Dogs for herding cows. Shepherd dogs. Description and features of shepherd breeds of dogs.

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Shepherd dogs very important in livestock management. Any farmer will tell you that it would be extremely difficult to keep livestock without them. AT different countries the right to be called the best shepherd dog belonged to different breeds. In the UK, there are even special competitions to identify the best shepherd dog.

Australian kelpie

Australian kelpie- one of the best herding breeds dogs. Representatives of this breed have a unique quality that distinguishes them from other breeds of dogs, including shepherds - this is a wide viewing angle. Thanks to this quality, Australian kelpies can control a large area, so to speak, without turning their heads. Dogs of this breed are valued by farmers not only at home, in Australia, but also abroad.

Border Collie

Border Collie hails from the UK. These smart, active, obedient dogs are perfect for their "purpose" - shepherd and guard work. Border collies love to work, they can help the owner 24 hours a day and be happy from it. Farmers in Great Britain and its former colonies value dogs of this breed for their endurance, independence and high intelligence. In 2009, scientists at the University of British Columbia recognized the Border Collie. smartest living dog breeds.

Australian Heeler

Australian Cattle Dog or Australian Heeler or Australian Cattle Dog, - an indispensable animal for cattle driving. In this component of the shepherd's "work" they have no equal. The "mastery" of Australian Cattle Dogs was especially appreciated by breeders. Today, the name “Australian Heeler” is more commonly used, which also confirms the peculiarity of the “work” of these dogs, because “heel” is translated from of English language means "heel". Dogs of this breed are indispensable for grazing, driving and driving cattle. They keep a close eye on the cattle, following it literally on its heels. Healers work well together as a team.

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Brief description of herding dogs

The herding group consists directly of sheep and shepherd dogs. The border collie is recognized as the smartest among the shepherds, while ordinary collies, as well as corgis, are the most popular shepherd dogs. At a time when other working dogs are called upon to guard cattle and farm property, the task of the collie is to monitor the grazing flock and guide its movement. Its functions herding dog breeds performed by running, barking, biting the animals slightly and making direct eye contact with the flock.

Most modern herding dogs have never seen sheep or any other livestock, but many show natural instincts even at home. This is especially pronounced in families with children, when the four-legged begin to control the children, a kind of imitation of grazing. In most cases, this behavior is completely safe, but during the game, the owners of shepherd dogs have probably noticed how their little family friend runs around the kids. Some of them try to step on the heels of the child, which is no longer entirely safe. That is why it is necessary to always supervise dogs while playing with children and never leave them unattended.

Shepherd dog breeds They are unusually intelligent and respond actively to positive teaching and training methods. The animal will be happy to follow your commands if it understands that for this it will receive praise or a treat. Shepherd dogs are extremely active, because they love to live in families where there is movement, games, in general, where there is fuss. If you do not meet the described conditions, or if one of the family members likes peace, then the shepherd breed will most likely not suit you.

Shepherd dogs they love various exercises and competitions, which is why they are happy to walk, run with their owner or accompany him during cycling. Such occupations by a dog are perceived precisely as competitions, which causes a lot of emotions in the animal.

Shepherd dogs usually medium or large size. Their coat can be varied. Some breeds are quite suspicious of strangers, but still most of them are very friendly and affable. Shepherd dogs- wonderful companions and friends, which is why the animal will join almost any family that loves fun and activity.


Shepherd dog breeds

With the beginning of the development of cattle breeding, a dog served as a constant assistant to a person. A constant companion, she not only helped herd herds, but also guarded them from the attack of wild predators. Initially, all shepherd dogs were called sheepdogs. And only after many centuries were shepherd breeds of dogs identified.

As a rule, these are medium-sized dogs, hardy, muscular with the right physique. They are well developed physically and able to withstand heavy loads. Dogs are covered with thick hair that protects from bad weather and heat. Their working qualities, such as endurance, fearlessness, selfless devotion to the owner and distrust of strangers, are preserved from generation to generation.

Shepherd dogs are endowed with excellent hunting instinct. Protecting the herds and in case of emergency, the shepherd dog is able to pursue the predatory beast, as well as resist it. Being in remote grazing areas, guard dog successfully took part in the hunt for game to satisfy the hunger of her master. The gift of persecution has been preserved in this category of dogs to this day.

Shepherd dogs have well developed guarding instincts. Using this quality in breeding, a number of new breeds were obtained, which are currently used to perform several other, but no less important tasks.

The brightest representative of such dogs is the German Shepherd - a universal breed that performs on present stage many functions. They are in the service of customs officers, border troops and the police.

Shepherd dog breeds are especially diverse in countries with developed animal husbandry.

Hungary. The birthplace of three shepherd breeds: puli and commander - long-haired guards of the herd, not afraid of bad weather. And a relatively young breed - pumi. This is a descendant of a bullet and a Pomeranian. Pumi is used not only in the protection of livestock, but also as guard dog, as well as a rodent exterminator.

Spain. Homeland of the Pyrenean dog. The dog is strong and powerful, with a magnificent physical development. It has a thick white coat that protects from bad weather.

Switzerland. The birthplace of four types of unsurpassed Swiss Shepherds, which have an identical color - tricolor. These are purebred shepherd dogs, whose qualities are preserved unchanged from distant ancestors to modern period thanks to the skillful work of breeders.

People have long been engaged in the maintenance and breeding of livestock. And a dog can become an excellent assistant in such a difficult matter. But not all breeds will cope with responsibility, although some have all the qualities of professional shepherds.

A dog is a true friend of man and a real helper.

Dogs are not in vain considered our smaller brothers, because these animals have not only been in close contact with people for a long time, but also have unique qualities similar to human ones. Some breeds have been around for a long time, others were bred specifically for some specific purpose, so it is not surprising that dogs can perform many tasks, including quite complex ones. For example, they are able to help shepherds or even partially or completely replace them.

What qualities will help a dog become a real shepherd? First of all, courage, because you may have to repel the attacks of wolves and other wild animals. Also, the dog must be attentive to keep an eye on the entire herd. And the speed of reaction and agility are also highly valued, allowing not only to immediately notice lagging behind or lost sheep or cows, but also to quickly return them. Such qualities will come in handy when moving the herd from the paddock to the field and back.

The best herding dog breeds:

  1. Australian Cattle Dog(it is also called a cattle dog or healer). Firstly, such animals have strong muscles and a well-developed musculoskeletal system, which allows them to move actively and for a long time. Secondly, having received the task, the dog will closely observe his wards, not taking his eyes off them for a second. Thirdly, shepherd dogs are completely unpretentious: they eat literally everything and quickly adapt to new conditions. And, fourthly, they work smoothly and clearly in a team, interacting with each other and distributing tasks. This is an ideal option for driving cattle over long distances.
  2. Australians are considered one of the best herding breeds in the world. kelpie. And the main reason for this is a genetically determined quality: representatives of this breed have a very wide viewing angle, which allows you to look at even a large herd and always keep the situation under control. In addition, Australian kelpies are incredibly industrious and energetic, so shepherding duties will give them great pleasure and provide a burst of energy. And these dogs are quite obedient and accommodating, but sometimes they may not agree with the owner and make decisions on their own.
  3. Border Collie. Their homeland is Great Britain, and these dogs have long been loved by many farmers, as they are literally created for work and can help a person almost around the clock, getting real pleasure from it. Also, the breed is valued for endurance, the ability to make independent decisions and a very high intelligence. Border collies can herd not only any animals, but also birds, and a few years ago these dogs were recognized by scientists at Columbia University as the smartest. But the owner must prove his authority, as well as be reasonable and calm, so that the pet becomes his faithful assistant.
  4. For a long time they have been helping to keep livestock and bergamasco, which were brought to Europe about two thousand years ago. They possess all the qualities that allow them to be excellent shepherds. Among them, it is worth noting excellent hearing. A unique sense of smell helps them in finding missing animals. Some farmers even claim that representatives of this breed literally know the smell of every sheep and perfectly distinguish “strangers” from “friends”. Bargamasco are also used as rescuers and guards, and they are also incredibly hardy and can withstand any temperature extremes and the vagaries of nature.
  5. bullets- a medium-sized breed of dogs of Hungarian origin. Distinctive feature is a very long and curly coat, which in some representatives reaches the ground. And it is this coat that makes the breed hardy, providing protection from the cold, winds and rains. Bullets are distinguished by high efficiency, therefore they are good at work and are happy to fulfill the tasks of the owner. Dogs are incredibly loyal, and also perfectly amenable to training and training and can master a wide variety of skills.
  6. Pyrenean Shepherds can perform a variety of tasks and therefore become successful rescuers, search engines, watchmen, shepherds and just companions and helpers in any business. By the way, during the First World War, these dogs were part of the guard service, and also helped in the search for the wounded in battle.
  7. Entlebucher Mountain Dog- the smallest variety of sennenhunds. Switzerland is considered the birthplace of the breed, and representatives almost always lived in the mountains and helped shepherds drive herds. Such dogs have a rather mild character, the main feature of which is helpfulness. Such a pet will literally do anything to please its owner and please him. In addition, Entlebuchers are very smart, so they become loyal and quick-witted helpers. And they are smart, perky and selfless.
  8. German Shepherd - a breed that has been known for a very long time and has served people from the very first days of its existence. Initially, it was bred specifically as a shepherd, but thanks to the unique intellectual abilities, the dogs began to actively master other skills, becoming excellent watchmen, search engines, and rescuers. This is an excellent companion, and not only devoted, but also hardworking, always ready to help and do any job. The German Shepherd will respect and love the owner and will become a full member of the family.
  9. Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog)- This is the result of crossing a Briard (he is also considered a good shepherd) and a South Russian Shepherd Dog. These dogs have long been considered excellent shepherds, and were used mainly for this purpose. But today bobtails are not so popular among shepherds, largely because of the very unusual and demanding coat. Today, representatives perform the tasks of guards and watchmen, but more often they become companions. In any case, they are very smart, quick-witted and hardworking.
  10. welsh corgi- one of the oldest British breeds. The exact origin is not known for certain; many different legends are associated with it. One way or another, representatives of this peculiar breed from the most ancient times were considered excellent shepherds, which is once again confirmed by documents dated to the 12th century, which indicated that for the murder of a Welsh Corgi who grazed cattle, the owner was entitled to compensation - an ox. Other dogs were not so highly valued. hallmark breeds are short paws, but it is they that allow animals to be nimble and easily dodge the hooves of livestock.

Since man began to breed and maintain livestock, reliable, dexterous and strong animals have been next to him. They were special breeds of dogs - shepherds.

Their functions included the protection of goats, cattle, sheep, horses from predators. In addition, four-legged helpers vigilantly ensured that the animals did not fight off the herd. In many countries, active breeding work was carried out, as a result of which unique breeds of dogs were bred from primitive animals at the beginning.

General characteristics of herding dogs

Shepherd's assistants are of medium size, strong build, physical endurance, which allows round-the-clock protection of the herd, dense and thick wool.

Certain requirements for character and temperament are imposed on representatives of these breeds: fearlessness, sensitivity, distrust of strangers, boundless devotion to the owner. The animal should not have a highly developed hunter's instinct, which can tear it away from the protection of the herd or flock and tempt it to explore animal tracks or pursue game.

Breed development

Over their centuries-old history, the breeds of dogs we are considering (shepherds) have undergone many changes: some species have completely lost their ability to protect pastures, turning into excellent house guards, watchmen or just pets. Others, on the contrary, have developed their natural qualities and today still remain the best helpers of pastoralists. That's what we'll talk about in this article. We will present you only the best and most common of them.

Australian kelpie

From the name of the breed it becomes clear that this dog was bred in Australia. Genetically, these animals have qualities that distinguish them from other dogs. First of all, it is a very wide viewing angle, which allows the four-legged shepherd to control the object of observation as much as possible and concentrate on it for a long time. This allows these animals to be successfully used on modern livestock farms.

Today, the Australian kelpie is not only a shepherd. The animal has excellent sports qualities that allow it to participate and win in various sports competitions in dog frisbee, agility.

For the first time, the kelpie is mentioned in sources dating back to the end of the 19th century. The exact version regarding the origin of this breed does not exist today. Some researchers believe that the ancestors of the dog were collies, which were brought to Australia by the first settlers, others are sure that the blood of the ancient English collies of the Rutherford line (Northern County) flows in them. There is a version that wild Australian dingoes took part in the formation of the breed.

However, whatever the origin of this animal, Australian breeders have done a lot to improve the breed. Specialists of the leading Australian kelpie breeding farm Enfinvale have especially succeeded in this work. Work on improving the breed here began in 1956.

Kelpie is an active and very mobile dog. It has a strong muscular body and amazingly flexible limbs. The owners note that dogs of this breed are very attentive and intelligent, endowed with a wonderful accommodating character, infinitely loyal. Animals have the instinct and ability to guard herds not only in the field, but also in the paddocks.

Australian kelpies are not only good with large animals, they can also handle poultry (such as ducks and geese, which they can even drive out of ponds if necessary).

Border Collie

This herding dog was bred in Great Britain. According to the results of research conducted by British scientists, the Border Collie is recognized as the most intelligent dog of the currently existing breeds. For the first time, a system for evaluating the work of these animals was developed and presented in 1881. The first dogs bearing the name Border Collie were officially registered in 1915.

This is a proportionately built, graceful and at the same time strong and hardy dog. It can have two types of hair: short and medium length. At the same time, in any case, there is a developed dense undercoat, which perfectly protects the animal from cold and winds. The color is also allowed different, but it should not be dominated by white. This is a very active and energetic animal. In addition, such an assistant is smart and insightful.

If you want to buy a representative of this breed as a pet, then you need to consider that he needs serious physical and mental stress.

Portuguese Shepherd

The dog appeared in Ribatero and Alentejo - areas of Portugal. Researchers of the breed believe that the animal came from a Briard and a Pyrenean Shepherd, probably mixed with blood and a Catalan Sheepdog.

Shepherds have long appreciated this breed for its excellent watchdog qualities, unpretentiousness to the vagaries of the weather and food. The Portuguese Shepherd successfully copes with its duties of protecting not only sheep, but also horses, cows and goats. This dog drives the cattle with a loud bark while moving, and when the herd stops in the pasture, it completely silently bypasses its “patrimony” and carefully monitors that the animals do not disperse.

This dog is very inquisitive, with strangers at first behaves wary and does not lose vigilance. He is quite good-natured with other dogs, does not initiate fights. Many cattle breeders seek to acquire a representative of this particular breed. There are many shepherd dogs, and almost all of them, as a rule, are distinguished by devotion to the owner. The Portuguese Shepherd Dog is a vivid confirmation of this.

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Shepherd has several more names: it is called a healer, a cattle dog. These animals are distinguished by strong muscles, a powerful musculoskeletal system. This allows them to actively move for a long time.

Having received a task from the owner, the Australian Shepherd does not take his eyes off his wards. Another important quality of this shepherd dog is unpretentiousness. This is especially important for living in remote mountain pastures. Dogs eat almost everything, so there are no problems with food. Easily adapts to new conditions.

Animals of this breed are known for well-coordinated and clear teamwork. They perfectly interact with each other, distributing the tasks assigned to them. This, according to the shepherds, is the best option when driving cattle over long distances.

Tibetan Terrier

Do not be confused by the word "terrier" in the name of this breed. This shaggy dog ​​is not related to terriers by blood, but rather it can be attributed to the miniature Old English Sheepdog. The Tibetan Terrier is more common today as a companion, has a cute exterior and sociable character.

This is a medium sized dog that easily gets along in any home. The breed developed as a shepherd and watchman in difficult times. climatic conditions Tibet, where it is still very much appreciated. In the West, this dog became known after 1926. At first, it was in the shadow of its closest relative, the Lhasa Apso, but today the Tibetan Terrier is well known as a breed in its own right.

Hyper Lancashire

Since ancient times, many breeds of dogs (shepherds) have faithfully served man. But the next dog is a relatively new breed. The Lancashire Heeler appeared in the 70s of the last century as a result of crossing two British breeds - the Manchester Terrier and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. True, there is a version that this is a rather ancient breed, since ancient drawings were discovered in the UK, which depict dogs that are very reminiscent of Lancashire healers. Their main function was to help people in the pastures.

The existing standard was adopted in 1981, and a year later the Lancashire Heeler was presented in Blackpool at International exhibition. The dog has a strong physique with well-developed muscles. The head is proportional to the body, the legs are short.

The coat can be different: smooth and short or long and fluffy. The growth of the animal does not exceed 31 cm, weight - about 6 kg. Color can be of two types - black or chocolate with tan. The animal is distinguished by endurance, high breed instincts, strength. These qualities help the dog not only to help the shepherds, but also to successfully participate in mini-agility competitions.

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