How to build shoulders with push-ups. We swing shoulders at home without dumbbells.

Health 20.04.2018

Large embossed shoulders are one of the main signs of masculinity in the appearance of a man. Unlike a wide chest and large biceps, powerful shoulders will be visible under any clothes, even if you put on a jacket. However, not everyone can boast of the width of their shoulders, because this muscle group is the most difficult when gaining muscle mass. So how to build shoulders if all your home workouts have not yielded results? Shoulders require special attention when gaining mass, which is why in this article we will talk about how to quickly pump up your shoulders at home and save the result.


The muscles of the shoulders, or rather the deltoid muscles, are divided into several separate groups responsible for different movements. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Anterior deltoid muscle. This head originates from the collarbone and extends to the humerus. It is used during pressing movements, such as bench press, barbell overhead press, and other intermediate exercises.

2. Middle deltoid muscle. Like the anterior one, it starts on the collarbone and goes to the humerus. Responsible for the movement of the abduction of the arms to the sides along the body. This is the main muscle that visually expands the body. It is involved in the exercise "swing to the side."

3. Posterior deltoid muscle. Extends from shoulder blade to shoulder bone. It is involved in moving the arms to the sides and back, it works with pull-ups and pull-ups.

4. Trapezius muscle. This muscle group occupies a large area and is involved in many movements. It originates at the base of the skull and runs along the spine to the middle of the back. It is involved in almost all movements of the rear delta and spinal muscles.

Firstly, for the buildup of the shoulders, it is necessary to correctly observe the technique. Do not do it wrong, but with more weight, the main thing is to feel how the muscle tenses, and bring the execution to the point where the muscle is stretched.

Secondly, “killing” muscles with a small weight for several minutes is also the wrong tactic. So you will never pump up, but only increase the risk of catabolism. The exercise should be performed for 20-40 seconds, the recommended number of repetitions is at least eight times, after which it is necessary to take less weight and work at a normal pace, performing 10 to 14 repetitions.

Thirdly, do not neglect proper nutrition. Even if all your workouts are focused only on painting the shoulders, the regime should be followed, as with normal muscle building.

Inflating shoulders on the horizontal bar and uneven bars

Everyone knows how to pull up, but not everyone knows how to pump up their shoulders on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

The horizontal bar and bars are excellent shells for pumping and strengthening the shoulders and arms. Their advantage is that they are in every yard of any city, but in extreme cases, you can buy them inexpensively and install them right at home.

Working with your weight on the horizontal bar raises muscle tone, strengthens the trapezius muscles, deltoids and increases the width of the shoulders. Parallel bars are also a good option, but without a horizontal bar you won't be able to increase shoulder width, as parallel bars don't allow for many of the moves that develop the middle deltoid muscle.

With the right technique, you can achieve good results on these projectiles. For many, it seems a mystery how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar, however, when performing special exercises, muscle mass will not take long, and you will quickly build up your shoulders.

How to build shoulders on the horizontal bar: exercises

1. Classic pull-ups with a medium grip. Hands at about shoulder level, hands in a direct grip position. Pull up to the highest point, that is, touching the horizontal bar with your chest.

2. The same medium grip, but the hands are already in the reverse grip position. Stretch with your back to the horizontal bar, pulling up should be incomplete, to the level when the elbows are bent ninety degrees. Leave your legs perpendicular to the floor.

The number of approaches is approximately 3-4 per workout. Do not try to do more, at best it will lead to nothing, at worst - to catabolism, and even to injury. If you manage to do more than twenty repetitions, then you need to know one secret, which reveals the question of how to pump up your shoulders on the horizontal bar: start tying a load to your legs. Repeat this every time you reach twenty reps on all sets with the new weight. This will develop well not only the outer width of the shoulders, but also their strength and endurance.

Exercises for pumping shoulders on uneven bars

It will seem strange to someone the question of how to pump up the shoulder muscles on the uneven bars. But this is quite real, especially when combined with other training equipment.

  • As usual, grab the bars from above, rest against them and hang. Press your arms close to your body as tightly as possible.
  • Tilt your head forward and take your knees back, otherwise most of the load will go to the triceps. Slowly lean forward, extending your elbows to the sides.
  • As soon as you feel the tension of the pectoral muscles, freeze for a couple of seconds and begin to smoothly bring your elbows to the body, unbending them and straightening up until you return to their original position.

This exercise is rather auxiliary, it will not expand the shoulders, but with it, muscle growth from the horizontal bar with weighting or dumbbells will be much more effective.

The number of repetitions and approaches is the same as on the horizontal bar. If you have learned to perform more than twenty repetitions, then it's time to tie extra weight to your legs or back.

Don't forget to warm up before every workout. Between sets, you can do a couple of swings with your hands, this will contribute to blood circulation and speed up the recovery process. Warming up is a necessary part of any workout, it prepares the muscles before the load, contributes to the effectiveness of training and reduces the risk of injury.

How to build shoulders with dumbbells

Dumbbells are perhaps the most effective projectile. Here we will tell you how to pump up your shoulders in this way correctly. As with any other workout, the first step is to warm up. Prepare yourself mentally, imagine that your head is on a huge mountain, that's exactly what will happen after a few hard workouts. Shoulders can be stretched with swings, arm rotations, and other exercises that engage them. It usually takes about twenty rotations forward and backward. The same amount for the elbow joints and hands, because the weight will fall on the whole arm, and not just on the shoulders.

At the next stage of the warm-up, take small dumbbells and use them to press up, swing to the sides and swing back. Each of the exercises for twenty repetitions, so that the hands get used to moving with weight.

Exercises for pumping shoulders with dumbbells

How to build shoulders with dumbbells, we will tell in this paragraph. The most effective exercises that give maximum results:

1. Incline Dumbbell Press. Choose a weight that you can squeeze out about 8-10 times. Sit on a straight bench and raise the dumbbells to shoulder height. It is important here to know the secret of how to pump up your shoulders with this exercise more effectively: at the bottom point, you need to stop for one to two seconds. This eliminates momentum, sets up the muscles for a constant load, which leads to better results.

2. Raising the arms to the sides with dumbbells (dumbbell swings). Here you will need a weight that you can lift 10-12 times, stopping for three seconds at the top point. Stand up straight, lean forward slightly and arch your back. It is necessary to lift the dumbbells along the body, while trying to lift it with deltas, and not with a trapezoid. If you do everything right, the elbows will sag a little. To make it easier to hold the weight at the top, silently add the word "thousand" to the count. At the bottom, the arms should be straight.

3. Shrugs with dumbbells. Grab a weight that you can do twenty reps with. Imagine that your hands are ropes, and they are tied in knots on dumbbells, hold tight, with all your might. Raise your shoulders, tense them for a second and only then lower them. Relax a little at the bottom. Perform the exercise to failure. There is also a small rule on how to pump up your shoulders with this exercise: you must perform it at the end of the workout, after all the previous exercises.

Shoulder barbell

It would not hurt to learn how to pump up the shoulders with a barbell. The barbell is a good alternative to dumbbells. She can replace them in almost all exercises for pumping shoulders. Its only advantage is that it allows the arms to always be kept parallel to each other, which has a beneficial effect on the technique of performing some complex exercises.

A warm-up is also needed. Exercises include incline presses, barbell chin raises, and chest rows. An empty bar for 15-20 reps is fine for a beginner.

Perform the exercises very carefully, following the technique, otherwise you can get injured.

Exercises for pumping shoulders with a barbell

Here you will learn how to pump up your shoulders with a barbell at home. These exercises are suitable both in combination with others, and when working only with a barbell.

1. Vertical pull rod. This exercise will make the lateral bundles of the deltoid muscles round and massive.

Take a barbell with a medium grip, hold it at the base of your thighs, bend your elbows. Inhale, tighten your shoulders and exhale lift the bar to the chin. Elbows should be apart different sides, while they are always higher than the forearm. The rest of the body must be kept still.

2. Front lift of the bar. Stand straight, lift the bar in front of you with outstretched arms (palms pointing down). Elbows slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale, begin to exhale and raise the bar above your head, while the elbows should not bend or unbend. The movement should take place clearly in one circle. Inhaling, lower the bar to the position from which you started. Repeat 10-14 times.

3. Shrugs with a barbell. The exercise is performed in the same way as with dumbbells, but, unlike dumbbells, the neck will interfere with you a little, so you can lean forward slightly and arch your back.

Push-ups from the floor for pumping shoulders

This is one of the most effective and versatile exercises. But how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups from the floor? There are many types of exercises that can help you achieve any set goals, pump up any muscle group of the upper shoulder girdle and even legs. The simplest push-ups already have a good effect on the deltoid muscles, but if there is an opportunity to enhance the effect, then you should not lose it in any case. Here we will tell you which exercises are most effective for building shoulders and increasing their volume.

Shoulder exercises with push-ups

1. Push-ups with a house. Stand upright lying down, put your feet on your toes, move closer to your hands and bend at the waist ninety degrees. This position will increase the load on the deltoid muscles. Now lower yourself to the floor without changing the angle. You need to repeat to failure, but in some cases, for example, if you are doing a set, it is better to spread the number of repetitions over all exercises.

2. Push-ups on the shoulders in a rack against the wall. This exercise engages all deltoid muscles. But it requires a good initial preparation. First you need to try to stand against the wall. If you stand for a minute with your feet against the wall, then you can try the exercise.

3. Push-ups in a handstand. Highly effective exercise. If you can't on your own, then ask a partner to hold your legs, or lean against a wall. You can also try walking on your hands.

It is advisable to do circuit training, including all these exercises and classic push-ups. For starters, 2-3 circles are enough, but in the future it will be effective to do five circles, ten times for each exercise.

The best shoulder workout at home

1. Wiring dumbbells to the sides. It is better to start with the middle delta, because it is she who makes the width of the shoulder, which means that the whole training is built from it. The first approach is fifteen repetitions, the rest, with more weight, are 8-12 each.

2. Mahi dumbbells back in an inclination. After the wiring, you can finish off the middle delta by hammering it to failure with four sets of 10-12 times.

3. Vertical press. This exercise is performed slowly, and muscle tension should be maximum. Three sets of 8-12 reps is enough.

4. Shrugs. Trapeze at the very end of the workout. There should be exactly four approaches.

This program is suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. If you are one of the latter, then it is worth filling it with drop sets, this will greatly enhance the effect.


This is a sufficient supply of knowledge in order to pump up your shoulders from scratch at home in the shortest possible time. By following these tips, correctly performing the exercises, observing the technique, diet and not giving up, you will quickly achieve results in pumping the most difficult muscle in the body. You can use any of the methods, they are all effective, but dumbbells give the greatest result, it is not for nothing that all bodybuilders prefer iron shells to increase muscle mass.

Many athletes ask how pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, push-ups, what are the exercises, methods, tips and tricks. After all, in fact, you can pump up your shoulders both at home and in the gym, it all depends on your desire and aspiration. The higher the desire, the faster you can pump up your shoulders.

The first thing you need to build your shoulders at home without dumbbells, push-ups, is just to set a clear and specific goal for yourself. Take a piece of paper and write down which shoulders you want to build. Nearby write the exact date until which you want to pump up your shoulders. Find a photo or imagine the shoulders you want to build.

How to build shoulders at home without dumbbells - exercises

To pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, push-ups, you need to perform these exercises 4 times a week or every day, with a strong desire to quickly pump up your shoulders. For the first 3-4 days, do not do heavy loads to allow the muscles to rest and get used to new loads.


To pump up shoulders at home without dumbbells, push-ups, you need to do push-ups with a simple, wide and narrow grip. Do 3-4 sets for each type of push-up and 30-50 push-ups. Rest a maximum of 3 minutes between sets. Do push-ups correctly, keeping your back straight and lightly touching the floor with your chest and straightening your arms when lifting.


To build shoulders at home without dumbbells, do the exercises regularly, without skipping workouts, so you don’t have to start all over again. To strengthen and speed up the process, use additional weight. If there are no dumbbells, replace them with water bottles or a backpack with books.

Also, to pump up your shoulders at home without dumbbells, push-ups, take care of the regimen and proper nutrition. Eat only wholesome, natural foods that contain more vitamins and proteins. Do not overeat, eat: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Drink 2-3 liters of water throughout the day.

How to build shoulders with push-ups and is it even possible to do this? Of course! Push-ups are a basic exercise, one of the best among all existing today. With its help, you can not only effectively pump up your shoulders, but also achieve almost any of your goals. Whatever task you set, whatever heights you strive to overcome, push-ups will definitely help you achieve your goal!

Push-ups are in themselves a useful exercise for our shoulders (deltoid muscles), helping to work them out well. However, it does not affect all muscles, but only their anterior bundles. During push-ups, 3 muscle groups are involved:

  1. Deltoid muscles.
  2. Triceps.
  3. The most important muscles involved in the exercise are the chest.

You can shift the emphasis towards one or another muscle group, that is, provide it with a large load, using one simple trick - changing position during push-ups.

The standard version of push-ups (hands shoulder-width apart) in itself makes our shoulders work actively, however, as mentioned above, this only applies to the anterior deltoid muscle bundle. And if we want to pump up our shoulders, then we need to make sure that all the beams are subjected to the load. To do this, you need to use non-standard variations of the exercise, that is, the classics will not suit us.

Types of push-ups

To increase the volume of the deltoid muscles, 2 main types of push-ups are ideal.

The first option is how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups: you can call it “push-ups at home”. To perform it, take the usual position in the lying position, but at the same time move your legs closer to your hands. Your legs and body should form a right angle (which is why this type of exercise is called a “house”). The feet are held on toes.

When you have accepted this position, you can proceed to the implementation itself. As always, we lower ourselves to the floor with our whole body, after each repetition we do not drop our body, but smoothly return to the starting position. Do required amount repetitions in the approach ... Many recommend push-ups to failure, in their opinion, this is the most effective method pump your shoulders.

The second option is how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups: push-ups in a rack against a wall are an excellent exercise that forces a lot of muscles to work, including deltoid (all bundles). However, this type of push-ups is not for beginners, it requires some preparation. The first thing to find out is can you stand against a wall? And how long can you do it? If you manage to hold out in this position for at least a minute, then feel free to try push-ups.

Stand-up push-ups and walking on your hands are good exercises for developing shoulder mass.

Naturally, the “house” and wall-stand push-ups described above cannot be called simple exercises. The most important thing is to learn how to do push-ups in these positions at least 10 times, after which you can start using weights. The best option leg weights are considered, it is not advisable to wear special clothes (vest), it will simply slip during classes. You can make these “training assistants” yourself or just buy them. As an option, attach the most ordinary chains, it is advisable to use carabiners in this case, otherwise it will be problematic to put them on and take them off your feet.

The training program can look like this: you perform several approaches (3-4) of 7-10 repetitions. You need to train every other day, that is, Monday-Wednesday-Friday. And, most importantly, training will have the maximum effect only in combination with appropriate nutrition for mass gain.

How to build shoulders with push-ups: Very good exercise- push-ups with a narrow setting of hands. It is performed from a traditional lying position with feet brought together. Hands must be placed as close to each other as possible, you can even do this before touching the thumbs. Now it remains only to raise the body and start doing push-ups from this position, try to press your hands to your chest. Keep your back straight.

Perform the exercise at a fast pace, the movement itself should not take more than a second. It is necessary to monitor the position of the elbows so that they look not to the sides, but back. Sample training program: 30 reps per set, then a short break (30-40 seconds) and a new set.

Work out, do push-ups for the benefit of your shoulders, develop your body, every day and get a little better! Good luck!

Push-ups from the floor - it's incredible effective exercise. It is aimed at developing strength, since during such an exercise you need to use your hands to raise and lower your body. The body itself is in a horizontal position face down. Such an exercise is simple, but versatile and very effective. If you have a question, is it possible to pump up with push-ups, then we answer you: “You can!”

What muscles work during push-ups?

If you're wondering which muscles work with push-ups, here's the full list:

    • The triceps brachii, or triceps. They train while straightening their arms. If you do push-ups with a narrow grip, then this muscle will develop much faster.
    • Large pectoral muscles. This muscle group is responsible for the rotation of the humerus, its abduction and adduction.
  • Deltoid muscles. With their help, the contour and volume of the shoulders are formed. Although push-ups are not special exercise for the delta, but due to the fact that they work with absolutely all hand movements, push-ups give significant development.
  • Biceps, or biceps. As such, development during push-ups is not received, however, overall strength and endurance increase.
  • The serratus anterior muscles are located on the side of the chest on the upper ribs. During push-ups with a wide grip, they develop very well.
  • The gluteus maximus muscles also develop. The buttocks become inflated and firm.
  • The abdominal muscles also receive a static load during push-ups.

The benefits of push-ups from the floor?

The benefits of push-ups are enormous. It is expressed not only in the impact on the muscles, but also strengthens the entire body as a whole.

The domestic factor also plays an important role. You don't have to go to the gym or the stadium to work out. All exercises you can easily do at home.

Also, for this you do not need to buy either expensive equipment or special clothes.

Also, thanks to push-ups, the strength and endurance of the muscles of the upper body increases. Muscle mass increases, bones become stronger - as a result of which metabolism improves. It improves overall physical health.

It is incredibly important to constantly monitor the state of your muscle mass, especially after 30 years. It is after this age that every year a person loses about 2% of muscle mass, which is replaced by fat. That is, by the age of 55-60, a person loses half of his muscle mass, and this negatively affects health: it leads to the development of atherosclerosis, reduces physical activity and increases injuries.

Push-ups for biceps from the floor

As already mentioned, the biceps is the brachial biceps muscle, which is located in front of the shoulder. We are sure that almost every person understands what this muscle is. Many people have the misconception that muscle mass increases along with that muscle. Remember, this is far from true. You will never be able to build biceps if your other muscles are not properly developed. The size of the biceps directly depends on the total muscle mass.

If a person is thin, then he will never be able to pump up his biceps, even if he constantly does push-ups.

Only when he gains the proper weight, it will be possible to talk about the biceps.

How to pump up biceps with push-ups?

To develop this muscle, it is best to use special push-ups for the biceps. You can also help build biceps muscles by pulling up on the horizontal bar. This is quite a common exercise, it is better to go directly to push-ups.

Ways to do push-ups

For this exercise, we do not need anything but the floor. So, the palms need to be bent into fists so that the fingers are directed towards the legs. You can perform this exercise with dumbbells: then your weight will not go to the floor, but to the dumbbells. The most important thing is to place your hands correctly. We put them wide, but so that they are in line with the feet. After that, we perform 10 push-ups in 3 sets.

If you systematically perform this exercise, the question “how to pump up biceps with push-ups” will disappear from you.

Shoulder push-ups

To load the anterior deltoid muscle, you need to perform push-ups from the floor in a lying position. It doesn’t matter how you do it, because the front bundles of such muscles will still be involved, but the back and middle ones will not be loaded. But if you need to pump up these particular muscle groups, then you need to use an additional load. You can take anything. We can offer you a backpack with some books. Separate weight vests are also sold, which will be a great option for you.

If you need to pump up your shoulders, then nothing but push-ups will help you. They are of two types:

  • In a handstand without support
  • In a handstand against a wall

Thanks to these exercises, you will be able to build up your shoulders well. You can also improve push-ups for the shoulders in the rack with bars - put your hands in parallel.

We hope you understand how to pump up your hands with push-ups. Push-ups in the rack are quite a good replacement for the bench press. Without visiting the gym, you can pump up your shoulders just as well.

One more point needs to be highlighted.

If you do push-ups against the wall, then the load is evenly distributed to all bundles. The more your body is perpendicular to the floor, the greater the load on the biceps.

If we compare push-ups with a press, then push-ups without support are a barbell press, and against the wall - a dumbbell press.

If you can’t do push-ups in the rack, then push-ups from the floor can help you:

  • Take a horizontal position.
  • Raise your pelvis up.
  • Position your legs so that they are closer to your arms, but without bending them at the knees.
  • Now push up!

Do you feel pressure on your shoulders? This method of push-ups loads not only the front, but also the middle and rear. It is best to start with such exercises, because then you can move on to more difficult exercises.

Mass push-ups

Undoubtedly, absolutely every person wants to have a beautiful and fit figure. Of course, this requires constant and systematic physical exercise. At home, push-ups will help you pump all your muscles. Such a program is suitable for both professional athletes and helps beginners gain muscle mass.

There is an erroneous opinion: "the more you do push-ups, the better." Believe me, this is far from true. Not only that, so you don't add a drop to muscle mass, so, on the contrary, it will decrease. The only plus is that the strength of the hands and their endurance will increase, a relief appears. After 15 push-ups, the muscles begin to decrease in size. It is best to work according to this scheme: 4 sets of 12 times. Over time, it will become very easy for you to complete such a task, and then you can either increase the number of approaches, or complicate the execution: push-ups on one arm or with a load on your back.

During regular push-ups, part of the dorsal muscles, back, triceps and all the muscles of the chest work the most. The load for the pectoral muscles will be higher if the arms are placed a little wider than usual. If you place them even wider, then the load will go to the triceps. In order for your wrists to be strong, you should do push-ups on your fingers or fists. Of course, the load goes to other muscles, but much less.

Remember that you will have to increase the load over time, as the body gets used to this rhythm very quickly and no benefit is added.

It is best to start with the simplest exercises: push-ups on your knees or with the support of your hands. After you can easily perform 4 sets of 12 times, you can move on to something more difficult. Try doing push-ups with a load on upper part back or waist. It can also be gradually increased, or try push-ups on one arm. It is very important to stretch the ligaments well before such an exercise, as they are very easy to damage. We advise you to train 3 times a week for 4 sets of 12 exercises, and then increase the load.

Push-ups for triceps

To pump up the triceps, it is best to do push-ups from the floor with a narrow stop. They give a high load on the deltoids, chest and some back muscles. It is these exercises that in some gyms are replaced with a bench press with a narrow grip, straight triceps exercises, or push-ups on the uneven bars. Of course. Such exercises are more effective, but if you want to practice at home, then there is nothing better than push-ups with a narrow emphasis. It is one of the most effective triceps stimulators when it is not possible to work out with dumbbells and a barbell. This exercise causes blood to flow into the triceps, which provides a feeling of muscle pumping.

How to do push-ups with a narrow stop to pump up the triceps?

  • Take a horizontal position face down. Feet should be close to each other. If you want to increase the load on the triceps, then place your legs above shoulder level: on a table or stool.
  • Place your palms very close. It is best that the thumbs and forefingers of both hands form a heart shape. Spread your other fingers very wide, so you will give yourself stability.
  • It is best to start when your arms are bent and you lie with your chest on them. The body lies in a straight line, the load should be distributed between the arms and legs.
  • Push-ups should be fast, somewhere in 1 second. You should fully straighten your arms.
  • You should not linger on straightened arms, we do not need this extra rest. From a straightened position, slowly lower yourself down. It is very important that the elbows "stand" straight and look back.
  • Do everything quickly, without slowing down. As soon as your chest touches your hands, immediately repeat the exercise. Do this approach for 30 exercises, then you can take a break for 20-30 seconds, and then return to the exercises.

The wider you put your hands, the more the fibers of the clavicular part of the pectoralis major muscles are activated, but the load on the triceps is reduced. If you put your hands even narrower, then the load on the triceps and on the muscles that are adjacent to the chest will be incredibly large.

How to pump up your back with push-ups?

During push-ups, it is very important to ensure that the back is as straight as possible. If your body does not resemble a straight line, then the load on the back and gluteal muscles will be minimal, and you will not get the desired result. Also, due to the wrong position, you can cause severe pain in the lumbar region. The pelvis is the main key to maintaining posture during exercise. To be more precise, the hips. The lower back should be as straight as possible, and the stomach pulled in - this position is the safest and most effective.

Push-ups, which should pump up the back, should be performed regularly. Only then can you expect results. If during push-ups you get the feeling that your back is tilted forward, then straighten it and pull your stomach in as far as possible. The straighter your back is, the faster the result will appear.

To pump up your back, for the first 3 weeks of training, do an exercise called the “bar”. The first week we do 2 sets of 10 times, despite the fact that you need to hold for 5 seconds. On the second week, we do 4 sets of 10 exercises each, but we linger in this position for 15 seconds. The third week involves 6 sets of 10 times, however, each "bar" should be performed within 30 seconds. From weeks 4 to 6, you also need to hold this position for 30 seconds, but give the main load to the “knuckles”. For 6 weeks, push-ups should be performed very slowly, while maintaining a straight posture. The time of lowering to the floor is 2-3 seconds, in the lower position you need to linger for 5-7 seconds, then repeat the exercise. For one approach you need to do 10 exercises.

As you can see, achieve beautiful figure at home and at no cost is very simple. The main thing is to want - and you will succeed!

In this article I will tell you how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups.

But then again, if you need to pump up your shoulders in general, then I can offer you two types of push-ups.

These are the two main types of push-ups that will help you build your shoulders. A variation of the handstand push-ups are the handstand push-ups on parallel bars.

Now you know how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups. Push-ups in the rack are an analogue of the bench press while sitting or standing. That is, without visiting gym you can pump up your shoulders.

And one moment. Push-ups against the wall more evenly distribute the load on the bundles, since you can get into a nearly vertical position. But in order to do push-ups in a rack without support, you need to move your body a little forward, which transfers the load to the front beams. But, nevertheless, there is no huge difference, so push up as you like. That is, more specifically, compared to iron, push-ups against the wall are dumbbell presses, and push-ups without support are barbell presses.

But, if for some reason push-ups in the rack are not suitable for you, then I want to advise another type of push-ups. These are push-ups from the floor. Take an emphasis lying down, raise your pelvis higher and put your legs closer to your hands, while your legs should not bend at the knees. Well, now push up a few times. Do you feel pressure on your shoulders? That's it. This type of push-ups will also help build your shoulders, loading not only the front, but also the middle and back. But these push-ups are more suitable for beginners, as they put less strain on the shoulders.

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