When will the construction of the Kerch bridge. Crimean bridge almost completed

Family and relationships 21.09.2019
Family and relationships

Krymsky bridge (Kerch bridge) - a combined road and rail bridge from the Taman Peninsula to the Crimea through Kerch Strait.

Project and characteristics

According to the project, the beginning of the route runs along an already existing dam 5 km long and along the island of Tuzla. The next section of the bridge after the island crosses the Kerch Strait, at the same time it goes around the southernmost cape of Kerch Ak-Burun from the side of the bay and comes ashore in the area of ​​​​Cementnaya Slobidka, not far from the mouth of the Dzhardzhava River. Thus, the construction is carried out away from the port and ferry, does not affect their work.

The bridge includes a four-lane highway capable of providing passage for up to 40,000 vehicles per day at an estimated speed of up to 120 km/h. For cars, transport links to Crimea across the bridge are free.

In 2019, it is planned to launch the Kerch bridge railway with two tracks, on which up to 47 pairs of trains (design load), both freight and regular passenger, can pass daily. The speed for passenger trains is 120 km/h, for freight trains – 80 km/h. The railway, along with the highway, should ensure a stable turnover and passenger transfer.

Navigable arched spans 227 m long and 35 m above the water are provided to preserve navigation in the Kerch Strait.

Construction of the Kerch bridge

The concept of the bridge between Taman and the Crimean peninsula was worked out by January 2015.

Since February 17, 2015, the only contractor for the construction of the facility has been STROYGAZMONTAZH LLC (in March, a subsidiary of SGM-Most was approved), the design part is carried out by CJSC Institute Giprostroymost-St. Petersburg. Before the start of work, about 600 hectares of land and water were cleared, more than 700 explosive objects of the middle of the 20th century, which remained after the battles, were recovered.

Access roads, production sites, mobile concrete units, working bridges and camps are being created in the summer of 2015, in parallel, soil testing and environmental monitoring are being carried out.

By the end of September 2015, the first working bridge to Tuzla had been tested, access to the bridge was provided for vehicles, and a month later, navigation buoys were installed in the Kerch Strait.

In December 2015, the slope from the side of Kerch was strengthened.

The active phase of construction and, at the same time, the equipment of access to the bridge from two sides, has been underway since February 2016. The second and third temporary working bridges are under construction.

The construction of pile foundations for the bridge supports on land began on March 10, 2016. The first support of the bridge on Tuzla (according to the project - support No. 173) was completed on April 12, 2016. By the end of May, more than 1,000 piles had been driven into the base of the bridge.

The stage of installation of spans delivered from Voronezh started on June 9 from Taman; a few days later, construction work began in the water area. Since August 2016, the main navigable supports have been installed, arch spans are being assembled.

By September 1, exactly 100 supports were installed, by September 13, the temporary auxiliary infrastructure for bridge construction was fully created on each side and on Tuzla Island. By September 21, the first sea support was built; by September 24, a section of the future road was created - a plate on Tuzla.

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The railway bridge arch was installed at the end of August, a dry cargo ship and a landing ship passed under it.

The installation of the road arch was completed by October 13. In November, the spit and Tuzla Island are connected by road spans.

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On February 5, 2018, work began on the construction of sea spans for the railway.

March-April 2018, work was carried out on the equipment of the bridge motorway: noise screens were installed, lighting, asphalting and installation of an automatic traffic control system, installation of lighting.

Signs traffic installed on the Crimean bridge in May 2018.

You can follow the further progress of work on the official website of the Kerch bridge.

Deadlines for the completion of the Kerch bridge

Highway through the Kerch Strait - May 16, 2018 (according to the plan - December 2018).

Railway bridge - 2019.

Overview video: Construction of the Crimean bridge

Opening of the Crimean bridge

The highway of the Crimean bridge was opened for transport ahead of schedule - from May 16, 2018. The day before, the solemn opening of the bridge by Vladimir Putin and bridge builders took place: a trip across the bridge in a KamAZ truck took 16 minutes.

A memo for the first drivers passing through the Crimean bridge appeared on the official website. For a photo report about the first drivers who crossed the bridge, see the Tourist page. RU.

Map of the bridge across the Kerch Strait

Detailed interactive map the project website presents spherical panoramas of the construction site, the nearest important transport hubs are marked, specifications bridge. Visual materials are updated every month, which allows you to follow the construction of the Kerch bridge almost in real time.

Viewpoint of the Crimean bridge

The coordinates of the observation deck on the Crimean Peninsula are 45°19′28″N 36°28′24″E. On foot near the Kerch fortress. By public transport, you can get to the Nizhny Solnechny microdistrict, then you have to walk about 1.5-2 km.

From the mainland, excursions are planned to the observation deck near the Monument to Soviet Paratroopers (the memorial is known as the "Lender Cannon"), coordinates - 45°12′2″N 36°36′58″E.

How to get to the Crimean bridge

The Crimean bridge is already fully marked on Yandex maps. The A-290 highway passes through it, buses pass by.

On the Crimean bridge on google-panoramas

Video about the project

Video about the construction of the Kerch bridge, 2018, turning on the backlight

The builders of the passage through the Kerch Strait report on the completion of an important stage in the construction of the road part of the facility. Get out Krasnodar Territory to the Crimea by road it will be possible next year.

The exact answer will be known when traffic begins on the Kerch bridge, but, judging by indirect evidence, it will still be free. For example, this is evidenced by the fact that funds from foreign investors were not involved in the construction. The entire project is funded by the state. This may have been done on purpose to keep cars free of charge.

How much does a bridge to Crimea cost? Kerch bridge will be one of the most expensive bridges in the world for a reason construction difficulties designs. The initial cost was 50 billion rubles, but then it increased due to the combination of road and rail lines. The weakening of the Russian currency against the US dollar also contributed to the increase in value.

Russian Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov commented in Crimea. According to him, everything is going even ahead of schedule. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Transport following the meeting of the working group on the development and operation of the transport infrastructure of the Crimea.

Recall that the main and main source of funding for the construction of the bridge are the federal budget funds under the FTP "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until 2020." The bridge will connect Taman and Kerch and as a result will be the longest in Russia. length will be 19 kilometers.

When will the bridge to Crimea be opened for cars. Breaking news today 01/30/2018

KERCH, July 17 - RIA Novosti (Crimea). The working traffic on the auto approaches to the bridge crossing over the Kerch Strait is planned to be opened in April 2018. Aleksey Safronov, Head of the Road Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, said this at the construction site of automobile approaches in an interview with the Deputy Minister economic development Russia Sergei Nazarov.

Sean Walker writes about this in the article “Russian bridge to Crimea is close to completion”, published on the website of The Guardian newspaper.

Later, the Soviet plans were abandoned due to the huge costs, related with complex geological problems in the area and weather conditions.

The construction and commissioning of the Kerch bridge will open up great prospects for domestic tourism in Russia. To visit Kerch, Simferopol, get a good tan on the Black Sea coast, swim and just travel through the wild places of Crimea, you will not need to prepare a passport. It will be enough to buy a train ticket or get into your car - and you can go on a trip!

We used the summer-autumn period as efficiently as possible, including installing the arches of the Krymsky bridge and bringing the string of superstructures under the road close to the fairway section," explains Leonid Ryzhenkin, Deputy General Director for Infrastructure Projects of Stroygazmontazh Contractor.

It is reported that at the moment 288 supports have been installed (85 of them in the sea area), and the assembly of the spans has almost been completed. In addition, in the direction from Taman to Kerch, the lower layer of asphalt concrete was laid on 8 km of the bridge deck, the upper layer on almost 7 km, and in the direction from Kerch to Taman, bridge builders laid 5 km of the lower layer of asphalt concrete and 1.6 km of the upper one. In parallel, work is underway to equip drainage systems, treatment facilities and engineering networks.

It should be noted that the road part of the bridge to the Crimean peninsula will have 4 traffic lanes, and the total length of the crossing will be 19 km. estimated time It takes 10 minutes to pass the bridge by car, and the speed limit is 120 km/h. The crossing will become the most important infrastructure facility in Russia and will become a more convenient and cheaper alternative to sea ferries - so far the only way to get to Crimea by car.

Then they returned to the bridge project in the 30s, during the time of Stalin. Then the idea was to build a railway across the Kerch Strait, but the beginning of the Second World War prevented the implementation of the bridge.
In 1944, in the shortest possible time, a railway bridge was erected in seven months, which, however, was dismantled in 1945 due to damage to part of the supports by ice from the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

The construction of the Kerch Bridge is ahead of schedule. Starting in February last year, the workers immediately picked up a good pace. By the fall of 2017, the prospects for early completion of construction were not so illusory. The project still does not answer the direct question whether it is possible to complete the construction of the century before December 2018. Kryminform compared forecasts with facts. And there was hope.

Of course, the key object is the bridge that will connect Crimea with mainland Russia, the president said. It will integrate the peninsula into national traffic flows and create additional opportunities for economic growth. “I am sure that all tasks will be completed at the highest level,” the head of state said, quoted by RG.

At the end of November, Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan proposed to tighten sanctions against Russia. In his opinion, this would disrupt the construction of a bridge connecting the Crimean peninsula and Krasnodar region.

Kerch bridge 2018. Detailed information.

To date, all the pillars of the road part of the bridge through the Kerch Strait, which will connect the Krasnodar Territory and the Crimean Peninsula, have been installed, the Crimean Bridge information resource reports. The two coasts will be connected by spans by the end of December, and full-fledged traffic on the bridge should be opened in December 2018.

December 2018 continues to be the official opening date for motor traffic on the Crimean Bridge. However, over the two years of work, the builders have repeatedly surprised by the pace of the construction of the bridge. It is possible that next year will bring another surprise from them.

According to Russia, the seizure of territory was a response to the will local residents who voted overwhelmingly to join Russia in a hastily orchestrated referendum in 2014 that was rejected by the international community as illegal. Since then, human rights organizations have criticized the suppression of free speech in the region, and the indigenous Crimean Tatar population has reported harassment and arrests.

Thus, by May 30, 2018, auto-approaches will remain isolated from the existing urban road network of Kerch. This means that the launch of through traffic on the road is possible only when traffic is opened on the bridge. The synchronism of work on the auto-approaches and the Kerch bridge itself was repeatedly announced by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Also in that in 2017 the construction of the bridge "reached the finish line." So, the arches of the bridge over the Kerch Strait were installed. It is also reported that all span structures along the road part of the bridge have already been installed. The length of the bridge will be 19 km.

Work is in full swing day and night. In total, about two hundred pieces of equipment, over twenty watercraft and more than seven thousand builders from all over Russia are involved in the facility per day. "Vladivostok, Tyumen, Ufa, Kurgan, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Tomsk, Magnitogorsk, North-West, central Russia, South "- lists Novikov. Many have more than one or two large construction projects behind them. Olympic venues in Sochi, the bridge to Russky Island in Vladivostok. There are also very well-deserved veterans - those who once built the BAM. One of them is Vasily Gavrilovich Kharlanov, who is now in charge of the bridge team No. 99, working on the island of Tuzla.

Kerch bridge name. News to this hour.

I got the first contractor, almost 3 years have passed, for such activities there is almost a record time. In March 2018, the President of Russia said that the opening of the bridge could happen ahead of schedule, in connection with which many questions arose - is this true and what will the early commissioning of the facility affect?

In fact…

It should be taken into account that there were talks about building a bridge between Crimea and the Taman Peninsula back in the days of peaceful relations between Russia and Ukraine, and the first thoughts about this arose back in 2008. At that time, the inhabitants of both countries were already waiting for the bridge to the Crimea to be opened. After that, Russia included this project in the list of transport strategies for the period up to 2030. Initially, negotiations were held at the level of prime ministers, then the presidents of the countries returned to the discussion, and in 2013 documents were signed on the start of joint actions to organize this project.

Despite the fact that politics and military actions on the territory of Ukraine prevented the countries from cooperating jointly, Russia, after uniting with Crimea, decided not to shelve the construction of the bridge, so already in 2014, President Vladimir Putin gave the appropriate orders. Thus, when a bridge to Crimea is built, several acute issues will be resolved at once, for example, the security of Crimeans, the ease of migration of citizens without the difficulties of crossing the Ukrainian border, etc.

bridge feature

Do not forget that the project has not only a short time frame, but also a very complex creation system. The peculiarities of the development of the flora and fauna of that area were taken into account, advanced technologies were used, consultations were held with a hundred specialists, and about 13 thousand workers were hired. Such a colossal bridge construction was implemented in our country for the first time, so the whole of Russia is looking forward to building a bridge to the Crimea.

Of course, along with speed, quality has become a priority. Since the structure will immediately be subject to a transport load not only in the form of a motorway, but also railways. The length of the bridge to Crimea is 18.1 kilometers for a two-lane railway and 16.9 kilometers for a four-lane road.

The design was created taking into account all the negative situations of natural and technogenic nature, therefore, it has an increased degree of stability, protection against storms, heavy ice drift, and can also withstand seismic vibrations up to nine points. The largest storm water treatment system in the country was created. That is, when the bridge to the Crimea is built, no waste from it has been released into the water and will not be released. The structure itself has been subjected to modern anti-corrosion treatment.

well forgotten old

It is hard to imagine that the Kerch Bridge was planned to be built 10 years ago, by combining the efforts of the friendly countries of Ukraine and Russia. However, the plan to connect the Crimean peninsula with transport links southern part Russia was proposed by the British. The enterprising government of England seemed to be a good option for building a railway to India just through the Kerch Strait. Then Nicholas II became interested in this project, and even seriously considered it, but the war prevented further plans.

Actually, all this suggests that the Crimean bridge is a great idea. Interestingly, the length of the bridge to the Crimea is longer than the strait itself. Thanks to this, several trading ports will be connected at once. Perhaps the concept of “every cloud has a silver lining” is applicable here, since it is not known how the fate of the project would have developed if the president had not decided to make the construction of the bridge the main direction of transport development for the next few years.

When will the bridge be built across the strait?

At the beginning of 2018, we can confidently say that the bridge is ready. The final stages of the design of the route and the railway remained. The correct alignment of forces, functionality and tasks allowed contractors not only to meet the stated deadlines, but also to be ahead of schedules. This was first reported at the end of 2017. In a word, the bridge itself is already ready for the upcoming loads and is waiting for the final preparations before testing and operation. Most of the systems have been verified through natural exposure and testing. The progress of the construction of the bridge to the Crimea began to accelerate before the finish line.

Early Surrender News

In early March 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that a part of the road bridge to Crimea would be opened in a few months. What specific dates the head of state spoke about is not specified. The fact is that the opening of the road for vehicles is already planned in December 2018, but it is likely that this will happen even in the summer. However, as the head of the Ministry of Transport Maxim Sokolov told the media, it is too early to make forecasts in favor of fixed dates. Unfavorable periods associated with the vagaries of nature must pass. As a rule, they last until the end of March, after which an analysis will be made of when exactly the bridge to the Crimea will be opened.

Russian opinion

All in the same media and in social networks Residents of the country are ambivalent about such news. Indeed, Russians feel joy and pride as they observe a construction site of historic proportions. For many, the Kerch Bridge will be a long-awaited event in the development of the country over the years. However, Russian residents are worried about the quality of construction and do not think that it is worth rushing and putting the object into operation ahead of schedule. We will wait, do not rush - this is the general mood of the citizens of our country. Indeed, everyone appreciated the incredible work done by both the head of state himself and the construction teams, and when the bridge to the Crimea is opened - in winter or summer, is not so important for the majority.

Major event

However, there are this moment actual and specific dates to which the whole country is guided. They were declared from the very beginning and practically did not change, which, of course, indicates a good calculation. Thus, the Crimean bridge across the Kerch Strait will be commissioned by the end of 2019. The official opening date of road traffic is December 2018 (according to some reports, it was moved to May), and the railway lines will open a year later - in December 2019.

It is expected that local residents will arrange a celebration along the entire length of the bridge to the Crimea (as far as possible), and the president will also take part in the opening Russian Federation. Indeed, it will be one of the most important events in recent history Russia, it is nice that we have the opportunity to observe such a development of the state. It makes no sense to count how much money was spent, but imagine how many nights, effort, human labor were spent. The knowledge that the whole country is waiting for this bridge encourages 13,000 workers to continue to work hard. Perhaps when the bridge to the Crimea is finally built, political situation will change.

How the Nazis built a bridge across the Kerch Strait March 29th, 2018

The idea of ​​building a bridge across the Kerch Strait appeared long before Ukraine and Russia became separate states. In 1944, one of these projects even managed to be realized. But just three months later, this embodied dream collapsed in the truest sense of the word.
In the spring of 1943, Hitler gave the order to start building a road bridge across the Kerch Strait for the subsequent invasion of Iran through the Caucasus.

However, the Germans still managed to connect the two banks, and they built a road through the Kerch Strait.

Only not iron, but cable. In the summer and autumn of 1943, with its help, 500-800 tons of cargo were transferred daily. In 1943, the Germans built a cable car, on June 14 it was opened. Also, preparations were made for the construction of a road bridge. During the retreat, the cable car was partially dismantled, and part of it was blown up. In 1944 Soviet troops restored the cable car and used it to support the offensive.

In the same year, the cable car was dismantled and relocated to the Carpathians.

Before the retreat, the German troops almost completely destroyed this structure. But as soon as Taman was liberated, and troops landed in the eastern part of the Crimea, Soviet engineers again took up connecting the two banks of the Kerch Strait. To restore the road, equipment from one of the industrial cable cars operating in Georgia at that time was used. Although, in fact, the cable car across the strait needed not only to be restored, but to be rebuilt. And this construction was not easy: the sea was constantly stormy, the construction rafts were rocked so that the soldiers were tied to them with ropes so that they would not be washed away by the wave. Once a raft with people was carried away to the Sea of ​​Azov. They were searched for several days, half-dead were rescued. To protect people from enemy fire, boats cruised along the construction site and placed smoke screens on the windward side. Smoke corroded eyes, interfered with work, but there was no other way out.

In February 1944, the cable crossing over the Kerch Strait began to operate again. Its length was 5100 meters, 150 freight trolleys worked on it. True, the daily productivity of the Soviet railway was only 300 tons, but for several weeks the cable car was the only means of delivering goods to the Crimean coast.

After the liberation of Crimea, the Kerch cable car was not used. Oney was remembered again in the autumn of 1944, when Soviet troops captured the northeastern slopes of the Carpathians. The cable car was ordered to be dismantled and installed on one of the hard-to-reach passes. But while the cable car was dismantled and delivered to the Carpathians, the need for it had already disappeared: the advancing troops had gone far ahead by that time.

German troops used cable cars wherever there was at least a temporary need. They were deployed where it was impossible or impractical to deliver military cargo with the help of pack animals or porters. Large cable cars were mounted by German troops not only in the Crimea, but also in the Caucasus (near the Marukh pass), in the Murmansk region.

During the liberation of Crimea, large stocks of metal structures and equipment, brought by the Germans and left during the retreat, were found on the coast of the Kerch Strait. It was a sin not to take advantage of such wealth - they decided to start construction railway bridge across the strait, planned before the war. This bridge was badly needed by the advancing army, so the builders were in a hurry. The first pile was driven on April 24, 1944, and on November 3, 1944, the first train from Krym station to Kavkaz station passed over the bridge. The commission that accepted the object noted that "the team ... overcame all difficulties and completed the work of the first stage in 150 days, having achieved a pace of work of more than 30 m of the bridge per day." The works of the second stage, which included, in particular, the replacement of temporary wooden supports with permanent metal ones, as well as the construction of 116 ice cutters, were to be completed by January 1, 1945.

However, it was not possible to meet these deadlines, and a disaster occurred.

For the first time, the British seriously thought about the possibility of building a bridge across the Kerch Strait. At the beginning of the twentieth century, following the successful construction of the Indo-European telegraph, the British government set out to lay along the same route - from England to India through the Crimea and the Kerch Strait - railway. But the project did not come to fruition - there were problems with financing.

In 1903, Nicholas II became interested in the idea of ​​building a bridge. The best Russian engineers were involved in the work, but the First World War. The next attempt was made already in the Soviet period, in the 30s. It was planned to build a railway from the south of Ukraine - from Kherson through the Crimea, along the bridge across the Kerch Strait and then along the entire Black Sea coast Caucasus to Poti. Domestic factories could not cope with the production of all the parts necessary for the construction of a giant bridge, so they were ordered in Germany. But soon the Second World War began, and Hitler took over the construction.

During the unusually frosty winter of 1944-1945, a very thick layer of ice formed in the Sea of ​​Azov. In February, a sharp warming came, and the ice fields moved into the Black Sea, right on the bridge. The ice floes were fired from guns from the shore, bombed from airplanes, thrown from the bridge supports with thick packages - all in vain. Under the pressure of ice, 50 of the 115 pillars of the bridge collapsed, dragging the spans with them. This happened on February 18, 1945 - the bridge lasted only a little more than three months. Oddly enough, but in this case, Stalin did not take any repressive measures. According to legend, the Soviet dictator said: “We will not punish. It's my own fault."

After the end of the war, the question of building a new bridge on the site of the collapsed bridge was considered. Deputy People's Commissar of Communications Gotsiridze, presenting the project to Stalin, declared as the last argument: "This, Comrade Stalin, will be the tsar-bridge," to which he replied: "We overthrew the tsar in 1917." And instead of the bridge, a ferry crossing was built.


After Russia annexed Crimea to itself in the spring of 2014, relations between the fraternal peoples deteriorated greatly, and, accordingly, the transport connection between Crimea and Russia through Ukraine became threatened. In this regard, Vladimir Putin made an unprecedented decision to build a bridge that would connect the peninsula with Russia. But the concern of local residents is increasing daily, they want to know when the bridge to the Crimea will be built. Let's try, based on facts, to find out whether a bridge to Crimea will be built at all.

How important is the Crimean bridge

The Kerch bridge will be able to ensure the recovery of the economy on the peninsula by restoring the flow of tourists at the level of Soviet times. This, at least, is stated by the authorities of the Crimea. But the creation of such a grand structure in this area is a very difficult construction and engineering task. How is it finally implemented?

With the opening of the bridge, an economic boom will occur, which is associated with the fact that Crimea will be able to receive at least 10 million tourists, but so far these figures are very far away, because in 2015 the peninsula received only 4 million tourists. Naturally, this is much less than in the days of Ukraine, however, despite this, tourists began to spend more money. Indeed, when the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait is completed, completely new prospects will open up for the region. In general, the launch of the bridge will provide the peninsula with a colossal amount of cargo / goods and passenger traffic, while the majority of economic problems Crimea, among which are:

  • Year-round ground transport between the peninsula and mainland Russia, regardless of weather conditions;
  • Queues for the ferry will be a thing of the past;
  • Food security of the peninsula, respectively, a decrease in prices for various goods;
  • Investment attractiveness of the Crimea.

As you can see, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Kerch bridge, just like the uniqueness of the project itself.

The uniqueness and scale of the Kerch bridge

The terms and scale of construction have already become unique, because it will be the largest bridge crossing, the length of which will be 19 kilometers. Its capacity will be up to 47 trains and 40 thousand cars per day. They will even build the bridge in record time - 3 years, that is, before the end of 2018.

Work has already begun at the end of summer with the construction of 3 technological temporary bridges necessary for the delivery of building materials. The first of them has already been built with a length of 1.2 km. It stands on 58 supports, which are designed to carry up to 250 tons of cargo and the impact of ice. The second bridge and the technological railway will be opened no later than the winter of 2018. And now just imagine how much effort and building materials will be needed for such a structure, let alone financial costs - the cost of the bridge will cost Russia 230 billion rubles.

And in what year will the main bridge be built? After the design documentation is approved, work will begin on the construction of the main Kerch bridge, which will become a unique structure for engineers, because they must take into account everything and deal with all difficulties, including natural disasters. In terms of its complexity and scale, the Kerch bridge will be the only one of its kind, since it will absorb the experience gained over the years in building most bridges. Due to difficult geological conditions and tight deadlines, the Kerch bridge can only be equated with the crossing over the Ob River, which is located in the Tomsk region.

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