Russian United National Alliance of the Ron. The Moscow department of the Russian United National Alliance held a reporting meeting

Fashion & Style 20.07.2019
Fashion & Style

A noteworthy confession was published by O. Filatchev, a former member of the Union of the Russian People. For those who do not know him, let us first explain: this young man was expelled on May 13, 2011 from the RNC in accordance with the Charter (paragraph 19, note 5): "Members of the Union, disgracing the Union by their actions"- specifically "for provocative mailings in the media in defense of Hitlerism, racism and the heresy of chiliasm". Even then, we had facts and reasonable suspicions that Filatchev (together with his "comrade-in-arms" P. Salienko) were provocateurs posing as Orthodox (those who want to verify this can find information by searching for their names on the RI forum).

In particular, no true Orthodox could anonymously set up a deliberately slanderous provocative website "" and mass-spread slander during Holy Week; could not publicly state that “Christianity is wholly and entirely a racial doctrine. Any ignorance of the racial basis in Christianity is an apostasy and heresy. The central place in Christianity is occupied by blood and semen (blood concentrate), as carriers of generic, including mental (spiritual) signs that connect a person with the Creator, in whose image and likeness he was created ... "( ; the link no longer works, but a copy of this article by P. Salienko can be found on the Internet).

Were these sincere convictions of Filatchev? Hardly. Was it the goal to expose the parish of ROCOR(A) in the Moscow region, where Filatchev served as a reader, under persecution?
Or was this set-up provoked by the rector of this parish himself in order to cause "repression" of the authorities and emigrate in the status of "persecuted for the faith"?
After all, one of them, V.K. Demin, denunciation of himself to the authorities (on behalf of M.V. Nazarov!), after unsuccessfully trying to obtain political asylum in Belgium, Sweden, Australia ...

On the basis of this racial ideology, Filatchev, after being expelled from the RNC, proclaimed the "Russian United National Alliance" (translated from French: "United Association"), which also claimed "true Orthodoxy" (on the RONA website, the mentioned article about "racial Christianity"), and the continuation of the tradition of anti-communist formations within the Wehrmacht (this is hinted at by the abbreviation RONA), who supported the Ukro-American war against Novorossia and participated in joint pro-Ukrainian rallies along with Ukronazis, fighters of the Ukrainian ATO, Istarkhov's pagan anti-Semites, Jewish liberal democrats and LBTG . The hatred for the "damned RF" united everyone. One of the “true Orthodox” participants in such a “unifying” procession wrote at the time: “Next to our standard-bearers, a fighter from the Right Sector walked under his red-and-black banner. Behind our column marched anarchists under black banners... We walked and passed. This is one of those things for which a person then respects himself for the rest of his life. Suppose that in Erefia, eighty-four percent of the population is not Russian, but Soviet. We are Russians, we have said our word and shown our deeds. If the Russian land, now branded with the letters of the Russian Federation, perishes in the Third World War, our conscience will be calm...».

And now the logical continuation of Filatchev's "United Association": from the recent veneration of the occult-racial Nazi Nazism - to the defense of another Nazism: Zionism and the "Holocaust" industry... On the website of the "alliance" ( ) we read:

12/18/2015 “A meeting of associates and like-minded MOD RONA dedicated to the Arab-Israeli conflict was held... The main topic for discussion was the article by the coordinator of the RONA Analytical Center Andrey Ozhiganov, dedicated to the analysis of the Arab-Israeli conflict: "The Vanguard of European Civilization" ( During the discussion, the participants came to the logical conclusion that in the current political activity extremely it is important to clearly prioritize abandoning often marginal and irrelevant real life dogma. In its turn, constructive action is needed and not the search for the guilty somewhere outside in the face of Masons, reptilians and other similar personalities. The meeting was held in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, warm and friendly atmosphere.

For a better understanding of their "clear prioritization", here are a few excerpts from the discussed and "legitimately approved" article of the Alliance's Analytical Center:

“Israel, not sparing itself, for many years held back the Beast from the Abyss, which now knocks on the doors of every European country(Russia is no exception). What does he get instead of active help, or at least words of gratitude? ..

Many EU countries, one after another, recognize the so-called "Palestinian state", which now and then brings down rocket salvos on the heads of Israeli women and children. Soviet Union recognized this monster a long time ago, but the Russian Federation still did not think of canceling this shameful document, by which its leadership once again demonstrates its neo-Bolshevik character ...

Now, when European civilization is being shaken by the invasion of Muslim immigrants and the terrorist attacks carried out by Islamists, when the problem of the offensive of radical Islam has begun to be recognized openly, It is high time for us, true patriots of Russia and Europe, to express our support to those who have been fighting this evil for many years, actually covering us with themselves. AT this moment a wave of terrorist attacks is again sweeping through Israel, bandits with knives attack people without distinction of gender and age right on the streets. We must raise our voice and demand that hypocritical governments immediately rebuff the fanatics who would otherwise come to our house. Israel is now the Vanguard of European Civilization, its outpost on the edge of the barbarian sea that is about to fall upon us. And for those who in such a situation continue to defend the primacy of the fight against the “Jewish threat” for the right-wing movement, I want to say one thing: Welcome to the banner of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi! I think you've already been waiting there."Palestine" is defended by fans of Stalin, the International, Trotsky, feminism, LGBT and the Caliphate. True nationalists and Europeans must unite with the people of Israel in the struggle to preserve their identity....

Andrey Ozhiganov,
RONA Analytical Center

Against the backdrop of a ban on Russian Ukrainian public organizations and the ban on the Crimean Tatar Mejlis in the temporarily occupied Crimea, 53 fascist organizations operating in the Russian Federation itself make it clear in which country fascism flourishes.

As stated on his pageon Facebook Julia Davis organizationsof this kind in the Russian Federation are divided into moderate, radical and prohibited, reports Kolonker . The blogger provides a list of organizations.

Moderate - 23 organizations:

1. Russian People's Union - ROS
2. National Democratic Party - NDP
3. New Power
4. EO Russians
5. Great Russia- BP
6. National Democratic Alliance - NDA
7. People's Cathedral - NS
8. Russian Imperial Movement - RIM
9. NSR (National Union of Russia)
10. Cathedral of the Russian people - RNC
11. Russian social movement - ROD
12. National Russian liberation movement - NROD
13. Party for the Defense of the Russian Constitution "Rus" - MANPADS "Rus"
14. National Patriots of Russia - NPR
15. National Democratic Movement "Russian Civil Union" - NDD RGS
16. Freedom Nation - NS
17. Russian National Patriotic Movement
18. Resistance
19. National Socialist Initiative - NSI
20. Congress of Russian Communities
21. Restruct
22. OD "RASVET" (Public Movement "RASVET")
23. National organization Russian Muslims

Radical - 22 organizations

1. Civil uprising named after Minin and Pozharsky - NOMP
2. Another Russia
3. Russian Liberation Front "Memory" - RFO "Memory"
4. OOPD "Russian national unity"-" Guards Barkashov"
5. VOPD "Russian National Unity" - VOPD RNU
6. Movement "Alexander Barkashov"
7. National Power Party of Russia - NDPR
8. People's National Party - NNP
9. True Russian national unity - IRNE
10. Baltic Vanguard of Russian Resistance - BARS
11. Russian United National Alliance (RONA)
12. Guard of Christ
13. National Union– NS
14. Union of Orthodox banner-bearers - SPH
15. Union of the Russian people - RNC
16. Northern brotherhood - SB
17. Black Hundred
18. Movement Parabellum
19. National Socialist Party of Russia - NSPR
20. Freedom Party - PS
21. Russian Image
22. National Syndicalist Offensive - NSN

Prohibited - 8 organizations

1. Movement against illegal immigration - DPNI
2. National Socialist Society - NSO
3. National Bolshevik Party - NBP
4. Slavic Union - SS
5. National Revolutionary Action Front (FNRD)
6. Russian National Union - RONS
7. Moscow Defense League
8. Format 18

For the purity of the experiment, I looked at how much in Ukraine. Do you know how much? Four. FOUR organizations of a nationalist persuasion, and only the freaking Kiselev can consider them fascists !!! Do you understand what I mean? Here:

1.VO Freedom
2. Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists
4. Ukrainian National Assembly, on the basis of which the Right Sector was recently created.

AND EVERYTHING! So what more proof do you need? What other arguments are needed to prove - modern Russia Is this the Fourth Reich?!
I don’t know how anyone, but I want to be away from such a Russia. And if not on another continent, then at least ditches along the border, and a ten-meter fence. Russians, people, how could you let this happen? How could you, in a country that considers itself the winner of fascism, let the fascist bastard revive?
Ha! Who are we asking. Russians, Russians - this is the most natural carriers of fascism. Read in the dictionary of political science what fascism is and you will understand that the definition is written from the Russian world.

June 22 this year a reporting meeting of the Moscow department of the Russian United National Alliance was held, during which a number of pressing issues of current activities were discussed. Oleg Filatchev, Chairman of the National Council of the RONA, spoke to his colleagues, talking about recent cases pressure against the activists of our Alliance, having considered typical examples of provocations, as a rule, arranged by agents of the security forces. It is worth noting that each RONA ally receives full legal support in all possible cases of abuse of power and violations of the law by police and FSB officers. One of the main decisions taken at the general meeting of the Moscow Region was to launch a campaign for the renaming of the Voykovskaya metro station in Moscow, named after the Bolshevik regicide. As a result of the meeting, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolution of the meeting of the MO RONA dated 22.06.14.

Today, under the exclamations of various “cheers-patriots” about the alleged revival of the “imperial spirit”, the names given in the years of the active dawn of the totalitarian regime built on bones continue to be found on the streets of our cities Historical Russia, in honor of the active adherents of the red-communist ideology, under the banner of which the color of the Russian nation was tortured, the historical monuments of our land were destroyed and a new “Soviet society” was built, which has nothing similar to traditional society our country for centuries. A society where the creative potential of a person was destroyed, and the population became obedient cogs in a machine sharpened to strengthen the greatness of the communist party elite. So, today in Moscow one of the metro stations bears the name given in honor of the red revolutionary Pinkhus Vainer (Voikov), who took part in the execution Royal Family, including the children of the Royal Crowned. We consider it an outrageous fact that the name of a man whose hands are stained with children's blood is on the map of the Russian capital, given fact contradicts historical truth and is aimed at justifying the communist terror, unanimously condemned by civilized society. The Moscow department of the Russian United National Alliance appeals to the Government of Moscow with a request to consider the issue of renaming the Voikovskaya station, and for our part we intend to start an active public campaign to promote this topic. Adopted by the general meeting of the MO RONA, 06/22/14.

Yesterday afternoon, a picket of the young organization Russian United National Alliance, abbreviated as RONA, took place near the Ostankino television center in support of the Dozhd TV channel and the news portal Lenta.Ru.
My friend Alexey told me about this action nasedkin who heard about her on the radio "Echo of Moscow".
We thought, since such an announcement, we must go.
The picket was so small that we could not find it for a long time. And when they found it, they were very surprised.

2. At the corner of the television center and the pond was a group of young guys led by their leader, who introduced himself as the chairman of RONA Oleg Filatchev. After we arrived, they lined up and the picket began.
In addition to the picketers, there were Alexei and me and three policemen.

2. Oleg immediately began to complain to us that the police did not allow them to use the national flag of Ukraine at the picket.

3. I don't know how we could fix the situation with the ban on the flag of Ukraine.

4. Oleg made a long appeal to his associates. The main idea of ​​this appeal is that the free press is being oppressed.

5. Companions listened to him attentively and all this was recorded on video.

6. A cyclist appeared on the site, who, having traveled around the picket, suggested that young people go in for sports, and not senseless standing on the street.

7. After some time, reinforcements arrived at the police. Debriefing has begun.
Oleg boasted to us several times that he had already been detained a couple of times, he said this with such pride, as if he had saved a man in a fire.

8. Competent picketers checked the police major's documents, but the picketers themselves could only show their student cards.
As it turned out, they were all no more than seventeen years old.

9. You can’t even take such people into the army ...
I advise you to watch an excellent report about this picket in

“Then the music will go wrong:
We will dance the forest and mountains!”

Maybe they realized something, maybe the guys sharpened their skis into power.
Only the attempt is painfully clumsy.
After their leader Oleg Filatichev announced his desire to become a deputy of the Losinoostrovsky district of the capital, some uncomfortable details of the existence of RONA and Filatichev were published.

An angry rebuke came from Filatichev: the scandalous photo was taken for domestic consumption, got into the network by accident, and it was taken during the reconstruction action. - Well, well, who doesn't happen to? Reconstruction is such a thing.

But Filatichev is seriously upset and there is a suspicion that the “setup” was carried out by the head

“The movement of local anti-communist reenactors is a certain Nikolai Nikolaevich Ganzha, a very colorful person. We wrote about her...
And here, in fact, is the order to expel Nikolai Ganzha from the ranks of our Alliance, dated back 12 th year:

main reason, this is certainly an ideological inconsistency. After all, it was this character, without the consent of the other members of the Alliance, who posted the very scandalous a statement about our alleged inheritance of the line of certain military formations of the Second World War. And this, it is worth noting, is the only text that talks about something like that.

Strange, but here is a text dated 2011 - six months before Ganja's expulsion, on the Russian Line Orthodox news agency (

“August 5, 2011; Kharkiv;
The Russian United National Alliance (RONA) is sole successor Russian Liberation Movement of 1941-1945, the sole successor of the Russian National Socialist Party and the Russian Liberation People's Army, Armed Forces Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia.
RONA traces its history back to the Tambov Peasant Uprising of 1920-21, led by officers of the Volunteer Army Konstantin Voskoboinik and Antonov. During the uprising, despite its defeat, the Russian National Socialist Party was founded, which laid the foundations for the future Russian Liberation Movement of 1941-1945.
In June 1941 SS Gruppenfuehrer Bronisław Kaminsky and Chairman of the RNSP Konstantin Voskoboynik founded the first detachments of volunteers to fight the Bolsheviks, for the future New, Free Russia. With the help of these detachments, the "Lokot" republic was founded, as the first Russian state after the exodus of the Russian Army from the Crimea. It was then that the Russian Army was revived, under the name of the Russian Liberation People's Army (RONA), later included, together with the Russian Liberation Army, which appeared in 1943 and the Cossack units of the Wehrmacht and the SS, into the Armed Forces of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. … »

Chief of the General Staff of the RONA: Colonel Nikolai GANZHA
Chairman of the National Council: Oleg FILATCHEV
Adjutant Gen. Staff: Ensign Sergei SAN SEGUNDO

Prepared by the Fraternity Information Service, 08/06/11

As you can see, “this colorful character” Nikolai Ganzha is already early. General Staff of RONA. Just below Ganji is the current head of RONA.
It is possible that colonel Ganzha began subversive activities against RONA six months earlier than his expulsion, but this publication could not be refuted.

A man with vision, I’ll be honest: the rebranding, which Filatichev announced, was carried out carelessly and was clearly unsuccessful. Look here:
on the left is their emblem, and they did not hesitate to go to court to defend their right to wear it;
on the right - the emblem of the 29th SS Grenadier Division "RONA". Of course, you can find 10 differences, but the smell is not overpowering:

Well, let’s not be boring - after all, one way or another, with small blots, but RONA has changed: through the mouth of its leader, the Alliance publicly renounced Kaminsky and Co., R.O.N.A and ROA, the Cossack units of the Wehrmacht and the SS, etc. .P. trash - all this evil is now behind! And "whoever remembers the old - that and the eye out."

But ahead - the embrace of non-systemic opposition, lustration, trial of communist leaders and, in general, of Sovietism and many, many other joys of life.
Now RONA can walk in peace into power. With the support of the headquarters of Dmitry Gudkov and Maxim Katz, the prospects are apparently tempting. Maybe even - rich perspectives.

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