What is motion biology definition. Types of movements used by various living organisms

Health 14.09.2020

The world of wildlife is filled with movement. Even in the organisms of outwardly motionless living beings there is a constant movement. Juices move in plants, cytoplasm flows in plant and animal cells, intercellular fluid circulates. What to say about freely moving organisms! With the help of flagella and cilia, unicellular and protozoa move. Plant leaves slowly turn towards the sun. There are herds of animals, flocks of birds fly. Hearts are contracting, chasing blood through the vessels, wings are flapping, paws and legs are running, tails are working vigorously. Separate organisms, their parts and organs move... It would not be an exaggeration to say that one of the most important properties of living things - movement - arose simultaneously with life itself.

As the evolutionary "growing up" of the species of living organisms, the ways and forms of their movement, as well as the organs and systems that provide it, changed and improved.

1. Amoeboid movement

Amoeboid movement is inherent in rhizopods and some individual cells of multicellular animals (for example, blood leukocytes). So far, biologists have no consensus on what causes amoeboid movement. Outgrowths of the cytoplasm are formed in the cell, the number and size of which are constantly changing, as is the shape of the cell itself.

2. Movement with the help of flagella and cilia.

Movement with the help of flagella and cilia is characteristic not only of flagellates and ciliates, it is inherent in some multicellular animals and their larvae. In highly organized animals, cells with flagella or cilia are found in the respiratory, digestive, and reproductive systems.

The structure of all flagella and cilia is almost the same. Rotating or waving, flagella and cilia create a driving force and twist the body around its own axis. An increase in the number of cilia speeds up movement. This method of movement is usually characteristic of small invertebrates living in the aquatic environment.

3. Movement with the help of muscles.

Movement with the help of muscles is carried out in multicellular animals. Typical for invertebrates and vertebrates.

Any movement is a very complex, but well-coordinated activity. large groups muscles and biological, chemical, physical processes in the body.

Muscles are made up of muscle tissue. main feature muscle tissue - the ability to contract. Muscle contraction is what causes movement.

In roundworms, alternate contraction of the longitudinal muscles causes characteristic body curves. Due to these body movements, the worm moves forward.

Annelids have mastered new ways of movement due to the fact that in their muscles, in addition to the longitudinal muscles, transverse muscles appeared. Alternately contracting the transverse and longitudinal muscles, the worm, using the bristles on the segments of the body, pushes the soil particles apart and moves forward.

Leeches have mastered walking movements, using suckers to attach. Representatives of the Hydroid class move in “steps”.

Gastropods move thanks to the waves of contraction running along the sole of the foot. Abundantly secreted mucus facilitates sliding and accelerates movement. Bivalves move with the help of a muscular leg, and cephalopods have mastered a jet mode of movement, pushing water out of the mantle cavity.

Arthropods are distinguished by an external skeleton.

Many crustaceans use walking legs to move on the ground, and they use either a caudal fin or swimming legs for swimming. Any of these methods of movement is possible in the presence of well-developed muscles and a mobile articulation of the limbs with the body.

Arachnids move on walking legs, and small spiders that form a web can move with the help of the wind.

In most arthropods, not only the legs, but also (depending on the systematic affiliation) other formations, for example, the wings of insects, serve as special organs of locomotion. In grasshoppers with a low wing beat frequency, muscles attach to their bases.

inhabitants aquatic environment.

The inhabitants of the aquatic environment move in different ways. For example, waterfowl, aquatic turtles and pinnipeds move in the water with the help of modified rowing limbs. Curving the whole body, many fish swim, as well as tailed amphibians and snakes. In a jet way, pushing water out of the body cavity, octopuses, cuttlefish and jellyfish use. And many small animals, in particular water strider bugs, do not swim, but walk or run on the surface of the water.

Movement in the airspace.

The only way to conquer the air is by flying. This is exactly what flying insects, birds and bats do. And flying fish use the possibilities of two elements: having rapidly dispersed in the water, they continue to move in the air. Mastered air space and some other wingless animals: certain types frogs and lizards, flying squirrels, woolly wings, etc. They learned to make elongated gliding jumps, sometimes over quite considerable distances, although for this they acquired appropriate devices that support them in the air: membranes between elongated fingers, special folds of skin, etc.

Ground movement.

On a hard surface, you can walk, run, jump, crawl, climb and slide. It is simply impossible to list those who can walk and run because of the vastness of the list. Remarkable jumpers are, no doubt, kangaroos, frogs, jerboas, grasshoppers, fleas and many, many others. The undisputed champions of crawling are snakes and legless lizards. But besides the champions, there are ordinary "creepers" - caterpillars, sea ​​stars. Among the climbing animals, monkeys stand out first of all. However, the Australian marsupial bear a koala who spends his whole life on eucalyptus trees. Numerous squirrels, sables and other mustelids, some bears, and also many felines perfectly climb trees.

Very different animals can glide. The snail slowly carries its house along the mucous path created by it. An Antarctic penguin glides swiftly on its stomach through dense snow. Excellent swimmers, these flightless birds walk rather slowly. If on the way to fishing they meet a suitable gentle slope, then with the help of sliding they find themselves on the shore much faster than on foot.

And, finally, about those who had a difficult fate to move in the thickness of the earth. Perhaps the most famous among them are moles. Many people are also familiar with a strong burrowing insect from the cricket family - the bear. Numerous rain and earthworms not only lay long passages in the soil, but also significantly increase its fertility due to active digging and aeration.

What allows birds to fly?

  • 1. Wings are perfectly shaped for flight and create lift.
  • 2. Streamlined body shape created by feather cover. The pen is extremely light and durable.
  • 3. Light skeleton. The bones have thin walls, and inside they are hollow or form a network of thin internal partitions. Such bones are light and at the same time very strong.
  • 4. Strong muscles ensure the work of the wings of birds.
  • 5. Fads of the foot, consisting of 4 fingers (3 fingers forward, one back). The tendons passing through the tarsus provide bending of the fingers, perform the function of a lever, and precisely coordinate movements.
  • 6. Nutrition. Birds have to eat a lot, they are constantly busy looking for food.
  • 7. Breath. When flying, 10-12 times more oxygen is required than at rest. Therefore, in addition to the lungs, there are air sacs.

The difference in pressure above and below the wing creates lift in the wing, which keeps the bird in flight.

Not only birds, but also other animals fly. I decided to compare insects and birds. The bird flies faster and higher. In insects, the outer skeleton protects against predators, hinders growth, they do not have muscles that would allow them to fly faster, and in birds, the inner skeleton provides support for the muscles.

I examined the feathers under a magnifying glass and found out that the feather consists of a rod, and hairs extend from the rod, there are hooks.

She put a feather to her cheek - it became warm. So they need warmth. I cut off the tip of the pen - it's empty inside. So the pen is light.

Conclusion: feathers are light, retain heat, elastically springy, very strong, make the surface of the bird's body smooth.

Comparing a bat with a bird, we see: the body of a bird is covered with feathers, and mice are covered with hair. It seems to me that the skeleton of birds is lighter than that of bats, and even bats have a leathery substance between the fingers, shoulder and body. In birds, flight muscles are more developed; instead of teeth, they have a light beak.

Conclusion: Birds are better adapted to flight than insects and mammals.

It is not easy to find a grown man who has never heard catchphrase"Movement is life".

There is another formulation of this statement, which sounds somewhat different: "Life is movement." The authorship of this aphorism is usually attributed to Aristotle, the ancient Greek scientist and thinker, who is considered the founder of all "Western" philosophy and science.

Today it is difficult to say with complete certainty whether the great ancient Greek philosopher really ever uttered such a phrase, and how exactly it sounded in those distant times, but, looking at things with an open mind, it should be recognized that the above definition of movement is, although sonorous, but quite vague and metaphorical. Let's try to figure out what constitutes a movement from a scientific point of view.

The concept of motion in physics

Physics gives the concept "traffic" quite specific and unambiguous definition. The branch of physics that studies the motion of material bodies and the interaction between them is called mechanics.

The section of mechanics that studies and describes the properties of motion without taking into account its specific causes is called kinematics. From the point of view of mechanics and kinematics, movement is a change in the position of a physical body relative to other physical bodies that occurs over time.

What is Brownian motion?

The tasks of physics include the observation and study of any manifestations of motion that occur or could occur in nature.

One of the types of motion is the so-called Brownian motion, known to most readers of this article from a school physics course. For those who, for some reason, were not present during the study of this topic or had time to thoroughly forget it, let us explain: Brownian motion is the random movement of the smallest particles of matter.

Brownian motion occurs wherever there is any matter whose temperature exceeds absolute zero. Absolute zero is the temperature at which the Brownian motion of particles of matter should stop. On the Celsius scale, which we are accustomed to using in Everyday life to determine the temperature of air and water, the temperature of absolute zero is 273.15 ° C with a minus sign.

Scientists have not yet been able to create conditions that cause such a state of matter, moreover, there is an opinion that absolute zero is a purely theoretical assumption, but in practice it is unattainable, since it is impossible to completely stop the oscillations of matter particles.

Movement in terms of biology

Since biology is closely related to physics and in a broad sense is completely inseparable from it, in this article we will consider the movement also from the point of view of biology. In biology, movement is considered as one of the manifestations of the vital activity of an organism. From this point of view, movement is the result of the interaction of forces external to a single organism with the internal forces of the organism itself. In other words, external stimuli cause a certain reaction of the body, which manifests itself in movement.

It should be noted that although the formulations of the concept of "motion", adopted in physics and biology, are somewhat different from each other, in their essence they do not enter into the slightest contradiction, being simply different definitions of the same scientific concept.

Thus, we are convinced that the catchphrase, which was discussed at the beginning of this article, is in full agreement with the definition of motion from the point of view of physics, so we can only repeat once again common truth: movement is life, and life is movement.

Of all the classes of animals - higher and primitive - many species use different (sometimes very original) methods of movement from each other in water, under water, in the air and on surfaces. The ways of movement of animals depend on many factors: formation in the process of evolutionary development, the presence or absence of a skeleton, and other structural features of a particular species.

The most important feature

The ability to move is one of the properties to whichever class or species they are assigned by scientists. Even plants carry out movement inside at the cellular level. And animals, unlike plants, tend to move the whole body, thereby pursuing various goals: searching for food, reproduction, protection from enemies. Because movement is the very life of wildlife and, in particular, its fauna.

Animal locomotion. Classification

All of them are divided by type into several large groups.

evolutionary development

With the evolution of animals from the simplest and unicellular structures of organisms to higher multicellular organisms with various organs and functions, the methods of movement of animals also evolved. Over millions of years, the most complex propulsion systems have been developed, allowing different types get food, run away from the enemy, defend and multiply. It is characteristic that only a few of the known animals carry out a sedentary lifestyle. The vast majority move in various ways.

With the help of muscles

Multicellular representatives of the fauna are characterized by the implementation of movement with the help of muscles, which are formed by a special tissue called muscle. This structure has the feature of shrinking. By contracting, the muscles set in motion the levers, which are the components of the skeletons of animals. This is how movement works.

Who is into what

So, with the help of muscle structures, slugs and snails glide over surfaces. using abdominal muscle movement, they cling to uneven ground with bristles. Leeches use suckers, while snakes use skin scales. Many animals, by raising their bodies above the ground, move with the help of their limbs, thus significantly reducing friction. As a result, the speed of movement also increases (the fastest animal on the planet is the cheetah, which develops a speed of over 110 kilometers). Some animals jump (even on water). Some glide in the air or fly. Some dive or swim in the water or in the depths. But muscle strength is used everywhere.

Unusual ways of moving animals

  • Freshwater hydra moves with the help of peculiar steps and somersaults. She bends the body and attaches to the surface with tentacles, then pulls the sole. And anemones move very slowly, contracting and relaxing the muscles of the sole itself.
  • Cephalopods (squids, octopuses) are capable of jet locomotion. They suck liquid into a special cavity in their body and forcefully throw it out through a narrow funnel. This moves the body in the opposite direction.
  • Basilisk lizard runs fast on water (2 meters per second). On the surface of the water, it is held by air bubbles under the scales of the paws.
  • A gecko runs along a vertical glass wall at a speed of 1 meter per second without falling. This happens due to special suction cups on the legs of the lizard.
  • Paradise decorated snakes living in Asia fly through the air from tree to tree, using the flattening of their body, which for this time turns into a likeness


Various types of movements are characteristic of all animals that exist on our planet. The process itself is carried out in several ways. Each of the living organisms is adapted to certain types of movements characteristic of it.

This material can be used to conduct a lesson on the topic “Methods of movement of animals. Grade 5".

Biology teacher

MBOU Shakhty

"Lyceum №11"

Kozhenova A.V.

The world of wildlife is filled with movement. Movement is one of the main properties of living organisms. .

Movement (in biology)

one of the manifestations of vital activity, providing the body with the opportunity active interaction with the environment, in particular, moving from place to place, capturing food, etc.




Surface structure present in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and serving for their movement in a liquid medium or on the surface of solid media.

Temporary cytoplasmic outgrowths in unicellular organisms and in some multicellular organisms that serve to move and capture food and other particles .



Primitive limbs, with numerous setae in polychaete worms. They are on every segment.

The organelles of the movement of ciliates, causing them to rotate and move forward.

amoeboid movement


flickering motion

Flagella Cilia

Infusoria shoe

muscle movement

Due to the contraction of the muscles, the body of the animal makes wave-like movements


(from the Greek "change") - a genus of microscopic unicellular animals. Amoebas have an irregular, constantly changing shape. Moves with the help pseudopodia (pseudopodia)

They are found in ponds, in moist soil, in the entrails of animals; they consist of a thin outer shell of the cell, a large nucleus, nutrient and contractile vacuoles. They reproduce by binary fission. Length up to 0.3 mm. The most famous species is the common amoeba.

Infusoria shoe the simplest unicellular organism found in fresh waters. The organism got its name from the permanent shape of the body, resembling the sole of a shoe. On the surface of the cell are located mainly in longitudinal rows cilia with which they move. It floats with a blunt end forward. It has 2 contractile vacuoles and two nuclei, there is a powder and a cellular mouth.

Euglena green

The euglena cell is green, usually spindle-shaped and Green colour with a red eye. Euglena green is common in heavily polluted water bodies, but is also found in clean, both fresh and brackish water. It is capable of both heterotrophic and autotrophic types of nutrition due to the presence of chloroplasts. Photosynthesis takes place in the light. Moves with flagellum.

Here are the legs of 3 birds. One of them lives on the water, the other on the trees, the third on the ground. Designate which one is where. Why?

The legs of each bird are adapted to the conditions in which it lives. In birds that live on the ground, the fingers are straight and widely spaced. Birds that live in trees have prehensile and crooked fingers. In water birds, they are connected by membranes.

Here are the wings of 2 birds. One of them lives in the forest, the other in open spaces. Given the peculiarity of the wings, justify your answer.

Birds living in open spaces have a long, narrow, sharp wing, while birds living in the forest cannot have long wings. they would hit the branches of the trees.

List the features of birds associated with flight? What other animals have wings?

Features: wings, streamlined body shape, light skeleton, well developed muscles, air sacs .

Travel speed

Penguins up to 36 km/h

Wolf 50-60 km/h

Kalmar 40-55 km/h

Octopus 15 km/h

Cheetah 70-110 km/h

Legs mammals




plant movement

flower opening

movement of leaves towards the light


movement of roots towards water

Animal movement

When animals move, the whole body moves

Jet propulsion

The movement of a body that occurs when a part of it separates at a certain speed relative to the body. In this case, a reactive force arises, which imparts acceleration to the body.

Literature and internet resources

Textbook. Biology. Living organism. 6th grade.

Textbook. Biology. variety of living organisms. 7th grade. Authors: V.B. Zakharov, N.I. Sonin. M., "Drofa" 2014



https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Movement_(biology)


Almost all living beings are able to move at least part of their body. Thus, the growing parts of plants change their position in space all the time and make movements. For example, young seedlings and shoot tips with leaves bend in the direction of the light source. Curving, plant organs occupy an optimal position in relation to the light source. When a seed germinates, regardless of its position, the germinal root necessarily grows downwards, and the main shoot grows upwards. If the seedling is turned upside down and the shoot down, then after a while the root will bend down, and the shoot up.

Unlike plants, most animals can move with their entire body and move from place to place. The simplest is the passive movement of animals in air currents and water currents.

One of the most ancient and simple is the amoeboid movement with the help of protrusions. In this way, a single-celled animal, the amoeba, moves, as well as phagocytes - specialized protective cells that destroy pathogens in the body of animals and humans.

Many unicellular and small multicellular animals move with the help of flagella and cilia. Flagella, as a rule, one or two. They are longer than eyelashes. With the help of flagella, for example, unicellular organisms - bodo, as well as green euglena, chlamydomonas, move. Cilia serve as organelles for the movement of ciliates, the larvae of many aquatic worms, and a number of other animals.

Muscles are involved in the movement of larger animals. They can contract and, conversely, lengthen, setting the animal's body in motion. Watching a crawling earthworm, you can see how a wave of contractions passes through its body. At the same time, thickened parts of the body alternate with thin and elongated ones.

Cephalopods: squid, octopus, and cuttlefish can move in a variety of ways. Some glide along the waves (argonaut octopus), others rush like a jet rocket (squid, octopus) (Fig. 78).

Rice. 78. Octopus jet propulsion

In arthropods: crayfish, spiders, insects, special organs of movement appeared - limbs. They consist of segments and are set in motion by muscles. In addition to legs, many insects have wings. With their help, they mastered the air environment. The first flying insects appeared on Earth about 200 million years ago.

Special musculoskeletal system, consisting of bones and muscles, exists in vertebrates - fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals (animals). Thanks to this, vertebrates are able to actively move in air, water, soil and on its surface.

Fish swim in water in different ways and at different speeds. In this process, the fins, especially the tail, play an important role. With its help, the fish swim forward.

In such active swimmers as whales and dolphins, the forelimbs have turned into flippers. The main organ of movement of these aquatic animals is a powerful tail, ending in a two-bladed fin.

Beavers, muskrats, frogs, toads can actively move both on solid ground and in water. Their hind legs are equipped with swimming membranes stretched between the fingers.

The structure of many animals is primarily adapted for movement. Mobility allows them to find food, leave unfavorable places, and escape from predators. Thus, movement is one of the most important properties of living organisms.

Answer the questions

  1. What movements do plants make?
  2. What is the importance of movement in plant life?
  3. What organs do animals use to move?

New concepts

Plant movements. Animal movement.


Why do animals, unlike plants, develop various ways movement?

My laboratory

The limbs of insects are very diverse in structure and functions: swimming (floating beetle), for collecting pollen (bumblebee), grasping (louse), running (ant), digging (bear) (Fig. 79). What do you think is the reason for these modifications of the limbs?

Rice. 79. Motor limbs of insects

The mechanism of jet propulsion of cephalopods is interesting. Having collected water in its muscular sac-like body, the animal sharply contracts the muscles. At the same time, water is ejected with force from the body through a funnel and the mollusk, like a rocket, rushes forward. Suctions of water and jet thrusts into the body cavity follow one after another with imperceptible speed, and the mollusk flies like a rocket in the blue of the ocean. Musculature in cephalopods is well developed. With its help, the funnel can turn in any direction, which allows the animal to quickly turn around. Squids, continuously working with their body-bag, can race in pursuit of fish at speeds up to 50 km / h, even jump out of the water and fly some distance through the air.

Vertebrates walk, jump and run when moving on land. At the same time, they use four (rarely two) limbs as levers. The long-legged cheetah runs the fastest for short distances. It develops a speed of 110 km / h in a few seconds, but can only hold it for 15 seconds. Antelopes are able to accelerate to 110 km / h and maintain this speed for several minutes, and then run at a speed of 60 km / h for more than half an hour.

Unlike most animals that move freely in space, plants lead an attached lifestyle and seem to us motionless. In fact, the cytoplasm and organelles of plant cells, various plant organs are in constant motion: stems, roots, leaves, flowers. So, in the soil, the roots move towards nutrients. This contributes to the expansion of the habitat of the roots and the better use of the water and minerals in it. Above-ground shoots of plants move up and out in the air, increasing the area of ​​air supply.

The stems of the vines move in the direction of the support - large tree trunks, wrap around them and carry the leaves to the light.

You can observe the movement of flowers and inflorescences in a number of plants. For example, dandelion flowers open in the morning and close in the evening. In tulips, flowers open when the air temperature rises or in bright light, and close when shading or when the temperature drops. The movements of flowers are associated with their adaptations for cross-pollination by insects, with protection from adverse conditions.

The basis of any movement of a plant is its growth. It depends on environmental conditions (temperature, light, gravity, etc.) and on the content of hormones in cells. Most often, the movement manifests itself in the form of bends of organs. For example, the tops of the shoots bend towards the light.

The stem and root react differently to gravity. The stem grows upwards, in the opposite direction from the force of gravity, and the root downwards - in the direction of this force.

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