Dream interpretation cabbage fresh head of cabbage. What is Cabbage dreaming about

diets 19.10.2019

Persian dream book

Why dream of cabbage:

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing cabbage in a dream means:

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A dream with cabbage in a dream book is interpreted as:

If you dreamed of cabbage - in the near future you can meet a person who in the future may become your favorite (favorite).
Boil cabbage - for a date with your beloved (beloved).
In a dream, you watched someone cook cabbage - a girl (young man) to whom you are completely indifferent will make an appointment with you.
You dreamed that you were picking cabbage in the field - empty talk and chores await you.
Planting cabbage in the field - to a boring, measured life.
There is cabbage in a dream - to a precious gift.
A dream in which you watched someone eat cabbage - one of your friends will receive a valuable gift.
Seeing cauliflower in a dream is a nuisance.
In a dream, you watched cauliflower grow - know that after failures, success awaits you.
Cooking, frying, boiling cauliflower - to the chagrin.
You dreamed that someone was cooking, frying, boiling cauliflower - soon one of your loved ones could greatly upset you.
There is cauliflower - to a reprimand for neglecting one's duties.
If you dreamed that you were watching someone eat cauliflower - in the near future you will receive a reprimand through the fault of one of your friends.
In a dream, you bought or picked cauliflower - be careful, you risk committing a rash act that can bring big trouble to your head.

Children's dream book

Sleeping with cabbage means:

Dream Interpretation Grishina

The meaning of sleep cabbage:

Dream Interpretation Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of cabbage:

Esoteric dream book

What cabbage can dream of:

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Cabbage, in a dream means:

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

If you dream of cabbage, then this means:

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Cabbage in a dream Miller's dream book

A dream about cabbage is always a bad dream. Unrest can flare up in a wide variety of forms.
Seeing green cabbage in a dream means treachery in love and infidelity in marriage.
Cutting, harvesting cabbage means that by wasteful spending you are preparing disasters for yourself.

Cabbage in a dream Modern dream book

Seeing cabbage in a dream does not bode well. In all areas of life, failure and confusion await you.
Seeing green cabbage in a dream means mistrust in love and infidelity in marriage.
Cutting a head of cabbage is a sign that your generosity and extravagance will bring you a lot of trouble.
To dream that you are eating cauliflower means that in reality you will receive a scolding for neglecting your official duties.
If you see it growing, after a gloomy period of losses, your prospects will again become brilliant.
If a young woman has a similar dream, she will marry to please her parents, sacrificing her feelings.

Cabbage in a dream Dream Interpretation of Health

Growing cabbage is a symbol of improving the life situation and health; crushing a head of cabbage is a sign of negative emotions; eat, especially raw - to beriberi, lack of vitamins I, C, A and deficiency of essential trace elements, in particular, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and iron; to a possible disease of the stomach or intestines.

Cabbage in a dream Culinary dream book

If you dreamed of cabbage, this means that in the near future you will have to renew your acquaintance with a woman whom you knew as a girl as a child and have not met since then (if a man has a dream); if a woman sees a dream, then he portends an early pregnancy.

Cabbage in a dream Family dream book

Dream about cabbage - to riots.
Green cabbage - portends treachery in love and infidelity in marriage.
If in a dream you cut and cleaned cabbage, then you are too wasteful.
The dream in which you ate cauliflower means that soon you will receive a severe reprimand for neglecting your duties.
We saw how cauliflower grows - consider that the period of failures is over. Bright prospects open up before you.
A young woman who saw a cauliflower growing in a garden in a dream will marry, even if her parents do not approve of this step.

Cabbage in a dream Small dream book

Seeing cabbage in a dream does not bode well. In all areas of life, minor setbacks and problems await you. Seeing unripe cabbages in a dream means that distrust in love and infidelity in marriage await you. If you cut a head of ripe cabbage, then you should not be so wasteful, for your generosity will lead you to ruin.

Cabbage in a dream Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April

Cabbage in a dream Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The cabbage you dreamed about is a harbinger of the upcoming troubles associated with women.
Boil it in a dream - to boredom; tear - to gossip; plant - to the news; salt - to deception; shred - to surprise; eat cabbage in a dream - for a gift.
Green cabbage - dreams of possible difficulties or anger.
A lot of cabbage in a dream - to difficult memories.
If you see in a dream that you are eating cauliflower, the dream promises you a reprimand for neglecting your duties.
To see how it grows means that after a period of failures and losses, brilliant prospects await you.
To see cabbages in a dream - to health problems.
If a young woman sees cauliflower in the garden, it means that she will marry at the will of her parents, and not on her own.

Cabbage in a dream Psychoanalytic dream book

Cabbage in a dream Slavic dream book

Cabbage in a dream Indian dream book

Cabbage in a dream The latest dream book

Cabbage in a dream ABCs of dream interpretation

Cabbage - this vegetable symbolizes vegetation, a waste of time, a vain search for truth.
Seeing a swing is a hindrance.
Eat cabbage - to poverty, loss of time.
Seeing cabbage growing in the garden is news, unexpected guests.

Cabbage in a dream Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Cabbage in a dream Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Cabbage is one of the most negative symbols of our dreams.
Seeing green cabbage in a dream means treachery in love and infidelity in marriage.
Cut, harvest cabbage - prepare yourself a bitter fate with wasteful spending.

Cabbage in a dream Gypsy dream book

Cabbage in a dream Dream interpretation horoscope

Cabbage in a dream Dream interpretation for a bitch

Cabbage - riots, confusion.
Collect cabbage - your extravagance can lead to bankruptcy.
There is cauliflower - perform your duties accurately, accurately and in a timely manner.
Seeing cauliflower in a garden in a dream - waiting for you quick marriage by calculation, which you may be satisfied with if you look at everything realistically and soberly.

Cabbage in a dream Aesop's Dream Interpretation

When young children ask how they were born, adults often answer: “We found you in cabbage,” so the image of cabbage in your dream can be closely related to thoughts about children.
If in a dream you are watering cabbage beds, then this means that you are too condescending to the pranks of your children, they will get used to the fact that you approve of their every act and will no longer reckon with your opinion.
Cut cabbage forks - soon you will have to use the power of your authority to set your child on the right path.
Cutting cabbage or cooking cabbage - such a dream promises you the grief that your child will cause you, but you will not only have to console yourself, but also influence your offspring, since his experiences will be even more serious.
If in a dream you cut a stalk from a cabbage fork, this means that you will have to fight your child’s bad habit and pernicious inclinations, it is important not to waste time while everything is still fixable.
If in a dream you dropped a cabbage fork and it rolled away from you, then this is a sure sign that your child is moving away from you, and more likely not physically, but spiritually, perhaps you devote too little time to him, and he closes in itself, and seeks help and advice from strangers.

Cabbage in a dream dream book of Solomon

Cabbage in a dream Old Russian dream book

Cabbage in a dream Miller's dream book

Always a bad dream. Unrest can flare up in a wide variety of forms.
Seeing green is treachery in love and infidelity in marriage;
cut, clean - with wasteful spending you are preparing disasters for yourself.
See also Cauliflower.

Cabbage in a dream English dream book

The jealousy of a husband, wife, lover portends a dream about cabbage. If in a dream you cut cabbage yourself, it means that you will have to suffer because of the jealousy of your loved one. If you see someone else behind this activity, it means that someone is trying with all his might to destroy your faith in your loved one. Even worse in terms of possible consequences is the dream in which you eat cabbage: it portends the illness of loved ones, bereavement. At best, you will get off with the loss of a large sum of money.

Cabbage in a dream Dream Interpretation of Azar

Cabbage in a dream Lunar dream book

Cabbage in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

Seeing cabbage in the beds in a dream is a bad sign, a harbinger of confusion in business and feelings.

Weeding, watering cabbage means treachery in love and adultery.

Cabbage gnawed by hares or caterpillars - in reality you will be slandered or slandered in gossip that you will hear from third parties.

If in a dream you harvest cabbage, then in reality, with your unjustified waste, you will plunge the whole family into need and permanent debts.

Plant cabbage seedlings - to receive good news from afar.

Buying cabbage - in reality, encounter an unexpected phenomenon or witness an incredible event.

Boil cabbage in a dream - to deceit, lies and pretense, boring, dull and monotonous work.

Salt or pickle cabbage - disappointment in love, tears and stormy explanations, reconciliation and gaining hope.

Shredding cabbage heads - to family contention.

Eating cabbage dishes in a dream portends that in reality you will be pleasantly delighted and surprised by an unexpected gift and a sign of attention from your husband or lover.

Cauliflower in a dream threatens to get into real life reprimand for negligence in their official duties.

Cooking cauliflower means that failure will soon be followed by significant success.

Cabbage in a dream Dream interpretation for men

Complications in family life, troubles and grief. Cutting cabbage, cutting cabbage forks from the garden means that you yourself will upset someone, hurt a loved one. Dropping a head of cabbage that rolled away from you symbolizes the loss of emotional contact with the child.

Cabbage in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

To an early find or accidental profit. Growing in the garden - good news from unexpected guests. There is cabbage - you will be invited to take part in a profitable business. Cutting cabbage yourself is winning the lottery. Watching others cut cabbage - you will be repaid the debts that you forgot about. Unripe heads of cabbage - you will meet with your soulmate. Ripe heads of cabbage - today you will find right exit from the current situation. Boil cabbage - you will be able to find a person who spreads gossip about you. Cauliflower - to an expensive gift. Salt cabbage - in the first week after sleep, you will be able to fulfill an old dream that seemed unreal to everyone. Planting is a marriage of convenience.

Imagine that there are more and more cabbages. It will be good if you imagine that you are loading cabbage into a car.
B) for a man, a dream about cabbage - to renew acquaintance with a woman whom you knew many years ago, even in childhood.

For a woman - to pregnancy.

C) cook cabbage - get bored.

Collect - hear gossip about yourself.

Plant - to the news.

Salt - to deception.

Shredding - to surprise.

Eat cabbage - get a gift.

Cabbage in a dream The latest dream book

Cabbage in a dream Dream interpretation for girls

Cabbage in a dream Astrological dream book

General interpretation of sleep. Night visions of this vegetable are explained by various sources ambiguously. Positive predictions such as increasing income, receiving a gift, pleasant meetings. Negative judgments are also possible - poor health, quarrels, adultery.

For more accurate interpretation it is necessary to remember all the nuances of sleep. The explanation will largely depend on this. You will learn more about everything by reading the sources listed below.

Autumn dream book

Watch her planting in the garden - to cash receipts.

Children's dream book (applies only to children)

Such dreams portend financial stability.

Women's dream book (only for women)

  • Seeing her is a sign with a negative connotation.
  • She personifies betrayal, treachery.
  • Collect it - to monetary losses, trouble.

Small Velesov dream book

To see such a vegetable in night vision promises the following:

  • Just to see her is a disease, anxiety about a woman, trouble, loss, death.
  • Cooking - promises slander, discussion behind your back.
  • Eating - to surprise, longing.
  • Plant - expect news.
  • Salting is a possible scam.
  • Cutting is a sudden event.

Russian folk dream book

A dream with such a plot portends cash receipts.

Explanation of the writer Aesop

  • Such visions are explained by thoughts about children.
  • Watering it is a warning about indulgence in the pampering of your children. Be a little strict with them so they don't get used to it. In the future, you may have problems with their upbringing.
  • Cutting cabbage forks portends you to use your age and authority in order to direct your child's actions on the right path.
  • Shredding and cooking food from it - to a feeling of bitterness from the actions of your child.
  • Cutting a stalk from a fork promises you an attempt to rid your child of a bad habit or addiction. You need to bring this matter to an end.

Interpretation of the sorceress Medea

  • Eating it is a sign of a miserable existence, a waste of time.
  • To see her growing in the field promises the appearance of guests, news.

Family dream book

  • Her vision promises trouble in marital relations, a feeling of bitterness.
  • Chopping or cutting forks in the garden - you will bring suffering and frustration to a loved one.
  • Dropping a head of cabbage and seeing it roll away from you is a warning that your child is alienating you. Give him more attention. Then he will not seek communication with strangers.

The opinion of the esotericist E. Tsvetkov

  • Cooking - to gossip and slander.
  • Eat it - wait for a gift.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI Century

  • Sleep promises care and care for the fair sex.
  • Cooking it in a dream is sadness.
  • Tearing is slander.
  • Plant - expect news.
  • Salt - beware of fraud.
  • Finely chop it or eat it - expect a surprise.
  • She dreamed a lot - you are disturbed by a difficult past.
  • She can dream of problems or irritation.
  • A vision of cauliflower portends trouble at work. You may receive a reprimand.
  • Vegetable forks warn of illness. Take care of your health.
  • For a young lady to see cauliflower in the garden predicts marriage against her will.

Spring dream book

Such a dream speaks of your difficult situation in life.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation (T. Smirnova)

A dream with fresh cabbage promises trouble.

Explanation of psychologist G. Miller

  • Fresh cabbage in a dream is a sign with a negative connotation.
  • To remove it from the field promises unjustified cash costs. This may be the source of your troubles.
  • Seeing her is a problem in family life, treason.

Culinary dream book

  • For men, this portends a resumption of relations with a woman. You have known each other since childhood, but have not seen each other for a long time.
  • For a woman, this promises an early pregnancy.

Modern dream book

Seeing fresh cabbage is a harbinger of a deterioration in marital relations, poverty, and health problems.

Azar's Bible Dream Book

She portends trouble, health problems.

Interpretation of the white magician Y. Longo

  • Collecting fresh heads of cabbage in the garden - warns of the arrival of a person that you have been waiting for a long time. Perhaps your hopes will come true with this meeting.
  • Buying it on the market promises an unusual joyful event.
  • Cooking something from her for a young wife predicts pregnancy.
  • Seeing cabbage salad in a dream - to unexpected profits, a stable financial situation.
  • Marinate it - in reality your cherished desire will come true in the coming week.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

  • See her for well-being.
  • Crush - to sadness.
  • Planting - to a wonderful life.
  • Eating it is a difficult life.

Esoteric dream book

  • Plant or eat it - to cash income.
  • Seeing and cutting promises unsuccessful acquisitions.

Summer dream book

Salting it in a dream portends family troubles.

Old Russian dream book

Eating cabbage - to the blues and misfortune.

Lunar dream book

Boil it - to slander, eat it - to a surprise.

Why dream of various manipulations with this vegetable. It matters to explain the dream

  • Cutting it promises the trouble that your child will cause.
  • Shredding - strained relationships, conflicts in the family are possible.
  • Eating it is for well-being.
  • Collect is a positive sign. The arrival of long-awaited guests, whom you will be glad to see, is possible.
  • Weeding cabbage in the garden promises treason.
  • For women, watering it is a quarrel with her husband.

Interpretations from other sources

  1. Seeing cabbage growing in the garden is a warning about a deterioration in well-being. This is a temporary condition that will soon pass if you pay due attention to the regimen and proper nutrition.
  2. This dream is also good news.
  3. For a young woman to see fresh cabbage in a head of cabbage is a warning about a possible deterioration in health.
  4. The forks were still immature - to tense family relationships.
  5. A lot of cabbage dreams of heavy memories of the past, events are possible that will bring misfortune.
  6. Planting cabbage for a young girl portends pregnancy.
  7. Seeing someone cutting or chopping cabbage is a warning about a possible interference with your personal life. This can give you problems in your relationship with your lover.
  8. I dreamed of cauliflower, kohlrabi or Brussels sprouts. Someone from your environment is not indifferent to you. He is counting on your attention and reciprocity. Think about it.

Dreams are hints of the subconscious, thanks to which you can get an answer to almost any question of interest. The main thing is to decipher it correctly, to find a suitable one that explains the symbols in the dream. Why dream of fresh cabbage? The answer to this question is not unambiguous, dream books interpret such a dream in different ways.


Depending on the gender of the one who dreamed of the cabbage, the interpretation of the dream depends. So, a man who sees a vegetable should be wary of trouble at work and problems with colleagues. For women, the decoding will be different:

  • For girls cabbage in a dream means imminent changes in personal life.
  • For pregnant- easy childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby.
  • For married- early news of pregnancy.

If you dreamed of a head of cauliflower, you are expected to receive a marriage proposal soon, but you should refuse it if the vegetable is too green, as this symbolizes the inconstancy of your lover.

The interpreters also interpret the dream in different ways, where cabbage is present.

Interpretations of folk dream books:

  • Summer claims that pickling a vegetable means unexpected worries.
  • Autumn interprets the dream as making a profit from an unexpected source.
  • Winter says that a loved one spreads gossip behind the dreamer's back.
  • Spring interprets the dream as the occurrence of an unexpected unpleasant situation.
  • The Russian dream book claims that a black streak is soon expected in life if the cabbage leaves were rotten, and the Ukrainian one - the dreamer will soon find out about the death of a friend. The lunar dream book warns of gossip that can seriously harm the dreamer.

cut vegetable

To get the most accurate interpretation, it is important to remember every detail. In particular, it depends on what kind of cabbage you began to chop in a dream.

  • shredded colored cabbage dreams of receiving important information.
  • Kohlrabi- improvement on the personal front.
  • Beijing- do not rush into making an important decision, especially if it concerns marriage.
  • Broccoli- to problems with .
  • Brussels- the dreamer should moderate spending.
  • Maritime- Improved well-being.

Cutting, chopping cabbage leaves in a dream - this may mean an unexpected situation that requires large financial expenses. Chopped cabbage can mean problems with children - the parent will probably have to help get out of difficult situation or actively participate in the life of the child, control him and protect him from doing wrong things.

Dream can also mean:

  • Unexpected events which may or may not be pleasant.
  • Waste, unexpected purchases that can make a hole in the budget.
  • Arrival of guests if the dreamer was looking at chopped cabbage.
  • Sadness, upset if the vegetable was crushed.
  • A pleasant surprise if the dreamer ate chopped cabbage.

Buy swing

If cabbage is grown in a dream, this means receiving good news and pleasant hassle . A small, recently planted seedling dreams of receiving a present or a small amount of money, and if it is planted close to each other - to vain troubles and expenses.

A field planted with vegetables seen in a dream promises everyday difficulties, difficulties in family relationships, and vegetables that suddenly grow or need watering are also seen as problems. Collecting an already ripe harvest in a dream is not a favorable dream, warning of problems with making a profit from investments.

If you dreamed that they were buying fresh in a dream, this means:

  • According to the dream book Miller- to major troubles that will occur through the fault of the dreamer.
  • According to the interpreter Wangi- well-being, prosperity of affairs, making big profits.
  • According to the collection Tsvetkova- the appearance of ill-wishers, which will lead to negative life changes.
  • Freud considered such a dream a harbinger of obtaining a favorable result due to the actions taken.
  • By Slavic dream book - an incredible pleasant event that will happen in the near future.
  • By Esoteric- gossip about the dreamer and his loved ones, not causing serious damage.

Also, a dream about buying cabbage can mean the appearance of a child. Moreover, if the vegetable was not ripe, the child may be illegitimate, that is, a dream promises betrayal of a partner.

What does salad mean in a dream?

Ready meals, the ingredient of which is cabbage, in a dream do not portend anything bad, So:

  • cabbage pie promises to receive good news, nice gifts, a joyful meeting.
  • little pie stuffed with vegetables portends intrigues behind the dreamer's back, which will be exposed in time.
  • Salad of various vegetables dreaming of a major acquisition.
  • Sleep can also mean a crisis in all areas of life., if the cabbage is stewed, or getting a chance to correct the situation if the vegetable is salty. Sauerkraut dreams of the groundless jealousy of the dreamer or partner, and sea cabbage - to increase efficiency, vigor, and energy boost.

To dream of a cabbage salad cut into large pieces - to receive a large profit from previously invested investments or a bonus for excellent work. If the dreamer refused to eat salad, then there is a possibility that he will miss the chance to make good money. If you ate a salad in a dream, then the profit will be unexpected, but pleasant and significant.

Dreams about cabbage can have different interpretations, so when deciphering a dream, it is important to take into account every detail. And, even if the explanation of the dream turns out to be negative, you should not take it as an inevitability, dreams are subconscious tips, the timely decoding of which will help you avoid trouble and not miss the chance to get something good.

The article on the topic: "dream book fresh cabbage head" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Often, dreams come to us as clues on how to act in a given situation. A dream where we see cabbage is also a kind of clue that affects later life. Therefore, such pictures should be treated carefully and try to remember them. Pay attention to the details that will help you better recognize what the cabbage in the head is dreaming of?

Cabbage in our dreams

Usually, cabbage seen in a dream is an extremely favorable sign, but there are also negative points.

The meaning of sleep depending on the actions with cabbage

  • if you are in a dream cut cabbage, then the child can upset you very much, but the consolation will be on your part, because the baby himself will be passionately worried about what he has done.
  • buying cabbage says that in the near future you will observe unusual events related to relatives or friends. They will remain in your memory for a long time and will bring pleasant sensations.
  • finely shredded cabbage a harbinger of small quarrels in your family. Perhaps the onset of some coolness on the part of the husband. Pay special attention to this dream, because the result of cooling can be a divorce.
  • eat cabbage in a dream chic sign. Wait for a gift for yourself, but to see others eating - a gift will go to a friend.
  • if you sour or salt cabbage in a dream- in love, unexpected disappointment awaits you with tears and stormy explanations not in your favor. But the storm will subside after a while, and the relationship will return to the original.
  • but the theft of cabbage in dreams promises an unfavorable future. With the successful completion of the event, minor problems and misunderstandings are provided in reality, which will begin to grow and multiply. With an unsuccessful theft of kochnov, the dream book advises you to prepare for the fact that you will take part in an adventure that brings a lot of mental hesitation. This event will be remembered for a long time.

Such dreams are most often fleeting and come in the morning, and therefore are remembered very clearly. Let the decoding help you navigate your future life and set it up properly.

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I dreamed of fresh cabbage in a dream. Dream interpretation head of cabbage

Dream interpretation white cabbage. Why dream of sauerkraut, salted, stewed

Quite often, women and men have to see cabbage in a dream. What could this dream mean? Cabbage usually predicts minor, and even major troubles. This dream is connected with the sphere of home and life, but it can also affect the family budget and marital relations, as the dream book writes.

If you dream of a lot of cabbage, it means that sad memories caused by some unpleasant event will flood over you. Seeing many heads of cabbage in the distance means that you are gradually forgetting about the troubles that have caused you.

Why dream of fresh cabbage? There is no definite answer to this question. Much depends on the actions performed in a dream and the surrounding objects. This dream can be neutral, as well as have positive and negative interpretations.

Cabbage seedlings dream of news of a neutral or joyful nature received from distant relatives or distant friends. Weeding seedlings in the garden means taking care of someone who is not with you now.

A field of cabbage appears in a dream to the hustle and bustle of everyday life that will not bring results. If you dream that you are standing in the middle of a cabbage field, then your troubles will be associated with a specific person who needs help. If the cabbage is planted so tightly that no earth is visible between the heads, this means not only unnecessary trouble, but also gossip, empty talk.

A head of cabbage or cabbage leaves in a dream

A head of cabbage portends minor, but very annoying troubles.

If in a dream you cut a head of fresh cabbage from the garden, then get ready for unexpected expenses associated with family circumstances. To see this vegetable growing - to a quiet life without bright events.

Why dream of cabbage forks? To a quarrel or disagreement with a loved one. Unripe forks in a dream portend unreasonable jealousy. Cutting a cabbage fork means bringing grief to a lover.

Cabbage leaves seen in a dream usually do not bode well. Bad mood, depression and even health problems can predict this dream. If you dreamed about the leaves of this vegetable, then you need to take care of your health and be attentive to your well-being.

The type of cabbage matters

White cabbage - what cabbage dreams about - dreams of all sorts of troubles, but more often this concerns the sphere of marriage and family. Troubles can affect family budget as well as family relationships. The belief about babies found in cabbage actually symbolizes a child born out of wedlock (this was called a “kapustnik”), therefore, in a dream, cabbage can portend the infidelity of the chosen one, both for men and women.

Why dream of white cabbage? Such a dream also portends a visit from a person you know well, possibly a relative. If in a dream you plant or harvest these vegetables, it means you will have good luck and a monetary reward.

Seaweed is very good dream portends health. If among your loved ones there is a seriously ill person, he will recover. In order to maintain good physical form, it is advisable to include this product in your daily diet.

Beijing cabbage dreams of news about a lover, which will turn out to be unnecessary or irrelevant. If this vegetable is young and green, then your relationship has not yet matured and is not ready for marriage.

Seeing broccoli in a dream means you need to seriously take care of your health. You need vitamins, otherwise immunity will decrease. If you have such a dream in summer or autumn, it is enough to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. If you saw broccoli in a dream in winter or spring, then it is advisable to visit a doctor.

Kohlrabi dreams of difficulties in his personal life that will be resolved safely. Your new partner is deeply in love and, despite some dissimilarity of characters, will a good husband. All you need is to give him a chance to prove it.

Brussels sprouts according to the dream book - portends confusion and confusion in the dreamer's life. In the near future, one should not be wasteful, inattentive and careless.

But cauliflower is not such a bad symbol in dreams, because of its fractal structure of inflorescences, reflecting the structure of the universe. If you dreamed of cauliflower, then the sleeping person will probably be privy to some secret, become the owner of secret information or find out what he wanted to know about lately.

Cabbage Edible Dreams

Eating cabbage means good luck, success, as well as visits from guests. Close people whom you have not seen for a long time will come to you. Perhaps they will bring joyful news or gifts. If the cabbage you eat is rotten or simply tasteless, then you are in for minor but annoying troubles.

Salting cabbage is literally a hint that in the near future it is necessary to save, save money.

Eating cabbage, frying cabbage, cabbage pies are signs of future ailments and illnesses, but they may also reflect some unmet needs.

Why dream of sauerkraut? This dream portends a change of partner. For men, such a dream prophesies illegibility in relationships, rivalry and jealousy. If you dream that you yourself are fermenting cabbage, it means that income or profit will soon await you. This interpretation applies to any dream in which you cook food, as the dream book says. Sauerkraut also dreams of anxiety associated with everyday life and minor chores.

If sauerkraut is in a jar, bucket or barrel, then strong marriage bonds and trust await you. family relationships. This is a good dream, portending a happy and long-lasting marriage, this is indicated by the dream book. Fresh cabbage usually dreams of quarrels and minor troubles. But if in a dream you collect vegetables and put them in a basket or box - wait for the replenishment of the family budget. Such an interpretation is also possible if you put the vegetable in a cupboard or refrigerator.

Why dream of salted cabbage? This dream portends shopping and updating the wardrobe. The costs will be small and quickly replenished. Small chores will be long, but pleasant. Such a dream allows one more interpretation - the children will delight you.

Stewed cabbage dreams of problems and confusion in business. Household chores await you, with which you will be able to cope with great difficulty. Don't leave all your work to the last day. Friends and relatives who have promised help can fail.

Seeing cabbage salad in a dream means making a profit or a monetary reward. If the salad contains not only cabbage, but also other vegetables, you are expected to acquire a new property. Cutting a salad means achieving your goal.

Sauerkraut in a dream warns of jealousy and inconstancy in love relationships. Be gentle with your soulmate and then everything will be fine. How sour cabbage, the more negative the dream carries.

Pie with cabbage dreams of a calm and prosperous life. If you eat a pie, it means a desire for peace and relaxation from worries. If the product is burnt or deteriorated, you should be more attentive to your surroundings. Someone is preventing you from finding the peace of mind you desire.

Cabbage pies also mean a desire for a quiet life, but it can dissipate in petty chores and not bring happiness. Do not let the hustle and bustle of everyday household chores deprive you of joy, the dream book writes about this. Sauerkraut in a dream - to money, as well as other material acquisitions and purchases. A dream in which you yourself make food preparations always portends success and prosperity.

Stewed cabbage in a dream predicts everyday problems that are difficult to deal with on your own. Seek help from friends or relatives, but do not trust them with all your affairs.

Peel and cut cabbage in a dream

Cleaning a head of cabbage is a waste of money. Individual cabbage leaves are identified with money that slips away like sand through fingers. After such a dream, it is not advisable to give or borrow and make other financial transactions. Any transactions and large purchases will be unsuccessful. The same thing means chopping cabbage in a dream.

Why dream of cutting cabbage? If you cut cabbage to make a salad, good luck and success await you. If vegetables have to be cut reluctantly, aimlessly or with aggression, this dream can be very ominous. Cutting cabbage for subsequent salting means preparing for a long and successful life period, as the dream book writes. Shredding cabbage means having household chores associated with money and expenses.

To dream of harvesting cabbage - to replenish the family budget. Cutting or chopping vegetables for cooking is a good dream, promising good luck and material gains.

Other dreams about cabbage

Why dream of cabbage? Buying vegetables means waiting on loved one any action. The interpretation of this dream depends on where exactly you buy cabbage - in the market or in the store. If you buy cabbage in the store, carefully choosing a large head, then you expect too much from your lover. If you buy vegetables in the store (as an option, pay at the supermarket checkout), then the solution to the problem is not far off, but you will have to work hard to achieve the goal.

Buying fresh cabbage means that your expectations can lead to quarrels and troubles. Think about the fact that your requirements for the people around you may be too high. Be kinder and more loyal to your friends.

Planting cabbage in a dream means preparing for changes related to family life. Perhaps in the circle of your relatives will enter new person- son-in-law or daughter-in-law. If you plant cabbage reluctantly or unsuccessfully, then the changes will be unpleasant and bring problems.

Collecting cabbage means that empty talk, everyday worries and a boring life period await you. If you want to make life brighter and more colorful - take up your hobby, there will be enough time for this.

I dreamed of selling cabbage - it means that success and material acquisitions await you. Such an interpretation is appropriate in all cases when you dream of commercial transactions, as a result of which you receive money.

Cabbage in the garden dreams of obstacles on life path, slander and gossip. Unripe vegetables indicate that you are not yet ready to deal with pressing problems. Tune in to the positive and get down to business, time does not wait.

Why dream of rotten cabbage? Such a dream is considered bad, it portends trouble and family quarrels. However, this dream can also show the cause of your problems and how to solve them.

Why does a woman dream of cabbage? Women's dreams about this vegetable are mainly related to family matters. For men, cabbage usually portends love adventures, new girl or promiscuity in communications.

Does cabbage dream of pregnancy? Many women want to know about this. According to most dream books, only those girls who have recently married dream about cabbage for pregnancy. In addition, such a dream may suggest that pregnancy has already begun.

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dream interpretation

Head of cabbage

Dream Interpretation Head of Cabbage dreamed of why a head of cabbage is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a head of cabbage in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

What is the dream of cabbage in heads of cabbage?

It is believed that with the help of dreams, the subconscious sends some clues that can help change the future, avoiding troubles and various problems. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the main object of the dream and other details of the plot. For example, when talking about cabbage, you should consider exactly how it looked, what you did with it, etc. Remember that you should not take the dreams you see literally, as they should be analyzed in context.

What is the dream of cabbage in heads of cabbage?

For people in a relationship, a fresh vegetable is a warning that a loved one can betray. Young cabbages in a dream can be taken as a recommendation that it's time to rethink your attitude towards people. If the heads of cabbage were unripe, then in real life you should learn to be sincere and tell the truth, since many people from your inner circle have not trusted you for a long time. A dream in which cabbages were rotten is not considered a bad sign. Such a plot, on the contrary, means that in the near future it will be possible to understand what exactly is the cause of the existing failures and problems.

Night vision, where you had to buy heads of fresh cabbage, means that soon the dreamer will witness an unusual incident that will give a lot of positive emotions. In the event that you had to chop cabbage, then you should expect numerous quarrels in the family, the cause of which lies in misunderstanding. You need to take matters into your own hands to build relationships. In one of the dream books, such a dream personifies the longing that one often has to experience. If another person chopped cabbage in a dream, it means that someone wants to interfere in the dreamer's personal affairs. Let's figure out what heads of fresh cauliflower dream of. Such a dream is a good symbol that personifies the end of troubles and the onset of a favorable period in life. A large head of cabbage seen in a dream is a good sign, portending an improvement in financial situation.

Night vision, where cabbage had to be stolen, has two interpretations, which depend on the outcome of the case. If the dreamer managed to steal a head of cabbage, this is a bad sign, indicating that seemingly minor problems as a result will unsettle for a long time. The dream interpretation recommends not to hesitate and get to work. If you didn’t succeed in decorating the cabbage, then you should be patient, because participation in the adventure will bring stunning success in the end. The most common interpretation that many married women know about is that cabbage is a dream before pregnancy.

Why dream of a lot of cabbage in heads?

Such a dream is considered neutral, but the events that will happen literally in the near future will be negative. Perhaps a person will again appear in life with whom negative memories of the past are associated.

To dream of cabbages in large quantities in the garden,

This means that health problems may soon arise. The dream interpretation recommends doing prevention to avoid serious problems. There is another interpretation of the dream, where many cabbage heads could be seen in the garden - this is a harbinger of receiving news or the arrival of long-awaited guests. A cabbage field means that it's time to act, otherwise you won't be able to achieve anything in life.

Why dream of picking cabbages in a dream?

Such a dream serves as a kind of warning that, due to some traits of one's own character, the dreamer's important affairs may suffer. The dream interpretation gives a recommendation that it is necessary to reconsider your attitude to money and become a more frugal person.

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Why dream of cabbage

When we sleep, we often receive various tips and warnings about impending troubles. Dreams about cabbage are considered just such iconic visions that you should listen to. You can understand what this vegetable is dreaming of by analyzing the details and nuances of the dream.

Dreams about cabbage: interpretations of famous dream books

For Miller, cabbage in a dream is a bad sign, portending unrest in life:

  • green cabbage can mean adultery and betrayal of a lover;
  • those who removed the cabbage crop from the garden should think about their expenses, as senseless purchases can lead to financial problems.

According to Hasse's dream book, one who eats cabbage in a dream can be preparing to receive a pleasant gift. Did you cook this vegetable in a dream? Become the object of gossip and gossip.

Aesop's dream book interprets cabbage dreams as a sign of problems with children:

  1. If a person cuts off a head of cabbage, then, most likely, his offspring has gone astray from the right course of life. You will have to make a lot of efforts to direct the child on the true path.
  2. The one who waters the cabbage beds is the one who is too soft and indulgent towards his children. Impunity and connivance will lead to the fact that the parent will lose authority and respect in their eyes.
  3. If you dream about how cabbage falls, you need to take a closer look at your child. Most likely, he is too far away from you and is going to look for a solution to his problems on the side.

It is interesting to interpret dreams about cabbage Longo:

  • its cultivation means the arrival of welcome guests;
  • you can expect random and large profits for someone who dreams of coleslaw;
  • eating this vegetable portends the recovery of one of the close relatives.

Vanga claims that planting cabbage in the ground in a dream is a good sign. Soon a bright streak will begin in life. If the dreamer chopped the vegetable, sad events await him.

Freud believes: a cabbage bed, on which a few heads of cabbage grow, means that all the intended goals will be achieved, and soon things will go uphill. If there was a lot of cabbage, the dreamer is too often distracted by trifles, which is why he cannot achieve the tasks set.

Who dreamed of a vegetable: a woman or a man

  1. If a girl dreams of a large head of cabbage, she should expect big changes on the personal front.
  2. For a pregnant woman to dream of a good harvest of cabbage - fortunately. Childbirth will be quick and easy.
  3. If a married lady sees how she walks around the bazaar and chooses a better head of cabbage, then soon she will have great news about pregnancy.
  4. The cauliflower that the girl dreamed of portends a wedding. But you should not get married if the vegetable in the dream was green. This image symbolizes the inconstancy of the partner.

Why does a man dream of cabbage? A dream about cabbage, dreamed by a representative of the stronger sex, promises trouble at work. The dreamer should better take a closer look at his colleagues, among them there are those who envy his success and wish him harm.

Shredded cabbage in a man's dream portends tears and grief. Pickle a vegetable in a dream - to the fulfillment of old, perhaps already forgotten desires.

What cabbage did you dream about: fresh or rotten

Fresh cabbage in a dream can be both a good sign and a warning of impending troubles:

  • a person who has watched a vegetable grow rapidly and gain strength can prepare for long-awaited good news;
  • perhaps distant relatives decide to pay an unexpected but pleasant visit;
  • the image can be a warning about the betrayal of a loved one.

Rotten and spoiled cabbage in a dream is not a bad sign. On the contrary, a person will soon find out the reason for his failures.

If the cabbage leaves were covered with mold, then the dreamer should expect a major family quarrel and a lack of understanding with loved ones.

It is important to remember other details appearance and state of cabbage:

  1. Dreamed of cabbage beds or weeding seedlings? Find out if loved ones need help.
  2. Stand in a dream in the middle of a cabbage field - soon empty chores and fuss will appear in life. Moreover, if the plants are planted so close to each other that the earth is not visible, then most likely the dreamer will have to deal with gossip in his address.
  3. The one who should reconsider his attitude towards others will see many heads of ripe cabbage.
  4. If the vegetables were immature, then the person needs to think about how to start telling the truth, so as not to lose the rather shaky trust of others.
  5. A vegetable eaten by insects will be dreamed of by someone who will soon become the object of gossip and conversation behind his back.
  6. Separate cabbage leaves in a dream mean a depressive mood and health problems.

Variety: white, colored, broccoli

  1. A person who saw a cauliflower in a dream will soon find out some secret or secret information.
  2. If a marriageable girl or a young guy dreams Chinese cabbage means they are not ready for serious relationship and it's too early for them to think about marriage.
  3. Kohlrabi in a dream says that it is necessary to take a closer look at your lover: although outwardly this is weakly manifested, most likely he experiences strong feelings.
  4. Brussels sprouts encourage the dreamer to gather his thoughts, be more careful and spend money carefully so that in the future you will not regret anything.
  5. Seaweed is considered a symbol of health. Therefore, visions of her portend the speedy recovery of the dreamer himself or his close relative.
  6. Broccoli in a dream, on the contrary, signals some health problems.

Everyone knows the old belief about babies found in white cabbage. But not everyone knows that initially they spoke like that only about illegitimate children. A baby born out of wedlock was called “kapustnik”. Therefore, white cabbage in a dream can mean the wrong choice of a lover.

Pickled or salted

  1. An old and dirty container with sauerkraut usually dreams of waste and loss. If the dish was in a beautiful and clean dish, the vision promises a successful acquisition of something you need.
  2. Salted cabbage, which has a non-marketable appearance in a dream, means minor troubles that can turn into big problems. A beautiful and appetizing vegetable dish means that changes for the better will soon come in life.

What do the dreamer's actions mean: buy, chop, plant

If you dreamed about a vegetable in the garden, it is important to remember what you did with it:

  1. A person who harvested a cabbage crop should think about his spending, because he risks being left with nothing if he does not start saving.
  2. Retribution for misconduct awaits the one who cut a large head of cabbage.
  3. Planting seedlings dreams of changes in the composition of the family. Perhaps the appearance of a son-in-law or daughter-in-law. If the process in a dream was associated with negativity or aggression, in reality a new family member will bring trouble and grief.

A dream in which you look at cabbage from the side portends vain chores, fuss and futile efforts.

Profit and an improvement in the financial situation awaits the one who dreamed of putting vegetables in a box, refrigerator, bag or basket.

You need to reduce your requirements for others if in a dream you bought cabbage on the market, choosing the largest and heaviest head of cabbage. The vision in which you sold this vegetable means receiving material gain.

Cooking dishes from cabbage leaves means trouble:

  • cut or chop - a warning about a serious quarrel and family showdown;
  • a person who saw in a dream how he salted or fermented cabbage needs to start saving money;
  • if you cooked some dishes from this vegetable, you need to prepare for the fact that one of the family members will bring grief and disappointment.

Eating cabbage portends good events. Probably, one of the distant relatives will come to visit with good news or expensive gifts.

The one who stole this vegetable in a dream will face many small failures in reality that will accumulate like a snowball. He can soon crush the dreamer with his weight. To avoid this, you have to spend time on everyday tasks. A vision where an attempt to steal cabbage failed warns that it is time to be patient, as an adventurous deal awaits you, which will probably end in luck.

Cabbage dishes: pie, pie, salad

Ready-made dishes from this vegetable, as a rule, do not mean anything bad:

  • dreams in which a large cabbage pie appears are a good omen, meaning a break from the routine. If the dreamer buys such pastries for himself, a surprise awaits him in the form of a pleasant meeting. Cabbage pie as a gift is a dream of good news;
  • a person who was treated to ruddy pies in a dream may suffer from petty intrigues;
  • a vision in which coleslaw was present is considered a positive sign, portending the receipt financial profit. If there were other vegetables in the salad, a large acquisition awaits a person.

Cabbage is a garden crop familiar to everyone. Therefore, dreams in which this vegetable is present are not uncommon. Correctly interpreted dreams in which this image appeared will help prepare for any twists of fate and meet them fully armed.

Hello. My name is Maria, I am 28 years old.

It is believed that with the help of dreams, the subconscious sends some clues that can help change the future, avoiding troubles and various problems. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the main object of the dream and other details of the plot. For example, when talking about cabbage, you should consider exactly how it looked, what you did with it, etc. Remember that you should not take the dreams you see literally, as they should be analyzed in context.

What is the dream of cabbage in heads of cabbage?

For people in a relationship, a fresh vegetable is a warning that a loved one can betray. Young cabbages in a dream can be taken as a recommendation that it's time to rethink your attitude towards people. If the heads of cabbage were unripe, then in real life you should learn to be sincere and tell the truth, since many people from your inner circle have not trusted you for a long time. A dream in which cabbages were rotten is not considered a bad sign. Such a plot, on the contrary, means that in the near future it will be possible to understand what exactly is the cause of the existing failures and problems.

Night vision, where you had to buy heads of fresh cabbage, means that soon the dreamer will witness an unusual incident that will give a lot of positive emotions. In the event that you had to chop cabbage, then you should expect numerous quarrels in the family, the cause of which lies in misunderstanding. You need to take matters into your own hands to get things right. In one of the dream books, such a dream personifies the longing that one often has to experience. If another person chopped cabbage in a dream, it means that someone wants to interfere in the dreamer's personal affairs. Let's figure out what heads of fresh cauliflower dream of. Such a dream is a good symbol that personifies the end of troubles and the onset of a favorable period in life. A large head of cabbage seen in a dream is a good sign, portending an improvement in financial situation.

Night vision, where cabbage had to be stolen, has two interpretations, which depend on the outcome of the case. If the dreamer managed to steal a head of cabbage, this is a bad sign, indicating that seemingly minor problems as a result will unsettle for a long time. The dream interpretation recommends not to hesitate and get to work. If you didn’t succeed in decorating the cabbage, then you should be patient, because participation in the adventure will bring stunning success in the end. The most common interpretation that many married women know about is that cabbage is a dream before pregnancy.

Why dream of a lot of cabbage in heads?

Such a dream is considered neutral, but the events that will happen literally in the near future will be negative. Perhaps a person will again appear in life with whom negative memories of the past are associated.

To dream of cabbages in large quantities in the garden, This means that health problems may soon arise. The dream interpretation recommends doing prevention to avoid serious problems. There is another interpretation of the dream, where many cabbage heads could be seen in the garden - this is a harbinger of receiving news or the arrival of long-awaited guests. A cabbage field means that it's time to act, otherwise you won't be able to achieve anything in life.

Why dream of picking cabbages in a dream?

Such a dream serves as a kind of warning that, due to some traits of one's own, the dreamer's important affairs may suffer. The dream interpretation gives a recommendation that it is necessary to reconsider your attitude to money and become a more frugal person.

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