What to put on Churchill 3 equipment. Churchill III - Bending or Lie? Combat and Tactics

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Churchill III is a model of a heavy combat vehicle, which was jointly developed by designers and. In the amount of several copies, this model was used in the Second World War. This tank is a representative of the premium class of combat units. Churchill III is not included in the main development branch and is issued to the player (upon purchase) in the top configuration. He is a level 5 representative.

Since this unit is premium, Churchill III's profitability is very high compared to similar models. Its profitability is 15,000-20,000 silver without using , 30,000-40,000 with a premium account, and if it turns out to play a great fight, then the profitability can reach and . Very good performance for level 5.

General information

Churchill III has pretty good armor, which makes it possible to conduct an excellent effective battle against enemy vehicles of a similar level. Armed with a 57mm gun with 110mm penetration and 75 HP damage, the Churchill III is excellent at holding off several lower tier tanks. Despite such small indicator damage, the gun has a high rate of fire, which reaches 27 rounds per minute. This is just a colossal value for 5 levels of tanks, especially for TTs.

Tank Churchill 3 in world of tanks is a Soviet heavy tank with British roots. Machines were delivered to Soviet Union under Lend-Lease, so in the game the "British" is in the USSR development branch, comfortably located at the 5th level. The car is quite peculiar, but in capable hands it is able to reveal its considerable potential.

Invite Churchill 3

Everyone already knows about the joint cooperation between Rostelecom and Wargaming, where you can get personal account, and the validity of invite codes is until December 23, 2019. It is very convenient if, of course, you are a Rostelecom subscriber, or at least your friends have the opportunity to help you get an invite code for Churchill 3 2017. According to our information, as of April 2017, the issuance of invite codes for Churchill 3 in Rostelecom's personal account has been suspended, technical support argues that issued all the invites they have. Yes, and we have them in very limited quantities. If it is possible to purchase, we recommend using the services of ours.

Churchill 3 guide

So let's get started. For its level, the heavy tank Churchill 3 has quite a decent margin of safety in 700 units. The viewing radius of the tank is 350 meters, the indicator is very mediocre, but for a strand this is far from the main parameter. It should be noted that for Churchill 3 has preferential level battles, so in a random house the tank will meet only with classmates and opponents of the 6th level. Terrible sevens do not threaten us. Churchill costs 3 1500 units of game gold.
Given this feature, the armor of the "British" looks quite decent, however, the tank cannot be called mega-protected. In particular, in the frontal projection of the hull one can observe 176 mm armor, so when deployed as a diamond, heavy can confidently tank against classmates and even some representatives of the 6th level. However, weakly armored hatches and VLDs are located here, which can easily be penetrated even by fours. Boards are protected 76 mm armor plates and reinforced with screens. Therefore, with the correct rotation of the hull, the "British" can confidently tank sideways against the sixes. However, you should not get carried away with this, experienced players break through the Churchill 3 placed with a rhombus through the rink.
With the reservation of the tower, things are deplorable: in total 88 mm armor at right angles. Accordingly, everyone who is not lazy will penetrate into the heavy tower, while not even bothering to target vulnerable areas.
The “British” cannot boast of dynamics either. A rather long 40-ton carcass hardly accelerates to 28 km/h, chassis turning speed 23.7 deg/sec. Therefore, the language does not turn around to call "Churchill" 3 smart and maneuverable.
In terms of armament, the car looks spectacular and defiant. The Churchill 3 gun has a rather modest alpha ( 56 damage for BB), but with an incredible rate of fire. As a result, the DPM of the "British" varies within 2,000 units, which is quite good even for high-level technology. Armor penetration also looks good: the 57-millimeter gun surely penetrates 110 mm armor with an armor-piercing projectile. This is quite enough to confidently distribute damage to classmates and sixes.
However, this is where the advantages of the Churchill 3 WoT armament end. The gun has a large dispersion, mediocre accuracy and weak stabilization. In addition, players are dissatisfied with the speed of aiming: the rate of fire of the gun does not allow to be reduced to the end even with installed modules and upgraded perks.

Perks and equipment for Churchill 3

The heavy tank "Churchill"3, whose crew consists of 5 people, will ensure the pumping of tankers of almost the entire branch of Soviet TTs. Considering that the car is premium, it is possible to train and transfer the crew without fines. Given this feature, players usually do not pump out the crew specifically for Churchill 3, preferring to ride on it a hodgepodge with different tanks. However, if anyone cares about this issue, we advise you to consider this option:

The choice of perks is focused on a dynamic game, from vision and DPM. Therefore, the choice looks quite reasonable: we shoot on the move, highlight from the bushes, and quickly repair the modules damaged by the enemy.
What equipment to put on the "Churchill"? In principle, the tank is quite comfortable in the game, even in the basic configuration. However, in order to fully unleash its potential, we advise you to stop at this choice:

How to play Churchill 3

How to play Churchill 3? There is no uniquely proven tactic here, a lot depends on the decision of the balancer, and, accordingly, the location of the tank in the team list. Therefore, there are two types of combat tactics on this desperate "British". Let's consider both.

Hit the top:
We choose in advance the direction that we will confidently and methodically push through. Taking into account the dynamics of the vehicle, it will no longer be possible to change the attack vector, so we are moving towards the heavy tanks of the enemy. The armor penetration indicators are enough to fill any oncoming tank with lead.
A situation familiar to many: turbo drain. While the weight crawled to the desired position, the more nimble allies had already gone to the hangar. Do not despair. We save ourselves from artillery and begin to implement a frightening DPM, minus the trunks and, first of all, shooting potentially dangerous opponents.
passive light. The installed optics, coupled with the "Combat Brotherhood" skill, provides us with as much as 415 meters of visibility. Therefore, you can quite confidently shine through the green, earning pleasant bonuses for the damage inflicted by allies.

Thrown to the sixth levels:
Here, it makes sense to enter into an open confrontation with high-level heavies if at least one allied tank of the 6th level has chosen this direction to attack. In this case, the role of a support tank is suitable for Churchill 3: we use the rate of fire and keep the enemy on the harp while the teammates deal with the adversary. Do not forget to send shot enemies to the hangar.
You can push through a secondary direction where there are no heavily armored enemies. Due to the high rate of fire, we will be able to confidently deal with light and medium tanks, the main thing is not to let ourselves be spun.
Protection. You can keep the direction from the advancing enemies. However, don't try to damage well-protected targets. It will be much more effective to shoot down enemy tracks, simultaneously highlighting them for allied artillery and anti-tank guns.
passive light. If enemy fireflies have already gone to the hangar, you can try to highlight a convenient direction from the bushes. For such a tactic, it is imperative to have the Sixth Sense perk pumped out: if you catch a light bulb, you immediately change your position. Given the armor of the "British", a direct hit by enemy artillery is guaranteed to send us to the hangar.
In general, it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to the changing environment and take reciprocal steps. "Churchill" 3 feels confident on city maps, but it can also be used in open areas.

One of the most famous and most common among premium tanks at the fifth level is the Churchill 3 tank. Its characteristic recognizable silhouette is familiar to all gamers without exception. And the Churchill 3 tank in World of Tanks is an honorary old-timer, which can be bought very inexpensively, and the price, as a rule, justifies the money spent on it.

Why is the popularity of Churchill 3 still high? The first is the price, the second is a penetrating and rapid-fire weapon, and, finally, the third is the ability to farm and train crew for the Soviet heavy tank branch. “Farm on the top five? Are you seriously?" - you ask. Yes. Exactly. Because its characteristics allow it to do so.


Firstly, it is a cord with a large margin of safety of seven hundred units. In addition to him, only two cars have such strength at the fifth level, which makes this prem truly unique. Secondly, perhaps most importantly, is his tool. A small one-time damage is offset by a monstrous rate of fire - the average damage per minute is almost two thousand units! And with the installation additional modules, additional rations and a pumped crew - it can easily be compared with a tank of the tenth level!

Good armor penetration will allow you to farm well, and “gold” sub-caliber shells with a penetration of 180 mm will not make you feel uncomfortable even with sevens, although the Churchill 3 tank does not hit them, since it has a preferential level of battles - and this is also an important advantage. Church also has a good view of 350 meters, which is uncharacteristic for the weak-sighted Soviet strands. The communication range, especially for such a premium, is 570 meters, since the tank is equipped with a radio of the ninth level. Due to its mass, the Churchill 3 has good stabilization, allowing it to hit enemy tanks on the move. With its gigantic ammo load, you can blindly hit suspicious bushes and not be left without shells at the end of the battle. The tank is heavy, which means that it also has armor. In the tower in a circle of 88 mm, sides of 76 mm and the forehead of the hull in places up to 176 mm - many classmates will break their teeth about it. It is because of all these advantages that Churchill 3 is popular in WoT. That's why you want to buy it.


No matter how sweet a barrel of honey Churchill 3 may seem, thanks to the balancing department of Wargaming, there will always be a fly (or even a bucket) of tar. As already mentioned, this premium tank is a representative of the heavy tank class. And strands are mass and armor. An engine of three hundred horses barely pulls this colossus, the maximum speed is only twenty kilometers per hour. For this reason, one has to either defend the base, or break through or hold one direction. There is one more minus from a weak engine - the tank is clumsy. And it is not difficult for a faster opponent to spin it.

The dimensions of the car are large, so getting into it, moving at low speed, is easy. Church is an excellent target for annoying gunners, since there are fewer city maps in the game than open ones. Despite the good thickness, the tank's armor does not have rational angles of inclination, which is why it breaks through classmates.

Nevertheless, those who want to buy the Churchill 3 tank are not decreasing, but the World of Tanks premium store does not sell it. Here you will find many other premium products that will make your game in HERE more enjoyable and exciting.

5 years and 6 months ago Comments: 26

This guide is dedicated to heavy tank 5 level Churchill 3. The guide will consist from 7 parts:

  • 1. Introduction to the machine
  • 2. TTX
  • 3. Pros and Cons
  • 4. Use in combat and Tactics
  • 5. Equipment and Crew, Equipment
  • 6. Farm
  • 7. Conclusion

Introduction to the machine

Churchill 3 is a premium heavy tank, having an excellent gun and a good one. This tank has a preferential level of battles, which means that it is not thrown to level 7. Farm on it is stable, easy to use. He gets much more experience than his classmates.

TTX - Tactical and Technical Characteristics

The tank is premium and does not require spending experience to research modules, i.e. it's already top notch. Let's start with the weapon:

As we can see, Churchill's gun is a classic hole puncher with a high rate of fire and low one-time damage. At its level, penetration is enough for almost everyone. Don't let the small one-time damage bother you, because of the high rate of fire we have (damage per minute) 1970 units - this is without modules, with a rammer and ventilation - 2340 units, which allows you to shoot many opponents. The gun does not have time to converge after each shot, since reloading takes 1.9-2 seconds. And it will affect the installed equipment. The weapon is inaccurate, but our element is close combat.


Due to the low engine power and the high mass of the tank, the dynamics are weak, but quite comfortable for a heavy tank.

It should be recalled that 176 mm of armor only in a small plate in the forehead of the tank, everything else is much thinner. When driving out of cover with a diamond, some players start shooting at this particular plate and do not break through it. Knowledgeable players can easily break through our turret, which has only 88 mm of armor, also at a right angle. Tracks often absorb damage from medium guns


Our review is not the best, but 350 m good indicator for a British heavy tank at level 5. Strengthen it or not, more on that later.


Due to the low power of the engine and the low speed of rotation of the hull, we are rather clumsy, but we drive confidently in a straight line. It is worth avoiding swamps where we are vulnerable.


Due to the low silhouette, Churchill is good (for a heavy tank) hiding in the bushes, this will be needed when capturing the base on some maps

Pros and cons

  • Rapid-firing gun with good penetration
  • High DPM (damage per minute)
  • Armor, when (beating off shells)
  • Preferential level of battles
  • Stable experience farm and silver
  • Penetration by sub-calibers 180 mm (gold shells)
  • Rapid turret turn
  • The ability to shoot relatively accurately on the go
  • Crew training from another Soviet heavy. Tank without retraining and penalties
  • Weak dynamics
  • cardboard tower
  • Low combat effectiveness long distances
  • Lack of penetration of some tanks at lvl 6
  • humble review
  • We suffer from art, they can break through with a one-shot

Combat and Tactics

The performance characteristics of our guns say that we should inflict damage in close combat, where we can implement DPM. Our fast reload allows you to feed the enemy with 140 shells. In the top, we are one of the main damage dealers, we simply merge enemy tanks one after another, while not being exposed to a large number of PTs and TTs. With our DPM, the opponent's HP is rapidly decreasing. At the beginning of the battle, you choose a direction and slowly push through it. In the top, Churchill 3 drags, the main thing is not to waste hp in vain.

One of the nice features of the rapid-firing cannon is the "caterpillar landing", i.e. we can keep the tank on the caterpillar (knocking it down) and just not letting it leave, while stuffing shells into it one by one. So you can merge an inaccurately left enemy without losing hit points.

Dangerous enemies at level 5 are KV-1 and AT 2. Both are well armored and have high DPM. The first one breaks into the strip of armor under the turret and into the NLD (lower frontal part). The second into the commander's hatch and into the hole in the gun mantlet. If the KV-1 has tightened the hull, then we pierce only that very strip. Be careful with PTs, breaking through them allows us to confidently damage and our 700 hp will quickly disappear. It is difficult to circle us, the tower turns quickly.

Being at lvl 6, you need to be careful, there are too many dangerous opponents, the same KV-1S destroys us with two shots. At level 6, our armor disappears. We become vulnerable, in which case we must act like this: shoot down tracks, shoot at cardboard targets, use sub-calibers against ricochet opponents. Here we turn into a support tank.

It is worth noting that on maps where ranged combat rules, we are uncomfortable. A vivid example is Nightmare, it’s not very convenient to go to the island, but it’s possible - it all depends on the situation.
Equipment and Crew, Gear

Aiming drives are mandatory, the gun reloads faster than it reduces. The rammer is always useful, don't worry about the "struggle" between aiming and reloading speed, because in close combat you can not completely reduce. If you don't like this "fight" between mixing and reloading, put optics or a stereo tube to enhance your view. Ventilation with pumped BB ( The Brotherhood of War– ) allows you to increase all the characteristics of the tank, the gun will shoot more accurately, aim faster, shoot a little more often, and the dynamics will improve slightly, as will the view.

The equipment is standard, there is also a fire extinguisher, although the tank rarely burns, just do not substitute the side and stern. Instead of a fire extinguisher, you can put oil, but if you use a tank for fun and bending, load extra rations. Additional rations + BB + ventilation = 20% to crew skills, which makes the tank even more pleasant and bendy.


  • 1. Commander: Eagle Eye - improves visibility
  • 2. Gunner: Sniper - we shoot often and, coupled with this perk, you can inflict more crits on opponents, an alternative is Smooth turret rotation
  • 3. Mechvodu: Virtuoso or Off-road King - will improve dynamics and agility, alternative - Smooth ride
  • 4. Radio operator: Radio interception - improves visibility
  • 5. Loader: Desperate - increases rate of fire if we have less than 10% hp, which Churchill will definitely need

Farm on Churchill

Churchill fits like an economy class farm tank, according to the shares it can be bought for only 100r with a penny. Without a premium account, when shooting 700-1000 and above, you get pure 20-30k silver.
With a premium account 30-40k silver, and this is an excellent result for a level 5 tank. The tank brings experience simply in huge quantities, as for level 5. Average experience can be kept ~750 units, while not bending in each battle with 2k damage. For pumping crews, that's it.


One of the best premiums at level 5, if not the best in World of Tanks. An excellent weapon allows you to farm and bend perfectly while in the top. If you don't get out on a large number of barrels and save your HP, choose good directions and correctly assess the situation on the map, you will definitely like this car. At the 6th level of fights, we become a support tank, we are not so strong there. The tank is not suitable for "ololo", although it forgives some mistakes. I hope you didn't think I was praising Churchill too much, I really liked him. But we must remember: at the 6th level of battles, we can easily be sent to the hangar, art loves us and sometimes breaks through with full damage. But the disadvantages are covered by the advantages of this "movable hole puncher". Only ardent fans of high one-time damage and completely inexperienced players will not like it. Some understand the charms of this car, having driven 100-150 fights on it, i.e. understand how to use it. I wish you bend and farm.

28-12-2016, 01:09

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Friends, today you have a real rarity in front of you. World games of Tanks, a machine that has existed in tanks literally from the very beginning, we are talking about the Soviet Tier 5 premium heavy tank is Churchill III guide.

Do not be embarrassed because of the British origin of this heavy, it was supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease and in our favorite game it belongs to the Soviet nation. This car is moderately interesting, moderately strong, but with good potential. To understand the whole point Churchill III World of Tanks, you need to get to know him better, understand the characteristics,
equipment, tactics.

TTX Churchill III

We will begin our review of the parameters of this device with the fact that it boasts a good margin of safety for its level, and the basic view of 350 meters is also worthy of respect. However, the highlight is the fact that heavy tank Churchill III has a preferential level of battles, you will never have to fight with the seventh levels, the maximum is the sixth.

Our Soviet Briton has armor, but not everywhere and not always. For example, the frontal part of the hull holds a blow well, especially if you turn the hull slightly, Churchill III tank is able to vigorously tank classmates and even some equipment of the 6th level. But getting into the orange windows and the yellow panel, even fours break through us.

most big problem of this strand is the tower. Here Churchill III characteristics booking has a very mediocre - 88 millimeters at a right angle. That is, no matter how you put the hull, almost everything will pierce you into the tower.

With the sides, the situation is more interesting, because their thickness is 76 millimeters, and even with layers of different screens and additional armor plates. Churchill III World of Tanks he is able to rhombus very well, especially if you show only the side at a good angle from behind cover, you can tank even the sixth levels. But be careful, shooting us directly at the harp and punching it, the enemy will cause damage.

But really weak side of our strand are long dimensions and mobility. Churchill III WoT got a little top speed, very modest, if not to say poor dynamics, as well as poor maneuverability. In other words, we eat slowly and turn our long carcass reluctantly.


The armament of our Soviet heavy with British origin is special, however, there are some nuances here that everyone who wants to realize the potential of this device should know about.

Churchill III gun has a very modest one-time damage, but just an incredible rate of fire, so without equipment and perks we are able to deal almost 2000 damage per minute, a very serious result for a TT-5.

With penetration in our case, everything is in order, most of the opponents encountered in a random house are sewn with ordinary BB, and for especially hard targets or a fun game heavy tank Churchill III WoT has very evil subcalibers.

A nuance that requires attention relates to the accuracy parameters. We initially have a large spread, poor stabilization and mediocre mixing. At the same time, Churchill III World of Tanks such a high rate of fire that the gun does not have time to reduce even when fully equipped with equipment and perks, you need to remember this.

And we don't have the best angles at our disposal. vertical aiming, the fact that the barrel bends down 6 degrees does not interfere much, but you always want more.

Advantages and disadvantages

To realize the full potential of the tank, you need to know what its strengths can be relied on and what is better not to do, due to certain weaknesses. Churchill III WoT has plenty of advantages and disadvantages, so that you do not get confused, we will highlight them separately.
good armor forehead hull and sides;
Solid margin of safety;
A very worthy review;
High rate of fire and excellent DPM;
Good penetration parameters;
Preferential level of fights.
Weak tower protection;
Poor mobility;
Large dimensions (the tank is long);
Small alpha strike;
Insufficient accuracy;
Mediocre UVN.

Equipment for Churchill III

The choice of additional modules on this tank is not too great, but there are alternatives, so you need to set priorities clearly. However, for a comfortable game on this tank, you don’t need so much on Churchill III equipment should put the following:
1. - let's make our incredible rate of fire even more incredible, and the enemy will never thank you for a million holes in his tank.
2. - for us, this is the most important module, since the circle of information does not have time to narrow between shots, and the accuracy leaves much to be desired.
3. – we already have good review, but in order to gain an advantage over the enemy, it needs to be spurred a little.

There is a good alternative for the last point -. As you understand, with it the damage per minute will become even more awesome, the information will be more comfortable, and there will be a slight increase in the review, although not the same as from optics.

Crew training

Of course, it is necessary to pay due attention to the training of the crew and the rational distribution of skills, because in total with the equipment this aspect gives a very nice results and how to influence your success in combat. In addition, this heavyweight has a crew of five, which makes it possible to train tankers for other Soviet heavyweights. But enough words, tank Churchill III perks download the following:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Outfit for Churchill III

When buying consumables, you can safely act according to the standards, so in economy mode, it’s better to take , , and feel free to go to earn silver. But when the silver has already been earned, it is better to bet on Churchill III gear from , , , your vitality and self-confidence will increase significantly. By the way, a fire extinguisher can be quite exchanged for, but this will already hit the "wallet".

Tactics of playing Churchill III

In our hands is a heavy tank with poor mobility, not the best accuracy, weakly armored turret. But Churchill III World of Tanks It has a lot of other advantages, the main of which is the preferential level of battles, a fairly strong hull and a cannon that is crazy in terms of rate of fire.

So for Churchill III tactics the conduct of the battle consists in a collision on the front line. At short and medium ranges, you won't feel any lack of accuracy, and even on the move, you can deal damage to the target almost continuously every 2 seconds.

Of course, you can’t just shove forward, having reached an advantageous position where you can hide from enemy artillery and become a rhombus, showing only the side at a good angle because of the shelter, Soviet heavy tank Churchill III can hold off the enemy for a long time. The main thing at the same time - do not show the tower, for this, move the enemy to a shot and while he is reloading, shoot him on cooldown.

Besides, Churchill III WoT tank feels bad if you put a more frisky enemy on board. We can be easily twisted, and then without the help of allies it is not always possible to cope. So when approaching some impudent LT or ST, knock down his harp and hold until he goes to the hangar.

City maps are the real element of our burden, here you can feel like a fish in water. Just be careful, watch the mini-map and try to hide the tower, it's easy to break through. As for open cards, here Churchill III World of Tanks more vulnerable, so it makes sense to take a position and stick to it, trying to implement damage at long distances. Or lay your route so that there is where to hide.

Finally, I want to answer the question - Should I buy a Churchill III? I think it's worth it, both for beginners and experienced tankers. The car is worth attention to it, it is able to farm well, and in capable hands even drag fights. But remember, this is a tank of one direction, and if you are unsure of the allies, it is better not to move far from the base.

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