Who is this pissing lady. Who is the Queen of Spades, and does she really exist?

Helpful Hints 30.09.2019
Helpful Hints

Since childhood, everyone has known scary stories about the Queen of Spades, and many are interested in who she is? History of the Queen of Spades? How to summon the Queen of Spades? The legend of the Queen of Spades - Who is she: a mystical spirit, or a figment of a person's imagination? In this article we will try to answer many questions that interest you.

Who is the Queen of Spades?

There are many different sources and people who talk about different things. But the bottom line is that the legend of the Queen of Spades came from a deck of cards, the Lady of Spades was identified as bringing bad luck, compared with a witch. Thus, the lady was gaining mystery and mysticism. There were also people who began to believe in its materiality. Legends and stories spread about the Queen of Spades as the spirit of a woman living in the looking glass. The stories of people dispersed around the world, gaining unfavorable energy weight from hundreds of terrible stories about her. Thus, the Queen of Spades became, not only an image on playing card but also the image of a bad, evil spirit.

If you believe in the materiality of thought, can a legend endowed with so much negative energy become something real, a reality not from our world, the embodiment of what we believe in? Most likely yes.

How to summon the Queen of Spades?

And why? Someone says that the fulfillment of desires, someone that the challenge is just child's play for fun. There are many different call descriptions, so we will try to describe in detail the most popular methods. But remember that summoning a creature not from our world is not safe entertainment. And it’s not a fact that the called entity will turn out to be a lady, and not a spirit who wants to take revenge for the fact that you disturbed his peace.

Method 1

With red lipstick at midnight, a staircase with a door on top is drawn on the mirror. The light is extinguished and the candle is lit. The words are pronounced three times: Queen of Spades, come." If you hear footsteps, laughter, the sound of heels, or see an image of a mirror moving inside, the staircase is immediately erased.

Method 2

It is necessary to perfume yourself with perfume, go outside and stand in front of a multi-storey building. Look into the dark windows of the third floor and repeat three times: “Queen of Spades come / show / appear” ...

There are many descriptions of calling a lady and finding their various variations is not difficult. But ask yourself the question, do you need it? Do you want to attract evil spirits to you? After all, not a few people dabbled in her call and then suffered misfortunes in their lives, and some scary stories ended in death.

What does the Queen of Spades look like?

Almost all young people love and tell each other legends about ghosts. The Queen of Spades is one of the most famous and widespread mystical characters, which causes fear in some, interest in others, and respect in others. Almost everyone who wants to call the Queen of Spades is interested in how she looks. Usually she is described in different ways, but in all stories there are several features in appearance that are similar to each other: dark hair, black outfit, pale face, etc. The fact that everyone describes the Queen of Spades differently is due to the fact that each person draws a certain image for himself before calling this mystical character. In this regard, he sees something as close as possible to her imagination and ideas. It is worth noting that official science denies that the existence of the Queen of Spades is possible.

Legend of the Queen of Spades

Legend one

As we know, any card deck contains cards of four different suits: hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades. Each of them has a lady. It is from the deck of cards that the legend of the Queen of Spades originates. Interestingly, the queen of spades in almost any game meant a loss, failure, or significant trouble. But cards, as you know, are used not only for gambling. In fortune-telling, the lady of spades also does not bring anything good, one grief, misfortunes, various vicissitudes of fate. Soon, the Queen of Spades began to be personified with a witch. By the way, over time, this legend became so strongly and firmly overgrown with rumors and superstitions that today the question is: “Does the Queen of Spades exist?” - seriously excites and excites the minds of many paranormal people!

Legend two

Some skeptics mistakenly believe that the image of this woman came from the Pushkin story of the same name. This is not entirely true, since the legend of the black woman has its roots deep in antiquity. It was then that reality and magic were closely intertwined. Since then, the Queen of Spades has been the ghost of a woman who comes to the person who calls her from behind the looking glass - an otherworldly portal.

Specialists in paranormal phenomena, relying on the theory of the materiality of human thoughts, generally believe that all the legends associated with this woman and constantly overgrown with an aura of mystery are more and more saturated with negative energy. “In the end, a human thought can be realized in reality,” they say. In general, there is a risk of translating our thoughts into reality! Be that as it may, it is believed that these facts gave impetus to the emergence of certain legends about this black woman.


Depending on the faith of a person, everyone will be able to find an answer for themselves in this story: is it imagination or a vengeful spirit ...

Many people remember horror stories from childhood about the sinister Queen of Spades, who stole children in a pioneer camp. Or a card game where the Queen of Spades card was called a witch.
Maybe you're the kind of guy who told each other stories about calling the Queen of Spades.

"Queen of Spades", Fig.
In divination, this card is often associated with an evil envious woman.
A.S. Pushkin in the epigraph to the story "The Queen of Spades" gives an interpretation of the card "The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence".

mystical princess
The Queen of Spades, represented by Pushkin, is an old princess who received the secret of the cards from the magician. The prototype of the sinister old woman was a real person - Princess Natalya Golitsyna (née Chernysheva).

The Queen of Spades - Princess Golitsyna in her old age was famous for her stern disposition.
They joked that she grew a mustache, and she received the nickname "Princess Mustache""

This is what she looked like when she was young. And gained fame as one of the most beautiful ladies in Europe.
She was called "Moscow Venus"

The princess had great influence in the world. She survived four Russian monarchs Peter III, Catherine II, Paul I, Alexander I. She died at the age of 93 (life period 1744 - 1837) during the reign of Nicholas I, remaining a welcome guest in best houses and guardian of secular traditions.

Her influence was so great that she managed to commute the sentence of some Decembrists. One word from this lady was enough to ruin a man's reputation and force him to leave Petersburg in disgrace.

The princess traveled around Europe in her youth and was closely acquainted with the Austrian Empress Marie-Theresa and the French Queen Marie Antoinette.

The mysterious Count Saint-Germain, who revealed the secret of the cards to the lady

Pushkin in the story points to the lady's acquaintance with Count Saint-Germain, who was famous as a magician and adventurer. The princess lost at cards to the Duke of Orleans, and Saint-Germain, fascinated by the charm of Golitsyna, revealed to her the secret of three cards. This story was told to Pushkin by the great-grandson of the princess.

Covers of French editions of Pushkin. His stories were successful in France as early as the 19th century.

In the story "The Queen of Spades" the ghost of the princess appears to the player Hermann.
This is how Pushkin captures this meeting, I quote the fragment verbatim.

He woke up at night: the moon illuminated his room. He glanced at his watch: it was a quarter to three. His sleep was gone; he sat down on the bed and thought of the funeral of the old countess.

At this time, someone from the street looked into his window, and immediately walked away. Hermann paid no attention to that. A minute later he heard the door in the front room being unlocked. Hermann thought that his orderly, drunk as usual, was returning from a night walk. But he heard an unfamiliar gait: someone was walking, quietly shuffling his shoes. The door opened and a woman in a white dress entered. Hermann mistook her for his old nurse and wondered what could have brought her at such a time. But white woman, slipping, suddenly found herself in front of him - and Hermann recognized the countess!

“I came to you against my will,” she said in a firm voice, “but I am ordered to fulfill your request. Three, seven and ace will win you in a row - but so that you do not put more than one card per day and that you do not play all your life afterwards.

The end of the story is known. The Queen of Spades failed Hermann.

Queen of Spades and Black Man
Golitsyna had to deal with a mysterious phenomenon not only when playing cards.
It was rumored that the princess imagined a man in black walking under her windows. At first, the lady assumed that the stranger was pursuing her pupil, and sent the girl to the village away from harm. But the black man continued to come under the windows of the house. No one but the princess saw this man. The mystical guest appeared to the princess for several years.

Perhaps the princess possessed mystical knowledge, for which retribution was to follow ...
Secrets of Saint Germain and the pursuit of a mysterious stranger - enough "coincidences"?

House of Spades

Some of my photos of the Queen of Spades house on Malaya Morskaya Street in St. Petersburg. Decided to post some different types to imagine how the house is located in the cityscape. In the comments to the photo, a few of the city's horror stories.

They say that if you look through the windows of the Queen of Spades' house before dawn, you can see the figure of a gloomy old woman who will threaten a curious bony finger.

This is what Malaya Morskaya street looks like. Once upon a time, the carriage of the Queen of Spades drove around here.
The ghost of the Lady is said to love walking around the area at night.

View of the street in front of the house.

Passage to the Lady's house. I heard a story that one polite person in the early morning, when the St. Petersburg twilight had not yet dissipated, led the old woman through the transition. Crossing the road with her, he noticed that the old woman had disappeared ...

Next door is the Gogol restaurant.

I liked the design of the restaurant, I hope to visit inside on occasion.

By the way, the house in Neskuchny Sad in Moscow, where the game “What? Where? When? ”, Belonged to Princess Golitsyna. Interestingly, at the beginning of the game, an aria from Tchaikovsky's opera "The Queen of Spades" sounds. Funny coincidence. Like a joke from the Queen of Spades. “What is our life? The game!"

Calling the ladies
However, it should be remembered that the mysticism of the Queen of Spades card aroused interest long before Pushkin's story.
Who is this mysterious Queen of Spades? She is also called the Lady of the Looking Glass. It is difficult to guess whose ghost might appear if you try to summon the Queen of Spades. There are several different rituals proposed on the Internet, from playful to creepy.

With red lipstick at midnight, a staircase with a door on top is drawn on the mirror. The light is extinguished and the candle is lit. Three times the words are pronounced: "Queen of Spades, come." If you hear footsteps, laughter, the sound of heels, or see an image of a mirror moving inside, the staircase is immediately erased.

It is necessary to perfume yourself with perfume, go outside and stand in front of a multi-storey building. Look into the dark windows of the third floor and repeat three times: “The Queen of Spades come / show / appear” ...

At night, at 12 o'clock, you need to sit in front of a mirror or you can stand. And now, when it's 12 o'clock, you need to break the Queen of Spades and look in the mirror. And from afar the Queen of Spades appears and goes. You see in the mirror. Starts to choke you. So that she does not strangle you, you need to either turn on the light or break the mirror. And if you do not turn on the light, then she will strangle you.

You need to go to a dark room where there is a mirror, it is best to go to the bathroom. You need to smear the mirror with soap, take a candle and place it so that it is reflected in the mirror. Then you need to take the Queen of Spades card and put it facing the mirror. When calling the Queen of Spades, the hair must be carefully removed under the scarf. If at least one strand sticks out, the Queen of Spades, having appeared, will grab her by the hair and start dragging her, banging her head against the walls. Then you need to sit down and look in the mirror. Exactly at midnight, the figures will appear. If these figures are white triangles, then the Queen of Spades is kind and you can make a wish, it will come true. If not white triangles appeared, but something else, then the Queen of Spades is evil and you need to wait for misfortune.

It is necessary to put a glass of water, cold, and pour it still warm and put a mirror on top. When droplets appear on the mirror, you need to call the Queen of Spades: “Queen of Spades, come out!” This must be done at 12 noon. When she appears, if you can't do anything or get scared, you need to run away. But if you have enough strength, you need to say: “Queen of Spades, get lost!”

This is done at night. At 11 o'clock you need to tie a black thread on your hand. And say 10 times: “Queen of Spades, come!” The Queen of Spades will appear. At this time, you need to cut the thread and say 1 time: “Unclean, get out!”

It is necessary that there is no red in the room. Put 15 kopecks in a glass to make tails. And these 15 kopecks should rise from the bottom themselves. She [the Queen of Spades] herself must go out, and whoever she points to will be happy.

It is necessary to stick a needle into the wall at night. The Queen of Spades will come, maybe she will strangle, or maybe she will fulfill her desire. Everything will be at midnight. You can not turn on the light - it will disappear. If she wants to strangle, you have to shout:
- Tari, tari, tari, her,
Fulfill my wish!

Request to the Queen of Spades
On one of the sites, a version is proposed that the Queen of Spades can kindly fulfill your desire.

All you need is to put a lit candle in front of a table mirror, on top of which you should put a portrait reproduction (printout or even a phone with a portrait screensaver). Next, you need to stand in front of a makeshift altar and cast a spell:

In the name of the Omnipotence of the Law of the Universe, in which we live, move and exist, I beg you, Queen of Spades, to appear in this mirror and come to me through it if it is convenient and pleasant for you. (Repeat until you feel her presence - a slight breath, a crackle of a candle, images in the mirror, a whisper, etc.)

Immediately after the arrival of the Queen of Spades, say your request or desire (For example: Oh, Queen of Spades, be kind to me, make sure that tomorrow I pass the exam perfectly!) Then immediately put out the candle and turn on the light!

Remember that the main thing is to carry out the ritual clearly and without any fear and panic. They should especially be avoided during the visit of the Queen of Spades, as this may end badly for you in the long run.

These rituals are offered on the Internet. The brave can take risks. Only for the success of the experiment, you should believe in the reality of the existence of the Queen of Spades, otherwise she will not want to come to you. And to believe or not is a personal matter for everyone.

According to the character in Russian, the primary source is known for certain - this is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. He used the image of a mystical entity that punishes human vices, characteristic of German literature of the era of romanticism. Coming from light hand genius, the Queen of Spades began its march through folklore as a spectacular pseudonym for some diabolical power capable of granting wishes in exchange for a vow or oath - a paraphrase of the plot about the sale or pledge of the soul. Most likely, while traveling through fortune-telling practice, spiritists' salons and peasant women's lamps of the 19th century, the image of the Queen of Spades turned into a "stub" for a whole set of demons and entities from autochthonous folklore available to call through the mirror. However, true popularity was not yet destined for him then. Approximately around the same time, the emergence of resistant to change legends about a restless soul stuck in a mirror dates back - this old story was successfully played up in mystical literature almost before the Second World War. The second life was breathed into the image of the Queen of Spades by children's folklore of the middle of the 20th century, when the children began to read Alexander Sergeevich en masse. The traditional Baba Yaga and brownies turned out to be very useful here, superimposed on the echoes of peasant legends, rituals and fortune-telling. All this was mixed with school education and children's craving for the unknown. A separate contribution was made by pioneer camps and village companies, where card game. In the rituals of summoning, memories of the war were intensively manifested, for example, a glass of water with an offering in the form of a crust of bread, as a reflection of a symbolic military gesture in memory of a dead comrade. As a result, the Queen of Spades turned into a synthetic character, a kind of watchman through the looking glass, showing certain traits depending on the specific story. She lived in such a demonic form until the mid-1980s, after which she began to change intensively under the influence of foreign literature. Stories appeared with the abduction of souls, with the locking of the mind of the careless caller in a mirror, doll, object, plots with the ghosts of mothers who kill children, the Lady's demonstratively cruel revenge for unfulfilled oaths, etc. At the same time, the Lady is becoming an increasingly highly developed and technological being. Modern Japanese horror films have already endowed her with the ability to live in a dead cell phone screen, and even in a selfie, as a post-mirror image. Instead of the unknown Through the Looking-Glass, she is already able to drag the soul of an unlucky fortuneteller into an otherworldly network, or lock her forever in a mirrored corridor in the form of an endless staircase. However, the ancient plot with the pledge of the soul in exchange for the fulfillment of desires has not disappeared anywhere. The Queen of Spades remains the guardian of mystical justice, reminding of the need to make efforts to achieve the goal. And for children, it is a source of social "controlled extreme" that trains stress resistance. And just a great way to tickle the nerves, deceiving the imaginary danger.

Black rites and witchcraft rituals have always attracted unknowing inhabitants. And with the release of the film of the same name "The Queen of Spades: The Black Rite" and many films of fantastic content, the spirit of an evil woman turned into a demonic character that really exists for many fans of spiritualism and magic in the other world.

But how safe it is to access the space unknown to science, why it is impossible to call the Queen of Spades and other entities, people do not think.

Origin of the Queen of Spades

A fictional image, a black witch or a dead dark female soul, no one knows whether the Queen of Spades really exists and what she looks like. There is a lot of controversy about the origin of the character. And real story the queen of spades is surrounded only by fictional legends:

  • symbolic image of A. S. Pushkin. It still remains a mystery: or remorse killed young man, or is it the revenge of the dead soul of the old woman;
  • the devil's wife. The famous harlot Magdalene, who, after meeting with Jesus Christ, repented and began to lead a righteous lifestyle. The mother did not accept her daughter's choice and took on a demonic appearance;
  • the legend of a gypsy woman who was foretold the death of her daughter Eliza. Trying to save the narcissistic beauty, the mother locked and hid her from the whole world. But the girl fell in love and drowned in the river after the death of her chosen one. Mother began to take revenge on all people.

No one knows the name of the Queen of Spades and whether she was real. From the stories and horror stories of alleged eyewitnesses, it is known that nothing good can be expected from an evil spirit. Even in fortune-telling, the queen of spades is an uncompromising, influential and aggressive woman.

When you can and why you can not call the Queen of Spades

In order for the magic ritual to succeed, it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge of communication with evil spirits, create an appropriate atmosphere and fulfill all the necessary conditions, accurately choose the time and the right place for the event. When can I perform a ceremony to call the Queen of Spades:

  • midnight. The fear that people experience after dark attracts evil forces;
  • full moon. Evil spirits, werewolves and undead souls are activated during this period;
  • Friday the 13th. The best day to summon the Queen of Spades. It is believed that on this day people are surrounded by evil spirits.

Too much imagination and excitement can provoke visual hallucinations. Here is one of the main reasons why not call the queen of spades at night and alone. It is better to invite friends or like-minded people.

How and why you can not call the Queen of Spades at home

If you are a superstitious and too suspicious person, you are afraid of the dark, it is dangerous to carry out any magical actions. Only people who are self-confident and strong in spirit can perform a full ceremony called the "Queen of Spades":

  • place two mirrors opposite each other on the table;
  • draw with lipstick on one reflective surface 13 steps and a door at the top;
  • put one candle near the mirrors, take the second in hand;
  • turn off the lights;
  • say the magic words: "Queen of Spades appear!". If the Queen of Spades is scary, it is better to put out the candles and lower the mirrors with their surface to the table, turn on the lights. If the spirit is calm, you can ask him to fulfill a cherished desire or ask about something important.

An indispensable attribute of any ritual action is a source of light, since in the dark it will not be clear what to do. The reflective surface is an excellent conductor for otherworldly entities, and the soul is infused into the image of the Queen of Spades. That is why you cannot call the Queen of Spades without cards, candles and a mirror.

How and why you can not call the Queen of Spades on the street during the day

It is hard to believe that on a sunny day you can turn to the dark forces for help. They prefer night, moon and bad weather. And in the conditions of life in a large metropolis, it is quite noisy and crowded. But, if the ceremony is not carried out correctly on the street during the day, why can't you call the queen of spades at home:

  • close the curtains tightly. Exclude hit sunlight into the room, create twilight;
  • place a mirror on the table. Sit opposite;
  • take paper. Draw an equilateral triangle. Do not try to look for ways to draw the Queen of Spades on a sheet;
  • put the card in such a way that the Queen of Spades is displayed in the mirror;
  • repeat three times the spell: "Queen of Spades, come!".

The mirror darkened and a figure appeared, ask a question or make a wish. After the action, turn the mirror surface to the table, calm down and open the curtains, turn on the light. Any unpleasant sound, malicious laughter, or loud steps during the ritual indicate that the Queen of Spades has appeared and negative consequences await the fortuneteller in the future.

Everything connected with mysticism fascinates, frightens and arouses great interest among all mankind for more than one millennium. People love horror films, scary stories and mystical events that carry something unusual and unreal. It is impossible to say what this is connected with, but it is worth noting that a person is often attracted to what he has never heard of and what he has never seen. The same can be said about the legend of the Queen of Spades. Probably every teenager and even an adult knows who she is and why this mystical woman evokes a feeling of fear and horror in everyone. It is necessary to remember who the Queen of Spades is, and what legend about her is known to everyone.

Who is the lady of spades? Where did this mystical character come from?

Surely almost every child and adult knows who the Queen of Spades is. The legend about her, most likely, was born precisely because of the Tarot card deck. It is still not clear why the Queen of Spades is usually called a witch and a woman who brings evil and horror. Perhaps due to the fact that on the card she is depicted as a little mysterious and evil, or maybe all the conversations around her began because of the suit, which is a symbol of evil, negativity and evil spirits. Despite the fact that there is still no single point of view, the Queen of Spades is still called a witch, carrying evil and negativity.

Belief in the existence of the Queen of Spades

It is worth saying that many people no longer perceive the Queen of Spades as something non-existent and fictional, but, on the contrary, began to believe in her materiality. It cannot be said that this is wrong, because one who has never seen her cannot say that she is unreal. As you know, our thoughts are material, therefore, perhaps the perception of the woman depicted on the card as a real character made the Queen of Spades a terrible reality for those who are inclined to believe in her existence.

Queen of Spades: legend, photo. Why call the Queen of Spades?

It is necessary to find out why people decide to call this mystical character?

The character that is of great interest to adults and children is precisely the Queen of Spades. The legend says that if a person believes in the existence of the Queen of Spades and wants to see her, then he may well do it. The question remains: why call the Queen of Spades? It is worth saying that there are several versions that explain why you need to call the Queen of Spades.

One of these versions says that calling the Queen of Spades will help fulfill any wish that the one who wants to call this mysterious and mystical character will make. However, it is worth remembering - this is just a legend, which is not a guarantee that all your wishes will come true. But it should not be ruled out that the desire of a person who desires something with all his heart will come true.

Why call the Queen of Spades if she brings evil and negativity?

Many people want or have ever wanted to call out and find out who the Queen of Spades is. Legend has it that this is quite possible, and if done right, the mysterious woman depicted on the card will definitely appear.

However, there is another version that says that the Queen of Spades brings with it evil, negativity and fear. Then a completely logical question arises: "Why call an evil character who will not bring anything good and positive into this world?" Perhaps this is just a common interest that arises in every person who has encountered legends about mystical creatures.

How to summon the Queen of Spades?

The legend about the Queen of Spades says that this mysterious character will definitely come to our world if someone performs a ritual and summons a mystical woman. It is quite easy to carry it out. To do this, turn off the light in the room and put a candle in front of the mirror. After that, you need to draw light and steps on the mirror. After completing all of the above steps, you need to say a simple phrase three times: “Queen of Spades, come!”. Further, according to the legend, the caller of the woman depicted on one of the cards should see her descending the same painted staircase. At this time, it is necessary to make a wish and quickly erase the stairs and doors until the lady has left the last step. This will allegedly stop her, and the mystical character will not come to our world. But if this is not done in time, then the Queen of Spades will strangle the one who called her.

One of the most controversial and terrible mystical characters is the Queen of Spades. The legend tells what needs to be done for her coming to our world. However, do not forget that this is just a fiction, but any fiction can become a reality if you strongly believe in it.

What does the Queen of Spades look like?

Almost all young people love and tell each other legends about ghosts. The Queen of Spades is one of the most famous and widespread mystical characters, which causes fear in some, interest in others, and respect in others.

Almost everyone who wants to call the Queen of Spades is interested in how she looks. Usually she is described in different ways, but in all stories there are several features in appearance that are similar to each other: dark hair, black outfit, pale face, etc. The fact that everyone describes the Queen of Spades differently is due to the fact that each person draws a certain image for himself before calling this mystical character. In this regard, he sees something as close as possible to her imagination and ideas.

It is worth noting that official science denies that the existence of the Queen of Spades is possible.

Spread of the Legend of the Queen of Spades

Horror stories and legends about the Queen of Spades appeared a very long time ago. The image began to be used in literature and passed from mouth to mouth. It is worth saying that over time, more and more more people they began to claim that they met this mystical character personally, in connection with which stories about the sinister and terrible Queen of Spades began to spread faster and faster. Many became interested in the woman depicted on the map. It's impossible to tell if people's stories about meeting the Queen of Spades in person are true. Perhaps someone simply calls their fantasies reality.

All teenagers love to scare each other scary stories passing them off as real events. This is how urban legends are born. The Queen of Spades is one of the most famous mystical characters who gathers around him a huge number of rumors, gossip and stories.

Should I call the Queen of Spades?

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. There is not a single case that would prove the real existence of the Queen of Spades and her threat to humans. We can only say that the outcome of a meeting with the Queen of Spades depends on the imagination, thoughts and mood of a person for the ritual. If you associate the Queen of Spades with a character who brings evil, horror and negativity, then most likely this mystical character should not be called. In many people, fantasy is developed well enough, in connection with which a person can imagine what is not there and convince himself that his visions are real. This can lead to severe fright.

The Queen of Spades is a mystical character that evokes many emotions and thoughts. There are legends about her, people tell each other about meetings with her. Is the Queen of Spades a real character? Is it worth believing that she can grant a wish or even kill? Each person has his own answer to this question, because our thoughts are material.

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