Dream Interpretation: why dream of the death of a loved one.

Pregnancy and children 19.10.2019
Pregnancy and children

Each of us is afraid of death, and even those who claim otherwise are most often disingenuous.

Nobody is eternal, and death is always associated with fear, tragedy, grief of loss.

In life, we try not to think as much as possible about death itself, and about our own probable death. But the most terrible, perhaps, is always the death of someone close, dear to us people. It is so difficult to accept and survive, but what if this happens without our will in a dream?

The world of dreams is filled and permeated with secret meanings, riddles and ciphers, and our task is to unravel them correctly. Death sometimes looks into our night dreams, frightening us and leaving a bad, heavy residue on the soul. However, do not be afraid in advance - death in dreams is rarely a bad sign.

On the contrary, oddly enough, dreaming of death often promises good changes, a new period in life, health and good luck.

According to the dream book, death loved one may portend him many happy years, and his own - mean a successful twist of fate. Nevertheless, the meanings of such unpleasant dreams can vary, and it is important to take into account all the nuances and details.

As an example, there may be the following dream scenarios:

  • You dreamed of the death of yourself - from various reasons.
  • In a dream, you died and were resurrected by some miracle.
  • We saw the miraculous resurrection of another deceased person.
  • Dreamed of their own own funeral.
  • They survived in dreams the death of a mother, child, dad, girlfriend, acquaintance or loved one.
  • We saw how a certain person dies in your dreams, who in reality has already left the world.
  • I dreamed of the death of someone who is still alive.

There is no doubt that all such dreams are extremely unpleasant and can cause shock, but you will be surprised to find out what your own death or the death of someone close is dreaming of. It is likely that good changes await you.

I died in my sleep

These dreams are rare, but memorable forever - if you had to die in your own dream, you will not forget this. What does this mean? Sleep does not promise danger to your life, but it has a very important meaning. And here it is important to consider how exactly this happened.

1. Dream Interpretations say that seeing yourself in a dream in the dead is an important sign, it portends the beginning of a big new milestone in your life, from scratch.

This means always something good, although cardinal changes can be scary. Do not be afraid of the new - your strange dream nevertheless suggests that a good period will begin.

2. If you were killed in a nightmare, you died not by your own natural death, but by someone else's hands, this may warn that someone wants to get selfish benefits from you. Perhaps take advantage of you and your work. Be carefull.

3. If you had to drown in a dream - expect serious changes for the better, they are just around the corner.

4. To die in a dream from a heart attack is a strange and terrible dream, but portends a sudden and very great happiness.

5. If you were poisoned in a dream and died from it, there is a real risk of suffering from unfounded, false accusations.

6. But to be crushed in dreams means to get harm from deceitful people. Be careful, evil tongues can harm you.

7. Being buried alive in a dream is a shock, but such a dream is a serious warning. You can harm yourself - because of your excessive desires. Try to be more restrained in your desires, so as not to regret very bitterly later, when nothing can be corrected.

8. If you had a rare and amazing dream in which you died and rose again, this guarantees you a serious improvement in your life circumstances. If it’s hard for you now, know that everything will change soon.

9. Seeing your own funeral in a dream is a dangerous dream, it warns of a possible illness. Take care of your health.

10. Many dream books indicate that for a lonely person, a dream with one's own death is a good sign, portending the end of loneliness and the beginning of love.

11. It is curious why death with a scythe is dreaming - this terrible and frightening image should not shock you. Such a dream hints at very large and serious life changes! Events that will turn your life around for the better!

It didn't happen to you

Perhaps it is even more difficult to calm down after a dream in which you had to survive the death of a friend or girlfriend, an acquaintance, or even worse - a loved one, relative or child.

Such dreams can make you cry and experience a lot of stress, but you shouldn't. "Deadly" dreams do not warn of the danger that threatens your loved ones - and often, on the contrary, they promise something wonderful for these people.

1. It is interesting and useful to find out the truth about what dreams of the death of a loved one or acquaintance, who immediately rises from the dead. Such a dream means an improvement in the life of a dreaming person. His financial situation and family affairs will improve.

2. If in your mysterious dream you vaguely heard the voice of your acquaintance, relative, friend, who is no longer alive in reality, take this as a warning. Perhaps your business is in danger. Be careful in everything you do.

3. People often ask why the death of a father is dreamed of - in the event that, of course, he is in reality alive and well. As the dream book says, the death of a father is a warning that the business that you are starting or that you are going to get involved in can promise you danger.

So think with all responsibility and seriousness, preferably several times, whether it is really worth starting. And if possible, then it is better to abandon your plan.

4. A completely different answer to the question of why mother’s death is dreaming of - such a dream has a hinting character.

According to the dream book, the death of a mother in a dream indicates your bad, bad inclinations. Perhaps the death of a mother in a dream is an occasion to think about how you live and behave in reality.

5. Great stress if you dreamed about the death of a child in terrible dreams. It is curious why the death of a daughter, son or child of a friend or acquaintance is dreaming.

Such a terrible and terrifying dream actually simply indicates that you have too many fears in life - and they have no reason. Think about the fact that you should evaluate reality more objectively and not be afraid of everything.

6. It would also be useful to find out the truth about what the death of her husband is dreaming of - after all, for a woman this is not an easy dream. However, he portends something good in the family - perhaps new events, pleasant changes, or even a new, more favorable period of relations. Nothing bad awaits you, and even more so for your spouse.

7. Find out why the death of a relative or acquaintance who is no longer alive is dreaming of. If you had to relive his death in a dream, cry and grieve - this is already a bad dream, and it can talk about the loss of a good, close person, separation.

8. I wonder why the death of a friend or relative is dreaming of, who is actually seriously ill in reality. Know that such a dream portends his recovery - he will recover very soon.

9. It is curious why the death of a loved one is dreamed of on the eve of the wedding - this is an unpleasant dream, but a good sign. It promises happiness in the future family life and harmonious relationships.

10. If you dreamed in your dreams that your own grandmother or beloved grandfather is experiencing clinical death or to whom - this dream is significant.

As the dream book says, the death of a grandmother or grandfather, a coma, if you had to cry bitterly and regret in this dream, this is a direct hint that you really should pay more attention to your loved ones. Relatives need you especially acutely, and your sincere love.

11. If you dreamed about how a loved one died in his bed, quietly and calmly, know that a very long and happy life, good health and many joyful events await him in reality.

Of course, "death" dreams are always frightening, they are strange and unwanted. However, understanding why the death of a sister, mother or loved one is dreaming of, you can not wind up and scare yourself, but absolutely adequately assess the real state of things.

If the dream was a warning or gave advice, think about it, draw conclusions. Well, if, as is often the case, such a dream promised you or a loved one something happy - do not doubt for a minute that this is exactly what it will be. Author: Vasilina Serova

Surely everyone knows the feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night in wild horror. So why dream of the death of a loved one, how do dream books interpret this? After such a dream, some cannot fall asleep for a long time, and then they suffer for several days and ask questions: why did I dream about this? Does this portend an imminent disaster? How to understand the meaning of this dream?

Yes, of course, many people are sure that a bad dream, especially one containing the death of a relative or friend, must carry some kind of meaning, which, as everyone thinks, is necessarily bad. But it's not. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
So, here you wake up and understand that today is not quite like your usual dreams, you dreamed of the death of a loved one.

Death is always terrible. Even in a dream, this event causes fear and sadness. If you dreamed about the death of a loved one, what does such a dream mean?

To begin with, you should remember that it is very important for the interpretation of your dream, how exactly the person died. Was he shot or maybe it was not a violent death? Therefore, as soon as you wake up, immediately write down all the details that you remember about this dream. Just as important are the images of the harbingers of death in your dreams. A broken mirror, black roses, a clock that has stopped. All this is very important for decryption.

As I said, it is not rare that the death of a loved one does not mean the worst. If you dreamed of the death of your close relative, then this may mean that with the health of this person, in reality, everything is just fine and you can even envy him.

It may also mean that soon its influence on your life will noticeably decrease. You will most likely change your general views to the world, and it will simply not be interesting for you to communicate closely with this person.

All children, even adults, are afraid of losing their mother. Why dream of the death of a mother in a dream.

  • Why dream of Mom's death? However, if you dreamed about the death of your parents, then this is an occasion to think and sharpen your attention. This dream may portend deceit in your direction, there may be some kind of financial fraud, just rumors behind your back.

If you dream about the death of your mother, this is a signal for serious changes in your everyday life. This may be marriage, moving, buying a private house, having a child.

  • Why dream of Grandma's death? A dream book about the death of a grandmother in a dream can mean that radical changes await your entire family. And if a grandfather dies in a dream, then in real life this promises him a long, healthy and happy life. The psychological explanation for dreaming about the death of your grandmother or grandfather is that you are subconsciously worried about the health and well-being of your loved ones.
  • You dreamed about the death of a friend. If you dreamed of the death of your friend, expect bad news, but take it calmly and try to solve your problems with a common mind. A friend died - you probably have stress, it's time to take care of your psychological state.
  • Why dream of the death of a brother or sister? In the case of a sister, this means that your family or someone close to you really needs support and if you have recently quarreled with someone, it would be best to make up soon. But the vision of the death of a brother warns of the danger of being deceived, someone wants to commit meanness towards you. By the way, this promises your real brother only good health.
  • I dreamed about the death of a loved one. If you dreamed that your loved one had died, this dream is interpreted as a fear of being left alone, of being abandoned and deceived. Do not despair, most likely these are just empty fears. Call your man, talk and for sure you will feel much better.
  • Why dream of the death of a deceased relative. Be careful if in a dream you saw an already deceased relative who is dying again, this usually happens when he tries to warn you about great danger. For example, if in reality you watched his death, this could promise serious disagreements due to inheritance.

Interpretation of dreams according to various dream books

A dream about the death of a loved one. Interpretation of the meaning of such a dream in various dream books

Different dream books interpret the same dreams in somewhat different ways. Below we will try to list some of them:

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you saw the death of your close friend or relative, then according to Vanga's dream book, heavy losses and trials are coming.

But if you heard the voice of a long-dead person in a dream, then this is good news, a long-standing problem that has tormented you for a long time will soon be resolved. The death of a father according to Vanga means that in the near future you should think over all your actions more carefully. If you dreamed about the death of your mother, be careful, most likely you can quarrel a lot, and this will only be your fault. You should apologize and talk about it.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga writes that if in a dream you dreamed of a dying mother, most likely you will have a wedding with a rich and status man. If the father who died became the hero of your dream - definitely in this moment your life best friend very jealous of you. If a husband dies, then a long and happy life awaits you with him. family life. Did your son or your daughter die? Then there is an opportunity that awaits you long separation with your good friend. And if in a dream you saw the death of your friend or girlfriend, then your present or future child will have good health.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the death of one of your relatives in a dream is a sign that your life should change soon, an important role in the world has been prepared for you. If an already sick person dies, be careful with decisions in the near future so as not to make mistakes. If in a dream death was heavy, you heard the groans and suffering of a person, your subconscious signals you to turn inward and analyze your own state.

Esoteric dream book

The death of a loved one in a dream means that the time has finally come to cleanse your mind of the past, it is time to be spiritually reborn. However, if a person was muttering something at the time of death, listen, sometimes this is a warning about the dangers that threaten you.

The Islamic dream book says that if in this dream you saw the death of all your loved ones, then the Earth will not be threatened with death for about 3000 years.

Modern love dream book

Losing a loved one forever is scary. What does a dream about the death of a loved one warn us about

If a person in a dream died without suffering, quietly and calmly, then this may mean that his fate is good to him, and he can exhale, he will not have bad news for a long time.

But if his death was accompanied by torment and pain, then you should expect trouble and be on the alert. He should be careful with his decisions at work and in his personal life, and you should beware, you can quarrel with this person a lot. Best of all, after such a dream, talk to him and immediately resolve all your differences. Seeing death in a dream can portend you new love and breaking up old relationships that have long been fading away.

If you are a girl and you dreamed about the death of your future spouse, you can be sure of his fidelity and his love for you. And if the guy sees the death of the bride, then he is expected to hear from his relatives.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If your blood relative dies in your dream, this is a sign of longevity and further prosperity, but if he whispers something to you, then there is the possibility of your disagreements. The death of a close friend or girlfriend can mean major changes in your life, for a girl it can be pregnancy and a calm birth.

If you have a childlessness problem in your family, then the death of a person close to you in a dream can promise an early addition.

Children's dream book

You are overly attentive and jealous of this person, obsessing over relationships with him, limiting his freedom. These feelings prevent you from living and limit you too, it is worth changing your outlook on your communication.

Chinese dream book

Communication with this person will lose its meaning for you, he will leave your life. Forgetfulness, gradual estrangement from each other. Seeing at a funeral - he will offend you in some way, perhaps betrayal or a quarrel.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

This person will disappoint you as a person, unexpected unpleasant statements on his part. Watch death from an accident - you will find yourself with this person in an unusual situation in which the negative aspects of his personality will be revealed.


It can be said for sure that death in a dream is not always a harbinger of pain and suffering in reality, sometimes death symbolizes your well-being in the future. However, you can’t immediately relax, it’s best to remember your dream more accurately and weigh everything before interpreting your dream.

Sometimes the inability to communicate with loved ones who are currently far away from you, the feeling of losing family ties, the inability to help or in any way influence their life, leads to dreams associated with the death of a loved one. Dreams that cause discomfort, negative emotions that can still for a long time haunt even after waking up.

Symbolically, death is associated with close trials prepared for you by fate, which will inevitably affect the course of your life. Such dreams are associated with losses, even if the trials prepared by fate will be successfully passed and overcome by you.
If in a dream he has been trying to talk to you for a long time, and you clearly hear his voice, expect soon negative and unpleasant news.

The advice you received during sleep from a deceased relative can positively affect your life, try to adequately evaluate and follow them.

As a rule, death, seen in a dream, brings this person longevity and prosperity. At the same time, for the person who saw this dream, events can mean excessive moral and physical overwork. last days or quarrels, conflicts that should be stopped by visiting and taking care of loved ones and loved ones. Try to pay attention to their health, build relationships, pay a visit, honoring the memory of long gone, but so dear to you people.

Mysticism of sleep

The recent death of a grandmother, mother or sister seen in a dream makes it easier to part with a loved one, brings some relief and the opportunity to say goodbye and talk about things that you did not have time to discuss during your lifetime. True, there is a belief that in no case should you touch in a dream, and even more so follow him, especially if he beckons and carries him along.

If in your dream you saw a mother who is now sick, the dream may portend her speedy recovery or become a serious reason to give her extra attention and care.

The death of a father in a dream can mean a warning against a frivolous lifestyle, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Such a dream speaks of the need not to be influenced by emotions and mood in making important life decisions.

The death of an elderly non-close relative means difficult events that may soon change your fate. For young girls, this event means the appearance of a worthy gentleman.

"Criminal" dreams stand apart. Murders in a dream of relatives speak of a mistake made by you, this mistake apparently haunts you, and therefore it is worth considering and analyzing what was done earlier. If a relative killed in a dream is naked, expect unpleasant visitors, a lot of blood - for easy "crazy" money.

In reality, the death of a relative is usually perceived as a tragic event, but in a dream, this incident is considered by the dream book in a completely different way. This vision predicts an opportune time to rethink values ​​and priorities. Those who want to correctly interpret why they dream of hearing about the death of someone from their relatives should recall their own emotions.

Miller's dream book: get ready for the test

According to the psychologist, to see the death of a relative in a dream is considered a warning of an imminent test, or even loss. Miller gives an explanation of what the death of a loved one who is alive is dreaming of. The dream situation serves as a prophecy about the long life of a character allegedly dead in a dream.

Connect with family

To see how a loved one who is alive in reality has passed away means an early release from burdensome memories of the past. The general dream book interprets in a slightly different way what such a vision is dreaming of, indicating a lack of connection with it, a loss of contact.

The dream of the death of loved ones means the good health of others and reminds you of the need to find with them mutual language. The dreamer needs to show wisdom and patience in order to get close to relatives.

Understand yourself

See the last breath of the deceased native person? So, in reality, free yourself from remorse that eats your soul. The feeling of guilt that has settled deep in the subconscious mind does not allow you to fully realize yourself.

A widow who happens to relive the death of a deceased husband in a dream is advised by the dream book to get rid of the grievances she has accumulated during her married life. Esotericists explain in a different way what the death hour of the deceased spouse is dreaming of, hinting at the end of mourning and the beginning of a new life stage.

Who exactly died?

The modern combined dream book confidently believes that the interpretation of the dream, in which it happened to hear the news of the death of a relative, is closely related to the very personality of the character and the degree of kinship. So, hear the news of the death:

  • mother - warns of dishonorable acts of the dreamer in the future;
  • father - warns of insidious intrigues weaving behind your back;
  • sisters - to the need to take care of relatives;
  • brother - someone around needs compassion and moral help.

Feelings associated with the news ...

Interpreting the dream news of the death of a relative, the General Dream Book advises you to pay attention to the feelings that you experienced in a dream. Feeling relieved after the bad news was reported, predicts a favorable resolution of previously started cases.

Did you feel confusion and even fear when this news was announced in a dream? This means, as the dream book assures, you will have to work hard to bring your affairs back to normal and deal with the obstacles that have arisen.

Be alert!

The ability to prevent ingenious intrigues in time and localize the provocations of ill-wishers is what dreams of knowing that someone has died. The dream interpreter prophesies receiving useful news from afar, using it correctly, it is possible to ensure a stable income for a long time.

See death in a dream always brings the saddest and saddest thoughts to us. After all, we all want to see our loved ones alive and healthy and often perceive such dreams as a very bad sign and expect what will happen.

After all, dreams do not need to be interpreted literally, very often what they see does not carry anything bad, or vice versa, such a vision can protect a person from bad influence or warn.

For more accurate interpretation you need to remember all the details of what you saw and find out the meaning by dream book of dreams.

As a rule, seeing the death of a relative or friend does not bode well. Most often, this is a symbol of the fact that there will be changes for the better in your destiny. The departure of a loved one symbolizes purification and a bright spiritual life. This is a sign of renewal, the withering away of old stereotypes, a sign of reincarnation.

Some dream books interpret death as a rebirth of the soul and energy renewal. Many dream books also interpret death as a sign of big wars and global conflicts.

The death of a man who is alive

Such a dream most often means a big change in the fate of this person: he can suddenly change his place of work or his religious views. If you saw the death of a friend who is seriously ill, then this symbolizes a speedy recovery.

If you dreamed about the death of several people, this is a bad sign that brings global clashes, bloody wars and epidemics.

This video symbolizes your close spiritual connection. If you dreamed about the death of your husband while away, then this means that soon he will return home safely. Sometimes such a dream serves as a warning about possible illness.

Such a dream speaks of big changes in your personal life or you may receive a large inheritance. If a relative spoke in a dream, then you were under a bad influence and embarked on the wrong path.

Take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps your close friends are up to something.

This dream portends the establishment of a good and trusting relationship with her. If a young woman had such a dream, it symbolizes imminent marriage or pregnancy. If death was accompanied by a car accident or murder, then soon you will encounter misunderstanding and you will have many communication problems with relatives.

If the death of your mother occurred from a serious illness, you have serious problems in the body. Visit a doctor and get examined.

The death of a man who is dead

If you saw in a dream the death of a person who died long ago, this is a bad sign. A loved one who has died twice is trying in this way to warn you of impending danger or illness. If death happened in front of your eyes, then this portends a major quarrel due to inheritance.

If you dreamed of the death of a close friend or relative, this is a warning of impending trials and heavy losses.

If you saw the death of your father, be careful in business and carefully weigh every decision you make. If you saw in a dream that your mother died - your relationship with her may worsen through your fault, you need to talk and ask for forgiveness, remember this and follow the advice.

Interpretation of Chinese and Assyrian dream books

Such a dream means a quick journey, and big changes for the better await your life. If you saw in a dream the death of a relative, then this symbolizes gold and wealth, the world is waiting for you. glory and royal honors.

Seeing the death of a loved one is a slight malaise. See the death of the young and healthy person- to an unpleasant and boring conversation. If you see the death of a long-dead person - empty money chores.

Explanation of dreams of female and oriental dream books

If a woman sees a dying mother in a dream - for an imminent wedding with a rich groom. If a father, your best friend envy you. A dying husband means that she is with him live a long happy life.

The death of a son or daughter - to a long separation from an old friend. See what was killed best friend- to a healthy baby.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

To see the death of relatives is a sign that a special place has been prepared for you on Earth. If a sick person dies, this is a sign of deceit of enemies and injustice. Weigh every decision carefully so you don't make a fatal mistake.

If in a dream death is accompanied by groans and torment, then the Earth is waiting for a global nuclear war It will destroy all living things. All countries and continents will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Such a dream has a philosophical meaning. Through what you see in a dream, you will gain enlightenment and clarity of mind. It's time to travel and reflect on your true purpose.

If you see the death of a close relative, it means spiritual rebirth.

If you clearly heard the dead man say something - be sure to listen to his words, perhaps this is a warning about danger, remember this.

If you saw the departure of all your loved ones, it means that humanity is safe and is not in danger of death for three thousand years.

To see in a dream the death of a close relative - in a year a cure for all forms of cancer will be invented on Earth. See your father dying serious illness– soon a new one will be born in Europe serial killer or maniac.

The death of a loved one - you have to live in an era of grandiose changes. Son or daughter - soon you will be informed about the plans of ill-wishers. If in a dream you saw a lot of blood - to big wars and destruction.

If a person passed away quietly and calmly, then nothing threatens him and soon his fate will become easy and joyful. If he passes away in torment and suffering, then you should expect big trouble.

He should be careful and not enter into conflicts in the family and at work. If you are in a quarrel with this person, then this is a symbol of the destruction of your relationship.

Perhaps you need to talk and ask each other for forgiveness.

If in a dream you saw a dying child, your undertaking will not be successful, there may be problems at a new job.

Seeing death portends the destruction of old relationships and new love. If a girl dreamed of the groom's death, this is a symbol of his fidelity and self-sacrifice.

With this person you will find your happiness. If a young man dreamed of the death of a beloved girl - fast news from blood relatives. If you saw an easy death, be careful, you are playing with fire.

If you dreamed of a dying an old man- this is a sign of infidelity and deceit, you made a mistake in your chosen one, take a closer look at him. A lot of blood in a dream - passionate and tragic love is on the threshold.

If you dreamed of a dying blood relative - to longevity and prosperity. If he speaks or whispers words - conflict with relatives for money or inheritance.

The death of a close friend means the beginning of a new life. For a girl it could mean pregnancy and easy childbirth.

If a man dreamed of his dying father, he would gain strength and all enemies would be defeated. If you dreamed about the death of your mother, you should not count on an easy victory in business, a series of difficulties awaits you.

If in a childless family someone dreamed that a baby had died - expect soon additions to the family.

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