Where is her station? eeya train schedule

Fashion & Style 30.06.2019

Adygea - republic within Russian Federation, from 1922 to 1991 was part of Krasnodar Territory. The name of the toponym goes back to the ethnikon Adyge - the self-name of the Adygs, Circassians and Kabardians. The etymology of the toponym has not been finally established; There are several versions about the primary nature of the term. According to one of them, from the beginning of our era, one of the Adyghe coastal tribes called Zikhs becomes the most famous; at that time they lived somewhere between the present cities of Tuapse and Gagra. By the 5th century, their territory expanded significantly and moved to the northwest. Authors of the 8th century mention Zikhia as a significant country on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. In medieval sources, the Georgians call the Circassians "dzhiks", and their country - Dzhiketi. According to some historians, the self-name of the Adyghe is based on the ethnonym of the ancient time "zihi" through the not preserved intermediate form"adzyge". The ethnonym “dzhigety” was preserved on the shores of the Black Sea until the end of the Caucasian War (18 64). An interesting hypothesis is the origin of the ethnonym Adyge from the Abkhaz adzy - “water” (by the way, the Ubykhs called all the Abkhaz tribes Adzygye). L.G. Lopatinsky etymologizes the term “adzyge” as “Pomeranians”, from adzy - “water”, ge - suffix, i.e. "living by the water" (abh.). There is an assumption that "adehe" is formed from the Arabic word that entered the Turkic languages, as hell - "island", "peninsula"; the second part of the ethnonym is reduced to the Adyghe hy - "sea". It is assumed that the Adekhe lived on the Crimean peninsula under the name Kabarts about 300 years ago. Sh. in this case, he is the Adyghe plural suffix

Her - steppe river in Krasnodar Territory, originates 5 kilometers southeast of the village of Novo-Pokrovskaya, at the spur of the upland of the Stavropol plateau. It flows into the Yeysk Bay of the Sea of ​​Azov. (Translation see above - Yeysk). The most ancient Greek geographer Strabot, who lived more than 2000 years ago, calls it Rhombit ... “When sailing along the coast, the first from Tanaida (Don River) at a distance of 800 stadia will be the so-called Big Rhombit, in which there are many points for catching fish going for salting »

Kugo-Eya - a river in the Krasnodar Territory, a right tributary of the river Eya; originates in the Rostov region, flows into Yeya on the northern outskirts of the village of Kushchevskaya. At the heart of the first part of the hydronym, probably vernacular name plants - cattail - kuga, which grows in abundance in the floodplain of the river. The second part, see Her

New Adygea - an aul on the left bank of the Kuban river in the Teuchezhsky district of the Republic of Adygea. Founded in 1926. See above (Adygea).

BATTERY - This is the name of the area to the east of the stud farm of the Novokubansky district. Here, at one time, the Armavir historian N.I. Navrotsky discovered an ancient settlement, named after him. In the autumn of 1992, archaeologist E.I. Narozhny, conducting an inventory of historical and cultural monuments, discovered the remains of a Russian earthen fortification with positions for artillery on the square of the settlement. This explains the name of the place common to the surrounding inhabitants.

EJ - river (Yeisk city, Yeysk district, Yeysk Fortification village, Her farms (two), Yeysk peninsula, Yeysk farm, Yeysk Spit of the island, Yeysk spit, Yeysk estuary, Sosyka - Yeysk station in the village of Pavlovskaya, Starominskaya - Yeysk railway station in stanitsa Starominskaya, Kugo-Eyskaya railway station), the most abundant and longest river of the Azov-Kuban lowland. In the lower reaches, it was also called Big Her. The river, apparently, gave names to many geographical names. Until the 18th century on the site of modern Yeisk was the village of Khan's town (Chebakleya - from the Turkic and). The sources of the river are located at absolute heights of no more than 100 m, and are located 11 km south of the village of Novopokrovskaya. Already in the village, the river receives its first (left) tributary, the Korsun River (13 km) (named after the city of Korsun (Ukraine), founded in the 11th century). Korsun is an old Russian form of the name of the Greek colony in the Crimea - Chersonese, meaning. But this tributary of the Yei is so marked on the map. Local historians of the Novopokrovsky district call the river Karasun, from the Turkic - a spring, a small lake, a type of a shallow river that feeds on groundwater, that is, a spring river. Usually translated as, referring to the fact that clear water seems dark (black) against a dark bottom. In other words, this hydronym has the meaning, . The same applies to the Karasun River in the city of Krasnodar. Having traveled about 320 km, the river west of the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya flows into the Yeisk Estuary. It has a number of rather large tributaries: - left: r. Sosyka (159 km), r. Veselaya (31 km), r. Ternovka (42 km). - right: r. Gorkaya (27 km), r. Flat (45 km), r. Kavalerka (80 km), r. Kugo-Eya (110 km). The name of the river Eya is translated in different ways. The most common version is from Tatar, meaning Ivan, since Russian peasants and fishermen have long settled here. The second, less common version, translated from Tatar, meaning,. Strabo called Her Big Rhombit, i.e. big river rich in flounder.

KUGO-EYA - the first part of the hydronym comes from the word - high, water, tubular plant from the sedge family. The river gave the name to the village of Kugoeyskaya and the farm Podkugoeysky. The Yeya River made its way through the following areas: Novopokrovsky, Pavlovsky, Krylovsky, Kushchevsky, Starominskoy, Shcherbinovsky.

See general.

The train schedule for the Eya station displayed on this page is for informational purposes and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Trains passing the station Eya

To date, the train schedule for Eya station includes 67 railway flights long distance, of which 0 are daily. The minimum train stop time is 0 h 3 m (train on the route Perm 2 - Adler), and the maximum is 0 h 32 m (flight along the route Orsk - Kislovodsk). Most of the time in the train schedule comes from settlements: Novokuznetsk, Olympic Park, Yekaterinburg, Ulyanovsk at 02:20, 09:43, 19:05, 17:16 respectively. The trains departing from the Yeya station follow the routes - Yeya - Olympic Park, Yeya - Yekaterinburg, Yeya - Novokuznetsk, Yeya - Adler, departing at 19:10, 09:46, 09:46, 17:21, respectively. take into account that the schedule of some trains, such as 492С Adler - Kazan-Pass. (arrival - 00:01, departure - 00:13), 452С Adler - Izhevsk (00:01, 00:13), 353Е Perm 2 - Adler ( 00:11, 00:14), 249N Novokuznetsk (station) - Olympic Park (02:20, 02:33) have a special schedule, so it is recommended to check the schedule for a specific date.

  • How to buy a railway ticket?

    • Specify the itinerary and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the appropriate train and place.
    • Pay for the ticket using one of the suggested methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transferred to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.
  • How to return a purchased train ticket?

  • Can I pay for a ticket with a card? And is it safe?

    Oh sure. Payment is made through the payment gateway of the processing center Gateline.net. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.

    The Gateline.net gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international PCI DSS security standard. Software Gateway has been successfully audited for version 3.1.

    The Gateline.net system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

    The Gateline.net payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Buying an e-ticket to the site is modern and fast way issuance of a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.

    When buying an electronic railway ticket, seats are redeemed immediately, at the time of payment.

    After paying for boarding the train you need:

    • or go through electronic registration;
    • or print your ticket at the station.

    Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, it can be completed by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it's better not to risk it.

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