Ear from sea fish at home. How to cook an ear from the head. Salmon ear - royal

Recipes 20.09.2018

Ukha is an ancient Slavic dish based on fresh fish. It has been brewed for a long time, but it is still popular today. The top of the leadership in terms of taste characteristics is occupied by white ear. It is customary to cook it from ruff, pike perch, pike or perch. The second position belongs to the black ear, for the preparation of which a chub, beluga, carp, carp or crucian is used. The red ear closes the top three. It is based on stellate sturgeon, salmon, salmon, sturgeon.

What is an indoor air pollutant?

This website will help you understand pollutants environment and their possible health implications. In addition, you will find many useful tips to make changes at home! When people think of air pollution, they usually think of smog and other types of outdoor air pollution. But air pollution can also occur indoors, such as in homes and schools.

AT winter time doors and windows are kept inside, but this also means that chemicals can build up and pollute the indoor air. These chemicals can come from tobacco smoke, dust particles, and mold spores. They can also come from items in the home such as carpets, plywood, paint, and glue.

red fish soup recipes

Salmon ear

The uniqueness of the soup lies in the fact that in other national cuisines it has no analogues. Fish soup is often called fish soup, but this is not entirely correct, since flour, cereals and fried vegetables are not used in its preparation.

I use only tails, heads and trimmings of salmon. Salt the rest of the fish.

We bring oxygen into our body when we breathe. If chemicals and other pollutants are circulating in the air, you can breathe. Exposure to indoor air pollutants can occur immediately or after years of repeated exposure.

Sometimes the air in the house can have effects such as wheezing, coughing and sneezing. You may also experience the following effects: eye irritation, nasal discharge, sore throat, and even if the air in your home is making you sick, the good news is that there are things you can do to fix the situation!


  • salmon - 800 g
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • greens, Bay leaf, pepper


  1. I put a pot of water on the stove. While the water is boiling, I thoroughly wash the salmon. I don't use aluminum cookware for cooking fish soup, because the combination of fishy taste and aluminum gives rise to a metallic taste.
  2. I always try to keep the broth clear. To do this, first I let the water boil, add salt and only after that I put the fish.
  3. After boiling the broth, I remove the foam and send the onion and pepper to the pan. I'll make sure to put out the fire.
  4. I determine the cooking time by the eyes of the fish - they should turn white. The fish is cooked no more than 20 minutes.
  5. Peel potatoes and cut into large cubes. I peel the carrots and cut them coarsely. If you have a grater handy, you can use it.
  6. I take out the finished fish from the pan, let it cool and separate the meat from the bones. I filter the broth, return it to the pan, add potatoes, carrots and boneless fish. I put a little noble laurel in a saucepan with fish soup. Cook until potatoes are ready.
  7. I insist the finished treat for about 20 minutes. I put the greens directly into the plates with the fish soup.

Video recipe

Cooking soup from red fish

One of the most simple ways to get rid of polluted air is to give some fresh air. Ask your mother or your father if you can open the windows for a short time to evacuate any harmful chemical that may be airborne inside your home. We can all do our part to control the quality of our indoor air. Here are some common indoor air pollutants and some simple tricks to avoid the health problems they can cause.

In our regions, salmon has to be bought. If you can afford it, be sure to cook salmon soup. She will delight you with an unusual taste. If you want a little variety, beat a few raw eggs into a saucepan with boiling fish soup and mix quickly. The result is a hearty patty.

Tobacco smoke is harmful to everyone's health. Even if you don't smoke, if others smoke around you, you will be breathing "secondhand smoke". It can seep through cracks under and around doors, so there is no place in your home or car where you are safe from tobacco smoke. Toxic chemicals from tobacco can remain in the air even after you turn off your cigarette, cigar, or pipe. This is called tertiary smoke.

Tobacco smoke is harmful to your eyes, ears, nose and throat. This increases the risk of lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic diseases. Ask smokers to smoke outdoors, away from the doors and windows of your home.

  • Don't smoke cigarettes.
  • If someone smokes inside your house or car, a window opens.
The molds are fungi that can come in many colors and grow in the damp areas of your home, your school, or your nursery. Forms can grow on almost any surface when there is too much moisture due to water leaks, cooking or showering.

Recipe for red salmon fish soup


  • salmon - 1 kg
  • water - 2.7 l
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • bay leaf, pepper, herbs and salt


  1. I'm preparing the fish. I take out the insides from the salmon, cut off the fins, cut into small pieces.
  2. I wash the vegetables indicated in the recipe, peel, cut into cubes.
  3. I put water in a saucepan, put it on the stove and let it boil.
  4. After boiling, I put chopped vegetables, add a little salt and pepper, boil for 7 minutes.
  5. I add pieces of fish to the broth, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for about a third of an hour until tender.
  6. Before the end of cooking, I send a few bay leaves to the pan with fish soup. I close the lid and leave for a few minutes.

It is not difficult to prepare an ear from salmon. Before serving fish soup on the table, do not forget to put a little chopped greens in each plate. It will decorate the dish and make it more fragrant.

They can affect the air you breathe by releasing spores that can cause allergic reactions such as sneezing, coughing and wheezing, as well as eye sensitivity, redness or discomfort, and illness. Examine your home for signs of mold.

Instead of leaving clothes on the floor, hang them up, especially if they are soaked or damp. Have someone lift your bed off the floor so air can circulate under the mattress. All homes have dust mites, but they are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. They live in beds, carpets, furniture, pillows and blankets. Dust can also contain particles chemical substances or metals from the soil and the environment.

River fish soup recipes

Cooking fish soup from carp

Ear from carp is not difficult to prepare. For comparison, it is much more difficult to cook it from sterlet. I cook fish soup from carp over low heat, do not cover the pan with a lid.


  • carp - 1.5 kg
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • small tomatoes - 8 pcs.
  • water - 2 l
  • herbs, salt, pepper and bay leaf


Dust and mites can cause allergic reactions and other respiratory problems such as asthma. If you are allergic to dust mites, you may experience the following symptoms: sneezing, itchy eyes, tearing, nasal prolapse, and blocked ears. Removes dust as much as possible to limit areas where dust can accumulate. Help the adults in your home to regularly vacuum your home from top to bottom. air purifier, air purifier, air purifier, air purifier, air purifier, air purifier.

  • Helps adults dust the house regularly, from top to bottom.
  • Use a damp cloth to prevent dust from getting into the air.
  • In this way, cleaning and cleaning will be much faster and easier!
  • Help with vacuuming carpets, mattresses and other fabric covered furniture.
Carbon monoxide is a harmful gas with no color, odor or taste.

  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • lemon juice - 50 g
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml


  1. I process the fish: I clean the scales, remove the insides, rinse well. I cut carp into pieces up to 3 cm.
  2. I take a pot with a volume of 5 liters. I put in it diced potatoes, peeled onions and pieces of fish along with the head. Then I fill it with water and set it to cook.
  3. I cover the dish with a lid. After boiling water, remove the lid, and reduce the fire to a minimum. I cook for about 20 minutes. Then I examine the head of the fish. If the eyes popped out and turned white, the ear is almost ready.
  4. Salt, add bay leaf, tomatoes, peppers and herbs. If the tomatoes are large, cut into pieces. I cook for about 10 more minutes. I knead the tomatoes in a bowl so that the fish broth gets a sour taste.
  5. Put pieces of boiled fish on a dish and pour over garlic sauce, which is not difficult to prepare. Finely grind the garlic, gradually adding sunflower oil. At the end I add lemon juice.

Video recipe

The right ear - how to cook?

There's no way to know he's breathing unless you have a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide can accumulate in the air if you use unventilated gas or kerosene heaters, a gas water heater, a gas stove, a wood-burning stove, or a fireplace. This includes gasoline generators and exhaust pipes for cars and snowmobiles. Carbon monoxide is also present in tobacco smoke, so be sure to follow tobacco smoke advice.

Where does my drinking water come from?

Tap water can come from lake water or from molten ice. Generally in the north, surface waters are naturally clear. But sometimes our drinking water can be contaminated with bacteria and chemicals. Even our water tanks are not always clean enough. When this happens, we must treat the water before we drink it so as not to get sick.

I serve the finished ear on the table with chopped herbs. If you do not like the sour taste, do not add tomatoes or reduce their number.

How to cook an ear from carp

Folk wisdom says that it is impossible to cook a delicious fish soup from crucian carp. This is not true. A wonderful fish soup is cooked from crucian carp, if the fish is fresh and cooked on a fire.

How can food harm me?

If you drink contaminated water, you may suffer from stomach problems called gastrointestinal infections. You may also have nausea and vomiting. If your community receives recommendations for boiling water, you should boil any water you use to drink, boil, make ice cubes, wash food, and brush your teeth. Use only cold tap water for cooking, cooking, and mixing infant formula, as hot water may contain more lead or other contaminants.

  • You must boil the water for at least one minute.
  • Remind young children not to drink water when these notifications go out.
You can get sick if you eat food contaminated with an unwanted microorganism, such as a bacterium, virus, or parasite.

In my family they lead healthy lifestyle life and love to relax in nature. I often cook fish soup from carp when we go to the river.


  • carp - 1 kg
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • parsley root
  • allspice
  • greens


  1. I clean and gut carp, remove the insides, cut off the tails and fins. I wash the pieces of fish well, put them in a saucepan and put on fire, after filling it with water.
  2. While cooking crucian carp, I am engaged in vegetables. I wash the onions and potatoes, peel and cut into cubes. Be sure to follow the broth: remove the foam, add some salt and pepper.
  3. I send allspice, half an onion, bay leaf, chopped parsley root and potatoes to the pan with crucian carp. I cook for about half an hour, constantly removing the foam.
  4. I remove the ear from the fire and let it brew under the lid for 15 minutes.

Before serving, be sure to sprinkle the ear with chopped herbs. You will get a beautiful and fragrant dish that is not a shame to present to guests or family members, especially if it is for second meat.

This type of illness is called "food poisoning" and can cause abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. We all have an important role to play in keeping a close eye on what we eat at home. Wash fruits and fresh vegetables under cold tap water before eating or cooking Ask an adult to clean traditional outdoor food if it is not too cold. disease-causing can be found on the skin or fur of an animal. If traditional foods are cleaned inside, make sure someone cleans and fully sanitizes countertops, cutting boards, knives, and knives when finished. Make sure all cardboard and plastic used to clean the meat is removed when you're done. Operate a fan or open a window if time permits to ensure good air circulation as needed. Use two cutting boards, one for raw meat and one for vegetables. . Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after handling food.

perch soup recipe

Perch ear is a dish created by Slavic chefs. According to sources, in the 12th century, all soups were called fish soup, regardless of the ingredients. Some varieties of ancient fish soup resembled modern compote.


  • perch - 1 kg
  • potatoes - 800 g
  • onion - 150 g
  • carrot - 150 g
  • herbs, salt, bay leaf and pepper


What are chemicals?

Your home may be filled with chemicals that you don't consider dangerous. However, paint pots, kitchen cleaners, detergents and bleaches are made from chemicals that can be hazardous to your health. Chemicals can be found in furniture, carpets or toys.

What are the harmful effects of chemicals on my body?

Chemicals can pass through your body through your skin if you touch them, through your lungs if you breathe them in, or through your mouth when you eat or drink. Exposure to chemicals can irritate your skin and eyes, and you may start to cough or feel dizzy or have headaches, and may even have stomach pain. cancer, but there are many ways to protect you and your family.

  1. I'm cleaning perch. I send the tail and head to a four-liter saucepan, fill it with water and boil for half an hour. After I take it out, and filter the resulting broth.
  2. I cut the peeled perch across into pieces 3 cm long. I cut the onion and pass it. I grate the carrots and fry them.
  3. I cut the washed and peeled potatoes into cubes and send them to a saucepan with boiling broth, add pepper and salt. As soon as the liquid boils again, add the perch and cook for about 10 minutes.
  4. After I add bay leaf, remove the pan from the heat and let the ear brew for about half an hour.

How to cook ear at home

The most delicious ear cooking on the fire. This does not mean that it cannot be cooked at home.

All houses should know the meaning of the following symbols. Each danger symbol is also accompanied by one of these words. Make sure chemicals such as insect repellants are stored properly and out of the reach of small children. Verifies that child protection containers are used to store chemicals. Try using a mixture of vinegar and water instead of using home cleaning chemicals. Use some materials for children. Some adult content may be dangerous.

Sound is what you hear; noise can be an unwanted sound that becomes unpleasant for the person who hears it. A pleasant sound for a person can be a very annoying noise, annoying or disturbing for someone else. No matter sounds or sounds can seriously damage the ear when exposed for a long time.

In this recipe, I add a little pearl barley to make a rich and satisfying treat.


  • carp head - 3 pcs.
  • medium potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • pearl barley - 150 g
  • small carrot - 2 pcs.
  • large onion - 1 head
  • greens, pepper, salt, noble laurel


  1. Boil pearl barley until tender and rinse well.
  2. I remove the gills from the carp heads and start cooking. I remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. While preparing the broth, I am engaged in vegetables. Clean and rinse with cold water. I cut the potatoes into cubes and throw them into a saucepan. Salt.
  4. After about 10 minutes, add chopped onions and grated carrots. I mix and cook until done.
  5. At the end of cooking, I add pearl barley, herbs, pepper and noble laurel to the pan. I turn off the fire and let the ear brew.

As you can see, for cooking, you don’t even need to fry vegetables and make dressing.

What loud noises can be harmful?

Intense noise can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss, as well as whistling or buzzing in the ears. Noise can interfere with normal conversation, entertainment, or a restful night's sleep. dream. Personal audio devices used in headphones or headsets Snowmobiles or four-wheeled vehicles that are poorly maintained. Firearms, both short-term and long-term Toys, especially noisy toys that may be held too close to a child's ears or that a child may use other than recommended by the manufacturer. Keep the volume of your portable music player at a satisfactory but safe level. If a person who is a meter away has to shout to be understood, the volume of your music is probably over 85 decibels, which can be dangerous.

Dismantling health risks

Use protective gear, hearing when you are hunting. . Here are some simple tricks you and your home inspection team can use to make your home healthier and safer.

How to cook an ear on a fire

Many people are fond of fishing. Especially men who happily spend free time on the banks of a picturesque pond.

The most suitable dish for fishing is fish soup cooked from freshly caught fish.


  1. I carefully sort the caught fish. I choose the smallest fish and gut. I don't always clean, but I always wash.
  2. I clean larger fish, gut and cut into pieces.
  3. I'm making broth from a trifle. Before cooking, I put it in cheesecloth and dip it in water. The result is a broth, on the basis of which the ear is prepared. After preparing the broth, I throw away small fish.
  4. If there is no gauze, I make the broth in a different way. I cook small fish for about half an hour. After I remove the cauldron from the fire and wait until the trifle sinks to the bottom. Then I pour the broth into another bowl.
  5. I put a couple of pieces in the fish broth big fish and cook until done. I take out the finished fish from the pot, and continue to cook the soup.
  6. I send the remaining pieces of fish to the broth along with potatoes, herbs, carrots and onions. If the ear is thick, add a little water. It doesn't affect the taste.
  7. I mix all the ingredients well and boil for about 40 minutes. I focus on the readiness of vegetables.
  8. During cooking, I often do not mix so that the fish does not fall apart, and liquid porridge does not turn out instead of fish soup.
  9. So that the ear does not burn, I periodically shake the boiler. I do not cover the dishes with a lid, but I take water from a spring. As a result, the dish absorbs the aromas of nature, and the taste becomes multifaceted.

Step-by-step video recipe for fish soup from salmon head

For cooking fish soup on a fire, I do not use dill and parsley. This green has a pronounced taste that easily interrupts the aroma of fish.

Helpful Hints

I decided to finish the article with a few tips that will make the soup even tastier.

  1. There is a ready-made ear you need from a bowler, using wooden spoons.
  2. Fish is the main ingredient. Try to put as much as possible more fish. Don't overdo it with vegetables.
  3. AT ready meal Feel free to add salt and pepper. At the very end of cooking the fish soup, you can add a little noble laurel to the pot. At the end of cooking, it is recommended to remove it. Otherwise, the treat will become bitter.
  4. 4 , rating: 4,50 out of 5)

There are several opinions on how to cook classic ear. First: ear always prepared from the same type of fish. Therefore, it happens salmon ear, pike ear, trout ear, ear of carp, sterlet ear, perch ear, salmon ear, ear from zander, ear from carp, catfish ear, sturgeon ear, ear of carp, salmon ear, bream ear, saury ear, codfish ear, ear of ruffs, pollock ear, codfish ear, mackerel ear, ear from pelengas, ear from silver carp, burbot ear, roach ear. Second opinion and second technology allows cooking fish soup from several varieties of fish - mixed or in several stages. For example, small fish are first boiled, and then more expensive and tasty fish are cooked in this broth. Ukha, cooking recipe which includes the change of three servings of fish, is called a triple ear. The royal ear is prepared according to the same principle, however, on chicken or even mushroom broth. Ear, recipe which involves its preparation in chicken broth, also called rooster ear.

calories fish soup depends on the type of fish and varies from 45 to 70 Kcal per 100 g. Fish for fish soup can be very diverse. Traditional, real ear is of several types. White ear - ear of river fish: from a ruff (it is believed that the most delicious fish soup is obtained from ruffs - because of the ruff mucus), perch, pike perch, whitefish. Black ear - from fish less suitable for fish soup: asp, carp, chub, crucian carp, carp, rudd. An ear made from red fish is called red ear. Fisherman's ear stands apart. Ukha on the fire - this is not cooking fish soup at home. Fisherman's ear is prepared from any fish that has been caught. How to cook ear any fisherman knows: the water must be from the river, in an almost ready ear it is necessary to put out a smoldering firebrand, and be sure to add a little vodka or pepper to the ear at the end. As you can see, there are many ways to cook an ear. Cooking fish soup often has its own local characteristics. For example, an ear with millet or other cereals has long been common among the Cossacks. In the Russian North, among the Pomors, there is an ear made from salmon heads. A typical Volga ear is an ear from a sterlet. original recipe has an ear in Finnish. Finland is a country of a thousand lakes, Finns know how to cook fish soup. Finnish fish soup with cream few people will remain indifferent. Today, even canned fish soup is quite popular. The recipe for canned fish soup captivates with its simplicity: I threw canned fish into a decoction of vegetables, and canned fish soup is ready.

If you are looking for: salmon ear recipe, pike ear recipe, trout ear recipe, perch ear recipe, pink salmon ear recipe, carp ear recipe, sterlet ear recipe, sturgeon ear recipe, royal ear recipe, fish ear catfish recipe, carp fish soup recipe, fish soup recipe with photo, you will find on our website many options for delicious recipes.

How to cook ear.

- Do not boil the fish soup in aluminum cookware.

- How to weld transparent ear? Don't put potatoes in your ear.

- How much to cook ear the eyes of the fish will tell you - they should turn white. Just in case, add another five minutes, but the total time is a maximum of 20 minutes. Then let the ear brew a little.

- After cooking the fish soup, remove the bay leaf from it, otherwise the ear may be bitter later.

- Put greens in a plate with an ear, but not in a pan.

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