What does the name Vladik mean for a boy. What does the name Vladislav mean, behavioral features

Fashion & Style 29.06.2020

The name has the ability to shape personality traits. The meaning of the Slavic name Vladislav is "possessing glory." For the most part, the bearers of this name are famous personalities, owners of pronounced charisma and the ability to influence people.

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Vladislav is full of contrasts, distinguished by the inconsistency of nature. He has pronounced leadership qualities and easily achieves success in those areas of life that attract him.

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      Vladislav from an early age is characterized by refinement and maturity of mind. He doesn't have many real friends. It is easier for him to find a common language with girls, whose attention he is usually not deprived of.

      The owner of this name is patient, persistent and hardworking. His personality and intellect require constant development. The health of Vlad the child is rather fragile. The immune system may be weak. Hardening and sports, various trainings from childhood will only benefit him.

      • Character properties

        Hardworking, he has a sense of responsibility, justice. He is characterized by willpower, which is influenced by the very meaning of the name for the boy. An obvious feature inherent in this personality is irony, sometimes bordering on sarcasm. The character of Vladislav is rather paradoxical.

        The meaning of the name affects the properties of the individual. Vlad is most often a tactician and diplomat. He is well brought up, and often a cynic in outlook. He is not a supporter of empty disputes: he will agree, but will remain with his opinion. Likes a strong personality. Vladislavs are often charismatic and attractive.

        Relationship between seasons and personality traits

        "Winter" Vladislav is a diplomat by nature. Attentive, appreciates harmony and stability in relationships. Professional and perfectionist. Tends to be the best and choose the best for himself.

        Vlad, born in the spring, is well-groomed, gallant and neat, even pedantic. Can become a lawyer or a politician. Responsible and faithful in love.

        "Summer" Vladislavs are generous and kind. They know how to create harmony. People love them. Surrounded by female attention. However, a spouse is chosen thoughtfully and one that is congenial.

        Born in the autumn, a sense of self-esteem is largely developed. Such a person knows perfectly well what he is capable of and what he wants to achieve. The level of his ambition makes it possible to succeed quite easily.

        For him, flattery, sycophancy, insincerity are unacceptable. Vlad's directness is often perceived by others as deliberate harshness. Because of this, his fate can be difficult. This is a contrasting nature. Thus, King Vladislav of Serbia, ranked among the saints, and Vlad Tepes-Dracula, the Wallachian ruler, nicknamed the great monster, are known.


        Often has creative abilities, which provides an opportunity to be realized as an author, musician, writer. Able to reach the top by working on stage. Patient and persistent, Vlad is quite capable of making a career in politics, business, technology.

        Personal life

        A man with that name is quite romantic. In a woman, she appreciates intelligence, sensitivity, tenderness, sense of proportion, taste. He takes care of the chosen one beautifully, traditionally, although he is not a stranger to surprises and unexpected actions. In family life, usually a non-conflict person, if not provoked to do so. Vladislav really needs personal space and an environment that would not create discomfort.

        He is devoted to his loved ones. Free time trying to spend in the family. Relations with relatives usually develop harmoniously. However, the bearer of this name may have a tendency to polygamy, jealousy.

        Esoteric name

        Name colors: blue, light green. Element: flame. Planets: Jupiter, Mercury.

        As a gift for Vladislav, products of blue, light blue and brown tones are suitable. One of the name stones is topaz.

        Vladislav, born under the sign of Aries, is distinguished by a controversial nature. It is difficult for him to understand himself, to make a choice.

        Vlad-Taurus is true to what has been said, pragmatic, prudent. Brilliant analyst. He has charm and skillfully uses this quality.

        Gemini is usually thoughtful, restrained in the manifestation of feelings. They are vulnerable. They love people. Difficulty enduring relationships.

        A person born under the sign of Cancer is characterized by closeness, insecurity of personality. A companion is inclined to look for one that will be a leader in relationships, to show maternal qualities.

        Vladislav-Lev is a complex person. He is egocentric. Is in search of an ideal for the heart and mind. A rather closed nature that appreciates sincerity. Opens to those close to him.

        Difficult and Vlady-Virgo. They care about comfort. They need to be recognized and understood.

        Libra with this name is an aesthete personality, a hermit. It's hard for him to open up. Need a positive example and support.

        Scorpio is a subtle psychologist, an observer, a typical "fatal man" who is successful with the fair sex.

        Vlad - Sagittarius is prone to changeable mood. Unstable, nervous nature. Experiencing sensual unsteadiness. Capricorns are usually individualists. Cold on the outside. Protect personal space. Usually monogamous.

        Aquarians love mysteries, conquer peaks and women. They are somewhat out of this world.

        Those born under the sign of Pisces have a developed imagination, appreciate moderation. Self-critical and sacrificial.

        So, the owner of the name Vladislav:

        • The personality is paradoxical and contrasting.
        • In the majority - an esthete and a romantic.
        • The foundations of his character are laid in childhood.
        • Easy to succeed.
        • He needs to monitor the strengthening of his spirit and body.

Meaning of the name

Vladislav (Vlad) is the owner of a complex and rather contradictory character. He is firm in his decisions, strong in spirit, open and ready to cope with any troubles. At the same time, Vladislav does not know how to trust people, he often withdraws into himself, which makes it difficult to build friendly and personal relationships. This kind of ambivalence is typical for many people and is a way of adapting to life's adversities, while for Vlad it is a lifestyle.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav (Vlad)

Winter Vladislav - this is a tactful, attentive, ingenuous and diplomatic nature, which never openly conflicts, preferring to maintain friendly relations with everyone. The straightforwardness of this man often leads to the fact that others are offended by him, although not for long, because winter Vladislav has charm and incredible charm. His chosen one should be sincere, fair and feminine.

Spring Vladislav gallant, handsome, intelligent and pedantic. He approaches the solution of any issue as responsibly as possible, which helps him achieve a lot in life. This amorous man knows how to conquer women, so there are a lot of broken women's hearts in his "archive". The spring Vladislav will give his heart only to a woman who is ideal in all respects, who will be a good housewife, a wonderful life partner, and a tender lover.

Summer Vladislav - this is a good-natured, sympathetic and absolutely disinterested man who will never betray. He is loved and respected by friends, adored by relatives and appreciated by colleagues. For summer Vladislav, it is important to live in harmony with himself, because only in this case he feels truly happy. His woman should be, first of all, open and spiritually developed, while the appearance and household skills for this man belong to the category of "secondary".

Autumn Vladislav has an overly developed sense of self-esteem, he knows his own worth very well, so his life often resembles a steep ladder, which you must climb confidently and quickly if you want to achieve something. Only a wise and patient woman who knows how to love with all her heart and not demand anything in return can understand and accept such an ambitious and somewhat selfish man.

Stone - talisman

The stones protecting Vladislav are topaz, jasper and carnelian.


This stone enhances spiritual potential, increases creative and mental abilities, gives wisdom, brings love, success and prosperity to life. In addition, topaz contributes to establishing contacts and establishing mutual understanding between people, it encourages compassion, good nature and sympathy.

The people of India revere topaz as one of the nine sacred stones that help sharpen the intellect and prolong life.

Shamans from Africa use topaz in rituals to establish contact with the realm of the dead.

In the Christian tradition, topaz is considered the stone of the Apocalypse (it is this stone that is the basis of one of the 12 gates of New Jerusalem).

blue topaz sharpens the perception of reality, calms and promotes creative self-expression.

blue topaz destroys families built on lies and deceit, since any untruth is able to bring "to clean water."

golden topaz fills with vital energy, brings material well-being to life and contributes to the realization of the plan.

green topaz helps to get rid of bad thoughts.

yellow topaz awakens a creative search in a person, sharpens memory, eliminates insomnia and irritability.

brown topaz gives self-confidence, strengthens purposefulness.

pink topaz - a stone of openness, honor, dignity and selflessness.

white topaz great for focusing attention.


This stone, which improves a person and protects him from various troubles and diseases, symbolizes loyalty, devotion, honor, courage, modesty and dignity.

Jasper is a symbol of firmness of spirit and proximity to the Heavenly powers, so it is not surprising that this stone is often used in the decoration of temples to this day.

In ancient Greece, this stone was used as a protection against nightmares, damage and the evil eye.

black jasper neutralizes witchcraft spells and protects from death.

red jasper protects from injuries and all kinds of accidents, fills with energy, but at the same time increases aggressiveness in a person. Also, this stone reflects the negative attacks of ill-wishers.

gray jasper strengthens the family and promotes the establishment of trusting relationships between spouses, eliminates negativity, gives self-confidence and calms.

yellow jasper strengthens friendship.

green jasper protects against serious illnesses.

white jasper enhances the gift of clairvoyance, sharpens intuition, helps to make the right decisions in the most difficult situations. It is a stone of kindness, warmth, care.

blue jasper helps to harmonize the inner and outer worlds, restores the aura.

variegated jasper , in which a certain color does not prevail, gives new useful connections, and also teaches new knowledge.

pink jasper provides material well-being, bestows love.

brown jasper removes fears, calms nervous system, prolongs life, contributes to the acquisition of inner peace and balance.

Interesting fact! Jasper is considered the only stone capable of neutralizing all negative energy potential, as well as harmful electromagnetic radiation.


This is a talisman stone that brings happiness in love, so wedding decorations were often made from it, contributing to the rapprochement of two souls, as well as protecting against immoral acts.

Carnelian enhances eloquence, uplifting, sharpens the intellect.

It is believed that this stone is able to defeat evil forces, give courage and courage, and also protect its owner from evil. In addition, carnelian helped hardworking and talented people to get rich.

Energizing carnelian is a noble stone that relieves fatigue and neutralizes melancholy.





The element of Vladislav is Water (you can read about this element in the article).


Animal - symbol

The totem animal of Vladislav is a hare, symbolizing rebirth, ingenuity, speed, agility and intuition. In addition, since ancient times, this particular animal has been considered the personification of timidity, vital wisdom and fertility. But at the same time, the hare is a symbol of perversion and overt sexuality.

From time immemorial, the hare's paw and head have been used as a powerful talisman that protects against witches, although the hare itself often acts as a servant or ally of a witch.


Plants favorable to Vladislav are linden and carnation.


This fragrant tree symbolizes femininity, softness and tenderness. Linden leaves, which are heart-shaped, are associated with cordiality.

Western Slavs revered linden as a parent tree, since it was used in the manufacture of clothes, shoes and household utensils. Thus, the linden accompanied a person throughout his life.


In the Christian tradition, the carnation symbolizes spirituality and understanding of higher love, which does not require anything in return. According to legend, it was the carnation that blossomed on the birthday of Jesus Christ.

pink carnation - a symbol of motherhood.

white carnation - the personification of pure and sublime love.

Red clove symbolizes sensuality.

yellow carnation - a sign of neglect or refusal.


Vladislav's metal is bronze, symbolizing fortitude, power, strength, courage and courage. Also, our ancestors believed that this metal is able to protect its owner from any negative impact.

auspicious day


Origin of the name Vladislav (Vlad)

Name translation

From the Old Slavic language, the name Vladislav is translated as "possessing glory", "glorified".

Name history

The name Vladislav, which is the Old Russian form of the name Volodislav, is derived from the words "vlad" (own), as well as "slav" (glory).

According to another version, the name Vladislav has Polish roots and is translated as "good ruler".

Finally, some linguists believe that Vladislav is a tracing-paper of the German name Waldemar, consisting of two roots: for example, walta is translated as "reign", and mari - as "famous".

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Vladislav: Vladya, Vladik, Vadya, Vlad, Vladulya, Vladushka, Ladya, Vadya, Slava, Vladka, Slavik, Slavunya, Slavusya, Vladislavka, Vladislavchik, Vladis, Valdis, as well as Vladyusha, Vladushka and Vladusya.

The legend of the name Vladislav (Vlad)

Vladislav of Serbia, who ascended the throne in 1230, was the son of King Stefan of Serbia. The crowned king Vladislav was Saint Sava - the founder of the independent Serbian Church. The first thing Vladislav did when he ascended the throne was to build a new monastery in a village called Mileshevo.

When the Monk Sava died, Vladislav did everything possible to transport the relics of St. Sava from the Bulgarian city of Tarnovo to Mileshevo. When this happened, it turned out that the relics of the saint have the miraculous power of healing.

The seven-year reign of Vladislav of Serbia knew both ups and downs, but despite this, Vladislav himself was always distinguished by kindness, disinterestedness and mercy. The prince died and was buried in a monastery in Mileshev.

The secret of the name Vladislav

name patrons

Vladislav's patron is Prince Vladislav of Serbia.

Interesting fact! The name Vladislav originally belonged to the pagans. But after Stefan Vladislav I was canonized, this name acquired a full church status.

Angel Day (name day)

Famous people

Famous actors named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Strzhelchik;
  • Vladislav Galkin;
  • Vladislav Dvorzhetsky;
  • Vladislav Vetrov;
  • Vladislav Abashin;
  • Vladislav Demchenko.

Famous composers named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Shpilman;
  • Vladislav Zaremba;
  • Vladislav Uspensky.

Famous journalists named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Listyev;
  • Vladislav Starkov.

Famous athletes named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Tretiak - Soviet hockey player, goalkeeper;
  • Vladislav Radimov is a Russian football player.

Famous directors named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Starevich;
  • Vladislav Vanchura.

Famous writers and poets named Vladislav:

  • Vladislav Syrokormlya;
  • Vladislav Khodasevich;
  • Vladislav Bronevsky;
  • Vladislav Reymont;
  • Vladislav Aristov.

The meaning of the name Vladislav

For a child

Vlad is a very impressionable boy who does not have a soul in his mother (looking ahead, I would like to note that he carries a careful and tactful attitude towards the fair sex through his whole life). At the same time, his attachment to his mother does not lead to the fact that a "sissy" or "henpecked" subsequently grows out of him.

Vladislav has an innate sense of beauty, which parents should develop in him (he draws beautifully, understands music since childhood, loves to read).

Vladislav's sophistication, his childish independence and good nature have both children and adults. This boy captivates with his openness and selflessness, he will never leave a friend in trouble, so his peers value his good disposition, and even more so friendship. And, of course, this little cavalier and gentleman enjoys special attention among girls.

A good memory, a developed mind, diligence, perseverance and patience help Vladislav to perfectly absorb new information, so the school curriculum is given to him without any problems. Teachers "do not know the trouble" with this quick-witted student who shows great promise.

For teenager

Young Vladislav is smart, diligent and attentive. He is not attracted by the search for easy ways to solve complex problems. On the contrary, he is ready to spend a lot of time and effort to independently find a way out of this or that situation. But if he fails to cope with the task on his own, then Vlad will ask for help without hesitation.

People around mistakenly believe that open and sparkling Vlad is a simpleton who can impose his opinion. Believe me, this is far from the case, because nothing will make this strong-willed young man change his mind or decision.

FROM young years Vladislav is very self-critical, so you cannot win his friendship through flattery. This young man has an overdeveloped sense of justice, he is honest and decent, therefore he leaves any situation with his head held high and self-esteem.

But, as they say, there are no ideal people in the world, and Vlad is no exception. So, among the negative traits of his character are the following: callousness (even cruelty), stubbornness, vanity. And one more thing: often the irony of Vladislav's statements and his straightforwardness hurt those around him, but he rarely cares.

It is important for Vlad to be interesting, because it is in communication that he opens up, becomes relaxed and feels at ease. He generally does not tolerate loneliness, which depresses him.

For a man

Adult Vladislav is responsible, decisive, ambitious and non-conflict (he would rather leave the conversation than defend his opinion to the point of hoarseness in his voice).

Behind irony and mockery, this man hides a vulnerable soul into which he prefers not to let anyone in. Even the closest people are not always able to understand the train of thought of Vlad, who surrounds himself with an aura of some mystery and mystery.

Vladislav is a real leader, in whose character there is both fortitude, and firmness of character, and patience, and diplomacy. It is not surprising that in life he achieves a lot, and no one will dare to reproach Vlad for hypocrisy, lies or non-compliance with moral and ethical standards established in society. So, Vlad will definitely succeed where others simply give up.

It should be noted that Vlad's natural sensitivity, his kindness and responsiveness are the qualities that both help him and hinder him. Undoubtedly, such people have many friends, but there are also many who want to use kindness for their own selfish purposes. For this reason, in order to avoid disappointment, Vladislav should approach the choice of his environment as responsibly and legibly as possible.

It is impossible not to say about the inflated self-esteem of Vlad, who can rarely objectively assess his capabilities. In addition, Vladislav is envious and touchy.

Description of the name Vladislav


Vladislav tries to adhere to those moral standards that exist in society. But if the principles prevent him from breaking into the world of big business, then Vlad can give up on them (albeit slightly).


Vlad has excellent health, but it is still necessary to pay special attention to the digestive tract.

The daily routine and good nutrition will help Vladislav avoid digestive problems.


The refined nature of Vladislav does not accept rudeness and rudeness, therefore sharp women with a masculine character do not attract him at all, but, on the contrary, repel him. In addition, he has a sharply negative attitude towards those representatives of the fair sex who have bad habits (abuse alcohol or smoke).

Vlad will fall in love with a sensitive, gentle, sincere and even defenseless woman, whom he will gladly protect from the vicissitudes of fate.

He will cherish and cherish his chosen one, because this monogamous man chooses his life partner very carefully. Vlad will not look for "adventure on the side", because he considers such behavior low and unprincipled for a family man (although Vladislav may have relationships with several women at once before marriage).


In addition to a calm and balanced character, an important factor in choosing a life partner for Vlad is the appearance of a woman. The fact is that this conceited man gets real pleasure from the fact that his beautiful wife is liked by others and enjoys the attention of other men. But jealous Vlad will not allow flirting or flirting with his soulmate.

Vladislav for a long time does not dare to part with the bachelor lifestyle, because it is difficult for him to come to terms with the restriction of freedom and the obligations that he will have to take upon himself by entering into new life called "family".

It is interesting that Vlad can marry not only for love, but also for convenience, since the material well-being of the family is extremely important for him. But no matter what motives this man will be guided by when choosing his companion, he will never initiate a divorce.

Family relationships

Vladislav is the dream of any woman who wants to create a strong, reliable and harmonious marriage. Vlad is a real homebody who likes to spend evenings at home with his beloved family, while he is absolutely not interested in noisy parties. He helps his wife run the household, not considering it shameful or shameful.

It is also important that Vladislav belongs to the category of faithful husbands who do not even think about treason. But his beloved woman must remember that scandals and insults can still cause Vlad to seek solace on the side.

The owner of this name also shows his leadership qualities in family life, but you cannot call him a domestic dictator or a tyrant: he knows how to put everything on the shelves and lead the household to the fact that it is his decision of this or that issue that is correct.

Vlad is strongly attached to his children, who love him and cherish his disposition and respect.


Vladislav early learns all the charms of an intimate life, and initially he treats sex as a biological necessity, so his youthful relationships seem chaotic. With age, Vlad becomes more selective in terms of choosing a partner, who must have not only an attractive appearance, but also a mind.

Diversity in the intimate sphere is a guarantee that Vlad will completely and completely surrender to a single woman. If you want to lose this man once and for all, then it is enough to let him know that he is only a tool for getting pleasure.

Mind (intelligence)

Vlad has a flexible and curious mind, ready for new discoveries and achievements.


Hardworking, diligent and responsible Vladislav belongs to that small category of people who can perfectly prove themselves in any profession and industry, be it engineering, construction, design, sports. However, the owner of this name will be able to get real pleasure if he realizes his creative abilities (Vlad will make an excellent musician, artist, writer, artist, photographer, psychologist or teacher).

Vlad quickly climbs the career ladder thanks to his leadership qualities, concentration, thoughtfulness, practicality and the ability to make informed decisions.

I must say that as a performer, Vlad is stubborn and obligatory, while as a boss he is demanding, but at the same time fair and objective, for which he is respected by colleagues and management.


Vladislav knows how to see the whole picture as a whole, which helps him become a successful businessman, whose business is simply doomed to success. He is purposeful, ambitious, diligent and hardworking, and if he is also passionate about what he loves, then he is unlikely to be equal in business.


Vladislav is a very talented man with a developed sense of beauty, so he is well versed in music, literature and painting. In addition, this man gets real pleasure from communicating with interesting and educated people.

Character type

Vladislav is predominantly choleric, about the features of the character of which can be read in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life".


Responsive, kind and vulnerable, Vladislav is extremely sensitive to any injustice, but he does not always succeed in defending the truth, because this often requires sharpness and rudeness, which are not characteristic of the owner of this name.

He takes a philosophical approach to any trouble, although he tries to analyze the situation in order to get the most out of it.

Despite his touchiness, Vlad is able not only to understand, but also to forgive his offender, especially if he turned out to be close person. In general, Vladislav knows how to listen, empathize and sympathize. And although his advice often lacks everyday practicality, they are always sincere.

One of Vlad's shortcomings is pride (he always strives to be the first, so he does not stop improving himself, while forgetting about a good rest).


Vlad is used to relying solely on his sharp mind, so he absolutely does not use his intuition, which is well developed in him.

Horoscope named after Vladislav

Vladislav - Aries

This man seems to be woven from contradictions: he longs to be in the spotlight, but at the same time closes in on himself, finding himself in a noisy company; he wants to create strong family but avoid long-term relationships. Vladislav-Aries is very difficult to understand, because his mood, desires and thoughts change hourly. The ideal woman of this man should be patient, calm and ready for the fact that for the sake of love she will have to sacrifice her desires.

Vladislav - Taurus

This is the owner of an analytical mind and a vivid imagination, which helps Vladislav-Taurus to take leaps and bounds towards his goal. In addition, this man is accustomed to clearly calculate all his actions, he is pragmatic and reasonable, although he is capable of spontaneous actions. The woman of the charming and courteous Vladislav-Taurus, who must have a strong and strong-willed character, can be sure that his words will never go wrong with deeds.

Vladislav - Gemini

The restraint and thoughtfulness of Vladislav-Gemini can only be envied. His actions are always balanced and thoughtful, while this man hides his feelings and emotions behind an impenetrable mask of coldness and restraint. Only a loving, faithful, tender and sensitive woman will be able to discern in the harsh and tough Vladislav-Gemini a man with a broad soul and a big heart, capable of sincerely and passionately loving.

Vladislav - Cancer

This is a vulnerable and distrustful man who lacks self-confidence. Vladislav-Rak enthusiastically takes on several things at once, but any obstacle that gets in his way leads to the fact that he "gives up" his hands.

In his beloved woman, Vladislav-Rak is subconsciously looking for a mother and protector who will support him in difficult times, comfort, protect and inspire confidence in himself. But not every woman will be able to devote her life to the "education" of her husband.

Vladislav - Leo

Passions are constantly raging in this temperamental and impulsive man, he is simply oversaturated with emotions that do not always have positive energy, which is why Vladislav-Leo is threatened with nervous exhaustion. Moreover, this man is very vain and ambitious, he is accustomed to the fact that he is surrounded by all the best. So the chosen one of Vladislav-Leo should be an ideal (and even unearthly) woman, otherwise he will not appreciate either the thriftiness, or affection, or care of his companion.

Vladislav - Virgo

This is a person with a rather complex character, who is driven by exclusively selfish motives: for example, in any situation, Vladislav-Virgo will think about himself and the benefits that he can derive. Such a position will help him reach certain heights, but on the way to his triumph, he will lose both friends and love. By the way, Vladislav-Virgo marries more often by calculation, because he considers feelings and sentiments a useless waste of spiritual resources.

Vladislav - Libra

This is a man with a fine mental organization who needs solitude. Vladislav-Libra is used to analyzing everything and looking for the meaning of life in everything. But he is not capable of decisive action, because he is afraid to make a mistake and hurt others. In matters of love, Vladislav-Libra is also shy, timid and withdrawn, which prevents him from building relationships. A sensual woman will understand this man, who can become his friend first of all.

Vladislav - Scorpio

This seductive, charming and observant man is truly cunning: he carefully studies people, and then uses their own shortcomings against them. It is not surprising that Vladislav-Scorpio is afraid, and he has no friends at all. In relations with women, he is capricious, harsh and even rude. Vladislav-Scorpio loves to conquer women, but having achieved what he wants, he shamelessly "says goodbye" to his chosen one, leaving her alone with a broken heart.

Vladislav - Sagittarius

This is a person of mood who goes from unreasonable sadness to unrestrained fun. Today Vladislav-Sagittarius looks to the future with optimism and hope, and tomorrow he is overcome by a real depression. In general, it is difficult for this man to establish contact with people. In relations with the opposite sex, he is also unpredictable, so his partner will have to be patient, which will help her put up with attacks of his jealousy or, on the contrary, complete indifference.

Vladislav - Capricorn

Calm, pragmatic and cold-blooded Vladislav-Capricorn rarely opens up to people (on the contrary, he tries to stay away from the rest). And all for the reason that often his views on life do not coincide with the opinion of the majority, while Vladislav-Capricorn is not going to prove anything to anyone. This man is monogamous, so he has one love and for life.

Vladislav - Aquarius

This man has a refined nature, striving for the sublime. His element is philosophy, solving various mysteries and self-knowledge. Vladislav-Aquarius eagerly takes on new cases, and the more difficult they are, the better. He is attracted strong women who do not give up without a fight, who must be pursued stubbornly. In general, the life of Vladislav-Aquarius is an eternal struggle, from which he often comes out victorious.

Vladislav - Pisces

Self-digging, a tendency to self-sacrifice, self-irony and self-criticism are inherent in Vladislav, born under the sign of Pisces. This man with an extremely developed imagination makes life difficult for himself, although he may well live calmly and quietly. A tender, soft and sensitive woman who will surround Vladislav-Pisces with care and love will be able to bring peace and tranquility into his being.

Vladislav name compatibility with female names

Vladislav and Olga

This is a union of adventurers who love risk and expect thrills from life.

Vladislav and Natalia

In this tandem, Natasha strives to be in the center of everyone's attention, which is not liked by the shy, but at the same time jealous Vladislav, who wants to live calmly and amicably. He wants to build a family, while she is not yet ready for this.

Vladislav and Marina

Love of freedom and independence prevent Vladislav and Marina from building long-term and happy relationship based on trust. Often one of the partners is not ready for compromises, which breaks the family idyll and destroys this union.

Vladislav and Maria

The emotional and impulsive Vladislav finds it hard to find a common language with the quick-tempered and temperamental Maria, who expects new sensations from marriage. For Vlad, the family is a daily work on oneself and relationships.

Vladislav and Svetlana

Vlad and Svetlana have a lot in common: goals, interests, and sexual compatibility. If both take care of each other, keep and protect their feelings, then they will be able to create a strong union.

Vladislav and Christina

They say about Vlad and Kristina that they are residents different planets, therefore, when their paths intersect, a real feeling rarely flares up between them, which is able to survive all life's hardships.

Vladislav and Victoria

In this amazing couple, Vlad and Vika feel truly happy, because their relationship is stability, self-development, common interests, and the energy of both partners who do not quarrel over trifles.

Vladislav and Ksenia

For Ksenia and Vladislav, family happiness is calmness, regularity and stability.

They are slowly, but at the same time very confidently moving towards their goal, hand in hand overcoming all the troubles.

Vladislav and Yana

In a pair of Yana and Vladislav, love reigns, which nothing can destroy. This couple is strong in mutual understanding and trust, so it’s easy for them to go through life together. This union is blessed from above for a long and happy life.

Vladislav and Nadezhda

Affection, care and tenderness are the components on which the union of Vladislav and Nadezhda is based, and in this tandem a man often acts as a comforter to his vulnerable companion, who reacts sharply to any criticism.

Vladislav and Alina

Vlad wants simple family happiness, the components of which are a delicious dinner, a smart wife, home comfort and wonderful children. But Alina first of all wants to build successful career, which can destroy this union.

Vladislav and Daria

Both partners cannot stand loneliness, so creating a family for them is an ideal solution that allows you to surround yourself with loved ones and care. In general, Vlad and Daria are a very interesting union in which there is no place for misunderstanding and boredom.

Vladislav and Alena

This impeccable relationship is "blessed from above", therefore, quarrels rarely arise between Vlad and Alena, not to mention serious scandals that can lead to the breakup of a couple.

Vladislav and Alexandra

This is a short-term and fragile union in which Vlad and Alexandra cannot (and do not want to) put up with each other's shortcomings, which is why quarrels and scandals constantly flare up between them. Most often, it is the woman who initiates the breakup.

Vladislav and Valeria

In this pair, the temperamental Valeria does not know how to control her emotions, so conflicts arise "from scratch" and develop into an enchanting scandal. Vlad is not satisfied with such family relations, and he leaves.

Vladislav and Irina

Open and sincere Vladislav appreciates in his Irina a cheerful disposition and a wonderful sense of humor. If there are quarrels between them, they quickly forget about them, and even more so they do not harbor resentment against each other.

Vladislav and Veronica

Pride and stubbornness prevent Veronica from building a harmonious family life in which wife and husband are one. Being a leader, Vlad is also in no hurry to give up his positions. As a result, there is a constant destructive struggle for power in the family.

Vladislav is an ancient Slavic name. It means "endowed with glory", or "glorious mistress". Derived from male name Vladislav: so in Ancient Russia often called princes, nobles and nobles. The female counterpart has also become aristocratic - the name of Vladislav. Its origin and significance is directly related to fame and nobility, which is why it sounds solemn, and endows its mistress with such character traits as seriousness and pride.


Little Vlada or Lada often looks like her father, but she gets her mother's character. Possessing a weak immune system, the girl often gets sick. In kindergarten and school, she manages to pick up all known childhood infections, from the common cold to mumps and chickenpox. Parents should show maximum patience until the baby's body gets stronger and begins to fight back against diseases.

Vladislava is very shy and silent. The meaning of the name affects the character: she feels special, so she proudly, but willingly spends time alone. Avoids strangers, rarely participates in the games of his peers. Vlada is a "home" girl. She loves to spend time with her parents, especially when they read fairy tales to her. Having learned to read and write, the baby herself willingly sits down for books. She is a diligent student, she has no problems at school. The female name Vladislav, whose meaning and origin has royal roots, endows the baby with many talents and abilities. She has a good ear, voice, plasticity. Therefore, Lada must be given to music school or dance club.


Vladislav, who has grown up, is practically no different from a little girl. The meaning of the name - "possessing fame" - is reflected in its bearer. She is impregnable, as if she is on the royal throne, to which only the chosen persons are allowed to approach. People often call her proud and arrogant. But that's not the case at all. Behind the solid wall that a young girl built to separate herself from outside world, lies docile, even too submissive and vulnerable person. She is reserved and spends a lot of time at home. She has many friends, but she truly opens her soul and heart to only one. Girls often invite her to a disco, but Vlad rarely agrees to keep them company.

Being a good student, she reads a lot. In her room, instead of soft toys inherent in other young girls, almost all the free space is occupied by books and encyclopedias. Thanks to the knowledge gained, she easily enters the university. Those Vladislavs who devoted themselves to music choose the conservatory.


What does the name Vladislav mean, we have already found out. But how does it affect her future life? It turns out that, having become an adult, a woman no longer fences herself off from the world, does not consider herself a black sheep. On the contrary, having taken off from the parental nest, Vlad dives headlong into an independent life. When making important decisions, she is guided by the prompts of intuition and inner voice, discarding the logic and arguments of the mind. The people around no longer avoid the woman, considering her arrogant. After all, Vladislava learned to open up to people: she no longer looks like that lonely girl who looked away if strangers spoke to her.

Lada is friendly and sociable. She is well-read, so she can support a conversation on any topic. Tolerant and reliable, she also remains a bit wary of new people. This is due to its sensitivity to any external influence. She brilliantly manages to avoid problems and unpleasant troubles in life.


The meaning of the name Vladislav for a girl is very high. It says: "Glorious mistress", therefore, endows its owner with royal character traits, which are especially evident in a career. Vlad is persistent and stubbornly moving towards his goal. She is not afraid of work, on the contrary, she gives her all of herself. Hard work and the desire to achieve the most productive result often make her an avid workaholic.

People are very attracted to women. She supports her colleagues, helps them. They appreciate Lada for good advice and non-repudiation. Often she becomes a leader in a team, no one can organize the work of personnel and the enterprise better than her. Based on this, she can easily become a director or manager, administrator or manager. The management sphere is what Vlada needs. It also makes a good doctor or nurse, teacher, architect, fashion designer, engineer, salesman. The main criterion for choosing a profession is feedback: Vladislava prefers those activities that involve working with people.

Love and marriage

Vladislav ... The meaning of the name of the child subsequently affects his personal life. Like royalty, a woman easily copes with work, the functions of a leader, while remaining completely defenseless in domestic affairs. She does not know how to arrange her life, she is terrified of the kitchen and hates to clean up the house. But if she comes across an understanding and patient man who will endure all hardships, Vlad will gradually learn to be a good wife. She will never become a diligent hostess, but she will be able to awaken her dormant culinary talents.

Lada is liked by men. Beautiful girl, naive and kind, like a child, attracts the enchanted glances of the stronger sex. But this is only the first impression. Later, the men are confronted by her desire to be the leader, even in relationships. Having a princely name, Vladislav behaves like a queen at home. She sets her own rules, demands a lot from her soulmate. Frightened by such pressure, men often run away from a woman, so she marries late. Lada's chosen one is a wise and calm person, often much older than his wife. A woman loves children and easily finds a common language with them.


As already mentioned, at an early age, Vlada often visits doctors. She usually takes colds. Parents, in order to strengthen her immunity, often need to take the girl to the sea. Salty air has a very positive effect on the health of the child: after such a rest, she is less susceptible to diseases. To improve Vlada's health, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, pressure chambers are also recommended. Any procedures will only benefit, and in the future the girl will be able to boast of strength and endurance.

The name of Vladislav endows its owner with some vulnerabilities. She is not allowed to smoke. To strengthen her lungs, she should do sports: run long distances, as well as swim and attend aerobics classes. It is also worth paying attention to the liver and kidneys. Vlada needs to limit the consumption of alcohol, smoked and spicy foods. Instead, include more vegetables, seafood, and whole grains in your diet.

Vlads born at different times of the year

They really are very different in character and habits. Active and resolute - "winter" Vladislav. The meaning of the name "famous" in this case is displayed on the owner's lifestyle: she is strict, knows her own worth, is always specific and purposeful. Attentive to people, friendly, which is what it requires from them. Educated.

"Summer" Lada, on the contrary, is unfriendly, very difficult to communicate, contradictory. She cannot establish contact even with close relatives, although she has a generous soul and a kind heart. With a partner, she is cold, not prone to romance and sentimentality. Often sacrifices work for the sake of raising children.

More prudent and pragmatic - "autumn" Vladislav. The meaning of the name - "possessing glory" - suits her very well. Like royalty, she is a strategist, knows what she wants and boldly goes to her dream. "Spring" Lada loves passionate novels. Intimate relationships are an important part of her life. She is terribly jealous and demands complete submission from her partner.

What does the name Vladislav mean? "Glorified", "possessing glory"... Such a royal name will suit a girl born under the sign of the king of beasts - Leo. Under his influence, she will discover in herself such character traits as assertiveness, fortitude, determination. "Lioness" -Lada is able to achieve a lot in life. The name goes well with the zodiac sign Cancer. Such women are usually open, energetic and kind. If the child was born Pisces or Aquarius, you can also call him Vlada. These signs lack leadership qualities, the lack of which compensates for the name.

Vladislav's name day is celebrated on the day when Vladislav also - October 7th. According to the Catholic calendar, the day of the angel is April 2. A woman should wear jewelry made of topaz, which will help reveal her many-sided character, or lapis lazuli, a symbol of success and personal development. Vlada's color is blue, blue or turquoise. Famous personalities who bore this name: actress Vladislava Saurenko, Polish pianist Vladislava Markevichuvna, musician Vladislava Malakhovskaya and others.

You should begin to describe the meaning of the name Vladislav by indicating the fact that this name is distinguished by the presence of roots that go deep into the history of the Slavic tribes. In translation, the name Vladislav means "owner of glory." But this is only one version of the appearance of this name.

According to a completely different theory, the name Vladislav has Polish roots and in the language of this people means "good ruler." Apart from male version there is also female type, namely the name of Vladislav. The diminutive version of the name Vladislav sounds like Lada, which over time has become an independent name for women.

This article will give the maximum detailed description this courageous, beautiful and solid name in every aspect of his life. Consider the character of a man named Vladislav, his attitude to family, career, as well as his behavior in love relationships. So let's get started.

Characteristics of the name Vladislav

Continuing to consider the meaning of the name Vladislav, we can say with full confidence that this man is a very gifted, versatile person. The bulk of people consider a man named Vladislav to be a rather simple nature, which in fact is not entirely true. This is due to the fact that it is rather problematic for a man named Vladislav to impose his own opinion, even by putting pressure on this person.

At the same time, a man named Vladislav does not seek to prove the correctness of his own point of view with maximum perseverance, while he does not want to enter into various discussions and disputes, though he will not refuse the opinion expressed. The man, named Vlad, is a strong, powerful and strong-willed person. In other words, if a man named Vladislav decides to do something, then he uses everything own forces to achieve what was planned.

The man, named Vlad, has a different line of behavior, both in his family and in the midst of a society of comrades. A man named Vladislav will share his own problems only with those who deserve his trust, then such a person can easily count on the maximum openness of this person. It is simply impossible to become a close friend of a man named Vladislav if he hears only flattering words and laudatory odes from you.

Revealing the meaning of the name Vladislav, it should be noted that this nature does not avoid the truth at all and is happy to hear it. The self-esteem of a man named Vlad will never allow this personality to sink in the eyes of any person, especially his own. Almost every man named Vlad is a pretty successful person.

Vlad's character traits

The man, named Vladislav, is endowed by nature with such leadership qualities as mental talent, assertiveness, the ability to make the right decisions, as well as the ability to distinguish the picture of the world as a whole. Absolutely every man named Vladislav strives to be important person, it is for this reason that he prefers such a field of activity as politics or energy.

The man, named Vlad, could easily be a successful scientist, but this nature needs results immediately, and not in the distant and foggy future. As a man, Vlad is very considerate. Before presenting a present to his beloved, he will make every effort to find out what she really wants to have as a gift. True, he will not stand on ceremony with his sisters and brothers. This is the main secret of the name Vladislav, associated with the relationship in the family.

In other words, if something is unknown to a man named Vladislav, he will not hesitate to directly ask them. The man, named Vlad, treats children with love, is distinguished by considerable tolerance and sometimes resembles a nanny. True, Vlad will not be enough for a long time, for this reason, at the slightest opportunity, he will “dump” such a burden on someone else, and he himself will take on a more exciting activity.

Vlad's childhood

To begin to describe the meaning of the name Vladislav for a boy, one should indicate the fact that almost all character traits of a child are aimed at respect and love for the mother. If you fast forward a few years, you can see what kind of attitude of care, tenderness a man named Vlad will keep for all the women he encounters. True, one should not think that this behavior towards women will make Vlad dependent on them.

While still a child, Vlad's character will begin to take shape, which in the future will allow him to be wonderful, both as a father of a family and as a spouse. Most often, the child Vlad turns out to be very talented, comprehensively developed, he is able to really get carried away with literature, music, and painting. Usually Vlad is a completely independent, responsible, kind and honest child.

From the very early years Vlad is characterized by a sharp mind, excellent imagination, and extreme perseverance. It is for this reason that training is given to Vlad with particular ease. The boy simply loves to solve difficult problems, to deal with all sorts of difficulties, to find a way out of the most diverse circumstances of his still young life. Such a child is not shy; when he needs someone's help, he will ask for it. It is this meaning of the name Vlad that makes him a wonderful child.

From an early age, Vlad is distinguished by the presence of powerful willpower, which largely prevents him from influencing his decision-making. True, such a trait of his character over time can become ordinary stubbornness or obstinacy. The most characteristic features of the boy's character are decency, as well as a sense of duty.

Vlad, in any life situation, will support his friend, will stand up for an undeservedly offended comrade. At the same time, the boy has a quick mind, as well as a great sense of humor. Sometimes his sarcasm can hurt strangers, and Vlad himself will not attach any importance to this.

Vladislav's love relationships

It is appropriate to note here that the name Vladislav, the meaning of the name and whose fate is being considered, has the ability to communicate with the fair sex from the earliest years. This is what gives the man, named Vlad, a unique ingenuity in wooing his partner. For a young man named Vladislav, great value plays the upbringing of his chosen one, i.e. he does not need rough natures.

In addition, a man named Vladislav does not seek to continue communicating with women who smoke or abuse alcoholic beverages. His partner should combine all the most beautiful, both upbringing and external data. An important role for a man named Vladislav is played by the aroma of a woman's perfume, which is able to influence the mood of such a man.

The intelligent Vlad feels great in every society, even if his partner comes from a much more financially secure family. Casual intimacy is not for a man named Vladislav. When communicating with girls, he is very restrained, sometimes Vlad takes such a line of behavior for complete indifference. Having become a mature man, Vlad retain their demeanor. He is in no hurry to marry, first he will be convinced of the correctness of his own choice.

Vlad's family life

Most often, Vladislav, the meaning of the name, the character and whose fate is described, enters into a marriage of convenience, however, the ability to properly treat a woman provides him with a wonderful family life. The wife of a man named Vladislav must learn to respect and show interest in every undertaking of Vladislav, otherwise betrayal on his part cannot be avoided.

In turn, a man named Vladislav will never forgive his wife's betrayal, since a woman is for him the keeper of the family hearth, i.e. the main role wives - filling the home with comfort. A man named Vladislav is just an exemplary father who devotes any free minute to his family, with great joy playing new games with the kids.

A man named Vladislav does not accept strictly relations in the process of raising children, especially cruelty. great attention devotes to family festivities, prepares in advance for celebrations, tries to impress all family members, for which he will try to guess their most hidden desires.

Career and business Vlad

It should be noted that the name Vladislav, the origin and meaning of which is considered, suggests that this man is a very gifted, versatile person, in other words, he is able to reach significant heights in absolutely any profession. A man named Vladislav can easily and quite successfully engage in both his own business and quickly move up the career ladder in every area.

This is due to the fact that a man named Vladislav is characterized by extraordinary diligence, as well as a high degree perseverance in achieving the goal. The man, named Vlad, is growing quite intensively in his chosen career, because he is an excellent, serious performer, and having received a leadership position, he is an excellent boss.

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