Self-registration of an individual entrepreneur. Documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Career and finance 19.10.2017
Career and finance

Creating your own business is a responsible step from which an entrepreneurial career begins. When a person decides to open an IP on his own, and quickly passes this stage, this serves to build confidence in own forces and the success of the entire enterprise. In addition, the businessman gets the opportunity to save personal money.

The procedure for opening an IP on its own does not seem complicated, you just need to carefully read the registration procedure and the requirements for completing the necessary documents.

The procedure for self-registration of IP

The step-by-step instruction describing how to open an IP on your own is quite simple and involves several simple steps:

  • preparation of necessary documents;
  • - 800 rubles;
  • submission of documents to the department of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration;
  • receipt of the Certificate and other papers on registration as individual entrepreneur.

Thus, registration of an IP on your own in practice turns out to be not a very troublesome matter that anyone who wants to succeed in entrepreneurship can handle.

Documents required for self-registration of IP

In order to open an individual entrepreneur yourself, you only need a general passport and a completed application form in the form P21001.

The application indicates the passport details of the businessman, as well as the TIN number. If the taxpayer number has not yet been assigned, then the tax service will issue a TIN Certificate along with the IP registration documents.

The greatest difficulty in filling out the application on your own is caused by sheet A, which indicates the types economic activity. For correct filling, OKVED is required - from it it is necessary to select codes inherent in all types of activities that the future entrepreneur plans to engage in.

Important! There are no restrictions on the number of selected activities, so the maximum number of them can be included in the application. In some cases, in order to conclude agreements with counterparties, it is necessary that the registration data contain the types of activities on the subject of the transaction.

When submitting documents to the tax authority, a copy of the passport and a receipt for payment of the fee must be attached to the P21001 form.

In addition, if it is planned to use a simplified taxation system, then it is advisable to supplement the specified package of documents with an application in the form 26.2-1. If this is not done immediately, the entrepreneur will still have 30 days left from the date of registration to submit such a document to the Federal Tax Service. After the specified period, provided that the individual entrepreneur does not declare his intention to report on the simplified tax system, he will be assigned a general taxation regime.

What to do after self-registration of IP

From the moment of receiving the Certificate of registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur, in fact, the creation of an individual entrepreneur can be considered completely completed independently.

To date, the Federal Tax Service transmits the necessary information on registration actions to other state bodies and non-budgetary funds as part of an interdepartmental data exchange.

If a newly-made entrepreneur plans to attract employees, then he needs to independently formalize the status of an individual entrepreneur as an insurer in the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. and the FSS is established by law, and if it is violated, this will lead to fines.

Important! An entrepreneur without employees on his own initiative can also register with the FSS if he plans to receive temporary disability benefits in the future. To do this, you will have to make certain deductions.

After receiving the Certificate of Registration, you can start doing business. At the same time, it is worth considering the need for licenses, permits and permits for certain types of activities. This fact should definitely be borne in mind when deciding to create an IP on your own.

Do not forget about the need to purchase cash register equipment for cash payments, which also requires registration procedures at the tax authority.

Important! The presence of a cash register is not a mandatory requirement for all entrepreneurs. Its necessity depends on. So, they can do without a cash machine.

To conduct non-cash payments, you will need a bank. The choice of a particular financial institution lies entirely with the entrepreneur, who determines the best option for himself.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-registration of IP

It is not difficult to open an IP on your own, but it is worth weighing all the strengths and weak sides carry out this process on your own.

The advantages of self-design include:

  • minimum costs for opening, since the answer to the question: to issue an IP on your own? » gives the novice businessman himself, determining the amount of costs at the start. They can only be reduced to the payment of a state duty of 800 rubles. or include printing in expensive equipment and opening a current account with premium services;
  • the ability to make an IP on your own - good lesson to develop communication skills with representatives of state bodies, which are necessary in the process of the entrepreneur's work;
  • ensuring full control over the safety of information - self-submission of documents eliminates the risk of information leakage, which, although minimal when registering through specialized companies, still exists.

At the same time, self-registration is not without its drawbacks:

  • errors in the execution of documents lead to a denial of registration, or delay it in time;
  • insufficient study of all issues on how to register an individual entrepreneur yourself leads to some difficulties in creating a business, which also increases the registration time.

Note that these shortcomings are leveled by careful preparation, therefore they are not particularly difficult and do not pose any serious threats to future business.

Everyone who wants to start should think about how to open an IP yourself. In entrepreneurship, a lot is tied to the ability to make independent decisions, therefore it is better to register a business without outside help, thereby taking your first step on a difficult but exciting path.

Hello future IPs!

The year 2017 has already come and I decided to update the article on opening an IP for those who want to become an entrepreneur. Why do I update this article regularly?

Everything is simple. The fact is that every year there are new laws, some nuances, and so on. Roughly speaking, if you read somewhere an article on opening an IP two or three years ago, you will most likely make mistakes when registering an IP. Or even you will be denied a tax after checking the documents that you take there ...

So in 2017 - 2018, we are waiting for some changes that you need to know about now. We will talk about them in this article.

  1. It is worth noting that the changes in the opening procedure in 2017 are more related to the fact that future entrepreneurs are increasingly being redirected to register individual entrepreneurs from tax inspectorates to the so-called MFCs (multifunctional centers).
  2. Also, as far as I know, in 2018 it is planned to completely transfer this procedure under the control of the MFC in order to slightly relieve the tax inspections (with the exception of small cities where there is simply no MFC, or they are too far away).
  3. But it should be understood that you will still have to meet with the tax authorities in the future =) For example, when applying for the transition to the chosen taxation system. Or, with a possible check on their part.

But we will talk about all this below in the article and in the comments. We will also consider at the end the most common questions from beginners.

With design examples necessary documents and answer many questions that are not covered here.

So let's get started:

In fact, the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is quite simple, but requires care at every step. It is enough to make a mistake at some stage, and you will again have to run around with papers in a bureaucratic circle =). But nevertheless, EVERY person can understand this procedure.

And there is absolutely no point in paying third-party companies that charge people 4-6 thousand for this primitive procedure. So read this article carefully to understand how easy it is! I will try to describe all stages of the opening procedure as clearly and understandably as possible.

Let's take a closer look at each step in this article.

Step #1: You must be clear about what you will be doing. And select the appropriate activity codes for OKVED

The fact is that for each type of entrepreneurial activity, officials came up with the so-called OKVED codes (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Activities). Roughly speaking, for EVERY type of business activity there is a unique OKVED code.

For example, you decided to open a hairdressing salon and a bathhouse with it =). Then you need to specify the appropriate OKVED code when opening.

An example of a code according to OKVED-2 for hairdressers

An example of a code according to OKVED-2 for those who want to open a bathhouse =)

And so for each type of activity that you will be engaged in, you need to choose your code from this directory.

For beginner entrepreneurs, the question immediately arises of where to get these incomprehensible OKVED codes ....

And here we are waiting for the first small problem. The fact is that from January 1, 2017, a NEW reference book on OKVED codes was introduced, which is called OKVED-2. The two pictures above show codes specifically for OKVED-2.

Therefore, now when choosing activity codes in 2017-2018 (and in subsequent years), we use only OKVED-2!

So, at this step, you must select several types of OKVED activities that you will use. No need to prescribe them for 100-200 pieces. You can always delete or add new activities after registration after opening. All you need to do is submit an application to your tax office.

Moreover, you need to choose the MAIN type of activity according to OKVED. This is one code that will be the main one, which generally describes what the IP will do. You also need to select ADDITIONAL activity codes for OKVED. For example, for a hairdresser, it is logical to select several codes that also apply to this activity. I think you get the point.

Step #2. Need to figure out how to tax

A very common mistake is when a future individual entrepreneur starts his own business and does not have the slightest idea of ​​how much he should pay taxes to the state. Postpones this issue “for later”, and as a result, runs into serious fines and penalties.

Or he doesn’t pay taxes at all, forgetting that he has an open IP at all. Oddly enough, this situation is also quite common.

Before moving on to the next step, you should sit down and figure out which tax system will be beneficial for YOU.

They often write me a question of this type: “I open an individual entrepreneur ... which tax system should I choose?”

At the same time, there are no details, no information about what he wants to do, etc. My answer is very simple: “I have no idea”

But seriously, the question is rather strange for a person who decided to become an IP. Before asking such a question, you need to take a calculator and at least roughly understand the main tax schemes:

  1. USN 15%

I’ll tell you very briefly about the “simplification” of 6% and 15%:

But so that you do not drown in redundant details for now, I will briefly explain about the two most popular taxation systems in Russia:

1. This is the Simplified Taxation System (hereinafter STS) STS 6%

In short, an individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system 6% pays 6% of all money received +

But remember that contributions to the PFR and FFOMS are now collected by the tax service of Russia (abbreviated as FTS):

2. STS 15% “Income minus Expenses”

Here already our IP pays not 6% of all income, and 15% of the difference between income and expenses. + pays the same contributions to the PRF + FFOMS

So, we will assume that our IP has chosen the following parameters for registering its IP:

1. I chose a list of OKVED codes that are suitable for future business activities. And I emphasize once again that these codes can always be added after opening the IP. Therefore, do not get carried away and pick up no more than 10-20 pieces.

2. And as a taxation system, he chose the simplified tax system 6% (by the way, I have the simplified tax system 6%).

Important: in our example, we will assume that our individual entrepreneur immediately wants to switch to the simplified tax system of 6%.

The fact is that if you simply open an individual entrepreneur and do not write an application for the transition to the desired tax regime (STS or PSN or UTII), you will automatically find yourself on the so-called OSNO. ( General system taxation).

Being on OSNO is a dubious pleasure, frankly. This system is quite confusing, especially for beginner IPs. That is why I strongly recommend that you immediately decide on the taxation system, so that later you do not suffer on the OSNO.

Step number 3: We pay the state duty for opening an IP. This must be done BEFORE submitting documents to the tax office!

On the this moment it is 800 rubles.

Where can I get a receipt for the state duty and how do I pay it? Everything is very simple.

We go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation here at this link and print a receipt to be paid at any branch of Sberbank.

That is, once again: follow the link above to the official website of Tax Russia, select the item, "State duty for registration of a sole trader as an individual entrepreneur", generate a receipt with your data for payment through Sberbank in cash.

note that if you register through the MFC, then you need to select another item “State registration of FL as an individual entrepreneur (when applying through multifunctional centers).

You just need to carefully follow the instructions on the screen, and then print it.

VERY IMPORTANT! In no case do not lose this receipt for payment of state duty after you pay it! We will need it later when you submit a package of documents to the tax office.

According to the responses of blog readers in the comments below, you can read that in 2017 tax inspectorates are increasingly redirecting those who want to open an individual entrepreneur to the MFC.

I repeat that in 2018 the vast majority of everyone who wants to become an individual entrepreneur will be redirected to registration at the MFC. But in any case, clarify this point in advance, in your tax office, in order to pay the required state duty option.

Otherwise, you will simply not be accepted documents for registration, since the wrong version of the state duty was paid. And it is impossible to return money for an incorrectly paid state duty.

Step 4: Where do you need to register as an individual entrepreneur? To which inspection should I bring a package of documents?

Find on the site the address of the tax inspection, which is assigned to the address of your residence. Let me remind you that the procedure for registering an IP is regulated by the rules Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs".

Do not be lazy, study this law and many questions will disappear: is the site of the Novgorod Tax Office, but you can choose any region of the Russian Federation there) After that, call your inspection office and specify what exactly you will need to register in.

At this stage, the following question is often heard: “I do not live by registration, in another city .. Where to carry the package of documents?”

Unfortunately, the law clearly states that an individual entrepreneur is registered in the inspection that is assigned to him by registration in his passport. Therefore, you have to do just that.

But you can do it remotely by sending a package of documents by registered mail, with a description of the contents.

But I still advise you to do this during a personal visit to the inspection, as practice shows that during personal communication with a tax officer, other questions may arise on their part. For example, questions from their side on the design of the documents themselves or on the composition of the package of documents.

Step number 5: What documents are needed to open an IP in 2017?

For Russian citizens:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  2. A copy of the passport (all pages. Stitch the copies of the pages together). It is necessary if you will send documents by mail.
  3. A copy of the certificate with the TIN number of the physical. faces (if any).
  4. Receipt of payment of the state fee for registration of IP.
  5. Application for registration of physical persons as IP according to the form Р21001. If the applicant does not hand over the documents in person, then the application must be certified by a notary (certify the signature of the applicant). Otherwise, this may not be done.
  6. An application for the use of the simplified tax system in the form No. 26.2-1 (how to draw up correctly - you can peep again on the tax website. I deliberately do not give an example of filling out, since everywhere there are different requirements and nuances)


The list of documents in this case is DIFFERENT and I advise you to read this article:

Step 6 We hand over the finished package of documents to the tax office

Prepared documents must be submitted to your tax office and at the same time get acquainted with the inspectors :). Of course, you can send a package of documents by mail, but I would prefer to go personally and get acquainted with the place where I will often visit. After the IP documents have been submitted, the registration authority must issue copies of the following documents:

  1. Receipt for receipt of documents (be sure to take it)
  2. Applications for the use of USN

Please note that the copy of the notification for the application of the simplified tax system is signed, dated and stamped. Now it remains to wait a few days and think again about whether you need an IP :)

Of course, you can apply to switch to another taxation system. For example, on PSN.

The main thing that needs to be done IMMEDIATELY when submitting documents for registration of IP. True, some inspections accept such applications for the transition to the taxation system you need AFTER registering an individual entrepreneur. So, you need to submit this application ON THE DAY YOU RECEIVE the documents for the newly registered individual entrepreneur.

Don't hesitate with this question! Otherwise, you will automatically get to OSNO!

Step number 7. Obtaining registration documents

If everything is fine with the documents, then after 3 (three) working days from the date of submission of the documents, you are required to issue documents confirming your new status as an Individual Entrepreneur.

Yes, in 2016 we reduced the time for preparing documents from five working days to three. But in the case of registering an individual entrepreneur through the MFC, you will have to wait a little longer (usually 7 working days).

Here is what you will receive at the inspection in three working days:

  1. Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur with the specified OGRNIP number (the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur) (since January 1, 2017 is no longer issued. More details here
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  3. Record sheet from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP) (see link above).

Please note that you will not be given a document confirming that you can use the STS (simplified taxation system)

The fact is that the application for the application of the simplified tax system is of a notification nature, therefore, it is possible to apply the simplified tax system from the date of registration. To avoid possible problems in the future, in the tax office, you can request an information letter in the form 26.2-7 on the transition to the simplified tax system.

To obtain it, you must submit an appropriate request to your inspection.

Step number 8. Registration with the PFR, FFOMS

Your inspection will send information about the registered individual entrepreneur to Pension Fund Russian Federation(PFR), which currently still administers contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (FFOMS). After some time, a certificate (notice) of registration with the FIU and FFOMS should come by mail.

Be sure to save it, you will definitely need it later. If the notice of registration with the FIU has not arrived, you must personally provide them with the following documents:

  1. Originals and photocopies of the IP registration certificate (with OGRNIP number)
  2. Pension Certificate. (which is "green" :)

After that, you should be given a notice of registration with the FIU.

Step number 9. What forms may be needed for this procedure?

If you have read this article to the end, then you understand that you will need to fill out several documents + make several photocopies of documents. You will need to fill out:

  1. Application for registration of physical persons as an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001.
  2. Application for the use of the simplified tax system in the form No. 26.2-1 (if you choose the simplified tax system, of course).
  3. Receipt for payment of state duty.

How to complete all these documents?

That's just for filling out these documents, cunning businessmen take from 2000 to 6000 rubles for the execution of these documents. But believe me, there is nothing complicated. And it is not at all necessary to pay 6,000 rubles for something that you can do yourself.

Frequently asked questions from beginner entrepreneurs

It is clear that opening an individual entrepreneur and choosing a taxation system is only the very beginning of the glorious path of future billionaires :) And most newcomers simply face a huge number of questions ...

Let's look at some of them:

I heard that there are tax holidays for individual entrepreneurs. How to get them? What conditions must be met?

The question is very frequent, and in order not to get up twice, I recorded a short video on this issue:

Do I need a IP address?

No, not needed. All documents will contain your address according to the registration in the passport. Of course, you can rent an office and indicate its address on the website, business cards, etc.

But on official documents, such as: declarations, reporting to the tax office, to the FIU, on acts of work performed, something like “IP Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, Ivanova, Ivanovskaya street, house 1, apt. one"

Do I need a print?

No, it's optional. But still order it, as this is a question of 300-500 rubles. The fact is that many companies require documents only with a seal. It's illegal, but arguing with all such orthodoxies is just a waste of time.

The seal of an individual entrepreneur is not required to register.

Do I need a bank account?

In fact, a bank account for an individual entrepreneur is not required. Many manage to work for years without it, but I think that doing so is not very correct. Read this article for more details:

Can I be denied a sole proprietorship?

Yes they can. But at the same time they are required to issue a written explanation indicating the reason for the refusal. But, as practice shows, most of the refusals are associated with incorrectly executed documents for the registration of individual entrepreneurs.

If I opened an IP at the end of the year, do I need to report?

A fairly common mistake of novice entrepreneurs who will open, for example, in December 2017, and think that they will not have to submit reports in 2018 based on the results of the previous year. They don’t submit a declaration, for example, and then they block their IP account in a bank ...

Like, the IP is open a few days before the end of the year, which means that you don’t need to submit any reports ...

This is a serious mistake, as reporting will have to be submitted, even for a few days at the end of the previous year.

Here is a more detailed article on this:

Should an individual entrepreneur pay mandatory insurance premiums?

Unfortunately, there are no benefits for individual entrepreneurs on mandatory contributions to pension and health insurance.

Is it possible to be an individual entrepreneur and work as an employee in another company at the same time? Will I be punished for this? =)

Most cautious PIs start their own business this way. At first, they combine, as they say, “work for an uncle” and try their hand at their own business.

  • In general, yes it is possible. You just need to understand that you still have to pay mandatory insurance premiums for medical and pension insurance “for yourself” as an individual entrepreneur in full. What your employer pays for you in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation does not matter to the amount of individual entrepreneur contributions for pension and honey. insurance.

And in this case, they can really punish =)


In fact, after opening an IP, you will have a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bQuestions :)

Read my site, use the site search - for sure you will find the answer to your question.

Or just read this guide, which contains answers to the most common questions from aspiring entrepreneurs in the form of a small e-book:

Dear readers!

A detailed step-by-step guide to opening an IP in 2017 is ready. This book is intended primarily for beginners who want to open a sole proprietorship and work for themselves.

It's called like this:

"How to open an IP in 2017? Step by step instructions for beginners"

From this guide you will learn:

  1. How to draw up documents for opening an IP?
  2. Choose OKVED codes for IP
  3. Choosing a taxation system for individual entrepreneurs ( short review)
  4. I will answer many questions that are not on the site
  5. Which supervisory authorities need to be notified after opening an IP?
  6. All examples are for 2017
  7. And much more!

Dear entrepreneurs!

A new e-book on taxes and insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system 6% without employees for 2017 is ready:

"What taxes and insurance premiums does an individual entrepreneur pay on the simplified tax system 6% without employees in 2017?"

The book covers:

  1. Questions about how, how much and when to pay taxes and insurance premiums in 2017?
  2. Examples of calculating taxes and insurance premiums "for yourself"
  3. The calendar of payments for taxes and insurance premiums is given
  4. Common mistakes and answers to many other questions!

Happy opening!

Sincerely, Dmitry.

An individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) is an individual who has proper registration and conducts entrepreneurial activities without registering a legal entity.

Based on Article 23, part one of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, any capable citizen of Russia or another country has the right to conduct his own entrepreneurial activity in Russia.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


(St. Petersburg)


It's fast and is free!

Why open an IP at all?

Registration of an individual entrepreneur entails avoiding personal income taxes (PIT), reducing payments to the PFR (Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) and the FSS (Social Insurance Fund). On the other hand, the official registration of IP opens up more opportunities for you in cooperation with various firms and companies that prefer, interacting with your organization, transfer money to settlement accounts by bank transfer, and then write it off as expenses.

At the very start of a career, it may be enough to work even without official registration, when you are not yet cooperating with big companies. But then you have to face the problems of limited capacity and the reluctance of large organizations to work with your firm - no one wants to work with illegal clients.

It is for this that you need to open an IP and go on a “big voyage”. As a result of official registration, you will be able to access new level and you will be able to earn more.

What do you need to open an IP in 2017?

Before you start collecting paperwork for registration, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the following points:

  • You must have a taxpayer identification number (TIN). If at the moment you do not have it, it is possible to apply for it. You can do this both along with the submission of the entire package of documents for registering an individual entrepreneur, or in advance. Only in the first case, the registration will take much more time instead of the required 5 working days.
  • You should decide in advance on the most suitable taxation system for you.
  • You will need to decide on the types of activities that you will be engaged in (OKVED codes). They must be specified when registering individual entrepreneurship. The code that you write first is considered first. It will determine the amount of the insurance rate of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS).

Next, we consider in more detail the second and third points from the above list.

Choosing a taxation system and OKVED codes

Let's start with the systems that determine the amount of duty paid to the state. All payments that are assigned to individual entrepreneurs are divided into 4 sections. It:

  • a fixed payment that is made to off-budget funds "for oneself" (in 2014 it is 20,727.53 rubles, in 2015 - 22,261.38 rubles, in 2016 - 23,153.33 rubles, and if his income exceeds 300,000 rubles, then additionally 1% of the amount of income exceeding 300 thousand);
  • established payment made to off-budget funds, which is deducted from wages workers (the entrepreneur must exclude 13% of a person's income working for him);
  • additional taxes that are assigned in accordance with the type of activity;
  • taxes assigned depending on the system of taxation you specify.

There are several payments of the latter type:

  • General system of taxation.
  • Special modes, which in turn are divided into:
    • simplified taxation system (STS);
    • single agricultural tax (UST);
    • single tax on imputed income (UTII);
    • the system of taxation in the implementation of production sharing agreements.

Each of them has its own characteristics and criteria by which the amount of payment is determined.

As for OKVED codes, first you need to figure out what they are.

OKVED codes or the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity are codes with encrypted and classified all types of activities that can be used if you have your own business.

When registering an IP, it is better to immediately decide what exactly you want to do and indicate not one, but several codes. Although, on the other hand, too many of them can lead to certain problems and confusion in the numbers. From the choice of the main activity, i.e. The amount of the mandatory insurance rate depends on the first code specified during registration.

It must be borne in mind that you can only engage in the type of activity indicated during registration, and each of the types of activity has its own taxation system. They may differ depending on the region in which you will be registering.

Required documents

If you still decide to register your own business, for this you will need a certain set of papers. It looks like this:

  • The passport.
  • Stitched photocopy of each page of the passport. You will need it to send a set of documentation by mail.
  • A receipt certifying the payment of the state fee for the registration of IP.
  • A copy of the taxpayer identification number (TIN) certificate, if available.
  • Application for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001. If the situation is such that the one who signed this paper for some reason is not able to bring the papers in person, it is necessary to certify them with a notary to certify the signature of the applicant (1 copy).
  • Application for the use of the simplified taxation system (STS) in the form No. 26.2-1 (2 copies).

After submitting the documents, you must receive a receipt for their receipt and one of the copies of the transition to a simplified tax system.

We write and submit an application to the tax office

The application for registration consists of five pages. In it you need to specify your Full name, contact details (phone number and e-mail), passport details, OKVED and TIN codes. It must be filled out in block letters and legibly, so that there are no problems in the future.

How much does it cost?

When self-registering oneself as an individual entrepreneur, the amount of expenses is only 800 rubles. It is in this volume that you need to pay the state duty at the nearest branch of Sberbank of Russia to you. A receipt confirming this must be submitted along with all other documents.

Also, when going to a lawyer in order to certify your application, you will have to leave about 350 rubles more there. At the same time, he will check your document for errors so that they do not interfere with your registration as an individual entrepreneur.

What documents do you need to issue after registration?

The time for which the registration of an individual entrepreneur takes place may differ depending on the region where you will do this. But, in general, this procedure takes five working days. The date of issue of the papers will be written on the receipt that you will receive when submitting the package of documents. In the event that you are unable to pick them up in person, they will be mailed to you.

Upon completion of registration, you will receive the following documents:

  • Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP).
  • Evidence that you, as an individual, have been registered with a tax authority.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP) (1-4 pages).
  • Certificate that you, as an individual, were registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration.
  • Notification that you have been assigned statistics codes from Rosstat.

After that, you need to make copies of all the documents you received and then give them to the tax inspector.

Registration in other institutions

It may happen that you will not be given some of the above papers. To receive them, the tax office will send information that you were registered as an individual entrepreneur to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The FIU, in turn, will have to send you a certificate of registration by mail.

If this did not happen, you will have to contact them yourself, having with you the IP Registration Certificate (original and photocopy), taxpayer identification number and pension certificate.

What to do then?

After receiving all the documents that indicate that you have every right to engage in business activities, the only main rule to remember is that you are now required to pay taxes, keep documentation and records.

In order to be able to carry out non-cash payments, it will be necessary open a checking account. It will also be needed in case of concluding contracts for an amount that exceeds 100,000 rubles with other individual entrepreneurs.

To open a current account and certify your documents, you will need own seal. Thus, if you have made a seal for yourself, then with further work, one signature will no longer be enough to certify the document.

In the event that your activity involves paying for services using cash or bank cards, you will need a cash register. Although there are exceptions related to the chosen taxation system and some trading conditions.

Why can registration be denied?

The reasons why they may refuse to register you may be different. Below are the main reasons why this can happen:

  • If you entered incorrect data, made mistakes or typos when filling out documents.
  • If you submitted incorrect documents, or if they were not complete.
  • When you submitted your documents to the wrong place.
  • If you have been declared bankrupt and less than a year has passed since then.
  • If a verdict was put forward to ban business activities, and its validity period has not yet expired.

As you can see, registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the instructions above, and you will succeed.

If we compare the design of IP independently and through an intermediary, then each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Self-registration takes a little longer to collect the proper documents and complete them, although your costs will be negligible. Making an IP with the help of an intermediary, on the contrary, takes less time, but you will need to pay him for the work. Thus, the amount you spend will increase significantly. So, the choice is yours.

Once again about the step-by-step steps for registration

The following video once again explains in detail step by step how to properly register a business:

Changes in 2016

Registration as an individual entrepreneur does not involve major changes. The main ones will be related to the toughening of responsibility for the commission of certain violations:

  • In particular, if the registration authority doubts the reliability of the data provided by the entrepreneur, he will be able to stop the registration process for a period no more than 30 days.
  • Persons who have violated the law in their previously organized entrepreneurial activities may be denied registration.
  • Administrative penalties will become tougher: for example, the first time you provide incorrect information, the fine varies from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.
  • Administrative responsibility is also toughened upon registration with the use of nominees. Moreover, now it is enough to have a statement from a bogus director in order to prove the unlawfulness of the actions taken.

How to open an IP in Moscow: step-by-step instructions + sample applications + registration sites + 4 ways to open an IP.

If a firm decision was made to open own business, which means there is already a founder genious idea, a well-written business plan and people who are ready to invest in the project.

It seems that all the important steps have been completed and it remains to prepare to calculate the profit.

But the last, no less serious step remains - this is obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Thanks to this article, you will find the answer to the question, how to open an individual entrepreneur in Moscow through various websites and government agencies.

This process, if you take it apart step by step, is not at all as complicated as it might seem from the outside.

What documents are needed to open an IP in Moscow?

Collecting and submitting documents on your own, without intermediaries, is the most budgetary way to register your activity.

It requires the preparation of a small list of documents.

By the way, this list is the same for all four options for registering individual entrepreneurship.

1. (you can also provide a copy)

To open an IP, it is not necessary to provide the original, a copy of the document will do.

2. Passport

The original document is provided, as well as a copy that must be certified by a notary.

3. Application form R21001

It is certified by a notary only if you will submit the documents NOT PERSONALLY.

Make sure that even the slightest mistakes or blots are not made. For the IP registration process, this will really become a problem.

An example of filling out an application:

4. Receipt of payment of state duty

You can pay at any bank in the country. It will cost 800 rubles.

An example of filling out a receipt for payment of state duty:

You can also pay for the service in another way - using the website of the Federal Tax Service

The item you need is circled in red:

It is also possible to prepare papers to open an IP using the online service:

In addition to the possibility of registration, it offers many additional services by (of course, on a paid basis).

Dealing with this method is very simple.

The main thing is to follow step by step instructions service.

After collecting the necessary business papers, we proceed to the next stage: transferring the papers to the Federal Tax Service and obtaining the necessary certificates.

Where to submit documents to independently open an IP in Moscow?

If everything is absolutely clear with the collection of documents, then what to do next to do it on your own?

Everything is also quite simple, if you disassemble the process in stages.

Stage 1

The collected package of papers is provided to the tax service or the MFS.

First option.

Take the documents to the tax organization.

But before that, find out in advance which reception office is needed in your case, and at what time you can come with a folder of papers.

You can determine the work schedule in the department of the Federal Tax Service you need and its address at the following link:

Second option.

You can also contact the multifunctional center (MFS) for help.

Similar centers are located in every region of the country.

You can see the points of their placement, as well as sign up for a queue on the official portal: http://xn--l1aqg.xn--p1ai/mfc/index/queues.

Remember! When you submit the entire package of documents to open an individual business, representatives of the authority must issue a receipt. It will be evidence that the tax authority has accepted the collected package of documents.

Stage 2

The necessary certificates are prepared and handed out within three working days.

To receive them, you must have documents that confirm your identity (the main one is a passport).

If everything was done correctly, the tax service or the MFS will issue the following list of papers:

Stage 3

At this stage, registration with the Pension Fund takes place.

Thanks to the innovations of 2016, the founder can “breathe” a little at this step.

According to the latest amendments, the tax service independently sends the relevant papers to the Pension Fund.

The relevant papers confirming registration with the FIU will be sent to the founder at the registration address.

If this does not happen, you should contact the local branch of the pension fund with documents confirming your identity:

  • the passport;
  • certificate of an individual entrepreneur and TIN;
  • pension certificate, if any.

After passing through all these stages, an individual entrepreneur is considered registered and can open activities legally.

Outcome: the implementation of the decision to open an IP on your own will take some time and will cost you 800 rubles.

And how much money do you need to prepare if you decide to open an individual entrepreneur in the capital of Russia with the help of lawyers?

How to open an IP in Moscow with the help of intermediaries?

Shortcomings in filling out and processing documents, wasted precious time, lost nerve cells - all this can be prevented if the decision to open an individual business in Moscow is at least partially entrusted to professional lawyers or lawyers.

These people are ready to go through all these bureaucratic circles of the system for you for a fixed fee.

Often, people who do not have enough free time to run around the offices and knock on the thresholds of authorities decide to open an individual business in this way.

Therefore, registrars offer their services and can open an individual business on a turnkey basis.

In addition, lawyers offer consulting services regarding a particular stage of the procedure.

Such assistance, of course, will cost much less than the implementation of the entire stage of registration through intermediaries.

What will be included in the amount that will have to pay a lawyer-registrar?

  • saved nerves;
  • 100% guarantee of registration of individual entrepreneurship in a couple of days;
  • freed up time that a businessman can spend on other important business tasks.

If for a novice entrepreneur at the registration stage such benefits are more important than financial costs, further actions are minimized.

It is enough just to draw up a power of attorney for the registrar, and expect from last call with a positive result.

A smaller amount can be paid if you contact a lawyer with a question regarding the collection of the necessary package of documents.

For this service, the lawyer will ask for about 100-250 rubles.

But “good” money for registering an individual entrepreneur in Moscow will be asked for the complete execution of documents without the participation of the founder.

To open an IP, you will pay from 2,500 to 7,000 rubles.

Often, start-up entrepreneurs turn to a lawyer not only for paperwork, but also conclude further cooperation, which consists in legal supervision of individual entrepreneurship.

Outcome: to open an individual business in Moscow by this method will cost 2,500-7,000 rubles.

And to open an IP yourself, watch this video:

How to open an individual entrepreneur in Moscow by mail?

If there is absolutely no desire and time to beat the thresholds of institutions, send the collected package of documents to the tax service by registered mail.

In this way, it is also realistic to open an IP in Moscow.

Of course, this will take a lot of time, but it will protect you from stuffy corridors and queues.

As already mentioned, the package of documents will be standard (listed at the beginning of the article). Only a description of the contents of the registered letter will be added, which must be done without fail.

How does the use of this method affect costs?

They will be almost the same as when deciding to open an IP on your own, by visiting the Federal Tax Service.

Difference: you need to pay for sending a registered letter, as well as the services of a notary who will certify all the copies.

Total: to open an IP will cost about 800 rubles.

Nice plus A: You don't have to visit the tax office.

Minus: comparative unreliability of the method and a rather long processing time (sometimes up to a month).

How to open an individual entrepreneur in Moscow using the Internet?

Within three days of email you will be instructed to visit the tax office with the following documents:

  • a photocopy of the passport (for Moscow, only the first page can be made);
  • receipt confirming government payment.

In addition to the official website, you can refer to other resources with which you can open an IP:

  • - open an individual entrepreneur using the banking system;
  • - registration of individual entrepreneurship through a commercial website;
  • - another one of the private services that has received many good reviews from users.

The final touch of registration for IP

It is necessary to open an account of an individual entrepreneur in a bank branch, as well as order the original seal of the company and a cash register.

To establish a cash register, you must contact the Federal Tax Service with a list of documents that confirm the existence of an individual entrepreneur, and provide a lease agreement for business premises.

We hope this article has helped you resolve the issue. how to open an individual entrepreneur in Moscow.

At first glance it seems that this is a very complex and time-consuming process.

But if the founder managed to identify a profitable business niche and find funding, then even for a novice businessman it will be a simple and “painless” step to draw up the relevant documents.

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