Bioindicators presentation on ecology. Presentation "Bioindication of air pollution by the state of Scots pine"

Pregnancy and children 23.11.2020

"Soil Pollution" - Science Cafe "Climate Change - Education Change". Botanical (phyto) Soil-zoological Biochemical (enzymatic) Microbiological. An indicator of the reaction is marginal chlorosis on the leaves. Bioindication method allows: Plants serve a good indicator changes environment anthropogenic pollution.

"Soil Formation" - The role of organisms in soil formation. Filling out the contour map. Get to know the inhabitants of the soil. About Minerals Ivanovo region. Soil map of the Ivanovo region. Various representatives of the kingdoms of wildlife are involved in the process of soil formation. S.N. Vinogradsky made a discovery in favor of microorganisms.

"Soils" - Topic: "The mechanical composition of the soil and the structure of the soil." Didactic goals of the project. Author: teacher of geography of the 1st qualification category Smirnova Larisa Vladimirovna. The creative name of the project: "The soil cover of our country." Author. four. Didactic materials: test, crossword, didactic cards No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 5. List of materials used.

"Soil Care" - Snow. Digging. Shovels. Garden scissors. Ripper 3-tooth. Topic 6. Gardening equipment. Rippers. Soil-cultivating tool. Tree care tools. Shrub pruners. Braids Sickles of a pitchfork. Brush cutters. Rake welded 14 teeth. Garden knives. Hoe. Bayonet. Sovkovskaya.

"Tillage" - Harrowing can be independent or carried out simultaneously with plowing. Sometimes some surface treatment techniques are used instead of the main ones. 1. Absence of flaws 2. Compliance with the established depth 3. Lumpiness of the field surface. And now let's repeat the past! Each processing step performs one or more technological operations.

"Soil destruction" - Soil protection measures. Furrowed, or jet, erosion. Gray forest soils. Everyday wind erosion. Mudflows. water erosion. dust storms. accelerated erosion. Bog soils. Through the soil passes the interaction of the lithosphere with the atmosphere. irrigation erosion. Chernozems are the most fertile on the territory of Mordovia.

Total in the topic 22 presentations

Bioindication of air pollution according to the state of Scots pine

The purpose of my work: To study the ecological state atmospheric air, using Scots pine as an indicator, and based on this indicator, determine the quality of environmental health for this species.

Tasks: Determining the state of Scotch pine needles to assess air pollution; Clarify data on the ecological state of the forest; Suggest practical advice protection measures in the study area.

Selection of survey points As the I site of the study was chosen ( coniferous forest along the highway - Langepas - Pokachi - Kogalym); A ski run was chosen as the second area of ​​the study.

Choice of object of study conifers, compared to deciduous ones. The increased sensitivity of conifers is associated with a long lifespan of needles (in pine, instead of five years, needles live only 1-2 years, and in spruce, instead of seven years, 1-3 years) and the absorption of gases, as well as a decrease in the mass of needles (burn, decrease in length) . Coniferous plants are convenient because they can serve as bioindicators all year round. In addition, Scotch pine is quite common tree species in the West Siberian Plain.

The West Siberian taiga surprises with its silent beauty. Fir, spruce, pine, larch, aspen, beautiful birch, and other trees grow in dense, dense, sometimes impenetrable forests. PINE Pine is a light-loving, cold-resistant tree up to 40 meters high. Pine grows in dry places. Can grow even on the sands. Pine forests are always dry. Therefore, in pine forests, one must be especially careful with fire. Pine needles are long, arranged in bundles on the stem, two needles in each bundle. Pine stem covered with orange-brown bark. Seeds ripen in cones and lie on their scales openly, naked. Cones are short, teardrop-shaped - they resemble very large drops of water in shape. In open, well-lit places near the pine, the crown is lush, sprawling; in the forest, the crown is on top of the tree. Pine is a valuable tree. Its wood is valued in construction more than spruce wood. Pine wood is used in shipbuilding, car building, and in the aviation industry. Turpentine and rosin are obtained from pine resin. Pine emits substances that make the air healing. It is no coincidence that the majority of sanatoriums and rest houses were built in pine forests. Pine needles contain a lot of vitamin C. Biological characteristics of the Scots pine species. (Pinus Silvestris)

We are on the ecological path.

It is believed that for the conditions of the forest belt of Russia, the most sensitive to air pollution pine forests. This determines the choice of pine as the most important indicator of anthropogenic influence, which is currently accepted as a “standard for biodiagnostics”. Morphological and anatomical changes, as well as the life span of needles, are informative for technogenic pollution. With chronic pollution of forests with sulfur dioxide, damage and premature fall of pine needles are observed. In the zone of technogenic pollution, a decrease in the mass of needles by 30-60% is noted. Bioindication of air pollution according to the state of Scots pine

Test to determine the level of atmospheric pollution. Needle Damage Scale: Needles are free of spots. The needles have a few spots. There are a large number of yellow and black spots on the needles, including the entire width of the needles. Needle shrinkage rating scale: No dry patches. The tips have shrunk by 2-5 mm (the light spine at the end of the needles is not taken into account). A third of the needles have dried up. More than half of the needles have dried up or all of them are hard.

Determining the life span of needles

Determination of necrosis and drying of needles 1 - needles without spots; 2, 3 - needles with black and yellow spots; 4,5,6 - needles with drying

Damage and drying of conifers 1 plot near the road 2 plot in the depths of the forest Total number of examined needles 100 100 Number of needles with spots 40 23 Percentage of needles with spots 40 23 Number of needles with drying 18 27 Percentage of needles with drying 18 27 Number of needles intact 42 50 Percentage of undamaged needles 42 50 Date of sampling autumn spring Research results

Diagram showing the ratio of damaged needles (necrosis) in the studied areas

In this paper, I have tried to review the main environmental problems and came to the conclusion that due to the increase in the scale of anthropogenic impact ( economic activity human), especially in the last century, the balance in the biosphere is disturbed, which can lead to irreversible processes and raise the question of the possibility of life on the planet. 1. After analyzing the scientific data on Scots pine, I studied their indicator abilities. 2. Based on the results of my work, we can say that, despite the increasing anthropogenic pressure, the stability of this ecosystem remains. 3. Based on the study of plants - bioindicators in the area, it can be concluded that in different parts ecosystems - various pollution, but the anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem is increasing. 4. Air pollution in our forest is low. 5. Along the road, air pollution is higher than in the depths of the forest. 6. Our forest a good place for rest and recuperation.

I offer recommendations on measures to protect the forest 1. Regularly monitor the state of the forest 2. Vacationers observe the Rules for the use of forest resources. 3. Conduct environmental education of the population: every driver should know that the cause of car smoke is a malfunction of the engine, a malfunction of the power supply or ignition system. Only due to the correct adjustment of car engines, the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere can be reduced up to 5 times. 4. Improving the quality of the roadway; 5. Use more harmless fuel. It has now become clear to me that if the number of vehicles increases, this will entail a number of undesirable consequences - such a plant as a pine tree will not be able to exist in conditions of pollution. I found that trees with damaged pine needles are located near the roads, and those with intact pine needles are further from the road. Pine is an indicator clean air, where the air is heavily polluted, damage will appear on the pine needles and the life expectancy of the tree will decrease. Thus, pine is the main cleaner of the surrounding air, gives people warmth, housing, building materials. Helps maintain health. Animals feed on its cones. I want to finish my reasoning with a poem by E. Yevtushenko: Take care of these lands, these waters, Even loving a little epic. Take care of all the animals inside nature, Kill only the animals inside yourself!

Acknowledgments Thanks to everyone who helped me in preparation for research work and in processing the results and writing reports: research supervisor Askhabova S.S., teacher of computer science Fahrieva A.R., teacher of computer science and mathematics Abdusemedova V.M. and classmates.

"Soil resources" - Flax, oats and other crops are grown on podzolic soils in the north of the forest zone. The East European Plain is rich in soil resources, and are of great value agroclimatic resources. "Per". Soil resources. All middle lane the plains and the south have fertile soils.

"Soil destruction" - Water erosion. Wind erosion (deflation). Ravine erosion. Chernozem of Mordovia. Dust storms. The soil. Through the soil passes the interaction of the lithosphere with the atmosphere. Soil pollution. irrigation erosion. Chernozems are the most fertile on the territory of Mordovia. Leached. A person receives from the soil not only food, but also raw materials, materials (forest).

"Variety of soils" - A lot of materials have accumulated. Keywords Topics. How did soils originate? Soils. Lesson plan. So a classification is needed. Dokuchaev Vasily Vasilievich In 1875, Dokuchaev was instructed to give a description of the Russian chernozem. What is the main reason for the formation various types soil?

"Soil care" - Garden saws. Digging. Topic 6. Gardening equipment. Scraper with a shell. Soil-cultivating tool. Hoe. Rake welded 14 teeth. Braids Sickles of a pitchfork. Sickles and scythes. Garden knives. Harvesting tools. Ripper 3-tooth. Secateurs Pruners pole Grafting knives Garden knives.

"Soils" - 3rd group. Fundamental question. The creative name of the project: "The soil cover of our country." Didactic goals of the project. Methodical tasks. Topic: "The mechanical composition of the soil and the structure of the soil." Topic: "Basic properties of soils." Stages of work on the project. Stage 4 (presentative). Topic: "Soil resources of Russia".

"Soil pollution" - Plants are a good indicator of changes in the environment by anthropogenic pollution. Science cafe "Climate change - education change". And animals, in turn, are interesting as an object, physiologically. close to man. Bioindicators of acidic soils. Types of bioindicators. Bioindication methods.

Total in the topic 22 presentations

Specialty "Medical

Environmental fundamentals


Bioindication is an assessment of the state of the environment with
using living objects.
Living objects (or systems) are cells,
organisms, populations, communities.
They can be used to evaluate
abiotic factors (temperature,
humidity, acidity, salinity, content
pollutants, etc.), and biotic
(well-being of organisms, their populations and


Bioindication should be understood as
ecological research method,
allowing with
biological systems with a certain
establish the main
qualitative and quantitative
habitat characteristics.


The main task of bioindication is the development
methods and criteria that could
* adequately reflect the level of anthropogenic
impacts, taking into account the complex nature
* diagnose early disorders in the most
sensitive components of biotic

in a real ecological situation
isolated action of a stressor
exists - there is only a joint action
complex of factors
according to the results of toxicological laboratory
tests on living organisms set MPC
for more than 1000 chemical compounds.
number of pollutants that can affect
on the ecological state of the biota
alone, or in combination, exceeds
a million titles.

Scope of bioindication

Bioindication does not answer the question of
the nature of the pollutant or
bioindication methods are usually used up to
chemical analysis, which allows
express assessment natural environment and identify
"hot spots" indicating the most
contaminated areas.
In areas where bioindication methods
any deviations were found, and the studied
the environment is characterized as toxic,
it is necessary to establish analytically
reasons for this phenomenon.

Bioindication levels

intracellular reactions (biochemical,
body reactions (anatomical,
morphological, biorhythmic,
population-dynamic changes
(fluctuations in structure, abundance, density
changes in natural communities(condition
producers, consumers, decomposers);
biogeocenotic level (stress
impact on biogeocenoses);
landscape changes.

Bioindication at the cellular and subcellular levels

Bioindication at these levels is based on narrow
within the flow of biotic and
physiological reactions.
Its merits lie in its high
sensitivity to violations that allow
detect even low concentrations
pollutants, and identify them quickly.
It is at these levels that the most
early detection of environmental disturbances.
This level of bioindication is the most complex,
requiring special equipment

Changes at the cellular level:

changes in biomembranes (especially their
change in concentration and activity
macromolecules (enzymes, proteins, amino acids,
fats, carbohydrates, ATP);
accumulation of harmful substances in the cell;
violation of physiological processes in the cell;
change in cell size.

Color change
reaction to
chlorosis, necrosis

Bioindication at the organism level

Macroscopic changes in plants
premature wilting;
Defoliation (effect of SO2, chlorides);
Changing the size of organs (elongation of needles under
action of nitrates);
Change in the shape, number and position of organs
(under the action of radioactive exposure);
Changing the direction of the form of growth and branching
(changing the direction of growth of dandelion roots
when changing the level of groundwater, thinning
crowns at gas-smoke pollution);
Growth changes (changes in radial
growth tree trunks, growth in length
shoots and leaves).

1. Population density - quantity
individuals of a species per unit area or
Lichen coverage area is good
correlates with the concentration of sulfur
gas in the air.
Populations can increase density
weeds, halophytes and other resistant
to the anthropogenic pressure of species.

Population-dynamic changes in plants

2. Age structure of populations, the ratio between young,
breeding and old individuals:
population rejuvenates if mortality
increases and developmental stages shorten
(noted in hay meadows, compared with
unmowed, on city lawns, in
ground vegetation after
thinning forests);
population ages if disturbed

Population-dynamic changes in plants

3. Ecological structure of populations
Natural populations usually consist of
several ecotypes - groups of individuals,
adapted to different conditions environment.
Ecotypes Contribute to Population Survival
when changing habitat conditions.
In the face of negative influences
the spread of resistant
their displacement of sensitive ecotypes

1. Population density
For bioindication, it is important that this indicator exceeds
normal limits:
a) population decline:
reduction in population density of granivorous birds in
as a result of mass poisoning with mercury-containing
compounds, in Sweden in the early 1950s;
organochlorine compounds (DDT) have led to
reduction in populations of diurnal birds of prey;
b) population growth:
black-headed gulls in Central Europe conditioned
eutrophication of cultural landscapes;
sucking herbivorous insects (mostly aphids)
under the action of exhaust gases (reasons - a decrease
enemies, as well as physiological and biochemical
changes in host plants under the influence of pollutants).

Population-dynamic changes in animals

2. Population dynamics
The amplitude of oscillations usually increases
population density:
dung and compost springtail species in
city: seasonal peaks may
be shifted to other dates (in the city where
average annual temperature is higher than in
nature, a few degrees, springtails
have an early spring peak, as in more southern

Population-dynamic changes in animals

3. Spatial structure
Distribution of individuals in space
usually becomes more mosaic,
because animals concentrate on
less disturbed areas.
The placement of individuals is disturbed,
characteristic of natural populations.

Bioindication at the biocenotic level

Communities (or biocenoses) - a set of species
plants, animals, microorganisms and fungi
a specific habitat.
To describe communities use:
total number,
species richness and diversity,
view structure,
ecological structure (spectra of life forms,
biotope groups),
change in indicators over time.

1. Total strength

1. Total strength
Usually falls, and if rises, then for
counting the very few
species resistant to disturbance.
For example, in a city the number of birds
support flocks of doves, sparrows,
There are a lot of insects in the fields
achieved through bursts of numbers

2. Species composition and diversity of communities
With a weak disturbance of the environment, the number of species
grows as the community becomes
"open" to species of other communities,
becomes more ruderal and synanthropic
Further strengthening the impact
accompanied by the loss of rare and
species susceptible to disturbance.

3. Species structure

3. Species structure
All species in the community can be divided into 4 groups:
a) numerous - dominants,
b) less numerous - subdominant,
c) few
d) rare species.
Distribution of species by abundance groups in
natural and disturbed community differs
In case of violation in the community, the “reserve
strength” – groups of small and rare species.
Sometimes, these groups are distinguished using not
abundance, but biomass, occurrence or
projective cover, as in plants, but general
the pattern is preserved.

4. Spectrum of life forms

4. Spectrum of life forms
In case of violations, there is a replacement of some
life forms by others.
With recreational load in the community
springtails start to disappear groups
litter life form, but
soil and surface-dwelling groups are preserved.

Bioindication at the ecosystem level
The ecosystem level involves the study
circulation of matter and energy flows.
The circulation of substances is carried out at
the participation of the stock of biogenic elements,
producer organisms, consumer organisms and decomposer organisms.
Among the various indicators of ecosystems for
bioindications are of interest
trophic structure and succession

Trophic structure
Violation of the ratio between blocks
producers, consumers, decomposers.
For example, near the color factories
metallurgy, located in the taiga zone,
bedding thickness reaches 20 cm, exceeding
the norm by 3-4 times.
This is due to the oppression of soil
invertebrates that speed up the process
destruction of plant debris.

2. Successions are natural changes
communities from simple and unstable to
complex and sustainable.
Anthropogenic press violates
natural course of successions.
First of all, the final ones suffer
stages - mature climax communities do not
are being formed.
For example, during forest reclamation of dumps
coal mining industry
planted trees do not form true

In general, environmental disturbances on the coenotic and
ecosystem levels lead:
to simplify the structure of communities and ecosystems;
disruption of internal connections (between species,
ecological groups, ecosystem blocks and
etc.), i.e. community self-regulation mechanisms
and ecosystems.


Bioindicators are biological objects
(from cells and biological macromolecules to
ecosystems and biosphere) used for
assessment of the state of the environment.
Bioindicators - organisms or communities
organisms whose vital functions are
closely correlated with certain factors
environment that can be used to evaluate them.


Criteria for choosing a bioindicator:
quick response;
reliability (error<20%);
monitoring capabilities (permanently
an object present in nature).

Types of bioindicators:

Sensitive - responds quickly to
minor deviations of indicators
from the norm.
accumulative - accumulates
impact for a certain time without
manifest violations.


Characteristics of bioindicators:
Specificity: at low specificity
bioindicator responds to various factors, with
high - only one
Sensitivity: low
sensitivity bioindicator responds only
for strong deviations of the factor from the norm, with
high - to insignificant.

Requirements for bioindicators

accumulation of pollutants should not
lead to the death of organisms;
the number of organisms must be
sufficient for selection, i.e. without affecting them
in case of long-term observations
perennial species are preferred;
bioassays must be genetically
ease of sampling should be ensured;

Requirements for bioindicators

speed of testing;
bioassays should provide
sufficiently accurate and reproducible
bioindicators should be of the same age
and be characterized, if possible,
close properties;
range of measurement errors (according to
compared to classical or reference
testing methods) should not exceed

I. Bioindicator
manifests later
certain time
sudden and strong
some time after
what stops
react to

Types of sensitivity of bioindicators depending on time

II. Bioindicator in
time linearly
responds to

III. Bioindicator
reacts with
impact with
the same
intensity in

IV. After
strong reaction
at the bioindicator
observed her
sharp at first

V. Under the influence
everything becomes
more intense
however, reaching
fades out.

VI. Reactions and types
are repeated

Forms of bioindication

Depending on the response
system on the action of one or another factor,
There are 2 types of bioindication:
registering: allows you to judge
the impact of environmental factors on the state
individuals of a species or population
accumulation bioindication: uses
property of living organisms to accumulate certain
other chemicals.

Forms of bioindication

Specific: living system changes
can be associated with a specific environmental factor
(high concentration of ozone in the air
causes the appearance on the leaves of tobacco (varieties
Bel W3) silvery necrotic spots.
Non-specific: various environmental factors
evoke the same response (decrease
number of soil invertebrates at
various types of soil pollution, with
trampling, during drought and other

Forms of bioindication

living system
living system

Forms of bioindication

If the anthropogenic factor acts
directly on the biological element, then
it is a direct bioindication
(silver spots on tobacco leaves appear
from the direct action of ozone).
If bioindication becomes possible
only after a change in state under the influence
other directly affected elements,
talk about indirect bioindication (action
herbicide canopy change
decline in locust numbers and growth
number of aphids).

living system
living system

Bioindication of the state of aquatic ecosystems

The oligochaete index (OI) was first
proposed by Goodnight and Whatley in 1961
mass development of oligochaetes - indicator
descent of household waste.
the ratio of the number of oligochaetes
worms to the total number of zoobenthos in
body of water

Classification of taxa of large organisms in relation to water purity (three-level assessment of the degree of pollution)

Taxa 1st
Mayfly larvae
Larvae (nymphs)
Taxa 2nd
Mosquito centipede larvae
Dragonfly larvae
caddis flies
Taxa 3rd
Mosquito larvae (wash)
water donkeys
(coils and
midge larvae

Group 1. These organisms die in
dirty water. Their predominance is a sign
very clean water.
Group 2. These organisms can
exist in varying degrees of water
Group 3. These organisms survive
even in very dirty water.

Water quality assessment is carried out as follows

water - 90% of organisms and more
belong to the 3rd group of indicators.
Slightly polluted water (satisfactory
quality) - from 11 to 30% of organisms in the sample
belong to the indicator taxa of the 1st and 2nd
Clean water - 30% or more organisms per
sample belong to the indicator taxa of the 1st

The Mayer index uses the confinement of various groups of aquatic invertebrates to water bodies with a certain level of pollution.

Inhabitants of the pure
water, X
stonefly larvae
Mayfly larvae
Caddisfly larvae
Vislofly larvae
Medium organisms
Dragonfly larvae
Larvae of mosquito weevils
reservoirs, Z
Caller mosquito larvae
water donkey
midge larvae

Representatives of indicator organisms of each group

1st group: larvae
caddis flies
2nd gr. : amphipod

The Woodiwiss index takes into account immediately
two parameters of the benthic community:
general diversity of invertebrates
the presence of organisms in the water
belonging to "indicator" groups.
With an increase in the degree of pollution
reservoir representatives of these groups
disappear from it in roughly the same order
in which they are shown in the table.

Table. Representative species-indicators

Assessment of the state of atmospheric air Types of damage and drying of needles

a) needles without spots (KP1), no dry
plots (KU1); b) needles with
few small spots
(KP2), no dry areas (KP1);
c) needles with a large number of yellow and
black spots (KP3), the tip has shrunk to
2-5 mm (KU2); d) a third has shrunk
needles (KU3); e) dried up more
half the length of the needles (KU4);
e) all needles are yellow and dry (KU4).
KP - damage class (necrosis),
KU - needle drying class.


"Insects as an object of bioindication"


1 General characteristics of the bioindication method…………………………………4

2 Insects as an object of bioindication……………………………………….6

3 Insects as bioindicators of the soil environment…………………………..8

4 Insects as bioindicators of the aquatic environment………………………………11



The most frequently cited and, at the same time, the most ideologically vague area of ​​ecology is a certain set of methods called “bioindication”. Although the origins of observations of the indicator properties of biological objects can be found in the works of natural scientists of the most ancient times, there is still no coherent theory and adequate methods of bioindication.

basis task bioindication is the development of methods and criteria that could adequately reflect the level of anthropogenic impacts, taking into account the complex nature of pollution, and diagnose early disturbances in the most sensitive components of biotic communities. Bioindication, as well as monitoring, is carried out at various levels of organization of the biosphere: macromolecules, cells, organs, organisms, populations, biocenoses.

The role of bioindication is reduced to the following actions:

    one or more studied environmental factors are singled out (according to literature data or in connection with the existing program of monitoring studies);

    field and experimental data are collected that characterize biotic processes in the ecosystem under consideration, and theoretically these data should be measured in a wide range of variation of the studied factor (for example, in conditionally clean and conditionally dirty areas);

    in some way (by simple visual comparison, using a system of pre-calculated estimated coefficients or using mathematical methods of primary data processing), a conclusion is made about the indicator significance of a species or group of species.

1 General characteristics of the bioindication method

Bioindication is an assessment of the state of the environment using living objects.

Bioindicator- a group of individuals of the same species or community, by the presence or condition of which, as well as by their behavior, natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment are judged.

Living objects (or systems) are cells, organisms, populations, communities. They can be used to evaluate both abiotic factors (temperature, humidity, acidity, salinity, content of pollutants, etc.) and biotic (well-being of organisms, their populations and communities).

It has been established that bioindicators have a number of advantages over chemical methods for assessing the state of the environment, namely:

    they summarize the impact of all biologically important impacts without exception and reflect the state of the environment as a whole, including its pollution and other anthropogenic pollution;

    under conditions of chronic anthropogenic loads, bioindicators can respond even to relatively weak impacts due to the cumulative effect;

    make it unnecessary to use expensive and time-consuming physical and chemical methods for measuring biological parameters;

    living organisms are constantly present in the human environment and react to short-term and volley releases of toxicants, which may not be registered using an automatic control system with periodic sampling for analysis;

    indicate the ways and places of accumulation in ecological systems of various kinds of pollution and poisons, the possible ways of their entry into human food; f) make it possible to judge the degree of harmfulness of any substances synthesized by man for wildlife and for himself, and make it possible to control their action;

    help to normalize the permissible load on ecosystems that differ in their resistance to anthropogenic impact, since the same composition and volume of pollution can lead to different reactions of natural systems in different geographical areas.

According to Van Straalen (1998), there are at least 3 cases where bioindication becomes indispensable.

1. The factor cannot be measured. This is especially characteristic of attempts to reconstruct the climate of past eras. Thus, the analysis of plant pollen in North America over a long period showed a change from a warm, humid climate to a dry, cool one, and then the replacement of forest communities by herbaceous ones. In another case, the remains of diatoms (the ratio of acidophilic and basophilic species) made it possible to state that in the past the water in the lakes of Sweden had an acidic reaction for quite natural reasons.

2. The factor is difficult to measure. Some pesticides decompose so quickly that it is not possible to detect their initial concentration in the soil. For example, the insecticide deltamethrin is active only a few hours after it is sprayed, while its effect on fauna (beetles and spiders) can be traced for several weeks.

3. The factor is easy to measure but difficult to interpret. Data on the concept in the environment of various pollutants (if their concentration is not prohibitively high) does not contain an answer to the question of how dangerous the situation is for wildlife. Maximum Permissible Concept Indicators (MACs) for various substances have been developed for humans only. However, obviously, these indicators cannot be extended to other living beings. There are more sensitive species, and they may be key to maintaining ecosystems. From the point of view of nature protection, it is more important to get an answer to the question of what consequences this or that concentration of a pollutant in the environment will lead to. Bioindication solves this problem, making it possible to assess the biological consequences of anthropogenic environmental change. Physical and chemical methods give qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the factor, but only indirectly judge its biological effect. Bioindication, on the contrary, makes it possible to obtain information about the biological consequences of environmental changes and draw only indirect conclusions about the characteristics of the factor itself. Thus, when assessing the state of the environment, it is desirable to combine physicochemical methods with biological ones.

The relevance of bioindication is also due to the simplicity, speed and low cost of determining the quality of the environment.

2 Insects as an object of bioindication

It is much more difficult to observe changes in animals in a disturbed environment than in immobile plants. More accessible insects. These groups are most often used for bioindication purposes.

1. Morphological changes(sizes, proportions, integuments, coloration, ugliness):

a) the dimensions and proportions of the body in the contaminated areas are significantly different:

    In a number of aphids (width of the head, length of the femur and tibia, antennae, tail and siphon);

    On contaminated food, the size of insect larvae usually decreases;

b) covers. In aphids (Aphis fabae), after the addition of sulfite ions to food, polygons and cuticle granularity in offspring changed significantly;

c) coloring. The phenomenon of industrial melanism (darker coloration) in contaminated areas was noted in:

    Moth butterflies birch;

    Two-spotted ladybug (the proportion of black forms is usually 2-3%, and is much higher in polluted areas);

    springtails (Orchelesella villosa);

d) ugliness. Under the action of xenobitotics (diesel fuel, DDT, etc.), disturbances in the formative processes in insect ontogenesis occur. In experiments, the proportion of anomalous moth moths increased from 5 to 35% when PbO was added to food.

2. Physiological changes. The following changes will show the principle of using physiological indicators for bioindication purposes:

a) aquatic insect larvae have chloride cells capable of actively absorbing anions, especially chloride ions, ensuring their constant concentration in the hemolymph. These cells are usually located on the gills (larvae of mayflies) or on the abdomen (larvae of caddisflies). The number of these cells is inversely proportional to the level of salinity; at each molt, their number is brought into line with the salinity of the environment. From molt to molt, trends in changes in the salinity of the reservoir can be determined;

b) the general physiological state of the insect organism can be characterized by the total number of hemocytes (hemolymph cells) per unit volume and the ratio of their main types. For example, in the zone of sulfur dioxide pollution, the number of hemocytes in caterpillars pine moth falls by half, while the number of phagocytes increases from 5 to 32%.

3. reproduction. Fertility usually falls, for example:

    In aphids and gypsy moth when fumigated with sulfur dioxide;

    In springtails (Onychiurus armatus, Orrchesella cincta) in areas contaminated with heavy metals.

Under laboratory conditions, locusts (Acrotylus patruelis, Aiolopus thalassinus) can be used as test organisms. Under the action of mercury chloride in these species, the number of eggs in a clutch increases, with the action of urea (> 0.055 g/kg of soil), the number of eggs in a clutch and the number of clutches decrease.

4. Ontogeny and lifespan:

a) violation of the flow of molts in insects:

    When contaminated, butterflies reduce the proportion of pupating caterpillars and the percentage of emergence of adults;

    Lengthening of the larval stage in cutworm (Scotia segetum) with copper intoxication and in gypsy moth with fumigation with hydrogen fluoride (HF) and methyl mercaptan;

b) reduction of terms of development:

    Cutworm (Scotia segetum) for 4-7 days with the addition of cadmium chloride (CdCI2);

    In springtails (Isotoma notabilis, Onychiurus armatus) when contaminated with heavy metals;

c) change in life expectancy. It is usually abbreviated, for example:

    In the filly (Acrotylus patruelis) with an increase in the concentration of HgCI2;

    In caterpillars (especially of younger ages) of gypsy, mulberry and pine silkworms, pine moths and many others when fed with contaminated feed and fumigated with industrial emissions;

    In fly larvae (Calliphora vicina) it is proportional to the concentration of sulfur dioxide.

An increase in life span is less commonly observed, for example, in Drosophila, when 0.3% of the antioxidant propyl gallate is added to food, life span increases by a third.

3 Insects as bioindicators soil environment

Of great importance in constructing a simulation model of soil ecosystems is the identification of the main environmental factors that determine the development of each of the biocenoses.

The main task in this case is to trace further changes in positive and negative factors in the new environmental conditions. This will make it possible to assess the overall state of the soil environment and make a forecast of its change.

The solution of these problems in practice is carried out using various types of

bioindicators of the soil environment.

The main goals of soil bioindication are:

    elucidation of individual soil properties and soil processes,

    assessment of anthropogenic interference (recreation, pollution, soil eutrophication)

    forecasting the ecological state of the soil environment.

initial stage bioindication is the choice of species-bioindicator. In this case, the following important criteria for choosing a bioindicator should be adhered to:

    quick response;

    reliability (error


    monitoring capabilities (permanently present in nature object).

Bioindicators are usually described using two characteristics: specificity and sensitivity. With low specificity, the bioindicator reacts to various factors, while with high specificity, only one. At low sensitivity, the bioindicator responds only to strong deviations of the factor from the norm, at high sensitivity - to minor ones. Such test organisms in the soil community include many groups of invertebrates, primarily insects. A certain state of the environment can often be indicated only by the presence of certain bioindicator species in the soil.

In this regard, on next step practical work is the definition and description of individual properties of the soil by the presence or absence of various invertebrate organisms. Such soil characteristics include: mechanical composition, type of humus, degree of humification of organic residues, acidity (pH), calcium content, as well as the hydrothermal regime of the soil.

The coarse type of humus is diagnosed by geophilid centipedes, the soft humus is diagnosed by the larvae of centipede mosquitoes.

The degree of maturation of composts can also be determined by the predominance of different groups of invertebrates (in mature composts, white soil forms predominate among springtails).

Different stages of wood decomposition are carried out with the participation of different groups of organisms, which can serve as indicators. Thus, the first stage is marked by longhorn beetles and bark beetles, the second by the enzymatic activity of fungi, the third by ants, and the fourth by earthworms.

Next step soil condition indication is an assessment of anthropogenic intervention. The strong impact of the anthropogenic factor is indicated by various changes in animals in the disturbed environment, affecting their morphology, physiology and behavioral reactions.

The most accessible for study are morphological changes in organisms - features of size, proportions, integument, color, deformity.

On contaminated food, the sizes of insect larvae and adults usually decrease (the width of the head, the length of the femur and tibia, antennae, etc. may change), and their color also differs (in springtails).

Under the action of xenobiotics (diesel fuel, DDTidr.), there are violations of form-building processes in the ontogenesis of insects.

Reproduction and development of organisms are vulnerable to anthropogenic impact. Thus, in areas contaminated with heavy metals, the fecundity of insects usually decreases, but sometimes, as in some springtails, it increases. At the same time, in springtails, a shortening of the development time is observed.

Anthropogenic factors also affect the quantitative indicators of populations of organisms. In this regard, special attention is paid in the work to determining the population density of indicator species. For bioindication, it is important that this indicator goes beyond the norm.

Among soil insects, according to the reaction to the direct or indirect impact of the technogenic factor, three groups were distinguished

    sensitive, positively responding to moderate doses of technogenic substances - diplopods.

    sensitive, experiencing Negative influence- lithobiomorphic centipedes and herpetobiont insects.

    indifferent, having no indication value for this type of pollution - the majority of insects, the development of which takes place in the soil.

The final stage Soil bioindication using insects is a compilation of a general characteristic of the ecological state of the soil and its inhabitants, which includes a description of the dominant line of development of the objects of study, the identification of the main background factors and criteria for assessing the threshold levels of possible changes, confirmed by quantitative data. At the same time, a logical sequence of events is established, showing the changes that the objects of research undergo in given environmental conditions, and a forecast of the ecological state of the soil in the given region is presented.

Thus, the use of insects as bioindicators makes it possible to assess, in general, the state of the soil environment, namely its toxicity, eutrophication, the content of certain elements, and even the threat of various diseases.

Insects are also used to diagnose elementary soil processes.

There are 14 elementary soil processes (ESPs), including gleying, meadowing, formation of forest litter, stepping, salinization, etc. Ecogroups of invertebrates, associations of species with similar spatial distribution, can be used to diagnose these processes. The ecogroups are especially clearly distinguished along the catena - the landscape profile passing from the local depression to the local watershed. So, for the steppe catena of the Baraba lowland, Mordkovich identified 8 ecogroups of beetle adults: floodplain-marsh, marsh, solonchak, forest, meadow-forest, solonetzic, meadow and steppe.

The fact that species prefer the same part of the catena indicates their adaptation to some one integral factor, which is the leading one in this type of soil. ESP can be considered such a factor, which affects ground beetles through changes in the ecological situation. In this case, the floodplain-marsh ecogroup of ground beetles clearly diagnoses the place and intensity of the gley process in the upper part of the soil, the bog - peat formation, solonchak - solonchak process (halobionts), meadow - forest - solodization, solonets - solonetzization (small flat ground beetles living in cracks) , meadow - meadow humus accumulation, steppe - steppe soil-forming process, forest - the process of formation of forest litter.

Further, the diagnostics of soil types is carried out according to the spectra of ecogroups. Soil type is characterized by a certain combination of ESP. And since each ESP corresponds to a certain one, the types of soils correspond to a certain range of ecogroups. For example: ordinary chernozem is distinguished by the dominance of ground beetles of the steppe ecogroup (74%), which indicates the decisive role of steppe humus accumulation in the formation of chernozem. The presence of 15% of meadow species marks the manifestation of the meadowing process in wet seasons. A small proportion of participation of other ecogroups (marsh, meadow-forest, solonets and forest) indicates the former hydromorphism of the chernozem and its possible forestation in the past.

4 Insects as bioindicators aquatic environment

When evaluating water quality it must be remembered that carrying out appropriate measurements requires adherence to certain principles.

On our first visits to a river or other body of water, we tend to ask descriptive questions: what, how, and where. Functional questions (why?) arise later. These questions are much more difficult; answering them already requires not only measuring work, but also work with literature and mental efforts.

When interpreting the results of water quality measurements, it must be borne in mind that the measurement results are correct only in relation to a certain time. A day later or earlier, the measurement results may differ significantly. For example, you may notice a very low concentration of nitrates in a stream or river one day. However, when you arrive the next day, you may notice an extremely high nitrate content, as a nearby agricultural enterprise dumped manure into the river. Thus, physical and chemical measurements allow assessing the quality of water only at the moment.

The presence of indicator species of plants or animals makes it possible to more deeply judge the quality of water in a reservoir.

The assessment of water quality in reservoirs and streams can be carried out using physicochemical and biological methods. Biological assessment methods are a characteristic of the state of the aquatic ecosystem in terms of the plant and animal population of the reservoir.

Any aquatic ecosystem, being in balance with environmental factors, has a complex system of mobile biological bonds that are disturbed under the influence of anthropogenic factors. First of all, the influence of anthropogenic factors, and pollution in particular, affects the species composition of aquatic communities and the ratio of the abundance of their constituent species. The biological method for assessing the state of a reservoir makes it possible to solve problems that cannot be solved using hydrophysical and hydrochemical methods.

Assessment of the degree of pollution of the reservoir by the composition of living organisms allows you to quickly establish:

    sanitary condition,

    determine the degree and nature of pollution and the ways of its distribution in the reservoir,

    give a quantitative description of the course of natural self-purification processes.

Emphasizing the importance of bioindicative research methods, it should be noted that bioindication provides for the identification of already existing or ongoing environmental pollution by the functional characteristics of individuals and the ecological characteristics of communities of organisms. Gradual changes in the species composition are formed as a result of prolonged poisoning of the reservoir, and they become obvious in the case of far-reaching changes.

Thus, the species composition of living organisms from a polluted reservoir serves as the final characteristic of the toxicological properties of the aquatic environment for a certain period of time and does not give its assessment at the time of the study.

In the cold season, biological indication systems in hydrobiology cannot be used at all.

Each group of organisms as a biological indicator has its advantages and disadvantages, which determine the boundaries of its use in solving bioindication problems.

Zooplankton is quite indicative as an indicator of eutrophication and pollution (in particular organic and nitrate) of waters. A variety of insect larvae are also an integral part of zooplankton.

Zoobenthos - a set of animals living on the bottom and in the bottom layers of water, serves as a good indicator of pollution of bottom sediments and the bottom layer of water. Positive results are also given by the assessment of water quality by insect larvae. Free-living larvae of caddisflies and mayflies are the most sensitive organisms.

Conducting biological research has its own characteristics in stagnant and flowing water bodies.

Also, accidental pollution of a local nature can most easily affect the nature of the bottom population (ie benthic organisms) in such water bodies.

This circumstance forces one to pay attention to the fast places of their flow when studying rivers - riffles, dams, etc. If we want to get an idea of ​​the general state of the river, then the stations must be chosen here. If we are interested in one-time or local pollution, it is necessary to investigate the inhabitants of the bottom in places with a weak current - in backwaters, bogs, etc. After flowing into the river of certain polluted effluents, the latter are carried downstream and deposited in deeper parts of the river with a slow current.

The biological study of stagnant water bodies tends to be more easily interpreted. Here, first of all, it is necessary to conduct comprehensive studies in order to have a more complete picture of the state of the reservoir. The larger the reservoir under study, the greater the number of various stations should be chosen along its perimeter.

Almost any use of water affects its quality. Used water is usually returned to rivers or lagoons for recovery. This can have an undesirable effect on life if the used water is very different from natural water.

Bioindication is a method for assessing the anthropogenic load by the response of living organisms and their communities to it.

Biotesting is the use of biological objects (test objects) under controlled conditions to identify and evaluate the effect of environmental factors (including toxic ones) on an organism, its individual function or system of organisms. Good results are obtained from the analysis of benthic (bottom) insects. The assessment of the purity of water bodies is done by the predominance or absence of certain taxa.

Pollution scale by indicator taxa

indicator taxa

Ecological and biological usefulness, water quality class, use

Larvae of stoneflies, flat larvae of mayflies, caddisfly - riacophylla

Very clean. Full-fledged Drinking, recreational, fishery.

Floating and crawling caddis-neureklipsis, forktails, water bug

Net. Full-fledged Drinking, recreational, fishery, irrigation, technical.

Burrowing larvae of mayflies, caddisflies in the absence of rheacophylla and neuroclipsis, larvae of dragonflies of the squash and beauty, midges

Satisfactorily clean. Full. Drinking with cleaning, recreational fish farming, technical irrigation.

Balloons, Dreisena, dragonfly larvae in the absence of a flat-legged and beauty, a water donkey

Polluted. Unfavorable. Limited fish farming, limited irrigation

The mass of tubifex, bloodworms, rats, the mass of midges

Dirty. Unfavorable. Technical.

No macroinvertebrates

Very dirty. Unfavorable. Technical with cleaning

When bioindicating the aquatic environment with the help of insects, various methods are used, namely:

1. Sampling and processing of samples for analysis

When selecting sampling sites, a number of conditions should be taken into account. They should not have shallow waters with dense aquatic vegetation, as well as backwaters with stagnant water.

Soil samples with benthic organisms living in it are taken using a net scraper.

The scraper is a net having a sharpened metal plate 25 cm long in the lower part of the arcuate rim. The net is sheathed with a strong mesh cloth. With a net, samples are collected in a bucket or basin.

Organisms are usually sampled at the sampling site. At the same time, a small portion of the soil is transferred into a cuvette with water and, using tweezers, the animals are transferred to jars with a 4% formalin solution. The jars are labeled with the date and place of sampling. Samples can also be taken in the laboratory. The washed samples can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

2. Evaluation of the quality of pond water according to the Mayer biotic index

The purity of the water of a natural reservoir can be judged by the species diversity and abundance of the animal population, in particular by insects.

Clean reservoirs are inhabited by the larvae of stoneflies, mayflies, wingflies and caddisflies. They cannot stand pollution and quickly disappear from the reservoir as soon as sewage enters it.

Moderately polluted reservoirs are inhabited by water donkeys, amphipods, midge larvae (midges), bitinia, lawns, dragonfly larvae and leeches (large false horse, small false horse, clepsina).

Excessively polluted reservoirs are inhabited by larvae of the bell mosquito (bloodworm) and silt fly (rat).

This technique is suitable for all types of reservoirs. It is simpler and has the great advantage that it does not require identification of invertebrates to the exact species. The method is based on the fact that various groups of aquatic invertebrates are confined to water bodies with a certain degree of pollution. In this case, indicator organisms are assigned to one of the three sections presented in the table.

It should be noted which of the groups listed in the table were found in the samples. The number of groups found from the first section must be multiplied by 3, the number of groups from the second section - by 2, and from the third - by 1. The resulting numbers are added up: X * 3 + Y * 2 + Z * 1 \u003d S

According to the value of the sum S (in points), the degree of pollution of the reservoir is estimated:

More than 22 points - the reservoir is clean and has 1 quality class;

17-21 points - quality class 2;

11-16 points - moderate pollution of the reservoir, quality class 3;

Less than 11 - the reservoir is dirty, 4 -7 quality class.

The simplicity and versatility of the Mayer method make it possible to quickly assess the condition of the pond under study. If water quality studies are carried out regularly over a period of time and the results are compared, then even using these simple methods you can catch in which direction the state of the pond changes.

3. Determination of the degree of pollution of the reservoir according to the Goodnight and Wattley index

An indicator of water quality in lakes and ponds is its trophicity - the amount of organic substances accumulated in the process of photosynthesis in the presence of biogenic elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). Organic matter ensures the existence of the animal population and its species diversity, the number of populations depends on the amount of food. After the death of animals, problems arise with the decomposition of their corpses and a change in the gas composition of the water. The process of increasing the trophic content of a reservoir is called eutrophication. The most noticeable manifestations of eutrophication include summer “blooming” of water bodies, winter kills, rapid shallowing and overgrowth of water bodies. Eutrophication can be detected during the study using bioindicators. The role of bioindicators in this case can be played by the larvae of twitching mosquitoes or chironomus mosquitoes and small bristle rings living in bottom silts rich in organic matter. Chironomus larvae, popularly called "bloodworms", and ringworms live in silt, feed on organic residues and are adapted to a lack of oxygen due to the content of hemoglobin in the blood. If these organisms are present in the bottom silt, this is a sure sign of eutrophication. To clarify this fact, it is necessary to extract silt from the bottom of the reservoir using a water net or scoop, then thoroughly wash it on a sieve or metal mesh with small cells of living organisms. The degree of eutrophication is determined by the number of rings and chironomids. It is customary to distinguish three degrees of eutrophication: 1) weak, 2) medium, 3) strong. With strong eutrophication, tubifex is numerous in the silt, they often cover the bottom with a continuous layer, in summer the water becomes green due to the mass reproduction of algae, and in winter fish die-offs are observed and reservoirs need aeration. The waters of such reservoirs are of little use for domestic use. With an average eutrophication, an increase in the number of bloodworms is observed, tubules are single. With weak eutrophication, these signs are absent.

For the improvement of reservoirs with strong eutrophication, mowing and harvesting of aquatic plants, removal of silt, called sapropel, from the bottom can be recommended. Fresh sapropel can be applied to the soil as a valuable organic fertilizer.

The Goodnight and Wattley index can also serve as an indicator of eutrophication. To determine the index, benthic organisms are collected from a certain bottom area. Using a scraper or a shovel, remove the bottom soil, thoroughly wash it on a sieve. Organisms remaining on the sieve are placed in a container of water. In the laboratory, the collected animals are divided into two groups: one group - small bristle rings - oligochaetes, the second - other species. After counting organisms in groups find index Goodnight and Whatley formula

a= M X 100

where a is the index, M is the number of oligochaete worms, and B is the number of all types of organisms. After finding the index, the degree of pollution of the reservoir is determined according to the table.


Thus, from the above, we can conclude that bioindication methods are important in environmental monitoring, that they, in recent times received wide acceptance and popularity. No matter how modern the equipment for monitoring pollution and determining harmful impurities in the environment, it cannot be compared with a complex “living device” that reacts to certain changes, reflecting the impact of the whole complex of factors, including complex compounds of various ingredients.

Bioindication can be defined as a set of methods and criteria designed to search for informative components of ecosystems that could:

a) adequately reflect the level of environmental impact, including the complex nature of pollution, taking into account the phenomena of synergy of acting factors;

b) diagnose early disturbances in the most sensitive components of biotic communities and evaluate their significance for the entire ecosystem in the near and distant future.

Bioindication is based on the close relationship of living organisms with the environmental conditions in which they live. Changes in these conditions, for example, an increase in salinity or pH of water, a change in the gas composition of the air, can lead to the disappearance of certain types of organisms that are most sensitive to these indicators and the appearance of others for which such an environment will be optimal. Various groups of organisms, including insects, are used as bioindicators.

With the help of insects, it is possible to carry out bioindication of such natural media as water and soil. By morphological, physiological changes, changes in the ontogenesis of insects, one can judge the degree and nature of soil and water pollution, their sanitary condition and quality. Thus, we can say that insects are a group of organisms widely used in bioindicative studies.

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