Fortune telling on tarot cards is a sin or not. Christmas divination: innocent fun or sin

Fashion & Style 23.09.2019
Fashion & Style

As a rule, the question of whether fortune-telling is a sin and “is it possible to guess” is asked by a person who believes in God. Perhaps even a church-going Christian or a practicing Muslim. And of course, in this case, any priest will answer you that this is not worth doing.

But sometimes reading sacred books or communicating with priests seems useless or ineffective for some people of little faith, especially in difficult everyday situations. A person is weak, few people can trust God and let events just happen, gratefully accepting God's will.

Therefore, most people are trying to somehow resolve or at least clarify the situation for themselves, and it is for this purpose that they resort to the help of various fortune-telling.

Why is divination considered a sin?

It should be noted right away that any fortune-telling is considered sinful in official monotheistic religions. But first of all, divination is considered sinful, which predicts future events. To bring the future into our world, i.e. what should be known (and known) to God alone, the fortuneteller resorts to the help of otherworldly forces. In other words, demons.

As you know, demons use every opportunity to harm a person, a beloved creation of God. Therefore, when a person listens to a fortune teller, he listens to a demon, according to the official position of the church.

The fortuneteller and those who go to the fortuneteller fall away from God, as they cease to believe and trust him, become obsessed with pride.

As is known, pride is the worst of sins. A person begins to consider himself equal to God (if he knows what only He knows) and finds himself completely in the power of Satan.

Orthodoxy and divination

In Orthodoxy, fortune-telling is considered an indisputable sin, and a considerable sin. For divination and divination, the Orthodox Church appoints six years of repentance with excommunication from Holy Communion.

In confirmation of the justice of such a severe punishment, representatives of the Orthodox Church most often quote passages from the Bible: “Do not tell fortunes and do not guess” (Lev. 19, 26), “Do not turn to those who call the dead and do not go to magicians, and them” (ibid., 31), “Whether a man or a woman, if they call the dead or perform magic, let them be put to death: they must be stoned with stones, their blood is on them” (Leviticus 20:27), “Do not leave the fortune tellers in alive” (Exodus 22:18) and others.

The Orthodox Church warns its flock: fortune-telling will not lead to good. Fortunetellers mislead people, they blindly believe what is said and stop doing God's will, become inert, or, on the contrary, devote too much time to unnecessary things just because the fortuneteller said so. And their life, the gift of God, meanwhile passes by.

All divination is a legacy of ancient pagan mysteries. The Orthodox Church condemns divination even in the form of folk traditions, such as Christmas divination.

Any kind of divination is recognized by the church as an occupation of the occult and, as a result, a denial of the Divine will, and of its own too. A person, having received some information about his future, turns out to be “bound” by this information, he can no longer imagine that something will be different.

Christ came into this world to free man. And a person makes himself a slave of some predictions slipped to him by demons.

The sin of divination in Islam

According to the Qur'anic teaching, the Prophet Muhammad said: "Whoever comes to a priest or a fortune-teller and believes him, he denies the book sent down to Muhammad." Well, and accordingly denies God himself, as you can understand this.

Fortune-telling and turning to fortune-tellers is considered a forbidden action for a Muslim, i.e. haram, and the money that is given to the fortuneteller is also haram.

The one who guesses is recognized as a sinner. He tells what the devil whispered to him, eavesdropping on the angels. He stops believing in Allah, because only Allah can know the future. He falls away from Islam. Not only the fortune-tellers themselves sin, but also those who go to them.

Theorists of Islam believe that it is ignorance of the foundations of Islam, as well as weak faith (or lack thereof at all) that lead a Muslim to sorcerers and fortune-tellers.

Lines about the prohibition of divination in the Qur'an

The Quran says: “O you who believe! Indeed, wine gambling, idols, divination by arrows are an abomination from the deeds of Satan. Beware of them” (“Meal”: 90). The Prophet Muhammad said that the one who went to the fortuneteller, Allah will not accept prayer for forty days.

If a person goes to a fortuneteller, this indicates his weak faith or distrust of Allah. One who engages in divination falls into kufr (disbelief). Such a person, by his actions, not only harms his own soul and moves away from Allah, but also undermines the foundations of Islam.

Fortune telling on the Quran

Although divination should not be confused with istikhara (divination on the Koran). In the second case, this is not an attempt to find out the details of the future, but a humble prayer to Allah for help, a hint in a difficult situation through the Koran.

In other words, for official Islam, as well as for Orthodoxy, fortune-telling is an absolutely forbidden action that entails various religious penalties.

Divination and psychology (C. G. Jung's principle of synchronicity)

The phenomenon of divination was also explained by the representative of the “depth psychology” school, Carl Gustav Jung. From Jung's point of view, applying the word "sin" to divination is ridiculous, since it is based on a natural psychological principle - synchronicity.

Manifestations of this principle can be observed not only in relation to divination - synchronicity underlies the organization of our world.

Jung says that from a scientific point of view, causal relationships operate in our world. But at the same time, there are many phenomena that are inexplicable precisely from this logical point of view.

It's about coincidence, when the world suddenly makes us understand that we are invisibly connected with him. Jung gives numerous examples: stories of lost and mysteriously found things; prophetic dreams; a scientist is writing a chapter on the power of the wind, and suddenly an unexpected gust of wind blows all the papers off his desk; Jung himself is working on the symbol of the fish, and suddenly his patient brings him drawings of her dreams, which depict fish; another patient tells him a dream in which she is given a golden scarab, and suddenly a beetle starts beating at the window of the room ...

Examples of synchronicity also include all sorts of prophetic dreams, clairvoyance, premonitions and divination. These phenomena are not synchronous (they do not occur simultaneously), namely, they are synchronous: one of the events is a normal, causally determined state, and the other is causally in no way connected with the first.

According to Jung, these external "semantic coincidences" are the result of the generation of energy contained in the collective unconscious, archetypes.

The unconscious exists outside of time and space, but stores information about any of the "chronotopes".

It is the contact with the unconscious that also makes it possible to "travel" through any of the segments of space and time. What, in fact, fortune tellers do. With the help of heightened intuition (or dreams, or meditation), the fortuneteller comes into contact with the energy of the unconscious, which transmits information about the past or future to him.

Where does it say that guessing is a sin? The view of tarologists

The famous tarot reader Sergey Savchenko, the founder of the Russian Tarot School, claims that fortune-telling is not mentioned in the list of sins. Jesus did not mention that guessing is a sin (this statement can be refuted, since Jesus was a Jew, and what the ancient Jews thought about divination and witchcraft - see above).

In the Middle Ages, fortune-telling was not under such a terrible ban in the official church. For example, even the popes were engaged in astrology.

But the modern church, being a rigidly hierarchical organization, strives for complete, absolute control over its flock. The ban on divination became just another effective mechanism by which the church could induce guilt in its flock and thus control the people.

If a person tries to think independently, to communicate with higher powers without the mediation of the church, such a person, naturally, is condemned by the church.

In addition, a tarologist (a specialist in divination on tarot cards) absolutely rightly speaks about the eclecticism of beliefs. modern man who simultaneously believes in the Last Judgment and in karma.

If you are consistent and recognize the Tarot cards (and not the church) as an intermediary in communication with God, then fortune-telling cannot be a sin. Those who ask God questions, receive answers to them, move on.

Is fortune telling a sin?

So, what can you answer to a person who wondered whether it is possible to guess if this is a sin? Such a person can be answered that this is a problem of choice, which entirely depends only on his decision. No one will be able to make a choice, except for himself, and only he himself will have to pay for this choice.

A person must be aware that the choice made in favor of fortune-telling or against it is only his personal responsibility. And the burden of an incorrectly made choice will fall only on his conscience.

What is a wrong choice in such a situation? It is necessary to listen to your inner voice, to plunge into the depths of your own "I" in order to understand what will alienate you from the divine principle, plunge you into darkness. Because it is sin in monotheistic religions that is identified with darkness.

If the words of a priest or mullah have a strong, real meaning for a person, if he tries to build his life in accordance with very strict religious rules, then Fortune-telling will definitely not bring him happiness. He is waiting only for remorse and regret for what he has done.

If a person is waiting for the Orthodox Church or Islam to bless him for sin, then he definitely will not wait for this. As has been said, the "religions of the book" are united in their condemnation of divination.

No matter what difficult situation a person finds himself in, all the clergy say: do not go to a fortuneteller, she will not help, but will only involve you in sin. Because your life is entirely in the hands of God, and it is to him that you must turn in difficult situations.

Can an atheist guess?

Sometimes a person does not consider himself belonging to any particular monotheistic religion, he does not observe religious precepts, in a word, does not live a strictly religious life, but believes in higher powers. In his mind there is the idea of ​​sin as something bad, harmful.

In this case, he should ask himself: “Why do I want to guess?”. Do I want to shift the responsibility for my life to some higher power? Or do I just want to know myself better, to see the hidden labyrinths of my own soul, to return to the past in order to understand the present more clearly?

And it is in this case that divination systems will be a wonderful guide in this psychological journey. And again, I would like to recall the parting word that experienced fortunetellers always give: do not take what fortunetelling says literally or as a guide to action. It is just an opportunity, a hint that you have to interpret for yourself, which you may not use at all.

But in any case, it's only your life, and the decision is anyone's guess. And will fortune-telling be a sin for your soul to accept exclusively for you.

And with that, I say goodbye to you, I wish you better understand yourself, and of course, visit our learning and self-development portal more often where you can find completely scientific and statistical methods of divination, which are based not on magic and energy, but on scientific data, for example, you can read and even . In addition, you can read about what tarot is, or even divination on the book of changes.

More than 1000 years have passed since the Baptism of Russia. However, over such a long historical period, our people have not been able to completely overcome the pagan mentality and get rid of certain pernicious traditions.

Moreover, some of the people who consider themselves believers manage to associate such unkind traditions with Christianity, to which they actually have nothing to do. And not only do they not have, but they completely contradict the decrees and prohibitions of God set forth in the Holy Scriptures.

"fun" activity

Such pagan tendencies become especially noticeable on the eve of the festive two-week period from Christmas to Epiphany, which is popularly called Christmas time. If the true believers of the Orthodox Church strive to spend this time in prayerful joy, attending services and doing good deeds, then non-church and superstitious people use these days for festivities, accompanied, as a rule, by drunkenness and overeating. Often, such festivities (especially in women's groups) are accompanied by all sorts of customs and amusements, among which one can find, for example, fortune-telling about the betrothed, children, fate. But if some treat fortune-telling as an innocent pastime and a means of having fun, then others, on the contrary, driven by dissatisfaction with their position in life, as well as unhealthy curiosity and a desire to know their future, attach special importance to it. But both of these relationships are equally dangerous for the spiritual health of a person, because such actions, voluntarily or involuntarily, make him a hostage of certain circumstances or immerse him in the realm of magic and push him to meet the demonic world.

Unfortunately, the current media also contribute to great popularization and interest in all kinds of fortune-telling. Psychics, healers, molfaras, as experts in folk traditions, broadcast from television screens, explaining how to properly conduct such rituals in order to get the desired result.

In ancient times, divination was an integral part of pagan mysteries. The life of a pagan unenlightened by the Divine light was completely subordinate to the forces of nature, which had to either be subdued or find a way to force oneself to serve. ancient man believed that everyone born on earth has his own destiny, prepared in advance by an unknown providence. In order to find out in advance certain circumstances and events, and also with the hope of influencing their fate, the pagans began to resort first to the help of priests, and then to independently conduct certain rituals.

Why is God so strict about this?

God, knowing the inclination of a person to such actions, before the entry of the Jewish people into pagan lands, gives a commandment that categorically prohibits any fortune-telling. “... Do not tell fortunes and do not guess” - it is said in the Book of Leviticus (19:26). “When you enter the land that the Lord your God will give you, then do not learn to do the abominations that these nations have done. You should not have a soothsayer, a fortuneteller, a soothsayer, a sorcerer, a charmer, summoning spirits, a magician and questioning the dead, leading his son or daughter through the fire. For every one who does this is abominable before the Lord…” (Deut. 18:9-12).

Why is God so strict about this? Let us remember that the history of mankind began with the fall, the cause of which was the desire to lift the veil of the mystery hidden by the Creator. A natural question arises: if God has closed from a person what is not useful for him to know, then who opens this knowledge? The answer is obvious: this is the one whom the Word of God calls the "father of lies", that is, the devil. During fortune-telling, a person enters into relationships with representatives of the world of darkness and, entrusting himself to them, thereby renounces the freedom granted to him by God and his right to make an independent choice. It often happens that a person, having received an answer during fortune-telling, involuntarily programs himself for certain actions, living in illusions and waiting for the predicted to come true. But half the trouble is if these are predictions with some positive forecasts. And it happens that a person, having received a harbinger of misfortune, gives up, ceases to enjoy life, falls into severe despondency. For such people, things do not argue, and discord begins with health. Thus, they can bring themselves to an unhappy end.

I see the goal - I see no obstacles

I remember one story that happened to a woman I knew in my youth. Having married very early, she also became a widow early. The husband died tragically. Wanting to re-arrange her life more successfully, instead of asking for God's help, she decided through fortune-telling to find out the name of a man with whom she could marry. Having read in one of the books (at that time they were hastily sold on layouts), which fortune-telling needs to be done, she performed one of the rituals during Christmas time. As a result, it turned out that the name of the future chosen one is Sergey. And although a young man lived nearby, who had loved her for a long time and wanted to start a family with her, the woman did not pay any attention to him, because his name was Nikolai. But each Sergey who appeared on the horizon was considered as a potential husband. On one such Sergei, she "hooked". It turned out that he was married. But this obstacle was also overcome. It's not hard to guess that the story didn't end well. Sergey left his wife, but also new family Did not work out. So, at the prompt of otherworldly forces, this woman ruined her life not only for herself, but also caused suffering to other people, leaving a strange family without a father and husband.

Spiritual promiscuity

Despite the biblical prohibitions, conciliar decrees (Trul. 65; Ankir. 24; Laod. 36) and even state legislative acts in tsarist Russia, in which the population considered itself to be completely Orthodox, such activities were quite often common not only among the common people, but also among the seemingly well-educated aristocracy of different ages.

Russian romantic prose and poetry of the first half of the 19th century is replete with a large number of plots, according to which one can compile a whole catalog of divination. Take, for example, V. Zhukovsky's poem "Svetlana". From several quatrains, you can find out what the girls had fun on Epiphany evening: here is throwing a shoe, and feeding chickens with grains, and melting wax, looking out for a betrothed through a ring and a mirror, and spreading a scarf, and even a shelf of snow. All in order to know your lot. And in A. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", the poet also names the reasons why the people were given to such an occupation: "windy youth" wonders, because she "is not sorry for anything", and old age, because she lives in false hopes. Actually, deceit, as the great Russian poet accurately noted in his time, is the true essence of fortune-telling. A person engaged in fortune-telling refuses the providential intercession of God in his life. The spiritual promiscuity and omnivorousness of contemporaries is further fueled and to some extent imposed by the current policy of preserving and disseminating folk traditions and folklore, among which were Christmas divination. The strangest thing is that these fortune-tellings take place on beautiful and joyful days, when a mysterious and incomprehensible Miracle is performed - the Birth of the Divine Infant Christ, when God becomes close to man as never before. People engaged in fortune-telling expect their “miracles”.

In modern textbooks on ethnology, one can read that Christmas time falls on the period of the so-called winter solstice, when, according to the beliefs of the pagan Slavs, the border of time was crossed and it was easier to penetrate into the mysterious closed world. It is also written there that with the adoption of Christianity, in order to avert the people from pagan rituals, a kind of sublimation (replacement) of traditions was carried out, as a result of which such a phenomenon as divination at Christmas time arose. However, any Orthodox believer knows that the feast of the Nativity of the Lord our Savior has nothing to do with pagan customs and is not tied to any astronomical phenomena, because the very spirit of Christianity is contrary to paganism. Orthodox Church always urged all people to live a full spiritual life on such days and observe good traditions. Among them, for example, is the Christmas custom of the Ukrainian people to visit their godparents with a Christmas dinner. How wonderful to share the joy with your godparents, especially if they are elderly people and it is difficult for them to reach the temple or prepare a festive meal for themselves.

Any flirtation with dark forces, both on such days and any other, will not bring any benefit to the soul, but on the contrary, it can cause irreparable harm. St. Basil the Great, admonishing Christians against such actions, wrote: "Do not be curious about the future, but use the present for your benefit." And St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow said: "Remember the past, rely on the Lord in the future, use the present for good."

Valentina Novikova


Fortune telling on Tarot cards is not the most ancient science. The history of maps has a little more than half a thousand years. Compare with astrology, which is several thousand years old and was born back in the days of the Sumerian civilization. Of course, before the Tarot, there were other types of cards, and other types of divination associated with throwing out planks and pebbles.

Despite the fact that fortune-telling is one of the oldest human activities and certainly older than Christianity, nevertheless, the question “is it a sin to guess on Tarot cards” sounds more and more often these days. Before answering this question, we need to clarify with you what sin is in the understanding of the esoteric and what sin is from the point of view of Christianity.

If we understand the origin of this word (and not only in Russian), we will notice that the word sin is associated with such concepts as error, flaw, which in turn denote an error. Thus, sin is a violation of something. What is meant by sin in esotericism?

Unlike religion, esoteric teaching does not have clear canons, a specific leader (like the Pope or the patriarchs), and certain rules, although they exist, are not written unambiguously on paper. By sin we mean transgression natural course things, the destruction of energy connections, changes in the flow of power. As a rule, this happens if we interfere in some process, which means we start the processes of action and reaction, which in a certain way can affect ourselves.

And the point here is not at all whether we do good or bad, whether we want it to be better or not. We are talking about the physics of the process and the ethical component is already secondary here. Sinfulness is manifested in the imbalance during magical practice and therefore requires compensation. With the right approach, some actions balance with others, and in the end, nothing threatens the magician.

What, in fact, is divination? It's kind of magical practice aimed at recognizing the events of the future or the past. Fortune telling is work with the information field, which at the same time is not devoid of its energy. And although fortune-telling does not aim to interfere in current processes, a certain interaction between the predictor and energy flows occurs, which means that there will be certain consequences when fortune-telling on Tarot cards.

Of course, they are not comparable to what happens after magical rituals, but actively practicing tarologists know that after several sessions weakness, fatigue await them, and if the alignment was large and complex, then a breakdown can last more than one day and even lead to illness. The subsequent recovery period is the very compensatory flow of energy that puts everything in order.

Here the situation at first glance is more than understandable and clear. And the answer to the question “is divination on Tarot cards a sin” is an unequivocal yes. But let's look at the issue in more detail. And although among the ten commandments we will not find the mention of “do not guess”, nevertheless, in the Bible there are more than enough indications of the prohibition of divination of various types. The ministers of the church treat this issue in the same unambiguous way.

The proof of this is the masterpiece inscriptions on some temples about the ban on visiting them by astrologers, tarot readers, psychics and further down the list, as well as mentioning that candles are not sold to these individuals. Of course, for most people, this only causes a smile. And indeed, if soothsayers and psychics sold their souls to the devil for the sake of their gift, then why do they need to go to church?

Then this is not a gift at all, but an acquisition, quite conscious, and such obscurantists will definitely not be pulled into the church. And if they go and services are standing, does it mean that the situation looks different from their side? And they still have a soul, and they don’t turn them back in the temple, and the demons don’t keep them at the doorstep.

In Dante's Divine Comedy, the 8th circle of hell is prepared for soothsayers and astrologers (a very high position, since there are nine of them in total). True, the punishment for them against the background of the rest looks very mild. So seducers and panders are tortured by demonic drovers, those who sell church positions are chained into a rock, and lava flows at their heels.

Bribe-takers are boiled in resin, thieves copulate with earthly reptiles. Counterfeiters are tormented by constant thirst. And false witnesses are in such a frenzy that they bite everyone. Agree, the company has chosen a very expressive. However, astrologers and sorcerers (we also include you and me here) only have their heads turned to the side of the back. Well, probably, they are sometimes bitten by false witnesses running past.

Of course, " The Divine Comedy” is not a religious text and cannot serve as a basis for compiling a list of all sins. But the ecclesiastical position regarding the soothsayers is very unambiguous and has been so for a long time. On the other hand, in Christianity we have a huge number of branches and currents, in each of which the interpretation of the canons is sometimes strikingly different, so it is quite possible that there will be a church for the predictor. I will state my opinion on the question “fortune-telling on the Tarot is a sin or not” below.

Are Christianity and Tarot cards compatible?

It is not uncommon to meet Tarot practitioners who are at the same time frankly religious people. Moreover, Christianity is often neatly woven into the process of divination. So before the start of the session, a prayer can be read, to cleanse the space after fortune-telling, another prayer is read. In the divination room there are icons and so on. For such practitioners, the process of divination is part of a religious rite and this does not in the least interfere with their work. Based on such practical experience, it turns out that divination and Christianity are more than compatible, and if they do not help, then at least they do not interfere with each other.

How does it happen? I have one theory about this. At the time when Jesus was born, the first three wise men came to him and brought their gifts. As you understand, the Magi are the same soothsayers and astrologers, and gifts are nothing more than an act of recognition of a new religion (which has yet to appear), new rules. The gifts were accepted, which means that the Magi were accepted along with them.

Thus, even before the birth of Christianity as a religion with its set of rules, a couple of contradictory ones, the Magi found a way to fit into this new flow of energy, took part in it, performed a ritual of atonement for sin. Therefore, in my opinion, the prediction of the future coexists very harmoniously with the energy flows of Christianity. What can not be said about relations with representatives of this very Christianity.

From the point of view of the church, the soothsayers are possessed by demons and are in direct contact with evil spirits. At the same time, among the clergy and monks there were prophets who predicted a variety of events. One of these predictions has taken a special place in the Bible and is known to us as the Revelation of John the Evangelist or the Apocalypse. It turns out that it is still possible to foresee the future even within the framework of Christianity.

And indeed, if a monk makes a prediction, and even being on the territory of a temple or other consecrated space, then there can be no talk of any whispering demons, and therefore, the prediction was bestowed by the holy spirit, an angel.

In the case of the clergy, everything is clear - they have no other way than to receive information from God, their prediction is sinless. But for ordinary laymen, alas, the situation is different. If you are a believer, but at the same time you are drawn to Tarot katam, then conduct a personal experiment. Conduct a divination session after prayer and with a church candle. If everything turns out as well as before, or even better, then your predictions do not carry sin. Thus, of course, you will not prove anything to the official church. But after all, God is not in the temple, he is in the soul.

Tarot is a divination tool

Tarot is a divination tool

For everyone else who is not an adherent of the canonical religion, does not strictly follow all the rules and posts, I recommend not to go in cycles. Tarot cards are a tool for divination and in this sense, in themselves they are not a source of evil, sin and other things. Like many other tools, cards are absolutely neutral things that carry nothing in themselves other than what you put into them yourself. For what purpose and with what intention you will use the cards is up to you. You determine everything that will happen next.

And, of course, if your thoughts are pure, then there can be no talk of any sin from a human point of view.

If you are only engaged in the study of maps, then you are even further away from what can be called sin from both a religious and esoteric point of view. Although, it is worth noting that knowledge was not always considered what one should and can strive for. But we are no longer in the Middle Ages.

But even if you use Tarot cards for selfish purposes, and these include a very extensive list of alignments and issues related to both personal life and work, remember that there is no more sin here than in happy marriage or a good career. Although, someone for this may well call you a witch.

But is it really worth paying attention to this if your life is full of joyful and happy moments? Human rumor will always condemn those who have achieved something more than they (however, as well as those who have not achieved anything). Such is human nature. Religion, for the most part, is a product of society and is intended for it, therefore it is not without many shortcomings.

To everyone who decides to practice Tarot cards, I recommend boldly moving forward, not looking back, and even more so at those who condemn you. Achieve your goals, build your happiness, do everything to make every day brighter and brighter for you. And if something worries you, doubts gnaw at you, you experience uncertainty, then it's time to pick up Tarot cards and get answers to all questions.

Divination is a sin! This is the opinion of the majority. It is the majority who tend to consider the occult sciences as a sinful occupation, and divination as a sin, in particular.

What are the prerequisites for such judgments. What is a sin? Who uses this concept, and for what purposes? And what exactly is the essence of this issue.

Divination is a sinful occupation

Wherever you look, everyone everywhere knows and knows how. Weighty advice is given, reasoned arguments are given, labels are hung, and much, as always, is subject to total criticism.

Today we will see how things are in this matter, and determine why fortune-telling is considered a sin? Or maybe not at all? Interesting, then go ahead.

Our whole life is so interestingly arranged that everything is divided into black and white, good and evil, bad - good. The opinion of the majority, in the end - the law! And do not bring a case to someone to be on the other side of the barricades.

Let's take a look at the dictionary. Here is a quote from Wikipedia:

Palmistry (from the Greek chiros - hand and manteya - divination, prophecy) is one of the oldest systems of divination about individual characteristics of a person, his character traits, the events he experienced and his future fate according to the skin relief of the palms - capillary and especially flexor lines, as well as hills on the palm and along appearance arms.

Astrology, along with esotericism, parapsychology, palmistry, bioenergetics and other occult teachings, is not recognized as a science by any serious scientific community.

Thus, palmistry should be treated precisely as a fortune-telling, and not as someone wants to see it. Although, you have no idea what else people come up with to justify themselves.

I sinned, visited a fortuneteller, I really repent of this. But it is very difficult for me to fight those thoughts in my head that appeared after I heard the information of fortune-telling, I don’t know how to get faith in fortune-telling out of my heart. They told me this ... That the one I love is not my man, that I am not his destiny, that I will never be with him, no matter what I do. And once a clairvoyant told me that I would be lonely all my life, because “I was not created for a family.” How to be?

Dear Evgeniya! Be sure to say this at the sacrament of confession. Divination is a very big sin. The question of fortune-telling is a mystical question, for fortune-telling is far from harmless, it is an image of communication with fallen spirits, that is, demons. The enemy of the human race is the father and founder of lies, will he speak the truth? Only if it suits his far-reaching plans. But this small grain of truth is served together with such a monstrous lie that it will only contribute to spiritual and bodily death.

There are many texts in the Bible that explicitly state that magic and divination are sins:

Exodus 22:18 Do not let the soothsayers live.

Leviticus 19:31 Do not turn to those who call up the dead, and do not go to wizards, and do not bring yourself to be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 20:6 And if any soul turns to those who call up the dead and to magicians, to follow them fornication, then I will set my face against that soul and cut him off from among his people.

Leviticus 20:27 Whether male or female, if they call the dead or perform magic, let them be put to death; they must be stoned with stones, their blood is on them.

Numbers 23:23 there is no magic in Jacob and no divination in Israel. In due time they will say about Jacob and about Israel: this is what God does!

Deuteronomy 18:9-14 When you enter the land which the Lord your God is giving you, then do not learn to do the abominations that these nations have done: there shall not be one who sees his son or daughter away from you.

"White mage. Love spell without sin and consequences "

Often, such a phrase begins the headline of an ad in a newspaper or, more often, on the Internet.

Let's see if this is possible?

To begin with, let's define the concept: love spell, attachment, binding. In the language of "white sorcerers" and psychics, the concepts differ. Some argue that love spells, attachments and bindings are an impact on a person (victim) by turning to the forces of light. By light forces they mean: saints, angels, God. Others assure us that they are working with space, energies, flows. In their opinion, you need to close the energy channels on each other at three levels - and you will have "love and happiness."

Absolutely all "white sorcerers" say that such supernatural intervention is not harmful, as they ask the forces of light and God to help reunite hearts and ignite love in them. It may seem that, indeed, in the magical manipulations of "white magicians" and psychics.

Many people need help, but there is nowhere to wait for help, or all the traditional ways to get it have been exhausted, but this has not brought results. In such cases, even skeptics think about resorting to the occult services of an experienced magician. However, it happens that people cannot fully decide to do this, because they are stopped by a doubt: is it not a sin to resort to magic?

It is noteworthy that this question worries even not very religious people who even don’t remember when they were in church for the last time, but then suddenly - here you are, please! - think about sin. Moreover, such people can commit “sins” right and left in their Everyday life and not to worry, but as soon as it comes to magic, "sin" is immediately remembered.

In fact, this is a completely understandable phenomenon. Our perception of "sin" is based on an internal attitude to what is happening around us and our own actions. And our internal relation formed on the basis of habitual and acceptable.

As far as I know, in Christianity, there is no concept of "mortal sin". You can atone for your guilt through repentance. But still, doing magic is really frowned upon by anyone. christian religion. And not in vain. A person should not climb where they are not asked, and by means of certain actions, which often, in themselves, go against Christian morality, turn to the Dark Forces. Because it is not known what forces can be awakened at the same time, to life. In addition, magic is an appeal, obviously not to the forces of Light, but just to their opposites, which in itself is already a great sin. Have you ever wondered why witches and sorcerers die so hard? And sometimes, they cannot die without passing the baton to someone, along with a part of their soul? Apparently because the soul is in no hurry to leave the tormented body until it is freed from this burden. Because, with this load, she will go straight to hell, to the Dark Forces, to the eternal settlement.

Does magic really exist: how black, white and elemental magic works

Since ancient times, magic has existed on the verge of dividing the human and otherworldly worlds, and gifted from above fortune-tellers and clairvoyants stand guard over this border, watching its inviolability and helping people with various drugs and predictions of their future.

But do these people really have some kind of magical powers? Does magic really exist? Or is it all clean water quackery?

History of magic

Magic lives in this world exactly as long as a person, because it was he who came up with this system of secret teachings about the other world, based on his belief in gods and higher powers.

Over the course of many centuries, the attitude towards magic changed very often: in primitive times it was considered as a panacea for all ills, and with the advent of Christianity, in the Middle Ages, everyone who was convicted of using this ungodly occupation was burned at the stake of the Holy Inquisition.

Many have told me that divination is a sin. But here's the answer - WHY? didn't get it from anyone! I have been trying to find an answer to this question for a long time - without success.

ARGUMENT, please, the reasons for the sinfulness of fortune-telling! or his "right to life"

At one time I used to read the Tarot (of course, at my student level), now I rarely turn to them: they require a lot of effort from me, they tell the truth, but, as a rule, not painfully pleasant .... to put it mildly ...

Everything that does not fit into the generally accepted is a sin
I have a childhood friend whose grandmother (not her own, mother's stepmother) was a gypsy with witcher inclinations, yeah, even her neighbors bypassed her. So she said that it is impossible to describe and paint the layout, you need to learn and remember, looking at how she does it. My friend learned, and then I learned from her, without asking the meaning of card combinations.
And this grandmother loved me more than her granddaughter, she even predicted a wedding with her beloved grandson.

More than once I have heard that there is all sorts of witchcraft, love spells, etc. and so on, this is a great sin, and everyone who does this takes “sin on their souls”. Is it so?
What do you think?

Typical black propaganda
In Judaism, there was a strict ban on witchcraft and magic, but only because the Magicians could break the Mental and Astral connection of the "People of the Chosen One" with God Ildabaoth.
And the Christians slavishly repeated it. That's the whole story.

My photoblog Reply date: 01/02/2007 - time: 14:12

Sin ... all this is punishable

Who is punished? No god has the right to punish people for engaging in mania. There is no form of guilt here. You can punish a crime committed with the help of magic, but not for magic as such.

I recently heard this from one of my clients: It's a sin, Lilya, it's not good to do fortune telling". Wow, the topic is good, I want to write about it ... So what is sin, who invented it and who is comfortable constantly dividing everything into black and white, into good and bad, and accepting one of the parties to distinguish yourself - are you good or bad ... Initially, I want to tell you what TAROT is, how a tarot reader and a deck of cards work, about a tarot deck as a symbolic system that describes all the life states of a person, where each card has its own meaning.

About how the unconscious works and what role it plays in a person's life, I think many people already know, but still, I will say a few words. What a person can see, feel and perceive is just what could fit into consciousness, i.e. whatever we are aware of, we can say: "Yes, it is!" But what happens in the unconscious, so it is called, precisely because it is not conscious, i.e. it’s as if he doesn’t exist, it’s not me, and this is where the biggest ambush lies.

Many books have been written about this, by intelligent scientists. My favorite K.G. Jung, I often mention him, devoted his life to studying the workings of consciousness and the unconscious, worked with patients through Archetypes, their meanings, worked with dreams, with symbols and the like ...

As my husband tells me: "Everything that is incomprehensible to a person seems very scary to him". But how does everyone like to say something like: "The fortuneteller told me, and everything is wrong, she broke my whole life, she said that I would have many opportunities to meet my man, but I never met". Well, it's funny, isn't it? How easy it is to take and find someone to blame for your failures. The main thing "... that it's not me, it's not me who decides how to live, it's not me who creates my life, anyone does it, mom, dad, husband, fortune teller, boss, everything - but not me". I will return to this!

The charged tarot deck is the symbols that every person has in the unconscious. At the unconscious big story, information about all our incarnations of our Soul is stored there, there are few, many, very many of them - the level of development of the Soul depends on this, information about the current incarnation, your current life (past, present and future) is also stored there.

I ask only to make the assumption that We, the People, do not yet know that we are the most important and most intelligent creatures. After all, it is naive to think that everything happens by itself, and no one controls this world, isn't it ...? We are all here for some reason, and we just need to accept it, understand the intention of the Soul, develop ourselves and thus develop the World as a whole. We all go through atheism, through trials, lessons, and so on, but somewhere deep inside each of us knows our true purpose - our Divine essence ... Someone understands easier, does not resist, someone needs to get bumps, break off, then it comes, but we all go through it one way or another. And for this we must love ourselves, no matter what we are, just like that!

So tarot, a set of symbols, a lot of magic, magic and other things are induced around these poor symbols. Yes, there were times when a fortuneteller was considered a witch and burned at the stake, 2011 years ago Christ was crucified. It's all about the same, they just didn't understand, weren't ready to accept what they say, "...everything that is incomprehensible is very scary!"

I want to say that everything is from God! Yesterday the question arose, but is cloning from God or Sin? The world is full of dualities, it consists of them (man and woman, dark and light, good and bad). If the Creator, the Collective Unconscious, the Creator, God, Higher power(call it what you want) decided that it was time for this to appear in the Human World, so it should be so. Understand that these dualities constitute wholeness. A lot of time will pass until the Society gets used to it, begins to understand and accept a conscious approach to its life. Now we are still like children, But we are moving by leaps and bounds to "growing up".

There are a lot of assistants for understanding, for "growing up", you just need to want it. Choose any method that you like, that you believe in. Most importantly, do not judge or criticize other methods. Your method is the best for you. Give freedom of choice to others. The Church is a place of prayer, a psychologist, a tarot reader works with unconscious programs, at the level of the Soul, Constellations - they help to deal with the generic system, now methods of immersion in the Unconscious are becoming more and more popular, these are Holotropic breathing, Rebirthing, different types Hypnosis, deep immersion, Regressive hypnosis, many books have been written by our scientists and foreign ones, about development, self-knowledge, and so on. And I listed only what first came to mind, and what I myself went through. If you feel good there and you understand something for yourself, for your development, use it. The world is full of opportunities, each of us is given a lot of talents. And what I hear more and more often from 40-year-old people, I have a crisis of what age? Excuses, we have only crises around us, we invent them ourselves in order to do nothing, first of all with ourselves. Well, if you already went to a tarologist, then then blame him for all your problems!

We are all mired in these patterns, it’s just easier for us, so we don’t have to take responsibility for our lives, we don’t need to develop, it’s convenient for the brain, we are so used to it, we were taught that way, etc. Try to perceive the World as whole, indivisible, Everything is from God, everything is from the Creator. As soon as you take any one position, that's it - you are already mistaken, this is no longer the truth. If you admit that you may be wrong and that everything is not really so, you give yourself and others more freedom. The Church is great, it is very necessary, but not for everyone and not always, the psychologist is excellent, but not everyone needs it now. Everyone has their own path, this article will also be read only by those who need to read it, either as help on a difficult path in development, or as another trick to amuse their Ego and say "I wrote nonsense", I know that I'm right, and I live right!" And this will be the choice of each reader, I wrote my thoughts and who knows, maybe I'm wrong.

Tarot is, first of all, self-knowledge, it’s not a secret anymore, knowledge can be obtained, you just need to want to know what you didn’t know before, try to get out of the pattern and get ready for big changes in your life, because. you will get to know your true self, accept what you could not even allow yourself to think about yourself or others before, reveal your talents and remove unnecessary, aging programs that really interfere with moving forward. There is nothing magically inexplicable in tarot, we are already quite ripe for it to no longer be "Secret Knowledge". Cards get information from your unconscious part into consciousness, the most dangerous thing is when a person lives and does not even realize what he is doing, that there is an early, unexperienced suppressed emotion inside, he has long forgotten about it, he carries it in himself, it affects his life but no awareness! These are the most dangerous programs, sometimes one feeling of guilt can make a person eat himself alive and that’s it, life has passed, he died, he didn’t see anything, he didn’t know anything, he just suffered.

Sometimes just one awareness is already a huge step forward, forward to change the situation. Tarot can indeed be called a predictive system, but only in this moment time, the variability of events is more and more depending on actions, thoughts, emotions at a given time, in half an hour and so on. It is very convenient to use tarot as a way to diagnose the current state, what energies are around, what is happening really and not what you think.

Let's figure out how the universe works, how it interacts with you when the fortuneteller says: "You have good potential, the project is not bad, it can be developed". The man listened, and went to check the information said, "Now I'll check if he's telling the truth or not, hehe." What is the purpose of this client? That's right, find a catch, he knows better what and how, he is his own God, and you can’t trust people at all, there are enemies all around. Attention is directed to someone proving to him that it can exist, it's like "Now, if you are God, throw me a stick from the sky and then I will believe". This is exactly what the client will receive, he is looking for evidence that all fortunetellers are lying - he will find it, this is exactly what he needs now! I noticed that people hear only what they want to hear, they do not think about what the tarologist says, they understood something and went.

"No, well, you tell me, will I get loot from this project or not?" There is no realization that only he decides his fate, not I, not cards, he, but very Scary. Response type "The energies are good, you can work here"- Client: "That is, I'll get the loot, right?" "It all depends on how you behave after you leave me" It's almost a death sentence. "Yes you charlatans!!!" It's very funny to me. Honestly!

One of mine is very good friend said: "People think that they have come and the work is over, and the work is just beginning. Not everyone is ready for this, Lily!"

"Come on, tell me how everything will be and, preferably, make the main decision for me what to do, and I will sit, pick my nose, condemn you for now that you are doing a sinful business here".

Who really comes for a solution, who is ready for change, believe the tarot only to help, a psychologist cannot cure and understand the problem when he is trying alone, and the client doesn’t care, as if he doesn’t hear, or rather doesn’t want to hear, no one will help here . Work is possible only on trust, on understanding and on the desire to resolve the issue, only in this way. Please, if you do not believe in tarot, do not come to the session, you will only waste your time. Who is ready to change, you are welcome, we are ready to work!

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