Girls with long bangs. Bang. Who will suit

Fashion & Style 21.12.2017
Fashion & Style

This article describes the harmonious combination of a rare bang with a person's appearance, how it affects his image, who is best suited. Brief recommendations are also given on how to make a rare bang most quickly and effectively, as well as lay it down.

Properly made and styled bangs are the key to external beauty

Not always the reason for the brilliant external beauty for women is a lush and thick hairstyle. Sometimes a rare bang with can most clearly display the hidden facets of her attractiveness, add a certain zest and charm to her image. Everything depends on the individual. For some, a rare bang is really suitable, for others it is clearly unsightly. Here everything depends solely on the natural data, the appearance of a person.

Modern and beautiful

A rare bang (you see the photo of haircuts in the article) is very fashionable today, so there are quite a lot of fans of this hairstyle. Sometimes the desire to have a similar hairstyle can be based on keeping up with fashion. Yet such a blind approach is fundamentally wrong. You need to take everything in a balanced way, think everything over carefully before making any radical decisions about changing your external image. Of course, some ladies can be advised to turn to competent hair stylists who can take into account all the exquisite wishes of their clients related to their external transformation. After all, it is they who are fully able to professionally display all this in the original hairstyle.

Who can suit such a bang the most?

It is completely erroneous to believe that hairstyles with sparse bangs are suitable only for those people whom nature has awarded with rare ones and, as already described above, all envy depends on the individual qualities of each person individually. However general recommendations, who still should pay more attention to this type of hairstyle, it is quite possible to give.

For example, for those women and girls who are short, a rare bang can come in handy. On them, it will look more spectacular than a lush hairstyle. And, on the contrary, for tall and slender women, without special need, it makes no sense to make a rare bang for themselves, since they are more impressed with just a lush, thick one.

If the representative of the beautiful half of humanity has by nature curly curls, she is also recommended to make herself a rare long bang. AT this case there is no need to carry out its installation, as well as careful care for it.

For people with coarse hair, hairdressers can give useful advice make a rare bang so that its length is at least 6 centimeters. Otherwise, strands of hair will not be able to be beautifully styled, but will randomly stick out in different directions.

Torn bangs on will look most welcome. The woman will look elegant and beautiful. Such an option would be wonderful for an oval face type.

The main types of rare bangs

Oblique long sparse bangs can look very creative from the outside, so they are often made by those girls and women who always strive to keep up with fashion. The most remarkable thing is that this one can harmoniously look not only on thin, but also on thick hair. The only obligatory requirement for hair in such a situation is that it must be straight, as this type of hairstyle looks very ridiculous on curls.

Straight sparse bangs can give the image of a person a certain feature of an elongated face, which has a total of rounded features. In this way, you can additionally emphasize the beauty of the expressiveness of the eyes, which is a very important task for many women.

Rare is best for those who naturally have heavy cheekbones and a wide chin. In this case, it is advisable to make the haircut itself in a torn style.

How to make rare bangs at home

If the goal is to make yourself a rare bang, it is not necessary to contact a hairdresser for this. It is even possible for a woman to cope with this task on her own, especially if she already has certain experience and skills in such a matter. It is important to observe only well-known rules, which consist in the following theses:

  • it is necessary to cut wet hair, as when dried, they tend to be significantly shortened, especially curls;
  • you need to use large and sharp scissors when cutting, as they will not pull the hairs;
  • in order not to accidentally catch the remaining hair and cut it off when cutting, it is important to fix it;
  • in order to obtain a straight bang, the scissors must be kept level; if the bangs need to be made oblique, the scissors should be in a vertical position.

The benefits of rare bangs made in hairdressing salons

However, if a woman is very worried about her appearance and does not want to do such a hairstyle herself, she always has the opportunity to contact a beauty salon or a professional stylist. Business women usually act in this way, who every hour have their Everyday life clearly scheduled and free time is not so much. They are very worried about their appearance. After all, they often have to be in the circles of respectable people, to be permanent participants in which sometimes fateful decisions are made in the field of their professional activity. In this regard, the issue of hairstyles for such women can be very importance, because their image and a certain status are closely connected with it.

The advantage of rare bangs, made by true masters of hairdressing, is professional styling, as well as an appropriate stylistic image that can be perfectly combined with the beauty of a woman. And let the services of stylists and hairdressers cost considerable financial costs, but for a woman her appearance and status are much more expensive, so it is quite logical that such costs will be fully recouped.

The sequence of actions when laying a haircut with a rare bang

A haircut with a rare bang is beautiful and stylish. But, of course, only if proper care is provided and all the rules for its installation are observed. Girls should not neglect the advice of experts. It must be remembered that styling a haircut with thinned bangs begins only after the hair on the head is completely dry. Sometimes a hair dryer is used to speed up this process. Drying should occur from the roots, in order to give the strands extra volume.

To fix the hairstyle, varnishes, mousses or other styling products specially designed for this purpose are used. The ends of the hair are usually twisted with irons or a round brush. After all these manipulations, the hairstyle is given desired view using a comb for this. Thus, having completed these actions, the hairstyle is fixed in desired position. At the same time, a rare bang will look very attractive on a woman, complementing her beauty, laid down by nature.

Instead of an afterword

As you know, the external image of a person can directly affect his behavior in our rather rich and difficult life. In this regard, you should not discard the opportunity to radically change your appearance with a rare bang, even if you have never worn it before. Perhaps it is this image that will most harmoniously fit into your appearance, giving additional strength and being an incentive to achieve your life goals. A beautiful image adds self-confidence. And this can push for new achievements, help solve tasks that previously seemed overwhelming. Be beautiful in any situation!

Bangs are a design option for strands of hair surrounding the face that suits everyone, however, provided that the model is chosen correctly. In particular, stylists recommend choosing them in accordance with the shape of the face and type of hair, since otherwise, instead of a new attractive image, there is a high risk of making appearance flaws more noticeable and hiding advantages.

Among the huge variety of bangs, a special place is occupied by rare options that can help in solving many problems with appearance.

Varieties and selection rules

Rare design options for cut strands on the forehead can be straight, oblique, with even edging or torn. If the hair is sparse, then it makes sense to make it away from the hairline on the forehead, and with thick hair, such a bang will turn out only if you retreat only 1-2 cm. Also, in the second case, it makes sense to make milling along the entire length, which is contraindicated if The hair is no longer thick and thin.

Rare bangs are suitable for girls who have curly hair. It should be long and laid on its side. And for them, this is the only option that does not require constant care. Also, this accessory is suitable for owners of coarse hair. However, this statement is true only if its length is at least 5 cm, since otherwise the strand on the forehead will stick out ugly, giving its owner an absurd look.

As for how to choose options depending on the type of face, for girls whose chin is much narrower than their forehead, a thin arched (oval) bang can be a good solution. Thinned strands will also help owners of a massive chin, but only if the bangs gradually blend into the rest of the hair.

We put it right

Rare and Thin hair always hard to fit. After all, the hair of their owners by nature lacks volume. This is especially true of the bangs, which, despite all efforts, after contact with the skin of the face, quickly becomes greasy and turns into something absolutely unpresentable and puzzling.

As already mentioned, bangs get dirty very quickly. At the same time, there is not always time to wash your hair and do styling, especially if the hair is thick and long. In such cases, it is best to wash and style only the strand in front of the head. According to stylists, then the hairstyle, even if the hair is dirty, will look well-groomed and beautiful.

  • If you have an oblique bang, then it is first cut evenly, at the right angle, and only then the teeth are cut. An alternative to cloves is thinning along the entire length or only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tips.
  • Rare, like any other bangs, should be cut only on dry hair, since the hair is highly hygroscopic and, having absorbed moisture, lengthens by 0.5-1 cm. Thus, trying to cut a moistened strand on the forehead, you can find yourself in a situation where after drying, it will be much shorter than we would like.

  • Having decided to cut a strand in front of the head for the first time, it is recommended to entrust this work to a professional stylist, especially if the hair is thin, since only in this case can one achieve good results and not be disappointed in the bangs.
  • A girl with vision problems is not recommended to wear rare long and straight options. They can be replaced with an oblique model cut at a slight angle.

Selection by face type

  1. Thin long bangs for a square face should be well thinned in the middle and somewhat thicker on the sides.
  2. Bangs for blondes with a triangular face should touch the sides of the eyebrows, and in the middle reach the corners of the eyes.
  3. For girls with a perfectly oval face, thin straight bangs should reach the middle of the distance between the eyebrow and eyelashes.

Now you know what a thin oblique or straight bang should be in order to make the proportions of the face closer to ideal and help in creating a stylish and up-to-date female image.

D long bangs were once a symbol of the sexual revolution. Today we are experiencing another “chelkin boom”: not sparing hair, they reshape hairstyles Hollywood stars, secular news heroines, fashionistas, young girls and mature ladies. Attentive or daring look through the hair - what could be more sensual?

In addition to the fact that such a hairstyle adds mystery and sexuality, it also visually makes you younger: of course, it is difficult to turn a forty-year-old lady into Lolita in this way, but five years old can be reduced with skillful handling. To begin with, in order not to "break wood", let's figure it out: what exactly is relevant today and who will suit what?

The stylists say: best option- long bangs to eyelashes. Thick or sparse, geometric or oblique, symmetrical - to your taste and depending on the shape of the face.

The right bangs - for the type of face

2-03-2010, 16:36

Types of bangs

Bang allows you to hide some flaws in appearance, focuses on the eyes, softens sharp facial features. It can be short or long, thick, asymmetrical. Hairstyles with bangs in the classic version, they make a woman several years younger.

If you really want to, then you can become the owner of bangs with any type of hair. But girls with bangs on thin or curly hair, you should pay a little more attention to it. Bang from fine or curly hair can quickly lose shape if you do not use additional styling and styling or care products.

What bangs to the face?

Straight long bangs. Her stylists recommend women with a high forehead. Straight bangs, which will cover it, make facial features more regular. In addition, direct long bangs visually rejuvenates and gives the appearance a special charm.

To care for such bangs, a hair straightener or iron is indispensable. Just do not forget that with intensive use of hair appliances, it is necessary to regularly make intensive firming masks.

Round bangs. Not too thick arc-shaped bangs are ideal for women with a triangular face. It softens facial features and does not require special care. Twist the ends of the bangs inward and slightly ruffle with your hands. During washing, use a conditioner with the effect of "silk hair".

If you have a small face a long bang will visually reduce it even more, so opt for short bangs with torn edges.

Long bangs with light thinning. This shape is recommended for a round face: long bangs draws him visually. face. Just do not abuse styling products to bang did not lose volume. When washing, use shampoo and conditioner for smooth and silky hair.

Round or oval face a long oblique, and in some cases in the form of an arc, classic bangs will decorate, which will balance the proportions of the face.

To those who have narrow face, thick geometric bangs are suitable to visually expand the face.

If you have rectangular face shape and (or) wide cheekbones, your choice is a long rare symmetrical. This visually narrows and softens this face shape.

Sparse bangs, smoothly turning into the bulk of the hair, visually smoothes the heavy chin.


Hello from the 60s

The image of a very young Brigitte Bardot haunts the trendsetters: a bang of this form - milled strands of different lengths - looks especially good on blond hair and suits girls with any type of face, except for a round one. The only option for those whom nature endowed with curly hair.

Athlete - Komsomol member - just a beauty

The sex symbol of a country where there was no sex is still alive. Thick bangs - the arc is perfect for brunettes and brown-haired women who have round, oval or narrow and straight hair. It’s better not to worry about curly hair: styling such a bang every morning will take you 20-30 minutes, and having been on the street, you will find “angel rings” on your forehead instead of a stylish and daring bang.

Mama mia!

The ABBA blonde look has triumphantly returned to the fashion scene, and now the current idol Paris Hilton has sacrificed her blond curls for an incredibly sexy hairstyle. You can safely follow her example - a face of any type will be decorated with a rare airy bang, reaching the line of the eyebrows. Especially if you are really blonde, you can have thin and sparse hair.

Winter styling

the occupation itself is not an easy one: we wear hats, hoods. Having suffered in the morning at the mirror for half an hour, we achieve the desired result, but flying into the office at rush hour, we find a lady in the mirror with the remnants of her former styling ... With a bang, the problems are aggravated. Specialists, stylists, hairdressers, ay! Where is the exit?

Owners of straight hair easiest to take care of long bangs- Easy to fit. To do this, while drying your hair, comb it, directing the hair dryer from top to bottom. If it is hard and thick, before you start styling your bangs, you can soften it with serum or styling foam. Using the edge of the brush, gently curl the ends of the hair while drying, then add volume by lightly tousling the bangs with your hands.

Girls with curly hair in this regard, the least fortunate ... The styling of the bangs takes at least 15 minutes a day, every morning it needs to be pulled out with a hairdryer so that the hair does not curl into spirals.

But even if in the morning it was possible to “bring beauty”, it’s not a fact that the effect can be maintained until the evening: dry curly hair absorbs moisture like a sponge and begins to fluff. What to do? Competent milling by an experienced hand of the master and the rejection of the length to the eyelashes will save - alas, curly, you can afford a maximum length to the eyebrow line, or even higher. Only such bangs do not curl into terrible rings when in contact with moist air.

If you have a very important date on which you need to look perfect, you can use the advice of SOS.

Dry longer than you usually do: the drier the hair, the later it will start to fluff, less moisture will linger in the hair cuticle. At the end of drying, turn on cool air to "seal" the cuticles. This method can only be used in emergency cases, it is absolutely not suitable for daily use.

Style thin or sparse hair It's easier if you spray your hair with a styling serum before drying and use a flat brush with thick bristles when drying - this will help to add volume and the necessary bit of light negligence.

If you are sure that you do not goes bangs, do not rush to deny yourself pleasure: stylists say that you can choose the shape of a bang for any type of face, only it is better to entrust this responsible choice to the master.

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