Food vv and ro. Food system in hotels

Design and interior 27.09.2019
Design and interior

When choosing a hotel, the type of food provided plays a significant role, which, as a rule, looks like an intricate letter cipher. In order not to make a mistake and exclude additional costs, you need to clarify in advance what type of food will be waiting for you at the hotel.

  • Power code like OB, RO, NA, AO or EP , indicates that food is not provided.
  • SW– breakfast only (bun with butter/jam, tea/coffee, juice, sometimes yogurt).
  • AB- American breakfast. It consists of a hot dish (eg sausage with scrambled eggs) and slices of cheese/sausage.
  • English breakfast includes juice/mineral water, tea/coffee, butter/jam toast, and ham and eggs.
  • Cipher BB means that you are entitled to only breakfast, namely a buffet in the hotel restaurant. As for drinks, you have to pay for them. Lunch and dinner are also not included in the price - in the bars / restaurants of the hotel for your money.
  • WT- You are entitled to breakfast and treatment.
  • BB+ suggests a slightly more extended version of BB. In addition to the buffet in the morning, you can count on additional services. What exactly - it is better to know in advance.
  • BL- Only breakfast and lunch. Drinks are free - only with breakfast and without alcohol.
  • HB- You can have breakfast and dinner in the hotel restaurant (buffet). Breakfast is free of charge - water, tea, coffee. But for lunch you have to fork out.
  • HB+- the same option as in the previous paragraph, but you can still count on non-alcoholic / alcoholic drinks throughout the day.
  • Facebook- you will have to pay for drinks, but food in the main restaurant, as expected - breakfast, lunch, dinner (of course, a buffet).
  • fb+- Buffet three times a day and drinks offered at the hotel (wine, beer - depending on the rules).
  • AR- full board. Don't worry - breakfast, lunch and dinner will definitely be there.
  • BP- a very hearty American breakfast, and that's it.
  • CP- light breakfast, the rest - for a fee.
  • MAP- for you only breakfast and lunch, dinner - only at your own expense (not included in the total price), in some hotels afternoon tea may be included.
  • LIGHT ALL INCLUSIVE You can count on breakfast, lunch, dinner. Drinks for you - in unlimited quantities. That is, mineral water, alcohol, juices, etc., you can drink as much as your heart desires. In addition, the hotel will also please with additional meals (in accordance with its "stardom") - afternoon tea, barbecue, late dinner or just a light "snack".
  • ALL INCLUSIVE– you will find two breakfasts (main + late), any local drinks during the day, as well as a buffet for lunch and dinner.
  • ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE- buffet three times a day in the main restaurant, local drinks with and without alcohol, as well as selected imported drinks. Sometimes hotels offer massages or tennis as well. additional service.
  • HCAL You don't have to pay separately for anything. Everything is at your service, within reason.
  • CLUB PHARAOH– three times a day – buffet + any local drinks. Upon check-in at the hotel - a welcome "food set": a cocktail, wine with fruit and confectionery. Slippers and a bathrobe will be waiting for you in the room. You can also count on half an hour of free massage and internet. play in tennis also free of charge.
  • ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE I Wish - you will find a three-time buffet, a gift bottle of wine on the day of arrival, any local drinks - without limitation. As well as a jacuzzi + sauna (no more than 2 hours), and to them - imported whiskey, rum, martini, campari.
  • A la carte means that you can choose any dish from those offered in the restaurant menu.
  • DNR- Dinner only. As a rule, in the form of a buffet. As for Europe, the choice of second courses will be limited to 3-5, but salads and snacks can be eaten as much as you want.

And remember that the meaning of the cherished phrase "all inclusive" is different from the phrase "full board". The second option is most often does not include free drinks . And when choosing between half board and full board, be guided by how much time you are going to spend on vacation at the hotel. because full board will save you from having to spend money on food in city restaurants.

Almost always when ordering a tourist route to Greece, the United Arab Emirates or within Russian Federation At sea, travelers are invited to choose their accommodation and type of food. There are plenty of options, and each of them directly affects not only the cost of the trip, but also the quality of the rest and the amount of positive impressions / memories.

It will help to figure out what types of food are available in hotels decoding. The designation AI, FB, HB, BB, OB, UAI is not an example of spy coding. These letter combinations contain comprehensive information about what a tourist should hope for, and what you can immediately forget about.

What are the power options

The diet included in the description of the tourist escort on the seashore or at the foot of the mountain ranges indicates how many times a day a visitor can order free meals in a hotel restaurant / cafe / bar. In other words, this amount of food has already been paid by the tourist when booking the tour. The range of dishes is often presented in the form of a buffet or in the form of a menu.

According to the classification of food accepted in the world in hotels in Greece, the United Arab Emirates or other resorts, all possible types are presented in the form of an abbreviation of two / three letters. For an ignorant tourist, it is impossible to understand what types of food are offered to him in hotels without decoding.

To eliminate errors and, at least, unpleasant emotions during your stay at a hotel (and, at most, a completely ruined vacation), you should get acquainted with a detailed and understandable description of these abbreviations.

Types of food with abbreviation and explanations

In all places for the resettlement of travelers, a standard decoding of types of food is used. What does it mean? All words are taken from English and, knowing the translation, you can easily understand what kind of accommodation conditions this hotel has prepared for visitors.

OB (Only Bed), RO (Room Only) or AO (Accommodation Only), which means “only a bed”, “only a room” or “only accommodation” - this is the most inexpensive type of tour by the sea, which will provide travelers with only a place to stay without the additional free food service.

To the tourist’s logical question: “Is there a place to cook food?” - it is not always possible to get an unambiguous answer from a travel agent when booking a tour. In other words, with 100% probability, you can only count on canteens, cafes, restaurants and other catering places.

BB (Bed and Breakfast, which translates as "bed and breakfast")- This is a fairly common option for resettling tourists. In Sochi, hotels operating under such a program guarantee travelers a place to stay and a free morning lunch. The choice will be provided with buffet dishes or a continental (i.e. inexpensive buffet) option in the form of sandwiches, coffee, etc. Dinner is not available for such accommodation.

HB (Half Board)- Adler hotels for vacationers with this type of accommodation in the hotel will necessarily provide only breakfast and dinner. There are no alcoholic drinks or snacks here. And about lunch, you will need to take care of yourself: all catering points are at the service of travelers if there is no desire to cook.

HB+- this is an analogy to nutrition according to HB, only slightly increased by the range of free alcoholic drinks (domestic production). For example, a hotel in Gelendzhik with meals under such a program will provide tourists with a unique chance to taste wine products only from the best cellars of the Krasnodar Territory.

FB (Full Board): translated "full board", i.e. the vacationer has free three meals a day. Tourists are offered a buffet with a set of salads, first and second courses, meat, fish and vegetable products, as well as drinks / juices / tea / coffee.

fb+- this is the same "full board" only + alcoholic drinks from state-owned producers. enjoys special attention this type of accommodation when traveling to the United United Arab Emirates, to China, to the islands of Oceania, since the cuisine of these countries is special and of course it will be safer for your own health if all the dishes are prepared by a professional chef in the hotel restaurant.

AI (or ALL, UALL: All Inclusive, which means: all inclusive)- full diet at the expense of the travel agency. The tourist is guaranteed to be able to order free of charge from the offered dishes in the menu morning lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. As well as alcoholic drinks, snacks, coffee repeatedly. Choosing hotels with meals on the seashore when making a tour is considered a fairly profitable solution, even despite the higher cost of living here:

  1. This eliminates the need to search and get to retail outlets in an unfamiliar city outside the hotel;
  2. Guarantees quality food;
  3. This program provides vacationers with complete freedom from culinary troubles.

A feature of this type is that all food and drinks are only domestically produced. There is no import here.

UAI (Ultra All Inclusive)- this is the same as in the example described above, the food option according to the system: breakfast-second breakfast-lunch-afternoon-dinner + alcohol and snacks. The key position of food according to the UAI system is that the menu contains imported drinks and products. Almost all hotels in the UAE and countries around the world work on this type of accommodation.

There is another fairly popular program - AO (or RO). This is a tourist accommodation on the seashore in a hotel without meals. The advantages of this choice:

  1. A tourist can independently choose exactly those products and cook dishes that he loves (or that are allowed to him by doctors). This type is relevant for parents with small children, since in any case, mothers prefer to cook cereals for babies themselves.
  2. This type of food reduces the cost of the tour. By the way, far from the poorest tourists choose this, since quite often the accommodation of a tourist according to the AO system involves his accommodation in expensive apartments. And if a person does not want to cook himself, then numerous restaurants / cafes are at his service (which also cannot have financial benefits).

Alternative classification and interpretation

But, not all countries use abbreviations for the standard classification of types of food in hotels. Sometimes hotels with a pool in the UAE offer an alternative designation:

  1. EP (similar to OB) and means that visitors will not receive free food here at all, because. it is not included in the price;
  2. CP (or continental plan), which provides tourists with a choice of light meals (tea / coffee, bun, sandwiches, fruit) and only once a day in the morning;
  3. BP (bermuda plan) is a hearty American-style morning lunch, i.e. here they will offer meat / fish dishes, salads, pastries and many other products that are not at all for a vegetarian or a person on a diet;
  4. MAP - half board, consisting of a full breakfast and a hearty lunch. It can also be supplemented with afternoon tea according to the British tradition, even in the hotels of the UAE;
  5. AP (american plan), which means full board, i.e. three meals a day with additional snacks.

Types of breakfast

In some cases, when choosing the type of accommodation in the Adler hotel with meals, details such as the type of breakfast may be specified. There are only three of them, different in cost and content:

  1. Continental Breakfast (Continental) - a light and simple set of dishes and drinks (coffee / tea / juice, bun, fruit);
  2. English style, consisting of hearty scrambled eggs, hot toasters, scones with jam and butter and coffee/tea;
  3. The American type is the most satisfying and high-calorie set of dishes: hot and cold appetizers, pastries, slicing, etc.

In any case, when choosing the type of food at the hotel, tourists should be guided by the rule: only a full stomach will give strength and desire for active sightseeing routes and fun walks. In other words, a quality vacation starts with food!

When booking a hotel, you may come across the abbreviations RO, BB, HB, BF, AI, UAI and not immediately understand what they mean. In fact, these are just the types of food in the hotel. Them detailed description see below!

Meals RO (room only), AO (Accommodation Only), RR (room rate), OB (Only Bed) - accommodation in a room without meals. Most often, it is RO that is indicated.

Meals BB (bed breakfast) - translated as "bed and breakfast". Breakfast can be either in the form of a buffet or a ready-made set of treats without a choice. Always check this point before booking.

Meals HB + (half board plus) - half board, but with alcoholic drinks, usually locally produced.

Meals FB (full board) - full board. That is, breakfast, lunch and dinner are usually buffet style, but free spirits are not included in this category of food. Unless in some expensive hotels you will get some free champagne for breakfast.

Meals FB+ (full board plus) - similar to FB, but FB+ means some free alcoholic drinks, usually locally produced.

AI (all inclusive) meals are the magic words for any all-inclusive tourist. This means that you are waiting for food without restrictions. It can be three-time or reusable. Restaurants, barbecues, grills, bars are open throughout the day. Of course, free alcoholic drinks are included. Usually locally produced. But expensive hotels will also be offered by imported manufacturers.

Meals AIP (all inclusive premium) - "all inclusive premium". This type of food is quite rare. AIP is the same as AI, but with a more extended bar list.

Meals UAI (ultra all inclusive, UALL) - "ultra all inclusive". As a rule, this is a multiple meal throughout the whole day and night. Of course, strong drinks are also included.

In today's ever-accelerating rhythm of life, people are finally learning to value their time. Thanks to the efforts of developers and innovators, there are many devices that save this resource. Innovations also apply to daily correspondence. Now it is important to be able to briefly and succinctly convey your thoughts to the interlocutor without using grandiloquent words and complex sentences. The writing style is gradually simplified, and more and more abbreviations appear. For example, HOS - healthy lifestyle life, BM or BZ - ex-husband or wife, etc. In this article, we will talk about the common abbreviation BB. What does BB mean? When and where is this letter combination used? More on this below.

Where did the abbreviation BB come from in correspondence?

Computer slang includes a huge number of abbreviations and abbreviations denoting certain concepts. BB is a fairly common and often used combination of letters, meaning "goodbye."

What does BB mean, we figured it out, but why exactly BB? Who knows English language, he will immediately guess where this abbreviation came from. "Goodbye" in English sounds like bye. AT domestic use given word often doubled and sounds like bye-bye (like the Russian "bye-bye"). As a matter of fact, the first letters of this word formed the basis of the slang BB. In order not to switch the keyboard to English and not to type bye-bye, computer users entered the letter combination BB. It allows you to briefly and quickly make it clear to the interlocutor that you are saying goodbye to him. Quite modern and youthful.

Social networks as a modern way of communication

Social networks are, perhaps, one of the most firmly established achievements of our time in our lives. What can I say, now not only teenagers are registered and communicate regularly in various Internet communities, the craze has also affected people of a fairly advanced age.

One of the most popular social networks in Europe is the Russian network VKontakte. This resource has many millions of registered users who exchange messages, images, video and audio files every day. Through this site, you can chat with friends, classmates, just acquaintances (or even completely strangers), find new comrades of interest and even earn money.

What does BB mean in VK?

The format of messages in VK is short. No one writes poems there, everything is extremely compact and capacious. People who communicate on the VKontakte network exchange emotions, events and thoughts using short sentences. The format of messages in Internet communication initially does not provide for long texts. The correspondence contains a large number of abbreviations.

What does BB mean in correspondence? As we have already figured out above, BB "VKontakte" is "bye-bye". The BB is placed at the end of the text and indicates that you are saying goodbye to your interlocutor.

Advantage of abbreviations

People have come up with abbreviations for a reason. There are a number of reasons for this. As already noted here, the use of abbreviations and abbreviations saves time. In the conditions of modern reality, time is exactly the resource that is always lacking. Such common words as "hello", "bye", as well as an expression of joy or, conversely, sadness are constantly repeating combinations of letters. They do not carry new information, but require their presence in the text as a tribute to etiquette and a way of indicating emotions.

With live contact, laughter, joy, sadness, anger are read in the face, and there is no need to voice them. In correspondence, everything has to be denoted by words. It's natural to waste time on a literal expression emotional state there is not always a desire, but the rules of communication prescribe this duty. Therefore, it is much easier, for example, to write LOL (loud laughter) or 3.14 ("pi" - a designation of negative emotions) than to describe that this situation causes enchanting laughter or great indignation, up to the desire to use profanity. Even if someone does not know what BB, LOL and other abbreviations mean, you can always clarify this.

Secondly, the use of abbreviations reduces the likelihood of making a mistake in a word to a minimum. In other words, it's easier to be honest about grammar in an abbreviation than in full version the words.

Thirdly, it is simply fashionable and characterizes you as an advanced Internet user.

What does BB nutrition mean?

The abbreviation BB from the word "bye-bye", meaning goodbye, can be found not only in correspondence on VKontakte, but also in other in social networks or forums. People who love to travel by staying in hotels have also come across this abbreviation. AT this case it means a completely different concept.

As you know, the forms of food in hotels are different. For a tourist who chooses a place of rest and a category of a hotel, the type of food offered by this or that establishment is very important.

Catalogs and brochures of hotels offering their services contain not always clear abbreviations and abbreviations indicating types of food. There are hotels in which only breakfast is free, there are those in which the price includes breakfast and dinner, there are options where "all inclusive". Then all kinds of food and all kinds of drinks are available to tourists throughout the day. What does BB mean as a form of dining in a hotel? In this case, it literally means "breakfast and bed" from the English bed & breakfast. Please note that only breakfast is included in the rate. Lunch and dinner are paid separately by the tourist.

Hi all! When planning a vacation, tourists sometimes have questions: What kind of food system is in modern hotels? What is buffet, continental or american breakfast? What does RO BB HB FB AI UAI mean?

For a long time I myself was confused, I could not remember what letters denote breakfast, dinner, or a three-time diet. Therefore, I decided to write a short post, where I will decipher all these “hieroglyphs”, describe the possibilities of one or another option.

Modern hotels provide guests with a different concept of food. Before you is a brief table, in more detail each item will be deciphered below.

RO (room only)
without power
BB (bed breakfast)single meal - breakfast
HB (halfboard)two meals a day - breakfast dinners or breakfasts lunches and non-alcoholic drinks during meals
HB+ (halfboard plus)two meals a day - breakfasts dinners non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks of local production during meals
FB (full board)three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner and soft drinks during meals
FB+ (full board plus)
EXTFB (extended half board)
three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner, non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks of local production during meals
AL (all inclusive)three meals a day with intermediate
snacks -
breakfast lunch dinner, extra food, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks during the day
UAL (ultra inclusive)reinforced three meals a day with snacks -
breakfast lunch,
dinner, free meals in A-lacarte restaurants, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks around the clock

Room only (RO) - translated means "only a room." Accordingly, food is not included in the price.

Bed breakfast (BB) - translates as "bed and breakfast." And breakfast at different countries or even hotels can be either buffet style or continental (CB), American (AB) or English.

  • CB (Continental breakfast) - translates as "continental breakfast". Everything is modest: a cup of coffee or tea, toast, a bun, butter and jam.
  • AB (american breakfast) - differs from the continental only in the presence of hot dishes: scrambled eggs, sausages.

Half board (HB) - in Russian "half board". In some hotels you can choose: "breakfast dinner" or "breakfast lunch". Coffee, tea, water are usually included in the price, but in most hotels you can get them for free only during the meal. In other cases, payment is required.

Half board plus (HB +) - “half board plus”, differs from HB only in that some alcoholic drinks are included in the price. Usually locally produced and most often only at mealtimes.

Full board (FB) - translated "full board". The price includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus coffee, tea, water. The conditions are the same as in HB, only three meals a day.

Full board plus (FB), Extended half board (EXTFB) - “full board plus” or “extended board”, local alcoholic drinks are added to the previous concept.

All inclusive (AI) - translated means "all inclusive". The name fully justifies itself. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, intermediate meals: late breakfast, afternoon tea, late dinner, other snacks. Unlimited non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks throughout the day. As a rule, this food system implies the opportunity to eat from 6 am to 12 am.

Ultra inclusive (UAL) - "ultra all inclusive". Breakfast, lunch, dinner, with free access to A-lacarte restaurants (themed restaurants on site). Such a concept includes more choice and more variety in nutrition than AI. Of course, all drinks are included in the price.

Food regulations in hotels may be different. Most often, especially in resort areas, the concept of buffet food is widespread. The buffet is an opportunity to choose and arrange your own diet. With this system, dishes are arranged in the hall, and tourists themselves choose and put food on a plate.

So far, few places in Russia have switched to the "buffet" system. Many hotels and sanatoriums still have a custom menu system. Moreover, in sanatoriums, most often the choice of dishes occurs in advance (2-3 days in advance), as a rule, a list of only ¾ of the dishes is offered according to a predetermined list.

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