Do they accept old tires? Price list of ppk mbk llc

Technique and Internet 21.06.2020
Technique and Internet

Car tires

Where to take car tires for recycling in Moscow?

It is not easy to hand over tires for guaranteed recycling in the capital, but it is possible! The difficulty with tires is as follows:

  • transportation of tires over long distances to these rarest plants is unprofitable (tires weigh a lot, they are not packed tightly into the transport, that is, partly air is transported)

Therefore, if the acceptance of tires is organized somewhere, then usually for the money of the dealer (50-100 rubles / piece), which cover exactly the transportation costs. But you can look at this from the other side: as long as we do not have a recycling tax in our country (that is, the price of a product does not include the cost of its further disposal), this amount can be considered a voluntary contribution from an environmentally responsible car owner.

Typically, tires are accepted by large sellers and network tire shops.

And if you have studded tires, you will have to pay 150-200 rubles already! It turns out that Russian tire recycling plants really don’t like to accept studded tires, because in this case, all “carnations” must be removed before disposal. Manually.

Where can I take tires for recycling? Tire collection points in Moscow and Moscow region:

  • map of tire collection points in Russia from EcoTireSoyuz (association of tire processors). Some items are paid. The card is in test mode.
  • map of tire collection points in Moscow and the Moscow region for the Dmitrovsky RTI plant
  • map of tire collection points in Moscow and the Moscow region for the Fund for Environmental Management (you can also call their hotline tel. 8 800 700-35-06)
  • map of the Government of the Moscow region for the acceptance of tires
  • Tire acceptance list from Oris Prom
  • "Ekorezina", Moscow, Kashirskoye shosse 17 k5 s3, contact number 89154804844

How to organize tire collection in your city?

Can be organized in any city thanks to the Environmental Management Fund. They will take out the tires themselves, the main thing is to collect at least 20 cubic meters of tires (the tires must be located at one facility accessible for the access of trucks).

If you know where else in Moscow and the Moscow region they accept tires, then let us know: [email protected]

Why recycle tires?

  • a car tire will decompose for hundreds of years, releasing harmful substances into the soil, water and atmosphere;
  • mosquitoes love to settle in old tires (yes, the very ones that will bite you later). Also, rats love dumps of old tires;
  • in the event of a fire in a landfill with automobile tires, the earth and air in the district instantly become poisoned;
  • for the production of one tire for a passenger car, an average of 35 liters of oil is required, and when processing 1 ton of old tires, 600 kg of material is obtained, which can then be used to make new wheels.

Every year in the world fall into disrepair order 7 million tons car tires. So - only 23% of them are recycled. Where do the rest go? They stay on the ground and poison it.

On this site, we collect information bit by bit, where to take rare species recyclables and things. We keep the data up-to-date and check the collection points if you are not sure about them.

Most of our activity is based on volunteers, but in order to structure the information, keep it updated and maintain the site, we need the daily work of a content manager. Please, so that we can continue to post relevant information for you!

Tires-33 recycle tires! Tires-33, a company that cares not only about cars, but also about the environment. We want to make this world, at least a little, cleaner. We began to cooperate with various factories for the processing and disposal of car tires. We accept old bus tires in Moscow and send them for processing, to factories. You can hand over tires with us, at Tires-33. We care about the environment! In Tires-33, the recycling of old tires is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law "On Production and Consumption Waste". Tires-33 accepts:

Redemption, quick assessment via WhatsApp of car tires

If your tires are still serviceable, send photos of the tires and we will quickly answer whether we will buy them and at what price!

The cost of recycling passenger and studded tires

You pay for the transportation of old tires to a recycling plant. Worn studded tires are a separate case. Technologically, it is more difficult to dispose of it, so factories treat such tires, to put it mildly, with caution. And the cost of recycling is more expensive, since manual labor is also partially used here.

Disk size By R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 From R19
regular tires 50 rub. 50 rub. 70 rub. 70 rub. 70 rub. 70 rub. 100 rub.
Studded tires 75 rub. 75 rub. 100 rub. 100 rub. 100 rub. 100 rub. 150 rub.


Every day in our country, dozens or even hundreds of motorists change worn tires for new ones.

Old tires gather dust in the garage for a long time or are thrown into a landfill as soon as they are no longer needed.

The same fate often awaits rubber waste, gaskets, seals, and other rubber products.

There is no need to rush to throw away tires and RTI products. They can be professionally processed and breathe into them new life . In addition, you can get rid of used tires with little income.

In this article, we will give the addresses of rubber processing enterprises and tire collection points.

By grinding tires and rubber goods with the help of special equipment, specialized enterprises obtain excellent raw materials from them for the further production of new tires, construction and household products.

Therefore, it is best to hand over old tires for recycling after changing tires.

Exists several parallel directions for the delivery of used rubber products, depending on customers, their goals and needs, as well as on the receiving company itself:

  1. Free delivery of tires.
  2. Selling tires for money.
  3. Delivery of rubber with a surcharge from the dealer himself.

Free reception

From the population and from enterprises with various form property, used tires, gaskets, cut automobile, motorcycle, bicycle tubes are accepted.

Many drivers themselves are interested, free up space in your garage, the ecological situation of the native city has improved, so we are ready to hand over tires not only for money.

With reward: price of rubber per ton and piece

Sometimes the owners of the processing enterprises pay for the delivered material in the form of small amounts of money. More serious waste tire collection points in Moscow accept raw materials at a set price.

From enterprises, organizations, private, individual entrepreneurs tires accepted:

  1. Non-studded car tires up to R22.5 - 4000 rubles per ton.
  2. Studded tires and tires ranging in size from R22.5 to R28 - 6,000 rubles per ton.

Prices for tires for individuals:

Tire radius Cost, rub
12-15 50
16-18 75
19-22,5 150

In addition to paying for the returned tires, many specialized car services offer a whole network of a wide variety of services:

  • favorable discounts on the purchase of new tires;
  • reduction in the cost of tire services;
  • service out of turn;
  • free wheel inflation at any time of the day.

We rent for a fee: how much will the client have to pay?

It also happens differently.

Specialized tire fitting companies, tire collection points have contracts, concluded with enterprises for deep processing of rubber raw materials.

Usually these enterprises are always loaded with work, since they have more than enough material.

Therefore, mini-factories are reluctant to accept their worn tires from car owners.

Reception points and tire fittings are another matter.

When changing tires, they offer car owners to leave the removed tires with them for free, or pay a small fee for recycling.

In fact, this is a payment for the subsequent delivery of tires. It can fluctuate between 50-100 rubles. Then, on the basis of an agreement, all raw materials located on the territory of tire fitting are handed over to mini-factories for further processing.

Benefits for the car owner:

  • no need to spend your time and money searching for and delivering old tires to a collection point, in fact, their removal will be free of charge;
  • disposal of garbage in a legal way;
  • care for the environment and the cleanliness of their area.

Where and how much to donate?

Processing of rubber raw materials, rubber waste on an industrial scale is a complex, troublesome undertaking.

However, enterprising businessmen have long created, based on grinding, decomposition, creating material for industrial needs.

After all, spent RTI are valuable raw materials which can be used effectively.

Where can I sell old tires for money?

Reception of tires, RTI is carried out by car services specializing in rubber processing, specialized enterprises of the country and mini-factories for its processing.

In one only Southern District There are five such collection points in the city of Moscow. There are twenty-eight of them in all of Moscow. In the area of ​​only officially registered factories, recycling rubber, there are more than 80.

How much are old tires accepted? Price per 1 kg, ton or piece of accepted rubber tires depends on wheel size.

Dimensions up to R22.5 are paid at 4 rubles per 1 kilogram. For wheels ranging in size from R22.5 to R28 they pay 6 rubles per 1 kilogram.

The rules for accepting rubber state that the products must be clean, washed, without oil traces, foreign inclusions.

Where else can you put used tires?

There are countless options for using scrapped worn rubber besides accepting it for recycling at special points for money.

Often, craftsmen make benches from them to sit near the entrance or in their yard.

From the "bald" tires, excellent flowerpots are obtained if earth is poured into them.

Summer residents use tires to grow cucumbers and other vegetables by burying them in the ground. They are good keep moisture in their cavities.

One often sees original fences around private properties, made in the form of stacks of wheels.

A variety of crafts in the form of swans with long necks are made from used tires, which are then painted. Used tires are cut along the entire diameter and make excellent drinkers for poultry and livestock.

Tires from the MTZ tractor are the ideal raw material for creating.

These are just a few of the options for where you can put old tires and waste in the form of worn wheels.


In all developed world states, the movement for the disposal of rubber goods, tires, and other waste has been put on stream. No civilized person will allow himself to throw a used tire, an oil filter, wrapping paper into the bushes.

Russia belongs to the developed civilized countries. That's why purity environment comes first for us. By handing over used tires for recycling, we protect our environment from pollution.

After reading the article, you learned where you can take old used car tires and rubber for recycling for free or for money and at what price.

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Most of our compatriots still do not know the answer to this question.

And this is not surprising - the ecological way of thinking in our country is not instilled, and the authorities do not pay attention to the problem of waste disposal. great attention(although there are exceptions). Meanwhile, you must understand - you can’t just throw tires into a wasteland or into a forest. CATEGORICALLY. And not only because it is uncivilized. Remember - a car tire will decompose (and release harmful substances into the soil and atmosphere) for 100-120 years! That is, your great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren can suffer from a discarded tire ...


  • Mosquitoes love to settle in old tires (yes, the ones that will bite you later). And rats love dumps of old tires.
  • In the event of a fire in a landfill with car tires, the earth and air in the area instantly become poisoned.
  • It takes an average of 35 liters of oil to make one tire for a passenger car.
  • When recycling 1 ton of old tires, 600 kg of material is obtained, which can then be used to make new wheels.

And one more thing to think about. Every year, about 7 million tons of car tires become unusable in the world. So - only 23% of them are recycled. Where do the rest go? They stay on the ground and pollute it (to say the least).

And here is an extract from the Russian "Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses» (Article 8.2). Failure to comply with environmental and sanitary and epidemiological requirements when handling production and consumption waste, substances that destroy the ozone layer, or other hazardous substances entails a fine on citizens in the amount of 1-2 thousand rubles; on the officials- 10-30 thousand rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - 30-50 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days; on the legal entities- 100-250 thousand rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Paying for Consciousness

Where to put the old "rubber"? Even 10-15 years ago, getting an answer to this question was not easy. But an investigation by Auto Mail.Ru showed that now in large Russian cities it is possible to get rid of car tires “culturally” without any problems. In most cases, however, it is not the state that should be thanked for this, but private business, which builds recycling plants. There are several ways to get rid of tires, but in most cases, the so-called crumb rubber is obtained from them. Which can then be used in the production of the same wheels. And rubber-bitumen mastics, special slabs for railway crossings, paving slabs are also made from crumbs. Do you like modern playgrounds with “soft” surfaces that protect kids from injury? They are also from the "wheels".

As a rule, city authorities do not pay attention to the problem of waste disposal. A pleasant exception is St. Petersburg. AT northern capital there is a whole network of so-called "Ecomobiles" that accept old tires, accumulators, batteries and so on. And completely free. Five reception points are stationary, plus mobile "garbage dumps" run around the city. In addition, in St. Petersburg you can take old tires to large retail chains selling car wheels. And, we repeat once again, in most cases they will be accepted absolutely free of charge.

There are no problems with getting rid of "rubber" in Moscow either - tires are accepted by more or less large sellers and "network" tire shops. True, already for money - for each wheel the owner will be asked for 50-100 rubles. Well, what do you want - this is Moscow, the capital ... True, store employees assure that they do not earn money on this (it's hard to believe), and they take money only for the "delivery" of old tires to the disposal site. And if you have studded tires, you will have to pay 150-200 rubles already! It turns out that Russian tire recycling plants really do not like to accept studded wheels. Indeed, in this case, before disposal, it is necessary ... to remove all the "carnations". Manually.

In fact, the need to pay for recycling outrages many motorists. Why, because I can throw them away for free? Alas, the Moscow authorities (unlike the St. Petersburg authorities) do not give an answer to this question. Although the capital has its own “Ecomobiles”, which belong to the non-profit “Rational Nature Management Fund”. But they leave for free only if you have accumulated at least a thousand (!) old tires, and besides, the reception is paid - 30 rubles per wheel (“loading tires by the customer”). You can, of course, come to the processing plant yourself (there are several of them in the Moscow region), but for most residents of the capital, this is, to put it mildly, inconvenient. So it remains only to appeal to the consciousness of Moscow drivers, because throwing tires into a trash can does not solve the problem of recycling.

“There is indeed a problem with the disposal of tires in Moscow. Clear language regarding such disposal is not spelled out in the law. And now with us, almost anyone can leave tires in the middle of the road. And at best, get off with a fine. Only a small part reaches the factories,” independent environmentalist Nina Dolgikh told Auto Mail.Ru correspondent.

But hopefully things will change soon. “We have already adopted a law that introduces a number of obligatory payments sent for recycling. As soon as the appropriate government decree is adopted, the cost of disposal will also be included in the cost of tires. And specialized organizations that will recycle tires will receive money from the federal budget. In this case, there will be self-regulation. Everyone will start chasing tires. And we will calmly leave them at the point where they were changed from me, and the companies will pick them up. This is the optimal solution. I don't see the point in increasing the fines for throwing away tires. This is a dubious proposition. We should not impose additional fines, we should create conditions when it is profitable to take this tire, ”says the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on natural resources Maxim Shingarkin.

Some of the collection points for old tires in Moscow:

Shop-service in Zhulebino st. Privolnaya, 70, building 1
Shop-service in Vykhino st. Veshnyakovskaya, 20B (free disposal when buying wheels and tire fitting)

Store-warehouse on Mozhayskoe shosse, st. Vitebskaya, 9
Shop-service on Rublevsky highway st. Krylatskaya, 35

Shop-service in Mitino st. Generala Beloborodov, vl.40, k.2
Tire center in Tushino Pokhodny proezd, 1 (tires can be purchased)

Service shop on Yaroslavskoe shosse Yaroslavskoe shosse, 59
Tire Center on Alekseevskaya Prospekt Mira, 95, building 4 (tires can be purchased)
Tire center on Alekseevskaya st. Olminsky, house 6 (tires can be bought)

Shop-service on the Leningrad highway st. Belomorskaya, 40
Shop-service on the street. Dubninskaya st. Dubninskaya, 83a, building 1
Shop-service on Altufevskoe shosse Altufevskoe shosse, 19

Shop-service on the street. Preobrazhensky Val st. Preobrazhensky Val, 25A

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