooden toothpick (or a wooden hairpin). Then the prepared fruits are sent for one minute in boiling water, after which they are quickly cooled. Apricots of small size can be cooked whole, large fruits - you will need to divide them in half along the groove in advance, removing the stone.

Apricots are poured with pre-prepared sugar syrup and boiled in several stages: fruits with stones - in 3-4 doses at intervals, without stones - in 2 doses.
During cooking, it is recommended to add citric acid to the jam, so that later the delicacy does not become candied and does not lose its taste.

Another popular recipe for apricot jam will require:

1 kg of ripe fruits;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Fragrant ripe apricots will need to be sorted out, washed thoroughly in running water, dried on a napkin, removed from them and divided into pieces along the groove. Then, on the bottom of the cooking utensils with wide and low sides, put the halves of the fruit upside down with cups, cover with sugar so that all the halves are filled with sugar. Next - lay another layer of apricots - and again cover with sugar. Do this until all the fruits are in the cooking pot. After finishing all the work, the dishes with apricots sprinkled with sugar must be left for a day.

Next, the container with apricots is sent to the fire and, gently stirring, dissolve the sugar remaining on the surface. The jam is brought to a boil over low heat, constantly removing the foam that has come out. About half an hour before removing the jam from the heat, add citric acid to it and mix well.

Unusual apricot jam with ginger, almonds and carrots

For this beautiful, unusual and very tasty jam, you will need 100 grams of peeled and grated carrots, 600 grams of fresh apricots, 5 cm grated piece of ginger, 400 grams of powdered sugar, juice from one lemon, 50 grams of chopped almonds.

Put the grated carrots in a saucepan and pour 300 ml of water, bring to a boil, and then simmer until the carrots are soft. Cut the apricots in half, remove the pit and add to the boiled carrots. Cook everything together for about 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Add ginger, powdered sugar and lemon juice. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Drop the almonds into the hot jam. Let it cool a little and put it in sterilized jars.

If you like sweet desserts made from ripe fruits, then take note of our recipes. Making apricot jam with slices is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. Wrong technology will lead to the fact that the fruits will boil and turn into a homogeneous mass. Therefore, carefully read our tips and tricks, and then repeat all the steps in the desired sequence.

Apricot jam with orange

The combination of sweet ripe fruits gives an unusually pleasant taste. Bright color favorite treat will remind you of hot summer days and is guaranteed to cheer you up even on the gloomiest day.


  • apricots - one kilogram;
  • orange;
  • granulated sugar - kilogram;
  • water - 200 ml.

For this recipe, you will need unripe greenish fruits. Soft juicy fruits are quickly boiled soft, quickly turning into "porridge".

How to make delicious apricot jam? A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you in solving the problem.

First, select the fruits, then wash them well under cool water, remove the seeds and cut each in half. You can cut the halves again if you wish. Place the pieces in a deep saucepan. clean, squeeze the juice out of it, then strain the liquid.

From water and sugar, boil the syrup, and then let it boil on the stove for five minutes. At the very end, add Orange juice. Remove the syrup from the stove, carefully pour it over the apricots and wait until the liquid has cooled. Return the resulting infusion back to the pan, bring it to a boil again and pour it over the fruit again.

When the syrup and apricots have cooled to room temperature, they must be brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for several minutes. After that, spread the jam in sterilized jars and roll up. Do not forget to turn the dishes over and cover them with a warm blanket. The next day, the jam can be transferred to the pantry or any other place suitable for storing it.

The finished dessert can be used to make sweet pies with fruit filling or just serve it to the table with hot drinks.

Jam "Five minutes"

The dessert got its name for an unusual gentle way of cooking. Next, we will tell you in detail how to cook jam with apricots for the winter.


  • pitted apricots - 700 grams;
  • sugar - 700 grams;
  • water - 250 ml.

Jam with apricot slices "Five minutes" is prepared in several stages.

Choose strong fruits, wash them, cut them in half and remove the seeds. Sprinkle the pulp with granulated sugar and leave it alone for a while. Shake the fruit bowl occasionally, but do not stir.

Weigh the apricots after processing on a kitchen scale. The ideal fruit to sugar ratio is 1:1.

After an hour, the fruits can be filled with water and sent to the stove. When the jam boils, turn down the heat and cook the treat for another five minutes. Cool the product, and then bring it to a boil again. Repeat the procedure one more time.

After the third cooking, put the dessert in clean jars and close it with boiled lids.

Apricot jam with pits

An unusual way to prepare a dessert will help you achieve an original taste. We are sure that you will appreciate the sweet apricot jam. Slices in fragrant syrup will make a great company for freshly brewed tea or any other hot drink.


  • apricot pulp - one kilogram;
  • sugar - one kilogram;
  • water - one glass.

Slices are prepared quite simply, but the recipe has its own characteristics. Therefore, carefully read our instructions before starting cooking.

Process the fruits and cut into four parts. Chop the bones and remove the soft core. Mix sugar with clean water.

The bright taste of this dessert directly depends on the bones that we will use when cooking. Therefore, it is better to cut the kernels in half or crush them into small particles.

Put the apricots and pits in a deep saucepan, and then fill them with syrup. Put the dishes on the fire and bring its contents to a boil. After that, drain the syrup into a separate container and cool the products. This step is necessary so that the slices remain intact and do not boil.

Repeat this procedure two more times. The last boil should last longer - about ten or fifteen minutes. Pour the finished treat into a sterilized dish and roll up.

We will be glad if you like apricot jam slices. The recipes on this page will help you prepare a small supply of delicious treats for the winter. A beautiful fragrant treat will delight your loved ones on a gloomy winter evening and will bring back memories of bright sunny days.

Video recipe for Polish apricot jam

Bright apricot jam many love. Apricots can be harvested for the winter in halves, whole, cook thick jam or slices.

Your apricot jam transform if you add various nuts, mint, oranges or lemons. In winter, jam is used to make pies, buns or as a fragrant, sweet dessert for tea.

Verified apricot jam recipes for your attention. 5 easy-to-make recipes: apricot halves, thick jam, apricots with walnuts, apricot jam with oranges, apricot jam with pits.

You will get fragrant apricot halves, tea drinking with such a dessert in winter is a great delicacy.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.2 kg, sugar 1.2 kg.


Sort apricots, remove rotten and damaged fruits. Wash the apricots in water. Cut the apricots in half with a knife, carefully remove the pits so that the halves remain intact.

Put the halves in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar. We leave the apricots for 8-10 hours to let the juice go.

Put the apricots on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Skim off the resulting foam. Wash and sterilize jars and lids.

Finished apricot jam halves Arrange in jars and roll up the lids, store in a cool place. You don't need to cover. I got 1.5 liters of sweet apricot jam.

Jam is very easy to prepare, in the end you will get a very tasty, thick and fragrant jam.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.2 kg, sugar 600 g.


Wash the apricots, remove the pits by cutting into halves or breaking them with your hands. Place the pitted apricots in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Mix well and put the apricots with sugar in a saucepan to make jam.

Place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil. Cook on the smallest fire for 15 minutes, if foam appears, remove. Stir the jam occasionally. After the time has elapsed, turn off the heat and leave the apricot jam to cool to room temperature.

Repeat the cooking procedure for 15 minutes and cooling 2 more times. If you cook the jam longer, it will become like jam.

Arrange the finished apricot jam in sterilized jars and roll up the lids. From this amount of ingredients, 2 half-liter jars with fragrant, thick apricot jam came out.

Adding walnuts to jam will give a special taste and aroma.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.5 kg, sugar 1 kg, walnuts, peeled 150 g.


Wash the apricots and remove the pits. Sprinkle apricots with sugar, mix.

Put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer until the juice becomes clear (it took me 15 minutes). Remove foam constantly.

Pour walnuts to the jam, mix and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Prepare jars and lids in advance, wash and sterilize. Pour the finished apricot jam with walnuts into jars and roll up the lids.

From these ingredients came out 3 half-liter jars of fragrant jam.

Video - Apricot Jam - Very Tasty and Easy

Very fragrant and tasty jam from apricots with oranges. This jam has a citrus aroma with a particularly delicate taste.

Ingredients: pitted apricots 1.6 kg, sugar 800 g, oranges 400-500 g.


Wash the apricots, remove the pits, sprinkle with sugar and mix. Wash the oranges and cut into half rings with the skin. Combine oranges and apricots with sugar.

We put the pan on the fire, cook over low heat, removing the foam. After boiling, cook for 25-30 minutes, until foam completely ceases to form.

Sterilize jars and lids. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up the lids.

It turned out 1 liter, and 2 half-liter jars of fragrant jam.

A delicious delicacy is jam with apricot kernel, which resembles a nut in taste. Children love this jam, which can replace sweets. The nucleolus, being inside the apricot, is soaked with syrup during cooking - it comes out very tasty.

Ingredients: apricots 1 kg, sugar 1 kg, water 100 ml.


For jam, prepare large and dense apricots with sweet pits. Wash apricots and remove pits. To keep the apricots whole, grasp the fruit with your fingers and use a wooden stick or similar object to push the pit out.

Break the bones with a hammer and take out the kernels inside them.

Make syrup from sugar and water. Pour boiling syrup over apricots. After complete cooling, drain the syrup and after heating the syrup, pour the apricots again.

Repeat procedure in general 3-4 times. We don't cook apricots. Pour the finished apricot jam with a stone into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Store jam in a cold place.

Excellent filling for rolls, pies and cookies. Fragrant and tasty apricot jam is prepared very simply.

Ingredients: apricots 2 kg, sugar 700 g, water 50 ml.


Wash apricots, remove pits. Pour into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water, cover with a lid. Put on fire for 10-15 minutes to soften.

Remove the pan from the stove, grind it into a homogeneous mass with a blender, you can also rub it through a metal sieve, but it takes a long time, but the result is the same.

Add sugar, mix and put on fire. If you have sour apricots, you can add more sugar. Cook after boiling for 30-40 minutes, until the jam thickens a little. Skim off the foam that appears during cooking, and stir occasionally. The duration of cooking depends on the variety of apricot.

While the jam is cooking, prepare jars and lids: wash and sterilize.

Pour the finished apricot jam into jars and roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

Video - Apricot jam with nuts

These are the most popular recipes for apricot jam for the winter, which we shared with you, will always be at your fingertips.

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