Work Gigalo reviews. Profession - gigolo! Candid interview of the tempter

Auto 27.06.2020

One day I decided to diversify my leisure time and turn to the services of prostitutes, gigolos, gigolos, priests of love ... As they were called on the Internet, which was full of inviting ads for every taste and budget.

So, we choose. In the "economy class" 21-year-old Eugene is declared, capable of classically having sex, performing a striptease and erotic massage in one hour and $50 dollars. Youngster bonus - penis 17x3. In the “elite class” they offered the unsympathetic Kolya, 24 years old, who, in addition to the classics of the genre, offered oral sex, an escort and already a professional massage. All this pleasure was estimated at $100 per hour and $200 per night. There was something to pay for. reproductive organ gigolo inspired awe - 19x5!

How gigolos prevented "Zhiguli"
The products of the Volga Automobile Plant were sold under the Zhiguli brand both in Russia and abroad. To foreigners, this name seemed ridiculous: it looks like a "gigolo". Therefore, in the foreign market, the Zhiguli trademark was quickly replaced by Lada.

I broke down when I got to the “premium class”. Experienced and mature, John was a jack of all trades and other parts of the body. The 33-year-old brutal male rated himself highly - $ 200 per hour and $ 700 per night! The seasoned priest of love was ready for anything: orally, anally, arrange an orgy, crawl into the bed of a married couple like a snake, play gray wolf and Little Red Riding Hood and so on. The size of his penis shocked me - 25x6! I refused to believe my own eyes. A little lower, a high-class seducer added: "Departure throughout Russia." It looks like the waiting list for his fans could be a lifetime.

I wanted lively details, and I decided to call a couple of brothels - their ads are full in erotic magazines.

“Tell me, are any of your boys able to discuss the work of Haruki Murakami with me?” - immediately stunned the interlocutor, who introduced himself as Peter.
- Hmm ... I only remember Pushkin from school, - he was embarrassed. - I can read: “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands ...”
“The folk trail will not overgrow to it ...” I picked it up. By the way, how many women use your services?
“Secret of the firm,” Peter laughed. - You will not regret. We have everything as a choice. If you want, we will even drive the cadets to you. Order any eye color, penis size...

- What can I do with it? I asked just in case.
- Every whim for your money! - without hesitation the guy reported.
- And your gigolo can you dance the little ducklings for me? I parted.
- No problem! Pay an additional $50 for each outing, and he will dance in a duck costume and quack all night long.
- If I want to give him an epilation or shave his head? I continued with a laugh.
- Yes please! Just do not forget the boy to unfasten $ 1000 for damage to his appearance, ”replied gigolo.

Already in ancient Sumer and in Ancient Greece men were selling sexual services. True, their clients were other men. AT Ancient China there were so-called "jasper boys of pleasure" who gratified the lust of the courtiers.
Today, both gay men and women, usually businesswomen, who do not have time for novels, become clients of "prostitutes". In France, Holland, Sweden, there is a whole industry for the sex service of rich ladies. Special agencies are constantly looking for handsome guys around the world, who are then recruited as gigolos. There are even brothels for women in Holland.

As a result, I made an order with only one condition: "Let him look like Brad Pitt." On Friday, exactly at 23.00, as agreed, a well-paid seducer appeared on my doorstep. These are in my "sweet and ugly" category. A pretty angel with traces of vice on his face. With a cheeky gait, he walked into the room, plopped down on the sofa and patted his hand, inviting me to sit next to him.

“Honey, I’m in charge here,” she immediately sobered him up. Take off your thong, we don't have much time...

It somehow reminded me of a DVD player with a remote control. I could “turn it on” and then “turn it off”. Adjust the volume or even pause.

"Don't pee in my ear!" Put your hand here, take your foot off me, don't lean on me - I didn't get tired of giving orders, it was interesting, new!

We are afraid to offend our men or are embarrassed to ask for anything. Everything was different here: I remembered that everything was paid for, and I did not deny myself anything. It was "Kama Sutra" and "Peach Branch" combined. As a minus, I wrote down the fact that I could not relax in any way. Like any woman, surrendering to passion, I forgot that next to me was a completely alien and unfamiliar man. And when she remembered, she could not concentrate on sex and was tormented by questions: “If I hadn’t paid him, would he want to make love to me?” Before I could think about it, I burst out: “What kind of women do you like?”

- Smart. People like you, he was not taken aback. “By the way, this is the first time I see such big melons…” He pinched my chest and covered my mouth with a kiss.

HOW TO MEET A GIRL: dating without problems

Type of: Guide

Price: Paid version

You will learn how to properly meet girls. You will stop wasting your money and time on ridiculous dates and trying to please a girl somehow. You will learn how to bring meetings to sex. The girls themselves will want to have sex with you. You will become the guy who has many girls! And it's very simple!

Short description

Having a girlfriend is cool! It's nice to know that you have a girl with whom you can correspond, chat, spend time together and have sex. However, many guys are afraid of girls and sit at home alone. After receiving a couple of refusals, they forever lost faith in themselves.

And we will put an end to this nonsense! Every guy deserves to have a good girl, every guy deserves to have sex with a girl. And we will teach you how easy it is to meet girls and bring it to sex.

You know all these opinions:

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  • the guy should pay for the girl
  • girl's whims must be endured
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  • and so on

So, this is all nonsense, which has nothing to do with how you really need to get acquainted with girls and have sex with them. If you know the methods that we tell in our book, you will be able to get to know a girl with a 100% guarantee, and you will be able to have sex with her.

This is not difficult! It is enough to understand a little about female psychology, to be able to behave correctly with girls and to know when to offer them sex. And we will teach you these things in our book.

You don't have to be rich Pinocchio to meet and have sex with the best girls. Girls don't need that! Girls need a guy next to them who can take them! You can become such a guy, we will teach you!

Many people feel dissatisfied in their sex life. Some people don't have it at all. Previously, only men used intimate services. It was believed that a woman should raise children and do household chores. Now there are many business women who lack affection, and at the same time, there is no time to build a personal life.

Inviting a man on call, the lady gets an experienced lover and seducer, who is often lacking. Yes, and he can satisfy much better than a man without experience.

Gigolo is called not only for intimacy. It can be ordered as a partner for dancing and just as an escort. In this article, we will figure out what this profession implies, and who are gigolos?

What are gigolo services?

First of all, the services of a man on call, as well as priestesses of love, is an intimate sphere. However, the range of these services is wide. They call a man to talk so that someone is nearby, as an escort.

Sometimes a hired boy turns out to be a life jacket to save the family. When a relationship runs dry, a woman receives physical and psychological satisfaction from an experienced and charming seducer. She comes home in a good mood.

However, the point of view on this profession is different. Some people are fine with it. Others consider them depraved. "It's not a man's business."

Meanwhile, these are ordinary guys with the same thoughts. Unless, they go in for sports, take care of themselves and manners. It cannot be otherwise, they appearance is a money making tool.

Profession costs

At the moment, the profession is in great demand, so more and more men began to appear as gigolos. Many ladies want to chat with such mysterious men. They are ordered not only by wealthy ladies, but also by single women who do not receive satisfaction from intimate life or are tired of family relationships, loners, women who love extreme sports, with complexes. And of course, the blue ones order them.

They call men for sex, their fantasies, heart-to-heart talk, going to a restaurant. Sometimes they have to take risks if the client can only get an orgasm in a dangerous situation.

What distinguishes call men from ordinary men? Why are these guys so attractive to women? They are experienced lovers who can fulfill any sexual fantasy. Most often, many men will not play intimate games. A lot of them seem depraved.

In addition, a man on call can talk about anything.

A random guy who doesn't have to pay for sex might have a sexually transmitted disease. Gigolo is constantly undergoing medical examinations. A woman will definitely be sure that this man will not pursue her, deceive, spread about her sexual fantasy. And will keep complete confidentiality about intimacy.

Gigolo services are also used by couples. Having lived for many years, sometimes you want to diversify relationships. And sometimes, a man begins to be drawn to his own sex. In order not to spoil the relationship, and not bring them to a divorce, the couple resorts to the help of a professional. Where he can satisfy both.

The services of men on call are not cheap. But they may not take money from the client if she did not like it. Gigolo is hard to find a woman for a serious relationship by virtue of the profession. There are few who will share their soul mate with anyone. A man of this profession is a living person, so he can also experience emotions and fall in love. He will prefer to avoid such meetings and acquaintances. But it doesn't always work out.

Sometimes Gigolo receives money without providing intimate services. A man opens a client for communication at the time allotted for this, especially if he does not have a burning desire to go to bed with her. The woman begins to pour out her soul and forgets about sex. The man after a certain time, leaves the lady. She's happy to just talk to her.

Often, male prostitutes have to take risks. They are approached by different clients, sometimes crazy. It is difficult to escape from their clutches without significant losses. No profession is without risk.

What are call boys?

Guys are divided into three types:

Handsome. They take a lot of care of their appearance. A lot of time is spent in the gym. They have in their arsenal: a personal hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist, massage therapist. Of course they look amazing. Women are ready to pay huge money for a challenge. And not in vain. These boys are very virtuoso in bed. However, they are spoiled. If they don't like a woman, they won't sleep with her, no matter how much money she has. This type of boy believes that intimacy with him is the best.

Psychologists. This kind of men may not please the client at first sight. They don't focus on appearance. But they know how to look after, they know what to say, how to look at a woman, and they are fluent in pickups. They can support any conversation. And they are also great lovers. Such men, the lady wants to marry herself. Sometimes it works out.

Adventurers. This type of guys are the prototypes of Ostap Bender. They deliberately fall in love with the client and make them addicted. A lady in love pays him to be there. And having found a permanent sponsor, the man quits his job. In fact, these gigolos are gigolos. In addition, good actors who are difficult to bring to clean water. But the woman in love doesn't even try.

These are the men on call. If a lady decides to order one, do not expect a tall, muscular man with a model appearance to appear on the doorstep. May come a regular guy. But that's not the point. Most right quality, this is the ability to communicate, charisma and know how to please.

As a correspondent of the dating site Badanga ordered a man

"Rest for unmarried women". You have probably seen such ads in advertisements. The policemen are also tracking them. Sooner or later, such a "Don Juan" appears on the horizon, and then catching it is a matter of technology. True, the punishment for engaging in prostitution is insignificant - the violator will face a fine of about 170 UAH. (Depending on how you got it). If there is a pretty and courageous policewoman in the department, she will become the "bait" for the gigolo. On that day, our journalist also performed this piquant role. The male police officers encouraged him: “You take handcuffs, chain him to the bed and say: “I love hard sex”... This is how the police officers go about a difficult task with humor. I join them for the purpose of a journalistic experiment.

Evening. Hotel "Lviv". “I came to Lviv on business with a friend. There is free time. Do you want to join us? ”- with these words I call the gigolo, trying to get used to the role. On the other end of the wire I hear the voice of an older man: “How much time do you need?”. "All night long". “I need to know if it is profitable for me to come to you,” the interlocutor clarifies. "How much do your services cost?" “And how much will you give?” - Gigolo answers the question with a question. It turns out that he doesn’t have a tariff ... We trade like in a bazaar. “Let's start with 300 UAH, and then we'll see,” I say. “You probably won't like me,” the “macho” doubts for some reason, and after a pause adds: “I'm not Rambo” ... We agree to meet in the hotel lobby.

A few minutes later, the “lover to order” calls back: “I won’t go to the hotel. I'll be waiting for you in the car in an hour. If you like me, then we will continue the meeting. But this time the meeting fell through. For some reason, he "jumped off the topic" ...

And I was lucky to talk with a real gigolo. True, this time without law enforcement officers. I call the next number, which I found in the advertising newspaper: "Rest for single women." “I need a man,” I say “on the forehead.” “We have four men from 20 to 30 years old. What age are you?" I choose the golden mean - 25. “I'm 26,” the guy says. "How much do your services cost?" "100 UAH. in an hour". "What if I'm with a colleague?" “It doesn’t change anything” ... “Am I the first client, or did you have women?”. “I’ve been doing this for a year, no one complained” ... I make an appointment near that very hotel. "How can I recognize you?" “I will be in a black sports jacket. There is a dimple on the cheek ... "What is your name?". "Oleg" (name changed for ethical reasons. - Auth.).

I'm running to a meeting. I'm nervous like on a first date. I am met by a short blond man. It is called. Kissing my hand. I'm intrigued... Dressed in a suit, light-colored shirt. "What do you have with you?" "Not understood?" (“Fumbling” in his pockets. - Auth.). "Do you have condoms?" "Two". After 10 minutes, I confess, not his client, but a journalist. After a minute of reflection, Oleg agrees to an interview.

- Gigolo is your main "specialty"?

I'm a lowyer. Master of Laws. Graduated from the Lviv University. I. Franko in 2006. But he was disappointed in the profession. The theory taught at the university and life, as they say in Odessa, are two big differences. All lawyers fight for clients, for their name. To occupy some niche in this area, you need connections. I worked for a law firm. They told me: “Either you win the case, or“ goodbye ”. I knew that I would lose. I had to slam the door.

You don't work alone...

I founded this business. Three more guys work with me - a graduate of the veterinary academy, the second medical university, one has only a secondary education (the guys pay interest to Oleg. - Auth.). They work harder than me. They have orders weekly. This is their main job. My parents have their own business, they are engaged in private transportation. Part of this company belongs to me. (Gigolo admits that he earns with his body about 600 UAH per month, partners - more. In Kyiv, he says, gigolos have 3000 UAH and more. - Auth.). I do not hide it and do not hesitate, I like this work.

- Who are your clients?

These are women of all ages. Usually seniors. For 30, rather 40 years, which for one reason or another did not work out family life, divorced. My oldest client was a 52-year-old woman. She is a widow whose husband died in an accident. Two lesbian women also booked me. It cost 200 UAH. in hour. Then he regretted that he agreed. It was uncomfortable with two women. I take 100 UAH. not only for sex, sometimes for escort. Then it costs 50 UAH. in hour. For example, a woman has a birthday. We must come to her work, show that her husband is the youngest. I have been to corporate events many times. The woman was lonely. I occupied not the last position ... I feel comfortable in such a role. I have always been attracted to older women. Clients also apply, but we do not work with men.

- Has it happened that you didn’t like a client and nothing came of it?

This has happened twice in my experience. In one case, I refused a woman, because I made an appointment several times and did not come. In another, I refused to have sex with a woman. Our first acquaintance - we communicate. It could be half an hour, an hour. In each case - individually. The person was unpleasant to me not only externally, but in communication. She was rude and disrespectful towards me. “You will do what I say and how I say” ... It looked like: you are my slave. She wanted to have two men... Offered more money. I didn't agree to this. I will never agree to "sado-maso". I don't use handcuffs... (smiles).

- How many times have you been rejected?

- (After a pause). Thrice. Women had demands, a man should be pumped up. Model appearance. High growth.

- Are you married?

No. There was a girl. It hurts me to talk about it. I was still a lawyer at the time and was making good money. She changed me. At that time I was indifferent to everything that was done around. We actually met at a distance. She is from Kiev, I am from Lviv. We met during the Orange Revolution. After everything that happened, I tried to get her back. Tried to change myself. But I didn't succeed. Now she has a family. I would like to have a person in my life who would understand me. But now it’s hard for me to open up in a relationship, to trust someone.

- Do your parents know what you do?

I help them run their business. The other side of my life is not known. I don't think they would understand me. I was brought up in a puritanical spirit, no frills.

- Does it happen that married couples want to use your services?

It happens ... But I do not agree to this. I will not answer for the guys.

- Orgasm guaranteed?

Nothing can be guaranteed here. But I do my best to make the woman survive it. This is an individual thing. Somehow I came across a very temperamental woman. I could not satisfy all her desires. I had to pay half the amount.

- Were there cases when you were ordered by young women?

There are few of them. There was a case, the girl wanted to take revenge on her young man. She said so: "I want to take revenge on this beast." There were girls who had it for the first time. (Asks permission to smoke. - Auth.).

- What kind of men - gigolos do women want to see?

Up to 30 years. For a man to be fit. There were cases that a woman wanted a man to be intellectual. We also talked about philosophical topics. I was ready to pay for 3-4 hours just for a conversation... The woman was very lonely. Then I take 50 UAH. in hour. We had arguments and discussions. Two years ago, I could not have imagined that I would become a gigolo. Now this is my profession.

- Do you have regular clients?

Yes there is. These are women - private entrepreneurs, directors of firms. Ordinary women working for the minimum wage. There are about 6-7 of them. There were only two married. In one case, a woman explained that her husband does not pay attention to her, they only coexist together. I wanted to feel that she was a woman, that someone needed, desired. Another case. My husband works in Kyiv, he comes to Lviv once a month. They have a normal relationship, but it just so happened ... There are women who apply twice a month. There is a risk in my work - unpleasant diseases. With regular customers I'm sure. This is the advantage.

- There is another risk here: a woman can become pregnant ...

Yes. As long as the Lord has mercy. I thought about it. Pay alimony... But a woman must make her own choice. As a lawyer, I regard abortion as murder. Personally, I would like to participate in the upbringing of the child, even without living with the mother.

- Can one of the clients become your wife?

I would not rule out such an option. But there are no candidates yet (smiles). My future wife must be decent person. I am not interested in her profession, she might not even work, I have the opportunity to provide for her. If I got married, the gigolo would not work ... Perhaps he would return to law. When between people serious relationship, a woman is sacred! While I am a free person, I have no obligations, no responsibility to anyone.

- Communicate with prostitutes?

Prostitutes were not my clients. But I have many familiar prostitutes. Earlier, when I was not engaged in this work, I condemned them. But, as they say, do not judge and you will not be judged... Each person lives or survives as best he can. Some people have been in this situation. Some people like this kind of work. There are prostitutes who may have other incomes, but do not want to.

- Do you know how many gigolos are in Lviv?

Zhigolo in Lviv about 300 people. We "intersected", but I'm not familiar with them. I analyzed this market. These are men under the age of 35. I know that a draft law on the legalization of prostitution has been registered in the Verkhovna Rada. I would like this bill to be passed, and I know many people who would like it too ... Then it will be official work. Competition will increase, but there will be no legal prosecution.

Susanna Bobkova


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