Tarot. scorpio zodiac sign

Technique and Internet 03.07.2020
Technique and Internet

Scorpio is a sign of destruction and death, and at a high level - rebirth and rebirth. The mystery of overcoming death and destruction is associated with this sign. Inside Scorpio, hidden self-destruction, self-digging is constantly happening, as a kind of preparation for transformation. This is a stinging sign. He does not spare himself, and even more so others. For Scorpio, constant tension, shaking is natural. In this sign, there is a strong manifestation of Pluto, Mars and Uranus, the total action of which gives the representatives of this sign great will, militancy, endurance, great vitality, the ability to overcome any extreme situations. Therefore, many Scorpios choose professions associated with risk and danger. They become good criminalists, surgeons, stuntmen. In a tense situation, such a person is not lost, but is transformed and begins to act. Despite the fact that the representatives of this sign are subject to internal differences, they still try to somehow stabilize them. Scorpios know how to subtly influence others and subjugate them to themselves. They know all the secrets of the human soul. They often have occult and magical powers. Being at the highest level of its development, Scorpio is capable of self-denial, altruism and high spiritual rebirth. Scorpios simply need to solve the problem of their subconscious, because literally Shakespearean passions often rage there. On the one hand, they indulge their sexual fantasies, strive to get everything from life in full, and on the other hand, they reject life, become pessimists, exaggerate the danger, throw tantrums for any reason, fall into world sorrow. All this leads Scorpions to degradation, causes dissatisfaction with themselves and others. And then they begin to engage in self-eating, sting both themselves and others. They are very terrible in their hatred, they can sacrifice themselves, easily destroy their lives and the lives of those around them. Low Scorpio feels bad when another feels good, escalates a tense situation with just his presence, always suspicious, caustic, jealous. Such a Scorpio feels weak spots man and ruthlessly beats them. As the saying goes, "did a dirty trick - joy to the heart." Scorpio is the most sexy sign from the entire zodiacal circle. There are practically no Scorpios who are indifferent to this topic. Sex plays a big role in their life. But one of the main problems of Scorpio is to organize this energy and direct it in a constructive direction, use it in “ peaceful purposes". Scorpios are not exchanged for trifles, they have everything in life in a big way. They need sky-high distances, large-scale tasks.


Characteristic appearance: a strongly built figure, a powerful torso, a short neck, straight, not sloping stoves. Pronounced occiput, coarse hair, reddish complexion.
Signs of defilement: a hunchback, a pronounced stoop.
Part of the body: lower abdomen and genitals.
Number: 21.
Stones: alexandrite, pyrite, tourmaline, topaz.
Metal: cobalt.
Place in the house: toilet.
Kind of sport: fencing, rock climbing, extreme sports.
States: Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Hungary, Ghana, Nicaragua, Zaire.
Foodstuffs: mushrooms and all legumes, you should not abuse spicy food.
Health: Scorpio has a vulnerable urogenital area. Its normal functioning, as well as healthy regular sex, is the key to the health of Scorpio.


From 23-24.10 to 21-22.11


Strength, passion, determination. Resistance to the superficial. Gravitation to deep themes, secrets and issues of power and control. The ability to start from scratch, the possession of healing abilities. Temperance sign.

Scorpio is a stable manifestation of the element of Water. The primary symbol is an eagle emerging from the empty shell of a scorpion. This is a symbol of victory over the binding beginning. But in order to break out of the shell, one must overcome the all-destroying fear, overcome all the obstacles and dangers that lurk primarily in oneself. The purpose of Scorpio is the release of hidden opportunities through cleaning oneself and others from filth, development through destruction and restoration, and the fight against negative manifestations. But here it is very important to comply with the measure. Scorpio must overcome fear, not be afraid of anything, help others get rid of fear and dirt, that is, be reborn. Keyword- overcoming.


The Tarot horoscope for February 2018 for Scorpios says that in general the month will be quite difficult. Unexpected and not always pleasant changes, a gloomy mood, difficulties and obstacles - in a word, there will not be so much good. But, despite the obvious pessimism, Scorpions will still be able to find a way out of a predicament, because it is not without reason that they are called the most mystical and sensitive sign of the Zodiac.

Love (4 of Swords)

For Scorpios, Tarot for February 2018 promises a lot of "sharp corners" in relationships. Misunderstanding, quarrels, conflicts with a partner are possible, however, representatives of this sign will masterfully manage to get around all difficulties if they can control themselves and not succumb to provocations. Maintaining internal balance is the main task of this sign to create peace in the family. After all, it is so difficult to continue the scandal if the interlocutor reacts judiciously and calmly to your attack, right?

It is better for lonely representatives of the “scorpion breed” to refrain from starting new relationships during this period. February is more suitable for restoring strength, calming the mind and resolving internal conflicts - until you understand yourself, it is better not to start any novels.

Finances (8 of Wands)

Quickly, suddenly, abruptly, like a lightning strike, the financial affairs of those born under the most mystical zodiac sign will change in the last winter month. However, it is difficult to predict whether these changes are for the better. The February 2018 Tarot spread for Scorpio says that situations of concern will be resolved, important news will come, it is quite possible that there will be unplanned trips and meetings related to money issues.

Health (7 of Wands)

Tarot forecast for Scorpios for February 2018 predicts some difficulties in matters of health. If you belong to this zodiac sign, you should rely only on your own strength - if you get sick, none of those around you will be able to morally and financially help you, alas. The cards advise Scorpions to listen carefully to their inner voice - it will tell you what to do to successfully get rid of health problems. And, of course, mental stamina is very important: any ailment can be overcome if you do not give up.

“Oh gods, how confused is your life!” - tells the Tarot horoscope to Scorpions in February 2018. Well, still - in personal relationships there are continuous conflicts, in the financial sphere - only surprises, and in health - lack of support. Don't lose heart here! Hold on, Scorpions, and do not take on too much: give up projects and plans that are not extremely important, do not solve other people's problems, cut off everything unnecessary - then there will be much less reasons for depression. You have amazing intuition - so use it - it will never let you down in a difficult moment. Look at life more positively, look for simple joys behind the veil of darkness - then you will definitely emerge victorious from this difficult month.

His motto is "I lust, I lust"

Fixed sign, ruler of the sign— Mars.
Element- water.
lucky days- Tuesday.
bad days- Monday Friday.
Season- summer.
good places- stadiums, factories, forests, taiga, thermal waters.
Numbers- 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100 and 666.
Color spectrum- dark red, scarlet, crimson.
stones- ruby, lunar, crystal, topaz, malachite.
Metal- iron, steel.
Flowers- chrysanthemum, carnation, peony.
Symbols- scorpion, eagle, lamp, pyramid.
Mascot- Scorpio and the sign of Death.
Lucky Numbers in the Lottery- 9, 14, 19 and their combinations 91419 ...

Scorpio temperament: Emotional, nervous.

Scorpio personality: Closed, observant, passionate, sexual, emotional, strong-willed, persistent, persistent. When defeated - critical, quick-tempered, angry, vindictive and vindictive, aggressive, prone to pessimism and secrecy.

Scorpio Professions: Doctor, chemist, military, politician, actor, surgeon, physiotherapist, gynecologist. Bioenergy, psychic, occultist, esoteric. Scorpio is shown banking, service in inspection and permitting bodies (tax office, OVIR, customs ...). Surgery, resuscitation. Work in secret organizations, communication with state secrets, atomic energy, nuclear weapons.
Science and higher education: Military sciences, electronics, technical sciences, chemistry and physics, zoology, anatomy and the humanities (philology, psychology), as for any water sign.
Production activity: Any type of business and entrepreneurship, from small to large. Banking, engineering, metallurgy, automotive, chemical industry, construction, railways. Dangerous professions: military, policemen, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, criminalistics. Politics, civil servants, contractors, foremen, mechanics, repairmen, drivers, electricians, engineers, computer scientists, lawyers, prosecutors, investigators. Funeral homes.
The medicine: Surgery, gynecology, urology, radiology, proctology, pathoanatomy, hypnology, gerontology, pharmacology.
Sport: Boxing, wrestling, motorsport, hunting.
Art: Sculpture, literature (some of its types, in particular - satire, criticism), music. Like any water sign, Scorpio has a passion for music, and especially gravitates toward jazz.

Scorpio Job: Scorpio is usually very punctual. No sign can be so powerful in both good and bad. He uses all his energy; it is very important that he is on the right track. Executive, optimal for complex and dangerous assignments, has great endurance and perseverance. Scorpio's abilities are especially evident where great patience is required. Scorpio is prone to intrigue and intrigue, has great ambition and a desire for power, an unshakable awareness of his innocence, loves to rake in the heat with the wrong hands. Scorpio knows how to work in emergency mode, not to ask unnecessary questions, but simply to follow orders.

Scorpio Career: Scorpio rarely achieves great success in life before the age of 29.5, which corresponds to the cycle of Saturn. Then life begins to pay off Scorpio, giving him what he did not receive in his youth. He rarely misses an opportunity for advancement, even if it must be won at the cost of sex. Women of this sign often occupy leadership positions.

Scorpio business: Scorpio's income is changeable. He is most successful in managing someone else's or partner's finances and resources. He never takes life lightly, he does everything he does seriously. He is very persistent, holds on to the very end, despite the sacrifices, despises weakness in himself and in people, but can be magnanimous, compassionate. Successful in banking, can hold a sweepstakes, market trading, manufacturing business in the raw materials industries, in heavy engineering, in the production of weapons. Scorpio can be a bioenergetic, a magician, a healer. Mafiosi.

Scorpio health: Typical diseases of Scorpio are hemorrhoids, diseases of the rectum, gynecological diseases and prostate diseases, infectious diseases. There may be disturbances in the endocrine system, in the system of assimilation of food. Scorpio needs to watch their diet. Usually recovers because it is hardy. He should be exercising to better remove toxins. Of the elements, Scorpio is shown iron, magnesia, of herbs - garlic.

Scorpio partners: Good compatibility with signs and . Poor compatibility with signs and . This, although correct, is too general a statement. The true compatibility of two people (and not just signs of the Zodiac) must be assessed specifically, knowing the dates of birth of partners.

In the encyclopedia, the scorpion is a nocturnal spider that paralyzes its prey with a poisonous sting located at the end of a long, curved tail. Its poison is deadly.

Often people, having learned that a person was born between October 24 and November 22, shy away from him in fear, exclaiming: "Yes, it's a Scorpio!" Sometimes this same information causes some awe and respect, while women immediately recall the notorious "scorpion passion." In truth, all these legends are terribly tired of the Scorpios, but whether there is any truth in them remains to be proven.

Scorpio people, depending on the situation and the person himself, can be merciless and dangerous, strong and independent.

Scorpios like to keep their incognito, but there are several signs by which they can still be recognized. These are the eyes. Whatever color they are - green, blue, brown or black - they dig into you with hypnotic force, penetrate your soul. The voice of Scorpio can be either velvety-tender, or jerky, sharp, piercing, but no matter what he says, he will never criticize himself; he is self-confident, knows all his advantages and disadvantages perfectly, any blasphemy rolls off him like water off a duck's back, and compliments leave him indifferent: he does not need other people's assessments.

These people, ruled by the planet Pluto, usually have a very good physique and health. By exhausting work, melancholy or any excesses, they can bring themselves to a serious illness, but their will is so great that they quickly recover and restore their strength themselves - they do not trust doctors. Most often, they suffer from the nasopharynx, spine and legs (mostly when playing sports). They should avoid fire, radiation and explosives, but it is to them that they are usually attracted. This is especially true for children, from whom it is necessary first of all to hide matches.

The facial features of Scorpios are sharply defined and sometimes resemble those of an eagle. The hair color is dark, but there are also ash blondes among them. Many male Scorpios have abundant reddish hair on their arms and legs, and their complexion is pale, their eyebrows are wide. The touch of a Scorpio's hand can be cool and gentle, but sometimes stinging. They seem coldish, imperturbable, but they have a passionate nature. These people somehow bewitch others to themselves and always remain loyal friends. They never forget the good done to them, but they remember the evil for a long time, sometimes for many years, and this vindictiveness can bring them to a mental breakdown. Scorpios rarely smile, but sincerely. Scorpions have three paths. First: it can be dangerous and poisonous both for others and for itself, if there is no one nearby on whom you can use your sting, ruthless, vindictive. His hatred not only destroys, but is also capable of destroying Scorpio himself. These are "night scorpions".

Second: strong, independent, wise, fair - "eagle". The Eagles are the most deserving group. General MacArthur, and President Theodore Roosevelt and chemist Marie Curie were eagles. Eagles know no fear. The commander-Scorpio, without flinching, leads his soldiers into battle, and the Scorpio-fireman, without hesitation, will sacrifice his life to take the child out of the fire.

Third: "gray lizard" - the weakest of the Scorpions. He withdraws into himself, suffers from dissatisfaction with himself and others, simply hates everyone and everything, wishes evil to everyone.

Distinctive feature Scorpios, both men and women, stoically endure trials: physical pain, poverty, ridicule, etc., as they are deeply confident in their victory, their ability to overcome everything. They despise death and danger.

It should be borne in mind that Scorpios are able to perfectly control themselves, outwardly impassive, even when everything is boiling inside them. Even when Scorpio smiles and jokes sweetly, you should be on the alert with him.

Scorpio is born with the knowledge of the secrets of life and death and knows how to "manage" both. However, astrology teaches them to "keep their knowledge in check." Therefore, by profession, Scorpios often become writers, composers, police officers, detectives, psychiatrists, reporters, and even undertakers. They are not alien to artistic professions. Although it is believed that many Scorpio surgeons are heartless, it is known that they the best doctors in the world - their Pluto inspires them to heal not only the body, but also the soul, make extremely correct diagnoses and use non-standard methods of treatment.

It is interesting to note the following astrological pattern: when someone in the family dies, then during this or next year a Scorpio is born there, and vice versa: the birth of a Scorpio entails the death of someone close in a year or a year later.

Vitality given to him from birth are enormous. They rarely get sick, but when they do, it's hard. Vulnerabilities- nose, throat, heart, back, legs, sometimes diseases circulatory system and varicose veins.

November flower - prickly thistle, stone - heliotrope, dark red. Metal - steel, cold, smooth, shiny, resisting life's trials.

Man - Scorpio
And now I want to give a little warning to women who are interested in Scorpio men.

Building your personal (or family) life with a Scorpio is not an easy task. If you had the imprudence to fall in love with such a man, and the word "passion" inspires you with some fear and you do not like emotional excesses, then run away from him, like from King Kong. When I use the word "passion" I mean not only love passion, but also any excessive passion - politics, sports, religion, matters of life and death, etc. In short, if you are afraid of any strong manifestation of emotions, then such a man is not for you. And don’t be fooled by his outward calmness and self-control: as already mentioned, inside Scorpio everything boils and burns with fire, so you can easily burn your soul, and such burns heal for a long time.

However, women with a fairly "fireproof" character can risk love and even marriage with Scorpio in the hope that they will be able to keep his passions in check. If they succeed, they will receive enough heat to keep them warm for the rest of their lives.

During the courtship period, Scorpio can either pretend to be a kind of agony, or, if he figured out your exotic tastes, a passionate demonic nature. But in fact, he is neither one nor the other, but perhaps rather a combination of both characters. It should be remembered that both the mind and emotions control his behavior in equal measure. Scorpios often have a highly developed intellect and are interested in philosophy and questions of the universe, and at the same time love luxury, sensual, prone to excesses in food, drink, and especially in love. They are made for it, strive for it, and will not be defeated. Scorpio's favorite manner is complete indifference, absolute calmness, but everything is only external.

He makes all vital decisions himself, regardless of his wife, relatives, friends. Friends choose meticulously.

AT family life Scorpio will very quickly let you know who the master is, and do not try to argue or tell him what to do - he will never allow a woman to dictate to him. He is often violent, so don't yell during a heated argument that you are about to throw yourself out of a window, as his natural reaction will be: "Come on, jump!". Also, don't expect any compliments from him regarding your appearance and clothing, as here he is very straightforward and even tends to sadistically laugh at your physical shortcomings. But with all this, remember: being married to Scorpio, you will feel like behind a stone wall, unless you suddenly decide to flirt with someone and wake up a real volcano of jealousy in him! You will often observe how he is surrounded by women, because he is so charming, but he always remains faithful to his chosen one.

In short: only a brave woman can decide to fly with an "eagle" without the risk of falling and breaking.

Scorpio is usually a stern father. He will not allow his children to be lazy or behave loosely, he will teach them to defend themselves and fight for themselves, respect both themselves and others. And if in childhood children sometimes dislike their father for being too tough discipline, as adults, they are grateful to him. True, a sensitive fragile child can sometimes show neurotic inclinations from such an upbringing, and here the mother should intercede for him and try to soften the father.

Woman - Scorpio
The Scorpio woman has a bewitching beauty, she is proud and completely self-confident, seductive, and if she regrets something subconsciously, it is only that she was not born a man. This, however, does not mean that she is devoid of femininity, on the contrary, femininity is one of her tools. Some even look like a gentle fluffy kitten, but once you get to know him better, you will find out what sharp claws they have. Whatever such a woman wears - jeans, a cowboy shirt and sneakers, she will always look seductive.

If you are not serious, do not waste time on empty courtship, as she sees right through you. As soon as she carefully looks into the eyes of a man, he immediately becomes hypnotized. Her gait is smooth and seductive. She immediately recognizes her chosen one with some kind of sixth sense, and she likes only the strong, beautiful, smart, courageous.

Probably, many men have heard about the passion of women born under the sign of Scorpio. This is true, but passion should not be understood too narrowly. It can be art, and religion, and quite often, the occult sciences. However, all her passions and hobbies are reliably protected by external composure. They carefully keep other people's secrets, but they do not tell their own to anyone, even to their own husband; value the strong and despise the weak.

The husband will dominate the house, she will help to achieve the chosen goal. And no matter how such a wife treats her husband at home, in public she will always stand up for him "mountain".

Scorpio women love home comfort, their home is sparkling clean and tastefully furnished. General cleaning is a real pleasure for her. She loves to clean out all the corners and, God forbid, she stumbles upon something that will allow her husband to be suspected of infidelity. Their jealousy knows no bounds, as well as vindictiveness. If something is "not for her", all the seething passions of Pluto, lurking in the soul of such a woman, can break out and do God knows what. In general, she can be despotic, sarcastic and cold, or, conversely, hot as a fire. She can hate fiercely for a long time or love passionately. She can yell or coo like a gentle dove. In short, she is unpredictable. But after the "explosion" she looks so innocent and so self-possessed that it can be difficult for her husband to convince relatives that it was she who broke all the dishes and tore the curtains to shreds.

AT family budget sometimes wasteful, sometimes petty stingy, but loves luxury and comfort.

Unlike the Scorpio father, who is strict with his children, the mother, although she does not really like to show her feelings outwardly, is always tenderly devoted to them, and the children feel this and know that they are under reliable emotional protection. Such a mother will in every possible way develop the talents of her child and encourage in children the desire to achieve high goals in life. When the children grow up, she will become a good adviser to them, since she herself deeply knows life and human nature. Sometimes she is able to look through her fingers at some antics of her children and be condescending to them (which is to their detriment), but if it suddenly seems to her that someone (or something) is threatening them, he will be immediately pulverized, even if that "someone" is her own husband.

Scorpio - Child
The first glance thrown by young parents at the newborn Scorpio causes them a pleasant surprise. What he is all right, strong and calm! But do not rush to conclusions. A victorious fighter was born. As soon as the gaze of such an infant becomes meaningful, he tries to "hypnotize" the mother and impose his will on her, forcing her to fulfill his every whim. And this is something that cannot be allowed! From the very beginning, let the child understand who in the house "commands the parade" - after all, you are the mother, this is your house and, therefore, he must obey your rules and requirements.

Little Scorpios are desperate fighters, they despise the weak and do not forgive insults. They need to be taught that revenge often turns against them, and, as a good example, buy a toy boomerang for your child. When he hits him a couple of times on the ear, maybe he will begin to understand something.

Raising a young Scorpio requires the use of rigor and discipline, but at the same time do not forget to surround him with care and love, as he really needs it.

One of the virtues of young Scorpions is their amazing ability to endure any physical pain. Even if such a child has severely cut his leg and he urgently needs stitches without anesthesia, he will not cry.

Both girls and boys born between October 24 and November 22 learn to read very early and easily learn complex theoretical material at school. However, their teachers often do not know what is better to apply to them in order to accustom them to order: “bows” or, conversely, appointment to “leading” positions in the class. Perhaps the latter is more justified.

Kids love scary movies science fiction and ghost stories. They fall in love early and here one should instill in them a sense of responsibility for their romantic adventures, otherwise, as adults, they can cause a lot of grief to persons of the opposite sex. Since all Scorpios greatly respect family ties, such an explanation can serve as a deterrent for them in the future.

The child has many unusual character traits: wise beyond his years, comprehends a lot on his own, persistent in achieving his goal, energetically inexhaustible. Therefore, it is very important to direct him on the right path in time and support him while he needs your help. Pluto endowed him with courage, strength and a developed intellect, but only parents, own example, can teach him the main thing: how to love others and be loved. He reaches great heights in his chosen specialty.

Famous people those born under the sign of Scorpio:
Marie Antoinette, Indira Gandhi, Charles de Gaulle, Robert Kennedy, Marie Curie, Robert Fulton, Theodore Roosevelt, Martin Luther, Pablo Luther, Auguste Rodin, F. Dostoevsky, M. Lomonosov, D. Pryanichnikov.

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

The tarot horoscope treats each zodiac sign and its corresponding planet as a separate tarot card. The characteristic of this card contains a certain formula of fate, character and inner peace people, but for one thing it creates additional opportunities for understanding the meanings of Tarot cards.

The fusion of Astrology and the teachings of TAROT is essentially the application of the same ancient hypothesis. However, the psychological models of TAROT have been used more than once by psychologists to analyze the human personality, for example, in the works of Jung. Many interesting differentiated methods of personality analysis and tests have been published for studying the mental state of people based on the major arcana of TARO.


The Jester card symbolizes openness, curiosity, spontaneity and impulsiveness. It is these qualities that are inherent in the Sign of Aries. The jester is not always the Madman or the Fool, it's just that the card shows a person in the attire of a jester. Mountains surround it, and the sun shines overhead. He strives into the distance to start all over again, from a “clean slate”, he is accompanied by true friend- white dog. White color dominates this map, personifying emptiness and fullness at the same time.

And indeed, many opportunities are open before Aries, the main thing is that he be reasonable and attentive enough on his way. Aries is also a symbol of rather light karma, since in the “earthly” plane the Jester is associated with inner freedom and getting rid of old patterns of behavior and thoughts.

Another name for the Jester is “Mast” or “Support”, and the support in this case is a sense of inner freedom.

Problems on life path Aries arise when his inner freedom turns into uncontrolled aggression. Therefore, with, the inverted Arcana "Jester" means the inability to make commitments, mental illness, neurosis and psychosis. Another card of Aries is the "Chariot", where the ruling planet Mars symbolizes self-affirmation.


The Empress card is associated with Taurus and its Venus, as a symbol of fertility, growth and the elements of the Earth. In the Egyptian Tarot, the Empress is the Goddess Isis.

The Empress is depicted sitting in an armchair, in the middle of a garden where flowers and cereals grow. At the foot of the chair is a heart-shaped shield with the sign of Venus. The lasso personifies the combination of male and female principles, but the female prevails.

The pose of the Empress is free and full of inner dignity. So Taurus - calm by nature, allows events to take their course.

Despite the fact that Taurus is partly a symbol of fertility, love and art, it is also interconnected with the monetary sphere. Money is associated with Taurus with a source of comfort and pleasure.

And although the Sign of Taurus patronizes material wealth, however, it requires, first of all, to think about harmonious relationships with a partner and about creating a strong family.


The Magician card symbolizes the power of knowledge and magnetism. Corresponds to the Zodiacal planet Mercury, the symbol of the will and the word. In general, Mercury is a constant creation, since its fluid base participates in all processes of transition from one action to another. The astrological meaning of Mercury is an intermediary that carries information.

The magician is dressed in a spacious robe, clutching a magic wand in his hand - a symbol of creativity. Above the head is the "eight", the traditional sign of infinity. Two snakes form the Magician's belt, reminding of the connection of times and the fact that everything in the world repeats itself. In front of the Magician are a goblet, a sword, a denarius and a wand. This is the 4 suits of the entire Tarot deck and the symbols of the 4 elements: water, earth, fire and air.

Accordingly, it controls information, intellect, creative talents, and is responsible for the upcoming choice. The main karmic task of Gemini is the ability to make decisions. In the earthly incarnation, the Gemini will have several new periods of life, when nothing has been decided yet, everything is in their hands, the main thing is to make the right decision, and then everything will go by itself. On an everyday level, Gemini needs constant initiative and change of events.

Therefore, in an inverted form, the Arcana Mage can mean the omission of the moment of choice, the loss of power over events, energy stagnation and a creative dead end.


The lasso "Moon" symbolizes the inner, emotional world man and the unconscious direction of instinctive aspirations outward. The card depicts the Moon illuminating the earth and the river, near which a dog and a wolf howl. Cancer is depicted in the water.

The life path of representatives of this Sign often leads to the threshold of the unknown, the "foggy zone"; no further path is visible, what will happen next is unclear. In many cases, Cancers are hindered by doubts, longing and fear. It is no coincidence that the Egyptian version of the name of the card is “Dusk”, images and thoughts emerge from the very depths of the subconscious. It seems that a person is already approaching the truth, but fear prevents him from crossing the threshold. Too often, Cancer is tempted to turn back or hide from the prickliness of the world around them.

The karmic task of Cancer is not to cultivate the lower hypostasis of the Moon in itself, and emotions and feelings should not prevail over the mind.

The aura of the "Moon" also has signs of motherhood, the perceiving principle of "Yin" prevails.

The negative nature of the Moon symbolizes dependencies and illusions that destroy any plans and lead far from the goal.

a lion

The lasso "Sun" is a symbol of the long-awaited light and joy, which every person usually strives for, but first you need to learn to comprehend the main thing, cutting off everything superfluous. The sun is one of the luckiest cards in the tarot deck. So the Zodiac Sign of Leo bestows powerful patronage in all areas.

But the lowest manifestation of the Sign of Leo is the card "Strength", symbolizing vitality, passion and pride. This Arcana shows the taming of the Lion by a woman. The lion is calm, his tail is slightly tucked up. The main idea of ​​the card is the taming of one's passions, after which there is an opportunity to achieve great success.

It is sometimes too difficult for those born to act wisely and gently, to find ways of harmonious coexistence with other people, because of their pride and selfishness. Therefore, an inverted card of Strength means selfishness, treachery and rudeness.


The sign of Virgo represents the lower but sensitive shell of the earth, the earth's crust hiding the realm of Hades. Here Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, is in exaltation.

Arcana "The Hermit" - the image of a monk holding a lantern and a golden staff. This tarot card is a symbol of renunciation of aspirations for the material and an appeal to the soul and mind. It would seem a hackneyed truth, but in order to understand it, sometimes it is necessary to live a whole life. The hermit has already set foot on the path of knowledge, the so-called "path of Tao" or Buddha.

The meaning of the Arcana: it's time to leave the petty worries to which the Virgo gives so much energy, and think about the soul.

In general, Virgo, who loves solitude, can use the allotted periods of her loneliness for the benefit of any business. And at the same time, she should rely only on herself, then the success of her plans is guaranteed.

The second card of Virgo is "Temperance", the meaning of which hardly needs to be explained.


Arcana "Justice" - a symbol of Venus of the Sign Libra, a symbol of balance, equality, justice and social interaction. On the map there is an image of Themis holding a sword and scales in her hands. The meaning of the Arcana: be honest with yourself and do not disturb the balance.

Another Arcana Libra - "Lovers". He helps Libra understand the desires of other people, describes how alliances, partnerships and marriages arise. In the Egyptian Tarot, this Arcana is called "Two Ways". Meanwhile, on the map there are three lovers, a kind of love triangle. Therefore, in an inverted form, the card can mean a deterioration in relations due to betrayal and betrayal.


Arcana "Death" in Astrology correlate with the sign of Scorpio. Death on this tarot card is depicted as a skeleton, on foot or on horseback. On the horizon is the Sun. The sign of Scorpio rules death, but it also rules the genitals, so concepts such as life and death are combined here. Death and life are inseparable, the end of something means the beginning of another, or indicates a constant renewal of the personality.

The meaning of the Arcana: the completion of some stages of life and the beginning of others. This is an invariable personality trait of Scorpio, which has large reserves of energy, is often torn apart by internal contradictions, and sometimes seems to "eat" itself. The main age limits and critical points when Scorpio goes through personality transformation are 14, 21, 24, 36, 42, 48, and 63 years. These changes do not need to be feared and restrained. They are essential for continued growth.

Accordingly, in an inverted form, Arkan indicates that the transformation has already occurred, and new changes should not be rushed. Everything has its time.


"Wheel of Fortune" - Tarot Arcana, close to the energy of the Sagittarius Sign, since the ruling planet of the Sign - Jupiter symbolizes the unpredictability of fate and the wise acceptance of this fact. The analogue of the Wheel of Fortune in the Egyptian Tarot is the Sphinx.

Not everything depends on the desires of Sagittarius, there is an invisible chain of accidents and uncertainties that should be taken into account when making plans for the future.

The main meaning of the Wheel of Fortune: beware, do not make unnecessary movements, otherwise it will blow you away! Pay attention to the center of the wheel, focus on the only fixed point - your own "I".


The planet of Capricorn is considered to be Saturn, the planet of limit, limitation, and metamorphosis in the cycle of "dying and becoming".

Arcana "Devil" - the heir of Saturn, his dark, masculine manifestation. In the Tarot, the Devil is depicted classically: sitting on a stone, with wings and a goat's face. Between the horns is an inverted pentagram. The card symbolizes desires and temptations that are not customary to talk about, many simply do not want to admit them, but in the end they will suddenly make themselves felt. This card is a sign of trials, after passing which, a person will rise to new level self awareness. Sometimes this requires the destruction of the old, outdated structure and the revision of old values.

The lasso "Tower" has a similar meaning. The map depicts a high tower, the top of which is surrounded by clouds and lightning. The tower is cracking, leaning and ready to fall. The meaning of the card: what seems to be an unshakable foundation is an illusion. Don't give in to despair and start building a "new house".


The two hypostases of the Aquarius Tarot are the Hanged Man and the Star.

"The Hanged Man" is a restriction of freedom, albeit a temporary one. On the other hand, this is the opposite of the usual view of things, when temporary difficulties can confuse a person’s soul. The planet of Aquarius - Uranus, is indeed a symbol of destruction, complete change and perfect readiness for change, but this requires a sacrifice. In the Egyptian Tarot, Arkan is called the “Sacrifice”. The main meaning of the card: a new one comes into your life that seems strange, inexplicable, but don’t let it scare you, be open to the new, look at the world differently, keep your spirit clear.

Arcana Tarot "Star" - the highest hypostasis of Aquarius, symbolizing the desire for the inexpressible, the divine. In particular, Crowley correlates this card with "giving water." - the guardian of the waters of life that pour out from the Cups of the Goddess of the Stars.


The ruler of Pisces is Neptune - the planet of cosmic unity, spiritual science, the world of images, the eternal process and transformations. Therefore, Pisces corresponds to the Arcana "Peace", the opposite of which is chaos - the original unformed state of the world.

Arcana "World" - one of the most positive in the Tarot deck, gives favorable answers to almost any question, even upside down. It symbolizes a person who has found his half, who has reached harmony with the Universe, or, at least, who has moved to a new level of knowledge. The card calls to get rid of the illusions that are very characteristic of the Sign of Pisces.

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