Cash Warren on relationship with Jessica Alba: "She amazes me with her beauty every day." About the field of the future baby

Career and finance 30.08.2019
Career and finance

Cash Warren on relationship with Jessica Alba: "She amazes me with her beauty every day"

Jessica Alba and Cash Warren have been together for 13 years and will soon become parents for the third time. Jessica has repeatedly confessed her love and complimented her husband in her numerous interviews, now it's the turn of Cash himself. The film producer rarely gives interviews, but he did not refuse a conversation with MailOnline. We publish the most interesting quotes about Jessica and their unborn child.

About Jessica Alba:

I was always amazed by her sexuality! I still do not cease to be surprised at this, she is very beautiful and every year it only gets better. Every morning I am surprised by this when I wake up next to her. It also amazes me how she manages to do so well with a million cases. She's always been good at it.

On the secrets of a happy marriage:

I don't know any secrets. I think that all the good that we have achieved is the result of our common efforts. One of our main advantages is that we have always respected each other very much. We value each other's opinion and always listen to each other. It seems to me that respect is one of the pillars on which family happiness is built.

About the field of the future baby:

I think we'll wait, we'll surprise ourselves. I have many friends who have three children of the same sex, so it is possible that we will have the same situation. But who knows? Of course, I would be very happy about the birth of a guy with whom we can then have a great time. But I don't mind being the only man in the family. It's fun too! But more than that, I want a boy.

About daughters:

I try to behave in a way that makes them happy. And I try to help Jessica as much as I can. Of course, she can say that I don't help at all, but between us, I really help a lot! Soon the daughters will also have to help, they are waiting for the birth of the baby. Three kids is enough! This baby is definitely the last one!
About the name of the unborn child:

When Jessica was pregnant with Honor, a friend suggested the name to us and we liked it. Then she got pregnant with Haven, and another friend suggested that name to us. We didn’t even think that all the names would end up with the letter H. But now we are thinking, maybe continue the tradition?

Jessica Alba, 36, and Cash Warren, 38, began dating in 2004 while filming Fantastic Four. In December 2007, the lovers announced their engagement, and in May 2008 they got married in Los Angeles. Their first child, daughter Honore Marie, was born June 7, 2008, and her younger sister Heaven Garner was born on August 13, 2011.

Warren was born in Los Angeles, California on January 10, 1979, the son of actor Michael Warren ( English). Warren studied at Crossroads School in Santa Monica, California where he played basketball with his friend Baron Davis, who is now an NBA star. After high school he graduated from Yale University. In 2004, while filming the Fantastic Four, Cash began dating Jessica Alba. On December 27, 2006, Alba and Warren announced that they were engaged. Their wedding took place on Monday May 19, 2008, in Los Angeles. On June 7, 2008, the couple had a daughter named Honor Marie Warren (English Honor Marie Warren, from English Honor - honor). The first photographs of her daughter appeared in OK! magazine, which paid the family $1.5 million. Cash and Jessica said they wanted to have more kids. On August 13, 2011, the couple had a second daughter, Haven Garner Warren.

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Excerpt characterizing Warren, Cash

Returning home from Vorontsovo and driving along Bolotnaya Square, Pierre saw a crowd at the Execution Ground, stopped and got off the droshky. It was the execution of a French chef accused of espionage. The execution had just ended, and the executioner was untying a pitifully groaning fat man with red whiskers, blue stockings and a green jacket from the mare. Another criminal, thin and pale, was standing right there. Both, judging by their faces, were French. With scared sickly look, similar to the one that the thin Frenchman had, Pierre pushed his way through the crowd.
- What is it? Who? For what? he asked. But the attention of the crowd - officials, bourgeois, merchants, peasants, women in coats and fur coats - was so eagerly focused on what was happening at the Execution Ground that no one answered him. The fat man got up, frowning, shrugged his shoulders and, obviously wanting to express firmness, began to put on his doublet without looking around him; but suddenly his lips trembled, and he wept, angry with himself, as adult sanguine people weep. The crowd spoke loudly, as it seemed to Pierre, in order to drown out the feeling of pity in itself.
- Someone's cook is princely ...
“What, Monsieur, it’s clear that the Russian sauce was sour for the Frenchman ... he set his mouth on edge,” said the wrinkled clerk, who was standing next to Pierre, while the Frenchman began to cry. The clerk looked around him, apparently expecting an assessment of his joke. Some laughed, some fearfully continued to look at the executioner, who was undressing another.


From the end of 2007 and throughout 2008, a stellar baby boom continued, as a result of which Hollywood turned into a huge playground. Babies appeared, it seems, in every second famous family. Now they are 4 years old. "Cleo" is watching how these peers grow. Which baby is the cutest right now?

Honor Marie Warren

Daughter of an American model and famous actress Jessica Alba and film producer Cash Warren Honor Marie was born on June 7, 2008 in Los Angeles. Mom tries to spend as much time with her children as possible. The house had to be equipped with a small office, in which the actress now rehearses without leaving home. Jessica's husband is very pleased that his famous wife became practically a housewife. older daughter Alba tries to dress like a doll, Honor is one of the most stylish Hollywood girls. Often mother and daughter dress in the same style, and sometimes almost the same.

Maximilian David Lopez Anthony and Emma Maribel Lopez Anthony

Jennifer Lopez gave birth to her twins when she was 38 years old. Emma is 8 minutes older than her brother. The singer is not separated from her children, despite the fact that she tours a lot. For example, recently the star gave concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and the kids followed her.

After the divorce from Marc Anthony, the father of the children was replaced by Lopez's boyfriend named Casper Smart. Judging by the photographs of a happy family, the kids found mutual language with a potential father.

Harlow Winter Kate Madden

The first daughter of TV presenter Nicole Richie and singer Joel Madden (lead singer of the punk band Good Charlotte). Little Harlow radically changed the lives of her parents. Nicole Richie from flighty socialite and the main friend of the scandalous Paris Hilton has become an exemplary mother. And Joel, indomitable on stage, now talks about the joys of fatherhood in an interview.

Nicole dedicated a whole fashion brand to her baby - House of Harlow 1960. Two years ago, under this brand, sunglasses and jewelry for children were produced, and since this spring, the collection has been supplemented with shoes and bags. Moreover, Nicole founded another brand of dresses for girls, Winter Kate.

Mom picks up daughter from school ballroom dancing, walks with her on the playgrounds, takes her with him to the shops.

Ever Gabo Anderson

The daughter of actress Milla Jovovich and director Paul Anderson already looks like her beautiful mother. "AT recent times I realized how patriarchal, especially in the upbringing of Ever, - Milla recently said in an interview. - I want to instill in her good manners, teach her to respect elders, parents, raise her to be a good person. My husband and I teach our daughter to treat people with respect and we show ourselves every day what this means.”

Sunday Rose Kidman Urban

Daughter Hollywood star Nicole Kidman and Australian singer Keith Urban. The doctors were worried about the condition of the star, because for 41-year-old Nicole it was the first birth, but everything went without complications. “It was a real miracle! Nicole said. “After all, the doctors said that I was infertile and would hardly ever be able to get pregnant.” She had an ectopic pregnancy more than once, there were miscarriages. After each failure, the actress fell into depression. During childbirth, Keith did not leave his girlfriend.

Nicole is already accustoming her daughter to the peculiarities of life public person. Recently, a mother and daughter took part in a photo shoot for one of the fashion glossy magazines. The girl was doing great.

Zuma Nesta Rock Rossdale

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Son of British musician Gavin Rossdale and American singer Gwen Stefani.
“Zuma has an active interest in the guitar,” Gwen said in an interview with popular TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres. - Already from the cradle he strums on the instrument. Well, of course, musical game it’s hard to call it, but it seems to him that he makes music.” Zuma - younger son in family. He has an older brother, Kingston James. “From the moment they wake up, they start hitting each other,” says the singer. - I never thought that boys are so active. They have fun playing with each other, but quite often it turns into violent fights.”

Max Liron Bratman

Firstborn of singer Christina Aguilera and producer Jordan Bratman. Aguilera enthusiastically took up the upbringing of her son: they play together, listen to music together, in an interview, Christina talks about how the birth of Max brought meaning and a sense of responsibility to her life, but at the same time she turns into a child again, spending time with her son .

“My biggest achievement is the birth of my son Max in 2008,” she says. - He is my main song. I'm not afraid to grow up and get older. Pregnancy and motherhood made me a real woman.”

Nala Ariela Aubrey

Daughter of Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry and Canadian fashion model Gabriel Aubry. Soon after the birth of Nala, problems began in the relationship between Halle and Gabriel, followed by a break. For a while, Gabriel followed his famous ex around the world as a nanny to his own daughter. At the same time, Hallie paid her father to look after his own child. Aubrey received $ 10,000 a month, lived in VIP rooms, he was compensated for the cost of flights in first class. Then the actress got tired of having such an expensive nanny, and she began trying to get sole custody of her daughter. Former lovers began to pour dirt on each other ... Now Gabriel Aubry will be able to see Nala only in the presence of strangers.

Levi McConaughey

Son of Brazilian fashion model Camilla Alves and actor Matthew McConaughey. The actor was present during childbirth, cut the umbilical cord himself and was so shocked by the feelings that gripped him that he soon married Camille, although in Hollywood he was already famous as a convinced bachelor. “I dreamed of becoming a father since I was 10 years old,” Matthew later said. I can't wait to teach Levy how to surf. I want to give him these unique sensations, sounds and smells. As for education, then, I think, you should not play good and bad cop. What the father says to the child should not contradict what the mother inspires him, and vice versa. Such contradictions are bad for children. We are thinking of acquiring real estate in Brazil so that the boy is closer to the culture of the country where his mother grew up.”

Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt and Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt

Twins of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. “When we found out that we would have twins, we literally had a tantrum,” Pitt later said. - Imagine, the day before, my sister joked that we would have twins - she herself and our grandparents had twins. And when Angie did the ultrasound, we just almost went crazy. We were completely unprepared for this.” According to Angelina, Knox loves dinosaurs, and Vivien is a real little lady: she loves to walk in the garden, pick flowers and decorate her hair with them.

Parents of six children have a hard time. “It's definitely harder and more painful than film work,” says Brad. “Getting them out of bed and getting them all to school is a lot harder than doing even the heaviest action movies.”

There is a saying - "Someone else's children grow up quickly ...". It also applies to stellar heirs. It seemed that recently all the media wrote about the adoption of baby Zahara by the Hollywood couple Jolie and Pitt, and now she is already an adult 12-year-old girl. Let's see together how big the celebrity kids have grown!

Zahara Jolie and Pitt

Baby Zahara was born in 2005 in Ethiopia, where a Hollywood actress arrived on a humanitarian mission. When Jolie saw this tiny girl, she could not part with her, she decided to adopt her. It turned out that her mother died of the AIDS virus, but the baby was not infected with it. Later, Angelina's lover also issued documents for the child.

After 2 years, the biological mother of the girl, who was considered dead, showed up. The conflict was settled. Now Zahara is 12 years old. She considers Angelina and Pitt her parents, but still wants to be involved in her biological mother's life.

Honor Marie Warren

On June 7, 2008, Jessica Alba gave birth to a baby girl, whom she and her husband Kesh Warren named Honor Marie Warren. Now the girl is already 9 years old and she has a younger sister. Also very soon star couple another child is born.

Flynn Bloom

In 2008, Miranda met Bloom. The couple began an affair, and in 2010 the actor proposed to his beloved. Their marriage lasted only 3 years, but during this time they had Flynn Christopher Blanchard Copeland Bloom.

Now Flynn is 6 years old and he has a younger sister, whom his mother gave birth to, being married to billionaire Evan Spiegel.

Suri Cruise

Suri became the only biological daughter for Katy and Tom. The actor has two adopted children. Cruz was madly happy about the birth of a girl, spoiled her and in every interview he could endlessly talk about Suri.

But when the couple broke up, the father abandoned his wife and baby. And the reason was a divergence in religious views. After all, the actor is an adherent of Scientology, and Katie Holmes decided to return to Catholicism. Shuri recently turned 11 years old.

Leela Grace Hack

This 15 year old girl is an incredible fashionista. No wonder, because her mother, model Kate Moss, from the cradle bought her daughter only the best designer clothes, and her father Jefferson Hack did not interfere in fashion issues. When Lila grew up, she became an exact copy of her famous mother.

Emma and Max Anthony

These 9-year-old twins were the fruit of the love of singer Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. But soon the star decided to break up with Ben Affleck and connected her life with best friend Mark. She made such a decision not in vain, because after 3 years they had twins.

Ava Phillip

18-year-old Ava has such an incredible sense of style as her mother, Reese Witherspoon. The marriage of the actress and Ryan Phillippe lasted 9 years, during which time they had two children, a daughter Ava and a son Deacon. They have a half-brother and sister who were born from their parents' second marriages.

Romeo Beckham

At the age of 10, the second child of Victoria and David Beckham managed to become the face of Burberry, and at the age of 13, the company's management again invited the guy to represent their brand. This is not surprising, because Romeo has a well-developed sense of style. Still, with such and such a mother! Now the guy is 15 years old and he continues to climb the career ladder of the modeling business.

Leni Samuel

The biological father of 13-year-old Leni is Italian businessman Flavio Briatore. But because of her husband's betrayals, supermodel Heidi Klum decided to leave him and get together with the singer Seal, whom the girl considers her only and "real" dad. After all, he not only raised her from birth, but also gave his last name.

From her husband, the model gave birth to three more children. On the this moment the couple broke up, but Seal supports warm relationship with ex-lover and children.

Apple Martin

Apple has become the long-awaited child of actress Gwyneth Paltrow and Coldplay musician Chris Martin. Such unusual name The girl was given by her parents. The actress claims that this word brings back pleasant memories for her.

Now the girl is 13 years old and she has a younger brother Moses. Although the couple broke up after 11 years of marriage, the parents try to take care of their children together and develop their talents. Apple loves to play the guitar and sing. She imitates the singer Taylor Swift, and in the manner of performance and the way she holds herself on stage, the girl is very similar to her father.

Kingston Rossdale

11-year-old Kingston adopted many of the habits of his mother Gwen Stefani and a little from his father Gavin Rossdale. He loves to style his hair like a rock star and prefers to dress in everything bright and extravagant. The guy loves football, family trips and a real "ace" in fishing.

Looking at Jessica Alba, one involuntarily comes to mind: an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty. At 33, the girl is one of the most popular actresses of our time, owns a stake in the Honest Company, which specializes in the sale of non-toxic household products and has the title of the most sexy woman planets. In the personal life of the actress, complete harmony also reigns: for 7 years now she has been in happy marriage with film producer Cash Warren, raising two charming girls with him - Honore Marie and Haven Garner. It’s hard to believe, but all this might not have happened if Jessica hadn’t made one important decision at the age of 20…

Relationship with Michael Weatherly

A real breakthrough for the young Alba was the main role in the television series Dark Angel". And with the first success came the first serious relationship with colleague Michael Weatherly. The lovers were not embarrassed by the age difference of 12 years, and for three years the couple was inseparable. And on Jessica's 20th birthday, Michael proposed to the girl a marriage proposal, to which she answered "Yes!".

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However, a few months later, in August 2003, the couple announced a breakup. A couple of years later, Jessica admitted that she had no idea why she got engaged to Weatherly, because the actress's parents were by no means happy with the big difference in the age of the couple and breathed a sigh of relief when they learned about their breakup. At the same time, Jessica has repeatedly stated that she is attracted to older and wiser men than her peers.

Meeting with future husband

A year after breaking up with Weatherly, on the set of Fantastic Four, Jessica met Cash Warren, the son of famous actor Michael Warren. In an interview, Jessica admitted that at first sight she felt a kindred spirit in Cash.

“Some time after I met Cash, I called a close friend and said that I have the feeling that we have known him for ages, and I want to get to know him in the future.”

Could Warren resist such a stunning beauty? Of course not. Young people started dating and already in 2006 they announced their engagement. This time, Jessica was firmly convinced of her feelings and her intention to be with this man all her life. A secret ceremony, to which even the closest friends were not invited, took place on May 19, 2008 in Los Angeles. At this point, Jessica was on last month pregnancy, and already on June 7, the first-born of the couple was born - a girl. The first photos of the baby appeared on the pages of OK! in July 2008

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The happiness of motherhood

After the birth of her daughter, Jessica admitted that pregnancy was the most important event in her life.

“And it doesn’t matter that now I have stretch marks and cellulite on my body, and my chest has lost its former elasticity, it was worth it,” the actress said.

The girl also noted that she dreams of having more children. Soon her dream came true and in 2011 the second baby Heaven Garner appeared in the family of Jessica and Cash. And the star does not rule out the possibility of adopting one child in the future.

Despite all her good looks, Alba is a strict mother. She carefully monitors the daily routine of her girls and tries not to spoil them with unnecessary and expensive things. More than anything, the actress wants her daughters to live a quiet life, away from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood.

“Before the birth of my daughters, I gave myself entirely to my career. But now that I have Cash and girls in my life, I realized that there is nothing more important than family and it will always be a priority, ”admitted Jessica.

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Strong bonds of marriage

Despite the fact that sometimes there are headlines in the media about the impending divorce of Jessica and Cash, this is nothing but a "duck". The couple's marriage is strong for the envy of everyone, and according to the spouses themselves, their feelings for each other only become stronger over the years.

So how do two busy people with illustrious careers manage to maintain an affectionate, romantic relationship for over 10 years while raising two children? Jessica does not hide the secret of a successful family life: timetable. She and her husband managed to set up the girls' daily routine so that at 7 pm they go to bed. Thus, the spouses have free time, which they spend only together. The couple enjoys watching various shows on TV or, leaving the nanny with the children, goes on romantic dates to the city.

“Relationships are not always crazy things (although sometimes it’s great),” Jessica notes. “Over the years, you begin to pay attention to small details. When I was filming in Atlanta, Cash surprised me by sending a bouquet of flowers to the set. This simple, but at the same time touching surprise reminded him that he misses and thinks of me at home.”

Jessica believes that she was very lucky with Cash: he is not only a loving and devoted husband, but also an insanely caring father.

“When our girls were babies, Cash could easily get up in the middle of the night for another feeding. The same is true if the girls are sick. He can easily go to the park with them without asking me, because he understands that sometimes I need a little respite. All these little things make up our romance.”

Currently, Jessica Alba is not only a sought-after actress, one of the most beautiful women world and a successful entrepreneur. But by her own admission, her main role in life is far beyond Hollywood, in an ordinary house - where she is a loving wife and caring mother:

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