The longest and deepest river in the world. The deepest rivers in the world

Interesting 23.07.2019

Africa ... It is in this territory that the deepest river in the world is located. TravelAsk invites you on a journey through the Congo.

Congo: 230 meters underwater

The Congo begins at the junction of the Lualaba and Luvua rivers, not far from the border of the Republic of the Congo with Zambia. Its length is about 4700 kilometers.

Over this distance there are about a thousand islands and 30 waterfalls. Some of them have names. So there are the waterfalls of Livingston, which are located in the gorge of the South Guinean Uplands. True, not to say that they are too picturesque, and cannot be compared with the pearl of Africa, Victoria, but they are definitely powerful: these are 7 rapids that stretch for 350 kilometers. The total height of the water fall is 270 meters. In these rapids is the deepest point of the Congo, which is 230 meters.

Congo flows into the Atlantic Ocean: every second it carries 43 thousand cubic meters of water there: only the Amazon is more powerful. The mouth of the Congo is funnel-shaped, where ocean waters mix with fresh waters.

The total area of ​​the Congo basin is also impressive - 3,680,000 square meters. The river is very beautiful, landscapes change one after another along it: mountains and evergreen tropics, surrounded by picturesque valleys.

The Congo is the only river that crosses the equator twice.

The home of the spirits

Congo, according to African legends, is the abode of the spirits of death. The natives called them mkuu-mbe-mba. According to local residents, outwardly they look like lizards, and in size they can be equal to elephants. If the spirits are angry with people, they drink all the water from the sky, which causes a drought. And, of course, they can send all sorts of sores and fevers.

Therefore, going on a trip to the shores of the Congo, do not anger these monsters.

So who lives in the Congo?

The river was discovered in 1482 by the Portuguese navigator Diego Can. This is the most big river in Central Africa. The high water of the Congo occurs 2 times a year: in May and December. During this period, its waters are visible from the Atlantic Ocean for hundreds of kilometers. But even in the low season, it is truly powerful.

Fishing in the Congo is quite impressive, especially for tiger fish. This is a predator that grows up to 70 kilograms and has large teeth. The fish got its name because of its striped color. She is as dangerous as piranhas.

Tiger fish will ambush their prey, and local fishermen have a lot of tales about their attacks on people. However, such cases have not been officially registered. Most often, she feeds on small fish, but her teeth are large enough: she can inflict decent bites on humans.

Tiger fish is very popular as an object of sport fishing: not everyone can catch such a giant. Some individuals reach a length of 1.80 meters.

In addition to this predator, about a thousand species of fish are found here. Nile perch, mormyrops and catfish are especially common.

River routes

Congo is one of the main waterways of the mainland: if you add up all shipping lanes along it and its tributaries, their length will be about 20 thousand kilometers.

In addition, the river is also a source of hydropower: there are three large hydroelectric power stations.

Second and third place

In second place is the Yangtze River - the longest river in China and Asia, its depth reaches 200 meters.

Danube, which is also called international by water, ranked third. The maximum depth of the river is 178 meters.

When they talk about the very best rivers, first of all, everyone is interested in depth, then in width, flow speed, spillway volume, and so on. But for some reason, depth is rarely mentioned. But this parameter is also able to tell a lot about the nature of the reservoir. Imagine how many interesting things can be hidden at a depth of 100-150 meters, hidden from prying eyes.

This is probably why the deepest river in the world regularly throws surprises at scientists and researchers. And it is worth noting that this is by no means the ancient Nile and not the aggressive Amazon, but a completely different river - the Congo.

One of the best works, telling about this river - this is, perhaps, the "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad. He managed to see and convey the true face of this river, one of the most mysterious and dangerous. This is exactly what the Portuguese saw her, recklessly believing that they could tame her. They gave her modern name, reversing the present - "the river that swallowed up all the rivers of the world."

Impenetrable humid African forests, dangerous animals, even more dangerous microbes and, of course, dangerous fish. Indeed, at a depth of 230 meters, real monsters can hide, such as tiger fish, flocks of piranhas and other underwater nightmares.

But for objectivity, it is worth noting that not everywhere the river has such a depth and such a bad character, but everything should be treated with great respect.


Many people think that the deepest river in the world must be the widest and longest at the same time. But it's not. And the champion in length, loses a lot in depth. But even the 130 meters presented to her are also good result.

The main wealth of the Amazon is its inhabitants, who have found a home on the banks. According to very rough estimates of scientists, on an area of ​​10 square kilometers you can find more than 750 species of trees, 1500 flowers, 125 mammals, 500 birds, as well as countless insects, invertebrates and other small animals. In terms of population, the waters are in no way inferior to the shores. More than 2000 species of fish live here. And all this wealth has not even been fully studied and described yet. Scientists regularly send research expeditions there, but the river is reluctant to reveal its secrets.

Perhaps fish swim in its dark depths, which people have not seen for thousands of years, and someday they will rise up to show why locals fear this great river.

Russia was lucky with the number of rivers, they are evenly dispersed throughout the territory, but not with the quality. Not the deepest, not the widest, not the longest. Perhaps it is for the best, why do we need this extreme? But, those that are, regularly supply water to the entire territory.

There is also enough depth.

But if we still talk about the deepest river in Russia, then it can be considered the Yenisei. Recently, we have already talked about it in more detail, so now we just recall that this Siberian river is one of the largest in the country, the first in terms of flow. And now you can assign her another title - the deepest. And all thanks to the fact that its depth in some places reaches 70 meters - a very impressive result.

Earlier we talked about the longest rivers in Russia and the world, we also mentioned the widest. And now we have added a third dimension, and you know which river can be called the deepest.

Even a small river can be deep - many people have seen this in childhood, playing on the shallows. After walking just a few steps from the shore, you can find yourself at a depth of your own height, or even go under water. Not all rivers are deep, but some of them are indeed impressive. Many inquisitive readers would like to know which rivers on our planet are the deepest, and are there such record holders in our country? These questions require answers.

It turns out that the depth of rivers can reach not only tens, but hundreds of meters. There are no such rivers in Russia, the maximum figure for our country is 66 meters near the Yenisei. There are much deeper bodies of water in the world.

Seventh place - Huanghe

The Yellow River is the famous Chinese river, which is called Yellow in the local language. This name was provided to her by the specific color of the waters, which are really muddy, they contain a lot of suspensions, which turn out to be washed out by the waters for the entire long journey that the river passes through different areas. She was yellow in the past, today her waters are even more cloudy due to discharges, she is characterized by serious environmental problems. But this does not prevent it from remaining an important transport direction, its depth facilitates shipping, amounting to about 80 meters. This is the most famous Chinese reservoir, many tourists willingly make small cruises on it.

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6th place - Amazon

The Amazon is a river - a record holder in many respects. It is the leader in length, and it is also the leader in terms of the volume of water released into the oceans. In terms of depth, it ranks sixth, because in some parts of this reservoir indicator reaches 90 meters. This river flows along a winding channel, which is laid through a swampy area. Its depth and navigability also help develop tourism. In addition, it allows you to get to those parts of the land where it is simply impossible to get in another way because of the dense vegetation and the dangers that lie in wait for a person in the local jungle.

Fifth place - Mekong

The Mekong is a large, well-known Asian river that flows through the southeastern territories. It is considered the longest in the entire Asian southeast, its length is really impressive, amounting to more than 4 thousand kilometers. And it is also an exceptionally deep river, the depth of which in some areas reaches 100 meters and even exceed this figure. Despite certain environmental problems, the reservoir is rich in natural world, serves as a source of fish for local residents, provides transport links through shipping.

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Fourth place - Zambezi

This river passes through several countries in Africa, providing water, providing transport accessibility for many territories. It would seem that on a hot mainland, rivers should be shallow, because water is in short supply here. But the depth of this reservoir reaches 116 meters in places, and its length is more than 3 thousand km. In general, it is the African rivers that turn out to be the deepest, as are the lakes, which is paradoxical. But this becomes natural if we take into account the fact of the tectonic origin of many from the reservoirs of this continent. They form in cracks earth's crust This gives them more depth.

Third place - Danube

The Danube is a famous European river that is born in Germany, carrying water in a southeasterly direction. The length of the reservoir exceeds 2 thousand km. This is an important water artery, a communication route that has been actively used since the dawn of civilization. Depth of the Danube in a number of areas reaches 170 meters. A few decades ago, it was heavily polluted and shallow, but after a series of environmental measures, the situation improved significantly, and the reservoir can again be proud of. There are several European capitals on the Danube, in general, the river can be called the cradle of European civilization. People settled near this river since primitive times.

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Second place - Yangtze

The Yangtze is recognized as the most long river Asia, it flows, in particular, through China. The river is known to the whole world, as it is included in the list of record holders. It is the third longest in the world, after the Amazon and the Nile. The depth of the reservoir reaches 200 meters. Water transport runs along the river, this water body attracts tourists - especially with its segment that is called the Three Gorges. Also, a large amount of electricity is generated on the river thanks to several hydroelectric power stations. The Yangtze flows from Tibet, where it is formed on the highlands, fed by melt water from glaciers.

When they talk about the very best rivers, first of all, everyone is interested in depth, then in width, flow speed, spillway volume, and so on. But for some reason, depth is rarely mentioned. But this parameter is also able to tell a lot about the nature of the reservoir. Imagine how many interesting things can be hidden at a depth of 100-150 meters, hidden from prying eyes.

This is probably why the deepest river in the world regularly throws surprises at scientists and researchers. And it is worth noting that this is by no means the ancient Nile and not the aggressive Amazon, but a completely different river - the Congo.

One of the best works that tells about this river is, perhaps, "The Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad. He managed to see and convey the true face of this river, one of the most mysterious and dangerous. This is exactly what the Portuguese saw her, recklessly believing that they could tame her. They gave it a modern name, changing the present - "the river that swallowed up all the rivers of the world."

Impenetrable humid African forests, dangerous animals, even more dangerous microbes and, of course, dangerous fish. Indeed, at a depth of 230 meters, real monsters can hide, such as tiger fish, flocks of piranhas and other underwater nightmares.

But for objectivity, it is worth noting that not everywhere the river has such a depth and such a bad character, but everything should be treated with great respect.


Many people think that the deepest river in the world must be the widest and longest at the same time. But it's not. And the champion in length, loses a lot in depth. But even the 130 meters presented to her is also a good result.

The main wealth of the Amazon is its inhabitants, who have found a home on the banks. According to very rough estimates of scientists, on an area of ​​10 square kilometers you can find more than 750 species of trees, 1500 flowers, 125 mammals, 500 birds, as well as countless insects, invertebrates and other small animals. In terms of population, the waters are in no way inferior to the shores. More than 2000 species of fish live here. And all this wealth has not even been fully studied and described yet. Scientists regularly send research expeditions there, but the river is reluctant to reveal its secrets.

Perhaps fish swim in its dark depths, which people have not seen for thousands of years, and someday they will rise up to show why the locals fear this great river.

Russia was lucky with the number of rivers, they are evenly dispersed throughout the territory, but not with the quality. Not the deepest, not the widest, not the longest. Perhaps it is for the best, why do we need this extreme? But, those that are, regularly supply water to the entire territory.

There is also enough depth.

But if we still talk about the deepest river in Russia, then it can be considered the Yenisei. Recently, we have already talked about it in more detail, so now we just recall that this Siberian river is one of the largest in the country, the first in terms of flow. And now you can assign her another title - the deepest. And all thanks to the fact that its depth in some places reaches 70 meters - a very impressive result.

Earlier we talked about the longest rivers in Russia and the world, we also mentioned the widest. And now we have added a third dimension, and you know which river can be called the deepest.

Since ancient times, rivers have given life to mankind. It is not for nothing that almost all ancient civilizations developed and built their cities along riverbeds. In our times, rivers continue to play a crucial role in ensuring the life of cities. These can be very small rivers, the banks along which are covered with dense thickets of reeds, or there can be wide powerful rivers that amaze with their strength and spaciousness. But today we will talk about what is not visible by the river at first glance: about its depth. We present a list of the deepest rivers on the planet.

10. Mississippi River - 61 meters

Mississippi is the most major river North America. It originates in the south of the United States in the state of Minnesota and after 3730 km flows into the Gulf of Mexico. Its powerful waters carry about 436,000 tons of sand and clay in just one day. But in addition to the extraordinary width and fullness, the Mississippi is also distinguished by its great depth, which reaches 61 meters. For centuries, the Mississippi remained at the center of the development of Indian civilizations, and today it plays the most important shipping role on the continent.

9. St. Lawrence River - 65 meters

This river is also North America, which is rich in water resources. Flowing from the American Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River carries its waters to the Atlantic Ocean. Since the time of the colonization of America, it has been used by fur and meat traders to transport their goods to the coast. With an average width of 300 meters and a maximum depth of 65 meters, the river is one of the most important waterways in North America.

8. Hudson River - 65.8 meters

The Hudson River, which flows through the territory of the state of New York, although it does not strike the imagination with its length of 492 km, it has a depth of up to 65.8 meters.

7. Yellow River - 79.8 meters

One of the great rivers of Asia - the Yellow River - is famous for the color of its water, which has a pronounced yellow tint that appears due to ground deposits. But even with its great depth, which is almost 80 meters at its maximum point, the "yellow river" leaves behind many other waterways peace. The Huang He is believed to play a key role in Chinese culture and had a huge impact on the formation of the Chinese people.

6. Amazon River - 91.5 meters

The Amazon River is, please, a synonym for the phrase "the longest river in the world." Flowing through almost all South America, The Amazon carries truly gigantic volumes of water into the Atlantic Ocean and is a real miracle of nature. Imagine an ordinary home bathroom that takes so long to fill from the faucet before taking a dip in it. Now imagine one million three hundred thousand of these bathtubs. Amazon can fill them up in a second! The length of the river is 6437 km. But in addition to these records, the Amazon is also famous for its rather deep channel, reaching a depth of 91.5 meters.

5. Mekong River - 100 meters

The Mekong is the largest river in the Indochinese Peninsula. On its long journey, the Mekong crosses the borders of five states: China, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. In addition to its great depth, reaching 100 meters, the Mekong River is famous for its rich flora and fauna.

4. Zambezi River - 116 meters

Famous for its arid climate, the African continent, however, carries many rivers, one of which, the Zambezi, is one of the four deepest rivers in the world. The greatest depth of the Zambezi River is 116 meters. But few tourists visiting these parts are familiar with this fact - after all, all their attention is rightfully occupied by the famous Victoria Falls, located just on the Zambezi Reb.

3. Danube River - 178 meters

The Danube is the longest river in Europe after the Volga, passing through many countries, making it difficult to overestimate its outstanding importance for trade and navigation in all historical times. The great depth, sometimes reaching up to 178 meters, makes the Danube not only the deepest river in Europe, but also one of the deepest rivers in the whole world.

2. Yangtze River - 200 meters

The Yangtze is the record-breaking river in all of Eurasia. With a length of 6300 km, it is also the most full-flowing on the entire continent. About 450,000,000 Chinese citizens live along its route, for whom the Yangtze is of vital importance. The Yangtze is the second deepest river in the world. It has been established that at some of its points the distance from the surface to the bottom is 200 meters.

1. Congo River - 250 meters

The deepest and second-largest river in the world is located in Africa on the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. From time immemorial, local residents have used the river for catching fish, which, by the way, has at least 1000 species here. Europeans discovered the Congo River in 1481 and it has been for a long time served the colonizers as a transport artery for the rafting of mined minerals and other valuables to the west - to the Atlantic Ocean. It is at the end of its path that the Congo flows through rocky gorges, where in a certain area its depth reaches 240-250 meters! This makes the Congo the deepest river in the world.

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