Peskov's ex-wife announced her dismissal from Rossotrudnichestvo. Dmitry Peskov reunited with his ex-wife Acquaintance with Dmitry Peskov

Helpful Hints 03.03.2020
Helpful Hints

Hi all. Today I will tell you a story about one of our old and vile acquaintances.

I, honestly, thought that it was already impossible to dig up anything new about him. We all seemed to have skinned him already - we wrote about watches for 37 million, and about yachts, and about houses, and about the unemployed son of a millionaire.

Of course, you already guessed who I am. About Putin's permanent press secretary Peskov.

In response to our past revelations, be it watches, yachts or houses that an official cannot afford, Peskov invented ingenious formula.

"NAVKA GIVED". That is, everything was given by his wife, and he is an unfortunate kept official.

This "NAVKA GIVED" has become a powerful antidote and a strong shield against the attacks of the FBK. universal explanation. An invisibility cloak that can be used to cover corruptly acquired assets and pretend that everything is fine.

But we can't just give up, can we? It is impossible to let us fool for years with their fables about a fabulously rich and generous wife. We at FBK thought for a long time and figured out how to break this Peskov formula. You just need to find something very expensive that Navka EXACTLY could not give.

And we found. In Paris.

It was in Paris that Peskov's ex-wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya bought an apartment for almost 2 million euros. Ekaterina is a newly-made official, she works in Rossotrudnichestvo. You can't really afford an apartment like this. And there is an apartment. But where? Really...?

OK. Watch the video. And for those who like to read, below is a sparkling text and a bunch of beautiful pictures.

I am sure that most readers already remember the chronology of the deadly fight between FBK and Peskov. Nevertheless, let's refresh and, as they say, put it in the protocol.

The head of the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in France, the ex-wife of press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, wrote a letter of resignation. Earlier, Dozhd reported that she could be fired due to a loss of confidence.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya (Photo: Valery Levitin / RIA Novosti)

Chapter Russian Center science and culture in Paris - the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in France, the former wife of press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, announced that she was leaving her post. Photo of the letter of resignation, written in the name of the head of the department, Eleonora Mitrofanova, she published on your Instagram.

"Eleonora Valentinovna! I ask you to dismiss me from the post of director of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris of my own free will from February 28, 2018,” she said in a statement. (later the post disappeared from her Instagram).

In a letter addressed to the head of Rossotrudnichestvo (available to RBC), Solotsinskaya writes that Mitrofanova’s “internal sources of information” brought to her “facts and documentary evidence of blatant corruption, nepotism and misuse of budget funds” in the French office of Rossotrudnichestvo.

“Unfortunately, all this forces me to take a number of steps that will be especially noticeable on the eve of the elections and ask the general public, both Russian and French, who, nevertheless, deserves more trust in the current situation,” writes Solotsinskaya (spelling and punctuation author saved. RBC).

She emphasizes that her background in a family of high-ranking diplomats does not allow her to put up with the wording "loss of confidence" and the like. “I held a number of consultations with competent persons, as it turned out, to my surprise, including those with whom you also consulted, and I received full approval of my actions,” the letter says.

She noted that for the first time in the history of Rossotrudnichestvo, she was able to start “real activities” to restore the Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery in the suburbs of Paris, where many participants are buried white movement, artists such as the architect and artist Albert Benois, the writer Ivan Bunin, the poet Dmitry Merezhkovsky, his wife, the poetess Zinaida Gippius, the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, the widow and children of Admiral Alexander Kolchak, and many others.

In her letter, she mentions that the first lady of France, Brigitte Macron, received her to discuss the role of women in politics, diplomacy and art, that she has signed agreements with some Russian subjects to hold promotional events Russian culture abroad, as well as a personal agreement with the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov.

As a source close to Solotsinskaya told RBC, in early February, an audit of the Accounts Chamber was carried out at the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo.

The fact that Solotsinskaya may leave her post became known from the material of the Dozhd TV channel, which, citing sources, said that Peskov's ex-wife would be fired in the near future due to a loss of confidence. According to the interlocutors of the channel, the reason for her dismissal was the presence of two businesses - a Russian and a French company, which she did not mention in the declaration. Russian legislation obliges civil servants to be fired if they participate on a paid basis in the management of commercial organizations.

The BBC, citing a source in diplomatic circles, indicates that the ex-wife of the press secretary Russian President is the founder of two companies - the Russian "Minkom" and the Parisian Sirius.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya has been heading the Rossotrudnichestvo office in France since June 2017. At the end of December, the Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation announced that Peskov’s ex-wife had an apartment in Paris on Avenue Victor Hugo. According to an extract from the Cadastral Chamber of Paris, which was received by FBK, the area of ​​​​the apartment is 180 square meters. m, and its cost is € 1.7 million. According to FBK, it was acquired in September 2016 and issued in French entity Sirius, 75% of which belongs to Solotsinskaya, and the remaining 25% belongs to her daughter, Elizaveta Peskova.

Dmitry Peskov, commenting FBK investigation, RBC, that he did not buy this apartment for his ex-wife.

The scandalous romance of figure skater Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov eventually ended in marriage. What is known about the last wife of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation is written in this article.

Tatyana Navka is a professional figure skater, the owner of many titles. After completing his career, he performs on ice shows, tries himself on television and in films.

Navka was born in 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk. Her mother worked as an economist, her father worked as an engineer. The whole family was fond of sports, so from childhood, parents considered the girl's tendency to figure skating and gave it to the section.

At the rink, Tanya spent almost everything free time sacrificing education. Since 1991, together with a dance partner, she became a member of the USSR national team. Participated in Olympiads, World and European Championships.

In 2006, she received her first gold medal, and after that she decided to quit sports. Since 2006, Tatyana has been regularly appearing on television, her photos have been circulating on the Internet. Until 2014, she participated in the Ice Show.

In 2018, Tatyana Navka released her own ice show Ruslan and Lyudmila, on which 18 million rubles were spent from the budget.

The woman has two citizenships: in Russia and the USA. At the end of 2017, she took 7th place in the Forbes ranking of the richest wives of deputies and officials in the country. For the year she earned more than 200 million rubles.

Dmitry Peskov: biography, personal life

Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov was born in 1967 in Moscow. His father was a student at the time of his son's birth, but then made a career as a diplomat. Subsequently, it was he who influenced the choice future profession Dmitry. Under the influence of his family, he entered the specialty at the ISAA at Moscow State University.

After graduation, Peskov worked first at the USSR Foreign Ministry, then became a duty assistant and attaché, third secretary of the Russian Embassy in Turkey. In the future, his career growth continued from adviser to the President of Russia in Turkey to Putin's press secretary.

How many times was Dmitry Peskov married

Officially married three times.

Peskov's first wife - Anastasia Budennaya

The first time Peskov married Anastasia Budyonny. It happened in the late 80s. Wife No. 1 is the granddaughter of the Soviet commander S. Budyonny. They had known each other since school.

Disagreements in the family began with the beginning family life. Nastya had the temperament of her grandfather and was ill-suited for the position of a submissive wife. She loved noisy fun and feasts with songs accompanied by a guitar. Such behavior did not correspond to Peskov's position.

Constant scandals between spouses led to a break in 1994. From this marriage, Dmitry has a son, Nikolai, born in 1990,

After the divorce, ex-wife Peskov, together with her son, moved to England, where she married a well-known businessman. This marriage did not last long.

Subsequently, Nastya remarried and gave birth to five children. This marriage was also unhappy. The couple often quarreled, and the woman was forced to leave. According to some sources, Anastasia Budennaya died.

Peskov's second wife - Ekaterina Solotsinskaya

Peskov met his second wife when she was 14 years old. He was married, but this did not stop him from beautifully caring for the girl.

Katya was born in the family of a diplomat in 1976. Its roots originate from the noble family of Schlegel. All relatives graduated from the institute international relations.

The wedding of Tatyana and Dmitry took place in 1994, as soon as the girl turned 18 years old. On numerous joint photo it is clear that it was a love marriage, they look happy together.

The beginning of their marriage fell on a difficult perestroika time. It wasn't easy for both of them. Her husband worked abroad, Tanya graduated from the institute. After receiving the diploma, she went to her husband in Turkey. There, the woman felt lonely, waiting for her husband to return from work. Subsequently, she got a job as a Russian language teacher in Ankara.

In this marriage, Peskov had three children - a daughter, Elizabeth, and sons, Mick and Denis.

In 2000, the Peskovs returned to Moscow and bought a house on Rublyovka. Dmitry was rapidly moving up the career ladder, and Katya, in order not to feel lonely, together with her friend opened the Katya-Lena beauty salon.

After 18 years of marriage, Dmitry and Ekaterina divorced. After parting, the ex-wife of the press secretary lives mainly in France. There she heads the Franco-Russian Dialogue Foundation, is engaged in marketing and charity work.

Peskov divorced his wife because of Navka

Discord in the Peskov-Solotsinskaya Family began in 2011. The woman realized that she did not want to be the wife of a diplomat. But the couple continued to live together. The family finally fell apart in 2012, when Catherine found out about her husband's betrayal. The woman did not name the homeowner, but most likely she was Tatyana Navka.

Katya herself suggested a divorce, Dmitry did not plan to leave the family. According to her, he wanted to save the marriage, but she could not forgive the betrayal.

“When I imagined that I would have to wake up every morning with this thought, I realized that I didn’t want to live like that,” Solotsinskaya said.

Peskov reunited with his ex-wife

Despite the divorce, the former spouses managed to maintain a good relationship. They periodically appear together in society and celebrate family holidays together. In this regard, there is a rumor that Peskov returned to his ex-wife.

Recently, a picture appeared on Catherine's Instagram, in which she poses with her parents, former spouse and current lovers. Peskov came to congratulate his mother-in-law on her 65th birthday.

The picture shows that between the ex-spouses reign warm relationship without resentment or tension. Meanwhile, both have their own lives. Dmitry is happy in his third marriage, and Catherine recently announced her engagement.

Peskov's ex-wife shaved her head and is getting married

Recently, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya radically changed her image. She cut her long hair, and appeared before the fans with a short dark "hedgehog" on her head.

The ex-wife of Putin's press secretary said that the new hairstyle was a sign of a new life. Recently, her 30-year-old lover proposed to her. The woman's fiance is Andrey Grigoriev. Little is known about him, except that he works as a lawyer.

Andrey proposed during a balloon ride. He was ready to shave baldly with his beloved, but she did not accept such a sacrifice, saying that she was crazy about his beautiful hair.

The long-haired blonde had to decide on such a radical step in order to throw off all the negativity of anger and envy that her curls absorbed. She said that because of the negative energy, her hair lost its strength and shine. And she wanted to get rid of them.

Peskov's wife - Tatyana Navka

The acquaintance of Navka and Peskov happened by chance at the birthday party of mutual friends. Tanya had been divorced for two years by that time. The press secretary was still married. Subsequently, the woman admitted that despite the mutual attraction, she whole year resisted this relationship. I did not believe that this story would continue. But Peskov courted nobly and elegantly, which won her heart.

The lovers hid the romance for a long time, although they periodically appeared at social events together. They officially appeared together after Peskov's divorce, and even the birth of a joint child. The daughter of Tanya and Dmitry was born on August 22, 2014. From her first marriage, she also has a daughter, who is very attached to her stepfather.

The wedding took place in 2015. The ceremony was solemn, the wedding dress of the bride was created by Valentin Yudashkin. The newlyweds arranged a grand celebration in Sochi for their guests.

How many children does Dmitry Peskov have

Dmitry Peskov has five children.

The first wife Anastasia Budyonny gave birth to his son Nikolai in 1990. The guy's last name is Choles. By maternal line he has three other brothers and two sisters. They all live in England.

Peskov's eldest son, Nikolai, was not distinguished by good behavior. According to some reports, the guy did not receive a good education, was engaged in banditry in England, and even spent several months in prison. In 2010, he went to Russia to visit his famous father.

In 2012, Nikolai, having served in rocket troops, began working as a sports journalist for Russia Today. He is on friendly terms with his father and his other children.

Peskov has three children from Tatyana Solotsinskaya. Eldest daughter Elizabeth is already 20 years old. She was educated at the French school Ecole des Roches, then entered the Moscow State University. Lisa speaks five languages. Since 2017 she has been a journalist Russian version Forbes magazine.

Two sons from Tatyana Denis and Mick are going to get an education in Russia.

The youngest daughter of Dmitry from Tatyana Navka was born in 2014. Parents carefully protect the baby from the attention of journalists.

Peskov communicates with all his children and often brings them together. Recently they were vacationing at sea big family. All the children of Tatyana and Dmitry from past marriages were present there. It can be seen that they are friendly with each other and communicate well.

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. She has been close to the famous for more than one year. Russian official, while the details of her life for the majority remained virtually unknown. But she is a mother of many children, who in recent times found new love after parting with his famous husband. But first things first.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was born in 1976. She was born in Moscow. Not much is known about her family. My father was the Russian ambassador to Turkey, and in 2013 he took a high post in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Grandpa was also a diplomat. Before the revolution, the ancestors of Ekaterina Solotsinskaya were nobles who bore the surname Shegel. Therefore, she was brought up and grew up in a cultured and educated family.

Almost all of her relatives are MGIMO graduates. Katya also received a versatile education, for which her parents never spared money.

Meeting with future husband

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya first met Dmitry Peskov when she was only 14 years old. At that time, Peskov was already married.

When Katya became an adult, Peskov began to beautifully look after, gave bouquets, talked about his feelings. By that time, he had already broken up with his first wife, from that marriage he had a son named Nikolai.

As soon as she turned 18, Dmitry made her a marriage proposal, which she immediately accepted, because she had been waiting for this for a long time. Peskov is 9 years older than her.

The newlyweds played the wedding in 1994. The parents of the couple tried to do everything possible so that the celebration was held at the highest level. The bride, as noted by many guests, was pure and naive, but her groom already had serious life experience.

Life in marriage

Soon after the end of the honeymoon, the life of the newlyweds began to return to normal. The holidays were replaced by working days, which immediately began to demand patience and effort from the newlyweds. Dmitry at first showed himself exclusively with better side. He was polite, courteous and romantic, constantly taking care of his young wife, treating her with increased attention.

His wife, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, decided to change the family tradition a little, going to study not at MGIMO, but at Moscow State University to the Faculty of Philology. It is noteworthy that from the very beginning, the young family decided not to ask for support from their parents, but to achieve everything on their own.

The 90s were in the yard, the time was not easy, many were sorely lacking money, so often young people worked part-time even at night.

Now Peskov's wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya is not shy about recalling this, saying that under the cover of darkness they worked as taxi drivers, receiving 30-40 rubles per night. But it was a tangible financial support for that time. At the same time, Peskov had already worked as a secretary for Putin by that time, but he had not yet thought about large incomes.

Now many doubt that Dmitry Peskov's wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya actually lived so modestly with her husband at the beginning of the marriage, but there are confirmed facts. Ekaterina herself admits that at that time it was very difficult, but soon this stage was over, it was replaced by luxurious life.

Moving abroad

Soon after graduation, Ekaterina Peskova (Solotsinskaya) decided to leave for Turkey, where her father worked at that time. Peskov went with her, who had long been waiting for a chance to get a job as a diplomat. The young began a completely different life.

Their financial situation quickly improved, but new difficulties appeared, which they frankly did not expect. Dmitry worked hard, devoting as much time to his wife as before. At times, he practically did not go home, but returned to his wife tired, literally falling exhausted. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, whose photo is in this article, wanted love and attention, like any young girl.

Soon their children were born, Dmitry even had no time to play with them. He devoted all his time to work. His wife, of course, did not like this state of affairs at all. She began to present her husband with justified, in her opinion, claims, so the first quarrels began, a serious discord in family life.

Peskov worked like a true workaholic, and with concern for family well-being, he justified the catastrophic lack of time to communicate with loved ones. But Dmitry's wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was not satisfied with these explanations. She wanted small family holidays and home comfort.

In 1998, they had a daughter, who was named Elizabeth, and soon two more sons, Denis and Mick. At the same time, children practically did not need anything, receiving a comprehensive education.

Back to Russia

The couple had to return to Moscow after a ten-year stay in Ankara. They were able to afford almost immediately to buy a chic mansion on Rublyovka, as well as a luxury car, which became a worthy addition to these apartments.

The biography of Ekaterina Solotsinskaya continued to develop very successfully. She founded her own business in the capital, her business grew and developed. Together with a friend, she opened her own beauty salon, more for fun, and not for making money, so as not to sit alone with children within four walls. Catherine so managed to escape from family troubles, quarrels and troubles.

The heroine of our article admits that she was frankly bored living in a prestigious metropolitan microdistrict. She often had to go to secular parties, which she did not like, and it was inconvenient to refuse. All this played a role, and soon she turned from a young and inexperienced Katya into a real socialite. Such dramatic changes took place in her that even her daughter eventually ceased to recognize her.

final discord

This relatively favorable period of life did not last long. Soon Catherine began to suspect her husband of infidelity, her fears were confirmed.

It turned out that in 2010, Peskov met the famous Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka, a famous athlete, Olympic champion. A rather stormy romance quickly broke out between them, which they managed to hide for a relatively long time. When Catherine found out everything, the relationship had been going on for several years. Solotsinskaya was crushed, she had been faithful and devoted to her husband for so long, and he cheated on her.

Catherine immediately filed for divorce, as she believed that this was the best way out of this situation.

Free woman

The divorce was formalized in 2012. Solotsinskaya almost immediately after that left for France. Here she put things in order in her thoughts, came to her senses. From new friends and acquaintances, she hid who she really was, who her ex-husband, presenting herself as an ordinary girl Katya, who came from Moscow.

But even this situation did not prevent her from making a large number of useful and new acquaintances soon. Ekaterina purchased a luxury property overlooking the Champs Elysees, enjoying life.

In Paris, another incredible meeting awaited her. She met a family of Russian emigrants who were her relatives. Since then, she began to restore her historical surname Shegel and her title of nobility.

Career in France

Solotsinskaya's life in France was very successful. She even received an appointment as head of the Russian Center for Culture and Science, which is based in Paris.

By that time her eldest daughter named Elizabeth became a graduate of a Parisian boarding school, where she studied marketing. After that, the girl chose to return to Russia, where she took the position of presidential adviser. big company Avanti. True, relatively recently, due to disagreements, she terminated relations with this company, even deleted all posts in her in social networks work related.

At the same time, her mother often visits her, managing to actually live in two countries. Her income is very high, so she can afford it.

And Peskov in 2014 had another daughter from an alliance with Tatyana Navka. In 2015, they officially legalized their relationship. Thus, the presidential press secretary this moment five children from three different wives.

New relationship

With Solotsinskaya, over time, everything improved in her personal life. She met the man she calls the man of her dreams. At the same time, her new lover is only 30 years old, while Catherine is already 41. But for them this plays practically no role, the couple claims that they love each other.

At first, Catherine was seriously worried about how the children would react to her new relationship. But everything went more than well. The young mother's admirer fell in love with both sons and daughters. They go on vacation together, often talk heart to heart and have fun.

Friends and acquaintances note that Catherine literally blossomed after such changes in her life. This also affects her appearance, Solotsinskaya looks brilliant. She spends most of her free time with her beloved, whose name is Andrey Grigoriev. As it turned out, he comes from the Moscow region, however, his parents are not rich, and the young man is a graduate of a military school. After that, he worked in government, while he was never married and has no children.

AT modern society famous people always attract the attention of not only journalists and media workers, but also ordinary people. Everyone wants to know how a famous figure or the idol of millions sitting at the screens lives. However, quite often lately attention has been drawn not only by the people themselves, but also by their families. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, better known to society as a diplomat Dmitry Peskov, was no exception.


This woman belongs to the category of those who were lucky from birth. From childhood, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya did not have to think about how to fight for status and earn a reputation with bitter tears and hard work. She was born in the family of a diplomat, and the roots of her family go back centuries to the noble family of Schlegel.

The daughter of the Turkish Ambassador from the first days of her life had a high status, which she repeatedly mentioned in an interview. However, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, whose date of birth is hidden for some reason, does not boast of this status, but rather uses it as one of the reasons for her position in life.

From girl to wife

It is worth noting that Catherine, who was born in 1976, was brought up not just in the family of a diplomat, but in a diplomat. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya claims that all her relatives were educated at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. In addition, the representative of the noble family was not isolated from society, which means that she received comprehensive development.

It is also worth noting that Ekaterina Solotsinskaya managed to meet her husband Dmitry in a fairly early age precisely because her father worked for the good of the country in the embassy.

Acquaintance with Dmitry Peskov

The future spouses met when Catherine was only 14 years old. At that time, Dmitry had not yet become a famous diplomat, but was a simple graduate of the Institute of Asian and African Countries. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was actually lucky with her fiancé - the young man courted her all the time until the girl came of age, not for a minute cooling down in her love.

As soon as the daughter of the Turkish ambassador turned 18, Dmitry got married, and it happened in 1994.

The life of a young family

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, whose biography could be quite bright and cloudless, does not hesitate to talk about the difficulties that she and her husband, however, now the former, had to face. For example, in the nineties, which were by no means imprinted in memory as dashing, the young family survived as best they could. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, without any hesitation, says that while the friends of the newlyweds were building their business, Peskov and his student wife were forced to earn extra money at night as private cab drivers, depriving themselves of the pleasure of at least some entertainment. Dmitry and Ekaterina earned 35 rubles per night in order to be able to somehow stay afloat in this difficult time.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya. Everyday life of a diplomat's wife

At the end of her studies at the Department of Philology, Ekaterina returns to Turkey. However, she returns as the wife of a diplomat, and not as the daughter of an ambassador. This event became the starting point in the harsh everyday life of our heroine, who were not as joyful as it might seem. ordinary person. It is worth noting that Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was not flattered to spend her days and evenings agonizingly waiting for her husband, who, due to a busy work schedule, could not often be at home.

The young wife lacked warmth, joint evenings when the whole family got together, children's parties. As Ekaterina says, she did not get married in order to get a status, but in order to enjoy how her children grow up, together with her husband, in a cozy family atmosphere.

Return to Moscow

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, whose photo displays all the main life stages managed to return to Moscow. This happened after the diplomat's wife worked in Ankara for 10 years, teaching Russian. Upon their return, the family acquires a house on Rublyovka, striking in its luxury, as well as a business and an expensive car, but as an addition to prosperity and its indicators. At that time, the Peskovs raised three children - a daughter, Elizabeth, and two sons, Mika and Denis.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya did not sit idle in the capital. Together with her friend Lena, the woman opens a beauty salon called Kale.

Rublevsky weekdays

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya (Peskov's wife, whose photo can be easily found) was not too happy to live on Rublyovka. Firstly, there is an urgent need to visit a huge number of parties and similar events. The ex-wife of the diplomat says that invitations to the ruble fees came in batches. It was inconvenient to refuse, but the mother did not want to leave the children either. In addition, life on Rublyovka also affected the character of Catherine.

The woman has become a lady without sympathy, implacable, domineering and complex. At some point, the woman's mother could not stand it and reproached her daughter for the fact that after moving it became almost impossible to communicate with her normally. However, this did not last too long.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya - biography (personal life). with husband

Dmitry and Ekaterina got married in 1994. Their marriage lasted 18 years, until 2012. It is worth noting that before relations with Ekaterina Peskov was already married and divorced, and the daughter of the Turkish ambassador became his second wife. The media note that Ekaterina Solotsinskaya herself initiated a divorce from her husband. The reason for the divorce was the betrayal of a diplomat. The woman learned that her act - to devote her life to her husband entirely - was not accepted and appreciated by her husband. Unable to bear this, Catherine could not forgive her husband and insisted on a divorce.

Rebirth from the ashes

After the divorce, Catherine did not forget that she had to live, no matter what. That is why the woman continues to be famous and purposeful. Today, she is known not because of her husband's fame, but because of her own achievements.

Catherine decided to do charity work. In addition, her energy is enough to live in two houses, one of which is located in France. The main reason for this is the children - Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Catherine, is educated at MGIMO, continuing the family tradition of her mother's family, and her sons, who are now ten and six years old, live in Moscow. Ekaterina spends most of the week in the capital of Russia in order not to lose the thread of communication with the children and not to disappear from their lives. She spends her weekends in Paris in the company of her new, and this time real, friends.

Therapy by France

After Ekaterina moved to the "ex" category for Dmitry Peskov, she moved to France. Today, she lives in luxurious apartments, the windows of which allow one to see the famous ones. In this country, Catherine, unexpectedly for herself, became close to the fourth generation of Russian emigrants, among whom there are descendants of such famous families as the Obolenskys, Uvarovs and Trubetskoys.

Communication with the intelligent and noble descendants of the nobles of Russia awakened in Solotsinskaya the desire to restore her title - Countess Schlegel. The woman herself repeatedly joked about the sound of a noble title, stating that it was not bad. Catherine found the strength and desire to become a member of the Franco-Russian Dialogue. The French side in it is supervised by Prince Trubetskoy, and Russia - by Vladimir Yakunin.

Learning from your own mistakes

Life as the wife of a famous diplomat and circling in the hell of Rublyovka among equally famous wives and their idols allowed Catherine to learn some useful lessons for herself. Thanks to Rublev's etiquette, when you are interesting when you have a status, a woman firmly decided to start life in France from scratch. And, having moved to Paris, she introduced herself to everyone she met, quite simply and ordinaryly - “Katya is from Moscow, I don’t do anything.” Despite this, Catherine's entourage very quickly began to consist of poets, descendants of the nobles of Russia, who, unlike Rublev's "friends", were not interested in her status, but in that rich inner world and the intelligence that Solotsinskaya is endowed with. In today's interviews, a woman boldly declares that France is the place where you can be reborn with your soul. the best way and inhale deeply again. As Catherine says, France is a country in which people begin to live after forty. And if a woman from Russia was moved by an asphalt paver of fate, then Paris will become the most valuable and most effective medicine for spiritual wounds.

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