Angelina Jolie gave a candid interview about Marcheline's mother: "I really need her now." Angelina Jolie preparing for her own funeral? Where will Angelina Jolie's funeral take place?

Health 30.08.2019

Angelina Jolie preparing for her own funeral?

Angelina Jolie. Photo: Rex Features/

Yesterday Jolie unexpectedly appeared at the UN summit. The actress and Kind gave a speech to an assembly of eighty countries, calling on the number of women peacekeepers in conflict zones on the growing abuse from international troops. At the same time, the movie star thanked the peacekeeping troops for their commitment and sacrifice.

But it wasn't Jolie's fiery speeches that drew attention. also appreciated appearance Angie, after appearing a couple of times ago about the deteriorating health of the star. One tabloid even reported that the actress knew that she would not last long, and therefore began to prepare for her own funeral.

Angelina spoke at the UN. Photo:

Fortunately, rumors about Angelina's fatal illness are greatly exaggerated. At the UN, it became obvious that Jolie looks great: she is not exhausted, as the publications write, her face has a healthy blush, and her voice is strong and confident.

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Angelina Jolie gave candid interview about Marcheline's mother: "I really need her now"

Angelina Jolie's mother, French-American actress Marcheline Bertrand, passed away in 2007. Ovarian cancer. She was only 56 years old. How hard Angelina experienced this loss is known only to her, it is only worth noting that Marcheline at that time "was the closest person," as Jolie herself said in an interview. The June issue of the French ELLE published a new interview with the actress, which her friend, journalist Marianne Pearl, took back in April. In it, Angelina for the first time for a long time frankly spoke about her mother, how she misses her and how she needs her support, especially at this difficult time after breaking up with Brad Pitt.

I would give anything to have her by my side right now. I really need her. I often talk to her mentally and try to understand what she would say in this situation, in which direction she would direct me. She would be a wonderful grandmother. I know how much she could bring to the lives of her grandchildren, and I am incredibly sad that children are deprived of this opportunity.

Marcheline Bertrand and Angelina Jolie

In an interview, Angelina also spoke about motherhood and noted that while raising children, she tries to give them positive example just like her mom used to do.

Motherhood is the greatest gift and responsibility. As a parent, you must do your best to live up to your values ​​and beliefs and be a good example for your children. I also try to act as a kind of model for them, to be a conscious and responsible person. And I also try to instill in them a broader view of the world. But in fact, the only way to successfully raise children is to learn to listen and hear them. This is perhaps the most important task of all parents. Children are very cheerful, but still they are children. And just as they need help in order to understand the harsh truth of life, they also urgently need what each of us needs - protection and love.

Angelina Jolie with children

Jolie's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, died of ovarian cancer in 2007. Angelina then decided to undergo a diagnostic examination, during which she found out that she was also a carrier of a mutated gene, with a high degree caller probabilities oncological diseases. Afraid to repeat the fate of her mother, Angelina decided to remove the female reproductive organs. Jolie underwent a mastectomy in 2013 and an oophorectomy in March 2015.

The most important thing is that my children will never have to say the words "My mother died of cancer" and they will not suffer the way I suffered,

The actress wrote in her column in The New York Times after the second operation.

You can read about other dramas in the life of Angelina Jolie.

Internet users still can not recover from the news on the site entertainment news update. Portal journalists reported that the actress (41), mother of six children and husband Brad Pitt(52), committed suicide (link). Of course, this turned out to be untrue, but we had time to worry. PEOPLETALK remembered the stars whom the media "buried" ahead of time.


The pop princess is one of the first stars whose death was trumpeted all over the world. Internet. And it all started with a radio station in Dallas who announced the death Britney in an accident in June 2001. The next day when the news hit Internet, the situation took a serious turn: the whole world began to say goodbye to the untimely departed artist. However, a day later, the radio station still apologized to the singer for unverified information. Four months later, this incident happened again. hacker from Michigan Tim Fries re-posted the news about the death of the singer on the Web and eventually ended up in the police. He explained his act with scientific interest - what will happen?

Jackie Chan (62)

The death of the famous actor was announced many times. In March 2011, the media reported that the famous actor had died of a heart attack during a busy promotional tour. "Kung Fu Panda - 2". The actor “died” again in June 2013. Jackie was somewhat dumbfounded when acquaintances, who just a week ago congratulated him on the anniversary of the engagement, suddenly began to write about their feelings in connection with his death. In reply Jackie posted on his page Facebook photo and commented on the picture with the words: “If I died, I must personally inform the world about it!”


The fact that the eccentric singer is no longer with us was announced twice. For the first time this happened in September 2008 - then the star allegedly died in a car accident. The next time she was mourned was on July 19 last year: the news reported that the body of the singer was found in her house in Los Angeles and the cause of death was a drug overdose. Both messages did not go unnoticed. Miley: she denied the first when she appeared at a concert in New York, and the second - a candid shot in Instagram.


In 2007, while the TV star was serving her prison term, news broke that she had allegedly been killed by a cellmate with a sharpened metal ruler. Many are still convinced that such rumors Paris dissolved herself.


At least three times fans "buried" their favorite actor. First rumor of death Depp appeared in 2010, when several sources reported a car accident in which he died Johnny. In 2012, the actor "drowned" on the set "The Lone Ranger". By the way, on the set of this film, a worker who cleaned the water tank really died. And in 2014, the actor got a funeral page in Facebook with a proposal to express their grief in the comments. The star ignores all the rumors about his death.


The false report of death was one of the reasons why the actress is not very fond of social networks. In 2013, when Megan opened an account in Twitter, within three days there were two reports of the death of a star "Transformers": the first time the actress allegedly died in a car accident, and the second - from blood poisoning in a nail salon. Megan laughed at the imaginary news of her death, but wrote that she was not yet ready to become part of the information flow, and eventually deleted the page.

Hugh Hefner (90)

In July 2011, it was announced that the founder and publisher of the magazine Playboy Hugh Hefner died of a heart attack. No one even allowed the thought that the news about the death of the "playboy" could be a "duck". Then he hastened to refute this information through Twitter: “I am happy to see how many are glad that I am alive. By the way, I'm just as happy about it."

Paul McCartney (74)

The legend that the musician died first appeared on September 17, 1969. Moreover, it was reported that he crashed in an accident, and all this time his double was performing on stage. Legend of doom Paula, known as P.I.D. (Paul is dead), still remains one of the most curious moments in history The Beatles.

The latest photos of Angelina Jolie have created a real wave of panic among her many fans around the world. On the Internet, pictures of the artist from her recent trip as part of a UN mission have received wide coverage. Jolie attended a meeting with Syrian refugees in the Greek port of Piraeus. Angelina came to Greece to get acquainted with the problems of refugees on the spot and to understand the causes of the humanitarian crisis they faced. However, fans of the artist are sure that she herself needs help, and immediate.


The fact is that upon arrival in Greece, Jolie drew attention to herself with a completely haggard and terribly thin look. Her legs and arms became perfect strings, and her artificial breasts looked so unnatural, as if Jolie had stuffed cotton into her neckline. Angelina's once-beautiful face itself also looked depressing: the skin seemed to have dried up and sagged. The black clothes of the Hollywood diva did not add optimism either. We can safely say that at 40, the artist looks worse than her 52-year-old husband, Brad Pitt!

The media say unanimously: Jolie's body weight has reached a critical point. According to Movie News Guide, the actress weighs only 35 kilograms. At a meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Angelina looked so tired that journalists concluded that the Hollywood actress was fainting. Some reporters even stated that Jolie was dying because of her excessive thinness.

Numerous fans of the artist around the world are seriously worried sickly look their favorite and began to discuss the possibilities of its treatment. Other fans have concluded that Angelina began to lose weight rapidly after her mother Marcheline died of cancer in 2007. A few years later, in 2013, Jolie had a double mastectomy, and in 2015 she had her ovaries removed so as not to get cancer herself. You can imagine what stress the artist suffered at that time. However, Jolie herself did not hide that she was going through difficult times, and even the long-awaited (for the public) wedding of Angelina and her longtime partner, actor Brad Pitt, did not add to her joy.

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