Is it possible to talk to an ordinary frog? story. Conversations with a robot

Pregnancy and children 23.09.2019
Pregnancy and children

I am dating a young man. He's 21. But I have a lot of concerns about relationships. And I don't even know if I can explain everything. At first, he was just super: attention, calls, gifts ... We, one might say, almost live together. But he became somehow closed and withdrawn ... nervous ... Maybe the work strains the nerves, but still ... I’m interested in knowing everything about my beloved: how his day went, what problems, what news happened at all ... and, Of course, I want care from his side and affection. But he can come and not talk almost... Don't hug or caress... And all because he is tired, how he answers everything... Although he communicates normally with friends and tells how the day went.. It was a shame when he moved to another job, he didn't tell me anything. But when we came to visit, I already knew everything there ... When I start to say something that I am not happy with, he only gets annoyed ... How can I talk to him? What should I do?

Kseniya, Yaroslavl, 23 years old / 01/06/14

Opinions of our experts

  • Alyona

    What should you do? Don't waste time on illusions. If you have already moved in with him, pack your bags, pack your toothbrush and leave. If "almost living together" means occasional sleepovers after sex, then just change your partner. This one does not know how to get rid of you, so as not to offend and not look pale himself. You don't have to worry about relationships - they don't exist. There are your fantasies and persistent attempts to wishful thinking. The guy is only 21 years old, he became interested in you and played a lover for a while. Interest has already passed, but obligations like “you are responsible for those whom you have tamed” remain. His isolation, closeness, nervousness is not a derivative of the work, but a consequence of the suppression of a hidden desire to break off your relationship. I don’t know why he can’t do this openly, but it’s generally characteristic of a certain part of men - to bring their women to such a condition when they themselves initiate a break. For some reason, it’s easier for them, men: it’s like they didn’t leave him, but they left him ... If you still doubt that your boyfriend doesn’t need your relationship, ask yourself: a man who ignores a woman doesn’t share important things with her news from his own life, does not hug and kiss her and brushes her off like a pesky fly - does this man love this woman? Or does he just tolerate her by his side?

  • Sergey

    Ksenia, all people are different, and everyone has their own view on how relationships should be built in a couple. However, at the very beginning of the meetings, during the romantic period, no one thinks about it. That is why many couples begin to live together, having global plans for the future, but their relationship collapses with a bang after just a few months of living together. It just turns out that people have diametrically opposed views on coexistence. While romance, strong emotions, passions are raging, no one really notices anything. Not before. But as soon as the storm inevitably subsides and life comes to the fore, problems begin. A man, for example, suddenly turns out to be an adherent of the idea that a woman is obliged to spend all her time only on pleasing her husband in the kitchen and in bed, and, if possible, silently and without any demands. Or something else. In addition, quite often in young couples, a woman suddenly realizes that her partner is not behaving quite the way, in theory, an adult man should behave. He is attached to friends, not to family, he gladly runs away from home to get-togethers with friends or sits out for days on end. computer games rather than doing housework. It is difficult to discuss pressing everyday problems with him, because he does not understand at all what he has to do with it. And if you still continue to insist on discussing the problem, trying to arrange an adult conversation, he gets annoyed and makes a scandal, after which he may start to ignore or simply run away to his mother. That is, it behaves big child. Actually, this is the problem. Alas, most young people grow up much later than their peers, and therefore simply cannot perceive reality at least in the same way as mature girls. You should not discount the fact that even if people began to live together, this does not mean at all that they sincerely fell in love with each other. And even if you already got married in your thoughts, gave birth to children, raised grandchildren, and even put a fence on your husband’s grave, your boyfriend could simply understand that he doesn’t love you at all and doesn’t want to be with you. But either he can’t talk about it yet, or he’s afraid. In general, there are many options. However, whatever it may be, I strongly advise you not to forget that you are also a person and you have self-esteem. And if someone is clearly ignoring you, doesn't want to talk, or just shuts their mouth, then they don't respect you. And where there is no respect, there is definitely no love. Well, is it worth it to continue trying to save something that is not and never was? Alas, often girls want to be “married” or at least be considered “not free” so much that they are ready to endure anything next to them. What for? Alas, the answer to this question is already from higher metaphysics and my male weak mind is not subject to it. So personally, I think that you should not ask questions here, but send your friend to hell at least once. Don't want to talk? Does it make you angry? Well, that means you don't love me, and that's why you went to your mother. Why are you afraid to do this? Do you really think that living with someone who does not respect you is all you deserve in this life? No, if so, then for God's sake. Then drop to your knees, cling to your pants, crawl after him and tearfully beg for permission to talk. In the end, to each his own.

Can. The question is how, where and why. No one forbids us to mentally or aloud communicate with the dead, but from the outside it may look, to put it mildly, not very adequate. Most The right way communication is prayer. If we are just talking with the dead, it is not a fact that they hear us, but a prayer, that is, its grace-filled action, unequivocally reaches the addressee. The most “safe” place for prayer is the temple: put a candle for the repose of the soul and talk if there is such a need. Why safe - because if you talk somewhere else, temptations are possible, entailing consequences, for example, mental deviations after such “talks” or the danger of falling into pagan worship of spirits without noticing.

It is also important not to forget about another aspect of "mourning" the dead relatives. When we weep for the dead, we, first of all, feel sorry for ourselves - how we will miss them. We must remember that they are by no means happy to see us weeping. If we really love someone, we try to help him, in this case- alleviate the fate, and better way than a prayer for that no.

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy is especially useful for the departed. During this service, the particles seized for the living and the dead are immersed in the Blood of the Lord with the words: "Wash, O Lord, the sins of those who are remembered here by Your Honorable Blood, by the prayers of Your saints."

Also very important is the alms given for the deceased. She helps him there, because the suffering person to whom you give will pray for him. Blessed Saint Xenia of Petersburg laid her whole future life in the repose of her beloved husband - she distributed all her property to the poor.

How to pray for the dead

Professor A.I.OSIPOV

Indeed, it is not in vain that the Church prays for the departed. If it were impossible to change the spiritual state of the soul there, then why was it necessary to pray? However, the Church commemorates the departed at every liturgy and calls all believers to prayer, teaching them how to do it correctly. She says it's especially important prayer help soul during the first 40 days after a person's death. It is, of course, necessary after. What kind of prayer are you talking about?

When a person dies, very often relatives limit themselves only to ordering a funeral service, requiem services, magpies, submitting funeral notes, giving money to monasteries, temples, etc. All this is good, but it is good only when the main thing is not left. After all, it is clear that the Lord God does not need any money.

And what is the main thing? What should a person who wants to help the deceased do? We touch on the highest degree a serious question: who and how can help the deceased? What does it mean to pray for him? If God is love, then, it seems, why should He pray, for He will do everything that needs to be done anyway. And if nothing can be done, then what is the point of praying? Protestants, by the way, rejected prayers for the dead. The Orthodox Church, from the very beginning of its existence, affirms the need to pray for them. And there are good reasons for this.

The Church claims that the state of a person who finds himself in the bonds of passions after death can be changed. After all, for whom does the Church call to pray? For saints? No. For sinners. That is, she claims that our prayers can help the soul get rid of the passionate demon-tormentor. How? To this the Lord directly answered the disciples who failed to cast out the demon: “This kind is driven out only by prayer and fasting”(Matthew 17:21). By this, He explained that the liberation of a person from demon possession, or, what is the same, from slavery to passions and tormenting demons, requires not only prayer (which, alas, is often replaced only by presence on it - without prayer), but also fasting, that is, an ascetic life. It is no coincidence that the gift of exorcism was given by God only to rare ascetics.

Here, for example, is a striking case, which is described in the ancient life of St. Gregory the Dialogist, Pope of Rome (who lived as early as the 6th century, that is, before the division of the Churches). He prayed not for anyone, but for Emperor Trajan, one of the cruel persecutors of Christians and at the same time the best emperor in his justice, who persecuted Christians because of his justice and confidence in the need to fulfill the law. It was his justice and honesty, rare for Roman emperors, that were the reason for praying for him. Trajan once interceded for a poor defenseless widow who was in a desperate situation, and St. Gregory was so touched by this act of his that he began to pray intensely, with a feat, for him. As a result, it was revealed to him that his prayer had been accepted. How to understand it? After all, Trajan not only was not baptized, but was also a persecutor of Christians. But what do we hear? “Let no one be surprised when we say that he (Trajan) was baptized, for without baptism no one will see God, and the third kind of baptismit is a baptism of tears.” Whose tears? — Saint Gregory. Such is the power of prayer combined with fasting! “Although this is a rare case, explains Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), — but it gives hope to those whose loved ones have died outside of faith.”. Saint Isaac the Syrian wrote: “Any prayer in which the body did not bother and the heart did not grieve is counted as one with the premature fetus of the womb, because such a prayer does not have a soul in itself.”

A Christian has three birthdays: physical, spiritual (in baptism), and the day of death (birth into eternity). It is no coincidence that the days of memory of saintsthese are the days of their death. Death is not a dead end, deathit's a door. Christian experience reveals that death is not the antonym of life, death is a part of life.(Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev)

After physical death, the soul does not die, it continues to live and develop in new conditions. What they will be depends on the experience of earthly life. Heaven and hell we carry within ourselves today and therefore we carry with us into eternity. A person who carries evil within himself is outside of God and remains alone with this evil. Courtit is a permanent phenomenon. And our clash with good and evil, when we have a choice on the way,this is the court. Therefore, one should not think that the courtit's only at the end of the story.(Archpriest Alexander Men)

At birth, a person receives from his parents human life. This is a temporary and imperfect life, but we have the opportunity to receive from GodHis eternal perfect incorruptible life (divine life). We can receive this perfect life only when we are “born again” (John 3:3-8), i.e. for this you need to be born of God, becoming His child. Every person who believes in Jesus Christ as God manifested in the flesh and died on the cross for our sins receives the forgiveness of sins, finds God as his Father, and receives the gift of ETERNAL DIVINE LIFE (Rom. 6:23). There are NO other ways to receive this gift. Whether you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ or not will determine where you spend eternity: in the presence of God in New Jerusalem or in the lake of fire. For this choice we are given a human life.

Prepared by Julia KOKORINA

One of the sections that are present on almost all more or less large Orthodox Internet portals is a section with a rather standard title: “Questions to a Priest”. And it is also one of the most popular, as evidenced by both the statistics of visits and the number of questions that come to the e-mail boxes of these portals. Gained immense popularity for relatively a short time project "VKontakte" with a wonderful name "Father Online", which we wrote about not so long ago in our newspaper.

What is the reason for this demand, what is the secret of popularity? And why are the questions so similar to each other, so often repeated, and the lion's share of them require not just an answer, but pastoral advice, instruction, and consolation? Is it really only on the Internet that one can communicate with a priest, is it really true that most of the priests are on the Web, “online” more often than in a church, at a parish, where one could talk with them live, and not on a “remote access"? If so, then who then serves in these churches, who confesses, takes communion, crowns, baptizes, and sings the funeral service? Are not the same fathers? It seems that they are ... What then happens? Only people come to the service, to the services, and others ask questions on the Web, who don’t even go to the temple? It happens, of course, and so, however, the same questions testify: the vast majority of their authors are at least in the temple.

Some kind of strange situation, paradoxical… A person comes to the service, confesses, takes communion, kisses the cross, leaves and… Turns on the computer at home and writes a letter to a priest from another city whom he has never met and even photographs may not have seen. Or - he enters the temple, puts candles, prays, passes by the rector he met, goes out into the street and then - the same thing. It's strange, really...

And everything happens so for the most part because a person who has a lot of questions for a priest does not really know how to approach him, let alone how to ask these questions - and not because it is especially difficult, but simply because there is no skill, not on its own somehow or what experiments were unsuccessful. However, these are all surmountable obstacles. I would even say so: in need of overcoming. Acute.

Access problem

Church life without full-fledged communion with a priest can hardly take place properly at all. A person comes to the Church knowing practically nothing about it. Books, the same Internet, the media, of course, can provide him with some help, clarify something, but they will not replace a live interlocutor. Moreover, they will not replace a shepherd who has a certain life and spiritual experience, who is able to see who is standing before him and what word, what participation and advice he needs.

A common (on the Internet, in particular) point of view is as follows: priests most often have no time, which they will briefly say, through gritted teeth, on the run, so there is nothing special to count on their attention. And in general, it is not very interesting for them to communicate with different “visitors”, and with parishioners too. But they really like to stay at home and sometimes until late at night, and sometimes from early morning, pounding on the computer keyboard, answering the next questioner. In this, apparently, there is some kind of self-interest, interest. Here, however, what - it is not entirely clear. On the Web, answering questions is not to consecrate an expensive foreign car, not to marry a wealthy couple - there is no income!

Jokes are jokes, but in fact there are not so few priests who are not indifferent to those whom the Lord sends to them for help and edification, as it seems. And finding them and “accessing” them is not that difficult. It is possible that in some especially large parishes it would even be worthwhile to place special instructions on how best to do this. In the meantime, this is not the case, let's try to state something similar to this very instruction here.

Time and topics

For people who are not yet very familiar with church life, it is necessary to immediately make the following clarification: in order to talk with a priest, you must first figure out how, where and at what time to find him. Significant assistance in this regard can be provided by the schedule of services hanging at the entrance to any church. It is quite natural to assume that when there is a service in the temple, there is also a priest there, and during the time between services, he may be on treb or be busy with some other business. It is also natural to assume that it will not be possible to communicate directly during the service, because the priest will be busy. And before the service it will not be very convenient, because he can come right before it starts. But immediately after - it is quite possible.

But you can do even simpler: go to the seller for a candle box and instead of asking him questions about everything - both in the Church and in the world (as often happens), ask only one thing: when can I come in order to talk with a priest on topics of interest.

Topics… In fact, we should also decide on this — moreover, this remark concerns people who are not only taking their first steps in the Church, but also those who have been in it for far from the first day. What is appropriate to talk with the priest and what not? It is quite appropriate and even necessary - about what Christianity is as such and how to live like a Christian in our so difficult era, what is church life and how to start it, how to pray, confess, take communion, what to read, how to learn to deal with passions than to be guided in this or that situation connected with moral choice. And many more such things. But it’s not very appropriate or even completely inappropriate, so it’s about issues of a domestic, logistical or even legal nature: is it worth changing a car, selling an apartment, how to sue a part of the plot seized by a dacha neighbor, whether to put money in a bank, or invest in real estate, or simply convert them into currency ... And so on. Strange as it may seem, the clergy are not rarely turned to for such advice, without taking into account for some reason that not every priest is able to combine an economist, a lawyer and a specialist in resolving crisis situations at once. Although, it is worth recognizing that sometimes you have to combine: you never know in our really not at all simple time people whom no one will listen to anywhere else, except as a priest in the church, and no one else will help. Where can I go ... But it would be better without non-core questions. It also happens, of course, that a person does not want to ask for advice on an everyday issue, but for blessings and prayers, and this is completely natural.

Patience combined with mercy

As a person begins to get to know church life, those situations become clear to him, for which he could previously be offended by priests who were “in a hurry somewhere.” First of all, because he gradually learns that the priest has somewhere to hurry. Sometimes he rushes to give unction, confession and communion of the dying, sometimes to the children's intensive care unit to baptize a newborn with a diagnosis that is difficult to live with. He may have one or another diocesan obedience, which requires his presence in a certain place and at a certain time, he can generally have many duties and affairs. And there may also be an ulcer that requires food strictly by the clock, or diabetes, or coronary heart disease, or hypertension - and not always at an advanced age. This, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Well, the family can still be your own, and the children who need to be picked up from school. Or a spouse in a maternity hospital ... And a lot more of all that. Why? Because he is only human.

And therefore, you should not be angry with him for "inattention" and "elusiveness." It is better to show patience coupled with mercy. Having learned when to find him in the temple, you don’t have to “pounce” on him at once with everything that has boiled up over many years, it’s more correct to simply say:

- I would like to talk to you. How and when is the best time to do it?

Confession and conversation are different things

For a Christian leading a normal church life, regularly confessing and taking communion, meeting with a priest is, of course, not a problem, he regularly sees him: approaching the Chalice, at the lectern with the Cross and the Gospel. But, oddly enough, difficulties with communication sometimes arise.

The fact that at the Chalice, during Communion, it is impossible to talk with the priest is understandable. But confession seems to be a good time for a conversation. Wrong, of course. And not only because there can be many confessors, but the priest has little time. It also happens that people have nothing and enough time. The thing is different: confession and conversation should not be confused, these things are too different in their very nature, in the mood that is necessary for the first and for the second. Better to do otherwise. First, confess, wait until the permissive prayer is read. And then ask:

— Father, I have questions, can I ask them now?

If circumstances allow, then thank God. And it is very good if at least some part of these questions will concern spiritual subjects: the same struggle with passions, reading, prayer. After confession, when the wounds of the soul, the needs of a particular person, were exposed before the priest, it will be much easier for him to give him the right advice, the right instruction. (In connection with this, it would not be out of place, I think, to say about such a strangeness of modern church life: every now and then I have to meet people who confess to the same priest or even different priests, and for advice and talk they come to another, who never This is about the same as, having passed an examination in one clinic and not taking a single extract from there, go for a consultation in another ...).

If there is no time, then it is necessary to agree, as already mentioned above, for later, when it is convenient for both the priest and the parishioner.

…I am sure that most of us, shepherds, will definitely find time for a conversation. Most of us are really serious about those who come to us with their spiritual needs. And, to be honest, there is also self-interest, of course: you really want to see the fruits of your service, even small, even the most modest ones ... And it’s hard to see them if there are no these conversations, this communication, this joint and united as much as possible, with his flock of life.

Photo by Alexander Shurlakov
Newspaper " Orthodox faith» №12 (488)

Is it possible to talk to an ordinary frog?

A very long time ago in one small regional town there lived, there were big, green, lake frogs. They did not live in a lake or a river, but in an old city park, where there was a small pond on the outskirts, so they were city frogs.
How important, narcissistic and arrogant they were! Each of them considered herself smart in the pond, and therefore endless spores arose between them every day. When the frogs argued, they never tried to convince each other or even listen. What do you! What for? They are so smart! Any of them are smarter than all! Therefore, they croaked as loudly as possible, so as not to listen to other opinions and that's it. So simple. See how stupid these frogs were! How stupid!
Frog disputes turned into such "concerts" that people could not stand it and left for the other end of the park. No one even thought that this was another frog dispute on a topic that was of great interest to them.
The frogs always argued on the same issue - they had no others. The frogs did not read books or newspapers and did not listen to the radio; And people didn't even have televisions back then. The frogs didn't go to the movies either. But who would let them go there without a ticket? In general, their education was not even primary, but zero, because neither school nor kindergarten they didn't go for a day.
Therefore, the question on which the frogs argued was this, namely - half of the frogs claimed: “K-u-u-u-v-a,” which meant: “Mosquitoes are the most delicious.” And the other half of the frogs stood on a diametrically opposite opinion and argued; “K-u-u-v-a!”, Which meant: “The most delicious are flies!”
Did you notice the difference? One "y" less and already a completely different meaning. The frogs could discuss this burning question for them for so long until they themselves got tired of their croaking.
Their pond was small and overgrown. Around it grew large lilac bushes and the largest burdocks in the park. On one side of the pond there was a bench hidden by bushes, and couples liked to sit on it, naturally, when the frogs were not croaking, that is, they were not having their very loud and lively "scientific discussions".
Then in the same city there lived one boy. He studied in the sixth grade of the school and sometimes came for a walk in the park. Once the boy listened and listened to the frogs, and when they fell silent, he decided to croak to them himself and see what would come of it. He took it and croaked: “K-u-u-u-v-v-a!” - the boy did not know that in frog language it meant: “the most delicious is a dragonfly”!
The frogs were so surprised by this unusual statement that they sat in silence, because they could not remember the last time they had tasted a dragonfly. There were few dragonflies over the pond, and they were much smarter than mosquitoes and flies, and therefore they rarely came across, which meant they remembered the frogs for a long time, so the boy could not stand it and croaked again. This time, he did the same as the frogs without the second “c”, which, as you remember, meant: “Mosquitoes are the most delicious!”. And this was already completely clear to all the frogs of the pond, and they, as always, began their endless argument.
The frogs answered, the boy liked it and he remembered how to croak so that the frogs answered him. From now on, the boy often came or ran to the pond, and if a couple was sitting on the bench, and the frogs were silent, then he hid in the bushes or burdocks on the opposite side of the pond and from there croaked a couple of times so that the frogs would answer him, and after that he watched with pleasure how the couple, unable to withstand the frog "concert" left.
The next year the boy grew up and came to the pond less often and croaked, but he remembered the croaking itself. Then the pond was filled up and the frogs in the park were gone. They left the park and the city.
Many, many years have passed. The boy grew up, became a dad, and then a grandfather. See how many years have passed. And then one day ex-boy, and now grandfather, being at his dacha in the summer, went to a small pond near the forest to draw water to pour tomatoes and saw small frogs in it. These frogs were very beautiful bright green with gray-brown hind legs and black, round spots scattered all over the body and legs. When he appeared, the frogs jumped into the water and only their eyes looked out of the water.
The former boy remembered his childhood and decided to croak, as he used to, and see if he had forgotten his ability to croak.
He croaked once - the nearest frog, which he looked at, stopped swimming away. He croaked two - the frog stuck its head out of the water. He croaked three - the frog crawled out of curiosity onto a floating branch. And it’s not surprising, because they addressed her close, but still “ foreign language”, a frog, not green at all, but with a blue stripe on the body. The frog did not know that these were the most ordinary swimming trunks - she did not wear swimming trunks. This frog turned out to be a very polite and well-mannered rural frog. And so, when the former boy croaked again, the frog decided to answer him. Since it was a pond frog, two white resonator air sacs swelled on the sides of its mouth and it croaked: “K-v-a-a!” - which meant: "Hello! Yes, you are right - it will definitely rain, but not today.
Rural frogs croak only about the weather. They are most interested in the weather, because before the rain, all insects sink closer to the ground, which means they are easier to catch. And the rain itself is so wet and so pleasant. When she croaked, the frog became even more beautiful, these resonator bags suited her so well. The frog has become a real beauty.
The former boy realized that the frog answered him not only out of politeness, but also out of a desire to talk to him, and therefore every time he saw this frog in the pond, he always croaked politely until autumn, and she also politely answered him.
Autumn came and the frogs hid for the winter. They were not visible. But in the spring, the former boy decided to definitely check whether the frog had forgotten politeness over the winter or not. Really interesting? And what do you think? Forgotten or not?
Guys, when spring comes, it’s better not to throw stones at frogs, don’t hit them with stones - they are very useful and necessary, both for nature and for you, frogs destroy mosquitoes that bite you painfully, and flies that spread all sorts of diseases. We should not at all destroy our allies in nature, otherwise we will be left without them.
Better get yourself a familiar frog and she will always politely answer your appeal to her by croaking ...
You just need to practice croaking a little.

The loss loved one very often causes such questions: "I want to talk to the dead." "I want to talk to my dead husband." “My wife died, how to talk to her.” Have you ever heard these words? Or maybe they said it themselves? Then you belong to the fifth part of humanity that has experienced the loss of a loved one and cannot come to terms with it. Not a single scientist or magician has yet been able to prove his thoughts on what awaits us after death. The most common opinion is that nothing awaits us, only earth and oblivion, but few people are ready to come to terms with such a thought. That is why we long for fellowship with the dead. First of all, to ease the heartache a little, and then to prove to yourself that there is still something after death. The people who actually believed it feel a huge relief. After they learn how to talk to the spirit of a dead person, life becomes easier for them.

Can you talk to the dead?

For example, how to talk to dead mother in a dream or how to talk to a dad who has died. There is no definite answer to this question. Scientists explain anomalous phenomena and ghosts or hallucinations or fraud. Psychics, in turn, accuse them of stupidity, shortsightedness and narrow-mindedness. Religion is kept a little aloof. Therefore, each of us must find for himself the answer to the question of whether it is possible to talk with a dead person. To make the decision more reasonable, we will consider in more detail three points of view. To agree with some or not is up to you.

  1. Chances are you won't succeed the first time. But do not despair, keep trying and luck will smile at you. Perhaps in weeks or months. Practice meditation and think over and over again why you want to know how to talk to your dead wife or other loved one. Why are you having this conversation? You are in danger, the wrong person may come to you, we may be too upset to communicate. Perhaps in trying to talk to the dead you are running away from reality? If this is the case, it is better to look for support from the living, not the departed.
  2. Develop the power of your imagination. For this, there are esoteric practices. Try to mentally change the color of your clothes, not forgetting about its other characteristics. Imagine that you are moving something from place to place, follow the process, manage it.
  3. The best assistant in meditation and the development of one's magical abilities is the ability not to think about anything. It sounds simple, but the simple emptiness in your head can cost you a lot of effort.
  4. Get away from emotions. Lock them in a small closet and go to meet the deceased without them. Otherwise, the consequences may be unpredictable.
  5. Do not just fall asleep, but focus on your desire. Turn on your imagination, remember reality, something that will not let you forget about yourself in a dream, remember the question you want to ask, always.

Psychics say that if you do everything right, you will reach your goal. So you know how to talk to the dead in a dream. But remember - to see the deceased in a dream is not a good sign. If he comes to you too often, it means that something is wrong with you or with his soul. Go to church or visit his grave.

You will learn how to talk to a dead person on paper by reading the instructions below. The advantage of talking on paper is that it is safer than talking in a dream and requires much less effort.

  • First, take paper, the larger the sheet, the better. You will also need at least 4 thick, white candles without dyes or fragrances. By trying to summon a spirit with a mint candle, you are insulting the deceased. Then prepare a white small plate, preferably a dessert one, and a felt-tip pen, you can take a pen, not a pencil.
  • Now do what is shown in many films. You may even have done this with your friends as a child. Draw letters along the edge of a sheet of paper, they should be large, but not located side by side.
  • Place candles in each corner of a sheet that can be placed on the floor or table. If you are well stocked with candles, light the extra ones aside. This will strengthen your connection with the spirit world, because fire has been considered a mystical symbol since ancient times.
  • Make a long mark or arrow on your plate. Focus. If you're calling with someone else, make sure they believe in otherworldly powers. Distrust can destroy any relationship.
  • Ask the first question. The best thing to do is to ask if the spirit you called has come. Touch the saucer with your fingertips and put all thoughts out of your head except questions. If the power comes to you, the saucer will start moving. Traditionally, the most spiritually strong person communicates with the spirit.


We have largely answered the question of how to talk to a dead person. Light magic in this regard is the most effective, it implies respect for the deceased and his feelings. If you communicate with the deceased not evil or on his initiative, you do not take sin into your soul. Quite a different situation different people who try to revive the dead or make them serve themselves. Better don't try to imitate them, they never end well.

Remember that all the information that is written here is taken from publicly available sources. It may not inspire the confidence of certain people, but we do not stand on anyone's side, but only inform.

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