Igor Mikhailik testifies in the case of Mikhail Prokopyev. Igor Mikhailik testifies in the case of Mikhail Prokopiev Igor Mikhailik, witness

Family and relationships 06.09.2019
Family and relationships

Ekaterina Rozhkova

The man stated that the defendant had never threatened him and was unlikely to be involved in the murder of his partner Gorbushin

September 26, 2016. As part of the criminal case of the Prokopovskie gang, in addition to all other crimes, the murder of Kirov businessman Anatoly Gorbushin, who was shot in his car near the village of Kameshniki, is being investigated. In the 90s, the deceased had joint business with Grigory Paley and Igor Mikhailik. But if the first one was summoned for interrogation quite easily, then problems arose with the second, because on this moment he is in Moscow. However, the witness nevertheless decided to give his testimony and today got in touch directly from the courtroom of the capital.

Igor Mikhailik, witness:

- We have known Tolya Gorbushin since childhood, studied at the same school, we had friendly relations. And in the 80s I met Paley and with the help of Abdulaev we organized own business in the form of the firm "Roma Holding". At first it was stalls with cigarettes, and then we started leasing retail space. Later, Abdulaev offered us to buy shares in the Vyatsky shopping center, which included a food base and a chain of stores. Gorbushin subsequently became its director.

The man confirmed that in the late 90s, conflicts began between the partners. But, according to him, they did not arise because of his embezzlement of the security fund, as previously reported by Grigory Paley. But because they had different ideas about the implementation of economic activities.

Igor Mikhailik, witness:

- For Anatoly, the human factor was the main one, and I was interested in financial profit. In addition, he believed that we should not pay Mikhail Prokopiev for protection. But at the same time he said that it was necessary to think over how to gently refuse his services.

Igor Mikhailik met Mikhail Prokopyev just at the time when his business was flourishing. He himself came to his store and offered security services for money. Since then, these visits have become monthly. As the witness explained, Prokopiev always personally came for a fee and a business relationship developed between them.

Igor Mikhailik, witness:

- We started as acquaintances who are simply able to go to the arrow with competing athletes. My stalls attracted punks like a magnet, and over time I could not deal with them myself, so I accepted Prokopiev's offer. I have never received any threats from him. I was even invited to his birthday celebration and was surprised to meet many of my organization there, including Gorbushin. Although I still think that they could not communicate closely. Prokopiev allowed us as entrepreneurs to grow to a certain level. But still, later I decided to stop ties with crime, and stopped paying him. Our meetings became more infrequent and eventually stopped altogether.

Returning to Gorbushin's murder, the witness stated that he had no idea who had done it. And the version of the investigator that Prokopiev decided to remove him, who allegedly expected that after his death he would take possession of the Vyatsky Cultural Center, did not confirm. As for the division of business, which he discussed with Paley and Gorbushin in 2003, it took place only after the death of the latter.

It is worth noting that there are other versions of why the entrepreneur was shot. So, the acquaintances of the deceased after his death believed that this happened, because at that time he was the deputy governor, he said during interrogation

IX ceremony of awarding the All-Russian award "Heritage Keepers" in Yelabuga. How it was

"Guardians of the Legacy"

When something happens for the ninth time, the great power of tradition comes into play. The tradition of the "Heritage Custodians" award is that the worthy choose the most worthy, this is understandable without explanation, from one list of laureates.

But there is another tradition, perhaps no less important. This is the atmosphere: loftiness without pathos, solemnity without loud words, honor without showiness. And if our impromptu "hall" in the open air rises and applauds standing - this is according to the Hamburg account. Recognition of comrades-in-arms, a genuine sense of camaraderie and brotherhood. Brotherhood of Guardians.

“It is you who are the true guardians of culture”

The Guardians of Heritage bring this atmosphere with them to where their annual forum takes place. And when such cordiality and hospitality is added to this, as this year in Yelabuga, magic is guaranteed.

The history of the “Heritage Keepers” holiday in Yelabuga began in March of this year, when the director of the Yelabuga Museum-Reserve, , a laureate of the 2012 Prize herself, suggested that the organizing committee hold the ceremony in the reserve. And it ended - late in the evening of August 4, when the "Hymn of the Guardians" sounded at the end of the ceremony.

And the ceremony began - in which everyone saw a good sign - with a bell ringing coming from the grandiose bell tower of the city's Spassky Cathedral.

Other pleasant surprise became a greeting Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, which was delivered to Yelabuga literally on the eve of the ceremony. “As Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev said, memory is the basis of culture. And it is you who are its true guardians, - stressed the Prime Minister, addressing the participants and guests of the ceremony. - Thanks to your professionalism, hard work and energy, hundreds of thousands of people can make exciting time travels, immerse themselves in the atmosphere of bright historical events, admire manor complexes, temples and monasteries.

Dear friends! I would like to thank you for your great love for your work, for the important and necessary work that you are doing. And once again congratulate the laureates on their well-deserved awards.”

Congratulated the "Guardians of Heritage and Advisor to the President of Russia Vladimir Tolstoy: “Over the years of its existence, the award has become one of the most significant events in the cultural life of the country. For the organizers and laureates of the award, the preservation, study and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage is a matter of life to which they give all their strength, talent, skill. I am convinced that the presentation of the award in the Yelabuga Museum-Reserve, in the atmosphere of the Spasskaya Fair, will give this ceremony a special character, make it unforgettable for all participants and guests!”

Made a welcome contribution and Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets: “With its (Prize - Ed.) appearance, a good tradition was created to celebrate the merits of caring people of various professions, ages, beliefs, who truly value our history and heritage. Those who consider themselves personally responsible for the preservation of the national heritage and historical memory of Russia.

You can't argue with that - it's all true.

On behalf of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the Guardians were welcomed Director of the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Vladimir Tsvetnov.

On behalf of the hospitable hosts - Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan Svetlana Persova, head of the Yelabuga municipal district Gennady Yemelyanov, general director of the Yelabuga State Museum-Reserve Gulzada Rudenko.

And finally, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the All-Russian Prize "Heritage Keepers", Chairman Public Council The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Pavel Pozhigailo - and declared the ceremony open.

Retreat from tradition

And one after another, the Guardians, laureates of the 2017 Prize, began to rise on the stage.

laureates in nomination "Feat" The jury of the Award unanimously recognized the military personnel of the International Mine Action Center of the Armed Forces Russian Federation, in 2016 and 2017 who carried out humanitarian demining of the ancient monuments of Palmyra and Aleppo in Syria. Receive an award in Yelabuga arrived Head of the International Mine Action Center ColonelIgor Mikhailik and his deputy lieutenant colonel Roman Krupoderov.

It was to them that our “hall” gave a standing ovation.

Colonel Igor Mikhailik

Head of the International Mine Action Center Baboutarmed Xil Russian Colonel Igor Mikhaylik (left) and his deputy Roman Krupoderov at a ceremony in Yelabuga

Formally, this was a departure from tradition. The "Heritage Keepers" award has been awarded from year to year to people who preserve the cultural heritage of Russia. But it was such a case when it was impossible not to break the tradition. After all, our cultural heritage is, after all, an integral part of the world. And when the world fails to preserve its heritage, Russia comes to the rescue. Thanks to the soldiers of the Mine Action Center for Humanity, everything that the militants did not manage to blow up in Palmyra was now saved. Risking their lives, Russian sappers neutralized - on the spot, by hand - thousands of explosive devices and ammunition, with which literally every square meter was stuffed. Risking your life daily. But - without a single loss.

Director of the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Tsvetnov presents an award toto the staff of the Renaissance Foundation

AT nomination "Renaissance" team became the winner Republican Fund for the Revival of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Tatarstan, headed by . At the ceremony, the delegation of the Fund was headed by Executive Director Tatyana Larionova. The work of the Foundation has just received the highest international recognition: the Assumption Cathedral of the island-town of Sviyazhsk in July 2017 was . Thus, in three years, Tatarstan "listed" two of its objects (in 2014 - the ancient Bolgar) in the UNESCO lists - this is an unprecedented achievement for Russia.

Heads of the Republican Fund for the Revival of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev and Tatyana Larionova

The nominations succeeded each other - and it became clear how diverse, weighty, interesting, and effective the laureates of the 2017 Prize were.

Alexander Shirokov (nomination "Return")- the president International Foundation"Russian province", entrepreneur and public figure, who restored the magnificent estate "Cold Keys" in the Ivanovo region.

Valentina Bycheva(nomination "Loyalty to the Cause") - Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Leningrad Regional Branch All-Russian Society protection of monuments of history and culture, in the 1990s almost single-handedly managed to maintain the organization, re-gathered like-minded people around it, and did not leave the architectural heritage of the Leningrad Region in trouble.

Evgeny Vagin (nomination "Master")- artist, restorer, skilled blacksmith, master of gilding, without whom the restoration of many iconic monuments of the Pskov land would have been impossible.

Louise Leontieva (nomination "Preservation of folk traditions")- the head of the family folklore and ethnographic studio "Obereg" and the ensemble "Dukhov den", which immediately presented the participants of the ceremony with a short but bright musical and folklore holiday.

Alexey Davydov (nomination "Historical memory")- a Nizhny Novgorod expert and historian, always proceeding from the "presumption of preservation" of monuments and historical buildings, thanks to which our descendants will see dozens of ancient buildings of the Nizhny Novgorod land.

Yury Komlev (nomination "Keeper")- Director of the Orenburg Regional Museum fine arts, who revived the famous "Orenburg downy shawl" - not as a museum exhibit, but as a living craft, the beauty of the Orenburg land, one of the symbols of Russia.

Confirmation, which left no doubt, the participants of the ceremony saw immediately - in the form of a "defile" of beautiful maidens in authentic Orenburg downy products of various sizes and shapes. An unforgettable defile was skillfully led by the laureate.

Natalia Shumilova (nomination " Patriotic education») - Chief librarian of the Zelenograd city library of the Kaliningrad region. In our non-reading time, which does not recognize paper media, she managed to ensure that her Zelenogradsk was recognized as the most reading city in the Kaliningrad region. She also encouraged fellow countrymen to an international expedition to restore the monument. Soviet soldiers in neighboring Poland.

Evgeny Stupkin (nomination "Local historian")- a tireless researcher of history and monuments, archives of Vyshny Volochyok, collector, writer, historian, preserving precious episodes of the life of his region from oblivion.

These are our wonderful winners this year.

Instead of an afterword

And instead of an afterword -

After the lunch break, on September 26, the hearing on the case of Mikhail Prokopyev and Pavel Kolpakov continued. This time, Igor Mikhailik acted as a witness. He was invited to clarify the circumstances of the murder of Anatoly Gorbushin. The interrogation of the witness took place via videoconferencing. Mikhailik himself currently lives in Moscow.

Shulakova, Shustov and Shabalin were to appear first. However, no witnesses appeared. The State Prosecution filed a motion to read out their testimony. The judge granted the motion in part, taking into account the objection of the defence. It was decided to read out the testimony of only Shulakova and Shustov.

* I knew Svetlana Gorodchikova. We walked together with the children.

* She lived at the address of Karl Marx, 38.

*On the day of the murder, I heard sounds similar to gunshots. Thought the kids were having fun. More than three claps sounded. Then I heard male and female screams.

* I saw the body of Roman Gorodchikov on the 3rd floor, although Gorodchikov lived on the fourth. She tried to lift Roman, but failed.

* In the entrance I noticed an unfamiliar man. Didn't see the face. It seemed to the witness that the man went up to the 5th floor.

Shustov Valery, a witness in the murder of Yolkin:

*Lives at Lenina, 16.

* I realized from the sounds of shots that they were shooting on the lower floors.

*After half an hour the police officers came and asked what the witness had heard.

* Yolkina knew as a neighbor on the porch. In his way of life, he stood out from the rest. Basically, employees of the dairy plant lived in the entrance. Yolkin did not work at the factory, but he drove expensive cars. Friends came to visit him.

After an hour break, having set up all the equipment for video communication, the court proceeded to interrogate Igor Mikhailik.

State Prosecution: Igor Leonidovich, do you know the defendants?

S: I know Mikhail Yurievich. Known since the early 90s. I don't feel any dislike. Until 1998, we met with him to solve the problems of our business.

G: Do you know Anatoly Gorbushin?

S: Yes, we had a business relationship. In the early 90s I was engaged in entrepreneurial activity. Anatoly Evgenievich was my business partner. We had a trading holding "Roma", which was engaged in trade and purchasing activities. AT different years I have performed various functions.

G: What was your role in this enterprise?


G: what did Gorbushin do?

C: trade and purchasing activities. I went, for example, to Moscow to buy goods.

G: Did you have to deal with criminal gangs?

S: conflicts arose with the punks in the activities of the stalls. I went to these sorts of shows. Often I did not even know the names of these people. At that time there was no concept of a criminal gang.

G: Did you have to pay money to someone?

S: It was difficult to deal with disassembly. Therefore, I turned to Mikhail Prokopiev. He was the most intelligent of all. Once Mikhail Yuryevich came to our store on Moskovskaya.

G: why did Mikhail Yuryevich arouse sympathy?

S: There were few such people in the city.

G: Did he have his own company?

S: It was not exactly a company, but an interest club. They played sports together.

G: what was agreed in the store?

S: If I have any problems, I can contact him. He will help solve them.

G: How were you supposed to report?

S: I don't remember.

G: In return, what did you provide?

C: certain reward. Not always money, sometimes food was given for security services to two people. What they were called, I don't remember. They were on the staff of a trading holding and received wages.

Q: Until when did the payments take place?

S: In 1998, when the law on weapons was adopted, we created our own security service. Then we refused the services of Mikhail Yurievich.

G: Did you somehow announce that you were stopping payments?

S: No, they didn't.

G: Why didn't you tell?

S: because I bad person.

G: Did you have to turn to Mikhail Yuryevich for help?

S: We had a lot of things: bases were robbed, flowers in the market were poured with gasoline, etc. Mikhail Yurievich said that we ourselves are to blame for our problems.

Q: Why did you ask for help then?

S: so that this does not happen again.

G: Do you know the name Abdulaev?

S: Yes, Gorbushin had more contact with him. He brought him when he came. He said that this is a big businessman who will help to earn money. He advised to put stalls with flowers. Personally, I did not communicate with him. One of the conditions of working with us was the condition that we would help him solve problems with criminal elements.

G: what did you do to help him?

S: nothing.

G: what do you know about the Vyatsky Cultural Center?

S: I first heard about the existence of this society from Abdulaev. Then we became shareholders: me, Paley, Gorbushin. We bought 20% of the shares of this company. Bought them later.

G: did you have to turn to Mikhail Yuryevich for help with the activities of the Vyatsky Cultural Center?

S: No, by that time we already had a security service. Tolya became the director of the company after the decision of the founders.

Q: Were you on the Board of Directors?

G: Do you know Gushchin?

S: Who do you mean?

Judge: Are you going to ask the court about this now? Answer and we will understand.

S: I have a neighbor Gushchin.

G: Did you have conflicts on the basis of management?

S: Tolya leaned towards human factor, and I believed that more profit should be made.

G: Did Gorbushin know that payments were being made?

G: How did he feel?

S: It varies from year to year.

G: why was it difficult for you to agree that everyone was happy?

S: I can't do that.

G: Do you know about the creation of the Security Fund?

S: I don't know anything. This is a question for Kazachinsky.

G: since you had disagreements, did you think about splitting the business?

S: Yes, in 2003. I was satisfied with his offer, and I agreed.

G: How did you find out about Gorbushin's death?

S: I don't know anything. They called me and told me about it.

G: Have you had a chill in a relationship?

C: what kind of cooling. We did not spend evenings together, we only met at work.

Q: Why do you think this happened?

S: I don't know, and I still don't have versions.

G: Have you been checked for involvement in this murder?

S: Naturally.

G: Did Gorbushin communicate with Prokopiev?

S: I remember I was at the disco on Fileyka. It turned out that they were celebrating the birthday of Mikhail Yurievich. Then it turned out that there is a large part of the company. I was surprised.

G: Why are you so surprised?

S: I don't remember.

G: with whom from Prokopiev's entourage did you communicate?

S: with Sitnikov. I associate it with an attempt on his life.

Judge: How did you find out about the assassination attempt?

C: word of mouth.

G: Was Mikhail Yurievich registered with one of your organizations?

S: Yes, it was officially registered.

G: What did you do?

S: He provided security services to us.

* I have known Gorbushin since childhood. Maintained friendly relations with him. In the late 80s, Paley suggested opening a thrift store. Then Gorbushin, while still working as a teacher at a boarding school, introduced the witness to Abdulaev.

*In the late 80s in Kirov there were: Gagarinsky, Komarovsky, Vaseninsky and Prokopovsky.

* The amount of payments agreed personally with Prokopiev. The amount was not fixed. The money was handed over to him personally.

*Abdulaev at that moment was engaged in the supply of oil from Azerbaijan.

* In 1993-1995, Prokopiev called and said that Gushchin had questions for the witness. We met at the store. As it turned out, Gushchin had questions about Abdulaev's activities.

*After the acquisition of the Vyatsky CC, they began to lease the warehouses of the food base along Vorovskogo Street.

* In 1992 he introduced Gorbushin to Prokopyev.

* For the entire period of acquaintance, he knew only Sitnikov. I saw Krivoshein, but I didn't know him personally.

* Since 1997, he began to avoid Mikhail Yurievich. The witness became ashamed to pay "for the roof."

*Witness stopped responding phone calls Prokopiev.

* In 2003, he met Prokopyev at the Pobeda Central Organ. Commercial topics were not raised in the conversation

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