Evgeny Zharikov personal life and children. “I gave him a choice”: Natalya Gvozdikova spoke about the betrayal of Evgeny Zharikov

Interesting 22.06.2019

As happens with many outstanding people, the photo of Natalia Gvozdikova, her biography, personal life and children still attract fans and just lovers of good domestic cinema. The life of an actress is full of unexpected twists and turns. So, fame and popularity met her where she did not expect, and the one whom Natalya could rightly call her support turned out to be a traitor. Therefore, it is worth knowing her path not only as a talented actress, but also as a real Russian woman who steadfastly meets life's difficulties.

Natalya Fedorovna Gvozdikova was born on January 7, 1948 in the small town of Borzya, Chita Region. She was the youngest of two children in the family. It is noteworthy that Natalia's parents were far from the world of theater and cinema. His father worked as a military engineer, and his mother was an artist. Despite this, both daughters firmly decided to link their lives with the stage. So, elder sister Natalia, Lyudmila also became an actress. A little later, she worked at the State Theater of Miniatures, headed by Arkady Raikin.

Natalya Gvozdikova entered VGIK, graduating in 1971. Although there is no information about her classes in theater circles or participation in amateur performances, during her studies she fell in love with her new profession very much.

The success of the aspiring actress was so obvious that while still a student, she played significant roles. So, in her second year, Natalya played the role of Nina from the play "Masquerade". From the day she graduated from the university until 1993, her life was inextricably linked with the theater-studio of the film actor.

Best film work

The first filming in films began at about the same time as getting roles in films. At first, Natalya Gvozdikova was assigned to perform characters that appeared in the film for a short time. But her first real success was the role in the serial film "Big Change". In it, she played the charming girl Polina, who became the lady of the heart of the main character of the film, Nestor Severov.

On the set of this film, Natalya Gvozdikova also had to face the unpleasant side of the acting profession. She attracted Special attention film director and director Alexei Korenev.

Although the biography and personal life of Natalya Gvozdikova included dreams of family photos and children, she did not consider this person as a life partner. Therefore, she rejected Korenev's courtship.

In turn, Alexey decided to use his rights as a director to avenge his offended feelings. At first, he wanted to deprive the young actress of the role, and it is not known what the film would have looked like if his plan had come true. But, since most of the scenes with the participation of Gvozdikova had already been filmed at that time, he only cut her role, so the viewers did not hear the song performed by Polina Ivanchenko in the film. At the same time, the career of the actress was rapidly gaining momentum, and since 1976 she became a Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR.

In 1978, Natalya Gvozdikova was offered the main role in film " born of revolution". Initially, the script of the picture did not arouse interest in the actress. She even tried to refuse the offer. However, the head of the acting department of Mosfilm literally forced her to star in the film.

Gvozdikova in the film "Because I love"

The result was unexpected even for the actress herself. Firstly, thanks to the role of Maria Kondratieva from this picture, Natalya Gvozdikova became a real star. On the streets, they began to recognize her and come up for an autograph or just wanted to get to know her. Secondly, after the release of the film, the actress was awarded the USSR State Prize. This was her first of four government awards.

Over the years of her life and work, Natalya Gvozdikova starred in a large number of paintings. Her filmography includes several dozen roles of varying degrees of significance. The actress starred in both feature films and documentaries, the best of which are Dangerous Friends, Seven Hours to Death, and On the Pass. Judging by the photo, in the biography and personal life of Natalia Gvozdikova, children played an important role. Therefore, she starred in films intended for young viewers. For hard work for a long time, Natalya Gvozdikova received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR in 1983.

Natalya Gvozdikova in the film "Big Break"

At the beginning of the 21st century, the number of films shot with the participation of Natalia Gvozdikova became an order of magnitude smaller. This is partly due to the ups and downs in the personal life of the actress. Among her few works, roles in the fairy tale "Far Far Away", the comedy "Unexpected Love" are noted. special part her creative heritage of these years was participation in documentaries dedicated to the actors who worked all these years side by side with her.

Family of Natalia Gvozdikova

The filming of the film "Near these windows" brought Natalia with Evgeny Zharikov. Their relationship developed so rapidly that soon after the shooting of the film, they decided to get married. And in the film "Born of the Revolution" they played a married couple. So in the biography and personal life of Natalia Gvozdikova there were photos with her husband and plans to have children.

Rumor has it that before meeting with Zharikov, both were already legally married, and in order to formalize their relationship officially, they had to leave their life partners. However, neither in the photo, nor in the biography and in the description of the personal life of Natalia Gvozdikova can you find either the name of her first husband, or information about the children born in her first marriage, so this information may exist as rumors.

In 1976, Natalia became a mother. On August 2, her son was born, who was named Fedor. Unlike his parents, he chose a different vocation. Fedor was more attracted to foreign languages, so he decided to connect his life with them after graduating from the institute foreign languages. In parallel, Fedor received an officer's rank and became a translator with French. Now he works as the head of the service information security in aircraft construction. In the personal life of Natalia Gvozdikova, apart from her son, there were no more children (this is clearly shown by her family photos and the lines in her biography confirm this fact).

Difficult period in life

Beginning in 1994, a dark streak began in the life of Natalia Gvozdikova. This year, her husband began an affair with journalist Tatyana Sekridova. According to the recollections of friends and colleagues, Tatyana was a member of the family of the famous actress. She often accompanied them at work at festivals and other public events at work, so Natalya was doubly difficult.

This novel lasted quite a long time, until 2001. During this time, as a result of relations with her husband Natalia, Sekvidova had two children: Sergey and Katya. Fyodor was the first to guess about his father's hobby, since the journalist began to visit her father when her mother was absent from home for some reason. And soon Tatyana officially announced their relationship.

One can imagine what a blow in the biography and personal life of Natalia Gvozdikova was the betrayal of her life partner and what it was like for her to look at photos of his children from another woman.

But Tatyana Sekvidova wanted more. She began to demand that the actor help her raise children financially. Moreover, she made her relationship with Zharikov widely publicized. At this moment, a truly serious choice arose before the unfaithful spouse. From that moment on, he could no longer live in two families. It was then that Yevgeny Zharikov broke off all relations with his mistress and took steps to make peace with his wife.

This whole story seriously affected the health of the actor. During the trials, he suffered a stroke. In 2009, during an operation on the spine, an infection was introduced into his body. And in 2012, Evgeny Zharikov died of cancer. All these difficult years, the wife and son made every effort to brighten up and at least slightly prolong his life. In part, pity for a sick person helped to make the most difficult decision in Natalya's life, to forgive his betrayal.

Natalia Gvozdikova today

After the death of her husband, Natalya Gvozdikova ended her film career. Now she devotes more time to her family and fans. Looking at the photo, Natalya Gvozdikova in her biography and personal life now admitted that she dreams of seeing her son's children, and perhaps her dream will come true soon.

2013 was a special year in the life of Natalia Gvozdikova. It was then that she received the title People's Artist Russia. By this time, she was already the owner of two state awards received back in the USSR, as well as an award from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the field of literature and art. In the same year, she agreed to shoot a film dedicated to her own life. The painting was titled "To love is to forgive."

AT last years Natalia organizes creative meetings where she gives solo concerts. She likes to recite the poems of Pushkin, as well as the poets of the Silver Age. Also, the actress always liked to sing. Therefore, in her concerts she includes the performance of songs that were previously played in the repertoire of Arkady Raikin and Mark Fradkin.

Being a professional in her field, Natalya Gvozdikova rightfully began to appear on the jury of film festivals. Thus, she took part in determining the winners of the Nika national film academy award, as well as the Radiant Angel festival.

In 2017, the actress began to have health problems. During an accidental fall, her artificial joint was damaged, so she needed emergency medical care. Fortunately for Natalia Gvozdikova, the operation was successful. Thanks to her fairly quickly restored health, she was able to quickly return home.

Looking back, we can say that Natalya Gvozdikova has lived enough rich life, although there were difficult times in her, the actress achieved success in many areas of life. This also applies to a career on the stage of theater and cinema, and raising a worthy son, and maintaining devotion to an unfaithful spouse, manifested in support in Hard time, care and forgiveness.

Natalya Gvozdikova told why she put up with the betrayal of actor Yevgeny Zharikov.

The day before, in honor of the 70th anniversary of the actress, Channel One showed a documentary called “Natalia Gvozdikova. Born to love, born to forgive."

The popular favorite told the details of life with the People's Artist of the RSFSR, how she stepped over her pride, forgave and reconciled herself to the infidelity of her late husband.

Recall that the relationship between Eugene and Natalia began during the filming of the film "Near these windows." After a year of dating, they got married. Then they starred together in the film Born of the Revolution, in which they played spouses.

Painting by Natalia Gvozdikova and Evgeny Zharikov

On August 2, 1976, the son Fedor Zharikov was born, who graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, received an officer rank, became a French translator, and now works as the head of the information security service in aircraft manufacturing.

According to the actress, she was sympathetic to the fact that her son decided to become a translator, not an actor.

The son of Natalia Gvozdikova and Evgeny Zharikov Fedor Zharikov

“I look at you and regret,” Fedya said. He still did not go to school, but remained alone, waiting for us from the shooting. The nanny told how Fedor said: “There is no mother, there is no father, but I am alone,” the artist said.

However, the most important and interesting topic documentary film about Gvozdikova, it was not an easy relationship with Evgeny Zharikov. In the 90s, another woman appeared next to Evgeny Zharikov. An affair with journalist Tatyana Sekridova became the property of the whole country. The woman gave birth People's Artist two children and publicly asked her to help. Zharikov stopped relations with Tatyana, regretted them, repented. Gvozdikova forgave her husband's betrayal, but he himself, as Natalya Fedorovna first admitted, reproached himself until last days life.

“I can forgive. There is a father who was in the know about everything. I told Zhenya - you should go to Father George. After some time, we went together and Father George said to me: “Natasha, you must forgive him.” Forgive?! Zhenya?! It was very difficult. But he never forgave himself, ”Gvozdikova shared her revelations.

A family friend, actress Natalya Bondarchuk, said that she had observed the relationship in this acting couple after the scandalous story.

Girlfriend of Natalia Gvozdikova Natalia Bondarchuk

“They haven't changed at all. She made a point. "You are my husband, I am your wife, and I help you." Zhenya then almost didn’t walk, he moved with difficulty, it was all on Natasha, ”shared Bondarchuk.

Evgeny Zharikov passed away six years ago. Natalya Fedorovna still goes to talk with her father Georgy, and remembers old stories with great reluctance.

“It was very hard. Therefore, when they invite me to programs now, they try to bribe me with money, and I am not a rich person, money would not interfere with me, I refuse. Not! On this I put a bold point. Then someone tried to bite me: “She put an end to it, but it’s impossible to put an end to this.” For God's sake, this is your opinion,” said Natalya Gvozdikova.

Evgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova, who have been married for 37 years, for a long time were an exemplary couple for everyone. “Fried carnations,” as friends called the spouses, always and everywhere appeared together, raised their son Fedor, who is now 35 years old. The myth of a family idyll collapsed in December 2005, when the metropolitan journalist Tatyana Sekridova, in the program “Let them talk”, spoke about their romance with Zharikov, which broke out in 1994 at the Constellation festival on a cruise along the Volga. The connection between the actor and the journalist, who is 19 years younger than him, dragged on. Zharikov was not going to leave the family. But when in 1995 Tatyana gave birth to Yevgeny Ilyich's son Seryozha, and in 1997 - daughter Katya, he was happy, signed the children on himself, came to them at every opportunity, gave money.

And in 2005, Sekridova suddenly decided to tell the whole country who is the father of her children. First, she gave an interview to one glossy publication, and then appeared with this story in the program “Let them talk.” Tatyana did not hide the fact that the discord in relations with Zharikov was outlined in 1999: he started the construction of a summer house near Kaluga, for which all earnings were spent, subsidies for children were noticeably reduced. Quarrels began. Once Sekridova rashly called Natalia Feodorovna and told her the whole truth. Gvozdikova forgave her repentant husband, while Zharikov stopped all communication with Tatyana and the children.
“While Zharikov kept this lady, everything suited her, but when she lost her help, she began to make scandals,” actor Alexander Pankratov-Cherny tells StarHit. - For Zhenya and his family, it was a terrible blow.

After everything experienced, Yevgeny Zharikov had a stroke. “These are all nerves, and nerves - you yourself understand, of course, the scandal crippled Yevgeny Ilyich’s health,” explains the former director of the actor Pyotr Anikin to StarHit.

Two-thirds of the pension - for alimony

Zharikov admitted that he survived then only thanks to the cares of his wife and son. Fedor (a translator by training) even had to leave work for a while to take care of his father. In recent years, the three of them lived in a spacious apartment in the South-West of Moscow. They handed over the "odnushka" that the family inherited after the death of Evgeny Ilyich's mother. Zharikov and Gvozdikova filmed a little, rescued creative meetings. Last summer, the actor said that he was no longer able to work, and his pension was only 15 thousand rubles, of which 33 percent goes to alimony for illegitimate children.
“I don’t talk about this at all,” Tatyana Sekridova, 51, told StarHit. “Call the family and find out everything there.” A year ago, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of her former lover, she told reporters: “I never clung to men. What does Zharikov have now? Some sores! Zhenya's birthday is coming soon. Of course, I wish him good health - this is the most important thing. And so that everything is fine with him - after all, he is the father of my children. I don't hold a grudge against him!" Tatyana does not talk about how her personal life has developed. She still works as a journalist, travels a lot with her children, judging by the photos that Katya posts on her Vkontakte page: here they are resting in Finland, and here they are in Switzerland. Both go in for skiing, Seryozha learns Chinese. Zharikov, despite all the insults, always admitted that Tatyana is a good mother and takes care of the children perfectly.

Memorial money

... Yevgeny Zharikov was buried on Saturday at the Troyekurovsky cemetery.
- I visited Zhenechka before the New Year. Once he was a handsome man - and here such an old man was already lying, - he asked me: "Well, Sanka, come on, tell new jokes." I’m sitting, persecuting, and suddenly I notice how my roommate is crying, realizing that Zhenya is doomed. And I saw it, - says Pankratov-Cherny. - And from the Screen Actors Guild, which Zharikov created and headed for a long time, no one has ever come to him. There were enough problems, Natasha went crazy. Only Nikita Mikhalkov helped with money, the rest, it turns out, did not care. “Even there is nothing to arrange a commemoration,” Natasha told me when I brought her money for the funeral. The Minister of Culture Alexander Avdeev and Zhenya's fans also helped financially. And in the Guild, one woman, to whom I turned for help, replied: “We will send a wreath” ... Well, nothing, the money was collected, I won’t name the amount, but there will be enough to bury Zhenya and Natasha for the first time ...

She did a lot for this. Any communication with her leads to a scandal and another litigation. Therefore, when her lawyer at the trial approached me with the question of whether I would insist on the joint upbringing of children, he answered: “No.”

Natasha never demanded from me not to see Seryozha and Katya. But she did not accept them, I know this and have no right to condemn her. So I can't bring my kids home. This topic is closed.

If I am guilty before Serezha and Katya, then God punished me for this. After all that I've been through, I had a stroke. I don’t want to remember how I spent half a year in the hospital, how my arms and legs were taken away, how I lay and prayed for one thing - to die as soon as possible and no longer torment myself and my loved ones.

But Natasha did not let me do this, she found the best doctors, sponsorship funds to pay for an expensive clinic, nurses. She and Fedya did not leave me in trouble. The son even left his job for a while so that, at the first request of doctors, he could bring medicines. Fedya also bought an expensive mattress so that I, who was lying down, would not have bedsores. And I survived. Thanks to my family and doctors.

Tatyana at that time was besieging the district department of social protection, to which I am attached. She found out what my pension was, whether alimony was correctly calculated from her. Women working in such organizations, in theory, should have sympathized with her, but they could not restrain themselves: "Leave him alone, he is not going to deceive you." My pension is small - fifteen thousand rubles, now I give thirty-three percent of it to my children.

Other earnings are not expected yet, I still move with great difficulty, so I am not able to act in films and give concerts.

“I'm a fool, a fool,” Sekridova recently complained to our mutual friend. - And why did you start all this? I could continue to live with children at the expense of Zharikov. What do I have now? Pennies". Money is the only thing that continues to excite her.

But something else torments me: my three children do not communicate with each other. Seryozha will turn sixteen this year, Katya will be fourteen. They have, of course, Cell phones, and if you want to know their numbers, a little problem. At first I did not do this because I was seriously ill. And now I'm afraid to call them. I'm afraid that Seryozha, upon hearing my voice, will simply hang up or, worse, say something harsh.

This will make me very sad and hurt.

I haven't seen my children for nine years, I don't know what they look like now. I heard that Seryozha is learning Chinese and is making progress. Recently, Sekridova called another mutual friend of ours, said that she began to go to church, pray and forgave everything to everyone ...

Natasha and Fedor do not believe that I do not communicate with Serezha and Katya at all. I am convinced that I do this in secret from them. But they are wrong. Once I tried to talk to Fyodor that he should at least look at his brother and sister, get to know them, but he didn’t want to listen: “No, father!”

I didn't pressure him. It is pointless to rush such events - everything has its time.

Nobody just knows what lies ahead.

How are Serezha and Katya? What do they look like? They must have grown a lot. I hope to see them someday...

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