Sweet what a hare of length to read. About funny bunnies (collection) (7 pages)

Recipes 24.07.2019

Synopsis of a lesson on reading a fairy tale

"Hare and squirrel" N. Sladkov.

Fairy tale reading session:« hare and squirrel » N. Sladkova.

Lesson objectives:

1. Correctional and educational:

Introduce students to N. Sladkova« hare and squirrel » ,

Skill Development whole word reading,

Formation of role-playing reading,

Formation to answer questions in full sentences,

Developing the ability to express one's point of view

Expressiveness training reading,

Activation of children's vocabulary;

2. Correction-developing:

The development of oral speech,

The development of students' ability to navigate the drawing and when working with text,

Ability to think, analyze,

Development of intonation flexibility in the transmission of characters' speech;

3. Correctional and educational:

Raising motivation for learning,

Developing the ability to listen

Raising interest in reading.

Equipment: a calendar of nature, an art book, illustrations depicting a hare and squirrels.

Lesson stages.

1. Organizing time :

Good morning, guys!


Sit down! (children sit down)

On this sunny morning, I went to work and watched the clouds, green leaves, listened to the birds singing. I think you also admired the beautiful nature and you good mood. Let's smile at each other. And from these smiles we will be kinder, happier, more fun. And we will be happy to work on lesson.

Work with the calendar of nature.

What day of the week is today? What was it like yesterday? Will be tomorrow?

What can to tell about weather changes? (student answers).

2. Articulation gymnastics :





We read the syllables on the tables, clearly pronouncing all the sounds, first with me.

game is being played "lightning"(at first the child reads at a normal pace, and then team: "Lightning!" begins to read at a fast pace, while trying to avoid articulation errors).


read in chorus;

boys read, then girls;

read in a whisper, joyfully, sadly

3. Introductory talk:

Today on lesson we will take a trip to the forest. Having guessed the riddles, you will find out who we will read about today.

1. What kind of forest animal is like a column under pine:

And stands among the grass - the ears are larger than the head. (Hare )

2. Who threw a bump at the kids from tall thick pines.

And through the stump flashed through the bushes like a light. (Squirrel ) .

Children solve riddles.

Questions to talk to children:

What tree do you like to nest on? squirrel? How does she prepare food for the winter? Where does he store his supplies?

How to prepare for winter hare? Does he stock up for the winter? Where does he sleep? What does it eat?

Comparison by illustrations squirrels and rabbit: how are they similar, how are they different?

Physical education minute:

Bunny jumped - lope, lope, lope.

The mouse was walking.

5 forty flew in, sat down in a clearing.

Today we will meet a new fairy tale, which is called « hare and squirrel » and written by N. Sladkov. I will now read this to you. fairy tale and you listen carefully. After listening fairy tale, you answer me next question: "What were they talking about? Hare and Squirrel

Children answer questions and look at illustrations.

4. Reading a fairy tale by a teacher(at the same time, children's textbooks are closed).

Listening to children fairy tales

5. Auditory based conversation perception:

Guys what were you talking about Hare and Squirrel what news was reported Hare, which one - Squirrel? Well done!

Work on the development of active dictionary: choose the words that best fit squirrel: cheerful, red, fluffy, stubborn, dexterous, courageous. And what are suitable for a hare?

Preparatory exercises for children reading:

in - new - news e - eaten - ate

s - ly - sly - heard ve - west - known - known.

Answering questions and activating children's vocabulary.

6. Independent text reading:

Guys, look who is drawn in the picture. Correctly hare and squirrel, and what else do you see at the top of the picture. Zhenya, show me upper part the drawing that is drawn (clouds). Raise right hand, and now the left one and tell me who is drawn on the left and who is on the right? And what else is shown in the picture (grass, flowers? What good fellows you are!

And now you guys read fairy tale yourself, but you will read in a whisper.

Children open textbooks, look at the picture, answer questions, read on their own.

Finishing reading.

The children stop.

7. Analytical text reading:

"Have you heard the news? Hare?

I am everything Squirrel, hear: look at my ears. Masha stop, that's enough. Guys what did you ask Squirrel Hare what he answered her. Sasha, show me where Masha is staying. Well done! Keeps reading Vania:

“So what did you hear with your own ears?

I heard that you Squirrel, Fox ate!

Enough Vanya. Guys what i heard Hare? How did he hear it?

“Well, what is it! And I heard that you Hare, Lisa ate!

Blimey! What am I to do now?

- It is known that: believe your eyes, not your ears!

Vika, answer the question: "What is to be believed?"

Vasya, find these words in the text.

Reading roles and answers to questions.

8. Summing up:

What we read a fairy tale? Who is its author? What is this about story? Why do you think it is necessary to believe what you see, and not what you hear.

Children's answers

9. Homework : role reading, paraphrase.

10. Guys, today you make me very pleased: on the lesson you actively answered questions, read well, worked together. Well done! And now our the lesson is over.

How the hare hibernates: informative stories about a hare in pictures, fairy tales, poems for children, speech exercises, educational video for children. Interesting about the world around.

How does the hare winter?

How do hares winter: do hares have “skis”?

In winter, the hare has many enemies - foxes, wolves, birds of prey. But he also has "magic helpers" that help him quickly run away from enemies. What are these helpers? You and your children will learn about them from this article.

The first helper of a hare in winter is hare skis! Yes, almost real! Where does the hare have skis from? Listen :).

In winter, the soles of the hare's paws are overgrown with thick hairs. From this, the toes of the paws are greatly moved apart and it turns out as if “skiing”. Therefore, the bunny easily runs even on loose snow. And the sweat that is released on the paws of the hare lubricates the soles of the paws and protects against snow sticking. Here are such winter paws - all hares have “skis”! In winter, hares - expanse! On loose snow they walk like in felt boots, and on the crust they rush like an arrow on their “skis” - paws - no one will catch up!

People say so: "Hare legs carry."

What is the difference between a hare - a hare and a hare - a hare?

Hares are different: there is a hare - a white hare, and there is a hare - a hare. What are the differences?

  • Hare - hare lives in the forest. And a hare - a hare - a resident of fields and meadows.
  • The ears of the hare are shorter than those of the hare. And they are black on the tips.
  • The hind legs of the hare are longer than those of the hare, so that he can run fast. But the hare has "skis" - wide feet, and he can easily hold on to the snow and not fall through.

This is how it is said in a fairy tale for children - a fairy tale about how a white hare and a hare argued with each other in winter.

E. Shim. Belyak and Rusak

- You, Rusak, live in the fields, in wild places. Gotta run better than me forest hare.
- I can run better. You, Belyak, can't keep up with me!
“Come on, let’s run to that tree.” Who is faster?
- Let's! …
- Well, Rusak? Did I beat you?
- I overtook ... Ufff! ..
- So that! Do not boast that you run better than me, a forest hare. In your fields, the snow is always strong, it is blown by the wind, covered with infusion. And in our forest snow is always loose, and in order to run on it, you need to have such paws!
- What are these?
- But look: the fingers are splayed, between the fingers - fur. What is your ski! Where are you, unshod, to keep up with me!

The hare's second assistant in winter is its strong hind legs. It is with them that the hare is repelled from the snow, running away from enemies. Invite the child to jump like a bunny - ask: “How do you push off the floor? Are your legs strong? Can you jump far ahead?"

It is with strong hind legs that the hare fights off its enemies if they overtake it. The hare will lie on its back and let's fight off the enemy with its hind legs! And not everyone can grab it!

How a hare hibernates: acquaintance with the word "wind" and with words - relatives

Bunny is very smart and cunning. Just like that, it won’t hide under a bush - at first gliding through the snow will begin to confuse their tracks. Ask the child how he understood the word "wind". What word does it look like? (on the word "loop"). Where are the loops? (on clothes, on a rope, etc.) Invite the baby to jump at home and on a walk or walk like a hare, winding.

Invite the child to listen to a poem about how the bunny dodged through the forest:

The bunny ran away from the wolf

The bunny ran away from the wolf
And dodged cleverly.
Then he ran behind the bush,
Then he ran up the hill,
Then he ran away from the wolf
And rested in the shade. (E. A. Alyabyeva. From the book "Development of the Verbal Dictionary" - M .: Sphere, 2011)

After reading the poem, ask: “What did the bunny do? He is from the wolf ..., behind the bush ..., on the hill ..., from the wolf ... And then home ... (ran) ”. Explain to the child that all these words are words are relatives. List your relatives with your child, tell him who is called relatives. Explain that words also have relatives - related words. The words "run away, resort, run in, run in" are words - relatives. They come from the word "run, run."

For kids, read a poem by V. Berestov about how a hare confuses tracks.

V. Berestov. hare song

In the forest, not long before trouble.
But the hare is not a simpleton.
Stop covering your tracks!
Like this! Like this! Like this!

There, here the trail winds,
Forward, backward and sideways.
Where the hare was, there is no hare.
Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

The hare has a timid soul
And a careful mind
But what a good carrot!
Hrum-hum! Hrum-hum! Hrum-hum!

Space and freedom ahead
And behind - a fierce enemy!
And the heart of a hare in the chest -
Tick-tock! Tick-tock! tick-tock1

But in the circus, where people are around,
He forgets fear
And bravely beats the drum:
Boom! Boom! Boom!

For an older child, read the story about how the hare winds and how long it is.

N. Sladkov. What is the length of the hare?

What is the length of the hare? Well, this is for whom. For a man, a small beast - with a birch log. But for a fox, a hare two kilometers long? Because for a fox, a hare begins not when she grabs him, but when she smells him on the trail. A short trail - two or three jumps - and the hare is small.

And if the hare managed to inherit and wind up, then it becomes longer than the longest animal on earth. It is not easy for such a big man to bury himself in the forest.

The hare is very sad about this: live in eternal fear, do not work up extra fat.

And now the hare is trying with all his might to become shorter. He drowns his trace in the swamp, tears his trace in two - everything shortens itself. He only thinks how to run away from his trace, hide, how to break it, shorten it or drown it.

A hare's dream is to finally become himself, with a birch log.

The life of a hare is special. There is little joy for everyone from rain and snowstorms, but they are good for the hare: the trail is washed off and swept up. And there is nothing worse when the weather is calm and warm: the trail is hot, the smell lasts for a long time. No matter how dense you get into, there is no peace: maybe a fox two kilometers behind is already holding you by the tail!

So it's hard to say what the length of the hare is. Which is more cunning - shorter, dumber - more authentic. In calm weather, the smart one stretches out, in a snowstorm and a downpour - and the stupid one shortens.

Whatever the day - the length of the hare is different.

And very rarely, when he is really lucky, there is a hare of that length - with a birch log - as a person knows him.

Everyone knows about this, whose nose works better than the eyes. The wolves know. Foxes know. Know and you.

Ask the child after reading the story, what is the length of the hare? Why does a hare “stretch” in calm weather, and “shorten” in a downpour?

How does a hare winter: what does a hare eat in winter?

During the day it is dangerous for a hare to run through the forest - he sits in a hole - hiding from everyone. And in the evening he comes out of his hiding place to eat and run freely. A hare eats tree branches in winter, the bark of young birches and willows. The hare loves the bitter bark of young aspens. Hares have very sharp teeth - like scissors!

The hare's third helper in winter is his white winter coat. During the day, hares sit under snowy white bushes in a white fur coat, and they are invisible. The color of their coat merges with the color of the snow.

Why a hare needs a white coat in winter you will learn from an educational fairy tale for children.

Why does a hare need white pants in winter?

A story about a hare. E. Shim. White pants

It's cold in the forest, the animals are getting ready to change their summer clothes for winter ones.
And for a young Bunny, this is a curiosity. He's just getting through his first winter. And the passion is impatient for the Bunny to flaunt in the new one. I did not wait until all the clothes were ready, I took and put on new pants.
- Ehma, - he says, - I'll walk around, show off!
And the pants are really good. White as the first snow, fluffy, warm! The Hare is walking, and his new pants are far to be seen, as if someone is waving a handkerchief. Hare rejoices:
- Let everyone see, let everyone envy!

And, of course, we saw it.
Only the Hare came out into the clearing, - the Owl noticed from the tree. She rushed down, aimed her claws, - she was about to rake! The Hare barely dodged, without memory goaded into the bushes - yes under the Christmas tree, but under the birch ...

I jumped out into the birch forest - the Fox noticed from afar. She chased with all her paws, even yapping with joy on the run ... The Hare barely preempted her, she circled for an hour until the Fox fell behind.

He flew out to the edge of the forest - and here you are: the Hunter with a gun is walking towards him. Right now, now he will take the fly!

Oh, if only to throw off the white pants!
Don't jump out of them.
Bunny huddled in the most remote thicket, buried in the bushes behind a hummock. Lies - trembles: as if no one noticed inadvertently.
Now I understand that white pants are not given for beauty alone.

After reading, ask the child: “Why is the hare given a white winter coat and white “pants”?

Video for children about how a hare lives in winter

wonderful forest fairy tale about a hare for children - very interesting, informative. You yourself will learn a lot! Be sure to listen to this story with your children!

And here is another video - this is a story for the children of the elder preschool age about a hare and his life in winter.

How a hare hibernates: stories and poems for children

L. Tolstoy. Hares.

Forest hares feed at night on the bark of trees, field hares - on winter crops and grass, bean gooses - on grain on the threshing floors. During the night, hares make a deep, visible trail in the snow. Before hares, hunters are people, and dogs, and wolves, and foxes, and crows, and eagles. If the hare walked simply and straight, then in the morning he would now be found on the trail and caught; but the hare is cowardly, and cowardice saves him.

The hare walks at night through the fields and forests without fear and makes straight tracks; but as soon as morning comes, his enemies wake up: the hare begins to hear either the barking of dogs, or the screech of sleighs, or the voices of peasants, or the crackling of a wolf in the forest, and begins to rush from side to side with fear. It will jump forward, be frightened of something - and run back in its wake. He will hear something else - and with all his might he will jump to the side and gallop away from the previous trace. Again something will knock - again the hare will turn back and again jump to the side. When it becomes light, he will lie down.

The next morning the hunters begin to dismantle hare footprint, get confused on double tracks and yes
easy jumps and are surprised at the tricks of the hare. And the hare did not think to be cunning. He's just afraid of everything.

M. Prishvin. Sleeping hare

In the morning, Zinochka followed the hare trail with me. Yesterday my dog ​​drove this hare here right to our camp from a distant forest. Did the hare return to the forest, or did he stay near the people somewhere in the ravine? We walked around the field and found the back track. He was fresh.
- Following this trail, he returned to his old forest, - I said.
- Where did he spend the night, hare? Zinochka asked.
For a moment her question confused me, but I came to my senses and answered:
- It is we who spend the night, and the hares live at night; he passed here at night and went into the forest for the day; there now lies, resting. It is we who spend the night, and the hares spend the day, and they are much more afraid during the day than at night. Every one of them during the day strong beast may offend.

Ask after reading the story - what is "day", "sleep"? Why do hares "day" and people "sleep"? Why is a hare scarier during the day than at night?

T. Belozerov. Hare.

Rustles, the ringing of a jacket
Woke up a hare.
It's scary and cold for the poor thing,
Hungry for him - not up to the game!
In the blue snowy ravine
He ate the willow bark.
Emboldened, warmed up a little,
Ran the frosty forest,
Crossed the desert road
And in the green winter disappeared ...

More about the hare and how the hare prepares for winter You will find interesting material for classes with children in the article - (experiments, fairy tale, cartoon, speech games and tasks)

You learned from this article, How does a hare hibernate? If you want to introduce children to other animals and winter nature then I invite you


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Before you plunge into the fascinating world of forest nature, we will tell you about the author of these works.

Biography of Nikolai Sladkov

Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov was born in 1920 in Moscow, but his whole life was spent in Leningrad and in Tsarskoye Selo, famous for its magnificent parks. Here Nikolai discovered the beautiful and unique life of nature, which became the main theme of his work.

While still a schoolboy, he began to keep a diary, where he wrote down his impressions and observations. In addition, he began to study in the circle of young naturalists at the Leningrad Zoological Institute. Here he met the famous naturalist writer Vitaly Bianchi, who called this circle the "Columbian Club". In the summer, the guys came to Bianki in the Novgorod region to study the secrets of the forest and comprehend nature. Bianchi's books rendered on Nicholas big influence, a correspondence began between them, and it was Sladkov who considered him his teacher. Subsequently, Bianchi became a true friend of Sladkov.

When did the Great Patriotic War, Nikolai volunteered to go to the front and became a military topographer. In the same specialty, he worked in peacetime.

Sladkov wrote his first book "Silver Tail" in 1953 (and there are more than 60 of them). Together with Vitaly Bianchi, he prepared the radio program "News from the Forest", answered numerous letters from listeners. He traveled a lot, visited India and Africa. As in childhood, he recorded his impressions in notebooks, which later became the source of the plots of his books.

In 2010, Sladkov would have turned 90 years old.

Nikolay Sladkov. How crossbills made squirrels jump in the snow

Squirrels do not really like to jump on the ground. If you leave a trail, a hunter with a dog will find you! Trees are much safer. From the trunk - to the knot, from the knot - to the branch. From birch to pine, from pine to Christmas tree.

There the kidneys will gnaw, there are bumps. That's how they live.

A hunter with a dog walks through the forest, looks under his feet. There are no squirrel tracks in the snow! And on spruce paws you will not see traces! On spruce paws there are only cones and even crossbills.

These are beautiful crosses! Males are purple, females are yellow-green. And the great masters peel the cones! The crossbill will tear off the cone with its beak, press it with its paw and let's bend the scales with a crooked nose, peel the seeds. It will bend the scale, bend the second and throw the bump. There are a lot of bumps, why feel sorry for them! Crossbills will fly away - a whole pile of cones remains under the tree. Hunters call such cones crossbow carrion.

Time goes by. Crossbills pluck everything and pluck the cones from the Christmas trees. There are very few cones on the fir trees in the forest. Squirrels are hungry. Whether you like it or not, you have to go down to the ground and walk downstairs, dig out crossbill carrion from under the snow.

A squirrel walks below - leaves a trace. Followed by a dog. The hunter is after the dog.

“Thanks to the crossbills,” says the hunter, “they lowered the squirrel to the bottom!”

By spring, all the cones on the fir trees will spill out last seeds. Squirrels now have one salvation - carrion. In the carrion, all the seeds are intact. Throughout the hungry spring, squirrels pick up and peel carrion. Now they would like to say thanks to the crossbills, but the squirrels do not say. They cannot forget how crossbills made them jump in the snow in winter!

Nikolay Sladkov. How the bear was turned over

Birds and animals have suffered from the hard winter. Whatever the day - a blizzard, whatever the night - frost. Winter has no end in sight. The Bear fell asleep in the den. I forgot, probably, that it's time for him to roll over to the other side.

There is forest omen: as the Bear rolls over to the other side - so the sun will turn to the summer.

The patience of birds and animals has burst.

Send the Bear to wake up:

- Hey, Bear, it's time! Winter is over for everyone!

We missed the sun. Roll over, roll over, bed sores, I suppose?

The bear does not hum in response: it doesn’t move, it doesn’t stir. Know snoring.

- Oh, to beat him in the back of the head! exclaimed the Woodpecker. - I think it would immediately move!

“No, no,” moaned the Elk, “you have to be respectful, respectful with him. Hey, Mikhailo Potapych! Hear us, we tearfully ask and beg you - roll over, at least slowly, on the other side! Life is not nice. We, moose, are standing in an aspen forest, like cows in a stall - you can’t take a step to the side. The snow is deep in the forest! Trouble if the wolves sniff us out.

The bear moved his ear, grumbles through his teeth:

- And what do I care about you, moose! The deep snow is only good for me: it’s warm and I sleep peacefully.

Here the White Partridge wailed:

- Aren't you ashamed, Bear? All the berries, all the bushes with buds were covered with snow - what do you order us to peck? Well, why should you roll over on the other side, hurry up the winter? Hop - and you're done!

And the Bear is his:

- Even funny! You are tired of winter, and I turn over from side to side! Well, what do I care about the kidneys and berries? I have a supply of fat under the skin.

The squirrel endured, endured - could not endure:

- Oh, you, shaggy mattress, it's too lazy to roll over, you see! And you would have jumped on the branches with ice cream, you would have skinned your paws to the blood, like me! .. Roll over, couch potato, I count to three: one, two, three!

- Four five six! Bear laughs. - That scared me! And well - shoo otsedova! You interfere with sleep.

The animals tucked their tails in, the birds hung their noses, and they began to disperse. And then out of the snow the Mouse suddenly leaned out and how it squeaked:

— So big, but scared? Is it really necessary to talk to him, short-haired, like that? He doesn't understand well or badly. It is necessary with him in our way, in a mouse way. You ask me - I will turn it over in an instant!

Are you a Bear? the animals gasped.

- With one left paw! boasts the Mouse.

The Mouse darted into the den - let's tickle the Bear. Runs on it, scratches with claws, bites with teeth. The Bear twitched, squealed like a piglet, kicked his legs.

— Oh, I can't! - howls. - Oh, I'll roll over, just don't tickle! Oh-ho-ho-ho! A-ha-ha-ha!

And the steam from the lair is like smoke from a chimney.

The mouse leaned out and squeaked:

- Turned over like a little one! I would have been told a long time ago.

Well, as the Bear turned over on the other side - so immediately the sun turned to the summer.

Every day - the sun is higher, every day - spring is closer. Every day - brighter, more fun in the forest!

Nikolay Sladkov. What is the length of the hare

What is the length of the hare? Well, this is for whom. For a man, a small beast - with a birch log. But for a fox, a hare two kilometers long? Because for a fox, a hare begins not when she grabs him, but when she smells him on the trail. A short trail - two or three jumps - and the hare is small.

And if the hare managed to inherit and wind up, then it becomes longer than the longest animal on earth. It is not easy for such a big man to bury himself in the forest.

The hare is very sad about this: live in eternal fear, do not work up extra fat.

And now the hare is trying with all his might to become shorter. He drowns his trace in the swamp, tears his trace in two - he shortens himself. He only thinks how to run away from his trace, hide, how to break it, shorten it or drown it.

A hare's dream is to finally become himself, with a birch log.

The life of a hare is special. There is little joy for everyone from rain and snowstorms, but they are good for the hare: the trail is washed off and swept up. And there is nothing worse when the weather is calm and warm: the trail is hot, the smell lasts for a long time. No matter how dense it is, there is no peace: maybe a fox is two kilometers behind - it is already holding you by the tail!

So it's hard to say what the length of the hare is. Which is more cunning - shorter, dumber - more authentic. In calm weather, the smart one stretches out, in a snowstorm and downpour - and the stupid one shortens.

Whatever the day, the length of the hare is different.

And very rarely, when he is really lucky, there is a hare of that length - with a birch log - as a person knows him.

Everyone knows about this, whose nose works better than the eyes. The wolves know. Foxes know. Know and you.

Nikolay Sladkov. Bureau of Forest Services

Cold February has come to the forest. He piled snowdrifts on the bushes, covered the trees with frost. And the sun, although it shines, does not warm.

Ferret says:

"Save yourself, as best you can!"

And Magpie chirps:

"Every man for himself again?" Alone again? No to us together against a common misfortune! And so everyone says about us that we only peck and squabble in the forest. It's even embarrassing...

Here the Hare got involved:

- That's right Magpie chirps. There is safety in numbers. I propose to create a Bureau forest services. I, for example, can help partridges. Every day I break the snow on winter trees to the ground, let them peck seeds and greens after me - I don’t feel sorry. Write me, Soroka, to the Bureau at number one!

- There is a smart head in our forest! Magpie rejoiced. - Who is next?

- We're next! cried the crossbills. - We peel the cones on the trees, drop half the cones whole down. Use it, voles and mice, it's not a pity!

“A hare is a digger, crossbills are throwers,” Magpie wrote.

- Who is next?

“Write us down,” grumbled the beavers from their hut. - We piled so many aspens in the fall - enough for everyone. Come to us, moose, roe deer, hares, juicy aspen bark and branches to gnaw!

And it's gone, and it's gone!

Woodpeckers offer their hollows for the night, crows invite to carrion, crows promise to show the landfill. Magpie barely manages to write down.

The wolf also choked on the noise. He spun his ears, looked up with his eyes and said:

"Sign me up for the Bureau!"

Magpie almost fell from the tree:

- You, Volka, in the Bureau of Services? What do you want to do in it?

“I will serve as a watchman,” Wolf replies.

Who can you guard?

I can take care of everyone! Hares, moose and roe deer near aspens, partridges on greenery, beavers in huts. I am an experienced caretaker. Sheep guarded in the sheepfold, chickens in the chicken coop ...

- You are a robber from the forest road, not a watchman! Magpie screamed. - Pass, rogue, by! We know you. It’s me, Magpie, I’ll guard everyone in the forest from you: as soon as I see it, I’ll raise a cry! I’ll write down not you, but myself as a watchman in the Bureau: “Magpie is a watchman.” What, I'm worse than others, or what?

So the bird-animals live in the forest. It happens, of course, that they live in such a way that only fluff and feathers fly. But sometimes they help each other out. Anything can happen in the forest.

Nikolay Sladkov. Resort "Icicle"

Soroka sat on a snow-covered Christmas tree and cried:

- All migratory birds flew away for the winter, I alone, settled, endure frosts and blizzards. Neither eat hearty, nor drink tasty, nor sleep sweetly. And in the winter, they say, a resort ... Palm trees, bananas, frying!

- It depends on what wintering, Magpie!

- On what, on what - on the ordinary!

- Ordinary wintering, Magpie, does not happen. There are hot winters - in India, in Africa, in South America, but there are cold ones - like in your middle lane. Here we, for example, flew to you from the North to spend the winter. I am the White Owl, they are the Waxwing and the Bullfinch, Bunting and the White Partridge.

- Why did you have to fly from winter to winter? Soroka is surprised. - You have snow in the tundra - and we have snow, you have frost - and we have frost. What is this resort?

But the Whistler disagrees:

- You have less snow, and the frosts are lighter, and the blizzards are more gentle. But the main thing is the mountain ash! Mountain ash is dearer to us than any palms and bananas.

And the White Partridge disagrees:

- I’ll peck at delicious willow buds, I’ll bury my head in the snow. Nourishing, soft, not blowing - why not a resort?

And the white owl disagrees:

- Everything is hidden in the tundra now, and you have both mice and hares. Happy life!

And all the other winterers are nodding their heads and assenting.

- It turns out that I don’t need to cry, but have fun! It turns out that I live all winter at the resort, but I don’t even guess, Magpie is surprised. - Well, miracles!

“That’s right, Magpie!” everyone shouts. “And don’t be sorry about hot winters, you still won’t be able to fly so far on your short wings.” Live better with us!

Quiet in the forest again. Magpie calmed down.

Arriving winterers-resorts took up food. Well, those that are on hot winterings - so far not a word or a breath from them. Until the spring.

Nikolay Sladkov. Forest werewolves

The miraculous in the forest happens imperceptibly, without someone else's eye.

Today: I was waiting at dawn for a woodcock. Dawn was cold, quiet, clean. Tall firs rose at the edge of the forest like black fortress towers. And in the lowland, over the streams and the river, fog hung. Willows drowned in it, like dark pitfalls.

I watched the drowned willows for a long time.

It all felt like something was about to happen!

But nothing happened; fog from the streams slowly flowed down to the river.

"It's strange," I thought, "the fog doesn't rise, as always, but flows down..."

But then a woodcock was heard. Black bird flapping its wings bat, stretched across the green sky. I threw up my photo gun and forgot about the fog.

And when he came to his senses, the fog had already turned into frost! He covered the meadow with white. And how it happened - I overlooked. Woodcock averted his eyes!

Finished pulling woodcocks. The sun appeared. And all the forest dwellers were so happy with him, as if they had not seen him for a long time. And I stared at the sun: it is interesting to watch how a new day is born.

But then I remembered the frost; look, he is no longer in the clearing! The white frost turned into a blue haze; it trembles and flows over the fluffy golden willows. Overlooked again!

And he overlooked how the day was born in the forest.

It's always like this in the forest: let something divert your eyes! And the most wonderful and amazing will happen imperceptibly, without someone else's eyes.

Bunny in pants

The white hare's hind legs were shed. There is no snow yet, but his legs have become white. Like wearing white pants. Previously, no one even noticed a brown hare in the clearing, but now it is visible behind the bush. Everyone is like an eyesore! He hid in the spruce forest - they saw tits. Surrounded and let's squeak:

That and look the fox will hear. The hare hobbled into the aspen. Only under the aspen lay down - they saw magpies! How they crackle:
- Hare in pants, hare in pants!
Togo and look the wolf will hear. A hare flashed into the thicket. There the tree was knocked down by a whirlwind. The tree rested upside down on the stump. Like a hut, covered the stump. The hare jumped onto the stump and fell silent. “Here,” he thinks, “now he hid from everyone!”
A hunter was walking through the forest and sees: in the very thicket, it’s as if a peephole sees through the sky. And what kind of sky is there if there is a black forest behind. The hunter looked into the forest eye - a hare! Yes, close - you can poke with a gun. The hunter gasped in a whisper. And the hare - there is nowhere to go - go straight to the hunter!
The hunter recoiled, tangled his feet in deadwood and fell. And when he jumped up, only the white hare pants flashed in the distance.
Again they saw a tit hare, they squealed:
- Hare in pants, hare in pants!
Magpies saw, crackled:
Bunny in pants, Bunny in pants! And the hunter cries:
- Bunny in pants!
Here are the pants: neither hide, nor change, nor throw off! Even if it snows sooner - the end of anxiety.

Titmouse stock

Collecting in reserve means saving yourself. Everyone saves himself in his own way. The ground squirrel steals grain from the fields and hides it in its hole. He even digs special pantries for stolen grain. A water rat clogs the otnorki with potatoes. Until the puddle, it happens, it will drag. The owl freezes mice and birds in a hollow for the winter, as in a refrigerator. One such thrifty owl once found as much as two kilograms of forest mice! And one ermine folded five water rats, seven voles, a titmouse, a viper, a lizard, a newt, a frog and a swimmer in a hole!
All this is for a rainy day.
They stock up where they can. Everything is different, but everything is for yourself: in your pantry, in your hollow, in your hole.
And only one funny titmouse corydalis gather stocks in a completely different way. Although they are funny, they also have dark days. And so they stock up tirelessly. A bug, a spider, a fly - it's good. A seed, a grain, a berry - it will do. They do not have their own pantries: no minks, no hollows. There would be a convenient crack in the bark, especially under a knot, where neither rain nor wind would break through.
In the forest of trees - do not count. And on each there is a secluded crack. From tree to tree, knot to knot, crack to crack. Where is the beetle, where is the grain; Lots of food in autumn. And in winter you will be happy with a dried mosquito.
Hundreds of trees, thousands of storerooms. But do you remember all of them?
And you don’t need to remember them: these pantries are for everyone! Does it matter whose stock you find: yours or someone else's? You pecked someone, and someone took yours. You are for everyone, and everything is for you.
A rainy day is terrible for everyone: everyone needs to have a reserve. And you can collect it in different ways. It is possible as a rat - only to itself. Or like a titmouse-corydalis - for himself and for everyone.

What is the length of the hare?

What is the length of the hare? It depends. For a person - with a birch log. And for a fox or a dog, a hare is two kilometers long. And even longer! Because for them, the hare begins not when they grab it or see it, but when they smell the hare's trail. A short trail - two or three jumps - and the beast is small. And if the hare managed to inherit, wind up, then it becomes longer than the longest animal on earth. Oh, how difficult it is to bury yourself in the forest!
With all his strength, the hare tries to become shorter. It will drown the trail in the swamp, then it will tear it in two with a jump-discount. A hare's dream is to finally become himself, with a birch log. He lives and dreams, how to run away from his trace, hide, how to shorten, tear, discard him, unusable.
The life of a hare is special. There is little joy for everyone from rain and snowstorms, but they are good for the hare: the trail is washed off and swept up. And there is nothing worse for him when the weather is calm, warm: the trail is then hot and the smell lasts for a long time. In such weather, the hare is the longest. Wherever you hide, there is no peace: maybe the fox, even though it is two more kilometers away, is already holding your tail!
So it's hard to tell which hare is the length. In calm weather, a smart hare stretches, and in a snowstorm and a downpour, a stupid one shortens.
Whatever the day - the length of the hare is different.
And very rarely, when you are very lucky, there is a hare of that length - with a birch log - as we see it. And everyone knows about it, whose nose works better than the eyes. The dogs know. Foxes and wolves know. Know and you.

I have never seen such a cunning rabbit in my life!

And what can I say: if he were not so cunning, he would have long ago fallen into the claws of an eagle or one of the predatory animals in the teeth.

There are a lot of foxes, wolves, lynxes here, and they caught all the hares on this mountainside. There was only one left - Ragged Ears.

His ears were cut by a golden eagle - a mountain eagle - for negligence. Since then, the hare has become so smart.

Berkut was young, inexperienced. The old eagle falls right on the hare's back and breaks its back. The young one caught up with the hare and caught it. He dug his claws into the long rabbit ears.

The hare tore its ears from the terrible eagle's claws on the run and darted under the stones.

These stones lay on the slope in a bed, forming, as it were, a long pipe or hole: a hare has a place to crawl under it, but a fox or an eagle cannot.

Berkut sat down in front of the entrance, stuck his neck into the hole, but his wings did not let him in. I had to give up mining. He flew away to catch another hare - stupider.

Hares do not make permanent lairs like rabbits. They feed at night.

It starts to get light - the hare will jump, wind its trail, confuse it, wave it off to the side and lie down for the whole day somewhere under a stone or a bush.

Yes, these tricks, long known to all lovers of hare, did not save other hares on this open, treeless mountainside. Survived, I say, this cunning hare alone.

Why did he survive? Because, contrary to all hare customs, he chose this very ridge of stones as his permanent lair, which had already saved him once from a young golden eagle.

More than once since then, old, experienced golden eagles have hunted for him. But the hare did not go far from his stones.

Dive! and hid under them.

The wolves also tried to catch him. But where should they - so healthy - crawl under the stones. They wiped their hunchback into blood, but I had to retreat.

A terrible lynx also tried to catch it - a large spotted cat with a small head and a flexible, snake-like body. She stuck her nose into all the holes between the stones. Everywhere under the stones there was a delicious smell of hare, but it could neither move the stones apart nor slip between them.

To the misfortune of the hare, lived on that mountain, as already mentioned, and foxes.

Already foxes are the most cunning animals and catching hares are great masters.

The hare Ragged Ears spent the winter safely in his stones.

And in the spring, as the snow melted, the foxes saw him: foxes and foxes. They live together at this time of the year, take the children out. And, of course, the two of them took it on.

The hare was lying on the slope - he warmed his little belly in the sun. And he himself looked sideways: is there any danger from where?

Foxes sneak up on him on bent legs. Yes, it was not there!

The hare noticed, jumped up ... The fox will rush after him!

And Ragged Ears jumped, lope - and at home.

The fox has stood at the entrance to the hare's hole and is waiting.

Ragged Ears did this: the one who catches him will leave - he will wait a little and go outside. It was then that the fox wanted to grab him.

But Ragged Ears was so frightened of the fox that he ran all the way down the long pipe, all his hole under the stones, and jumped out on the other side of the stone ridge. So he more than once escaped from wolves and lynxes. For them this trick was good, but for foxes - not so much!

The fox had just begun to sneak up on the hare, and the fox was already running at full speed to the other end of the stone ridge. She ran and stands at the exit from the hole, guarding.

A hare with his little mind, where can you guess about such a thing! He jumped out of the hole - right on the fox!

At that time, Liska was already licking her lips: she dreamed of how she would now eat a sweet hare.

And it’s good that she licked her lips: before she had time to remove her tongue, the hare turned around to the left - and dived back into the hole!

The fox yelped out of annoyance, but there was nothing to be done: it was her own fault. It remains only now for both hunters - the fox and the fox - to hide and patiently wait for the hare to jump out from one side or the other of the stone ridge. Keep the correct siege.

So the foxes are sitting: the fox is at the entrance, the fox is at the exit; are waiting.

And the bunny Ragged Ears, don't be stupid, stuck his head out of the hole between the stones in the middle of the ridge. He looked in one direction - there the fox was watching, hiding behind a stone. He looked into another - there a fox was sitting behind a bush, watching.

The foxes also see: suddenly long hare ears with a black spot at the end stick out in the middle of the ridge, the hare turns them in one direction, turns in the other - and again the ears hide.

Understood: it is necessary to remove the siege. It can be seen that grass grows between the stones near the hare. He bites her. You won't take him to death.

And the foxes went away.

That's how cunning the hare is: he spent two foxes and remained intact!

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