What blooms in spring in Paris. Weather in Paris in April: temperature and street holidays

Fashion & Style 09.09.2019
Fashion & Style

June in Paris is a traditional "hot" tourist time, when the city is literally flooded with visitors, turning into a kind of small world with crowds of people of all colors and nationalities. Do you want to know what to expect from your vacation during this period of time? Then read our article on Tour-Calendar.

Weather in Paris in June

June is great for those who do not tolerate the suffocating heat. This is the best time for the long-awaited summer holidays and vacations, when quite pleasant weather. If you were not lucky enough to visit Paris in May, when a real flowering carnival was going on in it, at the beginning of the month you will still bother to catch nature sparkling with an unprecedented riot of colors that have not yet had time to dry out under the burning ultraviolet. The greenery is still juicy in spring, and the flowers delight the eye with their variegated color and delight with their diversity (unfortunately, it will not be possible to admire the candles of flowering chestnut trees that envelop the city with a magical pink haze, this miracle is observed only in the third month of spring). The air is infused with the divine smells exuded by them, carried by light gusts of wind over long distances, and is able to turn the head of everyone, especially couples who have tender feelings for each other. This time is just perfect for leisurely walks through the gardens, shady alleys and spacious parks, as well as river cruises along the Seine. Reveling in the freshness of a cool day, the Parisians enjoy the ever-warming sun and radiate so much positive energy that the visitors themselves involuntarily get charged with it. How not to fall in love with this city? Fluffy emerald lawns and lawns are becoming a favorite place for family picnics, "rolling" with a soul mate or with a favorite book, as well as sunbathing. Fortunately, the weather contributes to this in the most natural way.

A slight decrease in precipitation should be noted. They fall a little less often than in spring, but just as often as in winter. Although the showers are sudden and very stormy, often accompanied by thunderstorms, they are not at all cold and short-term. At the same time, the clouds quickly dissipate, and as if nothing had happened, clear weather prevails, which, despite all the vagaries of nature, is predominant. If you believe the weather report, the minimum number of wet days is about 10, and the maximum reaches 13. As you understand, forethought does not hurt: an umbrella should always be at hand so that, by chance, you don’t get wet to the skin. Concerning temperature regime, it is expressed as daily +17..+22°C. Of course, fluctuations both in one direction and in the other direction are not ruled out. For example, in some years uncharacteristic heat descends on Paris, and sometimes you can’t part with a jacket, because the mercury column does not want to rise above + 15 ° C. But we are in a hurry to dispel your doubts about warm clothes: they will definitely come in handy, because after sunset environment stably cools down to +12..+13°C. So that evening “outings” are not deprived of comfort, make sure that there are closed shoes in your travel luggage. Preferably sneakers or sneakers, as walking, even taking into account metro trips, will have a lot. As an addition to the wardrobe theme: it will not be superfluous to bring a panama hat or a cap and dark glasses. On days of increased activity of the heavenly body, a long stay in the open air is fraught with sunstroke.

What to do in Paris in June?

If you dreamed of plunging into the bustling and cheerful metropolitan atmosphere, such as French musicals are permeated with, then June is the most suitable period for these purposes. It is comparable to a colorful patchwork quilt, "woven" from a great mood, happy holidays, vivid impressions, lush flower beds and hordes of restless tourists. The city does not sleep during the day, when inquisitive sightseers are combing its streets up and down, nor at night, when the flywheel of evening life is launched, which does not stop until dawn. Fans of event tourism will be pleasantly surprised by the rich cultural program, and shopaholics - the season of sales starting in the last days.

Entertainment and excursions

Paris is not the city where you need to rack your brains in search of an answer to the question of how to saturate your leisure time. You just need to wander through its streets and squares, and relax. It has so many historical and architectural monuments that no matter where you turn, you will still stumble upon some remarkable object.

Just keep in mind that due to the huge queues, their visit is often stretched out in time. AT cloudy days it's good to raid the numerous galleries and exhibition centers. The magical "Night of Museums" took place back in May, but there are a few museums that don't charge admission. Among them: the House of Balzac, the Carnavalet Museum, the Cognac Jay Museum and the Museum of Romantic Life. In June, when the surroundings are literally drowning in flowers, and there is no summer heat, it's time to decide on long trips. For example, to the Palace of Versailles, where on Saturdays and Sundays there is a bewitching fountain show. With children, we recommend visiting the Tuileries Garden. An amusement park opens there from the middle of the month. And if the dates of your tour fall in the first decade, then to the outskirts of the Bois de Vincennes, where the Ferris wheel and hundreds of entertainments for your beloved children operate as part of the Throne Fair. And, of course, you should definitely visit Disney Land.

In recent days, shops and boutiques arrange generous sales. Do not miss the opportunity to update your wardrobe at reasonable prices. As soon as dusk falls on the streets of Paris, the doors of noisy cabarets and dance clubs swing open. And then the French capital fully justifies its middle name - "City of Light".

Holidays and festivals

The June calendar of cultural events and celebrations will satisfy the taste of even the most demanding traveler. Their choice is truly wide, so everyone will select for himself what he likes best. This month opens for children theater festival"Les Pestacles Festival" in the Parc Floral, in the Bois de Vincennes. Every Wednesday until September, there are exciting puppet and musical performances - great entertainment for children of all ages. By the way, there is a zoo nearby, where about 600 species of animals and 700 species of birds live, so you can safely plan a trip for the whole day. Another reason to look here, but only on the weekend, is the Esplanade du Chateau-du-Vincennes Jazz Festival, which runs until the end of July. Its audience is waiting not only for concerts, but also for spectacular parades. Stage platforms of some gardens and parks also hospitably hosted various musical events. The Saint-Denis Cathedral, which serves as the tomb of the French kings, invites you to listen to wind and classical works. The culmination of all these festivals is reached on the "Day of Music" / "Fête de la Musique", traditionally celebrated on the 21st, when it is transferred from pompous concert halls to the open sky.

On this holiday, the city sounds like one giant orchestra. To witness the performances of well-known and not very professional and amateur ensembles, it is enough to come to the Seine embankment, to Place de la Bastille or the Republic. However, those who do not have a passion for musical or theatrical art will have something to do with themselves. June 1-2 - Fête du Vélo cyclists' parade, ending on the lawns at Les Invalides with a lavish picnic. lovers tennis it will be interesting to know that the French Cup continues in June at the Roland-Garros stadium. Thousands of fans of this sport come here to see the hottest matches. In order not to waste money, come to the foot of the Eiffel Tower, where a huge screen is installed to view them. Fans of horse racing should definitely visit the Chantilly Hippodrome, those who are interested in aircraft engineering should visit the International Aerospace Show in the suburbs of Paris - Le Bourget (once every two years).

Any city has its favorable angles and those that ... not so much. Just like a human face :) And of course, everyone wants to present themselves with the most better side, which is quite understandable. For a person, the lighting and the tilt of the head will play a decisive role, and for the city - the time of year and the weather. I am often asked: when is the best time to go to Paris, and when are there the least number of tourists? Unfortunately, the first and second points do not match. And, by and large, it seems to me that there are a lot of guests here all year round. But with this, perhaps, you just need to come to terms and accept it as a given. As one of my acquaintances said after his first visit to Paris: “I don’t understand why many are surprised and annoyed at the crowds of people in tourist places. What is so strange that a huge number of people want to see one of the most beautiful cities in the world?

If you are planning a trip to Paris but have not yet decided on the dates, I hope this post will guide you.


Of course, I will start from August, because here it is - very soon, and it seems that I have never in my life been waiting for him as much as now. As I have said , last month summer is the holiday season in France. The Parisians tear their claws out of the city with all their might and go somewhere to the sea-ocean. Thanks to this, the capital is empty for four weeks, it becomes quieter and much more relaxed. I'm internally torn between a craving for a lazy beach vacation and a huge love for Parisian sunsets in August, when you can catch the feeling of an intimate rendezvous with the city by the tail. In short, come.


The exact schedule can always be Googled in 5 seconds. Winter sales this year began on January 6 and ended on February 16, and summer sales started on June 22 and will last until August 2. Of course, it is best to come during the first two weeks. And if possible, go shopping on weekdays until 16-00. Unless, of course, you suffer from an acute shortage of tactile contact with strangers in crowded stores :)


European Christmas is tons of beautiful street decorations, garlands, lighting wherever possible, shop windows, one more luxurious than the other, delicious holiday fairs and just a warm holiday atmosphere. Even though snowy winter in Paris it is extremely rare (for this they love her so much). Well, and most importantly, the season for oysters and other marine reptiles falls precisely on December-January: food counters are bursting in supermarkets, markets, and restaurants. Christmas is the best time to try your first dozen oysters (better start with 6 maximum) or lobster.


Probably, April accounts for the most massive avalanche of tourists in Paris. Why? Because everything is in bloom... Pink clouds of cherry blossoms scattered throughout the city attract people like light attracts moths. True, mostly tourists hang out near the sakura at Notre Dame, at a time when there are much more interesting and atypical locations: jardin des Plantes, a Japanese garden , So Park (pictured above and in the title of the post), Gabriel Pierne Square. But it's not just about flowering: the whole city seems to slowly straighten its back, stand up to its full height, straighten its shoulders and take a deep breath of fresh air. Every day it feels like summer is just around the corner. It doesn't matter that this feeling is very deceptive)) The locals will understand me - this year the spring was lightning fast, and the summer was late. But what's the difference, because April itself is absolutely wonderful.


And for dessert, I left my favorite month. For me personally, the most beautiful Paris is in October. This is the time when the number of shades on the trees, sidewalks and in the sky just blows your mind, honestly. I really love Paris in general, at any time of the year, but it is in October that I am here so happy that sometimes I want to cry. I'm not sure that everyone will understand this) The garden at the Rodin Museum, again - Albert Kahn's garden with sunny yellow ginkgoes, Bourbon embankment, view of the right bank from the roof of the Arab World Institute, sunsets from the Nave bridge, the aroma of chrysanthemums, the first glass of red wine on the terrace (this is my autumn tradition), openwork sunlight through the branches of flying lindens, reddish-brown-yellow walls braided with ivy in the yard and in the garden behind the building of the administrative tribunal, mountains of fallen leaves from plane trees in the Luxembourg Gardens and the deserted alley Bord de l "Eau in the Tuileries ... There is no more such a sky as in Parisian October. There are no more such viscous, relaxed walks and light, bright sadness that rolls in anticipation of winter rains.In October, Paris is still warm, very affectionate and very friendly.

Apart from all weather/seasonal/tourist factors, you need to go anywhere in the world when you want, and not when a guidebook, blogger or travel agency advises. Most best trips happen when we are ready for them, and these moments most often do not coincide with the above factors. My first Paris happened in late March/early April. I remember that it was very unexpectedly warm and few trees were in bloom. And I didn't even do half of what guidebooks tell me to do with their "top 10" and so on. Wherever we go, to pack with us, first of all, we need a light heart and wide-open eyes. Then everything new, and not just the expected, can fit in them.

11:04 p.m.: A little romance

First, the bright yellow flowers of Forsythia appear. This is a small bush, one or two meters high, it begins to bloom when there are no leaves on it yet. From afar, it looks like a huge yellow ball ... or a square, depending on the cut of the bush. It blooms so profusely that you can hardly see the branches behind the flowers. The flowering period is long, about three weeks.

And green leaves on the bush appear already at the end of flowering.

Almost simultaneously with forsythia, maybe a little later, the white Magnolia Kobus (Magnolia kobus) blooms. Its flowers have only six thin, compared to other species, petals. By the way, the plant received the name "Magnolia" in honor of the French botanist Pierre Magnol, and before that it was called: Magnolia. Then there were transformations in the Russian language, and now we say "Magnolia", and in French the name has remained "Magnolia", only with an emphasis on the last syllable.

And this is a lily-shaped magnolia (Magnolia liliflora), so named for the similarity of flowers with lilies. They also have six petals, but thicker.

And this, if I'm not mistaken, is Sulange's magnolia (Magnolia soulangeana), or Chinese magnolia.

What could be more beautiful than a blooming magnolia? Probably only Japanese cherry- sakura ( Latin name- Prunus serrulata, French - cerisier du japon). White varieties bloom first.

Then the rest will bloom.

And pale pink

There is also a plant here with flowers that look like golden pom-poms. It is called Japanese Kerria (Kerria Japonica), although in fact its homeland is China. Blooms twice a year.

While bushes and trees are just beginning to bloom, some lawns are already in full bloom.

There are lawns where only poppies grow. Before coming to France, I had never seen poppies in other colors than red. It turns out that Alpine poppies come in yellow, white, and pale pink.

And this is our native dandelion. In Russia, it has a speaking name, derived from the verb "to blow". In France, the name also says: "Pissenlit" [pissanli], only its origin is not too romantic. This name is derived from the phrase "pisser en lit", which means "piss in bed", and is given to the plant for its diuretic properties.

But this plant was among the unidentified. It is said to look like jasmine, but jasmine listed on search engines looks a little different. The plant grew along the fence and exhaled bewitchingly intoxicating aromas.

Another unidentified plant - this time a tree, all covered with these strange bright red flowers.

Paris in June is the beginning of everything: summer and steady heat, vacations and children's holidays, tourist season and gradual migration local residents, numerous festivals, tournaments and sales. Traveling to the capital of France during this period promises unforgettable impressions and exceptionally pleasant memories.

A constant companion of local residents, the continental wind is quite warm at the beginning of summer, but it brings a lot of rainy clouds to the city. So, May thunderstorms drag on here until mid-June, but do not last long. Heavy rains quickly give way to warm sunshine and clear skies.

What to take with you

The contents of a travel suitcase are largely determined not only by the season, but also by the destination. Paris in June is already quite warm for walking along its winding streets and flowering gardens, but still cool enough in the evenings and changeable in terms of weather. Therefore, your luggage should provide for all the whims of a beautiful metropolis.

Light summer clothes and a warm sweater or raglan, a water-repellent windbreaker and a foldable umbrella, open sandals and closed moccasins or sneakers - this is the right set for a comfortable holiday on the banks of the Seine.

Do not forget that June is still summer. The sun is already quite hot and can not only warm, but also bring certain inconveniences. For people sensitive to UV light, we advise you to bring sunscreen, a light hat and sunglasses with you on your trip.

Walking in Paris in June

The beginning of the summer season in Paris is, of course, walks. Despite the changeable climate, there are just a lot of opportunities to visit the most popular or, conversely, little-studied places of the city at this time.

From the observation platforms of the Eiffel Tower or Notre Dame Cathedral, the capital of France will appear before the viewer immersed in flowers and greenery. Riverbuses offer excursions along the Seine and along its many channels.

The famous gardens of Versailles will greet guests with green labyrinths of trimmed lawns and alleys, as well as obligatory companions along the entire path - sculptures of medieval art. The Bois de Boulogne and Vincennes woods will captivate their visitors deep into the park zone with numerous grottoes, lakes, historical buildings and palace secrets of past kings.

June is gatherings on the open terraces of cafes, walking along the old streets of the city and bus tours of Paris.

Main events of June

As in any other period, in the summer in the French capital there are reasons and opportunities to have a great time. Fairs, festivals, exhibitions, tournaments and competitions - this is the whole of Paris, restless and expansive.

Music Festival

At the beginning of summer, the flowering landscapes of the metropolis turn into a huge venue for music biennials. Paris in June celebrates the Music Festival.

On the day of the summer solstice, June 21, melodic sounds of various musical genres are heard from all over the capital: rock and roll and jazz, country, pop, classical and chanson, blues, hip-hop and traditional national motifs. It seems that this is the only day of the year when so many musicians gather on the streets of the city, from famous performers, to beginners and craftsmen. The music festival lasts the whole day, entertaining its guests until the morning.

Chopin Festival

The famous Chopin Festival continues the musical course of the city. Classical music connoisseurs join the celebration in Bagatelle Park, located in the Bois de Boulogne.

Every year the best performers of chamber music introduce the listeners to the works of the greatest composer. The accompanying event of the festival is a tasting of fine wines and an antique fair.

jazz festival

It seems that Paris does not exist without music. Especially without some of its directions. The traditional Jazz Festival continues its work from May to July.

In the Bois de Vincennes, right under the open sky, you can enjoy the best motifs of famous and not so famous masters of Afro-European culture, and even try own forces performed by jazz. Improvisation is welcome here.

It is impossible not to appreciate the desire of the new generation for creativity and art. For small talents, the Children's Theater Festival takes place in June.

Puppet, theater and musical groups arrange a holiday in which adults have a place only in the auditorium. On the stage these days the main ones are children and their talents.

Shakespeare Festival

But just in June, the most interesting events unfold at the foot of the Eiffel Tower: open readings of the classics, performances and poetry evenings attract a large audience of spectators and participants.

June in Paris is rich not only in chamber music and poetic gatherings, but also in more extravagant events. The annual Paris Pride Parade takes place in the French capital just at the beginning of summer.

There are many high-profile episodes associated with this action. After all, such a phenomenon does not leave indifferent either the tolerant residents of the city, or the ardent opponents of same-sex love, or the parade participants themselves.

One of the most anticipated events in June is the Roland Garos tennis tournament.

The start of the competition is in May, but it is at the beginning of summer that the hottest events of the season take place on the courts of the capital. The Grand Slam tournament gathers more than one thousand fans at its sites.

International Cosmetic Brand Fair

No matter what the weather is like in June, Paris at this time attracts the attention of a whole army of fashionistas. Probably, it will be interesting for them to visit the International Fair of Cosmetic Brands. It will be held in the capital from 15 to 17 June.

Among the exhibited products are announced: novelties of cosmetics and samples of perfumery, natural remedies skin care products, hairdressing supplies and numerous manicure accessories, as well as packaging and gift materials.

Sale season

Since we are talking about fashionistas, we cannot remain silent about the main event in the life of each of them - seasonal sales. At the end of June, shopping in Paris is extremely successful.

Discounts on branded items are still small, but it is already quite possible to update your wardrobe at discounted prices. At this time, shopping tours to the capital of France are very popular.


Paris is good at any time of the year. Those who prefer to see the city in its natural form should choose a winter or spring time for the trip. During this period, there are almost no tourists and queues to the main attractions of the capital. People who are not embarrassed by the bustle and large crowds can come to the city on the banks of the Seine when the climate is most favorable for long walks.

However, whenever you visit Paris, it will always greet you with a festive atmosphere, music, dancing and thousands of smiles.

Paris in June (Photo)

Photogallery Paris in June

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Recently my dream came true and I visited Paris. For a long time I was preparing for this trip, and decided at what time of the year and when exactly to go to this city of love and good people. And she decided that these should not be the coldest days and not the hottest, so she poisoned herself in June.

June weather in Paris

June is the first month of summer and already at this time all the trees and bushes took on their color shades of green, and the plants bloom and delight with iridescent colors, and the hot, sultry weather has not yet had time to dry everything and make it pale. When I flew to Paris, I was fascinated by all the beauty of flowering. The weather in June is still moderate, average temperature during the day 23 °C, the nights are cooler and the air temperature drops to +12 °C. Therefore, despite the fact that the long-awaited summer has already come, when going to Paris, you need to take warm clothes with you so as not to catch a cold, especially at night, when the city is lit up with lanterns and you want to walk along the streets. sunny days in Paris there are more than cloudy and rainy, but not for many because there are weekly periods when it rains, so stock up on umbrellas and raincoats.

Fruits, vegetables and dishes worth trying in June

Summer is always the season for fresh fruits and vegetables. The market in Paris is quite convenient in terms of the location of products, everything is beautifully laid out in wooden boxes and has a pleasant color (fruits are always fresh and in beautiful condition). Any fruits and vegetables can be tasted by everyone living in their city, so upon arrival in Paris, I advise you to try traditional dishes, and upon arrival in June, seasonal ones. Because in June they serve the most delicious dairy lamb at the age of two months (as savage as it sounds, it's just worth a try, I haven't tried it anywhere else). Seasonally, the restaurants offer fish and seafood dishes. As well as the well-known frog legs. The famous French pastas and wine add exquisite taste to meat dishes.

June festivals in Paris

In the first days of summer, Paris opens the Les Pestacles Festival for children, this festival is held every Wednesday until September, and little travelers will be surprised by large dolls and musical performances. But as for me, not only kids like this kind of fun, but also adults, because we are all children at heart. Another festival is held in Paris, it is called "Esplanade du Chateau-du-Vincennes", and this festival is dedicated to jazz music, yet they know the crazy rhythm of jazz, so you can even erase your shoes from dancing. Paris lives in a fast rhythm, so next comes the next festival, which is held on the 21st - Music Day, and lovers of high art enjoy classical music on the streets of the city.

Tourists in Paris

Paris is crowded with tourists at any time, but lovers of moderate weather and little rain come here in June. Parisians are generally kind people, which is why people of any nation move around the city with friendly smiles (this is how the reigning atmosphere works). Tourists here are completely different, everyone speaks different languages. But if you need help, they will try to understand you even in ancient Egyptian :) Couples in love come here on a romantic trip, elderly people (also in couples), families for the weekend, young people. In general, any nation at any age.


A cultural city, but no one canceled the flies here, so there are a lot of them in the alleys with stocked food. As in any city in the summer, there are a lot of insects and midges, but this is not noticeable on a cold evening. In the city you can certainly meet horses, often carriages. And in Paris there is an excellent zoo with more than 600 animals.

This is the place where you absolutely do not have to puzzle over where to go and what to see. There is probably more of a dilemma: how to have time to visit everything? Museums, galleries, exhibition centers, castles, city streets, monuments, architecture are all located in every corner of the city, wherever you turn, you will stumble upon something beautiful and with history. And of course, the night one impresses with its light and comfort. I like to walk at this time of the day, because in addition to couples in love, there is only coffee-scented air on the street.

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