Who can be called during the day - the calls of harmless good entities. Who can be called at home during the day with a girlfriend - the call of harmless spirits

Technique and Internet 18.10.2019
Technique and Internet

There are several ways to call a spirit at home, and each of them requires special care and adherence to the rules. Preparation plays an important role in the ritual, because the slightest mistake can lead to unpredictable consequences.

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What spirits can be summoned?

When conducting a seance, it is preferable to invoke good entities, for example:

  • elemental spirits;
  • gnomes;
  • forest spirits.

Refrain from trying to communicate with famous personalities - they are too often called from the world of the living, and this angers souls. You can call the spirit of a deceased relative or friend with whom you were especially close. He can help in the fulfillment of desires and tell about the future.

However, the result does not always justify itself, since the souls of the dead, being in another dimension, gradually forget about earthly existence. If a person died a long time ago, he is unlikely to remember you. Please note that the spirits of deceased relatives and friends are not always honest. If something terrible is coming in the future, for example, illness or death, the spirits of loved ones will keep silent about it so as not to upset you ahead of time.

Do not call those who committed suicide - it is dangerous for an inexperienced psychic.

Rules and preparation for the session

In order not to provoke evil spirits and do everything right, follow these recommendations:

  • perform the ritual from 00.00 am to 04.00 am;
  • prepare in advance questions that you will ask the spirit;
  • during the session, open the window - so it is easier for the soul to get into the house;
  • use only wax candles;
  • call no more than two spirits at the same time;
  • do not conduct a session alone;
  • remove jewelry (except amulets);
  • at the beginning of the session, greet the spirit;
  • at the end of the session, thank and order to go to another world.

Ways to summon spirits

You can communicate with the spirit of the deceased in many ways - perform a ritual in a cemetery, use a spirit board, call it with cards or a mirror.

Calling the Spirit to Answer Questions

To summon a spirit that answers questions, use the following items:

  • river water;
  • wedding ring belonging to the deceased;
  • white saucer;
  • red thread.

Instructions for summoning the spirit:

  1. First, in the early morning, you need to dial river water, and then exactly at midnight, pour it into a saucer.
  2. Put on the table and turn off the light, light candles.
  3. The red thread must be passed through the ring, holding it above the water with your left hand. Say a phrase like: "Good spirit, come, answer my questions."
  4. Then ask an exciting question aloud and observe the ring. If the ring rotates in a circle, then the answer to the question is yes. If it swings - negative.

Good Spirit Summon

If you want to summon a good spirit or entity, you don't have to do it at night.

During the day, choose a place in nature (forest, lake, etc.), hold hands and call the spirit you want to call three times. Say the following phrase: “Light spirit, come to us. Hear us, we trust in you (the name of the spirit), come to us, open the veil of secrecy to us, show yourself.

Close your eyes and mentally imagine this being. When it appears, tell him about your desires.

Calling the spirit at home

At home, evocation of spirits is not a safe occupation, since a person must have strong energy in order to resist demons. Choose a simple rite that does not threaten with consequences.

Be sure to use protective amulets that drive away negative energy.

Having decided to conduct a spiritualistic session, pay attention to such common methods:

  • with scissors or a needle;
  • by cards;
  • with the help of mirrors;
  • using a Ouija board;
  • with the help of candles;
  • ceremony with a saucer.

Calling on the street

To call the spirit on the street, try one old rite.

It will need the following attributes:

  • seven wax candles;
  • white cloak;
  • salt;
  • incense;
  • knife with white handle.

Seven wax candles Incense Chalk Salt White Cloak Knife


  1. Choose a location for the call. It is desirable to find a place with strong energy. Avoid cemeteries due to the accumulation of negative energy.
  2. Before starting the ceremony, draw a circle with chalk or salt. Make sure the line doesn't break anywhere.
  3. Then arrange seven candles in a circle, go inside the circle and plunge the knife into the ground, leaving the handle sticking out.
  4. Wear a white cloak and burn incense to ward off evil forces. Close your arms over your chest and close your eyes, imagining the energy around you and the being you are summoning.
  5. Feeling someone's invisible presence nearby, open your eyes and turn to the spirit: “Dear spirit, I call you. I don't know your face or your name. Appear before me, good spirit. Hear me, do not reject the servant of God (name), for your help is needed.

The spirit summoned by this rite can only be asked three questions.

Ouija board

One of the most common ways to summon otherworldly entities is the Ouija Ouija board. If it is not possible to buy it, then you can do it yourself with the help of a saucer and whatman paper, on which the letters of the alphabet and numbers are written.

When making contact with the afterlife using an impromptu board, follow these tips:

  1. Turn off the lights, light the candles and sit in front of the blackboard.
  2. Heat the saucer from the flame of the candle and place it in the center of the circle.
  3. Touch the saucer with the fingertips of both hands.
  4. Watch the saucer move. If it starts to move, then the spirit is nearby.
  5. In order for the spirit to appear, it is necessary to say the following words: “Spirit (name), we call on you. Come and show us."

The saucer or pointer will move from letter to letter, forming words.

This video shows you how to summon spirits using the Ouija board. Taken by HonorToHave/HTH/witch blog.

Summon with cards

Cards are one of the most accessible ways to summon a spirit. It is important that they have not been involved in the game before.

Perform the following rite:

  1. Put out the light, light a candle, and draw a protective circle of salt and chalk.
  2. Shuffle the cards imagining the spirit you want to talk to. First you need to understand whether the spirit is set to talk. Pull out a card at random and look at the color of the suit: if red, the answer is yes, black is negative.
  3. Place a few cards face up in front of you and start asking questions.
  4. After asking, turn over the card and look at the suit. Worms - the answer is “yes”, spades - “no”, clubs - “I don’t know”, diamonds - “probably”.

Protective circle made of salt or chalk Candle playing cards

Calling the spirit through the mirrors

This sinister rite is usually used to communicate with the dead.

For it you will need:

  • mirror;
  • coin;
  • wax candle;
  • needle.

Prick your finger with a needle and write the letters of the alphabet on the mirror and the words "yes" and "no" with blood. Then you need to light a candle and put the coin on the edge of the mirror. Say a conspiracy: "Spirit (name), come to me, appear in a familiar mirror, have a conversation with me, tell the whole truth, do not hide secrets."

Then wait until the spirit starts moving the coin. Ask if the spirit wants to speak and then ask questions. Keep track of which letters the coin points to and add up the answers.

Mankind has been using various spiritualistic rituals since ancient times. Seeking help from otherworldly forces can solve many life problems and provide support. But you should not take the ritual as an exciting game - the slightest mistake or oversight can harm a person and cause significant psychological trauma. There are several rules for summoning spirits that all believers in magic must know and follow.

Today, a huge number of magical rituals are known, not all of them require conducting at midnight or in the dark. There are forces in the world that can be invoked even in a spacious bright room filled with sunlight.

But when deciding how to summon a spirit at home, it is worth paying attention to the most famous and “strong” periods of time when success is almost guaranteed:

In addition to the generally recognized "magic" dates, spirits can be called on the growing moon and on the new moon. There are also entities whose call is not tied to a specific time and can be carried out not only at night. For example, you can contact the brownie at any time of the day and regardless of the lunar cycle.

The best place for a ritual

If professional sorcerers use special locations charged with energy, the so-called “places of power”, for their rituals, then a house, street, porch, even a school, a country house - everything where you can safely conduct a ritual without fear that at the most crucial moment, someone will ruin everything. Classic fortune-telling and non-energy seances can be held in children's camps, and appealing to elemental spirits or protective entities can easily be done even in the fresh air or in your own room.

However, to increase your chance of success, keep the following tips in mind: to prepare the premises for a seance:

  • If the ritual is performed in the dark, then there should be no artificial light sources in the room (all lamps, pendant lights and nightlights must be turned off). Candles made from natural beeswax are best for lighting the room.
  • In the room, it is imperative to leave a window or window ajar, which will serve as a “door” for the invoked spirit to enter human reality.
  • Even when communicating with conditionally neutral and good entities, it is recommended to secure yourself and the room for the ritual. The classic technique is that the medium draws a protective outline with white chalk and does not leave the circle until the end of the session. To avoid unwanted guests - lower entities - the room can be pre-fumigated with incense.

A prerequisite is the absence of icons and mirrors in the room. The preparation of the medium is also important. Before the session, you should not drink alcoholic beverages and it is better to refuse food, if you cannot eat completely, bread and meat should be removed from the diet. Experts also recommend removing all jewelry (especially rings, bracelets and watches) before the ritual.

Rules for communicating with entities

Good spirits can be summoned at any time of the day. The ritual can take place both alone and in the company of like-minded people, for example, girlfriends. When deciding who can be called at home during the day, novice mediums stop at brownies and essences of different elements, although the latter are considered conditionally neutral and can both bring good and harm (depending on the thoughts and desires of the caster).

To communicate with the elemental spirits, the following is required:

  • To invoke a fiery essence, a source of living fire (for example, a lit candle) is needed.
  • The "bait" for the spirit of water will be a bowl of water (it is advisable to take crystal or glassware).
  • To invoke the spirit of the earth, a handful of earth placed on a piece of cloth (use only natural materials) or in earthenware is useful.
  • For air elementals, you can put a fan or light special incense (it is recommended to perform the ritual with air spirits in a spacious room with open windows or outdoors).

The summoned spirit must correspond to the element of the caster (for example, it is not recommended to call on the elements of water for the fire signs of the horoscope). Such entities are able both to answer the questions of the caller, and to become a kind of protectors and helpers of the caster. For example, you can ask your native element for luck on a test, help in relationships with the opposite sex, or improving physical health.

Communication with the brownie

Thinking about who can be called from the spirits, some opt for a brownie, a harmless creature whose purpose is to protect the home from uninvited guests and their evil spells. However, for the meeting to take place, a series of important rules. Such a ritual cannot be performed in in public places or long abandoned, abandoned buildings, since something more evil and powerful than a home defender may respond to such a call.

The homeowner or his blood relative can call the brownie. The simplest call is to pour fresh milk into a deep saucer, put a piece of bread or gingerbread next to it (you can replace it with chocolates in bright rustling wrappers) and put the treat in the corner of the room.

The caller should turn away from sweets and ask the brownie to come. During the ritual, in no case should you turn around. It is also necessary to remember that the guardian spirit will not maintain the usual conversation, his manner of answering questions is a breath of wind, knocking or ringing of objects. After receiving the answers of the spirit, it is necessary to thank and let go.

Entertainment for the bravest

Thinking about who can be summoned for Halloween, some daredevils decide to communicate closely with the Queen of Spades, this dangerous ghost can grant wishes, but it is better for inexperienced mediums not to mess with them - getting too close, she can negatively affect a person’s condition, even kill him.

Rituals are performed in complete darkness, alone. In advance, a snow-white sheet should be hung on the wall, in the central part of which a black piece of square-shaped fabric should be placed. Further, the one who wants to tickle his nerves utters a spell three times: “ Queen of Spades come and fulfill my desires!”. The silhouette of the mystical lady will be displayed on a white matter, immediately after which you should quickly whisper your desire and direct the Lady to her world, saying “Queen of Spades, go away” three times. You can't delay.

Rituals for the young

Calling spirits at school is an opportunity to have fun and get to know the world of the unknown. The main thing is to choose an entity that will not harm, for example, a sunbeam - a bright positive energy that can fulfill a desire. He is never evil.

The ritual is carried out as follows: on a regular sheet of paper, the caller draws the silhouette of an animal using a pencil yellow color without taking it off the paper. When the drawing is ready, it is placed on the windowsill and the text is pronounced: “Sunny bunny, come to me, fulfill my desires.” Challenge words are spoken 5 times. After that, you need to close your eyes and stretch out your palm, after 10-15 seconds, open your eyes again - a bunny will sit on your palm! You should ask him about the fulfillment of desires (it is better to prepare a list of them in advance).

It is necessary to call on such a good spirit, having the corresponding desires, so he will not help those who are planning to steal a guy from a friend or deceive their parents. Some teenagers manage to cause a chuckle, but most often there is nothing mystical in this - it’s just that those who take part in the “ritual” become fun from communication.

Call fee

The beginning of a summoning spell can be both special conspiracies and the most ordinary words coming from the depths of the caller's soul. The main rule is to express your thoughts as correctly and clearly as possible, so that the called entity does not have a desire to play a joke, interpreting the question or request in two ways.

The following signs may indicate the presence of a spirit:

You must pay for the call and help of the spirit. And if sincere gratitude and tasty treats become the best payment for a brownie, then other otherworldly entities will feed on the caster's own energy and may well require material payment.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to offer the summoned spirit a payment in advance for answering questions or helping. It can be an ornament (most often rings or hair clips), a decor item (antique porcelain figurines, soft toys), a small curl of one's own hair. You can not offer a ghost a frankly unnecessary thing or leave the issue of payment at the discretion of the entity itself.

Even with a strong interest in the world of otherworldly forces, one should not act recklessly and “throw headlong into the pool”, believing that any summoned entity can be sent back without any problems to its own world. Sometimes such self-confidence leads to terrifying consequences, so the risk is not justified, spirits and ghosts should be treated with all seriousness and respect.

Spirits often agree to help people. But many inexperienced spellcasters first try to summon an evil spirit. Their call is easier, they respond faster, answer questions, but charge a high fee. At the same time, trying to continue to maintain contact with the caller in order to pump out the vitality from him.

Why it is worth summoning a good spirit, and not an evil one

Good spirits, like evil spirits, charge a fee for their help. But it is not so big, and you can negotiate with the spirit. Already more experienced spellcasters themselves set the price for their help. The ritual of summoning a good spirit is more difficult than summoning an evil one. But it’s also safer - you don’t have to worry that the spirit will continue to be fueled by vital energy.

Good spirits answer questions, bring good luck, help find love and happiness. But they also do not like to be called often and for nothing. So it's better to think a few times before summoning the spirit.

Preparation for the ritual

It is difficult to summon a good spirit without special training. They are quite picky, or they may not have enough strength. Therefore, it is worth preparing thoroughly for the summoning of the spirit.

Christian traditions

The spirit will be easier to invoke if you are inclined to faith. This will give additional strength for the ritual. For people of faith, there are special procedures for preparing for the call of the spirit. It all starts with confession - you should go to church and repent of your sins. It will not be superfluous to visit several services. Be sure to spend two ablutions with holy water per day during the week. What will give more efficiency is fasting.

In addition, before invoking a good spirit, it is highly desirable to fast. All week before the ritual, you must not engage in public affairs, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, forget about sex for this period. In advance, you need to choose a place for the ritual. To properly prepare the place, remember that in the chosen place you need to pray every day until the moment of the ritual.

To summon a good essence, the best place for the ritual there will be a room in your own house or apartment. This place is most comfortable for the caller. And quiet enough for the spirit itself. If it is not possible to conduct a ritual in a room, you should choose a quiet place in nature.

The main thing to remember is that the ritual is carried out alone, there should be no strangers. And no noise - it will bring down the rite, and the spirit may not hear the call. If the venue is a room, then it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning in it. There should be enough light in the room. Therefore, you should cover the table with a white tablecloth (cloth), the same can be done with the walls.

Spirit Challenge

The best time for the ceremony is the new moon or the days of the growing moon. It is important to remember that before entering the room for the ritual, you must dress in all white. And only in such clothes you can enter the already prepared bright room.

The floor in the center of the room should be covered with a white cloth. It is obligatory only white, the fabric even a little darker than this color can lead to not the best consequences or call the wrong spirit. First of all, you need to draw a protective circle on the fabric.

It is drawn with charcoal previously consecrated in the church. The names of the angels are written along the line of the circle. Initiates can indicate sacred name God. But if you are not sure, just skip this step. Incense is placed on each side of the world from the circle. It is recommended not to overeat on the day of the ritual. It is better to enter the circle with an empty stomach.

The performer is obliged to perform ablution during the ritual. To do this, before the ceremony, a vessel with holy water is placed in the center of the figure depicted on the floor. After that, the active part of the ritual begins. That is, reading the conspiracy itself.

Conspiracies include:

  1. Prayers addressed to angels.
  2. Calling words.
  3. Spells related to white spirits.

After pronouncing the invocative words, there is an appeal to the spirit itself. First you need to voice a request to him so that he puts the caster on the true path. Next - voice your questions that arouse interest, or indicate the matter in which the help of the summoned spirit is required. This ritual is not performed in one day. The steps described above must be repeated within six days. On the seventh day, the ceremony ends.

It is required to visit the drawn circle on an empty stomach, before having washed with holy water, kneel down and repeat the invocative words. Having said all that is required, get up from your knees and walk a few circles along the circle line, asking the spirit to appear. After that, a spirit will appear, and it will be possible to finally agree with him on the topic of your request to him and that you will owe him for this. It is worth remembering that the entire ritual must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, its effectiveness will be significantly reduced and, possibly, there will be problems with the evocation of the spirit. In addition, there is a possibility that the wrong entity will come to the call.

The peculiarity of this rite is that it depends on the energy of Christianity. Therefore, the words of the call should be chosen according to this religious canon. Do not forget that this ritual works only for those who really believe in God and in the effectiveness of this rite. If all requirements are not met, there will be no effect from its implementation.

Summoning the Good Spirit - Day and Night

To invoke a good spirit, Christianity is not a mandatory criterion. Not the most believing people can also cause it. To do this, there are opportunities to call the entity. The chance to summon a good spirit is increased by the fact that they are sufficiently responsive to the call. Unfortunately, people prefer to use the services of evil entities. A similar stereotype that only evil can respond to the call of a person has long existed in the minds of novice spellcasters.

Good Spirit Summoning Ritual

To call a good spirit, it does not matter at all whether it is day or night in the yard. At the same time, you can do this in a company, this will not affect the ritual. It is only necessary to fulfill the only requirement - each participant must take seriously the conduct of the ceremony. Faith in the success of the event is an integral part of its accomplishment.

In addition to the primordially bright Christian essences, an elemental spirit can act as a good spirit. Of course, one cannot call them one hundred percent good, since they adhere to neutrality. In the list of their goals, there is no desire to harm the caster until he himself runs into a rebuff. At the same time, we must not forget that even a good spirit loves to have fun. Therefore, entities often play pranks on the callers, and this should not be feared. Whatever the spirit does, it will not bring consequences for the caster.

First you need to choose the very spirit to which you want to turn. Based on the choice, the time and place of the ritual is selected. Of course, if all conditions are met, it can be done at home, but whenever possible, natural spirits should be called in their element - in nature.

For a home ritual, you need to prepare a room. Incense should be placed in the corners of the room, and an altar in its center. Instead of an altar, you can use a nightstand or table. The elemental spirit will come only when its element is on the altar - fire, water, earth or air. In addition, to call the entity, you must follow the dress code - only white or light gray clothes. In this case, the fabric should, ideally, be natural.

To summon a light elemental essence, any spell known to the caster can be used. Only the only requirement is put forward to him - it must correspond to the spirit chosen by the magician.

How to call a good spirit yourself? In order to call a soul from the other world, which will not be aggressively tuned, it is enough to tune yourself correctly. One must be ready to meet someone who desires good and not evil.

In the article:

In order to evoke a good spirit, you need to properly concentrate your own energy. It is not very difficult to summon a random ghost. But such negligence can be punished. If it doesn't matter who you call, then any entity from the other world can appear.

If you have a good heart, and you are confident in your abilities, and your faith in the bright and good is unshakable, then the evil spirit will not be able to come. So, by tuning in to a positive emotion, you will automatically protect yourself from evil souls.

There is one rather simple rite that will help to summon a good spirit. When conducting this ritual, it is desirable to know the name of the one you are calling. It is best if you know the appearance of this person. It is not necessary to know him personally, it is enough to have an image with you. Also, for the ceremony, you will need some attributes:

  • 5 large wax church candles;
  • frankincense and wormwood;
  • several branches of hazel.

wormwood incense candle
hazel twigs

The ritual is performed at any time of the day or night, but if you decide to perform the ceremony during daylight hours, then it is advisable to curtain the windows and doors, open the window. So sunlight will not be able to interfere with the ceremony, and through the open window the spirit will be able to calmly enter the room.

Conducting a ritual

It is necessary to spread out in different corners of the room where the ceremony will take place, branches of wormwood. She will guarantee the absence of evil spirits and will drive evil spirits away from the place of the ritual. It is necessary to do this, since it is necessary to open a passage between the two worlds, and, as you know, evil spirits and small evil spirits will not miss the moment to penetrate the human world.

If the place of the ritual is not protected, then a real monster can come instead of a good spirit. When the wormwood is laid out in the corners, you should lay out the collected hazel branches in the middle of the room. You can put a table in this place so that you don’t have to bend down every time and all the attributes are at hand.

Hazel known for its magical properties. With it, you can protect yourself from demons. So you protect yourself from the strong negative impact. Around the hazel it is necessary to put 5 prepared candles. You need to light them counterclockwise right hand. Burn incense from them.

If you have a strong enough energy, and you are sure that you can perform the ceremony on your own, then try to do everything alone. But such a rite is still advised to be carried out together. Therefore, you will need 2 partners. When the candles are lit, you need to stand in front of the table, hold hands and say:

Light spirit, come to us! Hear us, we trust in you (name), come to us, open the veil of secrecy to us, show yourself.

After that, a golden clot of energy should appear. If any of the three of you has (psychic or), then it will be much easier to make contact with the person who has come.

If you do not know how to communicate with otherworldly forces, then you can ask one question to the person who came and get answers in a dream, or the next day the spirit will begin to give clues and show you what to do in this situation.

After the ceremony, it is necessary to send a good spirit to where it came from. To do this, you should bow low to him, thank him for everything and say:

Go in peace.

After the energy clot disappears, you can remove all the magical attributes that were used during the ceremony.

A simple rite of passage

In order to perform a simple rite of invoking a good spirit, you should go to nature. It is very important to be in a deserted area so that no one can interfere. When conducting this ceremony, it is very important to go unnoticed. Otherwise, your sorcery can be used against you.

You should take a small bell with you to nature. It is desirable that it be made of silver. Choose a place where you feel comfortable. It can be a river bank or a clearing in the forest, any place where you feel comfortable. When you find yourself in a conditioned place, you need to sit down and tune in to the right wave.

You should think about what attracts you the most, what relaxes you, what brings you pleasure. If you decide to turn to a good spirit with a request or a question, then initially write down everything that you will say to him on a piece of paper.

Although you are addressing a good spirit and he is unlikely to want to inflict energy damage on you, you still should not anger him. This is an otherworldly force that has great power and is able to punish tactlessness. When you concentrate, prepare a leaflet with a desire or a question and you can start calling the spirit.

Take the prepared bell in your hand and ring it. This action must be accompanied by the words:

Spirit, hear the ringing, hear the call, I call on you (the name of the spirit). Do not be angry, be merciful, come to me, I beg you.

Repeat this text 3 times, after which the spirit should appear in front of you. It can come in the form of a bunch of energy or just make itself felt by ringing your bell. In any case, you will immediately feel that the good spirit has already arrived.

Now you can make a wish or ask him questions that interest you, but if you do not have psychic abilities, then you should not ask more than one question at a time. 1 question will be enough for the spirit to give a full detailed answer.

Since you will not be able to hear his voice, you will receive information in a different way. Again, this can be a vision, a dream, or signs of fate. Before leaving the place of the ceremony, be sure to thank the spirit for coming and not ignoring your call.

How to call a good spirit on the street?

There is one old way that will allow you to call a good spirit on the street. You might even be able to talk to him. To conduct the ceremony, it is necessary to arm yourself with many attributes. These should be:

  • salt;
  • 7 white wax church candles;
  • knife with a white handle;
  • white cape;
  • incense.

incense a piece of chalk salt

knife cape

Decide in advance on the place where you will conduct the ceremony. Approach to the choice of location is worth very carefully. It is best if it is a place of power. But this should not be a cemetery, since a large amount of negative energy accumulates in this place, and it can interfere with the call of a good spirit.

The ceremony is held only on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you perform the ritual on another day of the week, you can expose yourself to danger and attack from dark forces. At best, the rite simply won't work. You need to make a big circle.

If you choose a place where you can draw it with chalk, then use this attribute. If this place is in the park, then the circle can be made with salt. But make sure that the line is thick and not interrupted. It is necessary to protect yourself and the spirit you invoke.

After that, you need to place prepared 7 candles around the protective circle. Stand inside the magical figures, plunge the knife into the ground so that only the handle remains on the surface. Put on a white cloak on top of yourself and wait for the incense. It will protect from evil spirits.

After that, place your hands on your chest and close your eyes. Imagine that everything around you is energy. You should literally weave an image in front of you from energy threads. You must still do this with your eyes closed.

When you feel the presence of a magical figure next to you, you can open your eyes. If everything is done correctly, then the figure of the called good spirit will slowly begin to appear in front of you. Then you should say.

Magic has been attracting people since childhood, everyone wants to know the future or answers to important life questions. Who can be called during the day at home with a girlfriend or friends: among the inhabitants of magical worlds there are many good and evil creatures. We will tell you which spirits can be summoned during the day to a novice magician, so as not to harm yourself and others.

What kind and not terrible spirits can be summoned during the day with friends and girlfriends.

Let me warn you right away that the seance is not a joke. You must be serious about meeting a creature from another world and understand the responsibility that falls on you for calling him. It is better to start with simple rituals and good essences. For example, who can be called from good spirits during the day:

  • Tooth Fairy;
  • Kind spirit of the elements;
  • sun bunny;
  • Gnome of desires;
  • Gnome Gnome;
  • Tooth Fairy.

How to summon the Tooth Fairy

It is known that the Tooth Fairy put the first coin in the 19th century to a boy of eight years. It was the young Spanish King Alfonso XIII when his first tooth fell out. This event inspired the writer Luis Coloma to create a story about a fairy, a mouse, Paris, and a boy, Booby. The book became popular and many boys and girls read it and learned about the existence of the Tooth Fairy. There are several ways to call this creation.

Option 1

It is necessary to wait until you (or your younger sister, brother) fall out a milk tooth. Place it under your pillow and say:

"Tooth fairy, come, dream me in a dream."

As soon as you fall asleep, as if in a dream, fairies will appear to you and offer to exchange your tooth for a coin. In the morning, you will find it in place of the tooth. If you want to see the fairy in reality, then just pretend to be asleep. As soon as you feel that someone is near you, open your eyes. True, this way you can scare the tooth fairy, and she will no longer fly to you.

Option 2

To call Tooth Fairy, you need to find the fairy house, most often it is a hollow in an old tree, which is located low. In this place you should leave a tooth with the words:

“I leave the tooth at the Fairy in the house, I call you to me today.”

At night, a fairy will come to the owner of the tooth and leave some gift. You can pretend that you are sleeping and spy on a magical creature.

Option 3

The fallen tooth is placed in a glass of water, standing near the bed. When the fairy arrives, she will definitely wet her wings and then she will not be able to fly away quickly. At this point, you can view it.

good elemental spirit

Speaking about who can be called harmless during the day, one cannot fail to mention the spirits of the elements. When calling a good spirit, first you need to decide who exactly you want to see. These creatures are harmless or neutral, although they do have magical powers. Exist:

  • Spirits of the elements;
  • Spirits of spaces (houses, apartments, caves, etc.);
  • Beregini.

Calling them is easy, much harder to decide what you want to know. It must also be remembered that these spirits are sensitive and easily offended. Therefore, they will joke with you, excite and frighten. There are many ways to summon these spirits, we will list the most common ones.

What good spirits can be summoned during the day with friends on the street.

Option 1

On the street in a secluded place, the spirits of the elements are called, for this you need to hold hands and say a spell:

“Spirit of the elements, kind, appear. Respond to our call for help."

The words are pronounced three times with eyes closed and the spirit clearly imagined. You will feel something unusual - this will be a sign that the spirit has come. Ask him questions that interest you or ask for help, and after receiving an answer, thank him and let him go.

Option 2

Prepare a silver bell in advance. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and visualize the spirit being invoked. Once completely relaxed, ring the bell three times and say the words:

"Spirit, hear the ringing of the bell, I'm calling you, for help, appear to me."

Then stretch out your hand with the bell, as soon as the spirit comes, he will ring the bell.

Sunny Bunny

Who can be called on the street during the day with friends - for example, a sunbeam, a spirit sunbeam fulfilling wishes. Even the youngest wizard can do it. You need to prepare a white sheet of paper and a yellow pencil. You can conduct the ceremony both by yourself and in the company of friends.

Draw a bunny on paper without lifting the pencil from the sheet. Then put the paper on the window so that the rays of the sun fall on it. Wait for the sheet to warm up a bit. Then say the cherished words:

“Sunny bunny, come to me. Fulfill my desires, respond."

Repeat the text five times, close your eyes tightly and cover the drawing with your palms. Count to fifteen and open your eyes. A solar spirit will sit in your palms. Without taking your palms off the sheet, ask him for what you want. As soon as you say your will, open your palms and release the sunbeam. Soon your wish will come true.

Gnome of Desires

Who can be called at home during the day - the gnome of desires will help you fulfill your dream. It is necessary to prepare a gift for the gnome, it can be something shiny or sweet. Sit at the table, light a candle in front of you and call the dwarf, looking at the fire:

"Dwarf of desires, I call you, accept the gift, fulfill my desire."

If the entity appears, then you will feel the presence of someone behind you. Without turning around, say your wish. If you feel warm, your wish will come true, and if the candle goes out, do not wait for help. Do not rush, start small, and you will definitely succeed, the main thing is to believe.

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