What can be done from a rabbit. What can be cooked from a rabbit? Easy homemade rabbit recipes

Recipes 07.10.2018

Rabbit meat is considered the most dietary meat. And indeed it is. Firstly, it contains a lot of protein, which is 90% digestible, unlike beef protein. Secondly, it contains almost no fats and cholesterol.

Well, and thirdly, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are needed for the formation of not only muscle mass but also good immunity. Next, we will tell you how to cook a delicious rabbit, but first we will decide how to choose it correctly at the point of sale.

Choosing the right and good meat today is quite difficult, because a huge selection of antibiotics, chemical animal foods and durable chemicals help the owners raise a strong and well-fed animal, but all the chemicals accumulate in the body and make the meat poisonous.

How to buy a fresh rabbit and not get poisoned by it? Take advantage of our helpful tips at the time of buying:

  1. When buying a product, you should make sure that the seller has the appropriate certificate, which will confirm compliance with all necessary standards;
  2. It is worth buying a carcass of a 3-4 month old animal. It is at this time that the meat is especially tasty and does not yet contain aged fats. The carcass will weigh about 1500 grams;
  3. The carcass must have furry paws and a tail - this is a guarantee that the buyer is really a rabbit, not a cat;
  4. The meat should be smooth, pink, without damage and bruising.

When buying a rabbit, you should decide in advance for which particular dish it will be needed. If the target is broth, you can only purchase upper part carcasses, as it has more bones and the broth will be rich. But if it is supposed to stew or bake the beast, then it is worth taking the back, which is fleshy.

As soon as the meat is bought, it must be washed well and soaked in cool water for a couple of hours. Thus, the specific smell from the meat is removed. You can soak in ordinary water and that will be enough. If you want to add spice, you can drip a little lemon juice.

Using any recipe for cooking rabbit meat involves pre-soaking the meat. In some cases, soaking can replace the marinade, but usually the rabbit is both soaked and marinated.

How to easily cook a delicious rabbit in the oven

You can cook a rabbit in any way. But it turns out to be especially tasty after passing through the oven. And the calorie content of the dish will be low if the meat is baked, and not stewed or fried.

With the help of spices, you can change the taste of the dish and customize it to your personal taste preferences.

But the addition of sour cream will make the meat juicy, but not so high-calorie if you use cream. You can also reduce calories if you take store-bought sour cream, not homemade, and dilute it with a little water.

Oregano, basil and thyme are great spices.


  • medium-sized rabbit carcass;
  • 500 ml sour cream;
  • medium-sized onion and carrot;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • garlic (3-4 cloves);
  • herbs 0.5 tsp each;
  • salt with pepper and lavrushka - to taste.

Cooking time: 90 minutes.

Calories: 186 calories.

How to stew a rabbit quickly and tasty in a pan

But not only in the oven you can get juicy meat that will melt in your mouth. A simple frying pan works well for this.

If you have to stew not only meat, but also vegetables, it is best to use two pans - one for frying, and the second, deep, for stewing.

Classic meat dish little animal- it's hot. It only takes time and a deep frying pan or cauldron.

  • 0.6 kg rabbit;
  • 0.6 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2-3 small onions;
  • 1/2 cup sour cream;
  • 1/3 cup tomato paste;
  • 50 gr butter;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • spices to taste.

Time: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Calories: 190 calories.

Rabbit stewed in its own juice with sour cream and mushrooms

How delicious to cook a rabbit in sour cream? Due to the fact that rabbit meat is a very dietary meat, it can be cooked even with fatty homemade sour cream. Sour cream will make the meat juicy and especially tasty.

Tender rabbit meat in sour cream and champignon sauce is perfect for holiday table or a quiet family dinner. It goes well with any side dish and can also serve as an independent dish.

  • 2-3 kg of rabbit meat;
  • 2 onions;
  • 0.7 kg of champignons;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 500 ml sour cream;
  • spices to taste.

Required time: 2.5 hours.

Calories: 200 calories.

Non-standard recipes

Usually the meat is either fried or stewed (baked) with standard vegetables and spices. But there are several unusual recipes for preparing this wonderful beast.

Rabbit stewed in beer

This non-standard cooking recipe is perfect for a bachelor party or a holiday party. The beer will give its hops and taste to the meat, which will turn out spicy and juicy. The main thing is not to drive after eating meat!


  • rabbit carcass;
  • beer - 0.5 l;
  • meat broth - 0.2 l;
  • cloves - 5 pieces;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 tsp cinnamon;
  • lavrushka;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time: 120 minutes.

Calories: 250 calories.

Rabbit roast in a slow cooker

A multicooker makes life much easier for any housewife. Especially in the pre-holiday time, when there is a lot to do, but you want to surprise guests with a delicious dish. How to deliciously cook a rabbit with potatoes in a slow cooker? It makes excellent roast rabbit, which is cooked virtually without outside help.


  • a kilo of rabbit meat;
  • 500 ml cream (30% fat);
  • 3 art. l 9% vinegar;
  • 2 onions;
  • 100 gr butter;
  • spices at your own discretion.

Cooking time: 2 hours (the amount of time depends on the type of multicooker).

Calories: 150 calories.

  1. Marinate the rabbit in cold water and vinegar (1 spoon per 1 liter). Let the meat stand in such a marinade for an hour;
  2. After the allotted time, take out the meat, dry it and fry until golden brown over high heat;
  3. Put the meat in the multicooker bowl;
  4. Peel the onions and cut into thin rings. Fry in meat juice in the same pan;
  5. Put the onion in a slow cooker and pour over the cream. Add spices and oil;
  6. In the "Extinguishing" mode, under the lid, bring the meat to readiness;
  7. The cooking time varies depending on the power of the multicooker, so you need to look at readiness. Increase or decrease the cooking time as needed.

Liver paste

Don't know how delicious to cook rabbit liver at home? We will advise! Rabbit liver is a delicacy, no less than goose liver.

Since the rabbit is a herbivore, its liver contains no harmful toxins or chemicals.

Making pâté at home is very simple and quick.


  • rabbit liver - 0.5 kg;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • butter - 50 gr;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • nutmeg (ground) - on the tip of a knife;
  • pepper - to taste;
  • a few sprigs of fresh dill.

Required time: 1 hour.

Calories: 170 kcal.

Enjoy your meal!

Another recipe for making rabbit in red wine is in the next video.

In contact with

“Rabbits are not only valuable fur,” - well, who among us has not heard this catchphrase of Ukrainian comedians. And they are right, since not only fur, but also the meat of this animal is recommended by nutritionists, because it is low-fat and dietary, and it has “bad cholesterol”.

Every mother should know how to cook a rabbit for a child, since rabbit meat is recommended for small children, because it contains a lot of vitamins, nutrients, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, potassium. There are a lot of rabbit meat dishes, so we wanted to talk about how to properly cook a rabbit that is delicious to madness and melts in your mouth, as well as how to cook rabbit meat soft, tender and juicy.

It is interesting that in Russia they did not eat rabbit meat, and even hare, before the start of Nikon's reforms. The Old Believers believed that the beast is wild and unclean, so its meat cannot be eaten. Jews don't eat rabbits either. But Asians and Europeans have always eaten rabbits, and they cook them in a variety of ways. Europeans, for example, know the secret of how to cook rabbit legs. They turn out just amazing.

So, how do you cook a rabbit that your family will love too? Rabbit meat is the purest meat. Rabbits, like bunnies, are very picky when it comes to food, so they will not eat food used for growth with chemical impurities and additives. How to cook rabbit meat so that it turns out juicy and tender? Even if you study the recipe for how to cook a rabbit as a keepsake, its photo is in front of you, then it is not at all necessary to know all the subtleties and nuances of its preparation. It is much more important to learn how to prepare rabbit meat for a dish, so you yourself, no doubt, will remember how to cook a domestic rabbit.

At home, rabbit meat is suitable for preparing both the first course and the second. How to cook soft rabbit so that its meat is more tasty. To do this, 24 hours before cooking, the rabbit carcass must be marinated. Here's how to cook a rabbit photo of his marinade. To do this, it is recommended to add two onions cut into rings, finely chopped parsley, celery garlic, add bay leaf, seasoning for meat, black pepper, and one teaspoon of sugar - sand to half a liter of table vinegar. Boil the marinade for ten minutes at a low boil. Cut the rabbit carcass into six parts, place in a saucepan, pour cold marinade over and leave for a day, cover the meat with a lid on top, put the rabbit under the marinade under oppression. Marinated rabbit meat is softer, it is very tender, and the duration of its preparation is also significantly reduced.

According to its nutritional properties, each part of the rabbit carcass is useful in its own way. So, how to cook a delicious fried rabbit, each part of it. For frying, the back of rabbit meat is better suited, i.e. back and leg. To know how to quickly cook a rabbit, for this, first, learn how to separate the rabbit carcasses into back and front.

Remember, when cutting rabbit meat, make a cut along the last lumbar vertebra. Both the upper and lower parts of the rabbit are cut into several more small parts. In order not to darken the rabbit carcass, after cutting the meat, be sure to rub it with lemon.

Below we have detailed how to cook a rabbit. Recipes for cooking dishes with rabbit meat are many. Here is a selection of how to cook a delicious rabbit, recipes.

How to cook a rabbit. Recipes. How to cook a rabbit in the oven

How to cook a delicious rabbit? One of the most useful, simple and better ways is to bake it in the oven. Using our easy recipe for how to cook a rabbit in the oven, you will get a fragrant, tender (which is important), melt in your mouth, soft dish. You can cook a rabbit in the oven without stuffing. Here's a look at how to cook a rabbit deliciously, a photo of this most delicate dish.


  • 1.5-2 kg of rabbit meat,
  • half a liter of sour cream,
  • garlic, black pepper,
  • vinegar, salt
  • frying margarine,
  • seasoning for meat.

How to cook rabbit:

Dilute vinegar with water, do not pour a lot of vinegar, the water should smell a little like vinegar, put the rabbit to soak for an hour or three. After pulling out the carcass of the rabbit, wipe it dry with a towel, throw out the insides, except for the kidneys, liver and heart. Coat the rabbit carcass well on all sides, make cuts in the meat to stuff the carcass with garlic. Let the rabbit rest for an hour.

Fry the carcass until golden brown in a pan, over high heat, in butter or margarine. After that, put the carcass in a saucepan, pour sour cream, pour fat from the pan, let the meat boil, simmer for about forty minutes. The readiness of the meat is checked with a fork or knife. If the rabbit is soft, then the dish is ready.

How to cook rabbit with potatoes and sour cream

No wonder the most common way to cook rabbit meat is rabbit in sour cream, since it is this ingredient that makes rabbit meat taste very tender, despite the fact that this meat is the most delicate and dietary in itself. However, in order for the dish to be also tasty, you need to remember how to cook a rabbit with potatoes correctly.


  • portioned rabbit pieces - 6 pieces,
  • champignons - 200 grams,
  • sour cream - 150 grams,
  • garlic - 3 cloves,
  • jar of olives,
  • potatoes - 8 pieces,
  • dried rosemary,
  • white wine - 100 ml,
  • a mixture of peppers or freshly ground pepper, salt to taste.

A detailed recipe for how to cook a rabbit with sour cream:

Marinate the meat, as we taught you. Cut off the white film from the top of the rabbit, put the carcass in an enameled container, pour water, add the juice of ½ lemon, a little vinegar, a sprig of rosemary. Leave the rabbit to marinate for a few hours. It is better if you marinate the whole rabbit, and only then cut it into portions.

Remove the carcass from the marinade, cut into pieces. Grate each piece of rabbit meat with pepper, salt, spices and herbs. Remove the core from the garlic by cutting the garlic clove in half. Mushrooms medium-sized cut into 4 parts, finely chop the garlic. Peel potatoes and cut into small pieces.

Fry the rabbit pieces, as usual, until a bright golden crust in a frying pan heated with oil. In the oil in which the meat was fried, first fry the champignons, after them add garlic, finely chopped, so it definitely will not burn. Fry the vultures together with garlic for 1 minute and add potatoes, pepper and salt to taste. Transfer the rabbit pieces to the potatoes with mushrooms, pour over the wine and sprinkle with rosemary. Add fire so that the rabbit evaporates in wine.

Lower the heat, pour in the sour cream, cover with a lid. Simmer over low heat for about 1 hour. Potatoes should be soft. Now you will already know how to cook a rabbit in sour cream and potatoes. Delicious, right?

How to cook a rabbit in a slow cooker

You will say, “carried with a single sour cream” the meat is seasoned. We dare to learn how to cook a rabbit in a slow cooker, in a cauldron with the addition of other ingredients. Even experienced chefs recommend learning how to cook a rabbit in a slow cooker. Our recipe is very simple and will require little time to prepare the products.


  • 1.5 kg rabbit carcass;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 large heads of onions;
  • 3 large tomatoes;
  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • parsley, marjoram;
  • pepper and salt;
  • 200 ml. water.

How to cook a rabbit in a slow cooker:

Immediately set the "Baking" mode, fry the rabbit, turn over. After ten minutes, add the onion and fry it along with the rabbit. Pour 0.5 cups of water into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour. Peel the potatoes and chop coarsely. Slice the tomatoes as well. Add vegetables to the rabbit, add spices, herbs and salt. Add more water, simmer with rabbit and vegetables dish for 1 hour. Sprinkle greens before serving.

How to cook rabbit in wine

From time immemorial, white wine has been considered the best pickling option. After all, it is wine that removes the specific smell of a rabbit well, perfectly softens the meat, flavors it. As a result, the dish is tender and refined, with a pleasant taste and aroma, and beneficial features rabbit meat is stored longer. Many people use red wine instead of white for pickling. French chefs are very fond of pickling meat in red wine, and certainly with herbs and spices. So, let's learn how to cook a rabbit in wine


  • 2 kg rabbit;
  • 8 pieces of fresh tomatoes;
  • 200 ml. dry white wine;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp dry or sprig of fresh rosemary, oregano, coriander;
  • salt, vegetable oil, black pepper.

How to cook rabbit in wine:

Fry the rabbit pieces. Cut the tomatoes into slices, and the garlic into slices. Put the rabbit meat in a bowl, bake with wine and rosemary. Stew the rabbit well on the stove for no more than twenty minutes. Stew the meat for 10 minutes without a lid, otherwise the wine will not evaporate. After that, you can stew the rabbit under the lid. Then put the rabbit pieces on a baking sheet and place in the oven for boiling at high temperature(180-190) degrees. Fry the rabbit under the lid in the oven for fifteen minutes.

How to cook braised rabbit

Let's talk a little about how to stew a rabbit. As with frying or boiling rabbit meat, when stewing, you need to remember how to cook a stewed rabbit. First, before cooking, soak the meat in water with vinegar. The rabbit will be tender if stewed in milk, sour cream, white or red wine, champagne, beer, broth, tomato. As a sauce, choose exactly those foods that you and your family love, and then a new dish will delight you - stewed rabbit.


  • 1 kg rabbit
  • 260 grams of smoked brisket,
  • 3 onions,
  • 3 art. l. ghee or pork fat,
  • 1.5 st. l. wheat flour
  • Bay leaf,
  • 50 grams of red wine
  • ground red and black pepper to taste.

How to cook braised rabbit:

In order to prepare a rabbit carcass for the holiday, initially chop it into small pieces. The insides of the rabbit are also suitable, cut the heart, lungs and liver into small pieces, salt, pepper, fry in a saucepan until golden brown in fat.

Scald the smoked pork belly with boiling water, cut into thin slices, and chop the onion. Add the prepared onion and brisket to the rabbit, add a little more meat broth or boiled water. Cover the meat with a lid, simmer over low heat. Sprinkle the meat with flour after it is cooked, pour in the wine and put a bay leaf. Simmer for another eight minutes with the spices of the rabbit. Serve the stewed rabbit on the festive table along with herbs and vegetables. Garnish with rice and potatoes.

How to cook rabbit liver

From rabbit liver you can cook a lot of delicious, healthy meals. However, fried liver is still considered the most common dish, because it is as healthy as rabbit meat, rich in useful minerals and amino acids.

In addition, cooking a rabbit liver does not take much time, so any housewife will master a liver dish. It is also important to consider what rabbit liver is, how to cook it. Any liver, not only rabbit, cooks very quickly, so you can’t overdo it.


  • 500 grams of rabbit liver,
  • ¼ lemon juice
  • black pepper to taste
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • coriander, oregano to taste,
  • 350 grams of fresh lettuce leaves,
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil, salt.

For sauce:

  • 2 bows
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil,
  • celery,
  • 100 milliliters of heavy cream,
  • 2 tbsp. l. corn flour,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook rabbit liver:

Clean the liver from films, prepare the marinade. To do this, squeeze peeled garlic through a spadefoot, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, oregano, lemon juice, and black pepper to taste. Lubricate the liver with the resulting marinade, leave the liver to marinate in the marinade for about forty minutes.

After the liver is fried, you know that rabbit liver is not fried for more than ten minutes. Next, as the liver is fried, pour sauce over it. We prepare the sauce as follows: chop the onion into half rings, fry the celery root in a saucepan and add lean oil, to taste black pepper, table salt, 2 tbsp. corn flour, pour boiling water, ¼ cup. Boil the sauce until it becomes thick, half an hour, pour cream into the sauce before the end of cooking. Leave to freeze.

Cut the carrot, fry it a little in vegetable oil, add coriander, fry it for a minute, salt. Catch the carrots from the oil, put them on a separate plate, and pour the rabbit liver into the oil and fry until a golden crust appears. Fry, stirring constantly, for about five minutes, look, do not overdo the liver so that it does not become too tough. Under the bottom of the liver, carefully lay out the lettuce leaves, washed in advance. Drizzle with sauce.

How to cook rabbit up your sleeve

The rabbit carcass baked in the sleeve is a tasty, interesting and original dish that can be baked with potatoes and vegetables. If you come across a large rabbit, then divide it into 2 parts, and also bake separately. It should be noted that the dishes in the sleeve from the carcass of the rabbit are incredibly popular, and you are unlikely to regret that you already know how to cook the rabbit in the sleeve.


  • one rabbit carcass
  • 400 grams of fat sour cream
  • 100 milliliters olive oil
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 200 ml dry white wine
  • 5 garlic cloves
  • pepper, herbs, dried basil, salt.

How to cook a rabbit in the sleeve:

Finely - finely chop the garlic cloves, mix with herbs, basil and spices. Fry the rabbit carcass in olive oil, roll in spices and garlic, basil and herbs that you like to add to the rabbit. Let the meat stand like this for 2 hours. Then melt the butter in a frying pan, pour in olive oil, fry the pieces of rabbit meat. Take out the rabbit meat, and add white wine to the pan with oil, boil it a little with sour cream, but before that it is better to strain the wine. Add herbs and spices.

Pour the rabbit meat with sauce, place a dish in the sleeve. Bake for 1.5 hours. After opening the package, if you want the rabbit in the oven to turn ruddy, with a delicious crust. Well, here, the rabbit in the sleeve is already ready, you can safely taste it and serve it to the festive table. We hope our recipe will help you, and you will surely remember how to cook a rabbit in your sleeve.

How to cook rabbit in mayonnaise

All sour cream and sour cream. In mayonnaise, the rabbit is also delicious. Let's take a closer look at how to cook a rabbit in mayonnaise. The dish is prepared quickly.


  • one kilogram of rabbit carcass
  • one hundred and fifty grams of mayonnaise
  • ten cloves of garlic
  • five black peppercorns
  • four bay leaves
  • two onions
  • two teaspoons of salt
  • for frying vegetable oil

How to cook rabbit in mayonnaise:

Peel the onion, cut it into rings. And fry as usual until golden brown. Divide the garlic into four cloves. Wash the rabbit carcass, dry it and cut it into portions, in equal pieces. Put the rabbit meat in a frying pan with very hot vegetable oil so that it turns golden. After you remove the rabbit meat from the heat, stuff each piece of meat with pieces of garlic. Sprinkle with salt, put in a brazier.

Put all the fried onions on top of the rabbit, pour in water, the water should not cover the rabbit meat, but only the middle. Simmer until cooked only on low heat. Mayonnaise the pieces of rabbit pour twenty minutes before readiness. Five minutes before the end of the quenching, throw a bay leaf. Dish "rabbit in mayonnaise" is ready!

How to cook rabbit stew

Stew is the number one meat product in a situation where temporarily fresh meat cannot be prepared or when there is simply no time. From this article you will learn how to cook rabbit stew - incomparably tasty and healthy meat.

With a sharp knife, remove the meat from four or five carcasses of rabbits. This amount of meat is enough to fill a couple of cans. In rabbits, separate the internal fat, it is needed to cover the bottom of the jar, just transfer it to a separate bowl. Put on the bottom of each jar two bay leaves scalded with boiling water, internal rabbit fat, pork fat, if any (a layer of 2 centimeters will be enough).

Then put the rabbit meat tightly in jars, put 3 or 4 peas of allspice black or ground pepper, three cloves each.

After the meat has been trampled into the jar, add 1 tsp. topped with table salt. Cover the meat from above again with lard or internal fat 2 centimeters thick. Cover jars with lids and pour warm water up to shoulders. Put the jars on a low fire. Five hours after the jars began to boil, take them out of the water and, without lifting the lid, roll up. The rabbit stew is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

A properly cooked rabbit can be a decoration for any holiday table. Rabbit meat is not only very tender and tasty, but also beneficial for the human body, due to its dietary properties and the content of a large number of essential amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Rabbit meat contains a very small amount of cholesterol, so it is recommended for obese patients and people who have had a stroke.

Nutritionists advise eating rabbit meat as often as possible. But there is a problem: many people think that rabbit is difficult to cook, because often the meat turns out to be very tough. The only difficulty in cooking rabbit meat is time, because the meat must first be marinated, and rabbit meat is also stewed for a long time. In this article, you will learn recipes on how to cook this dietary meat deliciously.

How to cook delicious rabbit - spices for rabbit meat

Rabbit meat requires spices that emphasize its juicy taste. But, most importantly, do not overdo it with seasonings and do not overshadow the delicate notes of the taste of the meat itself.

Great for:

  • Black pepper.
  • Shallot.
  • Oregano.
  • Thyme.
  • Parsley.
  • Basil.
  • Marjoram.
  • Khmeli-suneli.

How to cook delicious rabbit - marinade

Rabbit meat is very dry meat, so it is recommended to soak it in a marinade before cooking. In addition, this procedure will remove the specific rabbit flavor that many gourmets do not like.
The following ingredients are great for marinating:

  • Olive oil with crushed garlic.
  • Acetic acid.
  • White or red dry wine.
  • Spices and spices.
  • Lemon juice.

Recipe for stewed rabbit in sour cream with potatoes

To prepare this very tasty and satisfying dish you will need:

  • Rabbit meat.
  • Sour cream (it is better to take medium fat content).
  • Onion.
  • Carrot.
  • Dried spices: onion, garlic and dill.
  • Potato.
  • Green pea.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Khmeli-suneli.
  • Butter.
  • Black pepper, salt.
  • Olive oil, garlic.

First, wash the meat and dry it with a paper towel, then cut it into small pieces. Add the crushed garlic, salt and black pepper to the olive oil and rub the mixture over the rabbit, leaving it to marinate for an hour.

While the meat is marinating, prepare potatoes and carrots: vegetables need to be boiled. After the potatoes are ready, mash them well with a fork or other convenient way, while you should not get mashed potatoes, but just large pieces of boiled potatoes. Add the butter, salt, and dill to the pot, along with the green peas and diced carrots. Mix the garnish well.

When the rabbit is marinated, fry it on both sides for about 10 minutes in a deep cauldron in hot oil. Add water, onion, bay leaf, spices to the rabbit and simmer for about 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, add sour cream to the broth and simmer for another half hour (until the meat separates from the bone). Add more seasonings if necessary.

Rabbit baked in the oven

This recipe will appeal to connoisseurs of traditional and simple cuisine: such a dish will decorate any holiday table.

  • You can bake a rabbit as a whole, but this process is very long, and the meat is not always soft. Therefore, many housewives cut the meat into small pieces before baking.
  • Before cooking, it is advisable to marinate rabbit meat overnight in a classic marinade consisting of seasonings, olive oil and garlic. Remember, the longer the rabbit marinates, the softer and tastier it is.
  • If the meat is young, then it is not necessary to pickle it, it will be enough just to soak it in water.
  • You can also boil the meat with spices and bay leaves before baking to make the rabbit soft.
  • The rabbit is baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for at least an hour. You can bake meat with potatoes or in foil.

Rabbit baked with apples

We bring to your attention a delicious and quite interesting recipe.
For cooking you will need:

  • Rabbit meat.
  • Green apples.
  • Lemon.
  • Soy sauce and spices.

Marinate washed and dried rabbit pieces in honey, lemon juice and spices. You can buy a special seasoning for rabbit, but it is also suitable for chicken. Add small pieces of apples to the rabbit.
Place the bowl of meat in the refrigerator for an hour to absorb the subtle flavor of the mixture.
After the time has passed, send the rabbit to the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

As you can see, cooking a rabbit is not so difficult, even a beginner can handle it, the main thing is to have patience. Choose one of the recipes that you like and please your loved ones with a delicious and healthy dish!

One of the most useful and dietary meat products is rabbit meat, which has high nutritional values ​​and is superior in quality to the meat of other animals. It does not contain heavy metals, cholesterol, herbicides; rich in proteins, vitamins B6, PP, B12, it contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, cobalt, manganese.

Rabbit meat is indispensable in children's and dietary nutrition due to its 100% digestibility. Rabbit meat is considered extremely useful for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, atherosclerosis, biliary tract, hypertension and many other diseases.

Rabbit meat, being juicy and tender meat, is prepared easily and simply. Today, there are a lot of all kinds of recipes to cook a delicious rabbit dish.

How to cook rabbit meat

Each hostess finds her own individual method of cooking rabbit meat dishes, according to her taste and imagination. But one thing remains unchanged: the rabbit must be juicy, soft, tender. To do this, it is advisable to pre-soak the carcass. Without soaking or marinating the carcass, you will not get a tasty and juicy dish. Marinate the rabbit again to your liking: in white wine, in wine vinegar (diluted with plenty of water), in whey, olive oil, ordinary soda.

The meat of young rabbits is recommended to be soaked only in water so that it does not lose its natural flavor. In vinegar, it is desirable to soak only the carcasses of males. Of course, pre-soaking takes a lot of time, but it's worth it to make the dish especially tasty.

It should be remembered that, basically, the front part of the carcass is boiled and stewed, the back part is usually fried. It is not desirable to bake whole rabbit meat in the oven, although it is permissible.

To give the dish an unusual aroma and specific taste, various spices are used. Onion, salt give a rich flavor to food , black pepper, bay leaf, lemon, garlic. A pleasant taste is added by cloves, basil, rosemary, thyme, celery and other spices.

Rabbit Recipes

today manufacturing the most delicious dishes from this type of meat is not particularly difficult. Meat is prepared in many ways: it is fried, boiled, stewed, steamed, baked, grilled - there are many wonderful and varied recipes for preparing rabbit meat.

How to cook a rabbit in the oven

Most often, meat is cooked in the oven. How to achieve an incredibly appetizing meal is the work of a good housewife. The most common and popular recipe is rabbit in sour cream sauce. The pickled carcass is cut into pieces, slightly fried, laid on a baking sheet; add passivated to butter onion rings, carrot strips, chopped garlic. Sprinkle salt, pepper, herbs on top, put bay leaves, cumin, tomatoes; pour in heated sour cream, put in the oven for twenty minutes, periodically pouring sauce.

A juicy meal is obtained if rabbit pieces pre-fried for five minutes are baked in the oven, adding salt, grated carrots and mayonnaise on top.

Tender rabbit meat is obtained if marinated pieces are fried in olive oil (until a crust appears), put in a tall saucepan, add a liter of water, salt and cook over low heat for one hour. Then add a glass of cream, less than half a glass of white wine, one table. a spoonful of flour, mix, bring to a boil. Put out in the oven until cooked.

An appetizing dish can be made by stuffing the carcass with bacon, pepper, fry in breadcrumbs until golden brown. Transfer to a baking sheet, layering with onions (in large quantities), pour hot water over, send to the oven until cooked. Before being ready to add peppercorns - black and allspice, sour cream, bay leaf.

Cook rabbit in a slow cooker

A universal device - a multicooker - an assistant to any housewife! It is possible to cook absolutely everything in it! With the help of a multicooker, you can simplify the process of preparing any dish, including rabbit dishes. Meat prepared in this way literally melts in your mouth: it is good for babies and the elderly to eat such meat.

You can try to cook a dish of rabbit meat with prunes. First, the pieces of meat are fried, then carrots, onions, spices, salt and pepper are added. Dressed with mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. Fill two-thirds with water and mix. Soaked prunes are added half an hour before readiness, which will give the dish an exquisite taste. Minced garlic is added five to seven minutes before readiness.

Vegetables add an unusual taste to rabbit meat dishes. Cut off leeks white part, chopped and mixed with meat. Pour in water, add salt and pepper to taste. Chopped vegetables - colored and Brussels sprouts, green beans, the tomatoes are laid out on the fixture of the multicooker for a couple. In the "Multipovar" mode, they cook for half an hour.

soft rabbit recipe

For those who do not want to marinate rabbit meat in vinegar, so as not to lose its natural taste, there is a very healthy recipe cooking it in the oven. Cut the carcass into pieces, add onion rings, sprinkle with seasoning, salt a little. Completely pour kefir and put in the refrigerator for twelve hours.

After this time, pour in the prepared mustard, mix, leave for ten minutes. Then put on a baking sheet, greased with oil, pieces of meat and keep in the oven for fifteen minutes. Take out, turn over the pieces, put another fifteen minutes. Take out a baking sheet, pour marinade (with kefir), sprinkle with herbs and simmer until tender. Serve hot with any side dish.

Softness can be achieved by keeping the rabbit in milk or ayran. Enjoy your meal!

Rabbit meat is a tasty and healthy product. The taste qualities of rabbit meat are known to culinary specialists all over the world, but this type of meat began to appear on the tables of ordinary residents relatively recently. Housewives often wonder how to cook a rabbit, as it seems to many that meat requires a special approach and ingredients. In fact, the recipes are simple and within the power of any cook.

Rabbit meat - carcasses on sale

About the benefits of rabbit meat

The main thing in rabbit meat is the freshness of the meat and the correct slaughter of the animal. Rabbits are slaughtered at the age of 3-4 months, so the carcass may not be large in weight. normal weight the carcass of a three-month-old rabbit is about 650 - 950 grams. If the carcass weighs more than one and a half kilograms, then the animal was more than six months old at the time of slaughter.

Young meat is more nutritious. More adult rabbit meat is not only less absorbed by the body, but also differs in taste.

Composition of rabbit meat and other animals

Rabbit meat is recognized as dietary and useful product, low in fat and cholesterol. The protein contained in meat is absorbed by the human body by 90%. Rabbit meat is also good for baby food - it has a lot of phosphorus. One hundred grams of rabbit meat contains just over 190 kcal. The content of B vitamins in rabbit meat is high, as is the content of minerals: iron, choline, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, fluorine and phosphorus, chromium and molybdenum, iodine and zinc. Doctors advise people with diseases of the stomach, liver, allergies and problems with blood pressure to consume rabbit meat.

Calorie rabbit meat and turkey meat

Features of cooking rabbit meat

For delicious cooking meat at home there are a few tricks. Before cooking the rabbit, it is recommended to marinate it for at least two or three hours. You can use any marinade - based on wine, lemon, vinegar, oil with garlic or even fruit juice. Rabbit meat goes well with aromatic herbs and various spices. Be sure to add lavrushka, salt, onions and ground black pepper or peas to the meat.

Cutting a rabbit carcass

And garlic, dill, lemon or thyme, rosemary, basil or oregano will help to cook deliciously. Spices are added both to the marinade and during the cooking process. Quickly and tasty meat can be cooked in the oven and in sour cream. To do this, it is better to cut the carcass and place it in a culinary bag or foil. Cooking time depends on the method of cooking, but in any case does not exceed one hour. Long heat treatment leads to the destruction of the fibers, loss palatability and vitamins.

Rabbit liver is a very valuable food product.

Rabbit Recipes

There are many recipes for how to cook a rabbit. But the most popular, simple and most delicious is rabbit in sour cream.

Rabbit in sour cream sauce

To cook meat in sour cream you will need:

  • Rabbit carcass weighing about a kilogram,
  • 200-225 grams of sour cream,
  • A little vegetable oil
  • Two medium bulbs
  • Bay leaf,
  • small carrot,
  • Parsley with dill,
  • Ground black pepper and salt.

How to deliciously cook a rabbit stewed in sour cream:

You need to finely chop carrots and onions, dill and parsley. Rinse the rabbit meat thoroughly under warm running water and cut into pieces of 50 grams each. Salt, pepper and leave for a few minutes, then fry over medium heat until golden brown. Next, a little water, spices, carrots and onions are added to the pan and stewed for another 20 minutes under the lid. Then you should add sour cream and simmer until the rabbit meat is ready. The finished meat should be sprinkled with herbs before serving.

Sour cream goes well with rabbit meat. It makes the meat more tender and soft, prevents drying out and retains flavor. Rabbit in sour cream is a culinary classic. Equally popular is the recipe for rabbit in wine.

Rabbit meat in white wine

For cooking you will need:

  • carcass, weighing about a kilogram,
  • 250 ml white or better dry wine,
  • 250 ml chicken stock
  • 50 grams of fat
  • two medium-sized onions and two small carrots,
  • two tablespoons of any vegetable oil and the same amount of tomato paste or homemade ketchup,
  • spices,
  • two teaspoons of flour
  • parsley and dill.

How to cook rabbit in wine:

Finely chopped carrots and onions. Sprinkle vegetables with flour and fry until browned. Rabbit meat must be thoroughly washed under warm running water and cut into small portions, then fried until golden brown in fat. Salt, pepper. In a separate bowl, bring the broth to a boil, put the rabbit meat in it, bring to a boil again. The next step is adding wine. Simmer covered for about twenty minutes. Next, add tomato paste or ketchup, bay leaf and leave covered for another twenty minutes. Pour the sauce remaining after stewing into a small bowl, put carrots and onions there, put on a slow fire for a few minutes, then add rabbit meat and simmer all together until cooked. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Roast rabbit

Roast rabbit meat is a surefire way to cook rabbit and is both quick and delicious. To prepare the roast you will need:

  • About 200 grams of rabbit meat,
  • 25 grams of celery root,
  • 3 medium potatoes,
  • One small carrot and one onion,
  • Tomato sauce,
  • Garlic, salt and black pepper,
  • A little fat.

For cooking meat according to this recipe, it is better to use rabbit fillet. Pieces of rabbit meat should be salted and peppered well, smeared with lard and rubbed with garlic. Put 4-5 pieces of rabbit meat in each pot, top with onion and carrot cut into rings, a teaspoon of tomato sauce or paste, finely chopped celery and diced potatoes. On top of potatoes - more tomato sauce, pepper, sprinkle with salt. Fill with water to two-thirds of the volume and set. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees, put the pots and bake for no more than forty-five minutes. According to a similar recipe, you can make a rabbit in sour cream. In this case, tomato sauce is replaced with sour cream in equal proportions.

French rabbit meat

French rabbit is an interesting and delicious recipe. Such rabbit meat is served with cabbage or noodles and fragrant sauce.

For four servings you will need:

  • One and a half kilograms of rabbit meat,
  • 85 ml mustard,
  • Thyme, preferably fresh
  • Olive or vegetable oil
  • small bulb,
  • Chicken, vegetable or meat broth - 350 ml,
  • Dry white wine - 220 ml,
  • Cream - 120 ml,
  • Parsley, tarragon, chervil,
  • yellow mustard seeds,
  • Lemon juice,
  • Spices.

How to cook rabbit in French:

In a small bowl, mix thyme and mustard. Rabbit meat is cut into portions, rubbed with a mixture of thyme and mustard, salt and black pepper. Next, the meat pieces are fried until golden brown in oil and transferred to a large dish. Chopped onion is added to the same oil and fried for a couple of minutes. Broth, cream and wine are poured into the pan. On low heat, all this is cooked for about five minutes, after which the rabbit meat is added to the resulting mixture, covered with a lid and stewed for forty or forty-five minutes over low heat. Then the sauce is filtered through a sieve and finely chopped greens and mustard seeds are added to it little by little. Bring everything together to a boil and cook over high heat for about ten to fifteen minutes. At the end, the sauce is seasoned with lemon juice and spices. Rabbit meat is poured with sauce and served on the table. Enjoy your meal!

Rabbit skewers

Few people think about cooking a rabbit like a barbecue. However, rabbit meat for barbecue lovers and connoisseurs is a real find. The meat always turns out juicy, tender and unusually fragrant, and most importantly - not greasy.

For the rabbit skewers you will need:

  • one carcass,
  • 5 medium onions
  • 500 ml tomato paste or ketchup
  • 20 ml nine percent vinegar,
  • Salt and ground black pepper.

Rabbit skewers are easier to cook than any other meat.

The rabbit carcass is washed under running water and cut into small portions. Rabbit meat is laid out in a saucepan, onions are added, pre-cut into rings, salt, tomato paste and vinegar, spices. Everything is mixed and put in the refrigerator for at least four hours. Marinated meat is equally well grilled or skewers, turning every five minutes until done. Rabbit skewers with a similar marinade are well fried at home in a frying pan.

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