“I wish I hadn’t watched!”: how the Crimean bridge upsets Ukrainians (video). When attacking the Crimean bridge, Russia attacks Ukraine with all its military power The Kerch Strait in the Ukrainian media

Recipes 07.07.2020

“Who believes in Mohammed, who believes in Allah, who believes in Jesus,” Vladimir Vysotsky once sang. And a certain part of the inhabitants of Ukraine believes in the destruction of the bridge under construction to the Crimea.

“One support sank by a meter, the second by one and a half”

The despondency in the ranks of Ukrainian patriots, which arose after the arched span of the railway part of the bridge took its place, was replaced by a joyful sensation: the bridge, they say, is sinking.

The news that went around the Ukrainian media, as usual, was based on information from a reliable source - a post by a certain user under the nickname prosto vova.

It read: “Friends from the Crimea brought good news: after yesterday's installation of the span of the Crimean bridge, one support sank by a meter, the second by one and a half.

The drawdown continues. The work is suspended, no one knows what to do. They hope to stop the subsidence of supports. Employees are ordered to remain silent. What do you think? Cool news. Especially if this ingot completely collapses.

Who is the author of the "sensation"?

Despite the fact that in the comments other users began to popularly explain to the author why this is technically impossible, those who are waiting not for the bridge, but for its fall, clung to the "cool news".

At the same time, in the media, blogger Ilya Valiev was named the author of the “sensation”, who in fact only quoted the message, indicating that the author of the stuffing was opposition blogger Vladimir Maltsev, who left Russia some time ago and now positions himself as a “Moskalebanderist”.

“There is nothing to take from the Ukrainian media. The text about sagging supports was dragged across all the mustard plasters. Completely ignoring both the quotation mark and my irony… listen, if I had known that there would be such a hype, I would have screened Vovin's epic comment earlier.

Can you really believe this information from the builder's officer's daughter? What nearness,” writes Ilya Valiev.

However, no one cares about the details. In Ukraine, thousands of people exchange good news, in the hope of its confirmation.

BDK "Azov" passed under the bridge with a song

And the most clear evidence of what is happening could be the cessation of navigation in the Kerch Strait. After all, if the bridge sags, then the height of the surface part of the ships that can pass under it also decreases.

And now, as if mocking the timid hopes of the haters, a large landing ship passed under the bridge Black Sea Fleet"Azov".

The vessel with a length of more than 100 m and a displacement of 4080 tons proceeded in the direction of Azov in a solemn atmosphere - the crew lined up on board, turning on the song "Legendary Sevastopol" on the broadcast. And builders greeted the sailors from the bridge, filming the passage warship on video.

The military sailors did not even think about trolling their neighbors - "Azov" went to the city of the same name, where it will take part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 950th anniversary of its foundation.

According to the project's official website, Crimean bridge” with reference to the data of the Vessel Traffic Services on the morning of September 6, since the installation of the railway arch, a total of more than 550 ships have passed under it, following in transit along the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea and back.

“I typed on YouTube and went nuts”: how Ukrainians react to the real Kerch bridge

Meeting reality for some becomes ordeal. This time the coordinator of the civil platform "Successful Country" Pavel Sebastyanovich distinguished himself.

His Facebook post was full of annoyance: “I wasn’t interested Kerch crossing until I saw joyful posts in the feed about some subsidence of some arch by 2 meters.

I typed the Kerch bridge on YouTube and went nuts. There is a real building of the century.

They call the future bridge Crimean. There are tons of infographics and videos online. 19 km long. 4 lanes for cars. 2 railway lines. Launch of car lanes next year, and railway lanes in 2019. And the old ferry crossing will continue to operate.

How so? After all, our jingoistic patriots promised that the bridge would fall apart. I'd rather not look. The Russians now fully control access to the ports of the Sea of ​​Azov. I don't know how the ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk work now.

And what do we have in 2018-2019? Looked at the reform plan of the Cabinet. Groysman promised to introduce control over the income and expenses of citizens in 2018-2019. Well, what can I say? Also a big infrastructure project.

In this whole story, the economic backwardness of Ukraine depresses me. We are still waiting for Mordor to fall apart. And we are not doing anything for our development.”

Of course, critics immediately came to Sebastyanovich, who reproached him with decadent feelings and "glorification of the aggressor."

“This is not a post of zrada. What is bad with us is hatred and urapatriotism. Why post bravura posts about the fact that everything is gone there, when everything is almost finished there? - Sebastyanovich snapped in response, - We have not done anything for an economic breakthrough. Therefore, the information about the almost completed bridge had the effect of a cold shower on me. The whole future prospect of Crimea with such a transport artery is changing dramatically.”

US Navy in the Sea of ​​Azov: will Washington unleash the Third World War because of the bridge?

Burnt, by the way, not only the "patriots of Ukraine." According to the media, in the United States, a number of experts are seriously proposing to unblock the Crimean Strait by force.

According to the Ukrainian portal Vesti, this decision was supported by experts from the American consulting organization Atlantic Council.

Expert Steven Blank believes that the US should send its ships to the Sea of ​​Azov, as the construction of a bridge across the strait would cut off two important Ukrainian ports, Mariupol and Berdyansk, through which Ukrainian steel exports pass.

The expert also believes that the construction of a bridge in the Kerch Strait "damages the reputation of the United States" and "demonstrates contempt for the head of the White House, Donald Trump." According to Stephen Blank, the closure is a blow to the US. "Putin is trying to create the illusion of a great power equal to that of the United States," Blank said.

It is not very clear, however, what, in fact, American ships can do "in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. As you know, the restriction of the passage of ships in the Kerch Strait lasted less than 72 hours, and now the movement of ships is carried out as usual.

The arguments that due to height restrictions the largest ships will not be able to come to the ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol are more theoretical than practical. And most importantly - how can the US Navy solve the problem? Attack the bridge?

Even American experts admit that the mere appearance of the US Navy in the Sea of ​​Azov will create a critical situation in relations with Russia. And an attack on the bridge to the Crimea will almost inevitably lead to a military conflict.

Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Yuriy Lavrenyuk said that Ukraine intends to deepen the bottom of the Sea of ​​Azov in order to maintain navigational dimensions in Berdyansk and Mariupol ports. This decision was the reaction of official Kyiv to the illegal construction of the Kerch bridge by Russia in the annexed Crimea.


Kerch bridge scares Ukraine

Observer 07/06/2017

Bridge to Crimea may collapse

Atlantic Council 01/15/2017

Putin's bridge to Crimea

Observer 12/15/2016

"Bombed" the Kerch Bridge

Apostrophe 01.12.2016 Lavrenyuk claims that the icebreaker "Kapitan Belousov" and the dredger "Meotida" have already been sent to the waters of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov in order to carry out urgent dredging work. Kyiv decided to carry out a number of activities in the Mariupol and Berdyansk ports to maintain their navigational dimensions. It is alleged that work in this direction will be carried out annually.

Such an initiative is primarily associated with the potential commissioning of the Kerch bridge, which Russia, despite violations international law, is actively building in the annexed Crimea. The Ministry of Infrastructure believes that ship calls to the seaports of Mariupol and Berdyansk will suffer: first of all, this will be reflected in a decrease in their cargo turnover, a decrease in the profitability of the region's metallurgical enterprises and a decrease in the profits of trade operators.

Also in early August, it became known that official Kyiv was preparing a lawsuit against Russia in international courts because of the losses that Ukrainian ports may incur due to the construction of the Kerch bridge. Earlier, Russian expert Yuri Medovar said that the construction of the Kerch bridge is an absolutely senseless adventure of the Kremlin, since it could collapse at any moment.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

The construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait will cause irreparable damage to the Ukrainian budget. In Kyiv, they believe that the ability to travel freely from one Russian region in another, it will somehow affect the financial well-being of a neighboring state. Gunduz Mammadov, a representative of the fictitious prosecutor's office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC), shared these concerns.

"The damage from the construction of the bridge is estimated at 10 billion hryvnias (22.3 billion rubles). We are preparing the appointment of an environmental engineering expertise. We have the resources to carry it out, but I would not like to talk about them," Mammadov said on the air of the TV channel "Straight".

How exactly the presence of the bridge will harm the Ukrainian economy, the prosecutor did not specify. However, in June of this year, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Yuriy Lavrenyuk said that the crossing would interfere with navigation. The official said that the construction of the structure will lead to a significant reduction in ship calls to the seaports of Mariupol and Berdyansk, a decrease in their cargo turnover, as well as the profitability of the region's metallurgical enterprises.

Earlier, Ukrainian officials also announced irreparable environmental damage that the bridge would allegedly cause to the ecosystem of the Sea of ​​Azov. As evidence, Kyiv provided aerial photographs of the Kerch Strait taken by NASA satellites. These shots were sent for a special examination.

The representative of the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (which is actually located in Kyiv), Gunduz Mammadov, specializes in calculating the damage that Russia has inflicted on Ukraine with its actions to annex the Crimean peninsula. In August, he stated that the loss of control over the territory of Crimea by Kyiv and all the ensuing consequences deprived Nezalezhnaya of 1.08 trillion hryvnia (2.41 trillion rubles).

The losses were assessed by the guild of appraisers at the request of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Mammadov explained. The announced amount included Scythian gold, archaeological heritage, and works of art that went to the Russian Federation.

Ukrainians talked about the damage of UAH 1 trillion from the loss of Crimea back in the spring of last year. According to the chief military prosecutor of the country, Anatoly Matios, this figure only takes into account the cost of real estate and infrastructure of state-owned enterprises, without taking into account territorial losses and private property on the peninsula.

In September 2015, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said that Ukraine would demand to recover about $50 billion from Russia in international courts as "damage compensation" for Crimea and Donbass. At the same time, he noted that Kyiv cannot count on quick satisfaction of its claims by international courts: "This is a matter of four to six years."
Prior to this, the First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Natalia Sevastyanova, stated that Ukraine would try to appropriate Russia's foreign property as compensation for economic losses during Crimea's secession from the country.

The Crimean bridge should connect the Crimea and Krasnodar region. The total length of the structure will be 19 km, the bridge will be the longest in Russia. It is expected that road traffic on it will be launched in 2018, and rail traffic - in 2019.

General and in the past Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine Igor Romanenko made another statement about the "militant plans of Ukraine."

After the publication of regular photographs of the Crimean bridge under construction, the military said that “the bridge is a strategic artery that can provide the corresponding Crimean enemy grouping, as well as contribute to the economic growth of Crimea.” At the same time, according to him, "the design is vulnerable to aviation and land-based and sea-based missiles."

The Russian side has already responded to the Ukrainian military. In particular, Yuriy Shvytkin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense and Security, recommended that the Ukrainian side be more interested not in the Crimean Bridge, but in the economic and political state of Ukraine itself.

As stated Russian official, “I would advise the Ukrainian military not to be interested in the Crimean bridge, but to direct more efforts to the internal situation in their country. For example, to fight against various nationalists who threaten the security of most of the population of Ukraine. Probably, in this direction it is necessary to act. And not to hatch any aggressive plans in relation to any country, in particular to our state.

At the same time, the deputy stressed that “We have enough forces and means that already now ensure the safety of this facility. In the event of any threat, an adequate response will follow.

The Federation Council of the Russian Federation also commented on the words of the General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In particular, the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Franz Klintsevich, said: “There are not so many crazy people who walk in uniform on the territory of Ukraine. As for normal people, they understand that this is counterproductive and extremely dangerous. As soon as some rocket or plane takes off with the desire to strike at the Crimean bridge ... we will not stand on ceremony, because this is an encroachment on our territorial integrity and a threat to the lives of Russian citizens.

Russian Telegram channels also reacted vividly to the statement of the Ukrainian general. For example, the authors of the channel "Release the Kraken" noticed that "Kyiv is also vulnerable to air strikes and missiles."

The channel “Zrada chi Peremoga” gives a similar description of Romanenko’s words: “But this is a problem for any other bridge. Through the Dnieper, for example.

In the channel "Major and General" Romanenko gave a detailed answer: "Comrade General! Purely theoretically, of course, it is possible to strike a bridge. But since he (and this is not a secret), like the entire territory of Russia, is reliably guarded by air defense forces, then you are unlikely to succeed. But we want to talk about something else. If you, guided by the military concepts of the last / century before last, think that, having destroyed the logistics channels, you will confidently attack the Crimea through the Perekop isthmus, and exhausted (without a bridge) Russian army will defend him with the last of his strength, then I can assure you that it will not be so at all.

Any attack on the Crimean bridge will be unambiguously regarded as aggression against Russian Federation and in 10-12 hours (at the latest - in a day), advanced units will reach the outskirts of Kyiv. This is the price to be paid for this adventure. By the way. Comrade Saakashvili is hiding from the Georgian authorities there in the capital, he will tell you how it happens when the road to the capital is suddenly completely free and Russian paratroopers are calmly photographed against the background of the outskirts of Tbilisi.”

Moving away from the military theme and the country's defense capability, it is worth paying attention to Romanenko's passage that the bridge contributes to the economic growth of the region. That is, the economic growth of Crimea is very bad and wrong for Ukrainian patriots. In general, there is nothing new in the fact that Romanenko let it out. They constantly let it out there.

But this phrase is another marker that reveals the true desires of the Ukrainian elites regarding Crimea: to destroy. Turn into ashes. Well, or that people there, at least beg and starve.

At the same time, around the Crimean bridge itself and its construction, Ukrainians arrange natural pagan rituals. Approximately, as around Putin. This bridge, according to Ukrainian nationalists, will not be built at all, but it needs to be blown up or sunk, or destroyed in any way, but it will still sink by itself.

The bridge, despite this squeal, is being built as planned. By the way, according to the latest data, car traffic on it will be started already in 2019.

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The hopes of the haters of the bridge under construction in the Crimea collapsed when big ship"Azov" passed under its arch.

Vysotsky’s famous song contains the words that someone “believes in Mohammed, some in Allah, some in Jesus.” And a certain part of the inhabitants of Ukraine believes in the destruction of the bridge under construction to the Crimea. more reasons for a man-made disaster are found in Nezalezhnaya.

“One support sank by a meter, the second by one and a half”

The despondency in the ranks of Ukrainian patriots, which arose after the arched span of the railway part of the bridge took its place, was replaced by a joyful sensation: the bridge, they say, is sagging.

The news that went around the Ukrainian media, as usual, was based on information from a reliable source - a post by a certain user under the nickname prosto vova.

It read: “Friends from the Crimea brought good news: after yesterday's installation of the span of the Crimean bridge, one support sank by a meter, the second by one and a half. The drawdown continues. The work is suspended, no one knows what to do. They hope to stop the subsidence of supports.

Employees are ordered to remain silent. What do you think? Cool news. Especially if this ingot completely collapses.

Despite the fact that in the comments other users began to popularly explain to the author why this is technically impossible, those who are waiting not for the bridge, but for its fall, clung to the "cool news".

At the same time, blogger Ilya Valiev was named the author of the “sensation” in the media, who in fact only quoted the message, indicating that the author of the stuffing was opposition blogger Vladimir Maltsev, who left Russia some time ago and now positions himself as a “Moskalebanderist”.

“There is nothing to take from the Ukrainian media. The text about sagging supports was dragged across all the mustard plasters. Completely ignoring both the quotation mark and my irony... listen, if I had known that there would be such a hype, I would have screened Vovin's epic comment earlier. Can you really believe this information from the builder's officer's daughter? What nearness,” writes Ilya Valiev.

However, no one cares about the details. In Ukraine, thousands of people exchange good news, hoping for its confirmation.

BDK "Azov" passed under the bridge with a song

And the most clear evidence of what is happening could be the cessation of navigation in the Kerch Strait. After all, if the bridge sags, then the height of the surface part of the ships that can pass under it also decreases.

And now, as if mocking the timid hopes of haters, a large landing ship of the Black Sea Fleet "Azov" passed under the bridge. The vessel with a length of more than 100 m and a displacement of 4080 tons proceeded in the direction of Azov in a solemn atmosphere - the crew lined up on board, turning on the song "Legendary Sevastopol" on the broadcast. And builders greeted the sailors from the bridge, filming the passage of the warship on video.

The military sailors did not even think about trolling their neighbors - "Azov" went to the city of the same name, where it will take part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 950th anniversary of its foundation.

According to the official website of the Crimean Bridge project, with reference to the data of the Vessel Traffic Services on the morning of September 6, since the installation of the railway arch, a total of more than 550 ships have passed under it, transiting through the Kerch-Yenikal Canal from the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​Azov and back.

“I typed on YouTube and went nuts”: how Ukrainians react to the real Kerch bridge

Face with reality for some becomes an ordeal. This time the coordinator of the civil platform "Successful Country" Pavel Sebastyanovich distinguished himself. His post on Facebook was full of irritation: “I was not interested in the Kerch crossing until I saw joyful posts in the feed about some kind of subsidence of some arch by 2 meters. I typed the Kerch bridge on YouTube and went nuts. There is a real building of the century. They call the future bridge Crimean. There are tons of infographics and videos online. 19 km long. 4 lanes for cars. 2 railway lines. Launch of car lanes next year, and railway lanes in 2019. And the old ferry crossing will continue to operate. How so? After all, our jingoistic patriots promised that the bridge would fall apart. I'd rather not look. The Russians now fully control access to the ports of the Sea of ​​Azov. I don't know how the ports of Mariupol and Berdyansk work now. And what do we have in 2018 - 2019? Looked at the reform plan of the Cabinet. Groysman promised to introduce control over the income and expenses of citizens in 2018-2019. Well, what can I say? Also a big infrastructure project. In this whole story, the economic backwardness of Ukraine depresses me. We are still waiting for Mordor to fall apart. And we are not doing anything for our development.”

Of course, critics immediately came to Sebastyanovich, who reproached him with decadent feelings and "glorification of the aggressor."

“This is not a post of zrada. What is bad with us is hatred and urapatriotism. Why post bravura posts about the fact that everything is gone there, when everything is almost finished there? - Sebastyanovich snapped in response, - We have not done anything for an economic breakthrough. Therefore, the information about the almost completed bridge had the effect of a cold shower on me. The whole future prospect of Crimea with such a transport artery is changing dramatically.”

US Navy in the Sea of ​​Azov: will Washington unleash the Third World War because of the bridge?

Burnt, by the way, not only the "patriots of Ukraine." According to the media, in the United States, a number of experts are seriously proposing to unblock the Crimean Strait by force.

According to the Ukrainian portal Vesti, this decision was supported by experts from the American consulting organization Atlantic Council.

Expert Steven Blank believes that the US should send its ships to the Sea of ​​Azov, as the construction of a bridge across the strait will cut off two important Ukrainian ports, Mariupol and Berdyansk, through which Ukrainian steel exports pass.

The expert also believes that the construction of a bridge in the Kerch Strait "damages the reputation of the United States" and "demonstrates contempt for the head of the White House, Donald Trump." According to Stephen Blank, the closure is a blow to the US. "Putin is trying to create the illusion of a great power equal to that of the United States," Blank said.

It is not very clear, however, what, in fact, American ships can do in the Sea of ​​Azov. As you know, the restriction of the passage of ships in the Kerch Strait lasted less than 72 hours, and at present the movement of ships is carried out as usual. -Because of altitude restrictions, the largest ships, more theoretical than practical, will not stop coming to the ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol.And most importantly, how can the US Navy solve the problem?Attack the bridge?

Even American experts admit that the mere appearance of the US Navy in the Sea of ​​Azov will create a critical situation in relations with Russia. And an attack on the bridge to the Crimea will almost inevitably lead to a military conflict.

Third World War because of the bridge, which Kyiv does not like - this is even too much for our crazy time.

So everything continues as usual: the builders are working, the ships are moving, and bloggers are looking for new information from “reliable sources”.

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