Mining of manganese. Deposits of ferrous metals

Health 24.07.2019

MnO 2 H 2 O (44-52% Mn), brownite Mn 2 O 3 (69.5% Mn), hausmanite Mn 3 O 4 (72% Mn), rhodochrosite MnCO 3 (47.8% Mn), oligonite (Mn, Fe)CO 3 (23-32% Mn), manganocalcite (Ca, Mn)CO 3 (up to 20-25% Mn), rhodonite (Mn, Ca) (Si 3 O 9) (32-41% Mn ), bustamite (Ca, Mn) (Si 3 O 9) (12-20% Mn).


Types of manganese ore

  • oxide
  • Carbonate
  • Oxide-carbonate

Main industrial ores- oxide ores. They are represented by pyrolusite, psilomelane, cryptomelane, mangant, hausmannite, brownite, holondite, coronadite, bixbitiite, nsutite, burnesite, todorokite, etc.

Types of ore deposits by genesis

1) Sedimentary

A) sedimentary b) volcanogenic-sedimentary

2) Volcanogenic

3) Metamorphosed

4) Weathering crust deposits

Origin (Genesis)

Metamorphic deposits are formed due to changes in sedimentary deposits in the bowels of the Earth under the influence of high temperatures and pressures (Usinskoye in Western Siberia, deposits of the Atasuy region in Central Kazakhstan); usually represented by dense varieties of ores, which include anhydrous oxides (brownite, hausmanite) and manganese silicates (rhodonite and others); among them, ferro-manganese ores with a Mn content of about 10% are developed, including industrial concentrations of minerals (magnetite, hematite, and others).

Weathering deposits are represented by thick ancient and modern weathering crusts with a secondary concentration of manganese in them (deposits of India, Brazil, Ghana, South Africa); these are loose oxidized ores of the so-called manganese hats, composed of pyrolusite, psilomelane and other hydroxides of manganese and iron. which is not correct.

ferromanganese nodules At the bottom of modern oceans there are accumulations of iron-manganese nodules, which make up large resources of manganese ores. The mineral composition of nodules is dominated by hydroxides of manganese (todorokite, birnessite, buserite, asbolan) and iron (vernadite, hematite), all metals of economic interest are associated with them. The chemical composition of oceanic nodules is extremely diverse: almost all elements of the periodic system of Mendeleev are present in varying amounts.

Initial information about ore formations on the ocean floor was obtained during the first comprehensive oceanological expedition in the history of world science on the English ship Challenger, which lasted almost four years (1872-1876). On February 18, 1873, during dredging 160 miles southwest of the Canary Islands, black rounded nodules were raised from the bottom - ferromanganese nodules containing, as the first analyzes showed, a significant amount of manganese, nickel, copper and cobalt. True, a little earlier, in 1868, during the expedition of N. Nordenskiöld on the Swedish ship Sofia, similar concretions were raised from the bottom of the Kara Sea, but this find remained practically unnoticed.


Production data for 2005
Dislocation The main type of deposits Industrial reserves, % Production, thousand tons Contents Mn
Gabon weathering bark 4,7 2 460 30-50%
South Africa Volcanic-sedimentary 19,9 2 200 38-50%
Australia weathering bark 3,5 1 340 30-50%
Brazil weathering bark 1 300 10-20%
China 2,8 900
Ukraine Sedimentary 42,2 720 8-34%
India metamorphosed 640 10-20%
Ghana 559
Kazakhstan Volcanic-sedimentary 7,3 183
Mexico 136

World reserves of manganese ores are represented by 90% oxide (38%) and oxide-carbonate (52%) ores.

In South Africa, about 95% of the reserves are concentrated in the unique manganese-iron ore zone Kuruman, the largest deposits of Mamatvan (average manganese content 38%), Wessels (47%) Middelplaatz (36%)

In China, manganese reserves are represented by small but numerous deposits of oxide ores. The average content in ores is 20-40%. The country is constantly searching for and exploring new deposits of manganese in order to reduce the country's dependence on imports of high-quality ores.

In Kazakhstan, more than 90% is located in the Central Kazakhstan region, in the Karazhal and Ushkatyn deposits. Reserves are about 85 million tons (average manganese content is 22%).

Deposits of Ukraine are located in the South Ukrainian manganese ore basin. These are the deposits of the Nikopol group and Bolshetokmakskoye, containing 33 and 67% of Ukraine's proven reserves. Ukraine also has one of the most powerful complexes in Europe for processing ore and producing manganese ferroalloys, including the Nikopol, Zaporozhye and Stakhanov plants.

In Georgia, the main raw material base is the Chiatura deposit. Oxide ores make up 28% (average manganese content 26%) of proven reserves, carbonate (average manganese content 18%-72%).

In Russia, manganese is an acutely scarce raw material of strategic importance. In addition to the indicated Usinsk and Polunochnoye deposits, the South Khingan Minor Khingan in the Jewish region, Porozhinskoye on the Yenisei Ridge, the Rogachevo-Taininskaya area (260 million tons of carbonate ores, with a content of 8-15%) and the underexplored Severo-Taininskoye ore field (5 million tons of oxide ores, with a content of 16-24%) for

Manganese is widely found in various crystalline rocks, in which, like iron, it dissolves and is released again in the form of oxides, hydroxides or carbonates. Primary deposits in the form of silicate minerals are quite large, but they are decomposed by water during heavy rains, especially in the tropics.
The development of manganese ores located in Brazil and India is carried out for the most part by open-pit mining; the manganese ores found in these places are mainly oxides in hydrated or dehydrated forms, silicates or carbonates are observed to a lesser extent.
Pyrolusite (MnO2) - relatively soft grayish dark ore mineral. The content of manganese in a pure mineral is 63.2%, its specific gravity is 4.8.
Psilomelane contains 45–60% Mn; it is believed that this mineral is a colloidal form of MnO2, in which admixtures of water and oxides of sodium, potassium, and barium are adsorbed. A mineral of medium hardness, its specific gravity is 3.7-4.7. The deposits of these ores have a massive form of occurrence.
Manganite (Mn2O3*H2O) is a mineral containing 62.4% Mn, dark gray turning into black, has an average hardness and a specific gravity of 4.2-4.4.
Brownite (SMn2O3*MnSiO3) - contains 62% Mn and up to 8-10% silicon oxide. The mineral is solid, specific gravity is 4.8.
Gausmanite (Mn3O4) - a mineral found in ore of primary deposits, usually in the form of veins in volcanic rocks, dark brown, solid, specific gravity - 4.8.
Rhodochrosite, or dialogite (manganese spar). Manganese carbonate with variable content of iron, calcium and magnesium carbonates. The manganese content can be significantly increased by pre-calcination leading to the decomposition of carbonates.
Rhodonite is a manganese silicate; its manganese content is 42%.
Bementite is a silicate hydrate containing 31% Mn and 5% silica.
In addition to the ores mentioned above, which have a certain composition, there are ores of variable composition:
Manganese-iron ores have a variable composition; they usually contain up to 40% Fe and 5% Mn.
Black ocher is an earthy, amorphous mixture consisting of manganese oxides, iron oxides, water and other substances, usually soft and light, specific gravity 3.0-4.2.
Finally, manganese-iron zinc and silver ores also contain significant amounts of manganese; Thus, in the USA, a certain part of manganese was produced from manganese-iron zinc precipitate, which is a product of distillation of zinc from manganese-iron zinc ore, the so-called franklinite (Fe, Zn, Mn) O, (Fe, Mn) 2O3. This precipitate contains 14-15% Mn and about 40% Fe and is a suitable raw material for the production of spiegel (mirror cast iron).

Classification of manganese ores

Manganese ores are characterized by variability in composition, especially in terms of the content of manganese and iron. Since 95% of all manganese ore mined is used in the metallurgical industry, the ores are classified according to their manganese content and the type of ferroalloy for which they are to be used.
The usual classification is:
Manganese ores containing more than 35% Mn. They are suitable for the production of various grades of ferromanganese.
Ferro-manganese, or spiegel, ores containing 10-35% Mn, used for the production of spiegel (mirror cast iron).
Manganese-iron ores containing 5-10% Mn, used for the production of manganese cast iron.

Deposits of manganese ores, their development and enrichment

Most manganese ores are found as secondary deposits. Manganese, as it dissolves from crystalline rocks, precipitates again in the form of carbonates, oxides, or oxide hydrates.
Secondary deposits are sedimentary or formed from the decomposition of other rocks. The most common are black ocher, brownite, manganite, pyrolusite or psilomelane.
There are also some primary deposits of manganese ore, represented by silicate minerals.
They have gained importance in the economies of countries such as India, Brazil and Ghana, where silicates decompose on surfaces when exposed to water during tropical rainstorms. Such deposits are usually developed by open methods, although in Russia there are adits on the slopes of the mountains; underground mining is also occasionally found in India and Brazil.
The ore is usually delivered to the consumer in an unprocessed (raw) form after a small manual sorting. However, some ores, especially low grade ores, require crushing, screening and washing, often necessary to remove waste rock. On fig. 1 shows how the washing and manual sorting of manganese ores is carried out in the development of the Bhandara deposit (Central India).

In the United States, low-quality ore is beneficiated by flotation methods, which are usually used for carbonate and oxidized ores. According to Dean, deVaney, and Coghill, Anaconda uses flotation to produce low-phosphorus manganese concentrates from the low-grade ores of the Butte deposit in Montana. After agglomeration, the concentrate contains 60-62% Mn and about 7% silica. Melcher reports that the average manganese content of ore obtained by this method in 1950 was 58.9%. Techniques used in the United States for processing low grade ores (i.e., washing and beneficiation) are detailed in Crane's work. In the central states of India enrichment in heavy suspensions is also carried out.

Use of manganese ores

Use in metallurgy. Manganese is mainly used in the production of conventional carbon and special steels with a high content of this element. Consumption of manganese ore is driven by fluctuations in global steel production. This position is illustrated by the graphs in Fig. 2, which provides data on world steel production in 1920-1936. and on the world production of manganese ore, separately given information on the countries of British influence. In steel production, manganese is most commonly used as a deoxidizer and desulfurizer. Acting as a deoxidizer, manganese reduces iron oxides and combines with free oxygen, thus producing relatively dense ingots with fewer gas bubbles. The interaction of manganese with sulfur prevents the formation of iron sulfides, an increased amount of which causes brittleness, especially when hot. machining. Oxides and sulfides of manganese form a relatively fluid slag, easily separated from the metal. Manganese is added in quantities exceeding those required for deoxidation and desulfurization, and thus the steel is alloyed with manganese, which ensures its increased strength.

Manganese is introduced into steel also in the form of ferroalloys, the most common of which is 80% ferromanganese. Spiegel (mirror cast iron) and manganese pig iron are used in very small quantities. In 1950, according to Melcher's data, American industry consumed 703,945 tons of ferromanganese and only 69,201 tons of Spiegel. Ordinary ferromanganese contains 78-82% Mn; for special purposes, ferromanganese is obtained with a higher manganese content - up to 95%. Spiegel typically contains 18-22% Mn. Two other manganese-containing alloys, silicomanganese and silicospiegel, are also smelted in electric arc furnaces. Typical chemical composition these alloys are as follows: a) silicomanganese: 55% Mn; 19% Fe; 25% Si; b) silicospiegel: 22% Mn; 65% Fe; 11% Si. Manganese cast iron contains 4-10% Mn.
It is estimated that from 1911 to 1930 the consumption of manganese for each ton of steel produced was 5.68 kg. This amount, according to Groves, continues to increase, since in steelmaking practice it is generally accepted to introduce ferromanganese not into a ladle, but into a bath, although there are big losses manganese (its transition to slag). The consumption of manganese is also increasing due to the expansion of the range of steels alloyed with manganese, and especially special steels with a high content of this element.
In England, railroad rails are made from steel containing 0.9-1.2% Mn, and the current practice is to produce rails in the amount of several hundred thousand tons annually. Engineering steel, which requires high strength, usually contains 1.3-1.6% Mn in combination with other elements. High-manganese steel containing about 15% Mn and 1.25% C has remarkable properties. This steel was discovered by Hadfield and is commonly known as Hadfield steel. The steel has an austenitic structure and is therefore almost non-magnetic, has a high tensile strength after appropriate heat treatment (96-112 kg/mm2) and excellent elongation (50-70%). The steel exhibits good wear resistance under impact conditions and is used to a large extent for the manufacture of parts for excavators and dredgers, railway frogs and other parts subject to wear under impact loads, which steel also resists well. Great importance acquires the use of manganese in non-iron base alloys. Alloys of copper with manganese have found application in the manufacture of turbine blades, manganese bronzes are used in the manufacture of propellers and other parts where a combination of strength and corrosion resistance is required. Almost all industrial aluminum and magnesium alloys usually contain some manganese. Nickel-manganese alloys are used for a number of special applications, such as the manufacture of glow plugs.
The use of manganese outside the metallurgical industry. The most important application has found oxides of manganese in the manufacture of electric batteries. For these purposes, high quality pyrolusite is required, which is much more expensive than ordinary ore used for metallurgical purposes.
Manganese dioxide serves as a depolarizer in a Leclanchet-type galvanic cell. Therefore, the ore should have as high an oxide content as possible and be free from impurities that could be detrimental to the operation of the element. Soluble impurities that are electronegative with respect to zinc, such as copper, nickel, cobalt and arsenic, are especially harmful, since when dissolved they are deposited on zinc, causing corrosion and deterioration of the element. In this regard, copper is especially harmful. If impurities are present in an insoluble form, then they are not harmful from the above point of view, but nevertheless lead to an increase in the resistance of the element, which is also undesirable. Iron oxide is inert and is allowed as an impurity in amounts up to 3-4%; the presence of metallic iron is undesirable. Therefore, manganese ore for batteries undergoes magnetic separation to remove iron. Porous ores with a large specific surface are preferable to hard and dense ones, although the latter in some cases may have an increased oxygen content.
It is generally believed that manganese ore for electrochemical cells should contain at least 84% manganese dioxide; most often its content is in the range of 85-90%. However, lower manganese dioxide ore can also be used in some electrical applications; thus, Melcher points out that the battery ore brought from Montana contains an average of 66% manganese dioxide. Soviet ores (Caucasus) contain up to 90% manganese dioxide and 0.5% iron and are of higher quality. It is believed that the peroxide ore of Ghana can be used for batteries, despite the fact that it usually contains 2-3% iron oxide.
Manganese ore is also used in the manufacture of glass and in the ceramics industry. In the manufacture of glass, manganese is used to reduce the harmful effects of iron, usually present in the sands used. Due to the presence of iron, iron silicate is formed, which gives the glass green tint. This tint can be removed by adding manganese dioxide to the glass. Compounds of nickel, cobalt or selenium have a similar effect, but manganese dioxide is preferred because of its relative cheapness. The amount of manganese dioxide introduced into the glass depends on the iron content of the raw materials; usually it ranges from 900 g to 6.7 kg per 450 kg of sand. Manganese ore used in glass production typically contains 85-90% manganese dioxide and less than 1% iron; high quality glass sometimes requires ore containing more than 90% manganese dioxide and less than 0.5% iron.
If manganese dioxide is added in excess, the glass acquires a yellowish-green color. With an even greater excess of manganese dioxide, the glass becomes black; this property is used to obtain dark and opaque glasses used for decorative purposes. Such glasses contain about 3% manganese dioxide.
In the ceramic industry, manganese dioxide is used to produce brown, dark red and black glazes, as well as to make colored tiles and bricks.
Oxides of manganese, its salts and organic compounds have found significant use in the dyeing and printing industry, where they are used as oil absorbers.
Finally, manganese compounds are used as dyes, for the production of iodine, in the chemical industry, as an oxidizing agent in the production of organic compounds, and in agriculture, since manganese is important element for plant nutrition. According to Groves, manganese sulphates have been extensively used in the United States, especially in Texas and southern Florida, to stimulate plant growth.
Below are data on the consumption of manganese ore by various industries in the United States in 1950 (according to Melcher, US Bureau of Mines), g:

As can be seen from the above data, the consumption of manganese ore in metallurgy is more than 95%.

Impurities in manganese ores

Generally, there are four types of impurities:
1) metals;
2) waste rock;
3) volatile;
4) other impurities.
Metal impurities, in addition to iron, are lead, zinc and silver, and in some ores - tungsten, nickel and copper. All impurities, with the exception of zinc, are reduced together with manganese during melting and remain in the metal. Zinc volatilizes during smelting, but when present in large quantities it can interfere with the reduction process due to condensation in the chimneys; therefore, chimneys should be cleaned periodically.
Silver is an undesirable impurity in steel production. In some manganese ores, the silver content is such that they are of a certain value in this respect and are used in the smelting of lead. In this case, manganese ore is used as a flux, and the refining of lead results in the extraction of silver. Iron is present in the ore as an oxide and is difficult to remove.
In order for the ore to be used for the production of ferromanganese, the ratio of manganese to it must be within 9:1. As already mentioned, iron is also an undesirable impurity if the ore is used for the production of galvanic cells and colorless glass.
The impurities in the waste rock are slag-forming, and the slag can be either basic (CaO, MgO or BaO) or acidic (SiO2 or Al2O3). A certain amount of manganese always passes into slag during melting, and this. the amount increases with an increase in the basicity of the slag, its temperature and volume. With acidic waste rock, it is required to introduce a large amount of basic slag-forming additives (limestone or dolomite). Thus, the total amount of slag increases in the case of an acidic gangue, so a basic gangue is more desirable. Manganese ores containing iron rarely contain more than 8% silicon oxide or alumina.
Volatile impurities can be removed during the melting process, but this is undesirable because it requires additional heat and is associated with the loss of manganese during volatilization. Carbonate ores such as rhodochrosite (manganese spar) decompose when smelted to form volatile carbon dioxide. It is believed that the presence of a large amount of carbon dioxide is undesirable, since this upsets the balance between CO 2 and CO, which prevents the reduction of oxides in the upper part of the furnace. The theoretical content of carbon dioxide in rhodochrosite is 38.3%, and it must be removed during the pre-calcination process. This operation is also beneficial in that it reduces the cost of transporting manganese ore if roasting is carried out at the mining site, before loading.
Other impurities. Phosphorus and sulfur are undesirable impurities in manganese ore. However, there is no doubt that sulfur is a less harmful impurity than phosphorus, since during the production of ferromanganese it almost completely passes into slag, combining with manganese or calcium, and only traces of it pass into the alloy. Phosphorus passes into the alloy completely. According to the specifications, the content of phosphorus in steel is usually less than 0.05%, and the maximum possible content in iron-manganese ores containing iron is 0.20-0.25%. Phosphorus in the ore is in such a combination that it cannot be removed or its content cannot be reduced by conventional enrichment methods.

There is no shortage of manganese ore in the world: the availability of proven reserves of manganese ores is 130-150 years. However, the distribution of their deposits is extremely uneven. The main producers of marketable manganese ores in the world are only seven countries with the largest reserves: China, South Africa, Ukraine, Brazil, Gabon, India, Australia. They produced about 89% of the total commercial manganese ores. The same countries, as well as countries with developed economies - Japan, France, Norway, etc. - are the leading consumers of commercial manganese ores.

In terms of explored reserves (3133 million tons) and production in the late 80s - early 90s Soviet Union ranked first in the world. More than 75% of reserves and over 86% of production were concentrated in Ukraine, respectively 7 and 11.2% - in Georgia and 13 and 2.7% - in Kazakhstan.

Manganese ores in Russia now belong to the group of especially scarce types of minerals. To date, no large rich deposits of manganese have been discovered on the territory of the country. The state balance of reserves as of 01/01/2000 takes into account 14 small and medium-sized deposits located in the Urals, in Western Siberia, Baikal region, Komi Republic. The largest of them is the Usinsk deposit in the Kemerovo region with reserves of 98.5 million tons of poor, difficult-to-enrich carbonate ores. In addition, there are deposits of manganese ores in Russia, which, due to their insufficient knowledge, are not yet taken into account by the State Balance. Among them, the most interesting is the Porozhinskoye field in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Explored reserves of manganese ores in 1991-1999. remained virtually unchanged, amounting to 01.01.2000, 148.1 million tons. Among them, refractory carbonate ores predominate (about 90%). The average content of manganese in the explored reserves of Russia is 20%, while in the deposits of the main foreign producers of marketable manganese ores it reaches 41-50%. At the beginning of 2000, 15.9% of the proven reserves of manganese ore were licensed. Mining of manganese ores in a pilot production mode was periodically carried out at a number of small deposits with selective extraction of oxide ores of higher quality. Production volumes in different years varied from 186 (1996) to 48 thousand tons (1999). Russia's demand for manganese ores (3.8-4.8 million tons of raw ore per year) was still met by imports of ferromanganese and commercial manganese ore, mainly from Ukraine, as well as from Kazakhstan and Georgia.

The largest of the known deposits - Usinskoye in the Kemerovo region - is assigned to the reserve group, the rest of the deposits are not planned for development. The predominant type of ores is hard-enriched carbonate, which accounts for about 91% of the balance reserves, the rest is easily enriched oxide and oxidized ores.

The second largest object is the Porozhinskoye deposit in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, within which detailed exploration was completed in 2000 and the reserves of oxide manganese ores were calculated according to cat. From 1+ FROM 2 . in the amount of 78 million tons and carbonate ores - 75 million tons. In 2001, it is planned to approve them in the State Reserves Committee of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia. In addition, the predicted resources of manganese ores according to cat. P 2 - 108.3 million tons, including oxide ores - 45.4 million tons.

As a result of exploration work carried out at this large facility, the increase in manganese ore reserves in the country at the beginning of the 21st century will amount to 153 million tons (100%), which will allow Russia to rise from ninth to fourth place in the world. At the same time, the share of Russia in the proven reserves and consumption of manganese raw materials among the CIS countries will reach 10 and 22%, respectively, and it will be able to take third place after Kazakhstan.

When determining Russia's maximum demand for manganese ore, one should also take into account the fact that the demand of ferrous metallurgy and other consumers (machine building, chemistry, electrical engineering, etc.) for manganese alloys is met by less than 30% of its own production. According to Giprostal, the deficit is estimated at 570 thousand tons per year (in terms of 100% manganese), including 517 thousand tons in manganese alloys, mainly in the form of silicomanganese, and 53 thousand tons in the form of metallic manganese and medium carbon ferromanganese.

The problem of exploration and development of small deposits of manganese is of particular importance for Russia. Currently, the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia has issued more than 20 licenses for additional exploration of small deposits with their subsequent development. In accordance with them, all mines should go out in 2000-2005. for the design productivity of manganese ores - 900 thousand tons per year. At this stage, only three deposits are being developed: Tyninskoe ( Northern Ural), Nikolaevskoye (Irkutsk region) and Gromovskoye (Chita region), and in other small deposits of the Urals, as well as in Durnovsky (Kemerovo region), manganese ores are mined in small quantities (up to 10 thousand tons). The development of these deposits is carried out inefficiently due to the low technical equipment of small mining companies and joint-stock companies.

As a result of geological exploration at a number of small deposits, the demand of the Russian economy for manganese ores for existing capacities, amounting to 3.8 million tons or 1.45 million tons of manganese concentrates, can only be met by 25%. At the same time, the actual availability of commercial reserves of manganese ores of small deposits is 5-7 years.

Subject to the commissioning of the Usinskoye and Polozhnenskoye deposits in 2005, the extraction of manganese ores can amount to 3.1 million tons and the production of concentrates - 1.37 million tons, and together with mining at small deposits it can reach 4 million tons of raw ore or 1.8 million tons of manganese concentrate.

Construction of mines and mining and processing plants at large depositsх will almost completely meet the needs of metallurgical enterprises Russian Federation in manganese raw materials for many decades of the XXI century.

Thus, solving the problem of Russian manganese will reduce dependence on other countries by 2010. by at least 80%, and in the future, completely switch to domestic raw materials.

Currently, Russia imports commercial manganese ores with a content of 32-36% Mn and ferroalloys worth more than 200 million dollars annually.

Oceanic deposits of ferromanganese nodules (FMN) and crusts can become an alternative source of manganese from continental deposits. Until recently, they were studied mainly from the standpoint of their cobalt and nickel content. The density of nodules on the ocean floor can reach a few tens of kg/m 2 , and the manganese content can reach many tens of% (with associated nickel, cobalt, and other concentrations of more than 1%). The practical possibility of extracting FMN and extracting all valuable components from them has been proven. According to VIEMS, the cost of mining oceanic and continental manganese will be commensurate. In the conditions of an acute shortage of manganese in the Russian Federation, work should be intensified to secure an area for our country Pacific Ocean, where multi-million dollar iron and steel reserves are concentrated.

Stocks general


Share in the world, %

Confirmation stocks


Share in the world, %

Contents Mn

















Czech Republic and Slovakia.














Korea North

Korea South














Burkina Faso



Dem. rep. Congo



Ivory Coast






South Africa


















OK. and Aust.








* - a small amount.

There are 10 countries, in each of which the proven reserves exceed 120 million tons. In the bowels of these states, 4874 million tons of manganese, or 92.7% of world reserves, are concentrated, including in Ukraine - 42.6%, in South Africa - 19 .8%, Kazakhstan - 8.1%, Gabon - 4.5%, Georgia - 4.2%, Brazil - 3.3%, Russia - 2.8%, China - 2.5%, Australia - 2, 4%, Bulgaria - 2.4%.

The main geological and industrial type, which includes manganese deposits, containing about 90% of the total proven reserves, are stratiform deposits of oxide iron-manganese and oxide-carbonate manganese ores in carbonate-terrigenous and volcanogenic-terrigenous strata. Oxide ores account for approximately 38% of the reserves, oxide-carbonate - 52%. Deposits of this type are widespread (in decreasing order of proven manganese reserves) in Ukraine, South Africa, Kazakhstan, Gabon, Georgia, Australia, China, Bulgaria, and Bolivia.

Deposits of Ukraine are located in the South Ukrainian manganese ore basin. These are the fields of the Nikopol group and Bolshetokmakskoye, containing 33% and 67% of Ukraine's proven reserves, respectively. In the proven reserves, oxide ores make up 15.8%, oxide-carbonate - 7.7%, carbonate - 76.5%. At the Nikopol deposit, the manganese-containing stratum of terrigenous-carbonate rocks in the upper part is enriched with oxide ores with a manganese content of 28%; below the ores pass into oxide-carbonate and carbonate. At the Bolshetokmakskoye deposit, the oxidation zone is thin and more than 90% of the ores are carbonate with an average manganese content of 21%.

AT South Africa about 95% of the reserves are concentrated in the unique manganese-iron ore zone Kuruman. The ore zone is S syncline-shaped in plan, stretching meridionally for more than 450 km. Its wings are composed of early Proterozoic carbonate-terrigenous deposits containing industrial concentrations of manganese ores. There are three ore horizons ranging in thickness from 6 m to 45 m. The largest deposits within this ore zone are Mamatvan (average manganese content 38%), Wessels (47%), Middelplaatz (36%). Fluctuations in manganese content in ores - from 20% to 50%. The depth of occurrence of ore horizons in some areas reaches 300 ... 400 m or more. The composition of the ore is brownite-gausmanite.

AT Kazakhstan more than 90% of the reserves are located in the Central Kazakhstan basin, in the Karazhal and Ushkatyn deposits. Oxide manganese and iron-manganese ores. The reserves of these two deposits are estimated at 85 million tons with an average manganese content in ores of 22%.

AT Gabon all reserves of manganese ores are concentrated in the Moanda deposit. Ore mineralization is confined to volcanogenic-terrigenous deposits of the Late Proterozoic. Ore deposits have the form of layers within the productive horizon with a thickness of 3...6 m.

AT Georgia The basis of the raw material base of manganese is the Chiatura deposit, where thin layers of manganese ores are interbedded with barren interlayers. Oxide ores make up 28% of proven reserves, carbonate - 72%. The composition of the ores is pyrolusite-psilomelanic and carbonate. The average manganese content in oxide ores is 26%, in carbonate ores - 18%.

AT australia almost all of the reserves are concentrated in the Groote Island field in the north of the country. Ores of pyrolusite-cryptomelanic composition form sheeted, lenticular and nest-like bodies in carbonate-terrigenous deposits. The average content of manganese in ores is 41%. Locally they are composed of cemented vernadite and todorite oolites; such ores represent a unique type of raw material for the production of dry batteries.

AT China the largest number of deposits is located in the southern and southwestern provinces of the country. Usually these are small, but numerous deposits of oxide ores in carbonate-terrigenous rocks. The content of manganese in ores is 20…40%. The high content of iron, phosphorus and quartz oxides in them significantly reduces their quality.

About 8% of the proven reserves of manganese are concentrated in weathering crust deposits, the oxide ores of which were formed as a result of the lateritization of Precambrian manganese-bearing carbonate rocks, phyllites and gondites. Significant reserves of manganese ore deposits of this type are known in Brazil, India, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Mali.

AT Brazil manganese deposits are localized in four ore regions: Serra do Navio in the state of Amapa, Carajas in the state of Para (deposits Azul, Buritirama, Sereno), Urukum-Santana in the state of Mato Grosso (deposits Urukum, Santana) and in the area the so-called "iron ore quadrangle" in Minas Gerais, which includes numerous small deposits of manganese. At all deposits, except for Urukum, industrial deposits are composed of residual oxide manganese ores. They were formed during lateritization of Precambrian carbonate and silicate rocks containing rhodochrosite, tephroite, rhodonite, or spessartine. Ore bodies of small extent, pyrolusite-cryptomelanic in composition. The average content of manganese is 35...46%, the content of iron and phosphorus is quite high.

The deposits of hydrothermal and infiltration types are the least widespread. As a rule, deposits of this type are small, and they account for no more than 2% of world reserves.

The forecast resources of manganese ores in Russia are estimated at 841 million tons, of which 243 million tons are classified as P1. Most of them are concentrated in Siberia and the Far East. Approximately three quarters of the total forecast resources of Russia are represented by oxide and oxidized ores.

Fig.11 Distribution of predicted resources of manganese ores in Russia by federal districts, million tons

Fig.12 Distribution of P1 category resources of manganese ores in Russia by federal subjects, million tons

The balance reserves of manganese ores in Russia amount to 157 million tons, or 1% of the world. Explored reserves - 149 million tons, two thirds of them are concentrated in the Kemerovo region. Preliminarily estimated manganese reserves are approximately equally distributed in the Irkutsk Region, the Komi Republic and the Jewish Autonomous Region.

Fig. 13 Distribution of explored reserves of manganese ores in Russia by federal subjects, thousand tons

Fig.14 Distribution of estimated reserves of manganese ores in Russia by federal subjects, thousand tons

Manganese ores in Russia are extremely scarce mineral raw materials. The quality of Russian manganese ores is low: approximately 90% of the explored reserves are carbonate ores that are difficult to enrich. The average content of manganese is 20%, while the rich manganese ores of deposits in South Africa and Australia contain 40 ... 50% or more. Most of the deposits in Russia are small, while large ones (Usinskoye in the Kemerovo region and Porozhinskoye in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, not taken into account by the State Balance) are composed of ores that require complex enrichment schemes.

Balance reserves of manganese are accounted for 16 deposits, one of which - Bidzhanskoye in the Jewish Autonomous Region - only with off-balance reserves.

Two-thirds of the explored reserves (98.5 million tons) are in the Usinsk deposit of the Kemerovo region, which is mainly represented by carbonate ores with an average manganese content of 19.6%. The deposit is in the state reserve. In 2001, VIMS completed studies of the concentration of ores from the Usinskoye deposit, developed technological schemes for their complex processing, and substantiated its profitability. A positive assessment of the economic feasibility of the development of the Usinskoye field may make it possible to begin its development in the coming years.

A group of nine small deposits in the Sverdlovsk region contains 28% of Russia's proven reserves of manganese ores; the average content of manganese in them is 21%. With the use of efficient technologies for the enrichment of carbonate ores, the development of these objects can be profitable. This would help reduce the acute shortage of manganese raw materials for the metallurgical enterprises of the Urals. Three of these fields were licensed by OOO Uraltransgaz.

The highest quality ores in Russia are found in the small developed Parnok deposit in the Komi Republic. Almost 60% of the explored reserves of the deposit are low-phosphorous oxidized ores with an average manganese content of more than 31%. However, its explored reserves are only 1.3 million tons (0.9% of Russian). The mining license was obtained by OAO Manganets Komi.

Among the deposits not taken into account by the State balance, most attention deserves a large Porozhinskoye deposit in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Reserves of the deposit of categories C1 + C2 - 153.4 million tons. Oxide (51%) and carbonate (49%) ores, of low quality - with a low content of manganese (on average 17.6%) and high - phosphorus. However, the development of blocks of low-phosphorus ores, the total reserves of which amount to almost 50 million tons, can be profitable. A radiometric technology for the enrichment of manganese ores of the deposit has been developed, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of production of concentrates.

At the beginning of 2002, only 5.9% of the explored reserves of manganese ores were in the distributed subsoil fund. In 2001, the license for the development of the Marsyatskoye field in the Sverdlovsk region was revoked, as well as the license for the Cross section of the Yuzhno-Khinganskoye field in the Jewish Autonomous Region.

As a result of exploration work in 2001, the balance reserves of category C2 manganese ores increased by 2367 thousand tons, or more than 1%. Explored reserves decreased by 52 thousand tons. The increase in explored and preliminary estimated reserves significantly exceeded their redemption during production.

Since 1994, when exploration work for manganese began in Russia, balance reserves have increased by more than 8 million tons, or almost 5%.

Fig.15 Dynamics of balance reserves of manganese ores in Russia in 1991-2001, million tons

The extraction of manganese ores in Russia began in 1996, during this period 511 thousand tons were extracted. In 2001, the Parnokskoye deposit in the Komi Republic (45 thousand tons of manganese ore was mined and sent to the Serov ferroalloy plant) and two small facilities: the Gromovskoye deposit in the Chita region (17 thousand tons in 2001; the nearby Priargunsky PIMCU, which uses them as an oxidizing agent in the sulfuric acid leaching of uranium ores) and Durnovskoye in the Kemerovo region (3 thousand tons; raw materials are supplied to the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant, located about 150 km from the quarry). There was no production at the Tyninskoye field in the Sverdlovsk region in 2001. Provision of existing enterprises with explored reserves of manganese ores is 10 years.

Fig.16 Dynamics of manganese ore mining in Russia, thousand tons

Currently, in order to provide the metallurgical industry with manganese products, Russia is forced to import manganese concentrates and alloys, mainly from Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Russia has entered the top five importers of commercial manganese ore, as well as ferromanganese and silicomanganese. The production of marketable manganese ore in the country is only 0.1% of the world and can satisfy a little more than 5% of Russian demand for it. Manganese alloys are mainly produced by Ural enterprises - Serovsky, Klyuchevsk ferroalloy plants, Alapaevsky metallurgical plant, Chelyabinsk electrometallurgical plant; as well as the Kosogorsky metallurgical plant in the city of Tula. In 2001, all enterprises reduced the production of manganese alloys, according to estimates - by 11% in total. big problem production of manganese alloys in Russia is the difficulty in marketing products due to dumping supplies of these alloys by Ukrainian and Kazakh companies.

Fig.17 Dynamics of manganese production in Russia, thousand tons

Almost 95% of domestic Russian consumption of manganese ore and about 60% of manganese alloys is met by imports, although Russia's ferroalloy production capacities make it possible to fully supply the country's metallurgical enterprises with manganese products.

Fig.18 Dynamics of import and production of marketable manganese ore in Russia, thousand tons

Fig.19 Dynamics of Russian imports of manganese alloys, thousand tons

90% of manganese products are used in steel smelting, so its consumption directly depends on the situation in the steel industry. It is assumed that by 2010 the consumption of manganese products in Russia will increase by 30%. In the foreseeable future, the country's ferrous metallurgy will not be able to do without the import of manganese raw materials and products, but it is necessary to streamline the supply of ferroalloys from the CIS countries.

Manganese raw materials in Russia are extremely scarce, their reserves are small, and the quality is low. The presence of predictive resources of high categories makes it possible to count on the discovery of new manganese-bearing objects, primarily in the Kemerovo Region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Development and implementation of new resource- and energy-saving technological schemes beneficiation of ores and the production of manganese alloys (including ferroalloys from low-grade high-phosphorus raw materials) will make it possible to profitably develop existing facilities - primarily two large deposits: Usinskoye in the Kemerovo Region and Porozhinskoye in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Both of them are in the unallocated subsoil fund. Their speedy licensing is in the federal interests: the development of these deposits would allow in the first 3-5 years to satisfy about 50%, and in subsequent years - up to 80% of the demand of domestic metallurgy in raw manganese ore. ..

manganese ores

(a. manganese ores; n. Manganerze; f. minerais de manganese; and. minerales de manganeso) - natural mineral formations containing in such compounds and concentrations, at which their prom. use is technically possible and economically feasible. present in ores as dec. oxide compounds, carbonates, silicates. Main prom. oxide ores, represented by pyrolusite, psilomelane, cryptomelane, manganite, hausmanite, brownite, hollandite, coronadite, bixbyite, nsutite, burnessite, todorokite, and others. Carbonate ores containing calcium, manganocalcite, and other minerals are of subordinate importance. silicate, preim. quartz-rhodonite-bustamite and spessartine ores, as a rule, contain an increased amount of silica, are mechanically difficult to enrich, and therefore their use is difficult. Greater value have their oxidized differences.
By genesis among M. p. allocate (map) sedimentary, volcanogenic, metamorphosed deposits, deposits of weathering.

Sedimentary deposits are subdivided into proper sedimentary and volcanogenic-sedimentary. Typical representatives of the actual sedimentary deposits (exogenous ore components - redeposition of the weathering crust, erosion products of the feeding land, underwater) - Lower Oligocene deposits of Ukraine (Nikopol, Bolshetokmakskoe, etc.), Georgia (Chiaturskoe, etc.), Paleocene deposits east slope of the north. Ural and others. The scale of ore content is large - approx. 50-75% of stock M. p. continents. The largest prom. of value are oxide and oxidized ores (psilomelane-pyrolusite and manganite) containing (%) Mn 23.4-52.0, Fe 2 O 3 0.90-2.3, FeO 0.20-0.63, P 2 O 5 0.321-0.686, as well as carbonate ores, predominantly. rhodochrosite and mangano-calcite ores containing (%) Mn 11.4-25.2, Fe 2 O 3 0.3-1.0, FeO 0.5-1.2, P 2 O 5 0.314-0.466 (Nikopol , Chiatura deposit). Carbonate ores are usually formed during diagenesis at relatively great depths, under oxygen deficient conditions, sometimes accompanied by hydrogen sulfide fermentation. An example of volcanic-sedimentary deposits (endogenous source of ore components - exhalations, etc.) can be stratified deposits of iron and M. p. into the sea siliceous-carbonate strata of the Famennian age of Atasu p-to Center. Kazakhstan. B M.p. Volcanic-sedimentary and hydrothermal genesis often show significant concentrations of Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Ba, Zn, Ag, and other metals. The association of iron-manganese and barite-lead-zinc mineralization is characteristic. According to the predicted reserves of high quality. phosphorous-free M. p. (approx. 300 million tons, 1980) deposits of this type occupy the 3rd place in the CCCP, after the actual sedimentary deposits. B South In Africa, the largest sedimentary-volcanogenic deposit of the Kalahari (reserves of 7.5 billion tons with Mn content of St. 30%), the Transvaal supergroup of the lower. Proterozoic; ores are represented by Ch. arr. brownite. Among the manganese formations, cryptomelanite-coronadite-hollandite, brownite and brownite-gausmanite ores are common, in the oxidation zone - psilomelanic, psilomelane-vernadite ores. The ores are characterized by a high content of Mn (16-50%, cp. 40%) with an R content of less than 0.03% and varying amounts of Fe.
Among volcanogenic deposits, hydrothermal and contact-metasomatic deposits are distinguished. deposit. M.p. these types of essential prom. do not matter, but in some cases they can be facial types in a series of volcanogenic - volcanogenic-sedimentary deposits of manganese, for example. vein bodies in the group of iron-manganese ores of the Atasu p-on the Center. Kazakhstan, Sapal deposit Cp. Ural.
Characteristic representatives of metamorphosed deposits (regional and sedimentary and volcanogenic ore accumulations) are the deposits of India, represented by metamorphosed Precambrian sedimentary formations, partially enriched in the lateritization zone (the deposits of the Sausar group of the manganese ore belt of the states of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra) . Layers of oxide ores (, bixbyite, jacobsite) alternately interspersed with manganese oxide-silicate rocks (gondites), crystalline. shales, quartzites altered to the greenschist-amphibolite stage. In rocks of the Khondalite group, layers of oxide manganese ores are enclosed in strata metamorphosed to granulite facies (Andhra Pradesh and Orissa states). Deposits similar in type are known among the Precambrian formations of the African (the deposits of Ghana, South Africa) and the Brazilian shields (the deposits of Brazil); M.p. characterized very well. reserves (hundreds of million tons).
Among the deposits of the weathering crust, residual accumulations and products of their local redeposition (such as laterites, deep leaching) and infiltration are distinguished. education. M.p. residual type are usually developed from deposits that are initially poor in manganese in the tropical zone. weathering: deposit Zap. Africa (Mwanda in Gabon, Nsuta in Ghana, Ziemugul in Cote d'Ivoire), Australia (Groot Island), Brazil (states of Bahia, Moppy do Urukun), etc. M. p. compose minerals, pyrolusite, lithiophorite , todorokite, etc. M. p. of this type of deposits are of high quality (%): Mn 40.4-57.3; Fe 1.8-6.2; R 0.034-0.127. types are very significant (many hundreds of million tons of high-quality M. p.). Infiltration formations include a significant part of M. p. deposits p-nov, Postmasburg (South Africa). jacobsite, pyrolusite, etc.) are mainly localized in deposits that fill paleokarst cavities in the lower dolomitic suite of the Transvaal Supergroup of the Lower Proterozoic. Ores are of high quality (over 44% Mn), reserves of about 3 billion tons (in terms of metal ).
Distribution of M. p. very uneven. Ch. M. p. (50-75% of world reserves, 1981) are located in the CCCP - in the south of Ukraine (Nikopol, Bolshetokmakskoe), in Georgia (Chiaturskoe), in the Center. Kazakhstan. Abroad, the largest deposits of M. p. known in South Africa - in the Cape Prov. (Kalahari, Kuruman, Postmasburg, etc.) and in the prov. Transvaal - with reserves of more than 3 billion tons (in terms of metal). Large deposits of high quality M. p. are located in Australia (490 million tons), Gabon (450 million tons), Brazil (100 million tons), India (80 million tons), Ghana (10 million tons).
Prey M. p. carried out in the main in an open way with the use of high-performance. excavators (CCCP - Ukraine; India, etc.); underground mining methods are also used.
M.p. prom. deposits CCCP are characterized by cp. Mn contents; in oxide ore 22-27%, in carbonate ore - 16-19% at a ratio of P: Mn 0.005-0.010. In order for similar M. p. met the requirements for metallurgical. raw materials, they need to be enriched. Combined are used. methods of enrichment of M. p., to-rye allow their complex and cost-effective use in metallurgical. prom. For oxide M. p. in the USSR and abroad provide for gravitational, gravitational-magnetic enrichment of washed ore and flotation of ore washing sludge. A trace stands out. operations: initial ore up to 16-50 mm, washing, crushing washed ore up to 16-25 mm, screening crushed ore into narrow grades with subsequent enrichment of grades larger than 3 mm by jigging or by magnetic gravity scheme. Enrichment in carbonate M. p. happens following. scheme: a large class (15-3 mm) of washed carbonate ore is concentrated in a heavy medium in hydrocyclones. Intermediate products are crushed and classified according to grain size (up to 0.16 mm), subjected to electromagnetic separation, magnetic jigging. Sludges (class 0.16 mm) are enriched by the selective flotation method. The obtained concentrates of M. p. differ in grades depending on the content of Mn (top grades contain 45-49% Mn). Introduced into the industry are methods of dephosphorization in electric. silicothermic ovens. way, chemical, hydrometallurgical. and bacterial methods for dephosphorizing M. p. and concentrates.
The total world production of M. p. OK. 20-25 million tons per year. In the future, it is planned to extract iron-manganese from the bottom of the Pacific, to a lesser extent, the Indian and Atlantic oceans.
See also Manganese, Manganese ore industry. Literature: A. G., Industrial manganese ores of the CCCP, M.-L., 1946; sedimentary manganese ore process, M., 1968 (Tp. Geological Institute AH CCCP, v. 185); Varentsov I. M., Rakhmanov V. P., Manganese deposits, in the book: CCCP, 2nd ed., vol. 1, M., 1978; New data on manganese deposits CCCP, M., 1980; Frenzel G., The manganese ore minerals, in: Geology and geochemistry of manganese, v. 1, Bdpst, 1980; Ellison T. D., Manganese, "Mining Journ.", Annual Rev., 1983, p. 67-69; Beukes N. J., Palaeoenvironmental setting of iron formations in the depositional basin of the Transvaal supergroup, South Africa, in: Iron-formations: facts and problems, Amst., 1983. I. M. Varentsov.

Mountain Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991 .

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    MANGANESE ORES. Main minerals: pyrolusite (63 2% Mn), psilomelane (45 60%), manganite (62.5%), vernadite (44 52%), brownite (69.5%), hausmanite (72%), rhodochrosite (47 .8%), oligonite (23 32%), rhodonite (32 41%). Deposits by origin ... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

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