Stopping and parking is prohibited: what does the fine mean, and in what cases the sign does not work. No stop sign: traffic rules, coverage area, exceptions

Fashion & Style 18.10.2019
Fashion & Style

The constant growth in the number of cars per capita in Russia leads to an excessive saturation of large cities with them. As a result, traffic jams increase from year to year in the country's megacities, and parking in the city center becomes more and more problematic. Finding a free parking space takes a lot of time, for which not everyone has the patience. It happens that car owners in a hurry leave their cars in the wrong places or with gross violations of parking rules.

For improper parking, a fine and evacuation of the car. Towing services are paid separately

Such actions not only interfere with the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, contributing to an increase in traffic jams and congestion on the roads, but also bring considerable amounts of fines to car owners. The city authorities, in turn, are fighting traffic jams on the streets, increasing penalties for violating parking rules and introducing the forced evacuation of violators' cars from the streets to a penalty parking lot, which is also paid at the expense of the violator. As a result, neglect of stop and parking signs can lead to unpleasant material and moral costs.

If you often receive penalty notices from the traffic police, then there is reason to once again carefully study the requirements of the traffic rules and the layout of parking lots and areas where vehicles are allowed to stop. See where the “No Parking” signs are and where the “No Stopping” signs are in those areas of the city where you visit most often and where you need to stop for business or personal business. This will allow you to act more confidently in the future when looking for a free parking space and significantly reduce its time.

In no case should you hope for "maybe you're lucky and they won't notice us" or act on the principle of "everyone is standing, and I'll get up." It must be remembered that the collection of fines is one of the legitimate ways for the authorities to replenish the budget, receive bonuses, and increase their own salaries. This is a profitable article and many “feed” from it. Therefore, it is foolish to count on indulgence on the part of official bodies. One of the simplest and effective ways for parking is to comply with the requirements of traffic rules, the Code of administrative offenses and to be able to defend their rightness, in case misconduct from the parking attendants.

What is the difference between a No Stopping sign and a No Parking sign?

Can accurately explain the difference between the terms "stop" and "parking" in the interpretation adopted in the SDA. The external design of the No Stopping sign also slightly differs from the No Parking sign by the presence of an additional diagonal line that crosses. However, the meanings and requirements of these signs differ significantly from each other. The Rules have interpretations of the terms “stop” and “parking” (see clause 1.2), according to which it can be concluded that if you stop for up to 5 minutes, then this will be a stop, and for a longer period - parking. In fact, this is not always the case.

For example, a truck unloading goods to a vegetable warehouse or a hypermarket can stand on the road for several tens of minutes or even hours until unloading is completed. Such a situation is treated by the Rules as a stop if the unloading process continues uninterrupted. At the same time, if you stopped near the store to buy cigarettes, but were delayed by a line at the checkout for 10 minutes, then this situation will be assessed by the inspector as a parking lot. Thus, a stop can last longer than 5 minutes when it is due to waiting and serving passengers or loading and unloading goods.

A stop is considered to be any stop lasting longer than 5 minutes, when it is not due to passenger service or cargo reloading. In the Rules, parking and stopping are interpreted as the actions of the driver, performed at their own request or at the request of the passenger. The forced stoppage of the movement of the car due to its malfunction, at the request of a traffic light or an inspector, due to a traffic jam or an accident is not a parking or stop, as it is made by the driver unintentionally, not of his own free will. Such a stop cannot be prohibited.

It is produced in the place where the driver finds this force majeure or emergency. In the event of a forced emergency stop traffic rules require the driver to perform certain actions to ensure traffic safety for other participants. So the driver is obliged to turn on the flashing alarm about the accident and move the car to the side of the road. If the stop is long, then install an emergency sign (see clause 12.6 of the SDA).

Video: Stop and Park 2016

The term "parking" in the Rules means a place, a territory reserved for parking a car. These places are marked with a special information sign with the letter "P" (parking). In everyday life and in official terminology, this word is also understood as an action aimed at the implementation of a long parking. The rules for parking cars determine the procedure and requirements for their installation in the parking lot, as well as the requirements for the location of parking lots on the territory.

How to distinguish and understand stop and parking signs?

For improper parking, you need to carefully study those requirements and areas where the Rules prohibit stopping and parking. Further, based on the principle of "not prohibited, then it is possible", you have a full advantage over the rest to take a free parking space where they were afraid to do so. Thus, traffic rules help the driver in the difficult search for a parking place in a crowded metropolis.

The regulations require that a parked vehicle:

  1. does not interfere with pedestrians and other vehicles to move;
  2. did not create obstacles forcing other road users to violate traffic rules;
  3. did not lead to the emergence of another threat to the safety of public order and traffic.

Where standing vehicles may threaten traffic safety, the traffic police sets stop signs and parking is prohibited. These are the favorite signs of driving school instructors and traffic police inspectors who take practical driving exams for motorists. They like to divert attention and force the driver to park behind such a sign in order to make a bad conscience. Despite such cruel "flights", many, even after successfully passing the exams and, cannot correctly read the signs and use them.

So, what do you need to know in order to correctly use these signs?

  • First, both signs have the same appearance- a round disk of blue color with a red fringing and stripes. The sign "Parking is prohibited" with one inclined strip (sign 3.28 SDA), and the sign "Stopping is prohibited" with two intersecting stripes (sign 3.27).
  • Secondly, it is clear that the second character is obtained by crossing out (banning) the first character. That is, the "No Stopping" sign has a higher status than the "No Parking" sign. You can't stop or park behind it. This is quite logical, you cannot enter the parking lot without stopping, and where there is a ban on stopping, it will be impossible to park. Conclusion: where there is a blue sign with two crossing red stripes, do not even think about stopping. Stop there can only route public transport and in strict places.
  • Thirdly, on the contrary, when there is only one red stripe on the sign (no parking), therefore, there is no prohibition to stop. This means that behind this sign it is allowed to stop at your whim for a time not longer than 5 minutes or more, if this is connected with loading and unloading luggage and passengers.

The parking ban does not apply to:

  1. mail cars;
  2. taxis on call, waiting for a client with running taximeters;
  3. transport for disabled people of 1-2 groups.

Zones of action of stop and parking signs

You must clearly notice both the beginning of the sign, immediately after the place of its installation, and the zone of its effect, and its completion. It may happen that the sign you noticed earlier no longer has its power in the territory where you are looking for a parking place. To do this, you need to know that the zones of validity of stop and parking signs are limited to the following:

  • Signs are valid on one side of the road on which they are displayed. That is, if the stop sign is prohibited on the left side of the street, then on the right side you can safely stop.
  • In the absence of additional signs, the effect of the sign is canceled by the first intersection. If there is no sign after the intersection, then you can park. To extend the prohibition zone after the intersection, the sign must be re-posted.
  • The sign is valid until the end of the settlement, when there are no intersections on the road. Exits from yards and country roads do not apply to intersections.
  • The ban is valid until the sign "End of restrictions". This situation is often found on country roads or on roads where repair and construction work is carried out.

The yellow marking under the prohibition sign defines the area of ​​the sign

  • When using a prohibition sign and yellow markings along the edge of the road, the zones of action of the signs stopping and parking are prohibited are set by the length of the road markings. In this case, a solid line prohibits stopping, and broken line prohibits parking. Such markings can continue for several kilometers, indicating the effect of the ban.

  • The stop and parking signs are also supplemented with signs explaining the beginning, continuation and end of their action. So the arrows pointing up indicate the beginning of the no-go zone, the double-sided arrows remind you that the no-go zone is still in effect and parking is prohibited, and the sign with the sign where the arrows point down indicates that the no-go zone has ended and you can park.

"Parking Restricted Zone" sign and "End of Parking Restricted Zone" sign

The rules also provide for a rectangular sign "Zone with restricted parking" (zn.5.27) with the image of the sign "Parking prohibited". Its peculiarity lies in the prohibition of parking along the entire width of the road on both sides and the action until the canceling sign, regardless of the presence or absence of intersections, settlements in this zone. In addition, this sign of transport, whether it be a taxi, postal car or wheelchair transport. That is, if you see this sign, you will not be able to park until you pass the sign "End of the zone with parking restrictions"

What does a "No Stopping" road sign mean? What happens if you violate the prescription of this sign? What is the legal penalty for violating the mark? Are there exceptions on the road when the "No Stop" sign is not valid? We have collected for you detailed information about this road sign, which many people confuse with another sign - "Parking is prohibited."

The road sign "No Stopping" () is a red circle (round frame) on which a red X-line is drawn on a blue background. What does this sign mean? According to the rules traffic not only parking is prohibited in the zone of action of the sign Vehicle, but also stop. That is, you do not have the right to stop in the zone of this sign even for a short time.

Often confused with another of the most common signs on the road. It's about about the sign 3.28 "Parking is prohibited". The same red round frame, blue background. But there is only one diagonal red line on this sign. That is, according to the traffic rules, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe road sign "Parking is prohibited" (), it is allowed to stop. But it is forbidden to use a section of the road for parking in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis sign.

What is the difference between stopping a car and parking?

Do you know why many drivers, despite their extensive driving experience, still confuse the traffic signs "No Stopping" and "No Parking"? The thing is, these two signs are similar in meaning. After all, in the zone of action of the sign "Stopping is prohibited" there is also a ban on parking a car. So motorists confuse this sign with the sign "Parking is prohibited." But these are two completely different signs.

In order to understand this, it is necessary where the basic concepts used in the Rules of the Road in force in our country are deciphered.

Here is an excerpt from paragraph 1.2 of the SDA, from which we can see the difference between stopping a car and parking. We advise all drivers to memorize these terms, like a multiplication table. After all, thanks to these terms, you will easily understand the signs "Stopping is prohibited" and "Parking is prohibited", and also stop confusing them.

"Stop"- intentional stoppage of the movement of the vehicle for up to 5 minutes, as well as for more, if it is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.

"Parking"- intentional suspension of the movement of the vehicle for more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to boarding or disembarking a passenger or loading or unloading a vehicle.

Accordingly, in the area of ​​​​the sign "Parking is prohibited" you can stand up to 5 minutes. And even more, if it is necessary to load your car with luggage (cargo), as well as to disembark or board passengers.

As for the "No Stopping" sign, you are not even allowed to stop in the zone of its action.

Please note that you should not cheat in the area of ​​​​the "No Parking" sign, turning on the emergency gang and getting out of the car. Remember that in this case you may be held administratively liable, since your stop is not related to the embarkation / disembarkation of passengers, or the loading / unloading of the vehicle.

Traffic police traps: in what places you can’t stop, despite the absence of a “No Stopping” sign?

All motorists know that traffic police officers are very fond of standing in tricky places where drivers often violate traffic rules. And not on purpose. In most cases, in such "magical places" drivers break the law not intentionally, but due to their forgetfulness. Recall that stopping a car can be prohibited not only if there is an appropriate traffic sign. Here is a list of places where it is strictly forbidden for cars to stop, as well as conditions that prevent this:

  • - At the pedestrian crossing ("zebra crossing"), in front of the pedestrian crossing (five meters in front of it)
  • - On tram tracks, as well as near them
  • - On a public lane, on bike paths
  • - At the crossroads
  • - In places that block the view of road signs, traffic lights
  • - In places that interfere with pedestrians
  • - In places that prevent the entry / exit of cars
  • - On narrow roads where as a result of parking (stopping, parking) there is less than 3 meters of road between the car and a solid line
  • - In case of poor visibility (less than 100 meters)
  • - Near dangerous bends, as well as in the event of a difference in elevation of the road
  • - In places designated for taxi stops
  • - On bridges and overpasses (also under them)
  • - At bus stops if it interferes with public transport
  • - In the tunnels
  • - At railway crossings, as well as closer than 50 meters to the crossing
  • - In areas where parking is prohibited
  • - In the zone of action of the sign "Main road" (only when driving outside the settlement)
  • - In the area of ​​​​the sign / marking "Parking for the disabled"
  • - On the lawn
  • - On the pavement (unless allowed by the appropriate sign)
  • - Opposite the doors of any buildings in the yards
  • - Near the railway road (and closer than 50 meters from it)
  • - On the road marked with the sign "Main road" (outside the built-up area)
  • - A ban on parking, where according to the traffic rules parking is prohibited
  • - Parking in places designated for disabled parking
  • - On the lawn
  • - Near the doors of any buildings in the yards
  • - Prohibition of parking near railway roads
  • - Parking in places for taxi cars

List of fines for violation of the rules of stopping or parking cars (for the whole of Russia, except for the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg)

All motorists need to remember that stopping and parking in places where it is expressly prohibited by the Rules of the Road threatens. As we have already said, the driver is threatened with fines not only for violating the provisions of the road signs "No Stopping" and "Parking Prohibited", but also for stopping or parking the car in places where it is prohibited by other traffic rules. In particular, we remind you that the size of the fine for violating the rules for stopping and parking vehicles on the road depends not only on where exactly you stopped or parked your car.

The fact is that on the territory of Russia for cities of federal significance there are their own fines. Thus, the authorities are trying to improve the traffic situation in large cities of Russia. We are talking about Moscow and St. Petersburg, where they act for violation of the rules for stopping and parking cars.

To begin with, here is a list of fines with the most frequent violations of the rules for stopping and parking vehicles that operate outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg (Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • - Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles (violation of the instructions of the signs "Stopping is prohibited" and "Parking is prohibited"), with the exception of violations of the rules for stopping and parking at or near a railway crossing: 500 rubles
  • - Violation of the rules for stopping or parking cars in the zone of action of the sign and marking intended for parking cars with disabilities: 5000 rubles
  • - Stopping or parking a car at a pedestrian crossing or closer than 5 meters in front of it: 1000 rubles
  • - Stopping or parking a car at a bus stop or closer than 15 meters to it: 1000 rubles
  • - Stopping and parking a car in places intended for parking taxi cars: 1000 rubles
  • - Stopping or parking a car on tram tracks: 1500 rubles
  • - Stop or parking in the tunnel: 2000 rubles
  • - Stopping or parking in places that impede traffic: 2000 rubles

List of fines for violation of the rules of stopping or parking cars (for Moscow and St. Petersburg)

As we have already said, according to article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are other fines for violating the rules for stopping and parking cars on the roadway. Unfortunately, fines in cities of federal significance for violating the stop and parking of vehicles are significantly higher than in the whole country. Here is a list of the most common violations in this area:

Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles (violation of the instructions of the signs "Stopping is prohibited" and "Parking is prohibited"), with the exception of violations of the rules for stopping and parking at or near a railway crossing: 2,500 rubles

- Stop at a pedestrian crossing or next to it (closer than 5 meters in front of it): 3000 rubles

- Stopping or parking a car at a bus stop or closer than 15 meters to it: 3000 rubles

- Stopping and parking a car in places intended for parking taxi cars: 3000 rubles

- Stopping or parking a car on tram tracks: 3000 rubles

- Stop or parking in the tunnel: 3000 rubles

- Stopping or parking in places that impede traffic: 3000 rubles

Temporary ban on stopping and parking in certain places

Also, according to the current legislation and local authorities has the right to temporarily restrict the stopping and parking of vehicles on certain sections of the road (for example, during public events: folk festivals, rallies, etc.) or for road works. To do this, the authorities are obliged to place temporary road signs in such places, strictly observing the current Rules of the road. Recall that the traffic rules have temporary road signs that look the same as the main ones, but have a yellow background.

Accordingly, if you violate an injunction (such as "No Stopping" or "No Parking"), you may be subject to the same liability as for violating major traffic signs.

For which vehicles are the No Stopping and No Parking signs valid?

In some cases, the road signs "No Stopping" and "No Parking" are not valid for some vehicles. That is, the law makes an exception for a certain category of vehicles.

So, according to the Rules of the Road, the action of the sign "Stopping is prohibited" does not apply to the following categories of cars that stop in the area of ​​marking 1.17 and (or) road signs 5.16, 5.17, 5.18:

- Shuttle vehicles

- Taxi cars

With regards to the road sign "Parking is prohibited", its effect does not apply to the following category of vehicles:

- Cars driven by people with disabilities of groups 1 and 2, as well as cars driven by ordinary drivers carrying people with disabilities of groups 1 and 2 and children with disabilities

- Taxi cars in which the taximeter (meter) is turned on

- Cars of the Russian Post, on the body of which there is a white diagonal stripe on a blue background

Action zone of road signs "Stopping prohibited" and "Parking prohibited"

Most of all questions, of course, are caused by a zone of action of road signs. First of all, many drivers often confuse how the road signs "No Stopping" and "No Parking" work. This is what traffic police officers use, who, where inattentive drivers often make mistakes in interpreting the traffic situation. For example, because of the complexity of interpreting road signs and markings.

Naturally, like all road signs, the action of the signs "Stop is prohibited" and "Parking is prohibited" has its own characteristics, which every driver should be aware of in order not to fly into a fine somewhere on an unfamiliar road. So, here is an exhaustive list of the features of the traffic signs "No Stopping" and "Parking prohibited".

Area of ​​action of the sign "Stopping prohibited"

  • - The road sign "Stopping is prohibited" is valid from the stop to the nearest intersection
  • - If the road sign is installed in the settlement and in the absence of intersections on the road, the road sign "Stop is prohibited" is valid until the end of the settlement
  • - The road sign "Stopping is prohibited" with an information plate 8.2.2 (indicating the zone of validity of the prohibition on stopping) is valid until the repeated sign "Stopping is prohibited" with an information plate 8.2.3

That is, after the information plate 8.2.3, stopping the car is already allowed.

  • - Also, according to the traffic rules, the zone of prohibition of stopping in addition to the road sign "Stopping is prohibited" can be marked with yellow markings 1.4 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.
  • - The sign "Stop is prohibited" ceases to be valid after the sign "End of all restrictions" (sign 3.31 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation)

Area of ​​action of the sign "Parking prohibited"

  • - The road sign "Parking is prohibited" is valid from the stop to the nearest intersection
  • - If the road sign is installed in the settlement and in the absence of intersections on the road, the road sign "Parking is prohibited" is valid until the end of the settlement
  • - The ban on stopping vehicles is valid only on the side of the road from which the traffic sign is directly installed
  • - The road sign "Parking is prohibited" with the information plate 8.2.2 (indicating the zone of validity of the prohibition to stop) is valid until the repeated sign "Parking is prohibited" with the information plate 8.2.3

That is, after the information plate 8.2.3 parking is already allowed.

  • - Also, according to the traffic rules, the zone of prohibition of stopping in addition to the road sign "Parking is prohibited" can be marked with yellow markings 1.10 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.
  • - The sign "Parking is prohibited" ceases to be valid after the sign "End of all restrictions" (sign 3.31 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation)

Can I stop under a No Stopping sign and park my car for more than 5 minutes under a No Parking sign?

In exceptional cases, according to the current legislation, drivers are allowed to deviate from the prescription of the road signs "No Stopping" and "Parking prohibited". For example, if the driver feels unwell, which may pose a risk to both passengers and all road users. In particular, the Rules of the Road allow stopping a car under prohibition signs if the vehicle is out of order and poses a danger to traffic.

No stop signdoes not enjoy much love among motorists. The situation is aggravated by the similarity (both semantic and external) of the signs "Stopping is prohibited" and "Parking is prohibited." In our article, we will talk about the main differences between the “No Stopping” sign, the restrictions and exceptions imposed by it, provided for by the traffic rules for this case.

What do the traffic rules say about the “No Stopping” sign?

According to the SDA, the prohibition of stopping is indicated by a round blue sign with a red circle and two crossed red stripes on it. This sign imposes a prohibition on stopping any type of transport, with the exception of route vehicles, the drivers of which have the right to stop in such a “prohibited zone” in order to pick up / drop off passengers, if this is provided for by the route. All the requirements for drivers in the area of ​​​​the sign "Stopping is prohibited" are described in clause 3.27 of the PAP.

According to the rules, this sign can also be duplicated by road markings - a solid yellow line drawn on the edge of the carriageway or curbstone. In addition, the “No Stopping” sign may be installed simultaneously with other signs that define the area of ​​the sign or contain an indication of the transport to which it applies (or to which the restrictions do not apply). For example, along with the sign “Stopping is prohibited”, a sign can be placed - one of the stipulated paragraphs. 8.4.1-8.4.8, 8.18, 8.2.3 and 8.2.4.

It is also important to note the difference between parking and stopping prohibitions. According to the Rules of the Road, a stop is understood as an action that lasts no more than 5 minutes - this time should be enough for the driver to pick up or drop off passengers and carry out other necessary actions. Parking is understood as a longer period of inactivity, that is, lasting more than 5 minutes. An exception here are cases of a longer stop due to passenger service or unloading and loading of cargo. If a period of downtime is caused by these reasons, then, regardless of the duration, such a stop will not be considered a parking lot.

If the car is within the limits of the “No Stopping” sign, drivers should not forget that the ban, of course, also includes parking in this area.

Area of ​​validity of the sign, stopping under the sign "Stopping is prohibited"

The “No Stopping” sign takes effect from the place where it is installed, and if, for example, the car stops right in front of it, no penalties will be imposed.

According to the rules, the action of the sign "Stopping is prohibited" applies only to the side of the movement from which it is installed. In this case, the duration of its action may be different:

  • to the intersection located near the location of the sign;
  • to the place where the nearest locality or the point where it ends (it is indicated by the corresponding sign);
  • to the sign "End of the zone of all restrictions."

Another option for determining the zone of action of the sign may be to indicate the segment of the path by placing a sign under the sign indicating the length of the restriction. That is, in this case, the effect of the sign, the effect of the sign ends after the distance indicated on the plate.

Also, signs indicate restrictions that apply only to a certain type of transport. In the absence of such a sign, no one can stop, with the exception of route vehicles, if it is present, the ban applies only to these types of transport.

Drivers who violate this provision of the Rules of the Road, stopping under the sign "Stopping is prohibited" will have to pay a fine. Currently, it is 500 rubles in the Russian Federation, in cities of federal significance (Moscow and St. Petersburg) - 2,500 rubles.

Are there exceptions for the No Stop sign?

As a general rule, only shuttle vehicles (buses, trolleybuses, etc.) or professional taxis waiting for customers (provided the meter in the car is turned on) are allowed to stop in the area of ​​​​the “No Stopping” sign.

As for disabled drivers, they have the right to park or stop in the place where the sign is valid only if there is a sign under the sign indicating that its effect does not apply to this category of citizens. At the same time, exceptions are provided not only for cars driven by disabled people of groups 1 and 2, but also for vehicles intended for the transportation of such disabled people or disabled children, driven by other persons.

The appearance of the sign "Parking is prohibited" is fully justified by the constant increase in cars and the catastrophic lack of space on the streets of the city. But still, car owners do not feel much love for him. Still, because in megacities it is already so difficult to find a place for a vehicle, and here it also adds problems with a prohibitive spectrum of action.

Some motorists ignore the road elements, which subsequently leads to the payment of fines or to following their car to the penalty area. The situation is not the most pleasant, but it can be avoided. We will talk about all the subtleties, rules and features of movement in those areas that are subject to the action of a prohibitive road safety device.

The difference between stopping and parking

This situation is only aggravated by the existence of another one, which is very similar to the one we mentioned above - “Stop is prohibited”. Today we will deal with the No Parking road element and try to reveal its essence as much as possible, analyze traffic rules and learn how not to pay fines if they are violated.

Even experienced car owners find it difficult to clearly distinguish between the two terms “stop” and “parking”. What then to speak for inexperienced drivers who are just beginning to learn all the intricacies of driving and get acquainted with road safety elements that are regulated by traffic rules. Moreover, these signs have insignificant differences between themselves, which consist only in the presence of two diagonal lines intersecting with each other: the “Parking is prohibited” road sign has only one diagonal line, and not two, as in a graphic figure that does not allow stopping.

Confusion arises not only with these two road signs, but with the very concepts of parking and stopping. If you turn to the traffic rules, you can find out that a stop is considered a simple vehicle up to 5 minutes. If the time that the car is not moving exceeds this limit, then it will already be parking. In practice, such a definition is not always possible. If we consider the moment of unloading goods from a truck, which has to stand for much more than 5 minutes, then we are talking about a stop. In this case, the unloading process must be continuous. But if the driver stopped near the store and lingered in line, then this is already a parking lot.

From this it can be concluded that parking means a deliberate and deliberate stop of a motor vehicle, which lasts more than 5 minutes, while it is not related to the movement of goods or the carriage of passengers.

If the driver had to stop the car due to unforeseen or circumstances beyond his control (traffic jam, vehicle malfunction, stopping gesture of the traffic police officer or traffic police inspector), then such an action cannot be regarded as parking or stopping. In the event of an accident or malfunction of the car, the driver must remove the vehicle to the side of the road and set an emergency alert.

The "No Stopping" sign is more significant than its counterpart, which does not allow parking. The zone of its action is a taboo for any stop and parking of a car. However, this is logical, because it is impossible to park without stopping, just as the prohibited zone for stopping does not allow parking.

Area of ​​effect

The area of ​​action of the pointer we are considering starts from the place of its installation and continues, which follows it. In some cases, the coverage area may continue beyond the intersection. In this case, the same element should be behind the intersection.

This pointer is installed on any roads, including bridges, the boundaries of which are difficult to determine. Only motor vehicles are subject to the sign.

On the sign "Parking is prohibited" the coverage area can be limited in other ways. To do this, along with the main road safety element, additional plates are installed. There are several types of them:

  • a rectangular plate with an arrow and an indication of a certain number of meters, which are covered by the main sign;
  • the graphic element of road safety "Parking is prohibited" with a downward arrow in the form of a rectangular plate indicates the end of the main sign;
  • a round sign with a black border and five thin diagonal lines indicates that the scope of all elements previously located in the direction of movement is terminated;
  • next to the main road element there may be signs with the image a certain kind transport, which means that idle time is prohibited only for those cars that fall under them.

The sign with an arrow down can be of two types: the arrow can be one-sided or two-sided. We have already considered the first option. A sign with a double-sided down arrow indicates that the value of the pointer has not yet ended and the car is not allowed to park or stop for a long time. Many drivers, especially beginners, confuse the designation of prohibiting elements with a down arrow. The reason here is not in ignorance, but rather in inattention and outward similarity of the designations with the down arrow.

The “No Parking” sign has a coverage area that does not apply to the entire road, but only to the side where it is located. This means that on the opposite side of the road there is a zone free for stopping, parking and parking.

There are several varieties of this sign:

  • downtime is prohibited by no even numbers- the pointer has a vertical white line, which is crossed out by an inclined red line;
  • parking is prohibited on even numbers - the sign has two vertical white lines, which are crossed out by a slanted red line.

Explanations are not required here, everything is already clear regarding the meaning of these two varieties of the same.

Exceptions to the rules

There are several categories of drivers who are allowed to ignore the sign and stop without fear of a fine. Such “lucky ones” include drivers of postal vehicles, taxis with an active taximeter, vehicles used by disabled people personally or transporting people with disabilities. In the last two cases, the vehicle must be affixed with the appropriate identification mark. Shuttle vehicles, which are popularly called "minibuses", must also follow the rules, which depend on the established sign.

Penalty for violation

According to part 4 of article 12.16, a fine is provided for violation of the “Parking is prohibited” sign. It can reach 1.5 thousand rubles and be accompanied by a delay in vehicles. In the capital and St. Petersburg, ignoring this sign is even more expensive. The fine can reach 3 thousand rubles, up to the delay of the vehicle.

So you need to clearly understand where the coverage area begins and ends, who is prohibited and who is allowed, despite the sign, and take into account others, no less important points. Only in this case, you can avoid an impressive fine and big problems.

In fact, all these rules are simple. You just need to learn them well and successfully apply them in practice. In this case, you can avoid issuing a fine and transporting the car to the impound.

The sign of paid parking and ordinary parking is provided so that the driver can easily determine the territory intended for leaving vehicles on it. The organization of parking lots helps to optimize the entire road network. Until now, not only for novice drivers, the “Parking Zone” sign raises some questions related to its interpretation in various situations. We will cover all common situations to clarify common mistakes.

The coverage area of ​​any "Parking" sign, if there is no other limiting designation below, extends up to the nearest intersection. In such cases, there is usually an additional plate regulating the way the vehicle is set up in this area. In this form, stands can be found most often, as they are designed to prevent confusion.

In this case, you can place the car parallel to the roadway and the sidewalk, only in one lane.

Outside a residential area, a parking sign is placed several hundred meters before the beginning of the corresponding area in order to promptly inform the driver about the opportunity to park. The distance to this object is marked with a sign located below.

The parking zone in the pocket is marked, as a rule, with the help of 3 plates at once:

  • direct parking sign;
  • the stand limiting its action;
  • way of setting the vehicle.

Even if there is a pocket, it is not forbidden to leave the car in the territory before and after it from the edge of the carriageway. In such places apply general rules parking, i.e. it is not allowed to put the car in the second row, so as not to impede the exit.

If the bottom of the 3 signs described above is supplemented by the sign 8.17 "Disabled" and it is located in the direction of travel, then stopping in this pocket is possible only for disabled drivers. Sometimes it is installed perpendicular to the direction of movement. In such cases, any driver can leave cars in his pocket without taking up a place intended for the disabled.

If there are signs that prohibit parking, parking can only be organized if the appropriate stand is combined with a sign delimiting the coverage area. Thus, for a certain period, the ban will not be in force.

The traffic rules do not provide for the situation described above, so many are accustomed to considering this combination a contradiction. However, the limitation of the coverage area is prescribed in GOST R 52289-2004.

Paid parking: features

Relatively recently, a new road sign “Paid Parking” appeared, namely, it was introduced in 2013 as an experiment in Moscow. Such an innovation pursued 2 goals at once - to supplement the city with parking spaces and provide the treasury with another source of income. Gradually, parking began to use this practice in other cities.

In the area intended for stopping cars, in addition to the fact that a paid parking sign is installed, there is also a special marking. At the entrance to the territory, the car is filmed by 2 cameras, fixing the numbers. At this point, the database will check whether payment has been made, whether the car belongs to a disabled person or another citizen who enjoys benefits, and whether it belongs to the category of special vehicles.

If the parkons record that the driver did not pay for the service, but left the car in a parking lot with paid parking, then a photo of the violation and a fine for the violation will soon be sent to the address of the place of residence. At the very beginning, before leaving your vehicle in one place or another, you need to make sure that the established “Paid Parking” sign has ended, otherwise there is a high risk of becoming a violator.

So what does a paid parking sign look like? To indicate parking spaces for which you must pay, use the road sign at number 8.8. It is a plate where three circles are applied in succession on a white background, and the numbers "10", "15", "20" are inscribed inside. Circles are a stylization of coins, that is, the need to pay for parking.

The designation of any paid parking is a combination of two signs: directly 6.4 "Parking", as well as 8.8 "Paid services". Other signs may also be located nearby, informing about the number of free places, the length of the parking lot, and the method of placing the vehicle.

A paid parking zone is a limited area where paid parking is possible. It starts exactly from the place where road signs 6.4 and 8.8 are installed. Those parking spaces that do not have this combination of plates cannot be considered paid.

The end of the zone can be indicated immediately below them. In this case, the plate will have a number corresponding to the length of paid parking and an arrow in the direction of travel. But most often, at the end of the zone where the paid parking sign was in effect, an ordinary parking stand is installed, but crossed out with a line. Another way to indicate the end of a parking area is to sign 3.27 No Stopping. It works regardless of whether it was paid or free.

In some state parking lots, it is also customary to install information stands, which display not only signs 6.4 and 8.8, but also inscriptions that inform the driver that he is entering or leaving a paid parking place.

How to determine the range of the pointer

The number of free parking spaces is gradually declining, which is especially noticeable in large cities, so you need to know how much the signs in paid parking and free parking extend their effect:

  1. No other territories, including before and after it, fall within the scope of the tablet. Even if you park your vehicle right in front of the stand indicating the beginning of paid parking, you will not have to pay for parking. However, in such cases, you need to make sure that no other traffic rules will be violated.
  2. If there are no indications about the length of the stand, this means that you can leave the car on the site to the nearest intersection, but no closer than 5 meters before it.
  3. It is forbidden to include in paid parking those parts of the territories that belong to the local area. Parking in these areas should be free.
  4. If there is a pointer 8.2.1 "Area of ​​action" under the stand "P", you need to look at the number shown on it. It is it that indicates the length of the zone suitable (in meters) for stopping the vehicle.
  5. If shortly before the “P” sign a stop prohibition sign was installed, be sure to pay attention to additional signs and road markings so as not to violate traffic rules.

Using even paid parking at first glance does not present problems, but in reality there are still a few difficulties. Because you can always get confused road signs, sometimes established and erroneously. Yes, and in a familiar place, a paid parking sign may appear quite unexpectedly, not to mention the fact that special markings are often erased or errors occur during the operation of the parking meter.

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