Names of the months in German with pronunciation. Month

Technique and Internet 16.08.2019

This article will help tell you about the seasons in German!

der Sommer - summer

ein kurzer Sommer - short summer

ein langer Sommer - long summer

ein heißer Sommer - hot summer

ein kalter Sommer - cold summer

der Sommer ist die Zeit der Reisen - summer - travel time

es ist endlich Sommer! Summer has finally arrived!

der Sommer kommt - summer is coming

der Sommer ist gekommen - summer has come [came]

dieses Jahr ist es früh / spät Sommer geworden - summer came early / late this year

in diem Jahr will es überhaupt nicht Sommer werden - summer will not come this year

wir hatten in diesem Jahr einen langen / überhaupt keinen Sommer - this year (we) had a long summer / there was no summer at all

wir verbringen schon den zweiten Sommer an der See – we are spending our second summer at sea

einen ganzen Sommer lang war er in der Stadt - all summer [during the summer] he was in the city

im Sommer - summer

im Sommer fahren wir in die Berge / nach dem Süden / ans Schwarze Meer / an die Ostsee - in the summer we go [go] to the mountains / to the south / to the Black Sea / to the Baltic Sea

er fährt im Sommer in Urlaub - he goes on vacation in the summer

der Herbst - autumn

ein schöner Herbst - beautiful, good autumn

es wird Herbst - autumn is coming

der Herbst ist gekommen - autumn has come [came]

der Herbst beginnt - autumn begins

in dieser Gegend ist der Herbst gewöhnlich warm - autumn is usually warm in this region

dieses Jahr bekommen wir einen frühen Herbst - this year we have early autumn

im Herbst fuhr er nach Berlin - in the autumn he went [traveled] to Berlin

nächsten Herbst kommt sie in die Schule - next autumn she will go to school

der Winter - winter

ein später Winter - late winter

es ist Winter - winter

es wird Winter - winter is coming

der Winter ist gekommen - winter has come

im Winter

der Frühling - spring

ein später Frühling - late spring

es wird Frühling - spring begins [comes]

der Frühling ist nah(e) - spring is coming

der Frühling ist gekommen - spring has come [came]

im Frühling - in the spring

es war im Frühling (des Jahres) 1988 - it was in the spring of 1988

der Frühling des Lebens - youth

Text in German about the seasons:

Es gibt vier Jahreszeiten. Das sind der Frühling, der Sommer, der Herbst und der Winter.

There are four seasons. It is spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Die Frühlingsmonate hei?en der März, der April und der Mai. Die Nächte werden kürzer, und die Tage werden länger. Das Wetter im Frühling ändert sich oft, besonders im April. Bald regnet es, bald ist es sonnig, bald friert es sogar. Doch das Wetter wird jeden Tag schöner. Die Frühlingsblumen blühen, und die Bäume bekommen Blätter.

The spring months are called March, April and May. The nights are getting shorter and the days are getting longer. The weather often changes in spring, especially in April. That it's raining, sometimes sunny, sometimes even freezing However, the weather is getting better every day. Spring flowers are blooming and the leaves are blooming on the trees.

Die Sommermonate heißen der Juni, der Juli und der August. Viele Menschen mögen den Sommer, denn man kann im Sommer viel unternehmen. Man kann baden und in der Sonne liegen. Man kann Tennis und Volleyball spielen, Rad fahren und wandern. Darum nehmen die meisten Leute ihren Urlaub im Sommer.

The summer months are called June, July and August. Many people love summer as there are many things to do in summer. You can swim and sunbathe. You can play tennis and volleyball, ride a bike and go to hiking. Therefore, most people take vacations in the summer.

Im Sommer ist es heiß, es ist oft plus 25 Grad und mehr. Der Himmel ist oft wolkenlos, und die Straßen sind trocken und staubig. Nur bei Gewitter wird es etwas kühler. Im Juni sind die Nächte am kürzesten und die Tage am längsten.

It is hot in summer, often up to 25 degrees or more. The sky is often cloudless and the streets are dry and dusty. Only after the thunderstorm time does it get a little cooler. In June, the nights are the shortest and the days are the longest.

Die Herbstmonate heißen der September, der Oktober und der November. Die Tage werden kürzer und die Nächte länger. Das Wetter im Frühherbst ist mild. Die Blätter werden bunt und fallen von den Bäumen. Im Spätherbst wird das Wetter schlechter. Es wird kalt und windig, und die Straßen werden schmutzig und nass. Viele Tage sind neblig, es regnet oft.

Ermakova V.V. one

Belskikh A.V. one

1 Municipal treasury educational institution"Central Siberian secondary school"

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This study is devoted to the study of the thematic group of words "Days of the week and months" in German in order to identify the origin of these names.

As you know, the language of any people reflects the system of views and ideas about the world that has developed in this culture. We can say that language helps to understand national specificity one country or another.

In modern linguistics, there is the term "linguistic picture of the world", or "a historically established set of people's ideas about the world, reflected in their language." Today, interest in the study of this phenomenon is growing. You can learn the national culture through the language of the people.

Relevance The topic is substantiated by the fact that the study of any language is not complete without learning the names of the days of the week and months. Every day, any person in his speech uses some day of the week or month. But not everyone knows where these words came from in German.

When studying the topic "Days of the week and months" in German lessons, it was difficult to remember the names of the days of the week. To facilitate the process of memorization, we decided to find out the origin of these words. We conducted a survey among students in grades 3 and 4 to find out the need for our work. (Appendix 2, 3). It turned out that out of 22 respondents, only 1 respondent knows about the origin of the names of the days of the week in German, and 20 would like to know why the days of the week and months are called that way. At the same time, none of the respondents knows about the origin of the names of the months.

Therefore, our goal research work was the search for ways to remember the names of the days of the week and months through the study of their origin.

Practical significance The work consists in the possibility of using the material and results of this study to improve the educational level in German lessons and in extracurricular activities.

Field of study- poems, rhymes, letters to pen pals.

Subject of study - thematic group words on the topic "Days of the week and months."

aim This work is to identify the origin in German of the names of the days of the week and months, their meaning and use.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

study the literature on the research topic;

analyze the received information;

find examples of the use of days of the week and months;

conduct a sociological survey among school students and find out the attitude of peers to the phenomenon under study;

arrange the results of the study in the form of a presentation.

Hypothesis: modern schoolchildren do not know the history of the origin of the names of the days of the week and months.

For this study, we used methods:


historical and etymological;




What is a "week"?

My task was to determine the meaning of the word "week". To do this, I turned to dictionaries, because the meanings of words are fixed in them.

After reading the dictionary entries, I made a pivot table. It contains a dictionary, its author and the meaning of the word "week".

Based on the data in the table, we conclude that the word "week" is modern name Sundays. So Monday is the day after the "week", Tuesday is the second day, and so on.

In modern Russian, the word "week" means a period of time equal to seven days.

2. How many days are there in a week and what can they tell us about?

So, we found out that there are seven days in a week. But where did these names come from?

Having studied the literature on the research topic, we found out that the names of the days of the week in German are associated with religion. The Germanic tribes glorified the Germanic-Scandinavian gods, which is why the following names appeared:

Days of the week



Diens tag

donners tag

Sams tag/Sonnabend


Based on this table, we conclude that the first part of the word comes from the name of the gods or planets, and the second part of the word (tag) is translated from German as “day”.

Let's look at the origin of these words (Appendix 1)

Montag- the day of the moon.

Dienstag associated with the sky god.

Mittwoch- this is the middle of the week, named after the God Wodan (or associated with the god Mercury).

Donnerstag- associated with the thunder god Donar.

Freitag- the day of the week got its name from the German-Scandinavian goddess of love and fertility Freya.

Samstag- the word is based on the combination "star of Saturn".

Sonntag- the day of the sun.

In Germany, the days of the week are capitalized, even when shortened.

3. The origin of the months in German

There is an opinion that the names of the months are derived from Latin words.

January (January) - Janus (Janus) the god of doors and gates.

February (February) - Februa (Roman holiday of purification). In ancient times, houses looked very dirty, and the time that this month took was considered auspicious for cleaning the house.

Marz (March) was the first month of the year - Mars (god of war).

April (April) - from the Latin Aperire - "to open", as the buds on the trees open this month.

Mai (May) got its name in honor of the Roman god Maius, who was considered the patron of the earth and growth.

Juni (June) -Juno (Juno-goddess of marriage). Until now, some people believe and prefer to enter into marriage bonds in June.

Juli (July) - Julius (J. Caesar was born this month, reformed the Roman calendar).

august (August) (Octavian August completed the calendar).

September (September). Before the calendar reform, September was the seventh month, since the year began with March ("septem" = sieben).

Oktober (October) - Ochto = acht - 8).

October (November) - (novem = neun - 9).

Dezembe r (December) - (decem = zehn - 10).

Thus, the names of the months are associated with the names of great people or with the names of holidays.

The names of the months in German are also capitalized.

4. Examples of the use of days of the week and months in German

The days of the week are often used in German:

in birthday invitations:

Ich habe am Freitag Geburtstag und lade dich herzlich zum einem Gartenfest ein.

in poems:

Jede Woche bringt uns wieder

Arbeit, Freitag, Bücher, Lieder.

Monntag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, seht -

wie die Woche schnell vergeht.

Donnerstag und Freitag nun -

Haben wir noch viel zu tun.

Sonnabends und Sonntags dann-

machen wir einen neuen Plan.

in rhymes:

Welcher Wochentagistheute? Sagtmirbitte, liebeLeute!

Dienstagoder Montag?MittwochoderDonnerstag?

Freitagoder Sonntag? Samstagoder Montag?

4) in stories about what we do during the week: Am Montag, amDienstag, am Mittwoch, am Donnerstag, am Freitaggehenwir in die Schule. Am Samstag und am Sonntag gehenwir in die Schulenicht.

5) in personal letters (pen pal): Dienstag, 5. October 2017.

Months are not used as often as the days of the week in German:

1) when we say what month is our birthday: Ich habe am September Geburtstag.

2) in personal letters: 5. Oktober 2017 or Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2017.

3) in stories about their plans for the future: Im Juli fahre ich nach Deutschland.

4) to when we say what day of the week it is: Heute ist der 9. (neuente) November.

5. Results of the sociological survey

To find out the attitude of our peers to the problem of the origin of the days of the week and months, we invited them to answer the questions of the questionnaire (Appendix 2).

Among students of grades 3 and 4 of our school, a sociological survey was conducted on the research problem. His results:

Most schoolchildren were born in June and September.

The favorite month for many is December, since at the end of this month New Year. And also June, because there is no snow, summer and holidays begin. Some people have a favorite month when they have a birthday.

We noticed that many schoolchildren's favorite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday, because they are days off. 10 people have a favorite day of the week - Friday, because it is the last working day. 3 people have a favorite day of the week - Monday, because the beginning of the school week, and one student has physical education on this day.

We concluded that schoolchildren love weekends, so they associate them with bright colors such as red, orange, yellow, pink.

Many people associate the beginning of the week with white, blue, and green.

And from Wednesday to Friday - with brown, purple, yellow and red.

The results of the survey indicate that many students in grades 3 and 4 do not know the origin of the names of the days of the week and months and would like to know.

In this way, our hypothesis was confirmed.


The relevance of the study is that, having studied the origin of the names of the days of the week and months in German,

we were able to broaden our horizons;

now it will be easier for us to remember the German names of the days of the week and months with the help of poems, rhymed material;

we can write letters to our German pen pals,

and also tell in German when our birthday is.

When doing this work, we got acquainted with the history of the calendar (with the origin of the names of the days of the week and months in German), and also learned that these names are used in personal correspondence, in poems and rhymes.

Using the knowledge of theoretical material related to the study of the object, the following tasks were completed:

studied the literature on the research topic;

the received information was analyzed;

found examples of the use of days of the week and months;

a sociological survey was conducted among schoolchildren and the attitude of peers to the phenomenon under study was clarified.

Thanks to this study, we got acquainted with the history of the emergence of the German calendar and came to the following conclusions:

1. The days of the week in German are associated with the names of the planets and are named after the German-Scandinavian gods.

2. The names of the months come from Latin concepts.


Bim I. L., Ryzhova L. I. German language, grade 3, textbook for educational institutions with an application on electronic media in two parts, part 1 - Moscow: "Prosveshchenie", 2013. - 126 p.

Bim I. L., Ryzhova L. I. German language, grade 4, textbook for educational institutions with an application on electronic media in two parts, part 2. - Moscow: "Prosveshchenie", 2014. - 113 p.

Electronic resources of the Internet

intense. ru/blog/blog_1/18.php.

intense. ru/blog/blog_1/20. php.

http: // what - means.rf/week

http: // semenov. academic. ru/852/week

Attachment 1








Annex 2

Sociological survey among students of MKOU "Central Siberian School"

What month is your birthday?

What is your favorite month and why?

What is your favorite day of the week and why?

What color do you associate with the days of the week?

Do you know the origin of the names of the days of the week and months in German?

Would you like to know why they are called that?

Annex 3

In this lesson, we will look at an important topic related to the year in German. First of all, let's get acquainted with the main words:
Das Jahr- year
der Monat- month
die Woche- a week
der Tag- day

As you can see the genus German words in almost every case coincided with Russian, except for the word "year". It won't be hard to remember.


Names of all seasons (die Jahreszeiten)- male:
der Winter- winter
der Fruhling- Spring
sommer- summer
der Herbst- autumn

If you want to say that some event happened in spring, winter, summer or autumn, you need a preposition in, which merges with the article into a new preposition im, for example: im Herbst.


Months in German are also masculine:
der Januar- January
der Februar- February
der Marz- March
April- April
der Mai- May
der Juni- June
der Juli- July
der August– august
September- September
der Oktober- October
November- november
dezember- December

The same thing happens with months as with the seasons: if necessary, answer the question “when?”, Use the preposition im, for example: im Oktober. The word does not receive any additional endings.

Days of the week

There are some peculiarities in the names of the days of the week: for example, there are two words for Saturday, one of them (Sonnabend) used in the north of Germany, other (Samstag)- on South. And "Wednesday" is the only day of the week that does not have the word "day" in its name:

der Montag Monday
der Dienstag Tuesday
der Mittwoch Wednesday
der Donnerstag Thursday
der Freitag Friday
der Sonnabend/ der Samstag Saturday
der Sonntag Sunday
Das Wochenende weekends

Remember: the names of all days of the week are pronounced with the stress on the first syllable. And when answering the question "When?" (wann?) happy day of the week you need an excuse am: am Montag.

If you want to talk about an action that is repeated in certain day, the preposition is not needed at all, and the ending is added to the name of the week "s". For example: Sonntags gehen wir ins Kino. Wherein sonntags is an adverb, and in the middle of a sentence will be written with a small letter.

When specifying a gap, use prepositions von and bis. Articles in this case are not needed: Ich arbeite von Montag bis Freitag.

Times of Day

The names of the time of day are also almost all masculine:
der Morgen- morning
der Mittag- day; noon
der Abend- evening
But: die Nacht- night

With the names of the times of the day, the same principle applies as with the days of the week - use the preposition am:
am Morgen
am Mittag
BUT: in der Nacht

Another difference is the use of the preposition with the words noon and midnight:
am Mittag- on midday
um Mitternacht- at midnight

When indicating periodicity, also use the ending "s":
mittags- in the afternoon
abends- in the evening, in the evenings
nachts- at night, at night

Also note the following expressions:
Anfang August- at the beginning of August
Mitte Juni- in mid-June
Ende Januar- in the end of January
Anfang, Mitte, Ende des Jahres- at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the year
Mitte Sommer- in the middle of summer

Important! To indicate the time, words such as:
heute- today
gestern- yesterday
morgen- tomorrow
übermorgen- day after tomorrow

These words will help you say "tonight" or "yesterday morning": heute Morgen, gestern Abend. And to say "tomorrow morning", use the phrase morgen fruh.

Did everyone remember? Check out the exercises!

Tasks for the lesson

Exercise 1. Use the right preposition.
1. … Sommer 2. … der Nacht 3. … Morgen 4. … Mitternacht 5. … April 6. … Winter 7. … Samstag 8. … Dienstag …. Sonntag 9. … September 10. … Mittag

Exercise 2. Translate into German.
1. We watched TV last night. 2. She works on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. 3. In the spring we will go to Germany. 4. The day after tomorrow I will buy a car. 5. On Wednesday I go to the theater. 6. Call (anrufen) me tomorrow morning. 7. At the end of December, he will take an exam (eine Prüfung bestehen). 8. She has a birthday in January. 9. On weekends he often cleans up (aufräumen). 10. At the beginning of the year we have a vacation (Urlaub).

Exercise 1.
1. im 2. in 3. am 4. um 5. im 6. im 7. am 8. von … bis 9. im 10. am

Exercise 2.
1. Gestern sahen wir fern. 2. Sie arbeitet montags, donnerstags und freitags. 3. Im Frühling fahren wir nach Deutschland. 4. Übermorgen kaufe ich ein Auto. 5. Am Mittwoch gehe ich ins Theater. 6. Rufe mich morgen fruh an. 7. Ende Dezember besteht sie eine Prüfung. 8. Im Januar hat sie den Geburtstag. 9. Am Wochenende räumt er auf. 10. Anfang des Jahres haben wir Urlaub.

Husband. The Moon is the Earth's satellite; night luminary, Cossack sun, moon, resin. | Type of the moon, counted in quarters: new month, old month. | The time of the moon's revolution around the earth: in relation to the sun: 29, days, synodic month, solar; in… … Dictionary Dalia

month- Moon. ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. month, month, month, month, moon (sickle, disk) Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

MONTH- a period of time1) the synodic period of the change of lunar phases, equal to 29.5306 sr. solar days.2) Sidereal (stellar) time of a complete revolution of the Moon around the Earth relative to the stars, equal to 27.3217 days.3) The draconian time interval between ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

MONTH- MONTH, a, pl. s, ev, husband. 1. A unit of calculation of time according to the solar calendar, equal to one twelfth of a year (from 28 to 31 days); period of 30 days. Calendar m. (January, February, March, etc.). Vacation on m. For months (for whole months) not ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

month- lifeless (Bryusov); pale gold (Terpigorev); pale matte (Chulkov); pale silver (Ogarev); pale (Blok, Zhukovsky); blue (Ice); graceful (Artsybashev); distant (Golenishchev Kutuzov); two-horned (Balmont, K.R., Sologub, ... ... Dictionary of epithets

Month- see Calendar... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

MONTH- MONTH, months, pl. months (months wrong), male. 1. The unit of time calculation is each of the twelve parts into which it is divided astronomical year. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

MONTH- Gennady Andreevich (born 1936), electronics scientist, academician (1984) and vice president (since 1987) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Proceedings on high-current emission electronics, gas electronics, high-current accelerators, powerful nanosecond pulse technology. ... ... Russian history

month- month, gen. month; pl. months, gen. months and admissible month, months, dates. months and months... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

MONTH- Brehat for a young month. Volg. Unapproved To lie, deceive someone. Glukhov 1988, 7. Sitting out an oblique month. Arch. To sit for a very long time where l., sit up with someone l. AOS 8, 193. Terrible month. Priamur., Sib. The position of the moon with its horns up, which, according to ... ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

Month- This term has other meanings, see Month (meanings). Month (Latin mēnsis, Greek μήνας) is a unit of time associated with the revolution of the Moon around the Earth. Lunar months are the basis of many calendars. As a result ... ... Wikipedia


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