Vietnam vacation is much better. Holiday seasons in Vietnam by months

the beauty 31.08.2019
the beauty

Vietnam is famous for its paradise beaches, and go there primarily for their sake. However, diving enthusiasts will also like this paradise - diving here is one of the cheapest in the world, but at the same time it is well organized, and there are interesting dive sites, and you can dive throughout the year, just changing resorts.

Those who like sightseeing vacation will appreciate the richness and preservation of historical monuments. There are medieval imperial citadels, French colonial quarters, and partisan catacombs from the Vietnam War. And the nature of such a small country is striking in its grandiosity: the giant Mekong Delta, the largest cave in the world Sondong, the bay of 3000 Halong Islands. Perfect seasoning for vacation local kitchen with a pleasant French accent.

Tours to Vietnam

Popular resorts

Vietnam on the map is stretched along the meridian by a winding line. Above, in the north, is the capital of the country -. In the center is the ancient capital of Hue, popular with fans of sightseeing holidays.

beach resorts start a little to the south, in Nha Trang, the most famous and popular of them. Further south follow, especially suitable for surfers and kiters. Below the Mekong Delta begins, as well as the "Paris of the East", an industrial and tourist center -.

In the extreme south of the country, the sea gives way to the Gulf of Thailand. In it, at the very borders of Cambodia, is located, the largest island of Vietnam. Paradise beaches with white sand and coconut palms should be looked for exactly there, on its western coast.


The level of hotel service in Vietnam is very high: even hotels of the 3-star category are close to European 4 stars in terms of comfort and quality of service. And the local "fours" and even more so "five", especially when we are talking about historical hotels - this is already a real luxury.

Animation for children, children's clubs and special entertainment programs are not yet available in every resort hotel, information about them needs to be clarified in advance. Also, not all hotels operate in the all-inclusive format, which, by the way, is not so strong and in demand. In Vietnamese resorts, you don’t want to sit around the clock in a hotel when there are so many interesting and tasty things around.

You can even come to Vietnam without booking a hotel in advance. In major tourist centers, you can always find free rooms right on the spot.

Tours to Vietnam

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow



The national currency of Vietnam is the Vietnamese dong. Its cost is such that you should have banknotes of 50,000 and 20,000 dong with you as a “change” in order to pay off a cycle rickshaw (“siklo”) or buy a glass of freshly squeezed juice. The largest denomination is half a million dongs.

Best to take on a trip U.S. dollars: here you can pay with them just as freely as with the national currency. The euro has no such circulation.


Visa to Vietnam need not for Russians who are going to come for a period of up to 15 days.

Those who plan to stay in the country longer need to obtain a visa. It can be single and multiple, but in both cases it is issued for a period of 1 or 3 months. To obtain a visa, you must collect a package of documents and contact the consular department of the Vietnamese Embassy. The visa is issued within 5 - 7 working days. However, you can also apply for a visa on arrival at any of the main airports in Vietnam. It's both faster and easier.

Airfare to Vietnam round trip

Ticket prices shown are for 1 person departing from Berlin

What to bring from Vietnam

Even by the standards of Southeast Asia, prices in Vietnam are very low, so no one comes here without souvenirs. Russians often bring tropical fruits, medicinal artichoke tea and coffee from Vietnam, including such an exotic and expensive variety as “kopi luwak”: it is also cheaper here than, for example, on. Souvenir classics have become snake wine and medicinal tinctures on snakes, scorpions and other poisonous living creatures. Men consider them useful for their health.

Women like Vietnamese pearl jewelry from the island and silk clothes. On vacation, many even order the national aozai women's costume from local dressmakers, which consists of a long silk shirt and trousers. The traditional conical hat made of palm leaves is perfect for it.

Vietnam is a very interesting, beautiful country, with its own character and culture. But it is not as popular in terms of tourism as Thailand, although it is very close. The reason for this is not a weak infrastructure, not a suitable political system and not the bad character of the inhabitants. Everything is quite the opposite. Climate is the reason. Most of the country is located in a subtropical region with frequent monsoons. Only southern part coast of Vietnam is located in a hot, tropical and dry zone.

Vietnam is one of the five countries most dangerous in terms of natural disasters. Frequent tropical downpours wash out roads for several months, wash away the topsoil, cause landslides and mudflows. Despite such difficulties, this is a very worthy country to see. The tourism industry is developing very fast here. Therefore, you need to have time to see Vietnam as unspoiled as it is now.

In our article we will tell you what is good in Vietnam, what you can see and where to relax. Let's start from the north.


One of the northernmost towns in the country. It is surrounded by mountains with a height of about 3,000 meters. The city itself is located at an altitude of more than one and a half kilometers. It is worth spending several days here to wander around the surrounding mountains, admire the man-made terraces for growing rice, and see the life of the highlanders' villages. From here you can cross the border into Laos.

Those tourists who plan to visit not only beach hotels usually fly here. The city is very rich in sights. It is very difficult to single out something. Many of the buildings in the city center are from the time of French colonization. There are ancient temples and modern monuments. It is better to inspect everything to the maximum:

  • old quarters of Hanoi;
  • mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh;
  • park and lake of the Returned sword;
  • fortress of Hanoi;
  • puppet theater on the water;
  • temple of Quan Tha;
  • Cathedral Saint-Joseph.

Halong bay

A unique place that you will not find anywhere else on our planet. It is also called the Bay of the Thousand Islands. There are really a lot of islands, more than 3000. It is worth seeing, as with high point- an observation deck, and from the water - having swept and even possibly spent the night on a boat in this bay.


The capital of the last dynasty of the Vietnamese emperors. It is under the protection of UNESCO, which means there is something to see here. More than 300 monuments of history, religion and culture are no joke.


One of the largest cities in the country. There are excellent beaches, shops, restaurants and interesting historical heritage sites. This city is already suitable for a full-fledged beach holiday.

Museum city. A huge number of temples, mountain peaks, beautiful landscapes. The Great Silk Road ran through Hoi An. At the same time here magnificent beaches and some tourists.

Nha Trang

The most popular beach resort in Vietnam. Here you can find everything your heart desires. The only thing you won't find is boredom and deserted beaches, especially in high season. Here is the largest concentration of hotels and tourists per square meter.

Phan Thiet

Excellent hotels of different levels, golf courses, windsurfing, kitesurfing. Winds are constantly blowing here, which are loved by lovers of boards, sails or kites. But a beach holiday in Vietnam is better spent elsewhere.

Mui Ne

And in Russian - Muinovka or Mui Ne (forgive me my French). Continuation of the beaches of Phan Thiet. If you are already tired of Vietnamese food, come here. Here you will meet familiar faces, familiar food, prices are 5 times higher than anywhere else and other attributes Russian life. It is almost constantly stormy here, as in Phan Thiet, so it is better not to go here with small children.

Dalat - an unusual mountain resort

It was founded by the French, who wanted to "escape" from the sweltering heat of the south. Here they met, similar to their native, alpine landscapes, waterfalls, rivers, forests.

Ho Chi Minh City - the southern capital of Vietnam

A large metropolis with all its attributes, which turned into an old town once captured by the French. The Americans, during the Vietnam War, called it Saigon. In the USSR, the word Saigon was considered synonymous with robbery and vice. Those times have sunk into oblivion. Now it's beautiful city with an abundance of interesting monuments and places worth visiting. For example:

  • palaces and buildings of the French colonial period;
  • guerrilla tunnels Ku-Chi;
  • Jade Temple;
  • zoo and botanical garden;
  • park areas - there are a lot of them;
  • markets and malls.

Phu Quoc

An island located in the Gulf of Thailand. Wide white beaches, jungles, temples, villages - an absolutely calm and measured lifestyle. People come here for this and nothing else. Although the island already has an airport, this does not prevent it from delighting its guests with a lack of fuss. At the same time, if you get tired of silence, you can easily go to noisy Ho Chi Minh City.

We hope this information has helped you.

Have a nice trip to Vietnam!

Let's tell you by month when the best season for a holiday in Vietnam is on the beach. Read how not to get into the rainy season at various resorts.

Vietnam for a long time did not arouse any interest among our compatriots: poor country with socialism - what is a tourist to do there? But for last years Vietnam is actively beginning to gain popularity as a beach destination. It turned out that in this country it is very pleasant to relax by the sea on soft sand, both in summer and in winter.

Due to the long coastline, you can swim and sunbathe in Vietnam whole year. But for these purposes, you need to choose the right resorts so that your vacation is not overshadowed by constant tropical downpours and storms.

There are only two seasons in Vietnam - dry and wet, but it should be borne in mind that the territory of the state is divided into three zones: northern (Halong, Hanoi and Trako), central (Danang, Nha Trang), southern (Phu Quoc, Ho Chi Minh, Mui Ne, Vung Tau). And each zone has its own season, suitable for a beach holiday.

Comfortable season in Vietnam


After the wet season, Vietnam's weather turns to winter. This is especially felt in the northern regions, where the air temperature drops significantly to +17+23 degrees and only occasionally rises to +25. It rains mostly at night, no more than 5-7 times a month. Fog creeps in the lowlands in the morning.

In Hoi An, Hue and Da Nang, heavy rains are pouring and destructive hurricanes are raging. Settlements floods with water, the sea is muddy and restless. It is better not to go to the beaches. In Nha Trang and Mui Ne, although the sun warms the air up to +29 degrees, frequent rains and typhoons do not allow you to enjoy your vacation.

Are you planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help save money at the stage of preparation for the trip.

The least precipitation at this time is on the island of Phu Quoc, in Phan Thiet and Vung Tau, however, humid up to +30 degrees can cause discomfort.


The official start of dry and beach season falls on . It is this month that a stream of tourists rushes to Vietnam for the purpose of a beach holiday. The southern coast provides excellent conditions for swimming and sunbathing: the sky is clear, there is almost no rain, during the day the air and water temperature is about +26. In Mui Ne, the temperature rises to +30, but it is carried comfortably due to a light cool wind. Roughly the same conditions in Fukuoka, which in December experiences the highest tourist season.

Da Nang, Hoi An and Hue are still affected by cyclones bringing heavy rains. The water heats up to about +24 degrees and seems warmer than the air. It is quite cool in Hanoi and Halong in December - +20 degrees during the day, +16 degrees at night, and there are fogs.


Most cold month in Vietnam. In the mountainous regions there are intermittent rains, sometimes snow falls. There is almost no rain in Hanoi and Halong, but during the day it is quite cool - about + 15 + 18 degrees, and at night it is about +13 at all. In the central zone, precipitation becomes less (only in Da Nang there are frequent rains), but the sky is covered with clouds most of the time. The air temperature rises to +23+25 degrees, the water warms up to +24.

The south of Vietnam pleases tourists with warm and dry weather. In Ho Chi Minh City and Phan Thiet, the sun warms the air up to +29 degrees, and the water up to +25. In Vung Tau, the temperature is a couple of degrees higher. At the same time, the air humidity is low, and a light breeze adds freshness.

  • Travelata , Level.Travel , OnlineTours - look for the hottest tours here.
  • Aviasales - save up to 30% on air tickets.
  • Hotellook - book hotels with discounts up to 60%.
  • Numbeo - see the order of prices in the host country.
  • Cherehapa - take reliable insurance.
  • AirBnb - rent an apartment from locals.


Afraid of being left without communication on the road?

We define best time for a beach holiday in Vietnam! When does the rainy season end and is the perfect time to go to the seaside? When are tropical fruits ripe? Check out our monthly weather overview and choose the best time to travel.

rainy season in vietnam

The wet season in the regions of the republic comes in different months. On the south(which includes the main resorts - Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, Phu Quoc, Vung Tau) it starts in May and lasts until November. At this time very high humidity, there are short tropical showers. There are cloudy cool and fresh days, gusty wind. The average temperature is around +27°C. For the shortest rainy season. Tourists usually avoid traveling to Vietnam during the rainy season, but some travelers believe that tropical rains are nothing to worry about and come to the country at this time.

AT center Vietnam's rainy season lasts from December to April. At this time, we do not recommend visiting the resorts of Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An. We just spent December 2014 and the beginning of January 2015 in these cities. Rains, although short-lived, but frequent, quite cool (not at all +25°С, as they usually write, but, according to the sensations, about +10...+15°С). In hotels central heating no, so the rooms are cold and easy to catch a cold. Very humid, clothes and shoes do not dry. We advise you to have strong raincoats. It is impossible to swim, as the ocean is stormy, red flags are hung on the beaches. True, sometimes there are sunny days (or at least cloudy, but without precipitation) when you can see the sights. The resort with the most rainfall, according to our observations, is Hue.

On a note: during the wet season there may be typhoons (usually in the center of the country, less often in the south and north). From the second half of October to the second half of December, Da Nang and Hue fall under their destructive action.

On the north The country's wet season lasts from April to November. However, it also sometimes rains in winter: we were there in January 2015, and, as in the case of the center of Vietnam, we would not advise visiting the region without warm clothes, suitable shoes and raincoats. It is cold in Hanoi, the temperature is +10...+20°С. In Halong, the situation is better: it is almost always sunny, but it is quite cool in the mornings and evenings.

beach season

The beach holiday season in the south of Vietnam falls on the winter-spring period ( December - April) - it is at this time that it is best to fly to rest. During these months there are many visitors from Russia, China, Europe and the USA, weather great, but prices go up. In the spring, dry and warm weather all over the coast. In May - June, it is most comfortable to relax in the central part of Vietnam.

Monthly weather in Vietnam


It is cool in the north, warm and rainy in the center, clear and dry in the south. In the south +30°С during the day, +22°С at night, water +27°С. In Da Nang + 24 ° С, the sea is also + 24 ° С. It is stormy in Nha Trang, especially in the first half of December, during the day +28°С, at night +21°С, water temperature +24°С. In Mui Ne and Ho Chi Minh it is warm and sunny +31°С during the day, +22...+24°С at night, the sea in Mui Ne, Phan Thiet and Fukuoka is +26...+28°С. It is better to meet at these southern resorts.

January February

In the north of the country it is cool +19°С during the day, +14°С at night. It is moderately warm in the center: in Da Nang and Hoi An during the day it is +23...+25°C, the precipitation is already less intense, the sea is pleasant +23°C. The season is in the south of Vietnam, best of all: dry and clear +32...+34°С during the day, sea +28°С. An excellent beach holiday in Fukuoka, where during the day it is + 30 ° С, the sea is + 28 ° С. In February, dry sunny weather is set throughout the country.

March, April

March and April are the months when it is better to go on vacation to Vietnam. In March, tropical heat comes to the southern and central regions. This is a great time for a beach and sports holiday. In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet + 34 ° C during the day, + 24 ° C at night, water + 28 ° C. In Nha Trang, the air temperature is a couple of degrees lower. In Fukuoka hotter at night+27°С, +32°С during the day, +29°С at sea. The northern coast is traditionally colder, but at the end of April you can already swim there: during the day +23 ... + 25 ° С, the sea + 23 ° С.


The rainy season begins in the south and north of Vietnam. At the beginning of the month, they fall mainly at night, so some opportunities for beach holidays and excursions remain. In Hanoi during the day + 31 ° С, at night + 25 ° С. In Nha Trang during the day + 32 ° С, at night + 24 ° С, water + 28 ° С. In Fukuoka during the day + 35 ° С, at night + 25 ° С, water + 29 ° С.

June August

The rainy season is in full swing in the south and north of the country, daytime temperatures are +32...+34°С, hot, humid and stuffy. summer months- the time when it is better to relax in the center of Vietnam: Da Nang, Nha Trang, Hue and Hoi An, where it is relatively dry. At the end of August, the rains reach the central regions of the country.

September October

In the north of the country, the rainy season is coming to an end, in the south there are intermittent rains, in the center - heavy rains, there may be hurricanes and floods. The water in the sea is +27°С. In Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet and Nha Trang +32...+33°C during the day, +24°C at night, +30°C in Fukuoka during the day and +25°C at night. In October, weather conditions noticeably worsen, it becomes colder by several degrees, it rains every day, the sea is stormy, and hurricanes rage in the center of the country. In Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An, this is the wettest month, when the humidity reaches 80%, floods often occur.


In November, it is best to relax in the north of Vietnam: dry and clear weather sets in there, during the day it is about +15 ... + 20 ° С. There is still a high probability of typhoons in the central regions. In Nha Trang it is often cloudy, + 26 ° C during the day, + 22 ° C at night, the sea is muddy and warm + 24 ° C, in Da Nang + 22 ... + 24 ° C. In Fukuoka, clear and calm water is + 27 ° С, during the day it is clear + 32 ° С, at night + 23 ° С.

Fruit season in Vietnam

The fruit abundance of Vietnam can even be envied. The mango and jackfruit season starts in March and lasts until summer. Avocados, rambutans and lychees appear in April, and mangosteen in early summer. Citrons and cherimoya ripen in June, tropical plums in July, persimmons appear in August. The season of these fruits is not very long - only 3-4 months, and they can be found on sale until the end of the calendar autumn.

In November, the first winter fruits appear - local tangerines, in December - star apples (starapple). Durians also appear in January, but the season of these exotic fruits is much longer and lasts until October. The most delicious longan ripens from May to July, but you can buy it at any time of the year.

From our own experience, we can say that Vietnam is the most fruity country in Southeast Asia. It seems that the fruit season in Vietnam is all year round: oranges, pineapples, pomelo, watermelons, melons, bananas, grapes, papaya, sapodilla, guava, pomelo, coconut, dragonfruit - there is no shortage of fruits here, we found them always and everywhere, moreover on low prices(except perhaps in the north of the country, prices are higher, and the cheapest fruits are in the south). We have a special article dedicated to - we described them, collected their names in Vietnamese and Thai, and gave prices and harvest seasons.

(Photo © John Loo / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Hi all! Why in Nha Trang, you ask? And because Nha Trang is not only the most popular resort in Vietnam among Russian-speaking travelers, but also because this city has a very successful geographical location. All major attractions can be reached on your own within one day.

We were in Vietnam three times, first on a tour, and then 2 times we went to Vietnam on our own. We traveled almost the entire country from the very south and almost to the north. We were in Fukuoka, Ho Chi Minh City, Mui Ne, Nha Trang, Dalat, Hoi An, Da Nang and Hue. In this article, we will share all the necessary information that we managed to learn and verify in practice on our own.

Let's go to Nha Trang on our own

What is better, take a ticket or go on your own to Nha Trang?

In the current situation, when travel agencies burst one after another, it is most reliable to organize your vacation yourself. For the first time we went to Vietnam on a voucher for 7 days and paid about 25 thousand rubles per person. Now I understand that we did not recognize the country at all in such a short time.

The second time we decided to go to Vietnam on our own and for a longer period. We saw and learned much more about Vietnam, while our expenses amounted to about $ 800 per month. But, this amount does not include air tickets, since we arrived from Cambodia and left for Laos. It turns out that if you fly for a short period of 7-14 days, then it will be more profitable to take a ticket, since air tickets from Russia and back are not cheap. But then there remains the risk of bankruptcy of your travel agency.

Rest in Vietnam as a savage. All beaches are public and free

Vietnam without a ticket? Easily!

So, if you decide to go to Nha Trang on your own, then read on carefully, I will briefly describe all the main details of organizing a trip as a savage. I will not be scattered about the benefits of independent travel, I will write only the main points that you should pay attention to. All of the following recommendations are based on our own experience living and traveling in Vietnam. We traveled half the country on buses, flew planes with local airlines, traveled by taxi, lived in Mui Ne, Nha Trang, Hoi An, Da Nang, looked at Dalat, Ho Chi Minh and Hue.

Standard solo travel plan:

  • Find free time for the trip
  • Buy tickets
  • To book a hotel
  • Get insurance
  • Exchange money
  • Leave to enjoy your holiday

In principle, any of these items can be excluded. Even everything is possible If you have remote work, then it is not necessary to carve out free time, you can work via the Internet, which in Vietnam is available in every hotel. You can not buy air tickets, but go by land transport or hitchhiking - an option for seasoned travelers who have a lot of time. It is also not necessary to book hotels, you can always find something on the spot if it is a tourist city.

Do you need travel insurance, let everyone decide for himself whether it is worth the risk. But having insurance is not a requirement to enter this country. Money can be kept on the card, withdrawn from ATMs or paid in stores.

Something like this. See for yourself what can be excluded, but for now I will write in more detail about all the nuances of an independent trip to Nha Trang.

A solo trip to Vietnam may be more interesting than a package tour

Where to buy tickets

We buy online - it's cheaper and easier

Now the life of travelers has become much easier. It is no longer necessary to beat the thresholds of some agencies or air ticket offices. Now it’s enough just to go to online ticket search engines, for example, Aviasales, find the most convenient flights and buy e-ticket by paying bank card. It is not necessary to print such a ticket; at the counter at the airport, registration is carried out according to the passport. Just in case, you can take a picture of the itinerary receipt on the tablet.

Ticket websites:


Search on these sites or use the following form to search for air tickets for the dates you need:

How to book a hotel in Nha Trang

Hotels and guesthouses in Nha Trang are literally at every step. From $10-15 per day you can find a small but more or less decent room. A spacious room in a good 3-4 star hotel with a swimming pool and breakfast will cost at least $30-40 per day.

To independently book a hotel in Nha Trang via the Internet, you do not need to look for hotel websites. Here, too, everything is very simple. We go to the hotel search engine (for example, Booking) and book with a credit card.

Payment will be made directly at the hotel, and your card acts as a guarantee that you have booked a room and will arrive at it on the appointed day. Reservations can be canceled or dates changed if booked in advance. It is no longer possible to cancel the reservation 1-2 days before arrival.

Look for hotels on these sites: → →
Airbnb →

In Vietnam, hotel prices are lower than the Asian average. For $10-12 per night you will have a small, clean room with air conditioning, a TV and a refrigerator, perhaps even with a balcony and a sea view. See our selection -. When renting for a long time, you can try to negotiate with the owners and get a discount. But even without a discount in Nha Trang, you can rent a hotel room for a month for $300-350.

In Nha Trang you can rent an apartment by the day. Use to search for housing search engine Booking.

Renting a house in Nha Trang costs $300-400 per month on average

Vietnam insurance

An insurance policy is now also easily issued via the Internet. Cost from 500 rubles per week. To apply for insurance go to Cherehapa insurance site. There, simply enter your travel dates and country, click calculate. The system will show the cost of insurance in various insurance companies. Choose the best one for the price and then click "Buy". You can also order insurance on the services and Tripinsurance.

If you are going to drive a moped, ride a jet ski, fly with a parachute, etc. - choose the type of recreation - active. Please also note that no insurance is valid if you are intoxicated!

Whether to insure or not is up to you. But it's better to do it, so it will be calmer. In our last article, we already discussed with readers whether insurance is needed, read it.

Visa to Vietnam

Russians 15 days without a visa. That is, they just flew in, went through passport control and received a stamp for 15 days. You don't even need to fill out any immigration cards.

Ukrainians, Belarusians and residents of other CIS countries need to get a visa. Read online about this topic.

IMPORTANT! If you leave Vietnam on your own for another country (Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, etc.), you cannot go back without a visa. They won't let you on the plane! This is because a new stamp for 15 days can only be delivered in a month.

What to do? Order an invitation or apply for a visa at a Vietnamese consulate in another country. Read more.

What money to take to Vietnam and how much?

Dollars, euros, Asian currencies (Hong Kong and Singapore dollars, ringgits, Thai baht, yuan, rupees). Do not bring rubles or hryvnia, it will be difficult and not profitable to change. If only on the map.

The currency of Vietnam is dong (VND). All payments are made only in dongs. In rare cases, hotels, travel agencies or tourist shops may accept dollars. But legally you can't do that.

In Nha Trang itself, you can exchange dollars for dongs at any bank or street exchanger. Never exchange money with random people on the street, on the beach, in the market (divorce).

I will not write the exchange rate against the ruble in the article now, it is constantly changing. See the current exchange rate in the currency converter on the right. Dong to dollar exchange rate 1$ = 23.000 dong. For convenience of calculations, consider that the dollar is equal to 20 thousand dongs.

Prices in Nha Trang are quite low. The main items of expenditure are flights, accommodation and excursions. On food per day, it can take an average of $ 15-20 per person, depending on where and what to eat, in simple cafes or in restaurants for tourists.

Money in Vietnam

Travel around the country, buses, trains, taxis

Public transport in Nha Trang, and throughout Vietnam, is well developed. There are no problems with movement in Nha Trang. Small buses run around the city, the fare is 7000 VND. There are several routes, so in Nha Trang you can easily get to anywhere in the city on your own.

Also in Nha Trang taxi drivers are on duty around the clock in modern air-conditioned cars. Grab taxi and Uber applications work. Can order a taxi online. There are no familiar Asian tuk-tuks in Vietnam, but you can use the services of motorbike taxi drivers.

Taxi in Nha Trang
City bus in Nha Trang
Vietnamese long distance sleeper bass

Excursions in Nha Trang are sold at every step

You can also go on almost all excursions on your own. There are many travel agencies with Russian-speaking employees on the central streets of Nha Trang. The most famous is the Russian Information Center. There you can order any excursions, buy a SIM card, change money or just consult.

Now I will not describe in detail what to see in Nha Trang. The main attraction of Nha Trang, perhaps, is the island of entertainment - Winpearl. Tours are sold on it, but you can easily go on your own. Also in the city itself there are several interesting places, which you can easily see on your own:

Also from Nha Trang, tourists go on excursions to neighboring cities - Dalat, Hoi An, Hue. If you plan to explore everything in Nha Trang on your own without guides and excursions, then you can also easily get there on your own. For example, you can get to Dalat from Nha Trang on your own by bus in just 2-3 hours, which is half the price of paying for an excursion. Can be ordered private transfer Nha Trang – Dalat. It takes longer to go to Hoi An and Hue, you will have to spend the night in a sleeper bass. If you travel in this direction, be sure to take 1-2 days to explore, which is located just between Hoi An and Hue.

The famous tree hotel in Dalat
You can also see the temples in Hoi An on your own without a tour.
Hue self guided tour
Linh Ung Pagoda in Da Nang. We came and saw

The language of communication

In tourist cities - English. In the wilderness - sign language.

In Nha Trang, in all the tourist areas, we had no communication problems. In crowded places of foreigners - Nha Trang, Hoi An, Hue, Sapa, all the locals speak English fluently. If you know English then language barrier will not. In souvenir markets, in massage parlors, in travel agencies and in tourist shops, they can even communicate in Russian. The farther from tourist spots, the more difficult with the language. In the wilderness, no one understands English. And not only in the wilderness, for example, we had difficulty communicating even in and in, we had to express ourselves with gestures.

In the markets for locals, communication occurs most often only with gestures

What to eat

There are a lot of cafes and restaurants in Nha Trang for every taste and budget. All tourists in Vietnam lean on cheap seafood (lobsters, shrimp, mussels, fish) and exotics - snakes, lizards, frogs. Directly in Nha Trang there are several Russian restaurants where you can eat the usual dishes - borscht, potatoes with meatballs and dumplings.

If you want to save money, then feel free to eat at a cafe for locals. They do not look very presentable, but at prices everything is 3-4 times cheaper there. Many travelers eat in such eateries with small plastic chairs.

Morning beach in Nha Trang

Security in Vietnam

While living in Vietnam, we noted that the country is quite safe to live in. The Vietnamese are not aggressive. The main thing is to follow the standard precautions:

  • There are cases on the Internet when motorcyclists snatch bags from tourists, so do not carry any valuables and money with you to the beach. It will be safer to take a small backpack and put it on both shoulders.
  • Theft in hotels, as in any country in the world, is possible. To minimize risks, just do not leave money, valuables, phone, tablet in sight and everything will be fine.
  • Do not show large sums of money, jewelry, or other valuables to hotel staff or hosts. Just in case. Applicable to any country.
  • When conflict situations you should not raise your voice at the Vietnamese or engage in assault, as the police will always be on the side of the locals.
  • Do not walk alone at night in dark deserted alleys, lighting the way with an iPhone. Most likely nothing will happen to you, but it's better not to risk it.
  • Are insects, spiders, snakes, predators found in Nha Trang? There are currently no cities dangerous insects, snakes and especially predators. Of course, no one is safe from mosquitoes and cockroaches, including large flying ones, but they are not dangerous and are rare.

Bike rental in Vietnam

Renting a scooter to get around Vietnam alone costs about $5-10 per day. international law they do not work in Vietnam, but tourists can privately drive a moped without a license. The main thing is to have a helmet and follow the rules. Do not leave your passport as a deposit, look for rental offices that will agree to a photocopy. Do not drink alcohol, otherwise, in the event of an accident, insurance will not work.

Storm in Nha Trang

Useful links for organizing an independent trip

A selection of links for more information:

  • Flights to Vietnam- search and purchase of air tickets
  • Hotel rentals in Nha Trang from $8 or in any other city
  • Find an apartment or room for rent for a long time
  • Arrangement of travel insurance- in this section you can find out the cost and order an insurance policy
  • - a useful article about visas, our experience.
  • Transfers and taxis- online taxi order in Nha Trang

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