Combined curtains in two colors for the living room. How to combine curtains in two colors or from different fabrics

Design and interior 28.04.2018
Design and interior

Curtains are an important part of the interior of any room. This original element forms the individual features and visual completeness of the room. The window can be perceived in the context of a small peephole in the world, which is why designers devote so much time to its design and development of the overall concept.

Properly selected curtains will create a feeling of peace and comfort, as well as help level the existing defects in corners, walls, and visually expand the room. In such a difficult task, the main role is assigned to combined curtains, consisting of several colors and fabrics. In today's article, we will consider in detail the issue of the correct selection of material and the creation of two-color solutions based on it.

Selection of fabric texture

Sewing curtains, consisting of several colors, often involves a textured and fabric combination. For a harmonious combination of fabrics, it is very important that individual products have a similar texture, and even better one material. And there are several reasons for this. First of all, such a combination increases visual appeal. Secondly, fabrics of several textures after the next wash can give a distinct shrinkage, the entire curtain will be skewed.

However, the matter is not limited to texture alone, therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the density of the source material. The most advantageous option for curtains is a combination of fabrics with an average density, which will level the weighting of the window. Density is an important criterion for the functionality of curtains. If the products are assigned an exclusively decorative role, then the choice is not limited by anything, it is enough to achieve color and style matching. After fixing these curtains, no one will move them once again. Otherwise, special attention should be paid to the fabric, which must be dense and provide the desired level of light transmission.

Having stopped the choice on one of the textures, it is necessary to approach the issue of color selection for the future curtains no less scrupulously. Two-color solutions open up endless possibilities of combinatorics. The main difficulty lies in their relevance and compliance with the overall interior of a particular room. In such a responsible event, it is better to rely on the opinion of professional designers, guided by which you can sew really real window decorations. A few valuable recommendations:

  • A combination of two colors involves using as a basis those shades that are present in the surrounding space. As for the additional ones, they can be anything. This implementation option is the most preferable, since the curtains will visually overlap with the rest of the room.
  • Impressive effects can be achieved by combining contrasting colors. Examples abound: yellow and brown, white and red, white and black. Experts agree that such curtains will perfectly complement a room furnished in a monochrome style and become its visual dominant.
  • The combination of colors is allowed not only in the vertical direction, but also horizontally. If the main task is to increase the level of the ceiling zone, it is better to opt for a vertical arrangement of colors.
  • To harmoniously sew products consisting of two colors, you need to place a darker area at the bottom. If there is a vertical combination, then the darkened matter should be on the extreme part.

Let us dwell in more detail on how to properly sew two-color curtains with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to have basic practical skills in sewing on a typewriter and have a certain theoretical background. The most affordable product is traditional curtains, which are several rectangular blanks. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. Measure the length of the cornice, as well as the height of the ceiling area (from the hook located on the cornice to the floor). Appropriate measurements will allow you to calculate required amount fabrics.
  2. Experts say that for each product there are on average from 1.5 to 2 lengths of the cornice. Therefore, if you have a cornice 3 meters long, then in order to sew the curtains you will need from 5 to 5.5 meters of fabric.
  3. It is very easy to determine the height of the curtain: it is enough to add the length of the fabric in the upper and lower parts to the height of the ceilings (it is necessary for fixing). If we are talking about a height of 2.5 meters, then you need to prepare 2.7 meters of fabric.
  4. When combining two materials in a vertical plane, another 2 cm are added on each side. In the case of a horizontal arrangement, to the height of the product.
  5. In order to reliably and correctly sew blanks, it is advisable to have on hand: scissors, needles, pins, threads and a special tape.

"Outfit" for windows with their own hands

Before starting work, you need to take a fabric consisting of two identical cuts, and then cut it in half in a vertical direction. A canvas of several colored parts is very easy to sew: fold them face to face, step back 1 cm from the edge and quickly sew on a sewing machine. Using an iron, carefully process the seam.

Wrap the side parts of the curtain 2 mm on each side and iron well. Repeat the procedure a second time. In the place of the fold, make a line as evenly as possible. The bottom edge is best sewn in the same way.

The final step is sewing on the ribbon. It is necessary to tuck the curtain to the width of the existing tape and iron this small area of ​​\u200b\u200bmatter with an iron. Attach the ribbon to the lapel so that the loops are at the top and fasten the two blanks with pins. At the top and bottom edges of the tape, one line is made. The second curtain fabric is sewn in the same way.

Before starting work, it is necessary to check the thread tension and the quality of the stitching in the machine. Failure to do so may damage the fabric.

As you can see, in order to get beautiful and original two-color products, it is not at all necessary to seek help from a master. All work is easily done by hand. It is enough to have patience, a great desire and the room before our eyes turn into a comfortable and conducive place for conversation.

  • Monochrome or drawing?

Fashionable curtains - what are they? Leading interior designers assure: on the crest of a fashionable wave are curtains, where there is a combination of two colors. Is it so? And how to find such a combination of them so that the functional and aesthetic space of the room gains a new life?

For two-tone curtains, a contrasting combination of different shades is perfect.

Win-win, neutrals, accents and more

It is quite simple to choose color combinations for curtains, given their color, texture, ability to be combined with other interior items. It is immediately necessary to clarify one important point: if someone claims that there are strict rules in choosing a color and its tones, then they are either mistaken or trying to inspire their taste preferences to others. There are undoubtedly rules for the compatibility of colors and textures, however, they are better considered as tips, and not mandatory directives.

The color palette of materials from which curtains are made is almost limitless. In the interior space, these things play 2 roles at the same time: functional and aesthetic. Curtains not only protect the interior of an apartment or house from direct sunlight, but also fill the room with a special atmosphere, changing and transforming it in accordance with the tastes of the owners. If you need to visually expand its space, choose curtains light colors. If you need to make it more accentuated, concentrated - these interior items, made in saturated, dark colors, easily solve the problem.

One of the colors of two-tone curtains can be matched to the color of the furniture.

It is generally accepted: a combination of light and dark colors curtains are chosen by courageous, resolute people who are not afraid of innovations, keeping up with the times. However given choice testifies to practicality. Two colors used in one piece of decor allow you to more effectively model the space of the room without resorting to additional costs for the purchase of one or the other curtains. Decor items for two-color curtains are much easier to pick up than for single-color ones. Two-color curtains will fit much easier into a room where interior decoration, furniture, things are made both in different colors and in a single range.

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In the tone of furniture, decor elements or mood?

A classic solution with two-color curtains: each color is matched exactly to the color of the furniture. However, when choosing such a combination, the following important nuance should be taken into account. If the curtains are matched exactly to the tone of the walls, such a decision, alas, will make futile efforts to transform the interior of an apartment or house into a better side. Why? When the curtains are the same color as the furniture, all the interior items visually merge. Therefore, interior designers always recommend choosing the colors of two-color curtains so that their tone is darker or lighter than the walls.

Two-tone curtains in neutral shades will perfectly fit into the interior of a classic style.

Absolutely universal solutions in the arrangement of an apartment or house, as you know, do not exist, but there are those that experts usually call win-win. The combination of one of the colors of two-color curtains with the most noticeable piece of furniture belongs to this category. No less universal is the option of combining two neutral colors in the curtains, which, as psychologists assure, testify to the commitment of the owners of the house to classical traditions, the desire for peace and stability.

Often, those who already have curtains in a house or apartment made in one neutral color add a bright lambrequin, drapery or piping to them. This method helps to solve an equally interesting problem, which combines traditional and original approaches to creating curtains. We should not forget that curtains of different colors immediately shift the design accent in the space of the room to the window. If something does not suit you in the interior of an apartment or house, two-color curtains will be the best solution that does not require significant financial costs. You can purchase or make small decor items of the same color for them: sofa cushions, napkins, artificial flowers.

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Monochrome or drawing?

Black and white curtains will suit the interior in light colors, while emphasizing the window.

Two-color curtains can also be considered as a conditional concept, if we are talking about the combination of fabrics not only various colors, but with different designs. If you make a curtain from a plain material and a fabric of a contrasting color, decorated with a pattern, matched to it, this will be an unusual solution. It is also possible to combine tone-on-tone monochrome curtains with other interior items. You can choose fabric unusual pattern both for curtains and for decorative elements. A solution is considered stylish when two-color curtains have the same pattern, but are made of materials of different colors and textures.

Designers find it difficult to unanimously answer the question of the most fashionable color combination for curtains. Purple, red and yellow are fashionable for living rooms. A two-tone curtain in warm colors is best placed in a room where you need to visually enlarge the window. If you choose a curtain where there is a combination of cold shades, the space of the room will visually increase and become airy. For the kitchen, the ideal option is considered to be blue, pearl, pale green and lavender colors and shades. Combinations of navy blue, creamy gray and pearl with other colors surprisingly transform rooms intended for relaxation.

If you decide to hang a two-tone curtain in an eclectic room, experts often recommend a combination of natural and bright color. This combination is often found among those who do not like white, considering it too distant, and among fans of eco-style. A two-color curtain is usually chosen in order to avoid excessive rigor and formality of the room.

To combine two colors, various curtain manufacturing technologies are provided. One of the most popular is overlay. The essence of the method is that to combine these decorative elements, one curtain (more precisely, fabric) is placed above the other. Blue, cherry, terracotta in such design solutions are considered indispensable. Such a curtain is sometimes also called "fireworks", since its range can not be strictly limited to 2 colors and various decorations are used to decorate it. For example, rhinestones, which will add a play of light to an unusual, original object.

When choosing two-tone curtains, it is better not to forget about the styles of the rooms for which they are intended.

Today it is fashionable to equip every room of an apartment or house in your own style. Of course, for each room, certain curtains are selected that fit into its space, harmonizing with it. But no less relevant solution are two-color curtains, the same for all rooms. It is much more difficult to pick them up, quite possibly the most the best option will be custom made. But on the other hand, they will be able to unite the space of an apartment or house, emphasizing the exclusivity of the interior and the taste of its owners.

Showcase Okna Body

Harmony and comfort in the interior are achieved through a competent combination finishing materials, furniture and textiles. Pictures, vases, lamps, in general, pleasant little things that decorate the room and add functionality to it, should be consistent with all this to some extent.

General principles

Properly selected curtains play a big role in creating unity. Let's dwell on the curtains, which are created from two types of fabrics.

  • Combined curtains allow the combination of two colors, which are the main ones in the surrounding space. In this case, the curtains will unite the room.
  • A good choice is to use different harmonizing shades. For example, lilac with pink (in the nursery), delicious chocolate with a milky or sandy tone (for the living room).
  • The game in contrast will bring diversity, will visually attract. As options: black and white, purple and yellow, green and red.

  • The drawing on the combined curtains can be placed not only vertically, but also horizontally. Visually, this will expand the room, make it more spacious. The ornament will be appropriate in a room where there are no flashy design elements.
  • The same type of curtains are suitable for decorating a room filled with diverse decorative elements.
  • Curtains that are bright in tone will draw attention to themselves. They will decorate the interior, made in the style of minimalism.
  • Curtains that are approximately the same in color, but made of fabrics of a different structure from each other, will calm the complex design.
  • Smooth fabrics will give the curtains lightness, embossed and rough ones will add volume.

Methods for selecting curtains from two colors can be seen in the photo.


Curtains can be made from the following types of fabric:

  • organza,
  • brocade,
  • moire,
  • silk,
  • cotton,
  • jute,
  • hemp,
  • taffeta,
  • velvet.

There are other canvas options. You can learn about novelties and modern solutions, how and from what fabrics to decorate a window, from specialized magazines that write about design or sewing. To decorate a particular interior, it is important to identify companion fabrics among the abundance of offers.

What are companions? These are materials that can be combined, considering:

  • color similarity,
  • drawing likeness,
  • color contrast,
  • invoice compatibility.

The classic version of companion curtains is tulle and curtains.

A beautiful combination when curtains made of two fabrics of different colors have, for example, dark green and delicate light green in the range. Good compatibility with burgundy with white, pink, brown. Two curtains will look great in combination with blue and soft turquoise.

If you choose contrasts, then they should also be an organic synthesis. White color will suit almost all of its counterparts in the range of shades. Pale beige goes well with brown. fashion trend- yellow and blue combination. A selection of tones, opposite and similar, can be seen in the diagram.

Tastefully selected fabric with a pattern for two curtains will serve as an excellent option to make the opening look intricate and coquettish. It would be a mistake to choose in the form of curtains at the same time with large and small ornaments, if the patterns of the two materials are very different from each other. They are unlikely to become companions. Experts advise choosing one part of the curtain with a pattern, and buy a companion of a plain look.

The texture of the fabric can be the same or different in two curtains. But together they should complement each other. A nice option is when two different curtains are made of organza. Curtains in two colors of fabric can consist, for example, of organza and silk. The texture of these materials is light, non-relief. They will effectively coexist with each other in a single product. In the photo you can see how beautiful the curtain looks from two different fabrics, and take the idea into service.

Finished goods

A curtain made of materials of different colors will decorate the window with its unusualness:

  • One part can be dominant, the second can be an addition in the form of ruffles, puffs, inserts.
  • The two curtain strips can be sewn vertically, have the same size and differ in tone.
  • Curtains will give an interesting look to the room if there are two vertical dark stripes on the sides, and a light insert is missing in the middle.

Do it yourself

You can sew the product with your own hands, guided by the diagrams. The basic level of knowledge and sewing skills in this case must be present.

The most affordable option is traditional curtains, which are modeled from a pair of rectangular blanks of the same or different sizes. A do-it-yourself curtain of two fabrics will be made without much difficulty in work. Enough to be patient.

Two materials can be combined if a plain fabric is put on the top and bottom, and in the middle - with patterns. This option is also easy to sew.

The next type of do-it-yourself curtain is when there is a main canvas and the second color goes to it with a lambrequin. Sewing curtains from two colors of fabric of such a plan is also not difficult. How to attach frills, they study at school in home economics lessons.

Any a good idea should find a worthy embodiment. Now people are coming to the conclusion that curtains decorating windows require unity with the rest of the space. Do-it-yourself or custom-made curtains should ultimately bring comfort, give aesthetic pleasure and not lose functionality.

Curtains are one of the most popular elements with which you can transform the interior. This is not just a window decoration, but important detail, capable of emphasizing and complementing the style and uniqueness of the room, enrich appearance rooms, create additional warmth, coziness and comfort. The modern market offers us a rich selection of a wide variety of fabric options for curtains. Fabrics of different textures and colors allow you to create the optimal design for any room.

Combined curtains can be made in the form of a double-sided option, with light tulle in the background of blackout curtains.

AT recent times becoming more and more popular combined curtains, allowing you to fully include imagination and design abilities.

It so happened that since Soviet times it was customary to sew curtains with your own hands. At the same time, many do not worry at all about what they will get, they simply buy a piece of fabric, hem it and hang it on the ledge. Even today, many believe that it is not worth paying great attention window decoration. On the other hand, the number of those who understand that the interior of the room should be made in a single style, in which the curtains will take center stage, is growing rapidly. With the right approach, you can combine colors and fabrics in a very interesting and unusual way, resulting in an original plot.

When is it appropriate to combine curtains

Combination can be done in different situations and for different reasons. First of all, it should be noted that this is a trend modern fashion, and therefore anyone who keeps up with the times will want to experiment and end up with a modern and trendy interior detail. This may be a designer's idea related to the overall concept of the room design.

Combining curtains is relevant in cases where it is planned to change their appearance in the future without spending a lot of money on this matter. For example, you can make double-sided curtains, in which there will be a dense fabric on one side and tulle on the other. After some time, they can be swapped, slightly corrected or supplemented with accessories - and the look will become new, fresh and unusual.

Making combined curtains with your own hands is relevant if you have several pieces of fabric that are great for this purpose, but their width or length is not enough for a window. Skillfully combine these canvases, and unusual and original curtains will appear on your windows. By combining different fabrics and colors, experimenting and fantasizing, you can create a wonderful interior element that is suitable for any room.

Combining colors and fabrics

One of the most important points when making curtains with your own hands is a competent combination colors. Professional designers advise choosing colors in one of the options:

It is necessary to combine fabrics for curtains as follows: colors should either match well or be contrasting.

  • harmoniously combined;
  • contrasting.

If you prefer harmonious colors, the emphasis should be on the main shade, which will be in harmony with the rest of the colors. With a contrast option, the main color is diluted with bright elements that are completely opposite to the main color (the most striking example is the contrast of white and black). When choosing the color of fabric for windows, it is worth considering the overall design of the room, furniture upholstery. The ideal option is to make the upholstery of furniture and curtains from the same type of fabric or to match the pattern of the curtains with the patterns on the upholstery or bedspreads. If the change of curtains occurred at the time of redecoration, it would be useful to take into account the color and texture of the wallpaper.

One of the most popular in modern design options for combining curtains are two-color curtains. Combination options can be very different: a combination of a pattern and a plain fabric, in a contrasting and harmonious color design. For people with a measured pace of life, you can use the classic combination of black and white.

For active people, bright elements combined with a neutral base will be relevant. By changing one part of the curtain to another, you can completely change the design of the room, and with it the overall atmosphere. Combine curtains different colors and textures of fabrics are now very fashionable. This option is relevant for those who like to bring something new into the room and are constantly striving to change the interior design of the room.

We sew curtains ourselves: what you need to know?

If you decide to make curtains with your own hands, some tips will be quite useful. First of all, you have to determine the colors of the fabric and the material from which you will sew the curtains. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the overall interior of the apartment so that future curtains are made in the same style with other details. You also need to decide on the height of the curtains. There are three types of curtains depending on their height: along the height of the window sill, just below the window sill (by 10 - 20 cm), to the floor. Curtains can be combined in height, combining different lengths for individual canvases.

Before you start sewing, it is worth studying the type and characteristics of the fabric you have chosen, and the instructions for working with it. When choosing a curtain fabric, the main thing you need to pay attention to is its strength. Preference should be given to a dense and durable fabric that can maintain an attractive appearance for a long time. You can calculate the amount of fabric you need if you know exactly the width of the cornice. Dense and heavy fabrics with a clear pattern are measured by calculating the length of the cornice multiplied by 1.5.

Lightweight fabrics will look richer and more attractive if you take double the length of the cornice or even 2.5 lengths. It would be appropriate to assemble such curtains on a special tape, creating beautiful thick frills, they will look chic in the interior. Combine curtains according to the features of your room. Special attention pay attention to lighting. For the sunny side, it is worth taking a dense and heavy fabric, and if the room is located on the shady side, you can consider tulle curtain options. The combination of heavy curtains with delicate tulle fabric will look original.

In order to sew curtains, you need to decide on their design, as well as prepare patterns and drawings. It is recommended to wash and iron the fabric before cutting, this will avoid further shrinking of the curtains. Iron the fabric slightly damp. After it has completely dried, it is worth checking whether a violation of the tissue structure has occurred.

Any craftswoman who knows how to use a sewing machine can sew combined curtains with her own hands. It is enough to know some of the features and principles of combining colors and fabrics to make beautiful decoration interior with minimal cost and a lot of pleasure from their own abilities.

Two-color curtains can be an original design solution for rooms for various purposes.

With the right combination of shades, they will bring comfort to the room, create an atmosphere of celebration, and help to properly shape the space.

Basic selection principles

Curtains should protect the room from prying eyes and excessive light. In addition, they should complement the interior, favorably emphasize the attractiveness of the situation.

That is why, when choosing decoration for windows, it is worth considering the style in which the room is created. It is correct if the shade of the decor continues in the curtains.

When choosing two-color curtains, it is important to pay attention to the combination of shades, which is built according to certain rules.

Pastel Bedroom

The highlight of the combination. Tones of one color palette are visually able to create a single interior. You can use deep green, olive, or deep blue, bright blue. Calm sand shades will perfectly complement this range.

Contrast suits creative people who like exclusive solutions. In this version, one of the shades will become a catchy accent that sets the mood for the whole room.

A gentle, harmonious palette is considered the solution to the classical direction. AT this case the tone of the room sets the shade of the curtains.

Window decor, which combines several shades, fits perfectly into the design of any style. A competent combination of tones will help create comfort in every room.

Curtain for the living room

In the interior of the hall, maximum comfort should be combined with a festive atmosphere. Family members and friends gather here. It is for this reason that it is important to correctly choose the environment as a whole to create a complete picture.

An indispensable solution for such an interior space will be two-tone curtains in a white and black palette. Such contrast is an extraordinary solution for emphasizing an exquisitely crafted composition.

Curtains created from several contrasting shades of canvas look unusual. As a rule, the main curtain is dark, while the other is light. A hall decorated in this way will always have a stylish and fresh look.

Bedroom curtain

Curtains for the recreation area are not just aesthetic value but also play a functional role. It is important to choose a decor for the bedroom windows from several shades that have a beneficial effect on relaxation and protect well from light.

For those who prefer darkness, it is important to pay attention to dense options, or extraordinary Roman two-tone curtains.

A great design solution in the rest room will be a combination of close tones. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid catchy, contrasting curtains in this room, since they negatively affect the psyche and do not contribute to proper rest.

The best solution would be curtains in bed colors.


The children's area is the best room for two-color curtains. To create an atmosphere of joy in the baby's room, yellow-green or golden-blue options are suitable.

A girl's realm would benefit from a lavender or pink and white palette. In the boy's room, the best choice would be a brown-white or cream-black combination.

kitchen curtains

The kitchen space is the place where food is prepared. It is for this reason that the curtains in this room should be as functional as possible. Short curtains are an excellent choice.

In rooms with a small area, curtains with stripes of identical soothing shades look great. Dark options made of dense material are appropriate here only if necessary.


Modern curtains of several shades are a great option for different rooms. Such textiles can combine different or similar shades. When choosing, you should focus on the style of the room.

Using two-color curtains, it is not difficult to model a room, visually expanding, stretching it.

Curtains of several tones are suitable for any space. But it is important to focus on the functionality, color scheme of the room. So, strict options are suitable for the living room, colorful and cheerful models for the nursery, and thick curtains for the rest room.

Photo of two-color curtains in the interior

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