Drone title. What is a "drone"? Description and functions of new Russian drones

Career and finance 09.08.2019
Career and finance

Unmanned aerial vehicles are currently one of the main strike forces of the US Army in the fight against terrorist organizations in various parts of the world. However, over time, flying drones controlled from a distance find not only military application, but are also beginning to be used purely for civilian purposes. This is facilitated by the rapid development of technology, making unmanned aerial vehicles more accessible and convenient to use. In the coming years, the scope of drones may expand significantly - from rescue services and photojournalism to courier delivery.

What are drones

As you know, drones are unmanned aerial vehicles that are controlled remotely from the ground. For this reason, they can be classified not as aerial vehicles, but as remotely controlled robots. Drones in one form or another first took to the air in the middle of the last century. Since then, military tasks have become their main purpose - first of all, photo reconnaissance, as well as diverting attention from real fighters. Subsequently, they became attack aircraft, which the military began to use for air strikes on specific targets.

But today, many commercial companies are considering drones as a great tool for solving various tasks in the civil sphere. Such unmanned aerial vehicles can, for example, help determine the situation on the road, report on those places where traffic jams form. They are indispensable for conducting meteorological observations, for the border service or the police.

Model AR.Drone 2.0

The first serious samples of civilian drones are already appearing on the market, available to a wide range of consumers. So far, however, they are perceived rather as an expensive toy. For example, the AR.Drone 2.0 drone, enclosed in a metal frame with four propellers and a battery, is very popular. It is equipped with low noise motors that spin the propellers at 28,500 rpm. Built-in waterproof controllers allow this drone to fly even in bad weather.

The key element of the AR.Drone 2.0 is a camera and video camera with a wide-angle lens that allows you to save HD 720p video. A second camera is also provided at the bottom of the drone body, with the help of which the flight speed of the device is analyzed by evaluating the image shift. The three-axis gyroscope and accelerometer are responsible for the movement of the drone in the air.

In addition, the AR.Drone 2.0 is equipped with ultrasonic sensors and a barometric altimeter to ensure high flight accuracy. The control of the aircraft is carried out using a mobile gadget via Wi-Fi. Of course, you will first need to install a special application on your smartphone or tablet.

Such a civilian drone costs about 400 euros. You can purchase an additional Flight Recorder accessory to it, thanks to which the device will be able to move in space along a pre-set route.

The manufacturer does not limit the scope of the civil drone AR.Drone 2.0. It can be entertainment, a way to take interesting photographs of objects from an unusual angle. But a drone may also be required in operation to carry out surveillance and video recording from the air. Incidentally, one of the most promising directions the use of civilian drones is just journalism and photography.

Photojournalism - Phantom 2 Vision+ model

Phantom 2 Vision+

Unmanned aerial vehicles have been used in journalism since 2011. For example, with the help of drones hovering in the air and filming large areas, journalists covered the events of protests in the Thai capital in 2013. Shooting from the air, of course, allows you to get much more useful information than from "ground" photographs.

At the same time, a team of only two people is required to control the drone - one controls the movement of the device in space, and the other takes pictures. An example of a successful civilian drone that can be used in photojournalism is the Phantom 2 Vision+.

The Phantom 2 Vision+ is a remotely controlled aircraft that captures breathtaking photos and videos. The device looks like a small helicopter. To ensure that the pictures are of high quality and the video is smooth, it uses a three-axis stabilization system.

You can control the device using a remote control with a signal amplifying module, communication is provided via Wi-Fi. Management is carried out at a distance of up to 400 meters. At the same time, the speed of movement of the aircraft reaches 15 meters per second. The built-in GPS system allows you to track at what altitude the drone is at the moment.

The remote control can be connected to a tablet or smartphone to view the captured image in real time using a special application. It is very convenient to use such a drone, it will not be difficult to take high-quality and interesting photos from the air with it, even for a person with little experience in photography. On a single charge, the device can fly for about 25 minutes.

The Phantom 2 Vision+ features a 14-megapixel camera with a 110-degree field of view lens. For photo and video enthusiasts, there are many camera settings available, including exposure compensation, white balance, ISO sensitivity, and more.

Of course, the scope of unmanned aerial vehicles is not limited to simple photo and video shooting from the air.

Express delivery

A very interesting and economically profitable area of ​​application for drones can be the delivery of goods and shipments. When companies or courier services use conventional means transportation to deliver the goods to the recipient, they face many problems. These are constant traffic jams in the city, and increasing fuel costs, and unpredictable weather conditions. If we transfer the delivery to air space, using small drones, these problems are solved by themselves.

That is why many companies are seriously considering the use of civilian drones for delivery. For example, the Australian company Zookal already has two drones, with the help of which it is planned to organize the delivery of books by air in the metropolis.

So far, however, this is only a start-up, and it is required to obtain permission to carry out such flights. The developers suggest that the very delivery of printed materials can be controlled using a separate program for Android. Using it, the customer simply leaves a request, tracks the location of the aircraft and presses the load release button when the drone is at the desired point.

More realistic seems to be the project of the Amazon online store, which is counting on the appropriate permission from the US Civil Aviation Administration to carry out delivery using Octocopters drones. These aircraft will be able to deliver letters and items weighing up to 2.3 kilograms.

The Amazon Prime Air program expects drones to deliver ordered goods within city limits within 30 minutes. The drones do not require fuel, they are recharged by electricity and can deliver shipments up to 16 kilometers from the warehouse. Thanks to the built-in GPS module, drones will be able to leave packages right under the customer's door. The new service can significantly improve the efficiency of the courier service. However, the implementation of such a service may take several years, because first you need to obtain official permission from the US authorities to use drones for civilian purposes.

Medicine and rescue services

The high speed with which drones can arrive at a given point, regardless of weather or road conditions, makes them excellent vehicles for use in medical and rescue purposes. In particular, the Ambulance Drone and Defikopter drones are already being used to urgently deliver defibrillators to help those who urgently need it.

Drones Defikopter are planned to be used in cases where it is difficult to count on the prompt arrival of doctors. It is assumed that patients will be able to call such a drone using a special application on mobile devices. This emergency medical care system is planned to be launched throughout Germany in the coming years.

And they want to use Ryptide drones to deliver life buoys for drowning people. When this drone arrives in the emergency zone, the operator, using the button on the remote control, drops the circle into the water. After the circle has fallen into the water, the carbon dioxide cartridge system is activated, as a result of which Lifebuoy inflates in just a few seconds. The Ryptide drone can be used not only in warm time year, but also in winter to save people who fell through the ice.

Problems of using drones for civilian purposes

Today, drones can be used as navigation aids or security robots. There are already dozens of drones in the UK taking commercial aerial photography and aerial inspections. Drones can find application even in agriculture so that farmers can selectively spray plants or monitor their land.

Nevertheless, there are significant obstacles to the wide distribution of such devices in the civilian sphere. Thanks to built-in stabilization systems, drones have learned how to record high-quality, smooth video and fly in space according to a set route, strictly at a given height. However, still main problem is how to prevent small aircraft in flight from colliding with people, buildings and structures. This problem is especially relevant for urban areas.

Those drones that are used for military purposes usually have special radars and transceivers, which complicates the design of the device, making it larger and heavier. Such drones fly away from urban areas under the complete control of the military. In the case of civilian drones, the situation is somewhat different. They fly close to the surface of the earth, that is, where there are many obstacles. Operators cannot always control the device, because the video picture may disappear due to interference and obstacles, or simply its quality will deteriorate greatly.

Therefore, the main obstacle to the use of drones for civilian purposes is the problem of security and the need to develop a special collision avoidance system. Unmanned aerial vehicles in the near future should be able to determine everything that surrounds them in order to avoid contact with people, animals and structures.

Until such a system is developed, government agencies do not give permission to organize drone flights through densely populated areas and city blocks. For example, in the United States, the use of drones is only approved for police and special services. Commercial projects are still lined up for obtaining the necessary license.

Drone is technical device, stably associated with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aerial systems. It is capable of performing remotely controlled or automatic flights (according to a plan based on GPS / GLONASS). During the flight, a number of useful actions are performed: photographing various areas or objects, collecting state parameters air masses at height, analysis of the situation on the ground, delivery of goods to a certain place, search work, just by amateurs to obtain high-quality photo / video materials and for entertainment purposes (quadcopter racing).

May have different technological design. They are equipped not only with screw engines, but also with turbines. various types. They are divided into permanently controlled and only transmitting signals. In general production, civilian vehicles are currently leading in terms of numbers and military ones in importance. While recently they were used exclusively by the military.

The history of the creation and production of drones

It is generally accepted that the advent of electricity and radio became a catalyst for the creation of remotely controlled vehicles. This technology was used by the Austrians in 1849, controlling balloons with the help of wires. Later, attempts were made to use the technology to control the airship. But only in 1899, Nikola Tesla was able to present a radio-controlled ship.

The history of the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles goes back to the period of the First World War. Even then, people tried to make flying torpedoes. However, the projects not only did not reach mass implementation, but did not go beyond the level of building concepts and calculations. They tried to test some prototypes in Germany, Britain and the USA, but they were not crowned with success. The developments formed the basis for the creation of cruise missiles, which were actively used by the German army during the Second World War. At the same time, attempts to create winged torpedoes were also restored. In the period between the wars, UAVs were used mainly as targets.

Some relatively stable use of drones can only be attributed to the end of the 60s and the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century. During this period, the La-17R unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was created in the USSR, supersonic cruise missile Tu-121, which became the basis for the development of jet reconnaissance aircraft Tu-123 "Hawk", Tu-141 "Strizh" and Tu-143 "Flight". According to various sources, the Reis modification is still in use today, already in the form of an improved and modern Tu-300.

U.S. drone programs have been somewhat more extensive. In addition to reconnaissance purposes, drones also played the role of deliverers of deep-sea mines needed to fight submarines. Such a mission was assigned to a combat radio-controlled helicopter QH-50 DASH. But the main goal still remained the collection of data on the state of the enemy. So, during the Vietnam War, US Army drones made 3,435 sorties. Their main task was aerial reconnaissance.

Another country that historically actively developed its own programs for the use of unmanned aircraft is Israel. UAVs were used by her during the war with Egypt, the coalition Arab countries and Lebanon. During the hostilities related to the conflict with Syria, the locations of the radar stations were located with the help of UAVs, after which they were suppressed by missile strikes.

Types of unmanned aerial vehicles

The 90s were marked by the widespread introduction of new communication and navigation systems, in particular GPS. This became the basis for the emergence of a new type of UAV, the control and acquisition of data from which was greatly simplified. As a result, their creation went beyond military projects and a young civilian market for these aircraft was formed. Experts regularly predict unprecedented growth, but time shows that some prophecies are still too optimistic. However, in 2016, 2.8 million civilian models were sold in the US alone, for a total industry turnover of $953 million.

Active drone building and their introduction into the civilian environment have led to an increase in the options for their use:

Russian submarine model "Status-6"

Combat attack in Khmeimim

On the night of January 6, 2018, UAVs attacked Russian divisions in Syria, so for the first time the first combat use swarms of drones. The harsh Syrian oppositionists switched from experiments to practice, choosing the Russian Khmeimim air base and the naval support point in Tartus as targets. A group of 13 pieces was quite suitable for training electronic warfare and anti-aircraft gunners. 7 units were shot down by the Pantsir-S1 complex, and the remaining 6 were planted. Upon contact with the ground, 3 UAVs exploded. The study of the remaining ones showed that the launch was made from the Idlib de-escalation zone. To do this, the drones had to overcome more than 50 kilometers.

In the most widely publicized photo, the terrorists' drone on a table actually looks like a makeshift model. But several points attract attention: battery capabilities and remote control (recall the distance of 50 km before the attack), payload weight (in the photo below you can see the number of bombs on each wing) and mass use. Today, any handicraft workshop is able to establish small-scale production of drones and, with the help of a small engineering team, turn them into a serious problem. Therefore, they are so actively discussed and continue.

Show at the Olympic Games in South Korea

AT South Korea the opening ceremony of the Olympics was held, in which the famous Shooting Star quadrocopters from Intel took part in the amount of 1218 pieces and set a new world record, previously owned by the Chinese Ehang, better known for its Ehang 184 taxis. The history of this record is quite dramatic. The Intel team, with lighting fitting the scale of the event, built up its unmanned constellation, increasing the number of flying and luminous quadcopters by a hundred or two, until an impressive figure of 500 was reached. And then out of nowhere, these Chinese appeared and, like self-confident players, doubled: during last year's Chinese New Year, they launched 1000 Ehang Ghost 2.0 models at once. The next record was quietly set by them in the first half of December 2017 and amounted to 1180 pieces, two months passed and the brave guys under the command of an equally brave girl set.

What awaits us in the world of UAVs?

Many experts believe that this type of aviation has a great future. The main thing is to use them correctly, in a mode that does not go beyond the laws of your country. The high demand for amateur models threatened the disclosure of all secret military installations. This problem prompted an active discussion of security measures and the creation of “NO FLY” no-fly zones, enshrined in the legislation of the country, as well as the mandatory registration of devices weighing from 250 grams to 30 kg in the Russian Federation.

The leading roles in the creation of new models will remain the same: Russia, Israel, the USA and China (where 85% of the amateur models market is created). There are a few interesting features, which can form the basis of the UAV industry in the new 2018.

  • Controlling an entire fleet of drones (demonstrated by militants in Syria) - by controlling a fleet, we mean controlling several drones from one remote control without fear that they will collide. Each copter in the group will know its position and will not interfere with others under any circumstances. We dare say that this will be the next major step in the development of the industry, which will surprise amateur pilots, and open up endless possibilities for professionals. There is no doubt about this.
  • Stations of automatic recharging - more useful to professionals, not amateurs. The very idea of ​​fully automatic quadcopters that carry cargo and charge themselves is grandiose. Recent times there is a lot of talk about automatic recharging systems. The tests carried out showed promising results. It seems that the appearance of automatic recharging stations is only a matter of time.
  • Thinking through the protection of communication channels - now the GPS signal can be jammed, intercepted or replaced
  • Increasing the number of companies involved in the creation of weapons to combat UAVs

Hi all! Many people think that high technology, robots and a flying taxi exist only on the cinema screen. In fact, a fantastic future is already on the doorstep. And as proof, I will talk about what is already being used in full swing in our Everyday life. So, what is a drone, what is it for and how does it fit into our lives.

A flying drone, also known as a multi-, quad-, hexa-, octo-, or just a copter, also known as a drone, also known as a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) is a robot with a camera, remotely controlled by a person using a remote control, or through an on-board computer.

What drones can do

As I have already said, the convenience of drones was appreciated by figures from various fields. For example, companies such as Amazon, DHL, Zookal and Domino have taken commercial drones “in the state” - a courier copter delivers books, parcels and even beer and pizza! And if in the above cases the devices are used for marketing purposes and are perceived as exotic know-how, then some organizations have decided to use UAVs with even greater benefits.

For example, the Matternet company intends to send medicines and essentials with quadrocopters to the outback, where it is impossible to easily purchase such things. Just imagine how useful this device is!

The idea of ​​creating combat drones is not so humane. They can also be used as a means of transport. True, they carry less pleasant things with their help, like bombs. Of course, equipped with a camera, they also perform the role of scouts and observers.

Farmers have also found use for drones. Agricultural drones spray fertilizer and help in the fight against harmful insects. In addition, there are quadrocopters equipped with a thermal imager, such devices help to identify a sick animal in a herd in time.

And a few months ago, the news about the Ukrainian drone spread. To date, this is one of the most powerful agricultural drones that can inspect 100 hectares of a field in an hour, count the number of planted grains, scan the soil and control yields throughout the season.

A little more about the capabilities of quadrocopters

You probably came across photos, for example, from wedding celebrations, taken from above. Such shots are the merit of civilian quadrocopters. The lucky owners of such devices are most often advanced photographers and journalists: they couldn’t get to the shooting location themselves - they launched a flying drone video camera, and here they are with the material on a blue platter with a gold border.

By the way, for some programs that make our lives much easier, for example, an application that determines traffic congestion, it is drones that bring information on the tail.

This is a godsend for lovers of swimming and diving. One of the advantages of such devices is that they are going to be used to track sharks off the coast of Australia, which, on average, will reduce the number of attacks by predators on people by 60%.

And the Chinese went even further - in 2016 they invented a drone that you can fly! Can you imagine: you decided to go shopping from the outskirts of the metropolis to the center, there are kilometer-long traffic jams on the streets, and the project deadline is on your heels? I called myself an air taxi, indicated the right place on the map, and continue to sweat over the presentation in the laptop ... True, the use will cost a pretty penny, and no one has canceled the problem of parking.

Well, seriously, drones are the future. Meteorologists, for example, generally believe that UAVs will soon take the place of weather forecasters, and many other professions will sink into oblivion thanks to this invention.

How far drones fly depends on the type of device. The maximum amateur drones - an average of 100-300 meters. More serious ones can easily overcome about 5 kilometers. The longest flying drones reach up to 7 kilometers.

The possibilities of drones are not unlimited. One of the key problems is the source of energy. Many developers are working on increasing battery life, but so far there are no significant results to speak of.

Well, and, like any computer equipment, quadrocopters can “get sick”. For example, it recently became known that some US combat drones were infected. True, it is still unknown for what purpose and who activated the viruses.

Drone and human safety

Well, now about the sad. It is unfortunate that the work of a skilled hacker can compromise the security of a drone. It can not only be infected, but simply stolen.

But, as you know, your shirt is closer to the body, and personally, guided by this principle, I wonder about my own safety.

Quadcopters do not always fall into the hands of reasonable people who respect the right to private property. When drones became quite an affordable toy, videos began to appear on the network demonstrating who was in what much.

Recall, at least the famous video, with a drone to which a chainsaw was attached. This, of course, is very inventive, but the idea began to be improved by teenagers who are unlikely to be able to guarantee that the drone will not fail over your site.

In addition, the UAV expands the possibilities of espionage, and an object of interest to someone is unlikely to be asked for permission in writing. For example, you have a curious neighbor who is interested in your personal life. Having made a request, like “a drone in Irkutsk”, in a couple of hours he will receive a toy with which he can become a witness to scenes or conversations not intended for his ears.

At the beginning of 2017, a conference dedicated to this topic was held in San Francisco, the participants of which agreed that regulation in the drone industry is still far from perfect. And even if you omit the moral side of the issue, this is worrying, because the number of incidents involving copters is growing every year. The fact that not all of them end tragically for people can be safely called pure luck.

Drone - an unmanned aerial vehicle (or a self-propelled non-flying vehicle of a similar type of action). Those who watched the movie Oblivion may remember the drones as autonomous war machines that control a certain area. Drones perform a mostly reconnaissance function. They can move in unsafe conditions for humans, they are autonomous enough to for a long time remain without support (for example, drones are charged from the sun), their inherent value in the absence of a human pilot approaches zero. In the future, drones will be able to perform a lot of useful functions: monitoring weather conditions and territory, fast delivery of the necessary cargo, combat operations without the need to include human units, and more.

In Russia, the development of the first "reusable" aircraft has started. The ISON company was engaged in the creation of an unmanned rocket plane, which provided an image of the new device to RIA Novosti. It is expected that with its help it will be possible to launch a payload into low Earth orbit.

The issue of safety during construction work is far from an empty phrase. After all, the slightest oversight can lead not only to injury to one person, but also pose a danger in the future. And new technologies can help improve security controls. For example, Doxel specialists have developed a caterpillar foreman robot that will scan an object under construction and notify people of structural violations and defects that may even pose a danger in the future.

Choose a drone without the hassle of a child, yourself or as a gift. So that the purchase was a joy, and the time passed with benefit.

For many years now, the summer sky has become hot: everyone is running to buy quadcopters and similar devices. It seems that a little more, and everyone will have a drone. No wonder - this is a great hobby, an interesting pastime and a good way to earn money.

FAQ: All Drones Are Actually Quadcopters

Unmanned aerial vehicles appeared a long time ago, back in the 60s of the last century. But only recently has their boom begun.

The people got out copters- multi-rotor machines with an unstable aerodynamic configuration that fly and are controlled by changing the speed of rotation of the propellers.

They are special even against the background of other drones:

  • do not require special skills from the owner;
  • can fly in confined spaces;
  • can have any dimensions and shapes;
  • can fly on complex trajectories.

Hence their popularity. This is an ideal gadget even for an ordinary person who is not interested in piloting in any way. Then comes the logical question...

What are drones and how do they differ?

1. Tricopters- 3 screws. A little outdated form, the most accessible and inconvenient. Three screws, Y-frame. They are rapidly falling and have not developed technically for a long time.

2. Quadcopters- 4 screws. Popular, cheap, varied, easy to design and upgrade. Poorly tolerate problems with engines in flight.

3. Hexacopters- 6 screws. Possess maximum traction and load capacity.

4. Octocopters- 8 screws. Lose in speed and carrying capacity to hexacopters due to size and weight. But if the engine fails, such a drone will still be able to land safely without crashing.

However! Drones differ from each other not only in the number of propellers. There is another classification format - by classes:

  • 120-220 class - compact racing drones;
  • 250-350 (380) class - standard quadrocopter size for video filming;
  • 550 class - heavy machines for special tasks.

But if you buy a drone, such divisions are secondary. Modern stabilization and flight automation technologies are so advanced that popular quadcopters have become more stable, lighter and more functional than the vast majority of octocopters on the market.

In short, choose not by the number of screws, but by your personal requirements for the hardware on board. Here the picture becomes clearer, and the first desire to choose a drone with delivery can turn into problems.

Why can't drones be bought abroad?

In July of this year, drones weighing 250 grams or more will again need registration. In what form, in what form - is not defined. Based on my own experience, this can lead to a delay of cargo (especially a large drone for video filming) at customs.

If the Customs Service Russian Federation will determine the parcel as a toy - nothing bad will happen. But when the shipments are opened, they are checked against the catalog. This can lead to problems because:

  • large drones are transported by express mail and must pass customs inspection;
  • most quadcopters not certified in Russia (from July it will probably be required) - at any moment they can legally become contraband;
  • most quadcopters are subject to the need to obtain FSB notification, which is very often not available;
  • most drones come with Lipo batteries as batteries and cannot be shipped by airmail.

Do not forget that some quadcopters with a set of consumables go beyond the customs limit, which means that you will need to pay a fee. Shortly speaking, ordering a drone abroad is a complicated and inconvenient process, which can end in the loss of money, time and nerves. You don't really have to talk to customs.

What drones are popular in Russian stores?

We will divide everything that can be bought in Russia according to the tasks performed.

1. Pocket (indoor) drones

Small devices that fit in the palm of your hand. Suitable for entertainment for adults and children. Many of them are completely indestructible, moreover, they have convenient controls in the form of familiar gamepads.

Pocket drones: Pilotage Nano-X2 (2290 rubles)

The cheapest drone on our list. Small drone for beginners. It was with this that I and my videographer friends once started.

Pocket drones: Hubsan X4 (2490 rubles)

Cheap and compact machine with excellent durability, handling and excellent build quality. Produced by one of the largest Chinese manufacturers of drones, which even has combat vehicles on its account, not to mention large consumer drones for professional use.

Pocket drones: Pilotage Skycap (3990 rubles)

One of the smallest drones on the market. It fits on the fingers - not like in the palm of your hand! At the same time, Pilotage Skycap has good speed and excellent maneuverability, which makes it an incredibly desirable toy for all ages. Equipped with a camera for recording short videos on a flash card.

2. Amateur drones

They will fit on a plate (the only question is its diameter), and they are also a kind of toy. Unlike pocket ones, they can be equipped with high power brushless motors.

This allows such devices to make fairly long flights (up to 15 minutes), fly over distances of up to half a kilometer, transport a fixed action camera and broadcast a signal to a smartphone or remote control.

Amateur: Pilotage Phantom FPV Edition (6990 rubles)

Cheap, simple, but big enough for outdoor flying. Equipped with not the worst camera, and is able to broadcast the video stream on the smartphone screen. It flies well, it will be difficult to break.

Amateur: Parrot AR.DRONE 2.0 (11990 rubles)

Big, interesting drone with Wi-Fi control. Thanks to the protected foam support structure, it can also be used indoors - regardless of its size.

Amateur: Mioshi 3D (3190 rubles)

Almost Phantom, only cheaper. Excellent transition link between a pocket drone and a professional drone: it will allow you to learn how to fly a large aircraft, master the tricks of flight - and not hit your pocket.

3. Racing drones

They can be of various weights and sizes, but they are always fast and maneuverable. Their design is maximally simplified to reduce weight for the sake of speed. Because of this, they are not suitable for beginners: at a speed of 50-80 km/h The drone poses a mortal threat to humans.

On the other hand, without a racing drone, even the cheapest one, you cannot train and participate in racing, which has become a popular sport. But high-quality video shooting or maneuvering flights around one point are impossible on them. The right racing drone - handmade.

4. Drones for photo and video shooting

The most common class, which has recently received a compact incarnation in the form of . The standard representative is the DJI Phantom.

In addition to it, there are many drones from other companies that combine a payload of up to 1 kg, a long time and a flight range. And, of course, the possibility of installing the camera on a special image-stabilizing bracket - a “suspension”.

It is they who can follow the remote control, hover over one point and make fully automatic flights, for which they are equipped with a GPS receiver.

Shooting: Gyro Discovery FPV (7590 RUB)

Large, long-flying quadcopter with amazing vitality. If you have enough money - grab and run. Rather, it refers to pilots, but you can risk replacing the camera with a glued GoPro. Regular is also not bad, in comparison with analogues.

Shooting: Parrot Bebop Drone 2 (41,990 rubles)

Tiny, by the standards of cameras for shooting, but extremely interesting device: it combines the compactness and speed of racing options with high-quality photo and video recording. Still a hit. Especially for high-speed flights in difficult conditions. It is controlled from a proprietary remote control or any smartphone running iOS or Android. And flies 25 minutes!

Filming: DJI Spark (40,790 rubles - pre-order)

Revolutionary drone on the market! All the fashionable features of serious DJI devices, excellent handling and a unique control system. And a nice price compared to older counterparts. Read more in our

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