Canned corn calories for weight loss. Corn - useful properties of a vegetable and what danger can it carry? What harm can boiled corn bring

Family and relationships 01.07.2020
Family and relationships

Corn has a very rich vitamin and mineral composition. It contains vitamins of the PP, B groups, which are responsible for the work nervous system, hearts. And there is also vitamin C - it has an active effect on the work of the whole organism, and is also able to increase vitality which is very important in the modern rhythm of life. The set of trace elements present in corn is involved in the process of regulating metabolism. And in general, the complex of minerals and vitamins has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, contributing to weight loss.

Yes, yes, although corn is high in calories, it helps to reduce weight! With a diet, corn can be consumed, because it quickly saturates, reduces appetite. And also with its help you cleanse the intestines, improve the state of its microflora, get rid of constipation. Even in boiled corn, useful properties are preserved, however, in canned too!

If you are interested in whether it is possible to eat boiled corn before going to bed, then the answer is obvious - it is better not to eat anything at all before going to bed, because the body should rest at night! All losing weight should remember the main thing - night food is a direct path to obesity! The body is gaining strength at night, all metabolic processes are slowed down. So the last hearty meal should be three to four hours before bedtime - no less.

If you cannot deny yourself food before bedtime, then your choice is clearly not on high-calorie corn. For example, eat low-fat yogurt, snack on an apple. Well, if you still want corn, get by with a couple of tablespoons of canned product.

Despite the great benefits, each product has contraindications. Even if you use healthy foods in excessive amounts - it will only harm health.

Harm to corn

Everything is clear with benefits, but what about contraindications? It is worth remembering that boiled corn is contraindicated for those who have reduced appetite and dystrophy. Also, this product should not be used by people who have increased blood clotting or have a tendency to form blood clots.

Even boiled corn is prohibited during exacerbations of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract! This should definitely be taken into account. And in general, it is better to consult a doctor first.

Now it is clear that you can eat corn with a diet. But only a reasonable consumption of this product will benefit the body - so do not get carried away, you should always remember about the measure!

It is not for nothing that corn is called the queen of the fields. The cereal plant contains a lot of useful substances for health, has an excellent ratio of CBJU and is used as a medicine.

The amazing properties of golden cereal help fight excess weight and treat many diseases of the body. Corn cobs are included in diet menus and perform their tasks well.

Let's take a closer look at all the charms herbaceous plant and features of the corn diet.

What vitamins does it contain?

Corn contains many valuable vitamins and minerals:

Regular consumption of it leads to:

  • Improving the condition of the skin and hair follicles (vitamin A).
  • Establishment of work digestive system and minimization of depressive states (vitamins B, sulfur, chlorine).
  • Lowering cholesterol and slowing down cell aging (E).
  • Prevention of thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases (PP, potassium).
  • Acceleration of the metabolic process (choline).
  • Strengthening the bone structure (phosphorus).
  • Removal of toxins and raising immunity (magnesium, iron).

corn calories

KBJU per 100g of the product is as follows:

Name KBJU for 100g
Raw on the cob Calories: 101 kcal.

Carbohydrates: 22.5 g.

fried Calories: 304 kcal.

Proteins: 6.6 g

Fats: 7.4 g

Carbohydrates: 44.6

in the microwave Calories: 131 kcal.

Proteins: 3.6 g

Fats: 1.4 g

Carbohydrates: 25.9

Canned Calories: 67.5 kcal.

Proteins: 2.8 g

Fats: 0.9 g

Carbohydrates: 11.8

Popcorn Calories: 368.8 kcal.

Proteins: 7.3 g

Fats: 12.4 g

Carbohydrates: 57.2

Corn sticks Calories: 421.2 kcal.

Proteins: 4.4 g

Fats: 13.6

Carbohydrates: 67.8

Corn grits Calories: 325.1 kcal.

Proteins: 8.1 g

Fats: 1.2 g

Carbohydrates: 71

Daily intake

With a diet on corn, the amount of product eaten will exceed the norm. That is why it is recommended to stick to it for a small number of days. However, in the absence of contraindications for the allowable period, no harm is done to the body.

Corn diet and how it works

With this diet, corn becomes the main meal.

The principle of its effect on the body is as follows:

  • The low fat content avoids new deposits. Choline improves metabolic processes and promotes the burning of existing fat.
  • The fortified composition of the product not only maintains a healthy state, but also strengthens the immune system.
  • Cobs rich in fiber perfectly clean the slagged environment.
  • The diuretic property saves from puffiness and removes excess water.
  • Carbohydrates are used exclusively for daily energy and are not stored as fat.

Basic rules of the corn diet

Which corn is best for weight loss?

The best results come from the product in its natural raw form. Try to buy fresh ears and do not store them for a long time. Frozen vegetables are allowed, but they have a reduced vitamin content compared to the original.

The benefits and harms of the corn diet



  • monotony of the diet;
  • low rate of fats and sugars;
  • possible violation of the chair;
  • exacerbation of existing problems of the digestive tract.

Is it possible to boiled corn when losing weight?

Boiled corn is allowed due to its low calorie content, but you should not put it at the head of the diet. Cooking destroys a large part of the useful components.

Can I have canned corn?

It is better to refuse corn in cans or use them rarely, as a dessert. It is remarkable not only for its small vitamin complex but also lots of sugar.

Menu for 5 days

Corn diet should not exceed a week. Even 5 days will be enough. On the sixth day, start gradually introducing new foods for a smooth exit.

Below is a sample menu in the table:

Day Menu
Day 1 : corncob and .

Dinner: vegetable salad of tomato, cucumber and carrot, seasoned with lemon juice.

Afternoon snack: a handful of prunes.

Dinner: corn on the cob and green tea.

day 2 Breakfast: canned corn 200g and grated carrots, coffee.

Dinner: stewed with corn.

Afternoon snack: grapefruit.

Dinner: tomato and corn salad with herbs and lettuce leaves.

Day 3 Breakfast: baked cob.

: mushroom salad with corn.

Afternoon snack: a handful of dried apricots.

Dinner: carrot and corn salad.

Day 4 Breakfast: cabbage-corn salad with spices and lemon juice.

Dinner: corn with tomatoes and celery.

Afternoon snack: salad with apple, grapefruit half and corn.

: mushroom salad with corn, Pekin and cucumber, seasoned with vegetable oil.

Day 5 Breakfast: 200 g of corn porridge.

Dinner: salad from bell pepper and asparagus.

Afternoon snack: a handful of raisins.

Dinner: 200 g of porridge with mushrooms and broccoli.


The above list of recipes will help you evaluate the future diet in advance and facilitate the selection of daily dishes.

Steamed corn porridge with pumpkin


  • - 3 tbsp;
  • corn grits - 1 tbsp;
  • - 300 g;
  • salt, .



  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • canned corn - 200 g;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, ginger, herbs.


Corn salad



  • Combine cucumber cubes, lettuce leaves, chopped onions and corn in a salad bowl.
  • Season to taste and chop the herbs.

Vegetable stew


  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • corn - 1 cob;
  • - 1 PC.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, herbs, garlic.


  • Cut vegetables into large pieces.
  • Lightly fry onions and carrots.
  • Add the remaining vegetables with spices, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

Corn stigma columns

Corn cobs are useful not only for the content of grains, but also for the columns of stigma. Don't rush to get rid of them. This product is natural medicine and easy to apply.

It has the following properties:

Can you use corn at night?

Corn is a great last meal of the day. Boiled corn activates fat-burning processes and satisfies hunger. However, it is better to refuse the canned option at night. Excess sugar will negatively affect weight indicators.


Like any product, corn is not suitable for everyone and has a number of contraindications:

  • Thrombosis. Corn thickens the blood and accelerates clotting.
  • Deficiency in body weight. Decreased appetite can lead to depressive states and a drop in immunity.
  • Allergy. Use is contraindicated in the presence of allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Corn grains can exacerbate disease processes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Provokes colic and flatulence in infants.

Before a diet, take seriously the characteristics of your body and take into account all existing diseases. The best option would be to consult a specialist.

With a healthy appreciation of the path ahead, strictly follow all the instructions and follow the basic rules. Boldly go to your goal and do not chase quick results.

Corn is an amazing product - among some peoples it was deified, for others it is just an exotic fruit. The ancient Indians did not even talk about the fact that boiled corn, its benefits and harms, could be the cause of health problems.

They began to grow a culture on the South American continent, after which they met her on the European continent, Columbus contributed to this. Cooked corn is a favorite cereal product for many people around the world, since its benefits are beyond doubt.

Due to the substances contained in it, corn is a product with increased nutritional and biological activity. Given this, it is perfectly absorbed, which is important for diets. If you consume such a product every day, then the activation of nutrients in the body will increase significantly. A person begins to feel much better, his body is under reliable protection. So, boiled corn is very useful. It should be noted that its calorie content is low, it is equal to 123 kcal. It should be noted that such a low calorie content is adjacent to a large number of vitamins, and here, in the proportions necessary for the body, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

If we talk about cooking methods, then a boiled product is much more useful than a fried one. It is noteworthy that the product contains a considerable amount of calories, which does not prevent obese people from eating it. This is due to the fact that the body is quickly saturated and appetite decreases.

Useful properties of boiled corn

So, what is useful corn. The product contains many different minerals and vitamins, which will be preserved in large quantities after cooking. It is known that regular consumption of the product helps to fight stress, strengthens the nervous system, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and promotes the active production of red blood cells. It also contains a large amount of vitamin B1, for the daily norm it is enough to eat only 150 grams. boiled product.

About the benefits delicious boiled You can say a lot more corn, but a lot depends on how well such a product is prepared. Healthy tasty boiled corn can get rid of a variety of health problems, its advantage is that no special skills are required for high-quality cooking.

How to cook corn properly

If you boil corn and add a little butter, will not only be very tasty, but also useful. It is especially useful for those who suffer from various diseases of the liver, blood vessels, and heart. Thanks to the regular consumption of boiled corn, you can get rid of constipation, gouty attacks. Such a dish is also useful for those who are sick with nephritis, they just need to eat such a product.

If the product is steamed, more useful properties will be preserved in it. But you can boil the fruit just in water - a certain part of the nutrients will go into the water, but there will still be a sufficient amount of them. If it is decided to cook in a double boiler, then that the cobs, that the grains will be ready in half an hour, you can immediately eat them. Then the beneficial properties of corn will be preserved in full. Cooking on the cob is not difficult, it is better to buy young fruits. Young corn cooks faster and has a milder and more delicate flavor. There may be a small amount of seasoning in corn, some add finely chopped greens, which is tasty and healthy.

If young, fresh corn is bought, then it is quite enough to cook it for 10-15 minutes. If you bought an old one, then the cooking process will take much longer, at least two hours. And more about salt - you only need to salt the already cooked product to taste, and not add salt to the water during the cooking process. Otherwise, you can get a hard and dry vegetable. And salt should be added less.

When they talk about the benefits and harms for the body, the harm often comes not so much from boiled corn itself, but from a large amount of salt, with which many people flavor it. Boiled corn is useful for a person in its natural form, but it is permissible to add a little salt, pepper and butter. Eating such a product is not only healthy, but also tasty, and it is not harmful for the figure, especially when losing weight, there is no need to constantly count calories.

What else is the use of boiled corn

If you regularly eat boiled maize (you can also call it corn), then you don’t have to worry about having a weak immune system. The body is effectively cleansed of toxins, all toxins and toxins are quickly removed. Cholesterol levels with regular consumption of boiled vegetables are reduced, as well as the risk of getting heart disease. The product has a choleretic and diuretic effect, it effectively treats hypertension, you can get rid of edema. The benefits of boiled corn are not limited to this.

There are a number of other useful properties of such boiled grain:

  • bowel function is normalized;
  • fats are effectively burned;
  • purulent processes and fermentation processes are eliminated;
  • excellent remedy for epilepsy and stress;
  • the risk of oncological diseases is reduced;
  • you can get rid of impotence.

Many people wonder - is it possible to eat boiled corn for those who are sick diabetes. Everything is simple here: the consumption of such a product does not cause sugar surges, at the same time it is dietary and contains big number vitamins, so there are no barriers to its consumption. The benefits and harms of boiled corn should always be taken into account by people who have health problems. You can eat it, but only the quantity should be limited.

If you regularly and moderately eat a boiled vegetable for those people who suffer from type 2 diabetes, then it must be borne in mind that the product contains fiber and biologically active substances. All this can significantly reduce the glucose index and improve metabolism. If you eat a couple of cobs a day, then this is acceptable for all categories of patients.

What harm can boiled corn bring

The health benefits and harms of such a product have been studied by scientists for a long time. Few will argue with the fact that corn is a useful and valuable product, but even it has certain contraindications. You should not eat such a vegetable for those people who suffer from thrombosis, who have increased blood clotting and have thrombophlebitis. Boiled corn has benefits and harms to varying degrees, there are many times more benefits, but you should not forget about contraindications either.

People who complain of reduced appetite and are underweight should also limit their intake of this product. It is also worth refraining from consuming this product for those people who suffer from peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, especially during an exacerbation. It is especially dangerous for such people to eat crushed corn. With a diet for ulcers, it is contraindicated.

Is it possible to eat boiled corn for nursing mothers

After childbirth, women should treat their diet with the utmost care. It is clear that boiled corn in this regard also becomes a matter of doubt - is it possible to eat it in this position? It is not only possible, but also necessary, since boiled cereal grains are an excellent means for lactation, the quality of milk increases and it becomes larger, which favorably affects the condition of the baby. For women, this product is simply irreplaceable.

This product is also useful because there is no gluten. Namely, in most cases it causes the formation of allergic reactions and babies. However, you should not eat too much of such grains, otherwise increased gas formation and colic in the baby may be caused.

In the first 3-5 months of breastfeeding, it is necessary to limit the consumption of such a product to one ear per week, no more. After that, you can already eat more, but no more than 5 cobs per week.

If a woman wants to lose weight after giving birth, then eating boiled grains is useful. It has already been noted that the calorie content of the product is low. This is true not only for women, but also for men who want to build weight, but do not agree to starve. Interestingly, strict diets for a woman during lactation are contraindicated. But it is quite possible to replace the meal with a serving of boiled corn, so you can lose weight, quickly get enough and get rid of excess moisture, which is good for the baby.

How to store boiled corn

The advantages of this product are continued by the fact that even when stored, the health benefits of people are not lost. Boiling the fruits, nothing prevents you from immediately boiling a large number of cobs and then eating them for several days, without wasting time each time on a new cooking. If the product is boiled correctly, we can say that hearty snack or the main course is ready for a few days.

In order for the product to be stored longer and not to lose its useful and palatability, you need to know that he loves moisture. So, after the maize is cooked, it must be left in the broth until it becomes cold.

After everything has completely cooled down, the pan is covered with a lid and let it stand on the table (the maximum period is 12 hours), after which you need to put the product in the refrigerator. With such simple manipulations, there is no doubt that corn will remain tasty, juicy and healthy for several days. The beneficial properties and contraindications of such a product are the subject of many disputes, but one thing is for sure - moderate consumption of corn for the body does not entail any negative consequences.

Corn is a very common crop in Russia. Fresh corn is used as food, its grains, previously dried, are used in the production of popcorn.

Plant flour is ideal for baking tortillas, pancakes and muffins. Corn grits are able to regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood, it does not contain gluten.

This is only a small fraction of the beneficial properties that the plant has, but first things first.

Composition and calorie content

In addition to good taste, corn has medicinal properties. At the same time, it does not accumulate harmful substances in itself, which is several times safer than other plant products.

The calorie content of the "golden grain" is high. On the 100 grams of the product accounts for about 350 kilocalories.

Calorie boiled corn

In 100 gr. boiled corn about 125 kilocalories.

Most of the nutrients in fresh vegetables. It is rich in fats, carbohydrates, sucrose, proteins and dietary fiber.

Most of all on the cob are B vitamins, among which choline predominates. Its beneficial properties are known firsthand. It protects cell membranes, normalizes cholesterol levels in blood plasma, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and helps maintain normal body weight. Other vitamins - A, E, H affect the aging process, as a result of which the skin becomes a little younger and healthier.

There is a huge amount of minerals in corn: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vanadium, silicon, nickel, titanium, molybdenum, sulfur, iodine, etc.

Corn is used both in cooking and in medicine.

Doctors advise to be treated with "corn stigmas". They lower blood sugar levels, have a choleretic and diuretic effect, improve blood clotting, and prevent the appearance of worms. Decoctions based on "stigmas" are prescribed for cholecystitis, hepatitis and cholangitis.

You can buy corn stigma extract at a pharmacy and, if desired, prepare it at home. If you use such drugs for a long time, even kidney stones can dissolve over time.

Corn products contain selenium, which prevents the development of malignant tumors and slows down the aging process. They also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, quickly remove the remnants of alcohol from the body and make it easier to tolerate junk and fatty foods.

During the diet, corn dishes are advised to be consumed during fermentation of food in the intestines.

AT traditional medicine corn products were a source of strength in case of exhaustion, helped with menopause and violation of "menstruation". They have also been successfully used to treat loose stools, infertility and even impotence!

If you have diarrhea

Corn kernels fried with honey will help to regain the joy of life. They must be eaten one teaspoon every half an hour, washed down with boiled water.

If you are constipated

Boiled cob will help get rid of this ailment. At the same time, it must be watered with oil. This recipe is also suitable for the treatment of gout, liver and nephritis.

If you have gastritis

Pureed soup is an ideal treatment for gastritis, it has a calming effect on the gastric mucosa.

You can reduce the risk of developing oncology by simply eating corn porridge with suluguni cheese.

Corn in cooking

Many chefs add this vegetable to their dishes to give them originality. Corn kernels are very tasty whether they are boiled or fried. Porridges are boiled from crushed grains, cakes are baked. The flour of the plant is used to make dough, from which dumplings, dumplings and bread are made.

by the most a simple dish are boiled cobs. They are cooked for one and a half hours in lightly salted water, in a saucepan with a tightly closed lid. To preserve more useful properties, the cob can be cooked in a double boiler.

To achieve the maximum benefit for your body from corn, cook dishes based on it. There are only few grains. There are many recipes for your creativity on the Internet today. The only contraindication is not to eat vegetable-based popcorn and chips, which are sold at every turn today. They contain a lot chemical substances harmful to the body.

Corn has been successfully used as a cosmetic product. With uneven skin, acne, pimples, pigmentation, you can make a mask of corn. To do this, one tablespoon of flour is taken and brewed with boiling water.

After the mixture swells, it is applied to a pre-washed and cleansed face for fifteen minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water without soap, then the face is smeared with corn oil.

After another fifteen minutes, the remnants of the mask must be removed with a napkin. This procedure is done three to four times a week.

Treatment with corn: folk methods

You can alleviate your condition with hypertension by preparing the following mixture:

  • one glass of warm water;
  • half a glass of cornmeal.

Mix everything and insist in a cool place for 24 hours. Take two tablespoons two to three times daily before meals.

Corn quite deservedly bears the title of "Queen of the Fields", thanks to the huge amount of useful substances that are contained in the composition, as well as its availability in our country. Corn is used not only in boiled or canned form, it is also very popular for baking and stewing, and medicinal oil, flour, and cereals are also made from corn. But is corn healthy, you ask. And in this article we will analyze all the properties of this delicious and wonderful vegetable plant for our body.

Useful properties of corn

Vegetarians, as well as anyone who struggles with blood cholesterol levels, love and respect corn very much for its rich content of balanced proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is absolutely not inferior to meat. It also contains incredibly important unsaturated fatty acids for the human body, as well as amino acids that perform many important functions.


In addition, this delicious natural product is very useful for problems with gastrointestinal tract- corn perfectly fights constipation and intestinal obstruction. Pectins from corn kernels have an antitumor property and thus prevent the possibility of the appearance of unwanted formations in the human body, which is very important at the current level of ecology.

Useful substances in corn:

  • vitamins B1, B2, PP, E, C, D, K;
  • nickel;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - arachidonic, linoleic, linolenic;
  • amino acids tryptophan and lysine.

Corn perfectly removes toxins and toxins, and also participates in the formation of muscle fibers, which is especially important for everyone who plays sports, adheres to diet food and wants to give the body relief. Corn also contributes to a strong choleretic effect, relieves cholecystitis, fights hepatitis. This miracle plant is recommended to anyone who suffers from diabetes, allergies and obesity.

Who is corn bad for?

Is boiled corn healthy?

Almost all the beneficial properties of corn are preserved even after it is cooked. Due to the fact that the grains have a dense and strong shell, they retain a maximum important substances and at the same time does not absorb harmful chemicals that can enter the plant from fertilizers. Boiled corn helps to speed up metabolism and metabolic processes in the body, in addition, it allows you to keep weight at a stable level, which is very important for everyone who wants to keep and consolidate the result after losing weight.

How long to cook corn by time

Cooking time for corn depends on its degree of maturity. It can be conditionally divided into 3 types of maturity: young, mature and overripe.

  1. Unripe young ears of corn have soft juicy grains of light yellow color. It is enough to cook them for about 15 minutes in boiling water.
  2. Mature corn, having an average yellow, and grains of medium hardness must be held in a pot of boiling water for about 30 minutes.
  3. Overripe old corn has hard grains, dark yellow hue. It is recommended to cook it for 1-1.5 hours.

Who is corn bad for?

Corn should be limited to those who suffer from poor blood clotting. In addition, corn in the form of flakes, chips and popcorn has absolutely no beneficial properties and can often greatly harm the human body, so its use in this form should be limited as much as possible, or even better, completely abandoned.

How much corn can you eat per day

Corn grains are high in calories - 100 grams contain approximately 320 kilocalories. Therefore, during the day, nutritionists recommend eating no more than 300 grams of corn in order to maintain thin waist saturate the body with useful substances from corn.

How to choose healthy corn

First you need to open the cob of corn and carefully examine the grains. They should be a solid golden yellow, and there should be no extraneous shades of green, red or gray between the rows. Such spots indicate that the cob is infected with a fungus and should never be eaten. Do not buy cobs whose leaves are damaged by insects or birds, as the bacteria that spread through the vegetable can cause significant harm to your body. Inspect the grains carefully - they should not be broken or lose their integrity. These simple manipulations will help not only to maintain your health, but also to avoid serious diseases and poisoning.

Healthy recipes with corn

Corn is a very tasty and healthy vegetable. But not many people know about it. medicinal properties. Below you will find old Russian recipes for maintaining health and beauty.

Face mask with corn

To prepare a nourishing rich corn face mask, you will need 2 tablespoons of cornmeal, as well as egg white. Mix these ingredients in a bowl and apply a thick layer on cleansed, prepared face skin. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water. Don't forget to refresh your face with a tonic and apply a moisturizer. This mask maintains the elasticity of the skin, fights excess fat, cleanses and nourishes the face.

Corn oil for hair beauty

Corn kernel oil has a huge benefit, not only for satiety fatty acids body, but also as a means to strengthen and grow healthy hair. Corn oil perfectly nourishes the scalp and hair follicles, stimulates hair growth and moisturizes them. All you have to do is rub pure corn oil into your hair roots, put on a shower cap, and keep warm with a towel. After 45 minutes, shampoo your hair with warm water.

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